• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 51 minutes ago


I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


(Loosely based on "Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore")

On her way to work with her smoothie cart one morning, Sunny happens to bump into Sprout and notices that he's looking rather unhappy. Soon, she begins to feel like she's unintentionally forgotten all about him, and so has everypony else.

Determined to cheer Sprout up and make him happy again, Sunny convinces her friends to join with her to give Sprout a surprise birthday party. But they'll have to be quick, because Sprout's birthday is only a few days away!

Can Sunny and her friends get everything ready in time for Sprout's big day?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

very nice. i love it!

Sprout is such an interesting character, in my opinion

That was a sweet and enjoyable read. Hopefully we get an episode like this either in Make Your Mark or Tell Your Tale.

FYI The cover pic art is by Malarkey. You can find them on twitter and derpibooru.


I've often said that nopony can be uncheered with a balloon.

So it was that Sunny was on her way to work with her smoothie cart, towing it along behind her as she roller skated through time with a smile on her face and a spring in her step. It was still funny for her to think that most ponies barely noticed her, unless she happened to transform into an alicorn.

Which it was pretty rough when I saw that in the episode

"Of course you didn't," A familiar masculine sounding voice replied in an indifferent tone of voice. "Hardly anypony seems to notice me anymore. You stir up one angry mob, and suddenly it's like you're a ghost."

Which it was pretty weird that Hasbro completely forgot about him which I don't understand they should give him a little bit more story

Zipp's eyes narrowed as her wings unfolded to either side. "Funny, from what Hitch has told us, you and Sprout never seemed to get along. You were always fighting, even more than your parents did."

Yeah even from your younger years you guys really don't see eye two eye

Izzy excitedly chimed in. "I wanna help too! I've been longing for a chance to do some more crafting and unicycling!" Then she giggled. "Plus, birthday parties always have cake, and ice cream and party games. Those are always a blast!"

Of course you'll be very excited Izzy but hey I'm actually glad you want to help out

Hitch shook his head from side to side. "After that time I thought he got dragonnapped, I'm taking no chances!" He firmly vowed! "As Sparky's dragon dad, it's my responsibility to make sure he stays safe. If it means having to clean up a few messes he makes, then that's what I'll do. That's what any responsible pony parent should do."

I like the dedication you're making hitch

This story felt pretty meta. Sprout feeling forgotten and ignored is very fitting considering how he fell off the radar after the movie. And Sunny and her friends are like the fans who keep reminding themselves he's still around. But still, this is exactly the recognition he needs! Nice work!

The pink pegasus princess' face flushed with shame. "Oh, I didn't know that. No wonder Sprout's so close to his mother. I guess that's something he and Sunny have in common," Her voice took on a slightly mournful tone as she added. "And they're not the only ones," She was quick to change the subject. "So, what are the others getting him?"

Yeah we also kind of question about pipp and Zipp Father and hitches parents and izzy parents and sunny mother as well I wonder what happened to them all

Sparky, for his part, just lay down in his nest. The little dragon deciding it best to get some rest while he waited for his papa to finish up his task. Suddenly, he felt something cold and metal brush up against his scales. It didn't really hurt, but the sensation was unexpected and caused him to let out a faint yelp!

It's a good thing he has thick scale or that would definitely would hurt so much

Izzy was finding it surprisingly easy to get into her crafting and decorating mojo at Canterlogic. The entire interior of the building was like one big blank canvas to her. With the aid of her magic and her nimble hoofwork, she was stringing streamers, banners and ribbons in every nook and cranny. It sure was a good thing Sprout didn't come around here that much anymore, otherwise this surprise wouldn't be much of a surprise.

Izzy definitely has the Pinkie Pie touch especially with that Talent

Well I will say this is a pretty nice story so sunny noticing sprout which he really doesn't expected that to happen since he's always been ignored and basically forgotten by everybody and sunny felt really bad about that so she told her friends they want to do something for Sprouts but then hitch mentioned that his birthday is coming up so perfect timing so everybody got to work to figure out what to do and there was some ups and downs but other than that towards the end it looked like it turned out pretty well because sprouts really enjoyed his birthday for once in his lifetime and Sunny wants to tell him that they still want to be friends even if she has new friends now they don't have to lose that connection even though they has some mixed feelings with each other but she still wants to make it work which sprouts accepted it this was a pretty good story I kind of wish that Hasbro explore his character a bit more after the new generation but anyway this was pretty good keep up the good work

Great work on this one-shot. Definitely appreciate the effort going into the exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up. And, yeah, really good inspiration from "Winnie the Pooh" (back before some jerks felt like it was a great idea to turn a character what was originally intended to be an embodiment of childhood innocence into a slasher movie villain and fodder for R-rated black comedy just because they legally can now [while not the ultimate jerk move, it still has to be among the top/bottom ten]). Not much more I can say that other reviewers haven't already said better, but I'll still be looking forward to more of your work.

One of the only major issues I have with ANG is that they never finished his arc. Hopefully the series will give him a proper conclusion.

11580134 I get the feeling that the video game "A Maretime Bay Adventure" is meant to be his redemption arc. But if so it has a lot of confusing plot holes regarding when it's supposed to take place.

This is wholesome

Sprout has alot of potential and it sucks how they are wasting it.
Same for Sparky(as in not being a plot device)

This was a touching story and I was glad to read that Sunny's friends were willing to extend a hoof in friendship to Sprout. I, too, think Sprout is a character worth exploring and giving some depth to his backstory. Great job once more.:scootangel:

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