• Published 3rd May 2023
  • 1,074 Views, 32 Comments

Maledict - Carnifaxy

Seeking to ease her guilt, Celestia goes north to assist an ancient order of knights against the undead.

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Celestia and the Duce

The Eternal City. What once was a little fishing village grew to be the crown jewel of southern Griffonia, capital of the Karthinian Empire, then the Kingdom of Wingbardy before its conquest by the Griffonian Empire and now once more the Kingdom of Wingbardy after the collapse of Imperial power in the south.

Built into the side of cliffs had been fine for its growth over the long centuries, but recent innovations in transportation and infrastructure had forced expansion along the top of the cliffs, as well as attempts at building outwards with careful applications of clouds and scaffolding. Part of the cliffs concaved into a natural cove that had been quarried out over the centuries, leading to a large port for merchants and naval forces alike.

Celestia stepped out of the train and adjusted her wide-brimmed sun hat as her solar companion beamed down upon the city, the cool breeze from the ocean keeping the climate comfortable. She carefully stepped away from the train and off the platform, rechecking her ticket. With an annoyed sigh she slipped it back into her saddlebags and proceeded to exit the station. Beakolini's thugs, the Blackwings, weren't a rare sight, especially not in the capital and especially by the train station where pony tourists would often be targets for intimidation and harassment.

That Celestia was larger than anypony, any griffon at that, marked her right away. If not for the horn, they would have considered their usual tactics of dealing with lone ponies. The horn was bad enough, but having the wings as well and a couple of the Blackwings took to speaking rapidly to one another in Wingbardian. While she understood what they were saying her attention was on the open air cafe just across the street from the station. Given the recent expansions the street was a mix of modern asphalt and ancient cobblestone, the train station right at the cusp between old and new. She walked across the street, and while the cafe was rather busy, the line was completely open for her. The griffon behind the counter looked up at her in surprise but swiftly recovered and gave her a big smile.

"You're a big pony! You must have a big appetite!" he said in that curious way of Wingbardian compliments.

Celestia gave him a slight smile. "I could do with something light. I haven't had caprese in a long time."

"Oh, my wife makes the best caprese in all of Karthin!" he said proudly before he turned and squawked out the order and received confirmation. "You want a soft drink? Locally made! Beakolini pushed for a lot of such things to be made in Wingbardy. Freshest ingredients, like right from home!"

She considered it with a purse of her lips. "I could go for something cold to drink, yes."

Lunch had been a nice distraction for the moment, Celestia taking her time with her drink. The fizziness tingled her tongue delightfully and the flavor wasn't something she was familiar with but enjoyed all the same. She pulled out her train ticket and checked the clock at the station. After downing the rest of her bottle and making sure to dispose of the remnants of her lunch appropriately she stood up and was just about to walk across the street when she heard a bird cry out.

Her head turned and she saw those yellow eyes again, the vulture perched on top of a lamp post. She shook her head and tried to ignore it, but it called out again, then turned around and flew off toward the cliff side. Unable to stop herself, Celestia began to follow after it, trotting along the street. Once at the end of the road the bird dove down through some clouds. She continued to follow along, taking the winding path down the side of the cliff where most of the residents lived.

The very upper levels of the cliff side city was mainly for the poorer residents of the city, augmented heavily with cloud construction. Karthin was packed, the alicorn doing her best to maneuver delicately through the crowds. Local seabirds squawked as well, but those sounds were easily tuned out as she tracked the vulture. She stepped into a freshly emptied elevator and paid the operator.

“Three- No, four levels down, please,” Celestia said.

Once the doors opened up she slipped right on out and back on the trail, trotting right on down a small flight of stairs and then turning around only to see an entire squad of Blackwings in front of a house, the rest of the street empty. She paused and watched as they broke down the door and gunfire erupted, causing some griffons on the levels right above and below to panic but more to try and see what was going on. Celestia stood there perplexed at the sounds of the scuffle until a griffon flew out of a window, dressed in dark robes.

Just as the robed griffon was about to fly over the edge several of the Blackwings leaned out and fired, the flier letting out a pained squawk as he was riddled with bullets. The griffon hit the edge of the railing, flipped over, and fell. She looked over in morbid curiosity as the griffon hit the waters below and slowly sank into the murky depths.

When she looked back she saw the Blackwings drag out the bodies, their leader directing them. The griffon turned and saw her standing there and he adjusted his hat and walked on over.

“You, pony-” Once he was close he really got a good look at her and his eyes widened.

Celestia looked past him to the bodies. “Maarites,” she said. “Have they been a problem recently?”

The griffon nodded but caught himself. “Ah, hold on, that's none of your business! The Duce heard you would be in Wingbardy. Surprised you weren't stopped in Wrobert. Still, he'll be wanting to speak with you!”

She gave him a slight, strained smile. “I expected as much.”

Beakolini's office wasn't as openly ostentatious as she assumed. Certainly there were things related to the ancient Karthinian Empire and the Kingdom of Wingbardy prior to the Imperial conquest, but it was much more tasteful than she thought. Her eyes trailed over the wall behind Beakolini and saw the subtle disturbance of a square shape in the light dust. The room was cleaned often, but after seeing that disturbance she noticed the others on the rest of the walls and even on Beakolini's desk.

