• Published 10th Apr 2023
  • 2,422 Views, 191 Comments

It Takes Six - Goldfur

Everyone knows the story of how the Mane Six came together to defeat Nightmare Moon, right? Nnnope! At least, not in this universe where Harmony had other ideas.

  • ...

Summer Sun Festival

Big Mac tightened the last of the ropes securing the load on the cart and nodded in satisfaction. He noticed that the sun was shining on part of the load despite being parked under the shade of a tree and frowned. He moved over to the trunk of the tree, placed his hoof against it, and exerted his earth pony magic. The branch that extended over the cart lengthened and branched out, blocking the offending rays. With that done, he ambled over to the house. As he stepped inside, he called out, “The cart’s ready, Ma!”

Pear Butter’s voice drifted back from the kitchen. “I’ve got your father’s lunch ready. You can take it with you after you’ve had yours.”

Big Mac stepped into the kitchen where he found his mother working alongside Granny Smith and several relatives busily preparing foodstuffs for the Summer Sun Festival. The large stallion carefully threaded his way through the organized chaos and located the basket that Pear pointed out. He took the handle in his mouth and retraced his steps. He had just set the basket on the cart when he noticed a commotion in the yard. His curiosity aroused, he wandered over to investigate the cause.

He noticed a stranger talking to his sister – a purple unicorn. Her kind were uncommon in Ponyville, it being a primarily earth pony settlement, but what was truly unusual was the creature that accompanied the newcomer. Was that some kind of two-legged lizard? Whatever it was looked intelligent because it was taking notes! Applejack was talking animatedly with the unicorn who seemed to be listening with some skepticism. His sister abruptly dashed over to the meal alert and started banging on the triangle and hollering, “Soup’s on!”

If the kitchen had been considered busy before, the ensuing commotion put it to shame as dozens of kinfolk from all over Equestria converged on the yard. With a quick word from Applejack, they all began fetching their apple specialties that they had been preparing for the festival to share with everypony for lunch. Big Mac smirked as he watched Applejack urge the stranger to sample all the wares. He recognized his sister’s mischievous streak at work. Even he would find it a stretch to try every one of the foodstuffs on the table.

When he got the chance, he wandered over to Applejack to ask her about the visitor.

“That there is some fancy pony from Canterlot named Twahlight Sparkle sent here by Princess Celestia to check on the preparations for the festival. Seems she needed a mite bit o’ convincin’.”

“And the lizard?” Mac asked.

“Baby dragon, would ya believe? Name’s Spike. Cheerful little fella.”

“Think she can manage to try everything?”

Applejack grinned at him. “Oh, Ah’ll make sure she does!”

Big Mac chuckled before heading to the table to get his share. He had just about had his fill when he saw the unicorn stumble off with a noticeably distended belly. He figured she didn’t doubt the Apple family’s capabilities anymore.

With lunch done, Big Mac went back to the cart and hitched himself to it. With near zero effort, he hauled the cart from under the shade of the tree and onto the track that led to the road into Ponyville. The town was abuzz with preparations for the Summer Sun Festival. While it was an annual holiday for all of Equestria, this year the Princess had chosen Ponyville for the site of the major event – the Raising of the Sun ceremony. That had attracted ponies from all over the nation and it was why so many of the Apple family had also come to Sweet Apple Acres to help with the preparations. As the official supplier of the festival food, every hoof was needed to cope with the demand. This was the second load that he had taken to the fairgrounds today, and there would be a third later.

Big Mac exchanged greetings with every familiar face as he passed, and even a cheery wave for some of the more friendly strangers. As he reached the train station, he was held up briefly by another influx of tourists streaming out from it. He raised an eyebrow at seeing a minotaur among them. They rarely came to Ponyville and he doubted that the bull was interested in the ceremony. Mac shrugged. “Festivals are fun for all, I s’pose,” he murmured before continuing onto the open field used to host fairs. While the town hall would host the actual ceremony, these grounds would have all the other activities associated with it: carnival rides, sideshow games, amazing pony acts, beverages, and food.

The large stallion weaved his way between the others there and headed for the very large tent that his father had spent the morning setting up to serve the food to hungry patrons. Along the way, he passed a familiar wagon that was positioned so that its side faced a large open area. A green pegasus was busy setting up equipment and Mac gave him a cheery wave which the pegasus returned.

“Hey, Big Mac! Long time, no see!”

“Eeyup! Good to see you, Mark Wells. How’s the foal?” Mac asked, looking at the young filly watching her father through a window in the wagon.

“Allura’s doing great and being a little terror, but you know two-year-olds.”

