• Published 6th May 2023
  • 557 Views, 49 Comments

For the Girl Who Has Everything - Revel Montaro

What do you get the person in your life after being together for 100 years? Sunset Shimmer racks her brain to come up with the perfect gift that turns into an out of this world adventure and more than they both expected.

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Chapter 4: Workin' It

For safety and practicality reasons all the MUAV crew passengers had to stay strapped into their seats. Each seat however was equipped with communication devices to allow each seat to speak with one another or participate in a group chat. No one had to speak loudly and with ambient noise cancelling ear buds there was little risk of people talking over one another.

Sunset Shimmer settled in, listening to her music while tapping her foot and bobbing her head. She would have preferred to keep her hands busy as well with a sketch pad or sheet music, but the books on her phone would do if she needed them.

Twilight had paged Drago not long after they had settled into cruise and the two had been reviewing a detailed list of the system failures, the procedures used to fix them, and brainstorming how it all might tie together. If there was a pattern at all.

“I’ve gone over this thing six times,” Drago said with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Sorry if I sound aggravated, but I haven’t found a pattern of any kind.”

“No, you have nothing to apologize for. I would have done things exactly as you and the other techs did. It looks likes errors in the source code, but the system restart and root access to the trouble code to rewrite it should have been the end of it. Continued failures to other systems suggest a virus or time released worm program.”

“I had those thoughts as well, but when we examined the systems there was no malicious code. I even went as far as to cut the hyperlinked data feed with home base for twenty-four hours to see if it was coming from Earth, but a system failed even when we were radio silent.”

Twilight nodded. “Suggesting that it is not coming from outside, but inside.”

Drago nodded. “Which is why the majority of our cargo are clean servers and data boards to replace as many systems as possible. The company thought it would be better to just replace as many systems as possible rather than just keep hunting down the problem.”

Twilight grimaced, picturing Aurora’s angry, twisted face. How much of this had come out of her family’s personal fortune? “At an astronomical price I can only imagine. The hardware alone before factoring in the transportation cost.”

“Ohhhh yeah.”

The door to the cockpit opened and Eagle Eye floated out, using the handrails along the walls to stabilize himself. He used a switch by the door to flick the cabin lights on and off a few times like an elementary school teacher would do to gain the class's attention. “Okay, we’ll be arriving at the station in the next two hours. First order of business will be to get your gear stored and I imagine most of you will want to change jump suits having been in them for that last several hours. Maybe even use the mist showers. Since we’re on schedule, I imagine the station supervisor will also want to meet the new faces and have everyone together for a meeting at dinner to discuss the rules and work hours. That’s at seventeen hundred hours. We use a twenty-four hour clock system synchronized with Eastern Seaboard time zone to better communicate with Sparkle Tech HQ since, you know, not really any day or night out here.”

Eagle Eye paused to glance directly at Sunset Shimmer. She stared right back and arched an eyebrow, daring him to say something. Instead, he just blinked a few times, his expression more apprehensive than she was anticipating, before he turned and returned to the cockpit. Sealing the door again.

Sunset shrugged. Guess I scared him. Not the first time, won’t be the last.,, Hope that doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.

“Sunny,” Twilight poked Sunset gently to gain her attention. “I’m going to need you to check some of these hardware junctions as soon as we are allowed to. See if they are physically damaged or have been tampered with.”

Sunset nodded. “No prob. Just send the information to my email notes and it'll get done.”

Sunset replaced her earbuds and emersed herself in music once more.


The first thing Sunset Shimmer noted when the L2 station came into view on the wall monitors was that it was not the shape she had been imagining. Her mind first, naturally, imagined a round sphere the size of a small moon with a trench running one side of it with a hopefully better defended exhaust port. Then, she imagined a cube where resistance was futile. Finally, she imagined a ring world. However, none of those famous fictional stations had been accurate.

Instead, the L2 was mostly shaped like a tortoise shell. It had flat sections and rounded sections and seemed to have a hump that gently swelled to one side. At the head of that swell was where the MUAV docked with one of what appeared to be a docking tube. One latched onto the passenger door, another latched on lower and was most likely for cargo. Just like on an airplane, when the belt light went off, everyone scrambled to unbuckle and rush for the aisle to leave.

