• Published 26th May 2023
  • 331 Views, 8 Comments

Kamen Rider Zero: New Generation - Kamen rider accel 2

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Episode 1: There came a Rider in The Hidden Village part 1.

Did you ever wonder. That when you wish for something you want to do or have. You get it on a way you at least expect it. Nothing the less it will cause either pain in one's life or bring him good will. But they don't know how they'll get it. They never expect it on how it comes....That is what I thought aswell. All my life I thought I could help others and bring hope. Life granted me that wish... But it came with a cast.

Running, That was the only thing in mind right now. No stopping for anything and no looking back.

In a dark forest, There was no sign of anyone. Suddenly a figure ran from the bushes and was running in top speed. He didn't stop as he was running like crazy. The figure jumped from the coming rocks and avoided the branches. He soon stopped to catch his breath.


He soon looked behind to see if anyone fallowing him or not. Big mistake as he saw flashes in the forest and someone was fallowing him. He knew the people were as he didn't wanted to be brought back to them. He started to run again as he did so someone from behind was coming for him through the trees. The figure jumped from tree branch to another with ease. Soon the other one ran through a large bush and ran through. Only to be meet by a dead end as the path lead to a water cliff. The height of the cliff would tell it would be death for who ever falls down. The person looked at down below to see the fog and then looked back. He did that two times and was thinking on what to do next.

"Looks like the trail leads to a dead end. Of a the running you had to endorse and thus it lead you to nothing." He stopped thinking as he felt a chill run down his spin and looked back to see the one fallowing him has caught up.

The figure wore a dark purple trench coat with black pants and boots and the upper shoulders and lower back has Armor on it as well as spikes on his arms and he wore metallic gloves. His coat has a logo on the Nazis on the right side of the chest pocket and also he wore a metallic mask helmet which resembles a scorpion as the mask shades flower green. The figure was calm and looked at the escape boy.

"While it was hard for you to run from us but you still couldn't get away. This hear is an island and the only way for you to get out of hear is to die or either Fallow us, Patient zero."He address the one Infront."So either I say come back quietly or suffer and die.... So which would you pick. You'll die either way."He had malicious in his voice telling him 'You do as I say and I won't punish you'

The boy looked at him and then looked back at the cliff. He won't go back as he managed to escape with someone's help and won't let his sacrifice go to waste."You not thinking of jumping down are you. That fall may kill you when you land. No one is that desperate enough to go through this and come out alive. So come quietly!" He was desperate enough and he will do what it takes to get out of hear. He suddenly took out a small grey device that resembled a Memory drive with a style 'B' on it. The scorpion man saw it and got back in shock."Masaka. How did you.."


The boy threw the Memory towards him as he got back. The memory Beep as it soon made contact with the Scorpion man.


There came a large explosion on the cliff as it made the Scorpion man take back. When the smoke was cleared there was large impact of the explosion as the scorpion helmet man was alright and his coat was smoking a bit but was fine without a single scratch. He looked back to see the boy was gone and went towards the cliff to see any signs of him but no what do ever.

"Tch, Who knew that boy was this crazy to get away." He muttered as he looked at down below." But No worries.He may have Gotten away from us for now. But he won't hunde forever. That is certain." He's visors glowed again.

"Yahoo!" A energetic voice shouted soon a splash was splash was heard. It was a good sunny day at a beach shore as a family of four were there relaxing. The parents were sitting back and enjoying the view as the children played in ten water. The boy pulled his head out of the water and smiled. He had blond spiky hair and blue eyes as well as his face had whiskers."Come on Himawari. The water is just fine!" The boy told his little sister.

"Coming Nii-chan!" A young girl with dark-Blue short hair said. She had same eye colour and whiskers as him aswell. She wore a one piece yellow swimsuit."Cannon ball!" She jumped in splashing next to her brother who laughed as they played in the water.

"Oi~ You two don't go far." There mother told. She was an average beautiful housewife with a well figure. She wore a sundress and a hat and had the same hair colour as the girl. She had white pupil eyes. Making her look blind at first sight."You two better be careful and don't end up getting lost."

"Calm down Hinata. Boruto and Himawari can take care of them self's you know." Her husband told. He looked like the Boruto but older as he had the same hair colour and eyes and whiskers but they were darker a bit. He had lass blonde hair as his son."If they go that far. I will get them back. No need to worry na."

"Its a mother's job to worry for there children safety Naruto-Kun. There still young and don't know much." She told worriedly.

"Relax Hinata, They'll be fine. We didn't get to do much family things together so it's a good chance now fir them to spend time together and have fun." Naruto said."Plus me becoming the hokage and taking care of the village tends to get tiring."


