• Published 18th Apr 2023
  • 817 Views, 6 Comments

Equestrian Girls: The Dark Knight - Kamen rider accel 2

In the night they fear me, In the streets they know my name. They know I'm watching as I am in the shadows. I am Vengeance!

  • ...

Chapter 1: The Dark Knight

At the night of the hour were people are down to sleep. No one is up in this time of night as the streets were empty like no one exists. At the dock area of the night there were some men standing armed around the ware house of the place. Inside, There were also some men keeping guard as two people were seen sitting at the table and were in a meeting.

"You sure that you were able to get the shipment send to our dealer." The men asked the other one as he wore a business suite and was wearing heavy jewelry in his hands. The other wore a thug type clothes as he had a scar going down his left eye. He smirked and snapped his fingers as one of his men brought a stuff teddy bear. He then pulled out his knife and cut open the bear taking out a bag full of white pills.

"Davy, You don't trust me do ya." The thug asked in fake hurt toon." I told you I could be able to do it. 500 shipment of heroin all discised as these little stuffed bears. My men highjacked the boat shipment area and took care of the smuggling with out being caught. The one who saw them in the act. Well let's just say they're now sleeping with the sharks right now." He said in sinister toon as he had to remorse for the people he killed.

"Good, Let's keep it that way Jack. I don't want any one finding out about the drug rain or anything. The last thing I want is the news and people questioning me on, Why I was exchanging the illegal drug to other countries in secret."

"I know, I was paid to keep this a secret you know. But I don't get paid enough for letting this not be heard to anyone with a higher price." Jack told him with a little smug look.

"You wouldn't dare!" He snapped while getting up as jack put his hands Infront of him in defence."Wow, easy there. What I meant was, There are some people who want me to do a bit more of the 'Illegal smuggling', See people want a bit more then just booze or Drugs or steroids." He told him as the man sat back down.

"What are you getting at with this?" question the dealer as he looked at him.

"You see we-" Jack was cut off when the warehouse lights were cit off."What the? Hey go check the fuse box to see if it didn't blow up or something!" He ordered one of his men as he took out a flashlight and looked around to see.

The man went through the halls and reached the power junction box. He opened to see what's wrong and found the cause of it. He saw a metal shrunken on the wires that were cut off with it. The weird part was it was shaped like a bat.

He felt something from behind and gasped in shock and looked around quickly to find the intruder. But was cut off when a dark figure in the shadows got him. The man had no time to panic as last he saw was darkness.

"What's taking him so long?!" Jack was getting impatient as he waited long enough."Hey you go check on him, He's taking way to long!" He ordered another man as he went off.

"I don't think it's the electricity problem." He looked back to see his dealer in dread as he started to sweat heavily as he gulped. It was like he seen a ghost." I think he is hear."

"You really think that a man in a bat costume rooming the night at the street of Canterlot would come hear. He must be a complete idiot to think of."


He stopped as he heard a scream making the others alerted on guard."Shit! Its him! He's hear and coming for us!" The man panicked as he got up."Get me out of hear before he gets me!"

"Shit up will yah! He won't come hear. We got our men hear and out. They'll deal with him before he even tries to get to us. So get back and relax." Jack reassure his dealer but he had a bit of doubt.

Suddenly a figure ran in the darkness in quick speed as he attacked the men who were trying to see. Then soon they heard grunting and voices of there men. This got jack to go on flight mode as he suddenly felt dread.

"Open fire in that direction Now!" He ordered as the guards fired there shots in the darkness at the figure. They kept firing as the bangs made lights in the dark showing the figure avoiding the shots in some superhuman speed as it couldn't make out well. The figure attacked the shooters taking them out one by one as they fired aimlessly in fright now.

"I'm getting out of hear! I don't want that freak coming at me now! You deal with this," The dealer shouted as he made a break for it.

"Hey get back hear!" But he was already gone as jack looked to see that there were no more firing and the men weren't there. He got back in fear as he started to breath heavily. He wiped out his hand gun and aimed it Infront as his hands were shacking violently. He then heard a voice from behind as he turned around and opened fired.


He screamed as he fired the shots and soon ran out of bullets. He looked to see there was no one there and the shots were fired at nothing."COME ON! SHOW YOUR SELF!... WERE ARE YOU!" He shouted.

"Right Hear." He quickly looked behind to see a figure in a bat type mask before he received a punch in the face knocking him out.