Sunset grabbed her bag, which had been Velcroed in under her chair just like everyone else’s. After checking herself, she was pleased to find that the bottom of her flight suit was completely dry, as advertised. Despite having been strapped into the gel chair for most of the day. Twilight took note of her wife checking out her own backside. She had to fight the urge to stare.

“Everything okay?”

Sunset giggled a bit and smiled. A rare darkening of blush gracing her goldenrod cheeks after she noted that more than one passenger had been admiring the view as well. “Yeah, just felt odd how the suit absorbed the sweat and everything else. And of, course, the gel moving about. Felt like that stuff was trying to climb up my butt a few times.”

Twilight giggled as well. “Oh, good. I thought it was just me and I was too embarrassed to say anything.”

“No, it does that to everybody,” said Drago, sheepishly. Handy nodded in agreement as well.

Twilight was slightly disappointed they could not see any of the station or stars from the airlock or docking tunnel. Captain Eagle Eye stopped at the end of the door and turned back to the group. “Okay, for those that have never been here. Once you pass through this door there is artificial gravity created by this big moving wheel that spins around the inner hull. There are gaps in the wheel to allow people and objects to pass through without it having to stop. However, you still have to pay attention or it can hurt you.”

“The gyrocycle,” said Twilight. “Gravity generated by a spinning object creating a type of polar magnetism just like planets and satellites do, grounding objects. It was central to the design of the station and when working optimally maintains a consistent point nine gee field throughout the majority of the station. Some fringe areas have a lower gravity.” All the eyes in the docking tunnel turned to Twilight. “… Or, so I have read.”

“Right. Anyhow, the thing does have built-in safeties that won’t let it crush you, but if the emergency stop engages it’s a pain to get it restarted and everyone and thing not strapped down floats. I'm told they test it at least once a year, but don’t be that guy… or gal.” Eagle Eye turned the release handle and waited while everyone stared at the moving section when an open gap appeared from the top and eventually revealed an opening to the station. He passed through and beckoned others to do the same. Just under one minute later a new solid section moved into place.

“That seems kind of unsafe,” said Sunset.

“I tried to," Twilight paused when she took note they were in earshot of others, "er, I read they tried to only make it spin in the middle but was not generating enough of a magnetic field. Most areas never got above point five gee and the outer sections had little to no gravity at all. Anything below point five was unacceptable. So, it had to be bigger and spin all the way around just below the outer radiation shielding. Oh! Did you know the gravitational magnetic field it generates also helps with repelling much of the cosmic radiation the panels on the hull can’t stop?”

Sunset smirked and had to fight tremendously not to wink with so many others around them. “I do now.”

Following Eagle Eye, the group walked along the corridor. Some of the others conversed, but for most who had never been to the station they just took it all in much like Sunset and Twilight were. Especially knowing they were likely never going to set foot on it again. While there were some splashes of color, most of the walls were basic white with some areas of exposed metal or prefab plascrete. Surprisingly, there were a number of potted plants. Most likely to liven the place up, but also likely for the added fragrance. Sunset’s sensitive nose noted that most everything else smelled like a mix of new car smell, ionized ozone, or stale plastic… sometimes all three.

“Alright, Personnel quarters are down on the left. Each bunk is already assigned, but if you want swap that’s between you and the other three people in your room. No male/female co-habitation rooms. Company policy. Yeah, I was disappointed by that too.” There were a few chuckles. Sunset shook her head, but still smirked. He is STILL trying. Gotta give him an A for tenacity I guess. “Get cleaned up, squared away and whatnot. We made good time so everyone has about an hour and a half before dinner and the station supervisor meeting.”

With nothing else to add Sunset and Twilight followed the group down the hall. They found their fake names on simple tags next to an ‘L. Daffodil’ and a ‘G. Hardboard’. Before either could comment, the brawny woman from the boat stopped directly behind them.

“Huh, guess this must be the gals only room. I had heard there were not a lot of women up here.”

Sunset glanced back at the woman she assumed was Hardboard. “Four women and how many men?”

“Security, techs, engineers, and administrators all together should be about forty-five personnel currently, if I remember reading correctly. Once fully operational the station will be able to support a crew and staff of two hundred along with various plant and animal life for study and stress relief,” said Twilight without skipping a beat.

“Slim pickings. No wonder Captain Penis Hat keep trying to hit on me.”

“If you want, we can have him reported to HR and maybe confined away from you. Security and personnel problems like that are why I’m here,” said Hardboard in all seriousness.