"But it's all worth it to keep the peace between the village and the clans. Its a hokage job to look after his people and the others. If I can't help that then what kind of hokage am I then."

"The one who never gives up." Hinata told her husband as she sat by him."You always do this for them and everyone. Your drive to save the Village and the courage is the reason why I love you."

"Hah and I thought it was because of my good looks and talent." He cheekely said making his wife giggle.

"Come on Himawari, You can't catch me that easily." Boruto yelled running on the shore as his sister chased him.

"I will catch you and you know it!" She cheerfully said as both ran.

"In your dreams pip squick!" He then ran to the corner but suddenly stopped in his tracks making his sister collide with him. She looked at her brother to see him staring at something with a shock look when she looked at where he was she developed the same look. Infront of them was a boy laying unconscious on the ground of the beach shore. Both ran and checked to see if his alright."Himawari Go get Tou-san and Kaa-san now!" She ran to get them as Boruto checked the stranger.

He looked to see the boy isn't no older then 14 years age. He had blue hair and his skin was yellow. Which was kinda weird but he let it go soon seeing the teen boy condition and then he checked the clothing and see it was off some patients clothing not his. Meaning he would be a patient from some hospital who may have got on to shore somehow.

"Boruto!" He looked back to see his parents coming."What happen-" Naruto stopped seeing the boy. He quickly ran to him and check to see if the boy is alright."What the heck happened?!"

"Don't know, Me and Himawari found him unconscious hear on shore." Boruto told."He may be a patient of some hospital because of the clothing."

"We could check about that later. We have to get this young man to the hospital quickly." Hinata told.

"Yoush!" Naruto agreed and carried him up and put him on his back. Then he felt a bit more heavy when he was carrying him.'Hah, He looks quite heavy for an average boy... No gotta think that later. I have to get him to the hospital first.' He mentally said.

(Unknown Location)
In a dark room where there was only one light shining at the scorpion mask man where he was standing. Infront of him were three large screens showing unknown people. One in the middle was disoriented and was hidden in the shadow. The other on the right side was a women who looked Asian with long hair and had wore lipstick. The left side was a Griffy man with back hair which were messed up and he had a scar on his right side of the eye. Right now they were talking with the Scorpion man as he gave them there report of what happened.

"YOU LOST HIM!!" The man to the left shouted angrily."You mean to tell me our super soldier who we had carefully picked for this experiment, Has escaped!"

"I'm sorry my lord. He caught me off guard-"

"We don't want to hear your excuses or anything! You were supposed to keep a watch on him and we're strictly ordered to never let him escape. But no look what you did. You let him escape! I have half a mind to execute you, Right hear and Now!" He yelled with furry as The scorpion man bowed.

"Ara, Ara, Why in such a bad mood Delvin. I thought you were the one to be the strategist." The girl said in teasing toon.

"Shut it Li ! You don't get to make jokes and say you don't need to worry!"

"Ah~ But that's my thing. Beside we lost our new toy. Doesn't mean we could get him back. I was hoping to get a good look at him." Li said with a hint of malicious in her voice. The way she talks makes those around her tremble a lot.

"You and your Sexual Fantasies. But what do you aspected from a Whore like you." He told her making her look at him with a death glare."Care to repeat that You strength freak." She said dangerously close to killing him there and now.

"Enough!"The one in the middle screen said shutting them up.His voice sent chills down there spines. He didn't say a thing since he heard about the escape. The Scorpion mask man awaited for there leader to say anything and awaited for his fate."Agent Sting. Are you certain that our project had escaped the premises."

"Yes My lord... What should we do. Should I send one of our agents to go retrieve the patient." He asked.

".... Denied." He answered shocking those around him. What does there leader mean Denied?" As you said that your self. The operation wasn't completed and was halted. Making it say that the patient wasn't given the power then. If he doesn't have the power then he won't be a threat to us."

David liked at there leader from the screen."But my lord. You know there's a 10% chance that project zero may have survived the fall and has the power aswell. You know for the fact that the previous project from before could do. What of he turned out to be like him.He is given the power that could Rival the riders and destroy them."

"Oh, Are you afraid there Davy." She playfully said making him mad. But before he could tell at her."But I agree with him my lord. The previous project escape and became our worst Nightmare and caused harmed to our plans. Even if where hear in this world. There's no telling that this new project won't become the same as the last." She said agreeing with him.