For his part, the prime minister of Wingbardy had his hands folded in front of him and gave the alicorn a polite smile.

"Princess Celestia, I hope Wingbardy has been to your liking thus far."

"Please prime minister, call me Celestia. There had been that, disruption to my tourism efforts, but it truly is a beautiful city. "

His smile became a little more strained. "Apologies, some of my griffs can be rather eager to carry out their duties. And please, call me Giulio."

"Well, Giulio, I suppose I should be asking why you wanted to speak with me. Surely a griffon as busy as yourself has more important things to do than deal with an old nag."

He nodded. "Well, it's a curious thing you see. Imagine if I were to travel to Griffenheim or Aquila. Surely they would want to know what I am doing and why. I had figured it best to do this as a polite conversation between two rulers, than to try and rely on agents to pluck out half-truths and deceptions."

Celestia reached her head back to open up her saddlebag and fetch out the letter, then gave it over to Beakolini with a wing. "You are partially mistaken. I am no ruler, Giulio. In regards to my traveling, I was contacted by the Arcturian Order, so I am heading north."

Taking the letter, Giulio read it over a few times before he nodded and handed it back. "I see. That he asked for you personally and that you are going alone..." It took him a moment or two to gather his thoughts. "You must be rather powerful, Celestia."

She gave him an unkind smile. "And me being gone from New Mareland likely makes it a more tempting target, yes?"

He scoffed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Celestia narrowed her eyes slightly. "Don't play coy. New Mareland has many griffons of Wingbardian descent, as well as plentiful resources. You already proved your worth in winning the wars across the south, against Abyssinia, and in the North Zebrican War. Though, there was one war you did lose." Celestia ruffled her wings. "As the train was pulling into Karthin I noticed the naval base has fewer ships than initially reported as well. Either you lost more than you were willing to admit against the hippogriffs or perhaps they're patrolling along the coast. Regardless, Aquileia would not look kindly on the southern seas being lost to them."

Giulio gave a scowl. "They have the Empire at their border."

"And the Empire has the Republic at theirs."

"That far north? The Republic has scant resources and industry to threaten the Empire. But, if the Empire was to take Aquileia they would threaten us next." He frowned.

Celestia gave a knowing nod. "You could try to take New Mareland. They've been building, yes, but their focus is not on Griffonia but across to the west. I would suggest, prime minister, that it would be in your best interest to leave New Mareland to itself. Or, perhaps, a mutual agreement would be better."

He raised an eyebrow. "Not an official alliance."

"You would have to speak with Jet Set, he is in charge, but the Wingbardy military has many well experienced veterans, and a strong industrial base. There could, perhaps, be agreements in regards to resources in exchange for assistance."

Beakolini leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. "Yes, because many of New Mareland seek to help retake Equestria from the changelings. Such assistance would not come cheap however."

She straightened up. "It would not. But such pay would have to be delayed until afterwards."

"There is no assurance of victory for you. Why should I consider betting on your side of this conflict?"

Her aurora mane wavered as she shook her head. "I am not asking for Wingbardian boots on the ground. Just training and surplus materials."

His hand waved dismissively. "We have no surplus to spare. Griffonstone is just within our grasp but has eluded us thus far."

"If you take Griffonstone then Aquileia and the Empire will both prepare to take it from you. It would be a bloody war unleashed upon the continent, worse than what Griffonia has already seen. It is the most sacred place for all of griffonkind and all the major contenders would seek it. Wingbardy has lost enough thus far. It would be better to lick your wounds and prepare your defenses."

Beakolini stood up with a scowl. "So we sit around as our enemies gather strength, and for what?"

"I cannot make any promises myself, but if you told Jet Set I made these suggestions he will consider them."


Her horn lit up and she could see he reached for his pistol as she grabbed a map out of her saddlebags and laid it over the desk. "The oceans would be free for Wingbardian ships. Even if New Mareland cannot contest with Aquileia openly their naval power is still nothing to scoff at. They helped keep the changeling navy at bay during the evacuations of Equestria."

Beakolini rubbed his chin with his free hand as he looked it over. "Free seas, preference for trade, all for training your armies and what extra materials we can supply."

Celestia nodded. "New Mareland and Wingbardy both have suffered economically with the fall of the Empire, and its current resurgence has only increased doubt about tomorrow's fortunes."

"You know, Celestia, after all of the stories and news of you and your kind, I am rather surprised that you're so open with dealing with me," he said with a pleased tone.

She clopped a hoof against the ground. "What else can I do? Especially to assure the safety of the ponies of New Mareland, I will deal with whomever I must to try and ensure peace. I could not deal with the changelings like this, but you're a reasonable griffon and I'm a reasonable mare."

He crossed his arms over his chest with a pensive look. "Desperation has proven to bring most anyone to grasp for whatever they can. I am familiar with it."