The earth pony chuckled. “Sure do. I remember Apple Bloom when she was that age.”

“You’ll come by for the show tonight?”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” Mac replied.

“Great. Catch you later!”

The pegasus resumed his work and Mac continued to the tent. Pausing at the entrance, he called out, “Second load’s here, Pa!”

A yellow earth pony stallion with a mane and tail that matched Big Mac’s coat came out. “Pull it over next to that counter,” Bright Mac said, pointing with his hoof. “We’ll unload it all there.”

“Got your lunch,” Big Mac said, bending his neck around to grab the basket handle to pass it to his father.

“Thanks, son.”

“Eat, Dad. I’ll unload.”

While Bright Mac enjoyed his well-earned break, Big Mac took all the foodstuffs from the cart and carefully placed them on the counter to be sorted onto display shelves later. There was a lot of it, but having seen how many ponies had come pouring into town, the Apples expected to see it fly out the door and earn the family some much-needed bits.

Hours earlier, Trixie noticed the tall spire on the Ponyville town hall peeking above the tree line.

“We’re almost there, Dowser,” she said to her husband.

The green pegasus hitched alongside her to the caravan that was both their mobile home and stage looked up and nodded. “It’ll be nice to be back in Ponyville.”

His wife smiled. “Trixie finds any town nice with you by her side.” They had been traveling together for over a year now, and she still got a thrill over having won this stallion’s heart. And their traveling lifestyle had been good to him as he had put on muscle pulling their wagon. She admired his form for a moment before turning her attention back to the road. “Do you remember where the fairgrounds are?”

“How could I forget where my life became complete?” he replied.

Trixie blushed. Mark Wells still said such nice things, and in a way no other stallion could ever match. “Trixie will check in at the town hall. Can you take the caravan to the grounds and start setting it up?”

“No problem, Love. I can manage it by myself for that short distance.”

The wagon was much bigger than the one that Trixie had owned when she had started, but after she had gained her love mate, her existing one proved to be too cramped in the long run. She had intended to upgrade anyway so that she could present more and bigger shows. The only thing stopping her up until then was that she was a unicorn, not an earth pony, and she would not have been able to cope with a bigger caravan by herself. Fortunately, her husband was more than willing to do his share of the pulling. They had just reached the outskirts of Ponyville when a pink blur appeared before them

You’re invited!

Both the pegasus and the unicorn nearly had a heart attack before recognizing the culprit.

“Hi, Pinkie Pie,” Mark said. “We’re not newbies, so who’s the victim?”

“It’sanewunicornfromCanterlotandshe’sheretooverseethefestivalpreparationssowehavetogiveheragreatbigWelcomeToPonyvilleparty! Hereareyourinvitations. Seeya!” And she was gone.

The two paused to parse what Pinkie had babbled. As Trixie picked up the entirely unnecessary invitations (everyone was always invited) in her magic, she said, “Do you think we can squeeze in an appearance between shows?”

Mark replied, “Without even looking at the invites, I’m betting the time will mysteriously be perfect for us.”

“So that’s a yes?” Trixie said as they resumed their march.

“Who wants to miss a Pinkie party? Who would dare to miss a Pinkie party?’”

“The Great and Thrifty Trixie is always happy to partake in free food.”

Mark chuckled in agreement.

They pulled up next to the town hall. Trixie unhitched herself, gave her husband a kiss, and headed for the entrance. Mark then continued to the fairgrounds. Trixie noted two Royal Guards stationed at the door as she trotted inside. Doubtless, they were there for increased security prior to the arrival of the princess. Whatever the reason, they were of no concern to her. The blue unicorn looked around and spotted a sign that read “Festival Events” and went up to the mare behind the counter. “The Amazing Trixie is here to check in,” she announced.

Amethyst Star looked up and smiled broadly. “Miss Trixie! The foals are so looking forward to seeing your show!”

The blue mare smiled smugly. “The Amazing Trixie and her Great and Powerful Partner are ready to put on the best shows yet!”

“I’ll be sure not to miss it.” Sparkler picked up a folder from a pile on the counter. “Here’s a copy of your contract and your schedule of performances. Two rated for the foals, and then two more for the grown-ups later in the evening.”

“It’s an intense schedule, but the Amazing Trixie is up to the challenge.”

“Excellent! Here’s your down payment. Please sign for it here.” Sparkler held out a receipt form and pen which Trixie took in her magic. With the document signed with a flourish, she returned it to Amethyst. “Good. The balance of your fee can be collected from nine o’clock tomorrow. Here are two staff passes that will permit you and your husband to enter and leave the fairgrounds as you please. Have a successful show.”