There leader was quite,"what I said is still needed to be fallowed."He told."But, If you are certain that this boy is harm to us. Then Agent Sting,You are given orders to find and eliminate this threat before it could sprout further.Go to foundation X area and use the supplies needed to hunt this soldier down. Once his found being him back or if not then eliminate him there and then. Is that clear."

Sting nodded as the screen went out and the rooms light turned on. He left the room and went off but soon stopped as he saw another figure standing by the door. He was a large bulky type being with Armor all over his body making him look like a robot as he had metal spiky gloves with claws and his arms shoulders also had horns on each side and had an armored chest plate. His helmet was based on a Wolf as Blue light shines through his visors. Sting didn't say anything as he went by him.

"You getting to fix your mistake on what you did wrong." He said making Sting stop in his tracks."I messed up, But it won't happen again."

"Hah," The wolf man scoffed at that."You think by going there and finding him. You forgot on how the previous project was, And also on what he is capable off."

"... That was the previous rider. He is still new and hasn't even unlocked his power yet. He won't be much of a threat once I delt with him."

"We'll see, But just between the two of us..." He said while turning to him."Do you believe you could beat him. He is our finest project that would lead us to glory." He asked him in serious toon.


"Can't answer, well no biggy. But remember this. If he unlocks his true potential. Then he would be a major threat to us. That's why hears an advice. Try to finish him quick as possible." He told him as he went off leaving the Agent alone.

Naruto was sitting at the waiting room as he waited for the doctor to come. He changed in to his usual outfit which consisted of a orange coat with black pants and he had bandages over his arms and wore sandals. He also wore a white Robe with fire design on the bottom over his shoulders which had a the kanji of 'Lord Hokage' Written on it.

He waited patiently for the doctor to come and give report of the boy. His family went home as he told them to not worry and will soon come back. His wife and daughter agreed but his son was not sure of that. Can't blame him though cause of leaving every time when called from the office. He is the hokage of his country and its his job to worry for his people and all. His son may see it differently but his still young to fully understand it. But he will one day or another.

Now he thought back of the boy in question who they found. The boy looked a bit older then Boruto from only Two years. His skin colour and hair colour didn't matter much cause he seen some different people who had them. But something felt off about him and that got Naruto to think. When he carried him to the hospital, He felt way heavy then a normal person should be. He didn't have any fatness on him or muscles. So the weight of him was way heavy then anyother. And then there was the thing he felt of danger from him. Not any hostile danger but the danger told to be kept away.

"Lord Hokage-sama," The doctor came towards him.

"Hah, Sensei is the patient ok. Is anything wrong with him or any scratches or blood wound." Naruto asked about the boys health.

"Well, There's more like something isn't wrong with him." Naruto got confused."See we checked for any injuries on him or any damage done to him. We checked his body bone structure and all seem to be fine from it."

"Then.. what's wrong, Shouldn't that be good news then?" Naruto asked on thinking why the doctor said it like something is weird of the boy.

"Well... The thing is when you said you found him on shore of the beach. We believe he would have gotten some injuries or anything. But there were non and the weirdest part is that when we checked for his chakra level. Well He didn't have any at all." This got Naruto attention more, He doesn't have any of the chakra, Given people can still live without it but can't do much on the boy level but they still have it in them. But hearing that he doesn't have any at all. Then that's shocking.."A Normal human would have died by the fall of He/She doesn't have any chakra in them. It may be a Marical to not die and survive this. But we got one thing of it is that his clothes were half burned."


"Hai Hokage-sama, The burn marks looked like someone casted a Fire Jitsu on him. But we still don't know if that is what happened. But all I could say is the boy is fine and is on recovery soon." The doctor told,'He would have been recovered soon even without coming hear.'

"Youkata, May I go and meet him then. He could use some company." Naruto asked as the doctor nodded.

He went towards the room."Oi Gaki, Be careful when you go in there."A voice told from inside of Naruto head."Kurama, Why is something wrong with the boy or anything else?" He asked his inner beast."Well It's not something dangerous but it's something else." He told."But just be careful around the boy ok. He just gives me strange vibes."

Naruto thought about it and nodded. He didn't sense anything hostile about the boy when he was unconscious but if his conscious then he could ask questions then if the little fox said is right.

"Who are you calling little Gaki!"

Blue eyes start to open soon as the boy from before had start to gain conscious and slowly got up. He checked to see his surroundings to see that he is in some sort of hospital room. His mind start to question things, How did he end up hear? Why is hear? Why can't he remembered what happened to make him come hear? Many questions were comping in his mind. But he didn't have an answer.