Celestia returned his look for one of her own for a moment. "Quite,” she quickly recovered, “If that will be all, I must be going. You can communicate with Jet Set about the details." She stood up and turned to walk out.

"Wait, we could set you up with accommodations here until the morning-"

"No, the next train is at midnight and I will not be missing it."

"Then let me get you a train right now."

Celestia looked at him with a raised brow.

Beakolini was already picking up his phone and in an instant was talking to someone on the other line, telling them to ready a train immediately for the alicorn. A bit of clarification, some swearing, and a promise later he hung up the phone.

"Your train will be waiting when you arrive at the station. Do enjoy the rest of your trip, Celestia."

As Celestia settled down for the evening, the brief meeting with Beakolini kept her ill at ease. Worse, his sudden bout of hospitality didn't sit well with her either. That the train had a handful of his Blackwing thugs in each car to keep an eye on her certainly didn't help. The bed was as small as the other train, which was not ideal but she could not help that she was larger than any pony or griffon and had endured worse conditions.

Normally her dreams would pass by quickly, but tonight a memory of the past had risen up from the back of her mind. The sun shone through the haze of icy fog and a teeming mass of undead could be seen in the distance. The soldiers behind her had indistinct faces, so long had it been since she had remembered them that they were nothing more than a mass of bodies like their foes. She tried to speak but no sound came from her. Her eyes narrowed as the sky began to shift from day to night as the undead horde grew closer and closer.

"So this was the end of the war?" a familiar voice asked.

Celestia turned her head to see Luna walking toward her, her hooves stepping on top of the snow. She gave a nod before she turned her sight back to the horizon.

"Most of the war was called The Long Night. It happened independently of what happened in Equestria, but I would not be shocked if it was urged by your fall."

"There is something disturbingly familiar about them. Whom did these undead serve?" Luna said as she stood beside her sister.

"Maar, the griffon god of death. They call him evil, after he had 'cursed' them with self-reflection, to think on what they have done." She turned to look at the smaller alicorn. "What news do you bring?"

Their eyes met and Luna smiled, which warmed her heart.

"Queen Vivienne wishes to meet with me."

That warmth vanished, and Luna saw the look on Celestia's face. "Is something the matter...?"

"I have already spoken with Beakolini, and told him to speak with Jet Set about arranging for trade and military assistance."

There was a deep frown. "I take it you did not seek him out on your own."

"Not exactly, but I had expected to be found out sooner or later. The bearded vulture, I had seen it in Karthin and for some reason I followed after it until I found the Blackwings assaulting a Maarite cult in broad daylight."

Her sister blinked in surprise. “The bearded vulture... And you witnessed the destruction of a cult?” Luna shook her head. “This is not a coincidence. Someone, something, is tracking your progress.”

Celestia looked out at the teeming mass of the undead in her dream and felt a shiver run down her spine.

Luna moved in closer and gently nudged her older sister. “Just what did you speak with Beakolini about exactly?” she asked.

She shook her head a little then shrugged lightly. "As you know, Wingbardy has been testing the border with New Mareland. I just pointed out that Aquileia would not take kindly to him spreading influence so, forcefully. And that Wingbardy had lost a lot in the wars its been in these past few years, what with much of its navy needing repairs after fighting Aris as well as Griffonstone holding out against his armies. So, I directed him to open up talks with Jet Set to see if the path of diplomacy would be more profitable for him. Now, tell me what Aquileia wants."

Her sister scoffed. "I understand you are stressed, sister, but please do not be short with me."

Her ears wilted back and Celestia looked to the ground. "I'm sorry Luna."

"Apology accepted. Now, as for what the queen wants, she has been asking to see me personally. Apparently she wishes to teach me of modern war. Why, I do not know, but she claims she wishes to help. Besides that, as you had asked of Wingbardy she has also offered training and supplies in exchange for port and resource access. With your revelation about Beakolini, I do not think we will be able to wrangle a deal with both and may have to pick one."

"The Karthinian Pact has the greater land border with New Mareland."

"Queen Vivienne is not a fascist and has a robust, modern legal code as well as Aquileia having a history of treating their pony minorities fairly well. Better than New Mareland has treated its griffons."

Celestia raised a brow. "I cannot deny any of that. And Aquileia is in a better position economically than Wingbardy is as well. But the Empire still threatens their border, and if they decide to strike I imagine Beakolini would march from the south to try and take what he could from them as well."

She looked out at the unmoving masses of undead. Her horn lit up and she tested a blast of magic, causing one of the undead to vanish in a puff of smoke.

"I feel like I must do something, Celestia. So, I will meet with the queen. While Jet Set is officially in charge of New Mareland, I wish to do something to help."

"Then go, and hope the meeting is fruitful. Just do not make any promises. And be careful, Queen Vivienne is a clever griffon."

Luna watched as Celestia used her magic to tear through the dream-made facsimiles. It felt like plucking weeds from a garden, less than that, as that had practical purpose to the motion while in the dream it was more about passing the time until it was time to wake.

"Rest well sister, I shall speak with you again after my meeting with the queen."

Celestia didn't respond as Luna shifted out of the dream, leaving her be.