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Years had passed since the defeat of Sombra, Chrysalis, and Tirek by the brave trio of Ghoul Tender Taps, Cozy Glow, and StarGazer. The land of Equestria had finally found peace and tranquillity, and the friends had moved on with their lives.

Ghoul Tender Taps and Cozy Glow, now married, lived together in a Cozy cottage at the edge of Ponyville. They had embraced their newfound happiness and shared extraordinary adventures with their friends. Together, they had brought harmony to their world and became symbols of hope and friendship.

In the midst of their joyful lives, a small bundle of joy entered their lives. Their son, Wisp, was born with a mesmerizing ethereal coat, reminiscent of the twinkling night sky. Everypony in Ponyville marvelled at his beauty, fascinated by the mix of magic flowing through his veins.

Wisp possessed the boundless energy of his mother and the unwavering determination of his father. He was a charming and mischievous little colt, always finding new ways to astonish those around him. Ghoul Tender Taps and Cozy Glow cherished every moment they spent with their son, watching him grow and learn about the magic of friendship.

Meanwhile, StarGazer had moved to Canterlot, following his dreams of becoming a member of the Royal Guard. With his unwavering dedication and exceptional skills, he quickly rose through the ranks, proving himself to be a valuable asset to Princess Twilight.

As a member of the Royal Guard, StarGazer protected Canterlot and upheld the values of friendship, harmony, and justice. His extraordinary abilities, coupled with his unique blend of pony and changeling heritage, made him a formidable opponent for any threat that dared to disturb the peace of Equestria.

Though StarGazer was strong and courageous, his heart yearned for his friends and the adventures they shared. He felt a deep longing to reconnect with Ghoul Tender Taps, Cozy Glow, and their son, Wisp. Despite the distance between them, their bond of friendship remained unbroken.

One day, a disturbance broke the tranquillity of Canterlot. An ancient artifact, rumoured to hold unimaginable power, had been stolen from the Royal Vault. The theft threatened to unleash chaos upon the land, and StarGazer was called upon to help recover the artifact and restore harmony once more.

The stolen artifact, previously a treasured relic, had fallen into the hands of a group of terrorists who had turned it into a dangerous weapon. The situation had escalated rapidly, and the repercussions could spell disaster for all of Equestria if the weapon were to be utilized. Princess Twilight, aware of StarGazer's special abilities and unwavering loyalty, sent him on this vital mission to retrieve the artifact and eliminate the threat.

Author's Note:

Yes! hello! I'm still alive and writing fan fics I hope you enjoy this as much as did writing it