Sunset smiled and waved her hand back and forth. “Nah. Appreciate the thought, but he’s nothing I can’t handle if he does try to use something other than words. Besides, I’m hoping to be so busy checking all the hardware junctions for problems or sightseeing that I won’t have time to worry about it.” Sunset noticed that Hardboard did not seem convinced. Her eyes also turned to Twilight. “Seriously, I’ll be fine if he does try anything beyond overt flirting. He’ll get to see how not helpless I am.” Sunset grinned and took the risk and winked at Twilight. “And don’t worry about her either, we both had plenty of self defense classes back in college.”

“Break instep, twist hand grip, strike nose, strike groin, gouge eyes if necessary, run for help. I remember.”

Hardboard smiled and laughed. “Yeah, I’m going to enjoy rooming with you two.”

Each woman took turns with the steam mist shower and changed into new underwear and coverall jumpsuits. Sunset, who had volunteered to go last, had just finished stowing her bag when Twilight had begun to explain how the water recycler system worked with great enthusiasm and a hop to her step. Hardboard's face reminded Sunset of the time Twilight try to explain the theory of relativity to Rainbow Dash. The woman was beyond lost, staring out into nothing. The three merged with many others walking casually down the corridor, following the traffic headed for the mess hall for dinner and the scheduled meeting.

“And because of the new nano filters the water only needs to be replenished every six months as long as there are no leaks. Even total gravity loss won’t damage the system since it’s pressure sealed to prevent air bubbles.”

Hardboard ran a hand down her face and leaned in closer to Sunset and whispered, “Is she always like this?”

Sunset chuckled, sneaking in another sly wink to Twilight that no one else saw. “For as long as I’ve known her, yeah.”

The mess hall was exactly as advertised. It was a large open space full of a dozen tables. Even with everyone in the station there was still plenty of room for additional expansion. Since there was no permanent kitchen staff, meals were prepared by everyone in turn based on a rotating schedule. No one was allowed to complain, “but I can’t cook!” All the meals were prepackaged with the necessary materials, ingredients, and directions. If you could follow directions, you could make the meals. Both Sunset and Twilight enjoyed cooking from time to time. Some of the hotels or long term stay rent homes they stayed in were equipped with full kitchens and they took full advantage of that when experimenting with local cuisine.

Once everyone had a tray full of what was available, Sunset going for two baked potatoes and extra veggies since she had no interest in the Salisbury steak in gravy. To avoid the aroma alone, Sunset found the corner of the farthest table and began enjoy her potatoes.

Considering they were either frozen or in some sort of stasis container they are not bad. Almost fresh.

A man near the front of the room stood and waved his hands to get everyone else’s attention then slapped his palm on the table a few times to quiet the side conversations.

“All right. While you all continue to enjoy what we have for the night let me have at least some of your attention. Most of you are decent multi-taskers so I know that’s not asking much. My name is Skymark Blue. I am the Chief Administrator here at EL Two. I am also a mechanical engineer, decent with a computer, and the backup, backup, backup pilot in an emergency and all the rest of the flight crew is incapacitated. Hopefully, it will never come to that, but hey, the MUAV training was fun at least.

“Anyhow, on behalf of those of us that have been up here a while or previous visits to those of you who are new, welcome and thanks for coming. Now, not to be too much of a dick, but still, it’s my job, I am expecting everyone up bright and early tomorrow. Workday alarms go off at oh six-thirty. Since no new admins came on the shuttle no one needs to report to me unless there is an emergency or dispute issue. Since Drago is back, all techs should report to him. Sorry, Spacer, you got demoted again.”

“Whatever, man. Drago’s a coding beast.”

Several others cheered and whistled before Skymark continued. “Right, our chief of security is that meaty guy over there named Hunter. But people can also report issues to Captain Eagle Eye, who is deputy chief while on station. He's also the military and government liaison, so any official questions or concerns that are not company proprietary should go through him. All engineers, be they maintenance, mechanical, or electrical report to Mr. Harp. He’s over there. He’s quiet so don’t expect speeches from him. Just do what he asks and everything will be fine. Annnnnnd that’s it. Eat up, socialize, then tomorrow we fix this thing and get back on schedule.”

