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Inconsistently updating since 2015


After the defeat of General Hax and the Vanargand, the crew of the Taranis were suppose to be able to go home. Instead they found themselves in a land far from home, both the Taranis and it's counterpart having been brought with them. With no way home, the twelve children that saved the country of Gasco are forced to find their way in the land of Equestria. They could at least be assured that the war at home had been ended, and that their families were safe.

That was suppose to be the case, until the Storm King's forces invaded Canterlot with technology and weaponry far beyond what Equestria had. The capital quickly fell, and in an effort to keep the full power of the alicorns out of the hands of the Storm King, Twilight finds herself dragged along with six of the children onto the steel behemoth they had piloted six months earlier. The hope of all of Equestria now lies in these children's paws, and in the terrifying power that only they are allowed to command.

The following is a crossover with Fuga: Melodies of Steel. The fic might be more enjoyable for those who have played the first game to completion, but as Fuga is rather unknown I'll do my best to make it easy for all to read.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 22 )

No way, a Fuga crossover!? I'm 100% reading this later.

It was a situation Twilight couldn’t dream of being in mere hours ago. The stories of the otherworldly children who had suddenly appeared in Equestria had remained simple stories until then. She knew they spoke the truth, but it was unlike any situation she had ever been in before. Fighting villains like Sombra, Nightmare Moon, or Tirek were nothing to what the children had been through. She had chosen to fight those fights, but the heroes of Gasco had been given no choice. If they didn’t their families would have died, an god-like weapon of old would have been revived, and untold damage would be done to their world.

Spoilers for the first Fuga game:

Technically, what everything happened in the game is all Jeanne's fault! More specifically, her dark/sadistic counterpart that is so obsessed destroying the Vanargand.

That the Dark Counterpart manipulated a young canine shepard to be the very same heartless, delusional, and diabolical high general of Berman ( Germany ) as the main villain/antagonist that caused untold deaths and destruction in this mess up war.

I have just recently read the wiki. So, I actually somewhat know what is really going on behind the scenes. I'm surprised that the kids didn't hate her, or having Dark Jeanne getting karmic punishment for causing this whole mess in the first place. :facehoof:

The tanks and air units were now unrecognizable, a combination of being ripped to shred by weaponry and crushed by the Taranis flattening them. Behind those was the form of Canterlot, not so far away the screams could no longer reach her ears. The smoke did, however, reach her eyes. The battered form of Canterlot Castle stood out among the ruined city, looking more like a ruin than a place she thought of as a second home. It was all too much, and Twilight couldn’t hold in the tears that fell down from her eyes.

“Don’t worry girls,” She whispered. “We’re gonna come back for all of you. I promise.”

It was so hard to think that, half a year ago, everything had seemed so normal.

Hopefully, we can have flashback chapters on the day our 12-team anthro feline/canine kids, and their infamous gigantic tank of theirs be teleported to Equestria.

Their first meeting with the Mane Six, Spike, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining, Starlight, Trixie, and Discord.

Learning about their origins, and hearing the kid's rather mess up story as being literal child soldiers in a brutal war. That is actually caused by the actions of the Tank AI's dark counterpart in the first place. :twilightoops: :twilightangry2:

And finally, the day the Storm King/Tempest Shadow invaded Canterlot, separated the kids and Twilight with her friends.

So, did you own the first game? Completed it with the true and happy ending? Do you have the second game by now?

Yep. Played the first game, got the true ending. Been playing the second on stream.

Crossover i didn't know i wanted, but needed.

A beam of golden light suddenly erupted from Mount Canterhorn, residents of the city below *let* out yelps or screams of terror. Even after it faded the panic didn’t stop, ponies storming around in a panicked frenzy. The royal guard immediately mobilized around the area the beam of light had originated from, investigating the disturbance in hopes that whatever it was wouldn’t lead to them needing the Elements of Harmony. No civilians were allowed inside the hole said beam had created, and for the first few hours nothing was told of what had caused it.

Celestia turned to the AI, noting the shame that was present on their face.

