• Published 1st Apr 2023
  • 240 Views, 8 Comments

The Greatest Ultimate Mix-Up Story (April Fools Special) - Admiral Producer

Over the course of several hilarious shenanigans, ponies do random stuff for random and nonsensical reasons……

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Chapter 2: Izzy Time Travels And Becomes A God

Izzy Moonbow awoke in a pitch black void, fluttering her eyes open, strong winds blowing all around her. Her hooves felt like jelly as she had been laying on them for a long time. She was no longer in her bed at the Crystal Brighthouse, that much she was certain.

She looked around in every which way to see where she was. As far as her eyes could see, there was nothing in sight for miles. Nonetheless, she stood up as her excitement for adventure triumphed over any rational thought. She looked out into the darkness again, watching carefully for anything that could move.

Nothing did.

“Hi, mysterious black abyss, my name is Izzy!! Izzy Moonbow!” Izzy called out. “It’s nice to meet you! You know, I’ve never talked to an empty void before, so this is my first time!”

“Oh yes,” the voice answered back, “You may call me Discord, the Lord of Chaos! I am running a little experiment. You have been brought from your own time period to my realm to make some new friends. They’re waiting inside my house.”

“You read my mind!” Izzy gasped. “Tell me, what am I thinking right now?!”

“Something dumb. Ah, there we go! You’ll have to excuse Gryffin’s daily routine. Have fun now, Izzy. We shall meet again in four hours!”

“Hi, new friends!” Izzy greeted them. “My name is Izzy!”

They all turned to look at her. Instantly, they got out of their seats, grabbed any tools they could find as weapons, and aimed them all at her.

“Stand back, intruder!” declared the Kirin, “I, Autumn Blaze, defender of the Peaks of Peril, shall defend all who are with me from you!”

“Ah, just the mischievous draconequus who we released from stone, who befriended Fluttershy, and is now our best friend!” the pink pony explained. She faced Izzy. “Hiya there, Izzy Moonbow! I’m Pinkie Pie and I planned this interrogation just for you! Are you excited? I’m so excited, I’ve never been so excited, well, except for all the adventures we went on where I was like-“ She gasped, “But I mean really, who could top that?!”

“Right, is that the riddle?”
“No,” Gabby replied, “The riddle is this.” She inhaled for dramatic effect and stated the riddle: “109876543322+ 1233445566677789990- 4(098765543234567776655579) to the power of 2 divided by the square root of 10000000000000000070001x equals y.”

“27,001!” Izzy answered. She honestly had no idea, but she assumed that was the correct answer. She just hoped she wasn’t about to be spliced in half.


“Wait, that was actually the answer?” Izzy couldn’t believe it. She was a genius at Math after all! All those negative things her teachers told her at school, all the F grades she got on her tests, balderdash! If she could answer that, she could answer anything. She vowed to quiz Sunny on that riddle when she got back.

“I’ll tell Discord to send it over when we are done,” Pinkie Pie said, ”Now with that out of the way, LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!!”

When all was said and done, they sat on the floating couch together and talked about their lives before meeting each other.

“My friends don’t understand the value of stairs,” Silverstream piped up, “But I tell them that only a true believer would understand. Gallus was all like ‘WHAT?! What are you trying to say?! Are we not true believers?!’ And I was like ‘Nope! But you can certainly learn!’ So I give them free classes in ‘Silverstreamism’ every Sunday!”

“And I’m pretty sure the writer of this fanfiction just made that up for the sake of this story and you’ll never mention them again afterwards, buuuuuuut-“ Pinkie Pie said and ripped open a patch of air into another black void. “Hey you! Author! Will you bring Skystar’s new friends back in the next story featuring her?!”

“I’ll think about it!” I responded. “Now go away!”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie Pie closed the rip in reality. “Well that clears it up! What about you, Gabby?”

Izzy was flabbergasted at what she had just seen. No one could tear the very fabric of reality and talk to an author, right? And on that note, did that mean she wasn’t even real?! She knew that she would be having an existential crisis later on.

“Wow that is deeeeeep,” Skystar commented, “But yeah, be yourself, Silver. At least I am with my mom 100% of the time…regardless…if she likes it…But you get the point! I like being unabashedly optimistic as it helps me deal with so many things. Don’t ever lose that part of yourself, Silverstream. I’ll be sure to tell you as much via letters.”

