• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 31 minutes ago

Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...


Comments ( 34 )

OMG its out!! It thought it'd be a while till it came out!!!

MC Skat Kat enters the chat.

truly a crackship to outshine them all

honestly would found it more believable, if zephyr had no idea who she was, like he just slept through the entire invasion, so he just hit on her completely oblivious to who she is, and him treating her like a normal mare what start tempest initial attraction to him

i could see Tempest and zephyr ship actually working


Twins, and before marriage. How scandalous.

You know it's good when someone downvotes every single comment! :rainbowlaugh:

Have you considered writing an anthro futa Tempest story, with her and Twilight? There are bafflingly few of those on the site!

I wouldn't be opposed to writing that!



I think a Tempest/Party Favor fic would work where he has an Otacon-Sniper Wolfesque crush on her, and she thinks he's kind of sweet when he gives her a balloon animal and tells her to be careful with this one. Or a balloon flower.

Well, that was a pairing I didn't know I'd enjoy reading about. Thank you for the good food!

Damn Dash, you're kind of a bitch. Just be happy he's not after you anymore... unless that's a problem for you:moustache:

Fluttershy's the older sister Zephyr Breeze is the younger sibling. Loving the story one of the bests I've read.

Is it just me or anyone noticed this? Majority of Tempest ships ( if she is not futa ) are with Zephy ar Twi?

there also prince blueblood which i find more surprising

Neat story, great job on it!

Do you do commissions, or is this something in your future? :D

I do, but I'm extremely busy at the moment

Not gonna lie.

I was honestly expecting Tempest to zap Rainbow.

This was a great first chapter. An odd pairing but one I'm invested in.

This was a very romantic-adorable chapter.

This was an amazing story, I really loved that scene where Tempest stands up for Zephyr against RD. If this ever got a sequel I would definitely read that.

Just a question, before I read it... why would you pick Zephyr of all ponies to wind up in a relationship with Tempest. He is the biggest waste of horse flesh I've ever laid eyes on simply because he's a lazy SOB who mooched off his family for YEARS because "it's too hard" to be grown up and live your own life. I'm surprised he had a cutie mark in something other than being lazy.

Hot, possibly contentious take

I feel like Zephyr gets a lot of heat because people see themselves or what they could have been in him. He's afraid of failure, realizes he's wasted a lot of his life, and he hasn't accomplished much, but he, like any of us, has potential. Not sure if you've read the comics, but he's given a decent bit of development in them.

I haven't read the comics because I've never had the money to get them. The only bit of Zephyr I've ever seen is the lazy, arrogant, waste of space I used to be when I was younger.

He gets better
The whole arrogant thing is a ruse
He's trying to act like he's hot shit because he knows he isn't

I still think there are plenty of better choices for Tempest than him. It's Tempest. She could have a harem of mares at her beck and call.

While this is true, there are elements to him she finds unique

If the first chapter doesn't pique your interest, feel free to give it a pass

Damn good story! I was surprised how well you turned what seems like a crack-ship into a legit, believable romance. I guess the only unbelievable part is Zephyr’s inexplicable skill in bed. Come on — he’s Zephyr. He should have some fault!

Oh, and I feel like the whole Rainbow Dash thing isn’t fully resolved yet. Sequel: Rainbow, annoyed as all get-out at seeing Zephyr find love before her, rushes to get her own coltfriend, and arranges to ‘accidentally’ schedule a date where she’s sure to cross paths with Zephyr & Tempest. They’re polite to a fault, but Rainbow resorts to increasingly brazen, desperate attempts to show how passionate she is with her hapless stallion she only met yesterday. This ignites a bit of competitive spirit in Tempest, and she starts to show off a bit of public display of affection too. They get so wrapped up in competition that they inadvertently end up getting carried away into full-on sex in front of each other and everypony else. And they only remember their audience after it’s over. Rainbow’s coltfriend scrambles away in shame, but Zephyr sticks with Tempest, despite the embarrassment. And that’s when Rainbow finally has to admit that the other two really do have something special going on. And awkwardly congratulates them. And then she has to go find her ‘stud’ so she can break up with him, lol.

Edit: and for extra challenge points, tell the whole story from the perspective of a bystander watching the whole thing happen, one who has no idea what’s going on here and is equal parts outraged and aroused by this lewd interruption to Canterlot daily life.

Funny you should mention Dash

There's a sequel in the works where she makes a return appearance

He’d never been the sort of stallion to go after strong, domineering mares,

Except for Rainbow Dash:rainbowderp:

Just poking a bit of fun. I'm enjoying the story and will definitely keep reading.

Kinda have to agree with you there. Though the comedic "Love at first sight" is pretty nice too.

“It’s a diversion tactic!” he blurted.

Okay this one made me laugh out loud. Nice.

You didn't really play up their different personalities and attitudes that much. Also Tempest is a mare who has trouble being vulnerable around others and talking about her feelings.

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