• Member Since 20th Sep, 2020
  • offline last seen June 2nd


Twi X Sombra is best ship, Luna is best princess, King Sombra is best villain, and Twily is best pony!!!!


The time has come. I am to go soon. However, just before I leave, there is a pony who desires to speak with me. We share a few words and she begins to cry. I tell her what is the point if I'm only a pony in the background? Apparently, to her it's so much more than just that.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 42 )

Dude, this hit me in the feels.

Well there's some depressing stuff right there and given the way Twilight is reacting, it's painfully obvious Lyra is probably the last pony from her original generation that was still alive, meaning Twilight is truly alone now. Sure she'll make new friends and allies, but anypony who knew her as she was initially, before she became an Alicorn is long gone now.

And that part where Twilight screams about how badly she doesn't want immortality I believe that. I mean how twisted is it to have the Princess of FRIENDSHIP be forced to watch all her friends grow old and die, which the series sadly proves is what will happen.

I bet you anything ANYTHING Twilight would've been happy just living in Ponyville studying magic and acting as the town Librarian until the day she eventually passed on. Yet Celestia took that from her and it's sad for everything she did, she's doomed to suffer alone.


I wouldn't blame Twilight that she now starting to despises Celestia right now. :twilightangry2: :facehoof:

Your welcome!
But really. I didn't expect that.

Oh well. What's done is done. No matter what Twi does, she can never go back.

She wouldn't. Celestia was her mentor and likely went through the same fate as Twi. Celestia was an immortal ruler too.


Celestia forced this fate on Twilight. Twilight didn't exactly choose this personally. So, it is basically Celestia's fault. That's how I interpret this.

What's with the people downvoting you, you are absolutely correct. Guess people can't handle the truth.

The saddest thing is, you're not wrong. If people were to just go deeper into the series, Twilight was basically spoon fed the concept of friendship when she was just a filly. She didn't have control over her life. Twilight was a just a tool for Celestia to use to make the world think friendship was the ultimate problem solver. Realistically speaking, the chain of command would've went to Luna or to somebody else who already knew how the system worked from the inside out. Twilight had no experience, nor was she related to the royal family.

The poor kid ended up taking the biggest fall in Equestria's history, and Celestia is to blame for putting Twilight in that state of affairs. And thus would Twilight run the kingdom into the ground via friendship, and not use power and authority to truly rule and maintain her kingdom from certain collapse.

Dam you Celestia!

And dang it author you hit me right in the feels with this story. But I feel like there is a sequel coming to this.


And tragically, this is possibly one of the main reasons why the collapse of Equestria as we know it, turn into G5 is now a thing. :facehoof: :ajbemused:

Why not? Twilight Sparkle is sad another pony form her life is dying and spent time trying to tell said pony she was important and meant something.

G5 had something nice until they decided to destroy all the progress of G4. I'm really sad at the comic showing Discord all sad and aged. It was even more heartbreaking showing how all the friendship and everypony just separated.

It’s so hard to say goodbye.

Right in the feels, you didn't miss at all, right through my heart and out the other side :fluttercry: beautifully written, I could feel the grief, the helplessness in twilight's voice pleading for more time

you're welcome.
And who knows? I'll see if I'm in the mood for a sequel.

Yes, I only hope the reason Sunny is now only sometimes an Alicorn is so Twilight has made sure that what has happened to her can happen to no one else. Also what is really interesting is that you made Lyra and Bon Bon married. I very much enjoyed that.

So many sad ponies.

Lyra and Bonbon are actually canon in the show. If you look carefully at the background of The Big Mac Question, in one of the scenes, you can see Lyra and Bonbon purposing to one another. And then in the Last Problem, when they showed Ponyville in the song, the two of them were still side by side. However, this time, in a more mature, married-couple way.

Well then In that case you just earned a follower

Oh by the way where’s the cover art from?

A random image I found on google.

Ah gotcha. Well still looks very fitting to this story.

That was a good story.

I nearly cried.

Actually, if I remember correctly when she transformed into an alicorn celestia’s horn didn’t glow so she probably didn’t have anything to do with it.


