• Published 6th Apr 2023
  • 566 Views, 0 Comments

Any Other Way - GreyTheGriffon

Pinkie has feelings for Twilight. Twilight has feelings for Pinkie. Neither mare is quite aware of this.

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Any Other Way

Pinkie Pie was sitting at home by herself, looking out the window with an uncharacteristic wistfulness. Her face was slightly squished by the fact that she was resting it flat against the windowsill, accentuating the warm blush that permeated her cheeks.

“Oh, Gummy,” she said to her pet alligator, who had no way to respond. “What am I gonna do? I can’t stop thinking about her…” Pinkie’s own mention of whoever ‘her’ was caused her blush to spread across her cheeks a little. Gummy licked his eye, which Pinkie inexplicably took as a response that carried meaning.

“Oh Gummy, I know she’s my friend and all, and I do like thinking about my friends!” Pinkie lightened up for just a moment, though quickly returned to her deflated state. “But why am I thinking about her so much?” Pinkie’s face sagged into the windowsill a little more as she let out a discontented sound.

Gummy licked both eyes with a single sweep of his tongue. “Maybe Twilight would know why I keep-” Pinkie stopped mid sentence, realizing that she was doing it again. “Aaagh! Why can’t I stop thinking about Twilight?!” She hit her head lightly on the window in frustration, her blush deepening with each passing second.

This behavior was quite unlike Pinkie, not just the moroseness of her disposition, but she was also deep in thought. Not to say that Pinkie couldn’t be introspective, it was just that she spent most of her time in the moment. And that was the way that she liked it.

Twilight Sparkle was sitting calmly at her desk, flipping through a book on psychology. She wasn’t actually reading the words, though, her mind was too preoccupied for that. She had the dumbest grin stretched across her face, and she found that she couldn’t focus on the reading in front of her.

Ever so often, the cause of her lack of focus would pop into her mind, sending her into a mild fit of giggles accompanied by the ever-present blush on her face expanding ever so slightly. Her wings, usually kept neatly and calmly pressed against her sides, splayed out in both directions, flaring upwards to accompany her fits of giggles.

Spike walked in to give Twilight a cup of tea she had not asked for, he was nice like that, and was interrupted by one of Twilight’s recent giggle-fits. “Uh, Twi?” Twilight looked over at her number-one assistant, never shedding her blush or the idiotic smile she wore. “You okay? I’ve never heard you giggle like that.”

Twilight smiled wider, the reasoning for her giggling passing through her head again as she was about to answer Spike’s question. She sighed longingly, resting her cheek on a hoof and looking up at nothing in particular. “I’m fine, Spike. Better than fine.” She sunk into her hoof a little, giggling softly.

Spike shrugged, silently setting the cup of tea on Twilight’s desk. Twilight sighed contentedly and thought aloud in a whisper. “Pinkie’s so cute…”

Twilight wasn’t normally this bubbly, nor was she one to get so excited that she couldn’t focus on her reading. Not to say that she was a drag, but she was usually composed and pragmatic in her demeanor. And that was the way she liked it. Until Pinkie, of course.

Pinkie walked to Twilight’s house to try to discreetly get some understanding as to why she was so fixated on her. She planned to ask Twilight something along the lines of ‘So what does it mean if I can’t stop thinking about a particular pony?’ She was workshopping it as she walked, but she had plenty of time given her slower than average speed.

She was still in her slump from earlier, as evidenced by the fact that she wasn’t bouncing to her destination. Each step felt a little heavier than the last as Golden Oak Library came into view, she was dreading having to talk to Twilight without giving away the fact that she was the object of Pinkie’s thoughts, a compulsion that made no sense, even to her.

She stopped at the front door, hoof raised to knock on it when she froze. As much as she loved Twilight, she couldn’t bring herself to face her. She blushed as thoughts of her favorite alicorn came back to her head, causing her to panic. Not knowing what else to do, she turned tail and ran to her nearest friend’s house: Rarity’s.

She burst through the door with all her Pinkie-ish energy, but with none of the characteristic excitement.

Rarity was lounging on the couch, reading a book to enjoy the lazy Sunday when she turned her head in attention. “Ah, hello Pinkie Pie.” Rarity said calmly before changing her disposition upon noticing the panic in Pinkie’s eyes. She sat up, placing a bookmark in her book and placing it on her nightstand. “Darling, is something the matter?”