"Looks like your awake." He looked up to see a man enter the room. He looked a bit weird to say but not that much."Its nice to see that your doing ok. My name is Naruto Uzumaki. If your wondering how you got hear. My family and I found you unconscious on the beach shore. We took you to the nearest hospital and checked you. Its seems like your doing ok."

The boy didn't say anything as he looked at ten stranger. He then finally spoke,"Um. Hello there."

"Hm?" Naruto got confused. He didn't heard this language before. It sounded like foreign language to him."Uno what's your name?"

"Um what?" The boy asked. Naruto then thought about it as he didn't know what language he's speaking right now."His speaking English, Gaki"


"That's right. I lived a long years and I know my ways around language and other things. As I had to go through basic needs to understand many other books. So I know what he's speaking."

"By any chance can you help me in understanding him then."

He felt an aura around him and then soon spoke."Can you understand me now?"

The boy nodded." Yeah I can.. Can you tell me what I'm doing hear. I can't remember."

Naruto explained him the reason how he got hear."While I don't know how it happened but the doctors were able to save you on time... So can I ask of your name then."

The boy thought back about his name and remembered soon."Flash... Flash Sentry."

"Flash Sentry? That's a.. weird name. But ok then. So Flash were are you from. Which Elemental country are you from. The water, earth, Air land country." He asked hoping to help the kid.

Flash was confused as heck. He didn't know what country he was talking about and knew that he never know those places. But also he doesn't remember where he was from."I... I can't remember... I don't know."

'So he has amnesia.. Is he telling the truth kurama.' Naruto asked his inner fox demon."He is.. He's confused then any of us."Kurama told but he didn't tell he felt another of the mysterious energy inside of him. He kept the other part to him self for now since he doesn't want to cause anything.

"While if you can't remember anything. Maybe I could help in jogging your memory a bit on where you from. I could do that if you want." Naruto suggested to him.

Flash paused and looked at the Hokage."You could do that? How?" He was unsure of how he would do it.

"That would be easy for me. I just need you to close your eyes and let me do my work." Naruto told the teen boy.",It would only take a minute or two."

"...Ok." He agreed and did so what told. Naruto put his hand on his forehead and closed his eyes. A soft glow formed over him as he checked his mind. His inner chakra was flowing through Flash mind to jog his memory but suddenly a green glow happened cutting the connection of the process. Naruto was taken back by that as the Jitsu didn't work.

"What the?!" He said checking his hand to see if anything was wrong as he felt a sting of shock in it.

"What happened, Is everything ok?" Flash asked opening his eyes seeing the hokage take back.

Naruto looked at the teen in question and see that he also didn't know what happened. But there was something preventing him from reaching his mind and seeing the memory. It almost felt like something else was inside him. Something dangerous was locked in him like him self, This may have been what Kurama had said, But he couldn't fully pin point if it was.

"Oh, A nothing. The process wasn't working well. It preventing me from doing anything. Sorry." Naruto apologies.

"Its.. it's ok. I didn't thought it would help." Flash looked down with sadness.

Naruto looked at the kid in pity. He once knew what it felt like to be left alone. Seeing him remind him of something of his past a lot."Say.. What do you intend to do?"

"Hm?" Flash asked in confusion."What do you mean Mister Naruto."

"What I mean is. What will you do now?"

Flash stopped and thought about it. What can he do now. He doesn't know who he is but he only know his name and that's all. Everything else is a blur and nothing more. Will he be able to live in this place? As he doesn't even know about"I don't know"

Naruto then then thought about something."I may have a proposal for you then." Making the teen look at him.

"Naruto-Kun. I know you care for him. But is it a good idea to bring him hear?" Hinata asked her Husband as Flash was sitting on the sofa by Naruto side. He didn't understand what she was saying so he remained quiet.

She was working on dinner and making extra for her husband but when he came he surprised her by saying the boy would live hear for a while. She was taken back by this and looked at the boy in question who seemingly didn't understand anything on what's happening. To tell the truth. He looked like a lost puppy if seeing his look could tell.

"I know what your thinking about Hinata and I know making a stranger kid who we found on shore live hear. Well to answer that it's simple. He doesn't remember anything but his name and that's all. No memory of family and anyone. He doesn't even know our language what so ever so I had Kurama make a Jitsu to help in this. So I thought to give him citizenship hear at Konoha village for him to live peacefully. But since he doesn't know anyone hear. I thought it's a good idea to help him."

"By making him live hear. I may agree to it. But are you sure he could be trusted to not cause any harm to our children or anyone so." Hinata asked in worried toon.