“Trixie thanks you and looks forward to seeing you in the audience.” The mare then left to head for the fairgrounds.

Irwin Goodall watched the unfamiliar scenery pass by through the train’s window. With the carriage crowded with ponies headed to Ponyville for the festival, the young minotaur bull could not even get up to stretch his legs. At least, the novel view distracted him from the obese mare jammed into the seat beside him, wedging him against the window.

At last, the train approached Irwin’s destination and the conductor called out, “Next stop – Ponyville and the Summer Sun Celebration!”

It was with immense relief that Irwin alighted from the carriage and joined the throng streaming off the platform. With a pet carrier in hand, he headed for the town hall in the hope of getting directions to his true destination. The guards at the doorway gave him a hard look but did not stop him. He was momentarily disconcerted by the fact that the building was considerably bigger on the inside than on the outside. “These ponies and their magic,” he muttered as he looked around for someone to help him. Thankfully, there was an information desk with a rather harried stallion behind the counter. He was attempting to deal with a flood of questions from a long line of ponies, many of them about finding lodgings in a town that was fully booked up already. Irwin realized that he hadn’t allowed for this possibility because he had not come for the festival. It was unfortunate timing that his trip coincided with the event.

It was finally Irwin’s turn and he asked, “Do you know where I can find a mare named Fluttershy? I hear that she is an animal expert. I need her help.”

Blue Quill looked relieved at the question. “While that’s not normally something this counter would deal with, as it happens, I do know where Fluttershy resides. She nursed my dog back to health last Spring. Here – let me draw you a map.”

A couple of minutes later, the minotaur strode out of the town hall. He headed for the countryside with map in hand.

It was a long but not terribly arduous walk. If Irwin wasn’t here on urgent business, he would have enjoyed it more. It was certainly pretty and interesting to him – everything a minotaur like him was not supposed to appreciate. At least, there weren’t any of his kind around here to mock him for his passions. Hopefully, he could take his time and literally smell the flowers after he was done at Fluttershy’s place.

He turned a bend in the road and was startled to see a being that seemed even more out of place than him. A zebra pulling a cart heavily laden with flowers came the other way. He stopped to watch the striped mare as she approached. What someone of her kind was doing here in the middle of Equestria and so far from Zebrica was beyond him.

The zebra paused and smiled. “Good day to you, minotaur. May I ask what you’re seeking for?” she asked in a sing-song voice.

A rhymer! She must be a shaman, if his reading of her steered him true. “I’m looking for Fluttershy’s place,” he answered.

“Ah! The pony you seek resides not far from here. Keep to this road and to her you’ll steer.”

Irwin was glad of the confirmation. “Thank you. I’m Irwin Goodall and I’m new in town. I came to seek Fluttershy’s help.”

“Zecora is my name of no particular fame. Be circumspect with the nervous mare, or else you may give a mighty scare.”

“I’ll bear that in mind, thanks. Have a good day, Zecora.”

“May your day not pall, Irwin Goodall.”

The two parted ways and it was not long before the minotaur reached his destination. The very quaint cottage close to the Everfree Forest was everything the bull expected of the pony he sought. Burrows and bird nests abounded, and several wild animals blithely ignored him and each other. Truly, this animal healer’s abode was a safe space for all. Irwin knocked on the door and awaited a reply. After no response, he knocked again, a little louder.

“Who is it?” a voice faintly called from inside. The minotaur heard hoofsteps approaching and the top section of the two-piece door opened a little. “Sorry to keep you wait— EEP!” The door slammed shut.

A little nonplussed but recalling Zecora’s warning, he tried again. “Miss Fluttershy – I have a patient that needs your help!”

After a lengthy pause, the door open a crack and one eye peered cautiously out. Irwin held up the pet basket.

“I have a very sick bunny that has defied all my attempts to nurse him back to health. You’re my last chance. Your reputation for healing animals is second to none.”

The door opened a bit more and Irwin lifted the lid of the pet basket to show the distressed animal.

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide and she flung both halves of the door open before practically snatching the basket out of his grip. She headed into the cottage, ignoring the minotaur, and Irwin decided that he was tacitly invited inside. As the mare took the rabbit out of the carrier, she asked, “What are the symptoms and how have you been treating him?”

Irwin replied, “Listlessness and vomiting. I thought it was food poisoning but none of my usual treatments worked: diluted essence of bitterroot, activated charcoal, or twice-boiled thistleberry sap. I even tried a drop of the Flim and Flam Brothers Restorative Elixer but that just made him angry.”