The man ran as fast as he could as he existed the warehouse. He looked around to see the guards were all knocked. He quickly ran to his car and took out his keys. But in the process of hurrying up he dropped them. He mentally cursed as he picked them up and looked back at the car. Only to see the figure standing behind him when he looked at the window. He turned around and was grabbed from the shirt and dragged away.

"Ahhh! Let me go please! I don't know what you want!" The man desperately said as he was grabbed by his leg and was being hung down from to of the warehouse.

The figure in question was revealed to be a man who looked at the age of teen, But He had well build up body and wore an all grey and black body suit with a mask with long pointy ears that were like a bat and it only showed his mouth and he had white small lenses on his eye holes. He wore dark gloves that went back to his arms and had spikes on them. He also had a yellow belt around his waist that hold his things and dark bat type symbol on his chest plate and wore a dark cape completing his look as it gave fear to the Enemies.

"Davis Grant!" He spoke in deep menacing voice that was low and cold almost like it was of a machine, this brought chills to the spine."You were supplying illegal drugs to the other gang markets and have been said to ship them in hospitals disguised as vaccines. Give me the names of the buyers and the places you sold them to. Now!"

"I- I don't know Ok! I was just told to distribute them among the higher bitters,The man told me to do this! He gave me top money to execute the program!" Davis yelled in fear.

"Who told you!" He demanded

"I can't, I can't tell!"

"That wasn't a request." He soon let go of the man's leg making him fall down as he screamed. He soon was stopped from reaching down below as a rope was attached to his legs. He was pulled up again and was now again at the figures hand." Now talk or I'll let go, and this time there be no rope."

"OK! OK! His name was Eduardo, Eduardo Dorrance! He's a crime boss of the down town area. He gave me the job to send and distribute these drugs around the other countries as he told me it's for an experiment of his! He threatened me to do this or he'll leak my company's secrets to the news! This is all I know, I swear to God This is all I know!" He cried in fright as the figure looked at him.

"Good to know. But you forgot to add one small thing." The figure told him." You never mentioned that you substituted it to the orphanage did you." The man eyes widen.
"Who Are You?!"

"I'm Vengeance," He then delivered a punch to the face knocking his lights out.

Hours later police cars were parked at the ware house as many police men were investigating the crime scene. The detective of the police squad just came out of the car to see the damage. He had pale white skin as well as dark blue hair. His blue eyes scanned the area seeing the damage around.

He went towards his partner who arrived first at the crime scene as he had a look of serious and annoyed face, He was a middle age man who had gained a bit of wait over the past years and wore a grey trench coat and a hat. He was smoking a cigar right now to ease his stress.

"Mind telling me on what happened hear Thomas? Had a night out with my wife and family till I got a call late in the hour saying to there was a... Drug deal going on hear." The detective asked his partner who gave him a look.

"Well, You got the gist of what happened don't ya armor." Thomas told with annoyed toon in his voice."The station got an anonymous tip saying there was a deal in this ware house. The police arrived at the scene of the crime only to find out it was taken care of for us."

"And waht happened to the dealers?"

"You tell me.... Found one knocked and tied with his goons. The second one was tied up side down the warehouse roof as he was also knocked out. When we went to wake them up they had a look of fear in them as like they scene a ghost or something." He explained to him. Them he looked back at the warehouse again."You think it was the Batman who did this."

"There is no batman, Ok." Shining armor clarified as he didn't believe in the weird stuff."Were just dealing with some one who went over his head, Thinking he could take the law in his own hands and do anything."

"If it was a month before this and if anyone had told me that there was a Vigilante who dresses like a bat and fight crime. I would have said it was a simple lie and laughed it off.... But now, I'm not sure on this Shining. The Batman guy took down some major gang the last few days and got a name for him self."

"If his doing a good thing, Then he would go by the law instead of acting as a wannabe hero. We police man do our job seriously to keep the people safe." Shining explained to his partner dead serious."it's our job to bring down this lunatic behind bars." He went in to the crime scene and went inside the ware house.

He checked around the ware house to find any other clues on what really happened as he suddenly felt something metallic down on his foot. He looked down and picked it up to find it was a shuriken shaped like a bat. This just made his doubt of this batman go down even more. He pocketed the shuriken in his pocket and went out. He promised to bring this man to justice.

It was morning time in Canterlot City as the streets were now busy with people around. They were minding there own business as they went on with there day. At a certain house know as the Sparkle house an alarm was beeping high.





"Uhhhhhh...." The figure in bed groaned as it went to shout it down finally pressing the snooze button of the alarm clock. The figure grabbed a shades of glasses as it got up to reveal a girl no older then teen years. She had purple skin and dark violet hair and had a purple line going down her hair. She put on the glasses as she got out of bed. Her name is Twilight sparkle.