Hmm? You mean from that specific episode of the season 3 finale?

Yeah, it seemed it came less from celestia and more from twilight herself. Like her magic was evolving or something.

Kind of? That’s the best way I can put it.

I don't know man(?) ... this has been done to death and back.
Even the dying narrator vehicle is an old hat at this point.

The problem with all this "Oh no, Twi's gonna outlive her friends" stuff is, unless mortal book horse is the very first of that group of friends to kick the bucket, she's going to experience the same thing, only trapped inside an older body. And looking at other characters in the show as well as the more-or-less-canon IDW stuff, her extreme level of magical power (whether as unicorn Twi or a mortal alicorn) would rather likely result in a pretty significant increase in her lifespan. All powerful mages in mlp are older than dirt. Mortal Twilight would've outlived every single one of her friends anyway.
None of that makes loosing friends and loved ones any less painful for immortal Twilight, of course not ... but it means you could write the same stories about any character in the show because the issue isn't specific to her character.

And why does every story of this kind imply or depict Twilight as friendless and lonely?
True, she's a ruling princess now and often unable to interact with ponies normally/the way she wants to. But her element bearer friends all had their own busy lives and they met once a month for a couple hours. Looking at it quantitatively, that's not a huge hole to fill. So quality over quantity. Actual friends, not 500 facebook friends. She only needs to meet a couple good souls she can bond with. And she meets plenty new ponies. She's the founder/patron of two schools. New students and their parents, new generations of teachers/staff. Pinkie has at least one child that's going to be fond of her dorky auntie Twi. Lil' Cheese is also gonna have friends. Twi never visits Ponyville ever again and goof around with the Cake twins as they grow up? I doubt that. What about the CMCs and their friends? Mac and Sugar Belle have been busy. Their offspring's never gonna meet and get to know Twi? AJ's all about family, maybe she and RD adopt at some point. And nobody can forbid their princess supreme to befriend castle staff. I'm sure Raven and others were on a first name basis with Celestia behind closed doors.
She should also be a good bit more approachable than Celestia in the eyes of her subjects. Twilight, the mare that kept living in a tree in a small town even as a princess and didn't wear her crown until she was forced onto the big chair ... the pone that effectively has friendliness in her title. Oh, and the og diarchy, Cadie and Flurry are there for her as well; potentially forever. Even Discord can be a proper friend.
So yes, for Twi as an immortal, loss will be a permanent companion, but I can't imagine her as lonely and broken to such a degree.
Celestia's not a heartless bitch and she managed that position and lifestyle for a millennium without even a single immortal friend to teleport to for a hug and a cry.
The amount of moral support Twi's gonna have is on a totally different level compared to that.

I've read worse stories of this kind, but Twi's reaction irritated me. She practically told Lyra to her wrinkly face that the waterworks were caused by self pity and loneliness. I mean, objectively that's what mourning really is, it's a fundamentally self centered thing, you're miserable because you lost something/someone ... but you don't make that so blatantly obvious to the dying person and make their last moments about you.
And I'm gonna ignore the "Celestia gave her wings" implication, or I'll be typing for another fifteen minutes.

Not gonna down vote, the fic isn't bad bad, but it ads nothing to the decade old discussion that sets it apart from literally hundreds of stories from ten years ago.

Thanks for the review. And I understand Twi feeling awful about losing her loved ones is a repetitive thing but it's a fun idea to explore. Her dialogue exchange with Lyra wasn't intended to be irrational. Everything just came out because she's in grief.

But that's my main criticism ... you say it's a fun topic to explore but I've read the same story countless times and half a dozen times (no hyperbole) from the perspective of a dying character. The novelty of that character being a background pone mattered for the span of a paragraph and had no lasting impact on anything.
Twi's immortality and how that sensitive dork's gonna deal with it IS an interesting subject ... but please do as you say and explore it, find a somewhat unique angle in a fresh setting and then let it rip. Much more fun to write as well I'd imagine.
The dialogue was fine, you got into their heads and got their emotions across ... if only there was something that made this more than just Sad Twilicorn #538, ya know?

Oh well, it's one of my earlier fics. I don't expect for it to be perfect.

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