“Do you also care for animals? If you don’t mind me asking, that is?” Fluttershy queried as she began examining her patient.

“Some. I love them all but it’s hard being an animal carer in a minotaur village. The cows think it’s silly and the bulls think I’m being ridiculous.”

“There’s nothing ridiculous about caring for our furry friends,” she replied. “What is bothering you, little one?”

The rabbit grunted and the mare nodded thoughtfully. “And where did this happen?” Again, the bunny made noises incomprehensible to the minotaur but seemed to enlighten Fluttershy. “Where does it hurt?” Another chitter. “Let me look. I’ll try to be gentle.”

The mare placed the rabbit on his back and used her primaries to carefully part the fur near where its right foreleg met its torso. “Ah!” she said after a minute. Fluttershy reached over to a nearby drawer and pulled out a pair of forceps. Irwin admired the deftness with which she manipulated the tool, and very quickly, pulled something out. She held up the forceps to show a long narrow thorn almost the same color as the rabbit’s fur.

“Here’s the problem. This is a Widow’s Needle. It is very toxic and, if not removed, will slowly kill small creatures and make big ones very, very sick. It’s lucky that you came to me soon enough. Fortunately, I have a potion that will alleviate the symptoms, but this little fellow will need some TLC for a couple of days before he’s ready to return home.”

“Do you make potions too?” Irwin asked.

“Oh, no. I get them from my friend, Zecora. She makes all kinds of remedies to sell in Ponyville and she generously gives some to me for my animals.”

“That’s very nice of her, and fortunate for this little fella. I was at my wit’s end trying to figure out what was wrong with him.”

Fluttershy smiled. “He said you were very kind and you did help him a lot, even if you couldn’t understand the real problem.”

“You really can talk to and understand animals, can’t you?” the minotaur asked, shaking his head in wonder.

The mare blushed. “I think you could too. You just need to learn to listen.”

“Well, it seems I’ll have to stay in Ponyville for a couple of days. Perhaps I can help you around here and you can give me a few pointers?”

Fluttershy blushed even more. “I… think I’d like that. I’ve never met somepony… or some bull who has such an obvious love of animals to go to such great lengths for one little bunny.”

Irwin scratched the back of his head, a little embarrassed by the praise. “Every life is worth saving, right?”

“Of course it is, Mr… oh… what is your name? If you don’t mind me asking?”

“Irwin. Irwin Goodall.”

“I was about to make lunch, Irwin. Would you care to join me?”

“I… I’d like that, thanks.”

Zecora hoped that she would get another chance to talk to that minotaur. She had known very few but he seemed a lot different from them. Hopefully, she would get the opportunity to chat when both of them were free of their commitments.

A flickering of the sunlight made the zebra look up. She noticed that the scattered clouds were being broken up and she sighed. She much preferred the natural weather of the Everfree even as she acknowledged the usefulness of total control of the local climate. As she continued on her way, she spotted the likely culprit – Rainbow Dash, the head of Ponyville’s weather team. She cavorted with some other pegasus— no, that wasn’t another winged pony. That was a griffon. Yet one more odd visitor.

“This festival brings all kinds today. Let’s hope they’ve all come just to play.”

When Zecora reached the town hall, she parked her cart near the main door and went inside, ignoring the suspicious glances from the Royal Guard. She politely pushed past the throngs up front and went to the back where she found a white unicorn decorating the stage and surrounds for the ceremony.

“Rarity, my friend, I have brought many a bloom. Tell me where you want them in this room.”

“Oh, Zecora darling! Thank you. You’ve brought the sun-themed type that I requested?”

The zebra nodded. “They all have a sunny glow. They should make a lovely show.”

“Excellent! I am thinking an arch of the flowers over the balcony where Princess Celestia will make her speech would be very symbolic of the occasion. I can handle that if you would decorate the stage, alternating with the gems I have already placed there.”

“It would be my pleasure. I have its measure.”

“Good. Shall we fetch them?”

The two walked outside and Rarity gasped.

“So many! Darling, how did you get that many so quickly?”

Zecora shrugged. “You had the need. I had the speed.”

“You are too generous, Zecora dear. Allow me to carry them all in. You’ve certainly done your part getting them here.” She lit her horn and lifted the flowers off the cart en mass. “Hmm… what’s that lovely sky blue one in the glass jar?”

“That one you should not poke. It is named Poison Joke.”

“Dangerous, I take it?” Rarity sighed. “Such a pity. Oh well, I’m still spoiled for choice. Shall we get to work?”