"I can grunty you. He would help around the house and can learn about things hear to survive out if he's ready. I can grant him citizenship and education aswell in the Konoha Ninja School if he wants to." Naruto gave the idea to her. Granted he could do it by doing some paper works but he just had a bit of doubt on him since he doesn't have any chakra. But it doesn't mean he can't learn hand to hand combat to fight back. He has quite good friends to help him in that situation.

"I still think it's a bit strange."

"Don't worry. He would be good with the kids and can learn our language to help understand things better. He just need a bit of socialization and he'll be good. Plus you could use an extra hand around the house so it would give you free time."

"That is true... Ok I agree but on two conditions.." She suggested.

"Name them."

"1: He would help in chores in the house and the groceries so he could learn the streets more. So when he's ready to go he'll know each place to go and not go.

2: He won't start a fight hear in the house. Cause if he does he's out of hear. And of he harm's anyone I will kick him out in a second." Hinata strictly told. She may look sweet but when you get her angry. Well hope you have life insurance then.

"Deal!" Naruto agreed."Thank you for agreeing to this Hinata! You won't regret it."

'That would be a first but won't be last.' She mentally thought."So, then you do your thing then."

"Ok," He looked at the boy."Well Flash looks like your living hear for a while then." He told him in English. Flash looked at him and smiled as he couldn't be much happy to be at a home. But he still had doubts a bit. Including one of him self.

(Shocker Hide out)
Back at the base. Sting was on the computer and was searching for Flash as he looked into the screen."You may have been able to run by catching me off guard but remember this. Our agents are everywhere so you may run but you can't hide from us forever project zero. One way or another you'll come back to us."

"You still monologuing to your self every time your alone." A female voice spoke as he didn't look behind to tell who it was.

"What do you want now. Can't you see I'm busy." Sting told as he didn't bother to look at the figure behind him.

"I'm just hear to check if you ain't slacking off. Beside if you are finding our missing experiment. How are you gonna do that if his power is locked." The figure told in mocking toon.

"He'll slip up. The power in him would activate. It was made and programmed for him to have self defence. If his life is ever in danger. It will unlock and will launch a self defence program that will control him till the threat is dealt with. If that happens I'll get the signal on where he is then." He explained not looking away from the screen.

"Well a good luck then cause if he is lost then your in danger~."The figure spoke and then left while the door closed behind him. Sting looked back at the screen.

"Arigatou miss." Flash thanked the store women and left. He just got the groceries from the shop which Hinata asked to bring from the store. He didn't complain and went straight to store.

Its been a week since he was freed from the hospital and got a citizen ship to live in the Hidden Village and also got a home to stay. Even if it's for a while or so. He first had to learn the language of this place to communicate with others. He got it in a day which surprise the Uzumaki family on how fast he learned this which took about weeks or months for amatures. Then he learned the history of the village which surprise him about this village great war and hero and about the other countries and there leaders. Flash didn't know how but he was able to learn it in another day and soon the family gave him a look on how he did it. They even checked him to the hospital again and received knowledge that he had a high IQ of 280 which was impossible for a human. So he kinda helps in the house a lot.

Then he was introduced to the family members. Hinata was a quiet good heart women and loves her family but he can tell of the person is provoked then they will show there danger side and he could tell it won't be pretty. Then there's there young son Boruto. The kid is a good heart and just gets in a little trouble but managed to get out. When he meet flash he was a bit skeptical about him..Can't blame him as he was a mysterious boy who was found on shore and had no memory of his past and looked like he ran out of a mental hospital. But eventually he came to know him better as he introduced him to some games and movies and both kinda bonded on that and eventually start to hang out and sometimes he helped him in his homework and studies if needed. Then finally comes there youngest child Himawari. She... Well let's say she looks like the most adorable thing ever. She also seemed a bit skeptical about him and sometimes glared at him but it looked cute then menacing but she also closed up to him. Soon to soon she start to call him 'Flash-Onnichan. Or Nii-chan' The hole family laughed at my reaction as my face was bright red for embarrassment.

Her words were sickening cute. Don't get him wrong. He likes to be called that it's just that it somehow overlords him with the cuteness of her and the face she makes so it's hard to say 'no' to her. But he still agreed to it. Now he's living and helping in the house till his memory is back or his ready to leave the house.

"Now. The fish and the porks are taken care off. Now I need to get the lemons and the Latus and cabbages for dinner today. Also gotta get Himawari her sweets. I swear that girl is addicted to sweets and cleaver aswell."Flash said to him self.'Damn those cute eyes. Why does she use the cuteness to her advantage to get her things.'

He stopped and saw Boruto who was running on the buildings with another kid right behind him. Flash raised an eye brow."Boruto, Where's he going in a hurry?"

