• Member Since 29th Feb, 2016
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just a fox doing foxy things

Comments ( 84 )

Hero's and villains

The correct pluralization of "hero" is "heroes"; the word "hero's" is a possessive indicating something belonging to a hero.

Will fix, thanks

With a few bounds, I was moving with an ease that would make one think that I had always had this shape. The distant sounds of animals going about their lives echoing throughout the trees. “Well forest, show me what you’ve got, I’ve always loved a challenge.”

Never provoke fate

Exactly. And foxes are supposed to be smart too. The same should apply to kitsunes.

ohh baby I am ready for this, I wanna see were this goes! cheers man this was a great start I can't wait for the next chapter.

Found two errors;
"It a small bark of excitement I began pulling things out of the bag."
I believe this should have; "With a small bark"
" I was large a bear."
I think our Protag is saying, he's as large as a bear? I believe so.

With that done, I want to say, this is a lot better in terms of premise and interest. I look forward to what you have in stock next.
You've given in your authors note a bit on the why the ponies aren't goodie two shoes, and that is fine. I don't mind them not being the good guys for once. But I want to hear your take on the why, and the how.

Now I'm wondering how Spike is being treated, or how the poor guy is viewed. Maybe something that can be used?
There is a lot of possibility here, and the only advice I have gotten for myself that I will share, is patience. Patience specifically with yourself. That's all I can say.

I feel like I’ve talked with you before, author. I was probably named “Newbie” at the time if that rings a bell. If I’m right, then glad to see this back, and the first chapter reminded me of our conversation. If not, then sorry for the bother.

Hi, thank you for your input. I fixed the first error but I think I might be blind as I can't find the second, I can't actually find where I mentioned a bear at all, can you tell me which paragraph it is.

Well, I can't find it either, but I swear it was there man.

Well, I'm sure someone will find it again.

Glad to see a rewrite however I am unsure how to feel bout the hermaphrodite thing, I remember your old one had him as just a male witch I liked. When you gender bend the MC or the like it always seems off to me. Don’t get me wrong imma still read it, just hope I don’t see that stated to often and if we do get chapters that has that as the main focus I hope I’ll be able to skip it over if not we’ll I can power through, I enjoyed the original story for I love a good kitsune MC in the MLP universe it always brings quite the tale.

Anyways, all my words here aren’t meant to offend or anything of the like so please I hope none of you take it as such and I do hope to see the next chapter relatively soon.

He/she was a hermaphrodite in the original too, it's not mentioned till the third chapter however and it's rather brief, the lack of detailed descriptions was part of the reason I decided a rewrite this in the first place, though at the moment the main character hasn't had a real need to change from he/him pronouns. Similarly, the subject of his name hasn't come up for the same reason. However, as time passes and he begins to experiment with his ability as a kitsune he might begin to change.

The original thinking behind the hermaphroditism was the fact that this character is somewhat of a self-insert in the light of the fact that he thinks a lot like how I do. With me being relatively gender neutral and Kitsune being natural shapeshifters I reasoned that his natural shifting would probably settle somewhere in between male and female hence him being dual-gendered.

Also, as a side note say what you will, I don't get offended easily, and as long as you're not being purposely insulting I'll generally take most comments with good humor.

This is going to be fun. *smiles like a kitsune, while snickering*

Ah, I don’t remember that in the original but who am I to argue with the author. Anyways point still stands, can’t wait to see the next chapter.


Though the existence of the magical rabbit did foreshadow the likelihood that there was other magical beast in this forest. I was large a bear I could try my luck with, but a pack of dire wolves or worse a Badger or wolverine. No thanks, I liked my testicles where they were thank you.

9th paragraph from the end.

Also, watch out. That could be I'jin

Already like it a lot and welcome back. Hope to see more in the near or distant future. :pinkiehappy:

Poison joke that will be interesting to see what happens to a herm Kitsune. Looking forward to what happens next.

Probably immune as one of the last lines was “familiar even”

Fluttershy will be like: FuCk nO wHy Can YOu gUY bE fRiEnd?

Foxy eats meat.🦊🔪🐷🔥🍖😋:fluttercry:

And I couldn’t, despite my rather sudden change in shape and gender any attempt to impose my old form using a memory simply changed the memory to seem as if I had always had this shape. That time I caught my first fish, I had used my tails to hold the rod, not my hands, despite me knowing I was human at the time. The memory of that one family picture everyone takes, I logically knew I was human when it was taken but the image I recalled had a kitsune in that group of blurred faces.

is he a girl or a boy

He is a hermaphrodite, it means he's currently both.

