• Member Since 15th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen 12 minutes ago


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” - Patrick Rothfuss


Flash Sentry has a problematic crush.

Sunset tries to help.

It does not end well.

Written for the 2023 May Pairings Contest.

A special thanks to EileenSaysHi for their generous editing assistance.

Featured 5/18/2023 - 5/20/2023!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Kind of cruel maybe, but i want to see a next part where he tells them what they have done.
Including the bit about the other girls basically cheering their support for what ammounts to
murder . .

I *really* like this. Though the sappy romantic in me wishes they could transplant Midnight into Flash's brain.

Damn it... I was hoping, like Flash, she would be able to come back . Curse you, being so good at wrenching every emotion out of me over this . :fluttercry:


Kind of cruel maybe, but i want to see a next part where he tells them what they have done.


Though the sappy romantic in me wishes they could transplant Midnight into Flash's brain.

Both were actually potential endings I tinkered with! Neither really felt right, though. Confronting the girls (well, Twilight and Sunset specifically) with the situation felt overly vindictive and cruel - particularly because from Twilight's end there's really not a lot of other ways it could have gone. She and Midnight couldn't exactly have a non-hostile relationship. And on the other angle, I tested a few ways to 'save' Midnight, but they all felt, well, empty. Deus ex machina. They lacked legitimacy and felt tacked on for the sake of a happy ending. Better the cruel than the false.

Well this certainly took a tonal turn that I wasn't expecting even with the tags. Though throughout it all, I agree with the title. Nicely done.

I woudn't mind an alt ending, but I respect your creative process

When a story idea initially looks like one of those stupid sitcom plot ideas, except it turns out that in the right hands it ISN'T a stupid sitcom plot idea.

Story deserves compliments for sure!

It's also interesting imho to see what someone else does with the optional possible explanation of "I can fix her!" for Flash x evil Sunset

That was nice and bittersweet. I'm really sorry my brain has to ruin it with this, but I couldn't help myself. (Though obviously, this isn't canon to the story of course, but I can imagine it is.) If only I wasn't a weird person. >_<

Midnight Sparkle couldn't help but imagine what might have been going forward from this, though try as she might not to. Would she actually be able to date this Flash Sentry? Could she make her own friends? Endless possibilities passed through her mind. Twisting the knife deeper into whatever it was she had as a heart.

This was her end. She was already granted more than she had ever dared dream of, for at the very least she'd have someone with her to share in her last moments. Someone to carry on her memory. It was more than she ever deserved.

So when she felt the first wisps of her hair start to blow away, she winced but was able to stand firm. In mere minutes, maybe only seconds she'd be gone. Then none of it would matter anymore. With a sigh, she looked up once more to stare at Flash's smiling face. She... she just wanted to see one before she va- Wait... no... NO!

Midnight Sparkle felt something she never before would have thought herself capable of. Fear, but not fear for herself. Fear for another. For as she looked up she could see the very tip of Flash's hair begin to turn to dust and float away.

Sunset that fool! She had no idea the magic she was playing with! Flash wasn't just a visitor in Twilight's dream realm, but at the moment held a connection to her! A connection that was now linked to Midnight Sparkle herself! Flash was going to fade with her and she didn't know what that meant! Would he just lose the ability to dream? Or would he have a stroke? Or worse would he go brain-dead?

Of course fate would pull this on her. She couldn't even have someone there to comfort her to the end. If she did she'd do something horrible to Flash. Despite all she had done. All she had strived for. This... she didn't want this. She didn't want to hurt this one human.

"Y-You have to leave now! Go! Sunset pull him out! Go!" Could Sunset even hear her? Oh please let Sunset hear her! If this was the last thing she did, then maybe... maybe her existence wasn't all bad.

"W-What?" Flash stammered, confused. How was he confused? Did he not feel himself fading with her? Was he really so focused on helping her that he didn't realize he might die?