He ran to catch them but because of not being trained to parkour or do any ninja techniques he decided the best way is to run after them. Soon he lost them as he looked around to see them out of sight.

"Great you lost them." He muttered as he loved around. Oppose looks like he went out of line and got him self lost,Great."Great. You didn't pay attention to the signs and got your self lost in the city while chasing two kids.... That came a bit wrong out of contents."

"Looks like you could use some help hear Flash." He turned around to see a girl in Boruto age standing behind him. She had black long hair and wore a red jacket and grey short with shinobi compound clothes and had black eyes that were covered by the glasses."It's funny seeing you lost hear in town and hear I thought you be on your guard and think ahead."

"Its good to see you to Sarada. And for the record I was chasing Boruto to see if he wasn't up to pranking anyone or us. By us mean his Tou-san." Flash greeted her.

"Well I was on my way back from the store so why not help you out to then."

"Really, Thanks your a real life saver" Flash thanked as they went on the way."So, Did you read the book I gave you last time when I went to the hospital for the other check up day."

"Uh-huh, 'My love is forbidden' Is a great romance and action story. The hero is actually a women who needs to slay the demon king but the demon king and her in a fight got stuck in a world of not there own and will have to live together till they get there powers back. Its amazing to read it! But I suspect that the church guy Poul Ravel is up to something cause of his back ground. There's no way that he's the nice guy and helping Lilian to fight the demon king." She exclaimed to Flash.

"Well I could also say for the fact that Johnathan really is to naive to let the demon king live with him at his house. But then again the kid have a tuff life and has been bullied a lot." Flash told her his toon of the story.

"Yeah and I can say for sure he could help him become a bit better." Sarada exclaimed."But any way. How's your memory coming in Flash. My mother say that you have quite a large amount of energy in you but she can't seem to reach it. Also your health is quite good and active even if you don't have chakra in you. Which is very weird since Boruto told me you were found on shore and unharmed" She was informed of what happened to him by Boruto. Apparently she was shocked to hear this. No Normal person could survive this type of fall and walk out without any bone hurt or scratches.

"Honestly. I don't know my self." Flash told her. Ever since his awake he's been up to find his past memories."I been trying to find out who I am or where I came from But I can't. Its like when ever I try to there's a mental block that always stop it from finding out. I took therapy and even medications but still no awail."

"Maybe, it's a trigger type sequence." Flash looked at her in question."Think about it. Maybe if something or someone trigger a word then maybe your memory will start to come to you one by one. That can work for you." She suggested.

"Hah?" Flash thought about it. Unnoticed to them a figure was watching them up above a roof of a building. It looked at Flash."Finally found you Project 0,You won't escape."

Flash just got back to the house as he had time to spare."Tadaima! I brought the supplies Hinata-san."

"Welcome back Flash." Hinata called in coming."Did you find the ingredients that were needed for dinner"

"Hai, I got all of them."

"Welcome back Flash-onnichan," Himawari came in running."Did you bring the sweets Nii-chan!"

"Hai Hai. I just got them in the sale today. Freshly bake MOMO Cake from the bakery. They were the last one and I got them before it ram out."

"Yay!" She tried to reach it but Flash held it out of reach."Not so fast slugger. You gotta eat your food first then sweet."

"No way I want them now!" She struggled to get them as Flash held them out of reach."Come on! Just one bite!"

"Not a chance short stack. You'll get the after dinner and that's that." She pouted cutely at Flash. But he simply laughed and patted her head."Come on Himawari just a little bit wait and I promise I'll give you and Boruto half of mine. How that?"

Himawari smiled brightly."Ok Flash onni-chan. But you better promise that or I won't forgive you."

Just then Boruto came in running."I'm back.."

"Hey Boruto."

"Onni-chan welcome back!" She ran and hugged him."Onni-chan guess what, Flash Nii-chan brought us cake! But he's not giving it to us yet."

"Hah does he. But I kinda prefer Hamburger then cake. They have well taste and spice in them." Boruto told as Flash gasped dramatically.

"Take that back! Ramen is know to be the best dish ever! It has well made ramen soup with the hint of spice and on top of that the flavour added to it. Ramen even comes in different Flavours aswell. Beef, Stake, and even pork!"

"But so is Hamburger. Its buns are soft and have the rice seed for the extra crunch in it. And it also has the cheese and the Latus for health and vitamin and let's not forget the part in it which I can say has in different meat and can come in extra bun type!" Boruto argued back with same dramatic toon." And it also has the ingredient to make it perfect, which is the famous sauce which gives the kick."

