• Published 26th May 2023
  • 919 Views, 34 Comments

War From the Stars - James Pwyll

Sunset, Twilight and their friends find themselves in a conflict far bigger than they ever imagined.

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Bumblebee was, it had to be said, somewhat out of place in the lush and verdant environment of the Everfree Forest. Metal in contrast to the greenery in every direction. Yet, in spite of this clear mishmash, Bumblebee was quite taken with his surroundings. Every tree, every smaller plant, every bird that flew through the air, he was as close as he could get, his wrecked voice-box letting out all manner of cooing and other such noises to show his interest. He was not alone here though, as both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were close behind, with the latter merrily skipping along as she kept watch over their new, and incredibly large friend. "Gee, you'd think he'd never seen trees before."

Fluttershy looked to her. "He hasn't. He told me Cybertron is a completely metal planet. No flesh and blood creatures, nor green or wooden plants like we have."

Pinkie slapped her hands over her own cheeks, letting out a gasp. "But that's so...so..." Then, she paused, scratching the side of her head. "Actually, I don't know what that is. Good? Bad?"

Fluttershy giggled. "Neither. It's just...well...different." She looked over to Bee, still smiling. "And I'm sure our world looks pretty different to him."

Pinkie considered that, then broke out into a wide smile before jumping ahead to speak loudly to her otherworldly walking companion. "So, Bee. You like our planet so far?"

Looking to her, the yellow Autobot gave a smile, coupled with an enthusiastic nod, much to Fluttershy's delight. "I'm glad," she said. Then, both girls watched as their friend soon became entranced by the arrival of yet one more animal, this time a small, pink butterfly. Bumblebee's eyes widened, and he got down to one knee to get a better look at the creature as it landed on a nearby flower. It flapped its wings briefly, with the Cybertronian looking to it like it was the strangest, most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Fluttershy smiled to this, matching his movements by gracefully going down on her knees in front of the flower herself. "It's called a butterfly. And they're one of my favourites too."

Pinkie soon joined them, just as happy to see the little critter as much as they were. But she didn't say anything, at least not until Bumblebee stretched out one finger of his to try and touch the butterfly, only to be met with disappointment as it flew away in response. "Sorry, Bee," Pinkie remarked. "They're kinda skittish. I'm sure the animals on your planet are the same, right?" She paused to think on her own words. "Um...do you have animals? Like, maybe electric sheep or something?"

Hearing her question, Bumblebee's shoulders slumped, and he looked, for some reason, sad. Fluttershy reached out, patting him on his arm to comfort him, and very much looked like she knew something that Pinkie didn't. After a while, the other girl turned to her friend and began to explain. "There used to be creatures on their world. What'd we'd call animals. But..." She halted herself, as if the very thought threatened to bring her to tears. "The war...ended all of that."

Instantly, Pinkie understood, and while she may have been famous for her joyful, glass-half-full mentality, even she recognised the need to not throw an upbeat attitude around at a time like this. "Oh."

Fluttershy again looked to Bumblebee. "He told me a while back. All he's ever known is his planet during the fighting. He's been shown what it used to be like, in histories and things like that, but he's never seen Cybertron as it was with his own eyes." In spite of the sombre mood of the conversation, Fluttershy actually managed a smile, albeit a small one. "I'm sure it was lovely, back in its day."

Bumblebee gave out what could perhaps be argued to be a sigh, nodding gravely to his friend's words. Then, while motioning with his hands, he began to speak, though still with only Fluttershy there to understand him. Pinkie watched, patiently listening to every beep and other random sound that came from the Autobot, but she knew it would ultimately be Fluttershy who could actually help her to make sense of it. Sure enough, once Bumblebee had stopped, the latter turned to her, smiling wider than before, prompting Pinkie to step forward. "Well?"

Clearing her throat, Fluttershy began her translation. "There was this one image he's always remembered. I guess you could call it a festival. It happened every few years to remember important heroes of the past. All of Cybertron would've come out to celebrate it. There was dancing, singing, all sort of things. And at the end, all the many lights of the city..." She paused, looking to Bumblebee again. "Iacon, was it?" Seeing Bumblebee nod, she continued. "Right, Iacon. All of Iacon's lights went out, everyone would look up to the bright, starry sky, and then, the whole fleet of Cybertron's ships would trail overhead, letting loose a mass of fireworks! There'd be colours the likes of which we don't even have here on Earth, and every Cybertronian would look to it with awe and wonder, happy in the knowledge that they lived good lives on a good world." Then, Bumblebee's shoulders slumped again, and he let out one more, sad bleep, which Fluttershy soon translated. "At least...they used to be."

Pinkie, in a rare moment for her, let all of that story sink in, picturing in her mind's eye what it would have been to walk an alien world and see a celebration like that. But of course, much like Bumblebee himself, she knew she was only hearing it second-hand, or third in this case. The Autobot himself had never had the chance to see it, having known instead explosions as far removed from the beauty of fireworks as you could get. Still, that typical, Pinkie energy soon reasserted itself, and she smiled to him, rushing over and hugging his enormous leg. "Don't you worry, Bee! You're with us now! You might have never been able to enjoy a big party on Cybertron, but trust me, you'll definitely get to see one with me around!"

Bumblebee blinked to her, then nervously glanced to Fluttershy, who giggled before nodding to him. "Believe me, she means that."

Though still unsure, Bumblebee nevertheless responded all the same, carefully patting Pinkie on the top of her head, which the girl interpreted, and rightly so, as thanks. "You're very welcome!"