Sunset glanced to Twilight and she in turn shrugged. With nothing to add and nothing to do until tomorrow everyone ate up before retreating to either their rooms or the recreational lounge. Twilight chose to turn in early while Sunset investigated the lounge, mostly just trying to get a feel for the other people and any quiet concerns she might be able to overhear. It had been mostly a bust, however, for a specific reason. When Sunset took a moment to stand by and try and listen in on others all the eyes in the vicinity were on HER bust… or other assets. Sunset rolled her eyes at them while simultaneously cursing the jumpsuits that hugger her every curve so well it might as well been a skin tight swimsuit. Hard to be inconspicuous when everyone is just staaaaaaring. Sheesh. Is everyone here that hard up for a lay?

Sunset spotted Eagle Eye enter several minutes later and rather than make a scene or deal with the pilot she ducked out and retreated back to the room with Twilight. If she was lucky, maybe they could enjoy a little alone time themselves even if limited to just touching and kissing.

However, that thought died the moment the door slid open and Sunset found Twilight chatting with the last woman on the crew Sunset had not yet met. The rail thin woman turned and glanced up at Sunset, her jaw nearly hitting the floor, green eyes growing twice as wide.

“Wow,” said Daffodil, “the guys were not joking. You are freaking gorgeous!”

Sunset had grown immune to most of the flattery from others that were not Twilight, but it still tickled a small narcissistic part of her brain all the same. Some habits died very, very hard. “Heh, thanks. Daffodil, I assume? Your name is on the wall here.”

“Oh, yeah. Nice to have some roommates!” The lithe woman jumped up and offered her hand. Sunset noted that she was shorter than Twilight and her eyes were practically glue to Sunset’s chest. Hopefully, that would not cause an issue later. “So nice to meet you both!”

Sunset smiled even if it was a bit forced. Taking a moment to glance to Twilight who rolled her eyes, shook her head, but still smirked knowingly. They had been down this road before. Just another day in the life of an alicorn goddess. “Yeah, always nice to make new friends.”

Yeah… this won’t get weird at allllll.


While it felt strange to sleep in a bed without her wife for the first time in many, many years, Sunset could still hear Twilight’s little snort snores when she rolled over. That had made the shock of loneliness bearable and, in all honesty, they had stayed in much worse accommodations during their travels. In a demented sort of way, it was not all that different from when Twilight would be mad and Sunset for something and the fire haired woman would find herself on the floor or the hotel room couch instead of snuggled up close behind her best friend and love of her life. Such thoughts and many more kept Sunset Shimmer's mind active long into the eternal night.

Following breakfast and an extra cup of coffee, Sunset had reported to the chief engineer, Brass Harp. Sunset had briefly wondered if the middle aged, mostly bald man had a background in music or had his parents just hoped he would. A pondering she never had a chance to ask before he assigned her a tool kit and a set of instructions. Still, Sunset felt it might be good to start on the right foot and tried a round of simple small talk with the man... which ended with him once again pointing towards the corridor, his dour frown reminding Sunset far too much of her old high school teacher, Mr. Cranky Doodle.

The first part of the instructions, coincidentally, fell into what she had planned to do anyhow, which was begin to check the major circuit and electrical junctions for any power fluctuations or anomalies. It was the same task Twilight had asked her to do on the shuttle ride to the station. Since the crew had been unable to find what was causing the glitches and system failures the only thing left to do was check everything again. Methodically. Methodically was good, Sunset thought. It meant that after she had finished her own inspections she could, or she could have Twilight, pull the maintenance records so Sunset could see what had already been double checked and if there was a pattern.

The second half of the shift after lunch was supposed to have Sunset and a few others laying new cabling into the newly finished fabricated section that had been pressure checked positive and was ready for crews to begin making it useable. Just because they were having issues did not mean all work forward ceased. Sunset was truthfully a bit torn on that logic.

Sure, it was probably asking too much for perfection, but to just keep adding on to a system that was clearly already taxed and suffering stress test failures? Seems like a middle management, head up their ass at corporate, kind of decision. Sunset kept that thought to herself while she worked. Wish I could talk to Twi privately while I’m doing this. She’s probably neck deep in code or computer parts by now and loving every minute of it. Guess I’ll find out at lunch.­ Sunset shrugged and clicked play on her phone app that, unsurprisingly, had no reception, but did have all her music ready to pump right through her earbuds. With a tune in her ears and a beat to her step, Sunset Shimmer was ready to work.


Twilight Sparkle growled under her breath.