"So does the ramen aswell. The ramen not just have sauce but it can also have other ingredients such as chips and fish aswell!"

"No they don't. Your just making that up." Boruto told. "No I'm not!" Flash said getting Infront of his face."Himawari back me up in this."

"No way she's my sister she'll back me up!" Boruto said as both looked at the girl in question. She looked at her two brothers Fighting and thought on who's side to chose."um, I don't know who to pick, I think I go with... What Kaa-san made today so Bye Bye!" Leaving the two alone as both glared at one another for a second. Then soon burst out laughing.

"It never gets old." Flash laughed as he patted Boruto on the head."So, What happened out there today. Saw you jumping somewhere with Shikadai this morning. Wanna explain that."

"Eh,.... Well there was a sale on the burger store. My favourite yakisoba bun were on sale so I wanted to be the first one to go there and get my order. Nothing happened much there Flash-nisan." Boruto told. But Flash knew there was something more to it. Just a bit of living with the Family he got to understand them more and more.

"Well,How about next time I tag along with you. Hows that. Plus I get to try some brand over there."

"That'll be a good idea. Then you can finally agree that Burger is better then Ramen!" Boruto cheekily said as Flash rubbed his head."Dream on kid, Dream on." Flash playfully smiled.

The four of them were now sitting at the dining table and we're enjoying there meal happily. Boruto was feeling a bit down since his father couldn't come and enjoy the meal with them. He always avoided his family and went on his way of helping the villagers. Boruto didn't had anything against the villagers but he was getting tired and angry on his father for not spending time with him now that he became the hokage of the Village.

Flash saw his look and mood so he tried to cheer him up a bit."Say Boruto, Your gonna start your first day in the Hidden leaf School Tomorrow right. Pretty cool right. To go to the same school where your father used to go."

Boruto ate his food as he said."Yeah, I guess."

"What do you mean you guess. You get to train to be a shinobi and can get to go on cool missions once you get a team of your own. I heard they let you go on other country villages in the element states. You gotta feel pumped about that right." Flash said excitedly.

"Yeah, If you don't count the constant studying and lectures I have to go by to achieve that goal. I mean can't there be an easy way for me to just get the headband and my team. I don't wanna be in boring classes all my time." Boruto wined a bit at that.

"Boruto, You and I both know that there is no short cut in life. If you always relie on easy way then you'll never even understand the taks of hard work or achievements you needed." Flash said to him."Just by doing that you'll be like your friend Nara then."

"What a drag."

"I think you have been spending to much time with him." Flash said in playful worry."But come on, What kind of example will you be putting on your younger sister then." He picked at Himawari who was eating her food.

"That, She shouldn't be like her big brother and work hard so she won't end up like me Inthe near future."

"Can agree on that." This caused a bit of laughter on the table as they all got out of the bad mood From earlier. Flash had a habit of doing this as he always had to look out for as he had amnesia but he always had a nick for helping."Na na, Flash-niichan, When will you start your training then. You are the oldest but you don't know the main basis of fighting techniques or anything as you don't remember much."

This got Flash think a bit."Well, Naruto-san had told me that he will help me in finding a Taijitsu instructor for helping me in combat and hand to hand. He said that since don't have any chakra in me or anything so it's better to go hand to hand with anyone else."

"But still there is quite a danger in that." Hinata said in worry toon."You may know there is three techniques in being a shinobi. First there is Ninjitsu, Then theres Taijitsu and then Genjitsu. The Taijitsu skills are quite very Strong on to a superhuman level that can help in battles. But Genjitsu and Ninjitsu may cause problems for you as they are the techniques used to summon and mess with the human brain." Hinata explained to him.

"I read about that, Basically Genjitsu can cause you to see illusion and can mess with your mind to make you think your in some other place or anything. It can also be used in combat to fool enemies but that most common thing is that it can also become real in combat as it may cause Brian damage to the user. But that also taht it can help control the elements of lighting and nature around a person am I correct Hinata-san."

"Hai, The Genjitsu users are quite strong in mind games. Then there's Ninjitsu which energy ninja has the ability to summon fake clones to summoning a Monster. It's the basic use of chakra to use in combat." Hinata explained.

"So your worried that Flash-niichan is gonna get creamed then your wrong there Kaa-san." Boruto came in defending Flash."Flash is quite strong in battle. Even if he doesn't have any chakra in him or anything but he can give one hell of a punch to a crook when he needs to."

"Hai, Hai, I seen Flash-niichan do that before and he didn't even need any training to do it." Himawari said remembering the day."And let's not forget the tricks that Flash Nii-chan can do to."