She got up from bed and slowly walked to the bathroom moving away from the things on the floor she doesn't wanna crush. She then reached the bathroom and went in freshing her self up for the morning day. Finally after being done she now wore her school uniform of Crystal Prep and went down stairs where her family was eating breakfast.

"Morning Honey, Did you have well sleep last night." Twilight Velvet asked her daughter as she got down.

"Yes mom, Just had to finish the night school assignment and do quick check on my previous work that I been doing these past few days." She explained while sitting down.

"Your project, meaning Something is gonna blow up in your room again and we have to call the fire brigade like last time." Her little brother spike reminds her making her look at him annoyed."Hey don't look at me like that. You were the one who grunted that the lawn more would be fixed with no problem so we didn't have to buy a new one."

"It was just a miscalculation, That's all ok!" Twilight got annoyed.

"Tell it to the carpet and the walls." He deadpanned.

"Spike stop bullying your sister."His dad schooled his son as he simply nodded."But any way, How is your job hunt going on right now dear?"

"Its harder then it looks... Where company I go to they say I'm underage and won't accept me there until I'm at least 17 years old. That would take about 2 years for me to get one job."

"Why do you even need a job right now. Doesn't mom and dad already have a job at running the Canterlot Research Center. Can't you go there for your job hunt." Spike suggested to her sister while turning to the TV at the dining hall.

"I already went there first! But mom and dad told me that I still had a bit of learning to do before I could qualify to the company." She told looking at her parents who were giving her the look."Twilight Honey. We told you your still young and don't have the fully grasp to work in the company yet. You have to earn your scholarship first and gain some experience on marketing and leading a company. Then you'll be ready to work there."

"Were just doing what its best for you dear. Beside your still at school so it's a good thing then. Enjoy your child hood and work on your confidence, Like other kids do these days." Night light told her as she signed at that."Dad, how many times I told you. That I'm not like other kids these days. I like to see and understand things to the fullest. It also mean I-"

"Shush Now!" Spike quickly shushed her sister as he grabbed the remote and turned the volume up the TV as the TV showed the news.

= Last night attack. It was found that Davis Grant, The owner of the Doll manufacturing company was caught smuggling Drugs inside Teddy bears and were being shipped to put state. It was also told that the company had smuggled and took bribes from various gang member party and some were later detained and arrested.= The news reporter stated as the Sparkle family looked shocked. Especially the two parents as they knew that man. They worked with him at some point and never saw him as a Crook or Thief but they were wrong.= It came to believe the one who caught the dealers and him was the Vigilante who has been bringing a bit of storm on the streets of Canterlot street. Hear to give a personal statement. We go live to our cameraman Jorge Kells who is interviewing the officer who arrested the criminal. Jorge.=

The camera changes to the street of the city as it shows Shining armor going to the car as the cameramen and news man chase him.= Mister Armor! Mister Armor wait! What can you tell us about this mask vigilante. The one know as Batman. What can you tell us about him.=

=Look, I'm ready busy hear ok. All o can tell you is there no such thing as this Batman that you all claim to be real. Its just some lunatic dressed in a Halloween costume going around taking the law in his own hand. He's just some punk trying to gain attention that's all= Shining Armor commented. Twilight knew her brother and his dislikes on Vigilante and law breakers. He isn't well liked to any by this.

=But what about the latest crime spree that has decreased the past few weeks since the Vigilante started to make his move. What about that?= The newsman questioned.

=He just got lucky that's what. If you believe me he's nothing but a criminal who thinks he has the law is invalid for him. Well I'll be seeing him behind bars soon then.= Shining commented as the newsman cut the feed. As it went back to the news reporter as she continues.

=As you can see, The police are hot after the trail of the mask Vigilante know as Batman. Many believe his just an arbend legend, Many claimed his just a might. But some believe his real.. That's a biggest question that is the Batman real or not?= She told in dramatic toon at the last part.= Now on to other news.=

But the TV was turned off as the family try to process the news.They couldn't believe the person they work with turned out this way.

"Man, Can't believe the Batman took him down. That's so awesome!!" Spike exclaimed in joy.

"Didn't you hear the news before, They say Batman doesn't exist. He's soke Ruben legend or mith or something." His sister told him.

"No way, I refuse to believe that. Batman is real and I can say so. He's the one who took down those rapist on the streets and the robbers. Even my friends at school talk about him a lot." Spike argued back. Twilight juts signed at his brother antics..he reads comic book more and study book less. No wonder he's a super hero fan."But come on Spike. If he was real then where is he now a d what is he doing now at this moment." She asked him.