“That was you, wasn’t it?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, or rather a piece of myself,” Jeanne answered. “It had done millions upon millions of calculations, all with the goal of finding the perfect crew to battle my counterpart, the Tarascus. It had caused the invasion, led the forces to their home, and called out to them.”

“Wait, the reason the Bermans found Petit Mona was you?!” Hanna asked in terror. Jeanne gave a somber nod to the felinko. “Oh God.”

“With you all properly motivated by the capture of your families, that other piece of me took action,” Jeanne continued, noting how Celestia and her shadow drew away at her words. To her surprise Luna seemed less terrified and more understanding, though why she didn’t know. “It called out to Malt and his friends, leading them to a cave, and gave them access to the Taranis.” She looked the alicorn of the sun dead in the eyes. “I am the cause behind everything.”

Well, well, well. The truth finally comes out. :ajsmug:

Ok, so, I'm going to be honest here, and hopefully the constructive criticism will be useful. The way you handled the narrative isn't working for me. Most of the minor stuff I can overlook, but there are two big issues. First off, it's too 'gamey', as if you're just transcribing the events of a Fuga Let's Play without adding anything new to your prose. Without actually being able to play it, this level of detail cannot carry the experience. And secondly, starting off in medias res was a bad idea. You completely omitted what had the potential to be very emotional scenes in the apparent deaths of multiple adorable children, just to jump into the tank combat faster. If anything, the opposite would be preferable.

I can definitely see where the complaint is coming from. I guess that is what I get for trying to imitate how the tutorial from both games have played out. I don't regret it, but I can definitely see how it can feel a bit too gamey for people.

Once I'm done with Under Smoke and Rain I'll make sure to take a lot of this to heart, and I'll totally admit that me not taking advice right away is coming from a place of stubbornness and pride. Thanks for the feedback.

Edit: petrification doesn't mean dead. The princess and Tempest were restored at the end of the movie once they had been turned to stone. The only way either of them would actually be dead is for them to be shattered.


You completely omitted what had the potential to be very emotional scenes in the apparent deaths of multiple adorable children, just to jump into the tank combat faster. If anything, the opposite would be preferable.

What are you even on about? You wanted some of the kids to die!? What the heck, dude!? :twilightoops: :applejackunsure:

What chapter are you on? ( In Fuga 2. And how many of the kids survived so far? )

I believe chapter 6. Whichever one Wappa joins in.

Curse Fuga 2 for actually making me like her as a character.


What is with this fan obsession of hating over Wappa?

Because this ain't the first time I seen this before.

“Then Hax was not half the military leader that I was.”

How the heck does Tempest know about him? Is it because of a certain new AI from Fuga 2, inside the Tarascus?

“The princess of friendship, abandoning her friends,” Tempest said tauntingly. An involuntary twitch in Twilight’s eye let her know she had hit a vulnerable spot in the alicorn’s psyche. “Ironic how war shows a ponies true colors. It seems your title is just for show.”

“I didn’t abandon them!” Twilight shouted back, stopping a hoof furiously on the metal ground of the Taranis. “If they hadn’t taken those petrification orbs for me, if they hadn’t helped us reach the Taranis, you would have won completely. You left me with no choice!”

“Oh you had a choice, princess,” Tempest said, unperturbed by Twilight’s defiance. “All you had to do was hand over your magic and that weapon of yours. It would have spared us all so much trouble.”

The sound of paws drew Twilight’s attention away from Tempest Shadow. Britz, Hanna, Sheena, and Chick had all returned from their guns. Tempest could help but laugh at the sight of children playing grown up. These were the children who had defeated the Tarascus and General Hax? Incompetence didn’t even begin to describe how she viewed the Berman General. No child could be smart enough to outwit a military pony like herself.

“Give me back my brother!” Chick ordered her.

“Then hoof over the Taranis and the princess,” Tempest told her, inclining her head. Her smile fell away, looking at them all with hate and malice. “This isn’t the school playground. If you want to get out of this alive or unpetrified I recommend a complete surrender.”

“We were told to do the same thing when we decided to save our families,” Socks replied. “We beat them. We can beat you too!”

“If anything, we would ask that you don’t give us reason to turn the Taranis on you,” Malt said, glaring daggers at the mare looking down on them all. “You don’t know what this thing is capable of, and I would prefer no one here in Equestria had to see it at full power.”