“Before I tell you the information you seek,” Izzy stated, a mischievous smile on her face. “You must first answer the billion dollar RIDDLE!!!!!”

“The billion dollar what now?” Sunny now looked completely confused.

“I’ll do anything to get a definitive answer from you, Izzy. Throw it at me!” Hitch challenged her.

“If you insist,” Izzy said, “The riddle iiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssss: 109876543322+ 1233445566677789990- 4(098765543234567776655579) to the power of 2 divided by the square root of 10000000000000000070001x equals y.”

“Excuse me, what?” Sunny asked. “I’m sorry, professor, I don’t know.”

“Um…7?” Hitch guessed.

“INCORRECT!!!! YOU LOSE!!!!” Izzy announced. “Now I will tell you the story in as many tangents as I feel like! We’re gonna be here all morning!!!”

“Oh no…” Hitch moaned.

“Uh, do I get another try?” Sunny inquired in a worried tone.


And that was the story of how Izzy Moonbow discovered her true purpose in life with a dream. Or…was it a dream? You see, you will never know. For I, Discord, the Master of Chaos and Disharmony, have actually been narrating this story to you the entire time and I have kept the true answer hidden for a very good reason. For if you all knew the truth…

Where would the fun in that be?

“…And so, may the ever loving grace of Chaos bless this poor unfortunate soul as she leaves behind this mortal coil and goes to meet her makers!! Today, this creature shall be sacrificed and the multiverse shall be spared the turmoils of destruction!!”


“Today, we say goodbye to Autumn Blaze as my dear friend Monkey has a nice premature dinner! SAY GOODBYE, PUNK!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!”


“Excuse me, madam!” Pinkie Pie greeted cheerfully, “I’m Pinkie Pie and I’m from one of your shows! Can you please show me to the boss?”

“Sure thing, Pinkie Pie…” No sooner did the words leave the receptionist’s mouth did she realize who she was talking to. Her head snapped up and she faced the pink pony with wide eyes. “PINKIE PIE?!!!”

“Yes sirreee!” Pinkie Pie answered. “You see, we have an emergency in Discord’s realm and I gotta hop to the future and-“


The receptionist had fainted in her chair, which fell to the floor with all the files spreading out all over the place. Almost instantly, many employees rushed over in droves from the next room as fast as they could and checked her pulse.
A man looked up in horror and saw Pinkie Pie, who was still standing there with a big bright smile on her face.

“My name is Pinkie Pie,” Pinkie sang, “Hello! And I am here to say, ‘How ya doin?’ I’m gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your daaaaaay…It doesn’t matter-“
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” The man screamed and ran back into the other room, yelling for the manager to come and see the cartoon character come to life.

To her credit, Pinkie really didn’t know what she had done wrong.

“Shoppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnng!!” Pipp Petals declared in a sing-song voice, earning herself a glare from her sister Zipp Storm. “What? I need to be the first one to buy the recent fashion trend! If I wear this, it’ll be a massive hit! 300k views in the first eight hours!”

“Whoa!!” Hitch was shocked beyond belief. “Who are you, stranger? Haven’t seen you around in Maretime Bay before.”
Instantly, Pinkie burst back to life without warning and started talking so fast that poor Hitch could not keep up. “HellothereHitchTrailblazerI’mPinkiePieandIneedtotalktoIzzyrightaway!”

“Excuse me, what?”

As if on cue, Izzy sprinted towards the door and gasped when she saw Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie Pie?!! How did you get here?! Have you come to see me?!! This is so exciting!!”

Pinkie Pie nodded vigorously, practically bouncing up and down with a mix of impatience and excitement as she spoke,“YouneedtocomebackwithmeandanswerariddleforDiscordotherwisehewillsacrificeAutumnBlazetohispetmonkeytoappeasetheChaosGods!!”

“Autumn Blaze is going to be sacrificed?!!” Izzy looked horrified. “We cannot let that happen! Bye, guys! I’m going back with Pinkie Pie, see ya!!” she told them hastily.

Right as she said that, Pinkie Pie opened another portal back to Discord’s realm and both of them jumped through it before Hitch or the others could react.

Zipp scratched her head in confusion. “Did…you get anything Pinkie Pie said?”

Hitch shook his head. “Nope. All I know is…Izzy’s been kidnapped and I just stood here like a doofus. WHAT KIND OF SHERIFF AM I??????????!!!!!!!”