“Problem?” asked Drago as he leaned back in his chair and felt his shoulders pop.

“I am admittedly getting frustrated by this.”

“Now you are getting a taste of what I was dealing with for the last several months. Honestly, I would not have even gone back down to the ground until this was done if not for the fact that I THOUGHT we had it under control. Yet here I am again.” Drago paused and gulped the dryness in the back of his throat as he tried to be subtle about admiring the curve of Twilight’s back and then some as she leaned over the workstation. “A-At least the company is nice.”

Twilight paused, and rubbed her eyes. She sighed and returned to her own chair and stretched her arms back and above her head. Drago just stared. He knew he shouldn’t, but he could not help it. She was just so beautiful. He quickly pulled off his own glasses and swabbed the lenses to pretend as if he had not been gawking. Twilight had not been fooled for a moment, but chose to focus on more important things.

“I have run through all the base code. I have restarted systems. I have even updated some of the system programs that appeared to be missing some action sequences. Everything should be running smoothly. Perfectly in fact! And yet I know the moment we close this out and get up to go eat, something will go wrong! It does not make sense!”

“It’s like it knows when we are watching and monitoring.”

Twilight growled again. “You know what that sounds like, right? You are smart, so I know that you know.”

Drago smiled sheepishly, turning his eyes back to his own screen to hide his giddy smirk. Maybe Eagle Eye was right. Maybe he did have a chance to have a little fun even if she was married. If nothing else it made for a nice fantasy. “It sounds like an autonomous operating system. Or some sort of AI.”

“But no virtual intelligence or artificial intelligence programs have been installed yet. Not even by accident. I know, I just spent the last several hours going folder by folder, including subdirectories, and dug into the all the individual subroutines as well. The central hub should not be thinking for itself. There is no matrix for it or exterior hardware online to store it in unless we missed something.” Twilight tapped her chin while glaring indignantly at the monitor screens. “We need to communicate with the installation engineers and see if they have found anything that is not on the specs. No matter how small or innocuous.”

“Harp has some of them doing that while others are continuing with wiring up the new sections. Last I heard from Skymark that is. We can compare notes over dinner.” Drago blushed again. “Um, I mean, a group dinner. N-Not you and I having dinner… like a date or anything.”

Twilight smiled pleasantly. “Group dinner with friends sounds nice.”

Drago smiled back. A beautiful, intelligent woman wanted him around to talk shop over food that was slightly better than military grade MREs. Certainly an improvement over his last stint on the station.



Sunset Shimmer was annoyed. In the grand scheme of the universe perhaps that was not a cardinal sin. However, in the tiny universe of the L2 space station that should have been cause for concern. Especially since that annoyance was continuing to boil.

To start with, she had just missed Twilight for lunch. Her team had been neck deep in pulling cable and wiring up the newly fabricated station section that by the time they had stopped apparently the computer techs had already come and gone. Lunch on L2 was apparently a, ‘grab n’ go’ affair with so much work still to be done and behind schedule. Sunset had settled for a few protein bars and a juice box.

She had then two hours later been informed that she and three others were on kitchen duty for tonight and she needed to stop what she was doing and go get cleaned up for that task. That had only been a minor annoyance compared to crawling through ducts and attempting to pull cabling along without breaking the fiber optic wires or cut herself on any number if still sharp, fresh surfaces. Still, Sunset Shimmer enjoyed cooking from time to time. Especially if Twilight was there to help direct or taste test. However, Twilight Sparkle was apparently NOT one of the other three with her in the kitchen.

Then, she saw what had been presented as dinner and her eyebrow began to twitch.

“You have gotta be fucking with me with this, right?”

“What?” said one of the other men whose name she had not yet asked or heard.

Clearly, we need nametags. “You just follow the directions? No spicing it up? No creativity or winging it? We’re in space! Where’s your sense of adventure?”

“We only have so many spices and we have almost fifty people we have to make food for. There is no list of who may have what as far as food allergies. Especially with so many new people. These food packs were designed so that no one should get sick under all normal circumstances. If it’s boring, too bad. It’s food. You just eat it.”

Sunset deadpanned the three other kitchen crew. “I hate everything you just said… except the food allergies part. That’s actually important. But food can be more than just sustenance. Food can be a personal expression just like any other art! Haven’t you wanted to live a little and express yourself right on the plate? To look at it and go, ‘daaaaamn, that looks good!
I bet it taste good too!’”