At a dark layer type base. A person with blue hair and yellow skin was scene doing pull-ups on the pole as he was shirt less. The persons body had scratch marks on his back as the sweat showed off his muscles. Each pull up was almost like he was ripping his muscles in half. This person is Flash Sentry.

Now he was scene combat practicing with two metal sticks with well skills of mastery as he spin them around and hitting the wooden dummy in the nerve directions. The person didn't stop his attack as he kept hitting him with full speed and force as sweat fall off every where.

"Master Sentry. I believe it's time for you to get ready." An elderly man in his late forties came in as he wore a butler uniform. He also had a grey mustache done well in comb and appeared to have less hair on the head and the remaining were done in a straight manner."Your training regiment is quite getting much time then needed for sleep."

"I'm ok Alfred. I just needed a bit of warm up and keep my skills from not getting rusty or anything." Flash reassured his guardian and house butler as he used the towel to wipe his sweat away."It's not easy to keep my self in shape."

"My that may be true, If it wasn't for the fact that you dress up as a Bat type man and go out to fight crime." Alfred answered."I also quite worry for you when your skipping your sleep time and rest. It will cause a great strain to your brain and body if your not getting proper sleep."

"Don't worry about it Alfred. Like I said, I need to be in tip top shape or how else I'll stop crime." Flash reassured him.

"While this may be Master Sentry. But you still need to get ready you know. Your first day at a new school is waiting." Alfred reminded making Flash groan.

"Uhhhh... Explain to me why I'm doing this again. I have a master degree of 8 colleges and even have a Manny diplomas on every subject class I took. So why should I go to some old fancy school to learn while I already have learned."

"Because, It's an opportunity for you to make friends." Alfred answered as the young cape crusader groaned."Also Your midnight 'Activities' have gained quite an attention of the.. unwanted guests. For Batman to stay below the Raider. Flash Sentry must stay above it."

"But seriously, I think it's a waist of time you know." He went towards a door that was an elevator."It's not worth to keep them close if you fail." He muttered the last part quietly as the elevator door closed.

The door of the police station office opened as Shining Armor just entered the halls as there were many police officers working at there dash or taking in reports.

"Morning Officer Armor. Got a wel night sleep last night." An officer asked as he was sitting on the chair checking on the report he was given.

"Yeah, If good you mean by being called out to investigate a crime scene to stop some lunatic in a bat suite. Then yeah, I had a swell night." Shining Armor had a toon of sarcastic in it. He was feeling quite pissed as he didn't get enough sleep last night and he had to miss on out on his sister school day."Had to make extra for Keeping my self up in the morning of I wanna have any of my fucking work done."

"Well if you keep on drinking this much of coffee then you'll be dead in months before you could even find a clue on the case your even looking for." The officer muttered as he then put a file Infront of him. Shining picked it up and opened to see pictures of dead people as the photos were taken on a crime scene.

"What the hell is this?" He asked in confusion as he checked the file.

"This is the photos of the victims who were involved with the drug deal case from last night. Apparently they were four murdered last night. 6 of the people were found dead while the other 18 are all missing." Thomas explained while coming in."The ones who were killed were by a Nerou toxin that was implant in there brains which causer them to lose control of there mind. The forensic team had done three work and found that this is an unknown substance. This type of Toxin is mostly found in the black market area and is very hard to be found."

"So the suspect used some sort of Toxic waste dump and injected it into the person brain. Triggering something inside it which caused the brain to malfunction and make go brain dead in a few minutes if not hour if lucky." The officer finished explaining."We believe that the suspect behind this is the man who orchestrated this deal Inthe first palace. Which we don't know who cause every time we went for his trail we lead to a goose chase."

Shining looked at the images carefully as he saw the victims faces. They didn't show pain but instead show fear. Not of death but something else.'This is odd. The victims faces show that they have went through a horrifying event that they didn't want to feel. Each face show that they were screaming for help. So it's rather the suspect killed them with his own hands. Or he showed them something horrifying.'

"That's not all, a few nights ago another child was reported missing."

"Another one? That's like the 23 this week." Thomas exclaimed.

"The one who are doing this are still at large aswell. We ask around the neighborhood of the missing kids and the parents didn't know." He soon developed a dread look."And guess what, We were soon reported of by someone of finding a dead body of one of the missing children all cut down." This news shocked them to the cure. Shining clenched his fist is anger after hearing this.

"Armor! In my office!" He was called out from his thoughts by his boss Blood Hound.