Pinkie blushed harder at being called that. She was silent in thought for a moment, quickly becoming aware of her own silence and blurting something out. “Rarity! I’m gay!” Rarity stared for a moment before Pinkie realized that her panicked statement conveyed nothing that Rarity could help her with and elaborated. “Uh, I mean, I think I might be gay for somepony, but I’m not sure. What should I do?”

Pinkie had (relatively) calmly closed the door behind her and trotted over to Rarity’s couch, sitting down in the empty space that Rarity patted with a hoof to allocate for Pinkie to sit in. “Well, darling,” Rarity started, taking on her best ‘teacher’s tone’. “It’s really rather simple. Tell me a little about the pony you might have feelings for, and I’ll help you discern if it’s romance, or simply a case of your boundless affection for everypony.”

Pinkie giggled a little, then blushed with a hint of embarrassment as she realized that Rarity would absolutely figure out who Pinkie had a crush on if she described her. “W-well, she’s really really pretty,” Pinkie started, leaning her cheek onto a hoof. “And she’s super smart! And she rambles about the stuff she’s interested in a lot, and she does this little happy trot-in-place thing when she does it and I think it’s really cute!”

Pinkie launched into an extended tirade about all her favorite aspects of Twilight. Of course, Rarity had figured out quite easily that Twilight was the object of Pinkie’s affections, but Pinkie found that she didn’t really care.

Rarity raised a hoof to politely signal Pinkie to stop talking, which she did. “Pinkie, it is quite obvious to me that you don’t just have a crush on Twilight, it is my belief that you are head-over-hooves in love with her.” Pinkie blushed furiously at the thought, but continued her polite silence. “Darling, if you need any help with telling her,” Pinkie raised her own hoof.

“No, thank you for offering, though. I think I need to be the one to do this.” Rarity nodded agreeingly. “Oh, and thank you very much for helping me figure out my feelings” Pinkie offered her trademark smile, accentuated happily by a fierce blush, then bounded out of Carousel Boutique.

Twilight was interrupted out of her most intense giggle fit of the day by a series of feverish knocks upon her front door. She got up and practically pranced to the door, not caring about her open book at all. She opened it to reveal Pinkie Pie nervously rubbing one forehoof with the other, the sight of her causing Twilight to gasp excitedly. “Pinkie Pie! To what do I owe the great pleasure of a visit from you?” Twilight asked emphatically, accentuated by a blush and a giggle.

“Hey Twily! Uh, can I come in? I kinda wanna talk to you about something important.” Twilight’s expression fell at Pinkie’s seriousness, though she nodded and let her inside, the two eventually sitting together at Twilight’s dining table.

Twilight casually rested her cheek on her hoof. “So what’s up? Nothing’s wrong, is it?” Pinkie shook her head, steeling herself for what she was about to say. She took a deep breath, her blush deepening a little, then spoke.

“So basically, I’ve been thinking about you more recently, right? I didn’t get why, so I was gonna go to your house to ask for advice but then I got scared for some reason so I went to Rarity’s instead. She helped me figure out that I have, um, well, feelings for you.” Pinkie’s blush was now fierce enough that it covered half of her face. She tried to hide under her hooves a little. She took another breath, her blush widening although it seemed impossible, then continued. “So Twilight, I’m gonna ask you, and it’s totally okay if you don’t wanna, but, uh, do you wanna be my girlfriend?”

Twilight blinked. She had been thinking about Pinkie all day, but she had no intention of making her feelings known, not even to Spike. She had convinced herself that there was no way that a mare as cute and funny and all-around amazing as Pinkie Pie would want to date her.

She put a hoof to her own muzzle, crying a little. “Oh my goodness, Pinkie, of course I’ll be your girlfriend!” She threw her hooves around Pinkie, pulling her into an affectionate embrace. Twilight began giggling happily, which Pinkie joined with a renewed vigor.

The two spent the rest of the day together, not doing much talking, the excitement of the events that transpired clouding their ability to do so coherently. By midnight, the two had fallen asleep on the couch, intertwined. Twilight kissed Pinkie on the forehead, earning a nuzzle to the neck from her.

Twilight’s last thought before she drifted off to sleep was that her new favorite sound was the cacophony of her own unrestrained giggling mixing with Pinkie’s.

Author's Note:

Day 5 is done! Just 2 more! :D
Bit of a basic one, wasn't too inspired by the prompt. Hope you enjoyed nonetheless!

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