Despite her initial misgivings, Tempest couldn’t help but feel impressed at the resolve of those who stood before her. She had expected the princess of friendship to be the confident one, the children around her scared out of their wits on what was to come. Instead it was Twilight Sparkle who seemed unsure of all she was getting wrapped up in, the confidence she tried to exhumed barely as deep as her coat. These alien children before her were not like that, however, seeming more than ready to fight and lay down their lives as if they were grown soldiers. Perhaps they were more competent than the poultry resistance the princesses and their guard had put up.

The only way to find out was to try and break them.

“Well, I did say I like it when ponies make things difficult,” Tempest muttered, voice just loud enough where it was clear she wanted the Taranis’ crew to hear it. That malicious smile she had worn earlier returned. “To be clear, I’ve seen first hoof what your tank is capable of, and while I would love to test myself against it, the Storm King’s newest piece of property needs oversight. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure something else tests your loyalty.”

Geez, Tempest has become a even bigger bitch, and a heartless jerk. Than she ever was in the movie itself!?

And she is also totally stupid for underestimating the full power of the Taranis.

I bet she will literally shit herself if she is on the receiving end of the SOUL CANNON on her arrogant dumbass! :pinkiecrazy:

Hopefully, we will find a spare dummy to use it on her, or the Storm King. Because, I don't want any of the kids, nor Twilight, or one of her friends ( When they do get rescued. ) to sacrifice themselves to fire it.

And IF Tempest still gets her half-assed "redemption" like in canon.

I hope the kids and Jeanne don't easily "forgive" her like Twilight did. After all the bad shit she did to them.

Heck, I even want some of them ( Like Malt for example. ) to frickin punch her in the face and managed breaking her snout, after all of this. :flutterrage:

“All our stuff for crops is gone, so we can’t even make a garden like we did back then either,” Malt explained, eyes stuck on the floor. He banged one of his hands against the kitchen walls, wincing in regret as his nerves flared in pain. “Then there is the matter of ammo.”

“Equestria put all the technological advancements achieved in the last six months into everything except military,” Britz continued on, sitting down with his back leaning against the island countertop. “We’re working with what we still have after defeating the Vanargand in Paresia, and that isn’t gonna last us long if Tempest tracks us down. Any replacement ammo is gonna come from scavenging tanks that attack us, seeing as any still standing garrisons are more likely to have spears and shields.”

Twilight sighed, knowing that she was part of the latter problem given her status as a princess of Equestria. In a land of friendship, forgiveness, and seemingly endless second chances Celestia and Luna didn’t see the need to invest in military advances. Them being the alicorns of the sun and moon were typically enough to ward off invaders, and that was before the elements of harmony came into the equation. Add to it Celestia’s impressive history of diplomatic negotiations and funding weapons research hadn’t seemed like it was all that important.

Now that line of thought felt as idiotic as breaking a pinkie promise.

See Twilight, this is obviously one of the negative consequences of being a damn pacifist. Now you feel like a dumbass now, given the situation you are in. :ajbemused:

WHAT THE ACTUAL F***!!!!!!????? :flutterrage: :twilightangry2: :applecry:

That's it! The Storm King AND TEMPEST CAN BOTH F***ing DIE!!!!!!!

NO "redemption or forgiveness" bullcrap for Tempest! :twilightangry2:

Despite this rather surprising and tragic setback. I hope Jeanne can use her you-know-what simulation to save Rainbow Dash, and not make this permanent.

Otherwise, I don't know how this story can ever achieve it's own True Ending ( Everybody/Everypony survived. )

P.S. I still won't forgive Tempest for being no better than the likes of Blutwurst. And deserves to be punished that she will never forget, nor be forgiven too easily like in canon.

Sorry for the lack of update. I've been completely focused on another story and found it was best to focus all my attention on it.

It's been good. Sorry that it has been so long since I've had a story update. Still working on that other story and my one attempt at working on something along side it ended with me being unable to focus on both at once.

I promise, I will get back to this story. I just have no idea right now when that might be.

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