Shining entered the office as the blood hound waited for him there sitting on his chair.He had a fair share of role and had a serious look on his face right now."So, Got anything on our vigilante hear."

"Other then he got the bad guys for us." Shining gave a simple answer."I got nothing on him and no lead what so ever on here he's hiding."

"Then you and your partner should work more in this urban legend vigilante case then. Cause I don't want this lunatic becoming the next False hero of this town." He ordered him.

"Yes sir, If you'll allow me to get a task force team for him then we could."

"Denied." He cut him off."I want you to fund this bat man not hunt him down. He may be doing the right thing but he still one man who you two could handle on your own. Why waste my men on this man."

"Sir, We all could agree that he isn't no ordinary man. He took down large gang members and brutally beaten them up in an not welcome fashion. He also happens to better at stealth and hiding so it's hard to track him where he is." Shining explained.

"Listen Shining, Your an expert in this case since your been on his tail since he first showed up. Your perfect for tracking this man down. If the situation gets to our of hand then I will arrange the task force for you then." Blood hound suggested as Shining soon though about it and nodded at the idea."Good, Now bring a stop to this so called Batman." He ordered.

Flash was sitting in his car as he waited for his destination. For all his time, He'll be doing some crime fighting or investigating right about now. But no, He's legal guardian wanted him to understand a bit more on life and wanted to keep his later ago batman off the raider. Which ment that He had to interact more with people and show that Flash Sentry isn't just a simple business man so the cops would get off his back.

"This is gonna be a big mistake Alfred." He muttered to the driver."I have a night patrol this time."

"Which you will get once you finished school." Pennyworth answered."Like I told you young man, You have to keep your secret identity as the mask crusader hidden, For that you have to show more of you self around others. Other then just going to simple meetings or going to charity balls."

"You have no idea how hard it is in those meetings. All the constant talk and work for more money. Sometimes I can't even understand them on what they have to say." Said the teen as he went back." So how are we there yet or not."

"I believe were hear Master Sentry." Alfred pulled Infront of the school as Flash looked and then went out of the car."I'll see you after school sir. Hope you have a swell day Master Sentry." Alfred then drove off leaving the young Trillionaire behind as he looked at the school in question. Canterlot High School, He could have picked any school he wanted and this was his choice of all.

"Welp, Let's get this over with then." Flash muttered going in.

Flash went inside and looked at the school from with in. He looked around seeing many teens just minding there own business and going around. He had to admit this school does gives a friendly vibe. He looked around to see the lockers and stalls as he walk past them.

"Hey! I said stop it!" He heard a cry making him stop. He looked to see a young teenager, He had short grayish hair and a pale violet skin tone. He was dressed in a pair of slacks, white suspenders, and a yellow sweater. A dark badge depicting an atomic symbol was pinned over his left pectoral. His black eyes were hidden by a pair of taped, black glasses. He was pushed back to the locker by a red skin teen with heavy body muscle and wore a punk type outfit.

"Or what you gonna do nerd. Tell your brother about me and let him murder me." The bully mocked him as he pushed him down."Or your gonna do what he did and kill me your self. I'm just helping you understand your ways so you won't lose your path."

Flash saw the other kids doing nothing to stop this and they tried to not make eye contact. He had enough of this as he went towards them. The bully riled his fist back and was gonna punch him but it was stopped by a ferm hand holding his back. He looked to see Flash holding it with a glare.

"I think that's enough out of you." He pushed the bully back as he let go of the teen.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?!" The bully demanded."Why the hell will you help this murder! Don't you know what his done!"

Flash looked back at the glasses teen seeing him get up. He looked back at him still keeping the glare up."I helped him cause you were trying to harm him. And I don't see any murder hear, Just a bully trying to hurt a kid who didn't do anything."

"Didn't do anything hah?" He soon start to laugh."You gotta be naive to not see this. Your what? some new kid hear?"

"As a matter of fact I am. What're gonna do about it then." Flash said in serious toon."It won't be good to start a fight with the new kid and one who could easily get you expelled from hear and can help get you arrested."

The bully heard his warning and growled then."Who do you think you are to threaten me! I'll break your bones of you wann try so."

"I like to see you try." Flash told as he wasn't backing down."Tch, You got lucky this time murderer. Next time they won't be anyone to help you out." The bully warned and soon went off. The other students did so to leaving two behind. Flash looked at the down teen as he gave him a hand."Hey, You ok?"

The teen nodded and took the hand as he got up."Thanks for helping me back there. Not many want to do so."