One man in thick, squared glasses that were not that much different than Twilight’s leaned over and tried to whisper, “I heard she and Eagle Eye were about to kiss in the conference room. Maybe she’s trying to impress him.”

Sunset’s jaw hung open, her face twisting in offended disgust before finally reeling in her knee jerk reactions. “Why would I try to impress that arrogant asshat?”

“I dunno,” the taller one said with a shrug. “I gave up trying to understand the minds of beautiful women. That’s why I came to space. Guess some of the pretty ones like space too. Who knew?”

Sunset pinched the bridge of her nose and took a few deep breaths. “You know what, fuck it. Just... just follow the damn directions. I’ll just put two plates off to the side for Twi- er, Starlight and I and will jazz those up as I see fit.”

“… So… we just spent all that time arguing and listening to that just to come back to where we started? I really do NOT understand women.”

Rather than comment, Sunset just grabbed some of the side dishes and quietly got to work preparing them by the directions, grumbling under her breath.

Twilight wanted to go back to the computer server room and continue looking for what was causing system issues or, if by chance, wait and see if they had corrected it since no systems had crashed in nearly two days. However, the look on Sunset Shimmer’s face and the fact that she had only spoken the bare minimum at dinner after emerging from the kitchen, choosing to stab her food with a vindictive sulk put that plan on hold.

Instead, Twilight took a risk and interlaced her fingers with her wife’s hand on the way back to their room, pulling her along and out away from the eyes and ears of the general lounge quarters. Sunset had been surprised by the sudden physical touch and assertiveness and allowed herself to be pulled along.

“Do you know where we are going?” Sunset finally asked after several minutes of silent walking.

“No, but you obviously needed some decompression and I wanted some time with you. So, it’s a win-win. We learn the corridors and side halls, we hold hands, and…” Twilight smirked as she leaned in and kissed Sunset. She had to pull back sooner than she liked, but otherwise the taller woman would have pinned her to the wall and tried to perform an oral examination with her tongue.

“Awww,” Sunset whimpered, “I wanted more.”

Twilight giggled. “I know, but you’ll live. I am glad you are feeling better, at least. Want to talk about what happened?”

“Not really, it was stupid anyhow. I just wanted to jazz the food up a little, but they all looked at me like I was from another world.”

Twilight poked Sunset lightly in the ribs earning a squeak and a giggle. “I see what you did there, bad pony.”

The laughter and bright smile quickly faded and Sunset’s face darkened again. “Seriously, this is harder than I thought it would be. The acting and pretending to be ‘just friends’ again. I used to be really good at lying right to peoples’ faces and putting on an act. I think I got accustomed to just coasting along knowing I could have you anytime you were in the mood too. Retirement has spoiled me.”

“I know,” Twilight said, kissing her wife’s cheek, “but we have to make sure we have this problem fixed. Our girl, our whole family is counting on us. Think you can endure a few more weeks without intimacy?”

Sunset groaned. “But it’s haaaaaard. You are right here! And your ass looks freaking GREAT in this tight fitting coverall. I want to just bite into those cheeks! *brrrroooowlll*”

Twilight was about to comment when the lights went out and emergency floor lighting kicked on. They did not start floating away, at least. Which meant the gyrocycle was still operational and hopefully the air circulator as well. That was good at least.

“Everyone please remain calm. We are experiencing a partial power loss. Power station techs are looking at the systems. All computer software and hardware engineers please report to primary server room as quickly and safely as possible. All other personnel remain in place and on standby.”

“Right. I guess I need to get back to it.”

Sunset snuck in one more kiss. “You got this.”

Author's Note:

Good evening. So now we get a glimpse of what daily life looks like about the L2. It does not currently have a name, but it will eventually be known as Stardust Station. I tried to come up with a concept of how the station should look without just ripping off thins such as B5 or DS9. So, I considered that since it is still under construction how about something similar to what we have seen of under water, modular stations. In this case, all the pods exist under a massive shell like shield and have a rotating section of the hull that is internal to create the artificial gravity. Tha tis something we really need if human ever wish to spend long distance trip in space. The microgravity and other harsh conditions of space absolutely wreck us in the long term.

Now, I know not a lot happened this time, but just needed some set up, plus meet a few more faces.

Have a great weekend to all!

Questions? Comments?