Such seemed to be the case as he gripped her tighter in his hug. No! The idiot! He was going to get hurt and it was all her fault! She'd be nothing but the horrible monster till the end. Only remembered for the terrible things she'd done. The sky began to darken and flash with bolts of purple lightning as Midnight tried to free herself from Flash's grip. Whatever power she had left. Whatever magic she could still dredge up, she'd use it all to save him.

Yet still Flash held tighter. Still unaware of his impending doom. "It's okay. I'm not going anywhere." He whispered into her ear. It made her heart lurch. Soon she felt her and his body becoming light, thin like smoke. There wasn't much time!

With the last of her will she cried for him to be saved as she felt their bodies become more ethereal than solid. The last thing she remembered was a sense him sinking into her as he body was fading away before the world went white.

Her last thought being: "Flash you hopeless idiot!"

The first thing Flash felt was a pressing force against his body. A body that felt almost numb and off. The last thing he remembered was Midnight Sparkle freaking out at the end, trying to push him away. He didn't understand. He thought she wanted company to the end so why? His mind was a mess, a jumble of thoughts and sound. As such he had no idea how long it took him to realize someone was talking to him.

"How? How did you do this? Where is Flash!? What did you do to him!?" That voice. Was it Twilight's? What was she talking about. He WAS Flash!

"I-I don't understand. Flash? Are you in there somehow? I-I'm so sorry I didn't hear her... your? I didn't get the warning until too late! I-I tried pulling you, him out and there was this surge of magic and and..."

"What? Sunset you aren't making any sense, What do you mean where am I? I'm right here obviously." Something... Something wasn't right. His voice sounded all off, but then again his ears were still ringing.

"Oh we see you Midnight! Now what did you do with Flash Sentry!?" Twilight screamed, her magic pressing him down again. So that's what this pressure was, but what was she talking about? Had she gone mad? Did the lose of Midnight Sparkle screw with her mind or something?

"What do you mean where is Flash Sentry!? Twilight I AM Flash Sentry!" He heard Sunset gasp.

"What? That can't... wait Twilight let me touch her and confirm-"

Flash felt Sunset Touch his arm for a second before jerking back like she'd been burned. "Heaven forgive me it is! T-Twilight that's him in there!"
Flash finally felt the force of her magic let him go.
"It... it is? But... how? Why!? What happened!?"

"Girls what are you talking ab-" Flash began, sitting up now that his body wasn't being pressed into the ground anymore. He reached up with a hand to rub his aching head when his fingers came into contact with something long and pointy sticking out of his forehead. This was enough of a shock to stop his sentence.

"What the? What is-" His eyes then saw his arm. His long thing purplish arm. Much smaller and more delicate looking then it should look. His foggy mind snapped into focus.

"Ah! What's wrong with my arm!" It was then he realized his voice had also changed. It was much much higher pitched then it should be. In fact it sounded frighteningly familiar.

"Ah well not to worry you Flash, but well..." Sunset shakenly said as she held up a small mirror. Staring back at Flash was the face of Midnight Sparkle. A Midnight Sparkle who mimicked him touching his face. In fact she was mirroring anything he did.

Yeah probably because that's your reflection you dolt. Why didn't you just let go of me when I screamed for you to?

Flash balked and look around for the source of the voice. "M-Midnight Sparkle?" SHE asked, as she certainly couldn't pass for a boy anymore.

"Yeah, that's your body..." Sunset answered, indicating she hadn't heard it, but to Flash it had been as clear as day.

"Midnight? Was that you?" Both Sunset and Twilight gave her confused looks, but she ignored them. "Did you just speak?"

In a way, seems you got your wish. You saved me, but got my body in the process. This is what you get for messing with magic you barely understand.

Inside Flash's head, he heard Midnight sigh.

You three really are hopeless idiots you know that?

That was amazing and I might be crying now :) thank you so much

Talk about a tonal shift, oof.

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