"Why's that?" Flash asked."Clearly you were in need of help and they all weren't doing anything to help."

The teen looked at him like he just lost it or something." Your the new kid are you? No wonder you don't know anything about me. On what happened really"He muttered."Listen, I appreciate the help and all but Its best if you leave me alone for now. I don't want to get you I trouble or anything."

Before Flash could ask on what he ment the teen went off running the other way leaving the confused Flash behind.'Looks like my first day just got a bit more complicated.'

Meanwhile at an apartment building. A man was seen going inside as he had a look of suspicious. He looked around to see no one was watching him as he quickly went inside. He reached his apartment and quickly went inside and locked the door from behind.

The man breath a sign of relief as he went towards the kitchen and turned the lights on the room. But soon stopped in his relief as he sees another man wearing a hat over his face as drank a cup of coffee he made while waiting.

"Coffee my good man?" The man asked in sweet sickening voice."Or do you prefer something more less sugary for your heart."

The man had a second to think and made a break for it but was soon shoot in the legs by the other man as he was holding a silent pistol. He screams in pain by the bullet wound as he try to crawl away but the other person didn't let him as he quietly walked towards him as the man struggled. He looked back at the man in fear.

"P-Please, Let me go. I swear I didn't tell anyone about the deal. I kept with me only!" He desperately told the man hoping he would bye it.

"Now, now mister Dean. We don't want to lie to anyone do we. It was clear that you were told about the deal location and was told to keep it quite and don't let anyone find out about it. But guess what, A bat did came in crashing the deal and running the hole plan." The man casually told the now namer dean as he was now in deep shit."So care to explain to me how this happened?"

"I-I don't know Ok. I was walking back to my apartment when suddenly the bat freak showed up out of no where and demanded the answers from me.. he wasn't taking no for an answer or anything. Please! That's all I know, So Please let me go!" Dean cried begging for mercy from the man.

The man looked at him for a while then got up."Well, That wasn't hard now was it. Looks like my work hear is almost done by the first part. So your free to go." Dean signed in relief as he was spared."Now for my second part I had to do."

"W-What's that?" He couldn't help but ask."Erasing the evidence." The man said pointing his gun at him and shooting him right in the head.

After he killed him he went towards Dean bedroom and went towards the bed. He suddenly flipped the mattress and took out a knief cutting the mattress from behind and opening it. The mattress was filled with hole stack of money as he smirked.

It was now night time as Shining Armor and Thomas drove through the streets as they were out to patrol. While they were at it the start a conversation to pass the time.

"And then she told me I wasn't being a good boyfriend. When she her self was the one who was eyeing the man closely. Can you believe it!" Thomas ranted about his story to his partner who signed.

"I could believe it that who ever you go one a date with always rich you for anyone else." Shining muttered."Like come on. When was the last time you actually did get the girl to fall for you other then going on a blind date."

"Hey, The blind date always work. I just need to find the right women for this." He argued back.

Just as Shining was gonna retort his phone rang. Shining thought it was his wife but found it was an unknown number he didn't recognize. He accepted the call.

"Hello. This is officer Shining Armor hear." He answered the call.

= Go to ware house 57-D near the docks parking area.= The voice in the other line was unrecognisable to shining.

"Who the heck is this?!"

=Get there Now or your gonna lose your target. They say the Batman is gonna strike there.= The person in the other line said making Shining go wife eyes as the call ended.

Shining quickly turned the car around and drove off."Wow! What happened to you that got you worked up?!"

"I just got an anonymous tip on our vigilante next strike. If we pull this off then we got our Batman then." He told his partner while pumping the accelerator.

At the told ware house armed goons were monitoring the site as three men waited in near the container as they did a car came in and pulled Infront of them as the driver and a man came out. The man looked rather tall and bulky for his figure and wore a simple black shirt and pants and had a bald head. He went towards the three men as he looked at them then at one man who was carelessly sitting on a chair.

"You got the goods I asked for." He asked from him as the man pointed at the container. The person standing next to it got the signal and opened it to reveal scared children inside as they all were tied up and were being kept quiet by the cloth on there mouths. Some were crying for help but couldn't say it and some were in fright as the large man looked at them as he had evil look in his eyes.

"How much for the young ones." He asked for the cost.

"20,000 for the little ones. If you give extra I'll add another one in your charge." The dealer told with a smug toon.

Unnoticed to them the Dark Knight was watching them from above the container. He had a dead serious look that could make the demon take back. Batman glared at them and looked to the side to see the goons standing in guard. He has to take them out first and stop the man from escaping.