Gilda Griffon was not sure why she had chosen to come to Ponyville except that she had to get away from the toxic environment of Griffonstone. The one really good thing going for this town was that it was home to her old flight school buddy, Rainbow Dash. She smiled as she again recalled the hijinks they had got up to back then. Maybe, just maybe they could rekindle that relationship. She hadn’t been sure where to find her friend though. Dash had a habit of parking herself on a cloud and napping at the slightest excuse. However, when she spotted the clouds very rapidly being broken up and cleared from the skies over Ponyville, she knew whom the culprit had to be.

Following a blue blur with eagle eyes, the griffon was about to go greet her friend when she noticed the pegasus talking to a sodden unicorn. Knowing Dash, it would not surprise her that she was responsible for the unicorn’s condition. That suspicion raised to a certainty when the pegasus whipped up a whirlwind to dry her off, leaving the mare in an even more hilarious condition. Her tangled mane and tail poofed out to double its size.

As soon as she got the chance, Gilda flew down to meet Rainbow Dash. Approaching from behind, she grabbed her friend and noogied the mare.

“Hey! What the—? Gilda?” Rainbow’s expression switched from annoyance to delight in an instant. Pulling herself out of the griffon’s grasp, she said, “Great to see ya, Gil! What brings you to Ponyville?”

“Can’t a catbird visit a ponybird if she wants?”

“Nah, you’re not exactly the socializing type.”

Gilda’s expression soured a little. “Yeah, not with that lot back home anyway. If it wasn’t for Greta and Gabby, I think I would have gone nuts long ago.”

Rainbow smirked. “Told ya you should’ve stayed in Equestria.”

“I had these big ideas about improving things back home with my Equestrian education. Seems I set my expectations way too high.”

“Whatcha end up doing?”

“Started a bakery. I’m pretty good at it and I thought it might bring some griffs together, be more sociable or something.”

“Sounds kinda like Sugar Cube Corner.”

“Like what?”

“Heh! Tell you what – I’ll treat you to lunch there.”

Gilda grinned. “I’m always up for free food.”

“Thought you might. Gotta check in with festival events first to report clearing the skies.” Rainbow took off.

Gilda followed promptly, catching up to fly beside the mare. She saw that they were making a beeline for the tallest structure in the town. She also noticed a couple of winged Royal Guards patrolling above it. As she and Dash drew closer, one of the guards broke away and approached them. Curiously, the guard wore sunglasses. Despite them and the helmet, Gilda could see the suspicious gaze upon her. The guard interposed herself between them and the town hall, causing them to pull up. This enabled the griffon to have a good look at the guard’s strange flight appendages.

“Who plucked your wings?” Gilda blurted out.

“I’m a thestral, not a pegasus, catbird. What is the purpose of your visit?”

“What’s it to you, batty?”

“Just answer the question. With Princess Celestia due to visit, security has to be tight.”

Before Gilda could retort, Rainbow interjected, “Cool it, Corporal Penumbra. This is my pal, Gilda. She’s visiting with me.”

“It’s still curious timing coming here when a pony-centric celebration is happening, especially when royalty is due.”

Gilda sneered. “It’s not the first time I’ve been to one.”

That surprised the thestral. “You have? Which and why?”

Rainbow answered for Gilda. “She went to flight school with me in Cloudsdale. The Summer Sun Celebration was held there with Celestia one year and we both went to see it.”

Penumbra looked keenly at the griffon. “Is that a fact?”

“Yes it is, and I don’t lie, bug-eater.”

The guard peered over her sunglasses, clearly showing she was getting annoyed with Gilda’s impertinence. However, before the thestral could respond, the other guard intervened.

“Let it drop, Corporal. We have all sorts of species coming here today including a zebra, for buck’s sake. One griffon isn’t compromising security.”

“Yes, sir,” she reluctantly complied.

Rainbow and Gilda wasted no time in resuming their flight. However, the pegasus started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” the griffon asked as they landed at the entrance to the town hall.

“You, the great prankster of flight school, never told a lie,” Rainbow scoffed.

“Hey! Despite all the jokes and pranks I pulled with you, did you ever once hear me tell an outright lie?”

Rainbow paused and frowned thoughtfully. After a while, she shook her head. “Now that you mention it, I can’t recall you ever lying. In fact, you pissed off a lot of ponies with the harsh truth.”

Gilda sighed. “Yeah, that’s me. I have this weird compulsion to tell it as it is. It caused me trouble at school and it gives me grief in Griffonstone. Neither griffs nor ponies like to hear the truth all the time. They want it sugar-coated, but I just can’t do it.”

