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Prolouge 1 - The First Mare on the Moon

The man woke up with a start, gasping for breath as his eyes darted around the unfamiliar surroundings. He quickly sat up, only to realize that something was horribly wrong. He couldn't feel his fingers; they were numb without any sensation. Slowly, he opened his eyes and looked down at his hands, only to find black stumps at the end of his arms. They were no longer hands at all - they were hooves.

Panic surged through him as he scrambled to his feet, his heart racing with fear. He felt foreign energy coursing through his body, and as he tried to take a step forward, he realized with shock that he had wings and a horn.

He tried to calm himself down, but it was difficult. The fear and confusion that gripped him were overwhelming. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing on the sound of his own breathing.

As he opened his eyes again, he noticed something else about his new form. His coat was black as the night sky, and his mane was a flowing, starry cascade that moved without the wind. He couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of his new appearance, even as he struggled to accept it.

He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down, and looked around once more. It was then that he realized where he was - he was on the moon.

As he tried to make sense of his surroundings, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, as if someone was trying to force their way into his mind. He groaned and clutched his head, trying to fend off the invading presence - a strange sensation in his mind, like a jumble of fragmented memories that didn't belong to him.

He heard painful groaned of a husky female voice as the memories threatened to overwhelm him. He realized with horror that they were the memories of the real Nightmare Moon, broken fragments of her mind that had somehow found their way into his own.

When the pain finally subsided, he shuddered as he recalled the Nightmare Moon's descent into madness, terrible things she had done before she was sealed away on the moon, terrible things SHE had done to reach that breaking point, and what she had done to herself years of isolation on the moon.

He shuddered as he realized that he had scars on his body from self-inflicted wounds hidden under his soft fur.

He gritted his teeth, trying to push the memories out of his mind, and focused instead on his new abilities. He spread his wings and kick the ground, soaring above the barren landscape of the moon with help of muscle memory.

He tentatively flapped his wings, feeling the rush of air beneath them. The sensation was both exhilarating and terrifying, as he struggled to come to terms with his new reality. He had so many questions - how had he ended up in this body? What had happend to his body? Was he really a human, or was he some sort mental illness conjured by dying mind of Nightmare Moon?

The times he and his friends had spent lost in fantasy worlds, playing role-playing games and reading isekai novels. It had always been a way to forget about their problems, to escape from the real world for a little while. Maybe the immortal goddess of night also yearned for something similar, he could understand why someone like Nightmare Moon would want to escape to such a place like earth, a world without world ending threats and unpredictable magical mishaps.

He felt a twinge of sadness as he realized that he might never see his friends and family again. He didn't even know if they were real or just part of Nightmare Moon's imagination. But he refused to let himself be consumed by grief. He must keep going.

Those things don't matter, he cannot do anything to change what already happened. For now, he knows that he had to keep his sanity intact if he had any hope of making it off the moon. He tried to push the memories out of his mind, focusing instead on his new surroundings as he slowly descends onto the surface.

He winced as he landed roughly on the surface of the moon. He was still getting used to his new form, and he had a feeling that he was going to be stumbling around like a newborn foal for a while.

He then looked up at the stars, marveling at their beauty, and felt a strange sense of peace wash over him. He knew they will help him escape but know that it is still not the time. For now he must bid his time, find ways to occupy his mind, to keep his sanity intact for as long as possible.

He glanced down at his foreleg, at the scars that marred his his skin under his otherwise flawless coat. He promised to himself to not give in to madness like the real Nightmare Moon had. He had to stay focused, to keep his mind sharp and clear.

He knew that he was facing an uncertain future, but he was determined to make the most of it. He was the Mare of the moon now, whether he liked it or not, and he was going to do everything in his power to ensure that he didn't suffer the same fate as the original one.

He spread his wings and took off into the air again, feeling the rush of adrenaline as he soared higher and higher. He was the Mare of the moon, and he was going to make the most of it.

He will lived a happy life. That's the promise he, no, she made to herself. and maybe back to the world she had come from if it exists.


Ah, the royal canterlot voice. Cannot helped with that one, really.

The Mare of the moon flew on, her wings beating a steady rhythm against the endless expanse of the stars.

Note to self: Unscheduled Rapid Emergency Landing is painful

Author's Note:

I recommended you to watch this video if you want to know what isolation can do to social animal like us. Let's alone ponies that are likely even more social than human.

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