He quickly went in stealth and went behind one crook without making a sound and knocked him out before he could find out what happened. He then went to do the same to the others.

"I'll make you a deal. Give me three of the one who are under age and are 12 years old I'll give you 56000 dollars." The man suggested.

"I don't take that. You know how hard is is to find these brats. They wouldn't shut up or anything so I had to get rid of some because of this." He argued

The man then landed his eyes on a certain orange skin girl with Violet type hair as she wore a dark-grey hoodie with a blue shirt underneath. She had on a pair of green shorts and a pair of dark-grey boots with blue socks. She kept her self in control as she tried not to freak out. The man saw her as he licked his lips.

"How much for that girl?" He asked not taking his eyes off her. She saw him looking at her and soon panicked.

"Oh her, She's a feisty one. She tried to kept her a brave face when I kidnapped her. She told that a girl name rainbow or something, I don't know. Said she's gonna take care of us. Saying she show us our place. I gotta admit she got the guts to say it Infront of us. But all she is doing was making it hard for herself." He explained."Tell ya what. You can have her in 1000 dollars. I wanted to get rid of her so it's an easy way."

"I'll take it." The man accepted in a heartbeat. He went towards her as she crawled back in fear as her brave face was starting to break. He knelt down and looked her her purple eyes as she was now in panic and fear."Your a brave girl. I like that about you. And I love to break brave girls like you. They say they aren't afraid to get hurt or have faith in others. But you know, That's all a little lie. They always wait for there saviour and have hope. But they never come. Let's see how you will last long then the last ones." He whispered the last part in he ear as she was now in panic attack as the man smirked.

Suddenly some marbles were rolled Infront of goons near the container making them confused on this. Then they exploded in smoke taking them by surprise as the smoke covered the area. The man got out of the container aswell the one sitting on the chair got up in shock.

"What's happening right now?!" The large man demanded. He looked through the smoke to see the causer. They heard a thud as a shadow was looming behind them. They all look back to see Batman standing on the container and was glaring on them.

"Shit, Well what do you know. The Batman hear and real in blood. Can't believe I get to meet you in this time of night." The man said in amusement the dealer was looking at him in fear as he got back."But you have to be an idiot to come in while not guarded. Kill him!"

The goons down below opened fired at him as Batman Dover the bullets in quick reflexes and jumped towards the them. He grabbed ones gun while he fired at him twisted it down and delivered a punch right on the face knocking him out. Batman the jumped and kicked two in the face then grabbed the one coming from behind for a blind attack and grabbed his arm judo throwing him at another container knocking him out. He jumped back dogging more bullets and fired his batarangs at the five other gunners hitting some in the arm and some in the leg as they screamed in pain.

Batman looked at the remaining three goons as they had pipes. They ran at him without a thought which was a big mistake as Batman jumped from one goons back and kicked the one behind him, Then grabbing the other goons pipe and headbutts him real heard making blood come out of his nose as he was knocked out. The last one from before attacked him with his pipe but faster then the eye could see the pipe was sliced in to three peaces as he was now holding the edge. As he looked at his hands then at the Vigilante who pulled his arm back before he could think further Batman delivered a spin kick right in his face.

The last goon was down as Batman then glared at the two men. The dealer was shaking in fear as he saw what happened to his security. He tried to make a brake for it but Batman launched a chain with two metal balls attached to it at him which tied him up and made him drop down.

Batman the looked at the man."So what, you managed to take out some of these guys but that won't save you. You forgot I have more of my men around hear." He smirked and snapped his fingers giving the signal... But nothing happened as he got confused.

"Think again." Batman told in deep voice. The smoke clears to reveal the other men have been taken care off as they all were down. The man looked shocked seeing this as he then glared at the batman."You thought you could get away from me, You thought no one will find you. But think again. I found you." Batman menacingly at him.

"You don't sare me you Bat freak. Your just some costume scum who thinks that!" He then took out two brass knuckles and put them on."I'll teach you to not mess with me."

He charged at the Vigilante and gave him quick strikes as Batman moved out and doged efficiently as he moved back to a container. The man thought he pinned him back and launched a strike. But Batman moved his head to the side avoiding the attack as it dented the container. Batman then age him a spin kick on the stomach making him take back and ran at him in quick speed delivering two strikes at his face. Blood leaked out with the strikes as Batman then punched him again and the on the stomach making him spit take. The man got out of his pain and launched a punch at him but Batman quickly caught it and with his strength managed to break his fingers.