The pegasus grinned. “Maybe that’s one of the reasons I like you. You were never afraid to tell somepony why they were wrong and where to stick it.”

The griffon smirked. “And I liked you because you appreciated that. Well, that and you were the first pegasus who would even talk to me at school.”

The two stopped in front of the Festival Events counter and Rainbow rapped on the desk to get the pink unicorn’s attention.

Amethyst Star looked up from her paperwork. “Oh, Rainbow Dash – what can I do for you?”

“Just reporting in that the skies have been cleared.”

“Excellent!” She fished out a checklist and ticked the task off. “You’re still scheduled to do another pass at sunset and one just before the ceremony tomorrow morning.”

“Don’t worry – I’ll be taking a long nap to make sure I’m up in time to do the pre-dawn run.”

“Good. Thank you, Ms. Dash. You and your friend have a good rest of the day.”

“Who’s that?” Gilda asked as she and Rainbow walked off.

“Amethyst Star is the best organizer in all of Ponyville. She’s the one who will make this celebration go off without a hitch.”

“I see. She didn’t even blink at seeing me.”

“Yeah, she’s kind of awesome. Not as awesome as me, but who is?”

Gilda punched her in the shoulder. “Still the same ego as ever.”

“Am I wrong though?” Rainbow replied with a grin.

“Ask after I've had that food you promised,” the griffon smirked.

“Almost there!” The pegasus pointed out the building.

Gilda rolled her eyes. “Just when I think I’ve seen it all. Are you supposed to eat the shop or go in it?”

“Never tried the first, but I can guarantee that it won’t taste as good as what’s inside.”

As soon as they entered, Rainbow made a beeline for a booth that was just being vacated. “We’re in luck – with so many tourists here, getting a table isn’t easy.”

Gilda glared at a couple of ponies that were giving her the stink-eye before sitting down opposite her friend. She almost jumped out of her seat again as a pink pony materialized next to her, loudly saying, “Hiya Dash and Dash’s friend!”

“Wha— what the buck!” the frazzled griffin gasped.

Rainbow chuckled. “Don’t mind her – that’s just Pinkie Pie. Can you get us two lunch specials please, Pinkie?”

“Sure thing, Dashie! Annnnnnd here are your invites.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “We have hundreds of new ponies in town – how can you be throwing a party for just one?”

“Ah, but this one is special, and she’s going to be staying in Ponyville.”

“How do….?” Rainbow started to ask, but Pinkie was gone just as quickly as she had arrived.

“What just happened?” Gilda asked.

“Pinkie not only works here, she’s also the resident party planner.”

“I mean appearing out of nowhere. And having an invitation for me!” She waved the offending item in Rainbow’s face.

“Don’t try to figure her out. Pinkie defies explanation.”

Gilda was about to press for more details but thought better of it. She managed to put it out of her mind when the food arrived: quadruple berry custard tart. Her eyes lit up when she tasted it. “Wow! This is good!”

Rainbow was stuffing her face and swallowed before answering. “Yep. Between what they bake here and the goodies that the Apple family makes, we’re spoiled for good food. We’re lucky that most of the tourists are hitting the more traditional restaurants and don’t think of trying this place.”

Gilda’s face fell a little. “Kind of puts my scones to shame.”

“How would ya know? It’s not as if you’ve ever brought any here for ponies to try. You oughtta do that sometime.”

“I didn’t come here to sell baked goods, Dash.”

“Don’t worry – we’ll have some fun after we’ve eaten.”

A full belly did not slow either down after they left Sugar Cube Corner to get up to some harmless mischief.

Irwin spent a delightful afternoon with Fluttershy. Once she had gotten over her reticence with the stranger, her enthusiasm for her work had her taking the minotaur all over her property. She showed him every animal she was caring for and the nests and burrows of her regular residents. She also sent his heart racing when she brought over a bear to say hello. Despite that, he soon was comfortable with her large furry friend. Fluttershy also had a rehearsal with her birds for a performance to be held at the raising of the sun ceremony.

The day passed quickly and, after he helped her do the feeding rounds, he offered to take her to the festival and get them some food of their own. Fluttershy was reluctant at first as she was uncomfortable in crowds. However, Irwin persuaded her that he owed the mare for her help with the rabbit and wanted to repay her. She found that with him by her side, she felt much more secure and could enjoy the food and activities. Irwin was pleased to find her leaning against him while they watched one of the shows. He put one large arm around her withers and she snuggled up closer.