"You mean like this." Flash said suddenly reaching his hand forward behind Himawari ear and pulling out a card from behind then suddenly flipping the card changing it into a red rose all of a sudden from thin air. The rose suddenly caught on fire as he blew it out, which then changed the Flower into a Fire lilly."Tada!" Himawari and Hinata clapped at the magic trick as Boruto smirked at that.

"That was great Flash Nii-chan!" Himawari said with stars in her eyes as she saw the magic."How did you do that?"

Flash put a finger over his lips."A magician never reveals his secrets to anyone." She pouted a bit but smiled knowingly.

*Ding Dong*

Just then the door bell rang."Oh looks like it may be Naruto-san right now, Maybe he finally got out of the paper work." Flash said getting up and going to the door.

But just as he was about to reach it, He's body felt a jolt all of a sudden. It was like his instincts were telling him to get out of the way as there was danger Infront of him. He started to feel the need to get in to a protective stance as he's mind took on Fight mode. Hinata came out of the dining room to look to see Flash standing there."What's wrong Flash? Why are you standing there all of a sudden?"

Flash wiped his head back suddenly as it could have caused a crack in his neck as he looked at her with fear."Hinata-san! Hey back right now, It's no-!"


The door was burst opened as a wind came in knocking Flash back towards the stairs as they broke Inthe impact. Hinata took cover as the attacked happened as the two kids jumped back in fright.

"Nani?!" Both yelled.

"Flash! You ok!" Hinata shouted as she she looked at the aftermath to find that the boy was getting up from the sudden attack. She sighed in relief but it got bad when she looked to find the attacker in question and was shocked."Kaa-san! What happened and what caused the sudden attack?!" Boruto ran towards her."Boruto, Get back it's not safe!"

Flash got up from the attack and rubbed his head. He didn't feel much pain but it stung a bit. He opened his eyes to find the attacker In question as it reveals to be some kind of humanoid creature with was covered in white and black armor and was supporting two gunglet with large claws that have spikes on them. It also had a silver chest armor with a symbol of a Engle on it and had shoulder pads. Finally its face was of some kind of tiger mask but had green visor eyes and sharp teeth that looked real.

"What.... The.... Heck is that guy.... Is it to early for a costume party or something." Boruto muttered in shock seeing the kaijin in question.

"Boruto.. get back and get Himawari out of hear now." Hinata ordered as he was about to retort she gave him a stern look." Don't question me young man. This thing isn't good news."

Meanwhile the kaijin glared at Flash who was shocked and confused on seeing the thing Infront of him."I have finally found you No.0. You have been hiding from shocker raider for quite a while but no matter now as we have located you." The kaijin said to the teen.

"Sh...ocker.?" That name. It rung some bells in his head as he has heard it before."Why the heck are you after me?!" He demanded

But instead of answering The lion kaijin launched at the teen as it wasn't hear for small chat or anything. Hinata suddenly came in his way and delivering a swift kick to its face but the kaijin stopped it with his arms. She launched swift punches at him but he was fast enough to block each strike with ease as he was able to see her movement. She got back in to position as she glared at him.

"Flash. Take Himawari and Boruto out of hear now! I'll take care of this thing while you escape from hear."

"No way Hinata-san! This thing is dangerous and has a killer vibe in it. You can't beat this guy."

"I'm not gonna repeat my self again Flash." Hinata stunnerly told him as she galered at the kaijin who was standing there looking at her."I founght in battle before and have endured many pain. I know how to fight and defend my self, So it's wise for you to run and get help then whole I distract him."

Flash bit his lips as he didn't water to do so but she had a point and right now the safety of the two children had to come first as Hinata can fight well. So swallowing his fear he had to make a choice so he ran towards the children and grabbed them. Before they could protest about this or anything Flash broke through the window and ran out leaving the two behind. Hinata stood in combat as she was battle ready but the lion kaijin simply looked at her without any worry.

"You made a mistake on coming in to my house and trying to attack my family hear young man. So be ready, As I'm ain't that merciful or anything." Hinata decalered as she launched at him with fury in her eyes.

While that was happening. Something or someone was standing on the top of the building near the hokage house and was looking at the said house. He then saw his target get out of the house as he was supporting two kids in his arms. He was running with top speed as he didn't stop.

"Target identified. Beginning to take action and captur the experiment back to the base." He spoke as he ran after them.

Author's Note:

Now I know what you all may be wondering and yes it's my Boruto X Mlp x Kamen Rider story. I won't go into detail just yet as it will be explained in the story on how it is possible. So for now enjoy.