• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2013
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Just a gal writing about gals bein pals


Rarity explores the memories of her wife, Sunset.

To relive all of the little moments that made their life together so special.

And to say goodbye.

An entry to the Spring Fling contest

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )
Posh #1 · Apr 30th, 2023 · · 1 ·

oroboro, more like orobackro

(not to be confused with “orobackrow” which refers to her use of rearmost oars when piloting a small two-person watercraft)

This author just assaulted me with the feels bat.

(It's very good work)

Wait a minute... *Squints at the author...*

Most of the entries have, unsurprisingly, been about the beginnings of relationships, the first intoxicating burst of infatuation made all the headier by adolescence. You've done a brilliant job of capturing everything that comes after, including what happens if "happily ever after" doesn't draw the curtain quickly enough. Outstanding work. Thank you for it, best of luck in the judging, and have fun in the Boiling Isles. :twilightsmile:

I thought "Orobackrow" referred to her spell and trap cards in Yu-Gi-Oh.

Whoops, missed that caveat!

Added it now.

My heart hurts in the saddest, most beautiful way possible. Thank you.

Just finished and this made me bawl SO HARD I'm literally writing this through tears right now. You perfectly captured the bittersweet feeling of reminiscing on those long gone, the emptiness that comes from knowing there'll never be another soul who understands you the way they did. Beautiful work all around.

Dang like the cover art. Does the person have a deviant art account or something perhaps?

The Artist is Sam Rose! I don't know their DA, but they are on the site.

They do great work, and have done coverart for some of my other stories, and also did all the banners for the Sunset Shipping Contests.

In the interest of transparency I'd like to preface this by saying that, as one of the judges for The Spring Fling Contest, my comment being here is not indicative of anyone's chances in the contest.

With that said, this story personally made me feel a lot of things, and I just didn't feel right reading this without letting you know that. I'll have more to say after the judgment period has ended, but for now, I'll keep my words short. Best of luck! :heart:

It's incredibly how hard your stories hit. Thanks for writing this. It landed with a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts.

These lines hit particularly hard.
“There was a time. Early on, after my redemption. Where I just kind of figured I was living on borrowed time."
“You changed her life, you know.”
“I loved her too, you know.”

I haven't seen anyone write Harmony like that, and now I want to know her story.

Huh well in any case thanks

Well, finally got the time to finish this story, And my first story by you, too! Apparently you're quite the figure around here, so I have to check out your other works sometimes.

Anyway, the idea of going across the memory of one's life just before (or after) one's death is a pretty classic idea. I've seen it twice in original novels, one with Starlight and Trixie, one with Applejack and Granny Smith, and probably more that I'm forgetting.

They're all good, but this one's really special. Going across these memories together is unlike anything I've seen before. One would usually just pretend the other's there at most, but them actually sharing final thoughts is more
Both of their characters are feeling real, and seeing their snippets of life are heartwarming because they just are so genuinely happy together. Nothing too much to say about those, I'm just a casual reader and can't really tell how the writing in general is, but I somehow find myself drawn to the extra characters you put in there when they're supposed to be secondary. That…is really saying a lot. Good job.

And the end… I have to say that I didn't expect Rarity to just have casual talk with her, but I'm not surprised. Maybe most would find that good because it means that Rarity is actually accepting this like she's still there or something, but to me it's actually because I think about doing that one day, quite a lot, too. I was always a pretty accepting person, and I always find the quickest way out of loss and find a way to move on without truly forgetting things. I literally imagined going to the graves someday, lean against my friends and family's tombstones and look up to the Sunny skies, chatting about my life and imagining what they would say. Smiling at the same time. So yeah, this is tremendously relatable. Like the ending, and like their life. Surely she'll find happiness again soon. She still have friends, after all.

Thanks for the tale, cheers to love, Equestria and creativity, and hope to see you again.

Oh geez. Oh wow oh geez oh dear oh my oh holy shit this story.

This story takes the notion of walking through memories – certainly a familiar one, between the likes of A Christmas Carol, It’s a Wonderful Life, and many others – and gives it that extra punch of sheer heartbreak. Rarity isn’t walking through Sunset’s mind to learn a lesson, or see how things could have been, or change/prevent an outcome; all those things are now moot. Sunset’s already gone, and all Rarity has left is to scramble through what remains of Sunset’s mind in a desperate, agonized effort to find closure for a relationship that should have gone on so much longer.

I was in awe at the way this story carries readers through this journey through Sunset and Rarity’s relationship, in a way that balances fond, heartwarming memories with devastating emotional blows. There’s a somberness throughout, established by the knowledge of what has already happened, but it lands even harder in moments when you get to moments like “The Break”, years they spent apart that now, for Rarity, feel even more wasted. And having Harmony as an entity masquerading as Sunset, but, by its own admission, not her, deepens that pain all the more, with Rarity knowing that whatever peace she can find this way, it won’t be with her actual wife.