The bull had not felt this content in a long time. He was a bit of a laughingstock back home due to his doting on little animals, but here was a pony who thought it was a marvelous trait. That was giving him a lot to think about, but for now, he would take pleasure in the moment.

Later that day when the sun was due to set and the festival was in full swing, Rainbow Dash reluctantly brought her and Gilda’s fun to an end. “Gotta go do cloud patrol and catch anything that the outer patrols missed.”

“Outer patrols?” queried Gilda.

“Yeah, Canterlot brought in extra weather ponies to make sure that the countryside around Ponyville was kept clear, with an eye especially on the wild weather coming out of the Everfree Forest. They wanted absolutely nothing to spoil the celebration with Princess Celestia attending. So, while I and my local team look after the weather over town, they cover a lot more territory and might let some slip through. Anyway, while I’m doing that, go have fun at the festival. You’re staying for that, right?”

“Might as well.”

The pegasus was about to take off when a thought occurred to her. “Where are you staying?”

“I was hoping to crash at your place.”

Rainbow grimaced. “Ah, no can do, Gilda. Those extra weather ponies I mentioned? I volunteered my cloudominium for their use. They even have their own security detachment. Tell you what – I’ll have a word with Applejack later and see if she can fix you up. Gotta go!” And the colorful pegasus was gone in a blur.

“Who the buck is Applejack?” Gilda wondered as she headed for the fairgrounds.

The griffin arrived to find a show in progress on a stage built into the side of a wagon. On it, a blue unicorn was singing while producing astounding illusions to the accompaniment of a green pegasus playing a guitar, and a pink pony she recognized as the one from Sugarcube Corner playing several other instruments at once. The song was simple but catchy, and obviously delighting the crowd of foals in front of the stage, not to mention many adults. Gilda was startled to find herself tapping a talon to the beat.

The griffin stayed to watch the rest of the show. The pegasus occasionally left the stage and returned in costume, as did Pinkie Pie. But “The Amazing Trixie” (the unicorn called out her name every minute without fail) was always front and center, fascinating the audience with her magic. Gilda was impressed. In a world where magic was commonplace, this mare was making it… well… amazing!

At some point, Rainbow Dash joined Gilda without her noticing. When the show was done though, the mare dragged her off to a large tent that advertised food. Rainbow approached a counter behind which was an orange earth pony serving a customer. The moment she was free, the pegasus called out, “Hey, AJ! Got a sec?”

“Make it quick, Rainbow Dash.”

“Got a friend who needs a place to crash. Can you help?”

“Ah dunno. We’ve got Apples from all over stayin’ with us. This your pal?” She looked at the griffin suspiciously.

“Yep. This is Gilda. We’ve known each other since we were at flight school together. She’s cool.”

“Really?” Applejack asked with a frown.

Gilda looked her in the eyes. “Yes, really. We’ve been friends for years. I’m here to visit Dash, not to cause you any problems.”

Applejack returned the griffon’s level stare for a moment then her expression lightened. “Any friend of yours is a friend of ours.” She turned around and called out, “Hey, Big Mac – know of someplace we can put up this here griffon gal for the night?”

The stallion nodded. “Ee-yup. As long as she don’t mind sleeping on hay in the barn.” He then turned to attend to a customer.

Rainbow looked at Gilda. “How about it?”

The griffin shrugged. “I’ve slept in worse.”

Applejack said, “Alrighty then. Come back about midnight and Big Mac’ll take ya home with him and show ya where to sleep.”

“Thanks, AJ!” Rainbow said.

“Thank me by buyin’ somethin’, Dash.”

Rainbow and Gilda bought several apple pastries, leaving all parties satisfied.

Penumbra returned from her mandated break and winced when her sergeant bellowed at her.

“Corporal! You’re assigned to stand guard at the upper entrance of the town hall while it’s shut until it reopens for the ceremony.”

“By myself, Sergeant Overshoot?”

“Of course not, you idiot batpony. Ace Shot and Spear Point will be patrolling on the ground.”

The thestral managed not to snarl at the racist ‘batpony’ slur. “I meant in the air, sir.”

“Too much for you to handle by yourself, Corporal? Anyway, Slipstream will be observing the surroundings from a nearby rooftop vantage point.”

“Wouldn’t it be better if the pony with excellent night vision be doing the observation?”

“Just shut up and do as you’re ordered, Corporal!” With that, the grizzled old pegasus flew off.

Penumbra sourly took up her position, sliding into a shadow to be unseen by potential intruders. She quietly seethed at being left alone to do a two-pony job. Ten years of faultless service to the Crown and she was still treated like a pariah because of her tribe. One day, she would prove her worth and loyalty, and then she would find out how far she could buck that old bigot!