Four words: Harry the grizzly bear!

This first contact is better than most fanfics are already.

I hope we got to see less of the element bearers, those guys in season 1 are something else.

Or just killed them off, I don't expected the protaganist is going to forgive them easily with how much pain he felt. The direction this story is going, the protaganist looked like he's going to fit well with non-pony cast like gilda or ember.

Awww how sweet of the forest to help him.

A part of me wondered why I never got hot or cold. It wasn't for lack of trying on the world's part, the forest changed in temperature with a rhythm I couldn't perceive, being able to use my breath in one part and walking a hundred feet only to realize I could probably cook an egg on a stone was jarring. Likewise, the humidity was strange as well with parts being dryer than Cleopatra's cunt and others dripping more water than the Congo. The way I figured it, I was probably in fantasy Australia.

Hey, the MC is in fantasy Whitsundays

Welp I'm interested

FINALLY! I love the fanfics where the ponies are actually the bad guys but are full of racist "We're the good guys" crap. Do you think he could go across the ocean and visit some of the other lands and help them regain their pre-pony might? Also does the unknown west exist in your story? And as a side note; Screw Equestria!

Wow his first encounter with the ponies didn't go so well. Sounds like he's going to have to make them see reason from a position of strength. That lightning would have taken him out if not for that armor I imagine. Looks like he's got his work cut out for himself if he's going to get them to see past their ignorant xenophobic ways.

This has been a wonderful story to read so far! Looking forward to the next chapter!

I don't want to stop reading but I have to because the chapter is over. . . Da*n you continuity, I want to read the whole thing now. >~<

Confusing... was that a dream sequence or everfree's magic?

He dosen't know, I glad it was confusing though, it was supposed to be.

Well he's definitely special if that many high power beings sensed him lol but why didn't celestia?

She did notice. She also ordered him hunted by the extermination guild. It is possible she didn’t put his sudden appearance in Ponyville and the burst of power together.

Ah ok sry I didn't realize


In a rather impressive display of agility, I curled my body so that I could look under myself, I still had Male bits, though much to my shock a bit of probing about with a tail revealed that I was a Hermaphrodite.

This one sentence answers your question whether you mean past or present, at least in the biological sense. As a human he was male. As a kitsune he's a hermaphrodite, as in both male and female.

Again, that's biological. If you're referring to gender identity, logically one would think he identifies as male given his initial relief that his family jewels had not been stolen. However, it becomes less certain when you consider that his memories associated with his identity have all been altered to be as though he's always been a hermaphroditic nine-tailed kitsune.

the creature had proven to be willing to cause harm.

He tried to go back to the forest. Stupid ponies followed and harassed him all the way there. In particular, Sundial got exactly what was coming to her. What was he supposed to do? Smile and roll over to expose his chest for the nice pony to stick a sword into?

Comment posted by bluerock66 deleted Jul 9th, 2023

So, this is basically like any other Isekai novel, but the ponies took role of stupid fantasy human empire instead?

a classic trope that can be fun if used right

i look forward to the possiblity of more

Whatever software you are using for writing this is making a lot of autocorrect errors. Other than those you write pretty well, and definitely have me engaged with the story. I'm absolutely curious where this will go.

Odd. Never got notification of this update:rainbowhuh:... Well, time to read now:rainbowwild:

I couldn’t help but stare dumbly at the letter as it began to smolder before being consumed in a flash of blue flames. I couldn’t help but feel a bit of dread, I played role-playing games. I knew what it meant when the game master starts with a set of powerful magical items, and who the fuck was CG, the fucking chaos gods?

Or perhaps something worse. A musician

Taking a minute to think I eventually concluded that I either had a regeneration factor of some kind or the blue flowers had healing properties. A general examination of where I was lying told me that the wounds had persisted for a while after I had passed out. The area was seeped with blood and the smell hung heavy in the air. Slightly disturbed I also noted that the flowers that were near it seemed to be healthier and taller than the rest. Had they absorbed the blood somehow and gotten stronger?

Are they a bonfire replacement

Here's hoping that the griffins, dragons and dogs, and most likely many others, get their Justice. Harmony and Friendship are not 'pony-only' things.

Love this story! Keep up the AWESOME work.

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