And the choice to have so these memories solely taken from mundane moments really helps reinforce the realness and rawness of the story. Rarity and Sunset’s life wasn’t a set of picturesque, cinematic moments, despite the adventures of their youth and as much as Rarity might object to the lack of days she worked so hard to stage; it was defined in the real, the lived. And that final memory, of the two of them “existing together in comfortable silence,” just really nails it. Cue the waterworks.

This story had me ugly-sobbing. It is brilliant in its command of emotion, and in capturing the pain Rarity experiences as all her stages of grief crash into each other. Thank you so much for writing and submitting this, and I’m truly honored to have had a hand in inspiring you to craft this masterpiece.

yeah alright that fucked me up

This is so perfect, so wonderful. Exploring all those memories, everything being so inconsequential in the moment and meaning the world later on. I've had that with my girlfriend, those wonderful small notes. I hope I and her, and you and your husband, get as many years as possible.

Forgive me for taking a few days to finally follow through with this. I'll also preface this by saying I am sorry for how personal this may get.

God. This story. Even now, nearly three weeks since I read it, it still gives me so many feelings and emotions, I almost get overwhelmed just thinking about it. Fetching specifics to talk about is not just difficult—it's navigating an emotional minefield.

Every single time I go back into this story, if I read even just a little bit of it, it threatens to bring me to tears (in fact, while I was typing this, it did yet again), and that's after it has made me a sobbing wreck on more than one occasion. The fact that this got me so good the first time through is already a shining mark of quality, but the fact that it continues to get me—even after reading through it multiple times—should really emphasize how good this is.

I just love every place this fic goes. Watching Sunset and Rarity's relationship bloom into full blown romance, feeling their regret when the reminisce on the time they missed out on, and the celebration of the mundanity at the end of their time together, right before it was cut short by something as cruel as it mundane itself. Despite their extraordinary lives, they're not exempt from the age-old adage: here today, gone tomorrow.

There are a lot of specifics about this that really get to me, too. Sunset's dialog here cuts so much deeper than I can convey without getting too deep into my own personal life:

I’d been coasting through life. Following you, only living in the moment. The fact that I didn’t have dreams like you, goals, and ambitions like yours made me feel pretty worthless. And I knew if I didn’t figure out something soon, you would realize that, and move on.”

“There was a time. Early on, after my redemption. Where I just kind of figured I was living on borrowed time. That it was all too good. It wasn’t like I wanted to die, I just kind of expected it would happen sooner rather than later, and I accepted that.”

“Eventually I learned to really live, for you, for myself, for everyone. That it wasn’t about dreams or accomplishing things, just the time I spent with the people I love. And now… nothing.

These were not the only moments like this, but these shook me the most. Bits and pieces like this allowed me to see my own marriage in this. That's probably a big reason I connected with this story so much. That, and all the abject anxiety it inspires about the future—not knowing how I would persist if I lost the love of my life, how unfair I know it would all feel, and how powerless I'd feel in the grand scheme of things—things that keep me up at night. Things no one ever wants to think about until they absolutely have to. Things one can only hope they don't have to think about any time in the near future.

I would love to continue to wax rhapsodic and bloviate about every single thing this fic did right for me, but I'm already going on a bit too much, and I need to step away before I become an emotional wreck (haha just kidding I already am). Every word of this story has so much heart put into it, and all of it hurts so good. Congrats on the second prize victory; this was actually my personal favorite entry of the entire contest, and it's now one of my favorite fics of all time. Thank you so much for making and sharing this. :heart:

This was really sweet. All the moments were saw were nice snapshots of their relationship and everyone felt perfectly in character even years after where we last saw them. Sunset not caring for the wedding itself was especially a nice touch.

This is so bittersweet, such a reminder of mortality. <heart>

I’d been coasting through life. Following you, only living in the moment. The fact that I didn’t have dreams like you, goals, and ambitions like yours made me feel pretty worthless. And I knew if I didn’t figure out something soon, you would realize that, and move on.”

“There was a time. Early on, after my redemption. Where I just kind of figured I was living on borrowed time. That it was all too good. It wasn’t like I wanted to die, I just kind of expected it would happen sooner rather than later, and I accepted that.”

“Eventually I learned to really live, for you, for myself, for everyone. That it wasn’t about dreams or accomplishing things, just the time I spent with the people I love. And now… nothing.

Oh dear, dear me, holy shit, I haven't cried this much since "The Gift" by Harmony Pie and that one "Days Gone By" PMV about the Apple family and I don't even ship this.

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