When the last of the foals had been sent to bed, the entertainment changed to suit the remaining adult attendees. There were dances and Trixie’s final shows had a more sophisticated appeal. Most ponies settled in for a long night of revelry, but not Big Mac. It would be dawn before the main event and he had to catch some sleep before returning for the morning rush. As soon as Gilda turned up, they headed back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Mac showed Gilda a place away from the Apple family members who were also using the barn as a dormitory. She had just drifted off when a rapid tapping jolted her awake.

“Hey, Gilda! You comfy up here?” came a soft voice.

The griffon turned to see her friend standing in the opening of the hay loft. Another round of tapping from the mare’s hoof on the open frame convinced Gilda to leave her comfortable perch. “Rainbow Dash. Your timing couldn’t be any worse. As usual.”

The pegasus straightened. “Oh. You weren’t already asleep, were you?”

“Now why would I do something sensible like that? And now that you’ve woken me up and gotten me pissed off, it will take me ages before I get to sleep again.”

Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up. “Really? That’s great! I’ll be back in ten seconds flat!”

“Don’t you …” Except Gilda was talking to thin air. She sighed and counted to ten as she flew outside and landed so as not to disturb the sleeping ponies. Sure enough, her colorful friend returned on schedule.

Rainbow held out a book. “Since you’re going to be awake anyway, read this.”

The griffon bit off her next insult, curiosity slightly overriding her irritation. She took the book and held it in her talons . “Wonderbolt Records Through The Ages?” She opened the front cover and removed the check-out card, squinting in the moonlight. “And it’s four months overdue. Why am I not surprised?”

Rainbow Dash raised her wings and began a slow backward hover as she laughed. “No, actually, it’s not. Anyway, you need to read all that, because I’m going to rewrite every record in that book after I get to join. In a year, tops!”

Gilda stepped forward. “What do you mean it’s not overdue? And why would I want to read this? If you’re going to wake me up in the middle of the night, take me to the library to get something worth reading!”

The prismatic mare ascended into the sky. “That’s just the thing. Everypony was in Town Hall during Cranky and Matilda’s wedding last week. The library was closed, just like it has been since Old Mare Noteworthy retired two months ago.”

“So? What’s that got to do—”

“Some rogue lightning clouds came out of the Everfree. Burned down a dozen stalls in the Marketplace and the Golden Oak.” Rainbow Dash accelerated upwards. “You’re holding the entire library in your claws!”

After discovering that Irwin had nowhere to sleep that night, Fluttershy insisted that the minotaur stay with her. He felt flattered that she was willing to trust him so soon. He was not as thrilled by the couch that was offered as his bed. Not only was it a bit small, it had a number of creatures already using it. After a bit of coaxing from the gentle pegasus, it was vacated. She gave him a blanket and pillow and asked him if he wanted her to wake him before she headed back to Ponyville for the ceremony in the morning.

“I’d like that,” Irwin replied. “And you can give me more lessons on how to listen to animals along the way.”

Fluttershy giggled. “Listening to a big strong minotaur like you trying to talk to my birds was funny, but they liked you anyway.”

“It’s a start, I suppose. Goodnight Ms. Fluttershy.”

“Goodnight, Irwin.”

As the caretaker pegasus left for her room, the minotaur made himself comfortable as best as he could. He smiled to himself. This day had turned out so different from how he had imagined. He had come looking only for help and had found a friend and teacher too.

Trixie yawned as she settled down beside her husband and daughter in their bed.

Mark quietly asked, “Are you sure you want to get up for the ceremony tomorrow? You still have a couple of shows to perform in the morning.”

“Trixie has never beheld a Raising of the Sun and would not miss this opportunity.”

“I thought as much. I’ve set the alarm for you. I’ll stay here with Allura.”

“You’re a wonderful mate and father, Dowser. You understand Trixie so well. Pleasant dreams… about the Amazing Trixie.” She kissed him fervently before snuggling into his open hooves to get some much-needed sleep.

With nothing to do but warn away unauthorized flyers, Penumbra sought to stave off boredom by doing some stargazing. When the time approached for the morning ceremony and citizens and visitors both headed for the Town Hall, the distraction almost caused her to miss some strange movements of the stars.

“That’s odd,” she murmured even as she recalled a faint memory. Then her eyes widened and she gasped.

# # # # # # # # #

Author's Note:

This tale is set well before Prince Mark Wells visits this universe and he takes no part in it.