“It’s time for a montage!” Pinkie Pie declared, “This calls for a READING PARTY!!!” With the flick of her hoof, a radio appeared out of thin air and planted itself on the table.

Izzy put on her glasses. “Let’s do this!”

“Oh yes! YES!!!” Skystar cheered, taking out Melvy and Melvin from out of nowhere to use as extra reading companions.

“Aw man!” Silverstream said with exasperation, taking the paper from Gabby and throwing it aside. “We must try harder!”

“And try harder we will!” Pinkie Pie agreed, “See? Now you’re getting in the spirit!! Now…TO THE NEXT CHAPTER, LADIES!!!!!”

“Yes, ma’am!!” the others chimed in unison and turned the page simultaneously, ripping it off in the process.

Skystar shrugged. “He’s probably got hundreds of copies.”

But right as she was about to finally give up hope, she heard a familiar voice behind her, a voice that she recognized instantaneously.

“Use your brain, Izzy! You can do it!”

“Sunny?!” Izzy whipped around and sure enough, Sunny, Hitch, Zipp, and Pipp were all standing far into the distance next to Pinkie Pie. They were all calling out to her, encouraging her, just as she always did for them.

“Trust us, Izzy! Think hard!!” Zipp called out.

“Yeah!! You can answer one stinky ‘ol riddle!!” Hitch yelled.

“We’re here for you, Izzy!! GO FOR IT!!” exclaimed Sunny.
“Show that creature!!” Zipp shouted.

“WE ARE WITH YOU, IZZY!!!” Pipp screamed.

“YOU GOT THIS, IZZY!!!!” shrieked Pinkie Pie loudly, “YOU CAN DO IIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!”

“Now,” Izzy declared, “Listen up, Discord!!!! Allow me to remind you, the page in your book was blank because the Riddle was forbidden to be transcribed in any form!! A normal pony or creature would have their brains fried for just trying to decode it, BUT a pony who’s entire existence is devoted to the art of pure imagination and limitless creativity knows the art of chaos better than anypony! The answer to the Riddle is SCHOA which is Chaos mixed up!! My favorite of the made-up words.”

The crowd erupted into applause as a large bell sounded on the ceiling, indicating that she had gotten the answer correct. Izzy had done it.

She had solved the riddle.

Discord gasped audibly. “This is…this is impossible!!!! Y-YOU C-CAN’T KNOW THE ANSWER, YOU’D HAVE TO BE A-“

“A Chaos God…” Autumn Blaze realized.


“INDEED SHE IS!!!!!!” She was interrupted by a loud booming voice. She looked up, but the voice wasn’t Discord’s. It was deeper and sounded more ancient. The sound reverberated across the arena like an earthquake.

The ground shook beneath them as suddenly, a large portal opened right in the middle of the arena and three draconequui came flying out of it. They looked just like Discord, only they were much bigger in size and had a commanding presence to them. The leader carried a golden trident, signifying that he was their King.

Discord’s mouth dropped open. “The Gods! They’re here!”

DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSCCCCOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRD!!!!!!!!!!” King Ares demanded. “What is the meaning of this?!”

“You’re in big trouble, young man!” Eris shouted, “You’re grounded for the rest of the year!!!”

“We should probably charge him for attempted murder too.” Hades pointed out.

Upon hearing this, Discord shrank down to a smaller size in terror. “Mommy…”

No sooner had he said this did the three other draconequui pounce on him, hauling him up and dragging him into the air kicking and screaming like a two-year old back through the portal to the Kingdom of Chaos.

The portal closed behind them, the dying screams of Discord the final thing Izzy and her two groups of friends ever heard before there was total silence.

“And,” declared Pipp, grabbing out her phone, “We won’t be forgetting about this any time soon as I got the whole thing all on tape!” She went to her Photos and played the video recording. However, instead of playing the confrontation, a Rickroll was playing instead with the caption:

Stole this from the humans. I’m sure they won’t mind. Gotcha!

“What? How? But?” Pipp was flabbergasted. “Whyyyyyyyyyy?”

All of them laughed over this as the Sun slowly set behind the horizon and nighttime fell Maretime Bay. All was quiet and at peace.

Or so it would seem. I mean who can really tell exactly what constitutes happily ever after, hm? Certainly I can’t. Isn’t that right?