"GAHAHHHH!!" He feels in pain of his fingers as Batman then grabbed his head and headbutts him hard as blood leaked from his nose. He didn't stop there as he delivered a punch right at his sides and with the arm blades he gave a cut there. Then he grabbed his arm and judo throw him down on the face but he still had his arm in his hands as he smashed his head on the concrete with his foot, Then again, Again, Again and finally stopped seeing that he was unconscious now with many injuries.

He let him go and then looked at the dealer who struggled to get out. He stopped struggling as he felt someone looking and looked up to see the Batman standing there glaring at him."Please! Let me go! I'll give you anything you want. Money or do you want any car Just please let me go!" The man begged.

Batman grabbed him and pin him against the container indicated a thud."The police are coming in any minute. Your gonna tell them on what happened, what you been doing and what you did to those children. I want you tell them everything you hear." He ordered as the man nodded quickly."If you don't, Then I'll come back and break your other leg."

The man got confused."Wait, what do you mean other leg?" He soon was answered as he was dropped down and Batman stepped hard on his right leg breaking a bone as the man screamed in pain over his leg.

Batman then went towards the container and went looked inside to see the children as they felt frightened seeing his look. One wasn't as it was the girl from before as she looked at him with a bit of hope. Batman knelt Infront of her and gently took off the cloth over her mouth. She was relieved at that but then looked at him seeing his gaze at her. It was gentle to be precise.

"You ok." He spoke in kind toon from before. The girl looks at her saviour and couldn't help it and broke down crying as batman hugged her to calm her down."Hey, Hey it's ok. There gone now, they won't hurt you ok."

"I- I was so scared *sobb* They were gon*Sobb* They were gonna." The girl cried out."Hey it's ok now. I told you that there taken care of. You don't need to worry no more. I'm hear." Batman assured her. He then let go of her."What's your name kid?"

"Scootaloo." The girl hesitated but answered.

"Listen Scootaloo, You need to do something for me. The police are gonna be hear any minute, so I want you to free the kids and go towards the road area and wait for them there. Can you do that?" Scootaloo nodded."Good, Cause These kids need someone who could guide them there. I can't come with so you need to lead them ok." Batman cut off ger ropes and got up. He then went for his leave.

"WAIT!" He stopped as he looked back at her."Who are you?" She asked wanted to know her saviour.

"..I'm Batman."

Shining armor drove to the destination as both got out of the car and went towards the docks ware house as they took out there guns.

"Let's go now." Shining ordered as they both went towards the area. But soon stopped as they saw several kids running towards them."What the?"

"Please help us please!" Scootaloo yelled out as Shining and Thomas ran towards them a as they then looked at them seeing the kids were alright but some were sporting cuts and bruises.

"What happened to you all? Who did this to you?" Thomas asked the kids. They all pointed it at the container direction. Shining quickly went there to see. When he reached there he was meet with a sight as he saw several men all unconscious and sporting bruises on them. He saw one man still conscious and was struggling to get up as he had pain in his leg. Shining went towards him still had his gun in his hands."CCPD, don't move a muscle bub." Shining ordered as the man looked at him."Now your gonna tell me on what happened hear and speak the truth."


"Well congratulation buddy. You just on my personal shit list. There a special cell for people like you." Shining Armor narrow his eyes at him.

"Yes please! Lock me away, I deserve it all and more. Just please get me away from hear. Away from the Batman!" Snag begged as Shining looked at his state.

Up above Batman was looking at the entire scene as Shining soon called the police squad and the ambulance. He saw the kids get treated and helped while the criminals were being send to the ambulance with the police with them so they won't escape. He looked at the kids as they were being taken to the hospital to help them in there injuries. He was glade that the kids would get to see there family again. He then jumped down and launched his grappling hook and swing away.

Author's Note:

I know what you all are thinking and yes It's a Mlp eg x Batman story. Now I'm still a bit unsure about the other DC Heroes coming in and there appearing on the story. I think about it when I'm writing it. The DC universe is crazy with the plot twists and villans and the things the heroes fight.

By the way the series Gotham and The Arrow love them. Especially The Arrow as he is also a bit like Batman in the series and better then his cartoon personality.

Hope you like the story. Like and comment down below as I'll update soon.

Comments ( 6 )

”Flash, it’s you!” Sunset cried. “You’re Batman Arkham Knight PREMIUM EDITION!”

That’s my favorite line in the story

I hope we see what happens next.

Really glad Spike is human here too instead of as a pet

Kamen Rider Dragon Knight! Together, We Can Fight The Fight! So, Let’s Ride!

What? It said Dark Knight like Dragon Knight

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