• Published 8th Apr 2023
  • 720 Views, 13 Comments

The Spectacular Spider-Mane - Failwhale34

Peter Parker evolves into role of Protector of Manehattan as the Spectacular Spider-Mane

  • ...

Chapter Three

"Did you check his vitals?"

"I am, this minute, doing just that."


"And it's a reading."

"Is it the same as before?"

"Same as before."

"Huh, so what'd you do this weekend?"

"Nah, nothing much. I just spent time with the kids."

Those voices. Voices of ponies he had never heard of before. His head. His head was in pain. Why was his head hurting him? What happened to him? W-where was he?

"Alright Fillies and Gentlecolts, I guess it's time for us to depart. We'll check on 'Doctor Octopus' again tomorrow."

That name was what immediately got his attention.

"W-w-why did you just call me that?" He asked weakly. His voice was a little sore, but whoever was there clearly heard him based on the sounds of them gasping. "W-why did you call me that name?"

Though they didn't answer and he couldn't see them, he knew they were still in the room and his patience was beginning to wear thin. He didn't know where this anger of his was coming from, but he didn't care.

"WHY DID YOU CALL ME DOCTOR OCTUPUS!!? ANSWER ME!" He bellowed waving his front legs around. "WHAT'S GOING ON!? WHERE AM I!?"

"Your awake, Doctor Octavius," A female voice responded steadily. "That's good."

Yes, that was his name. Otto Octavius. It was beginning to come back to him. "Y-yes. W-what's going on?"

"Otto, I'm Doctor Saw. I've been in charge of your well-being since you were brought here," Doctor Saw responded. "As for where you are, you are in Manehattan Hospital. You're going to be alright."

Manehattan Hospital. So, that's where he was. But how did he get there?

"Do you remember what happened to you, Otto?" Doctor Saw asked.

Otto groaned, favoring his head. "I-it's so nauseous."

"You suffered severe head trauma, Otto. What's the last thing you remember?" Doctor Saw asked.

Otto thought long and hard for a moment, but his brain was just everywhere. "I-I don't know. I don't remember."

"You were demonstrating an experiment on Neogenics at Oscorp and there was a terrible explosion. You've been in a coma, Otto."

Memories were beginning to flash before his eyes. "O-Oscorp? How long? How long was in a coma?"

"...Almost 4 years." Saw responded.

Otto's head was still in pain. "I-I-I can't think right." Otto clutched his head, trying to get his bearings. Why couldn't he think? The doctor said he was in an accident four years ago. Almost four years of his life that were taken from him. But as he was trying to grip his thoughts, he heard mechanical noises. Mechanical movement coming from everywhere. He heard the doctors jump in fright and back away.

He reached out with his hoof and whatever it was, he could feel it. No, not just physically. But mentally too. He could feel a connection to it.

"W-What is this!?" Otto panicked. "WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!?"

"Otto, those are your metallic arms," Doctor Saw explained. "They are what you had written in your scientific essay to have you used in your more delicate experiments. They... seemed to have fused when fused to your body during the explosion. They are on you right now. Your skin has been fused to the metal... as if the two are one. Your arms seem to be connected to your neural system."

"We don't know how," The female voice began. "But you seem to be in control of them. Do y-"

"Take off my blindfold." Otto suddenly interrupted.



After a short moment, a white aura removed the blindfold, which allowed Otto to regain his sight as the doctors surrounding him... as well as his metallic arms.

"Merciful Celestia..." Otto gasped looking in horror and looking down to see his arms were indeed fused to his body.

"I know this is indeed a terrifying thing to wake up to discover, Otto, but we're here to help you recover and help you through it." Doctor Saw said reassuringly.

He didn't know what came over him, but a wave of anger suddenly took over. "So I'm stuck like this? Is that what your saying to me?" He growled, glaring at the doctors.

"W-we tried removing the arms, Otto, but like we said, they've been fused to your body." Saw tried to explain. "Anger is a normal reaction-"

"Be quiet..."

"You shouldn't feel ashamed of that emot-"


And Doctor Saw was dealt with a sudden pang to his barrel as a metallic shot straight into it. One of the Nurses screamed in horror.

That was only the beginning as all the rest of the Arms flickered to life, raising themselves off of the hooks as everypony at the operating room panicked from the surprise ambush, resulting in more screams of horrified fear.

And fear they have rightly felt so, as the Arms began to grab Doctors and Nurses, either throwing them into the air or just simply dragging them on the ground while the rest tried to flee for their lives. Lights fell from the ceiling as an Arm grabbed the face of another helpless soul, flinging him around in the air while another grabbed a Nurse and placed his arm on the light bulb, effectively electrocuting him from that point on.

Bodies filled the room as cries for help were shouted in the air, desperate pleas that shows off utter terror as one of the operators were still being dragged through the floor filled with glass while being painfully ignored due to the rest of the remaining occupants being slaughtered from the merciless onslaught that the Arms possessed, leaving a Nurse to be dragged down into the dark while clawing desperately on the floor, making her marks scratched across the surface.

As the rest were carried through the air, being slammed onto the floor or towards the walls without a shred of mercy, one particular survivor was pushed back next to a table containing a Chainsaw, amplifying his hopes for survival as he reached out, only to be against the table, which inadvertently helped his cause as the cloth dragged the saw onto the floor next to him.

While the 2nd last victim shouted her last screams of fear, the remaining survivor grabbed the Chainsaw and tried cutting through the metal, which was entirely in vain, unbeknownst to him, due to a special metal of the arms, it was all for naught as he shouted, trying to cut the mechanism pinning him against the wall.

Then, to his horror, all the other Arms joined up with their better as the man gasped softly, seeing their Red lights shine through the metallic palms as they opened up, finishing him as they ganged up on the now screaming victim, whose hooves then dropped the tool to the floor.

Once all the occupants were killed, the Arms retreated back to the Scientist as Otto's body squirmed. In his anger, everything had gone dark and then... he was surrounded by dead bodies.

However, there was just one thought that came into his mind, just one thought that made him... Personally committed to escaping into the outside more than ever.


After a while of climbing down the steps, the Arms reached the entrance and pushed the doors open, leaving the surrounding locals to back away as Otto used his Arms to make his exit, a carriage nearly ran him over when one of the Limbs halted its speed, flinging it in the air to crash onto another vehicle. At that point, Otto began to take in just how sentient the Arms have become while he stood out in the middle of the street, almost becoming attached to them mentally somehow.

Then, as the sirens were heard from a distance, he turned his head around, seeing a man dressed in a Dark Olive Green Trench Coat, and a pair of shades who was distressed by his very appearance as Otto stared at the pedestrian with great interest.

"...Your jacket and glasses... give them to me."

"I'm not following, Urich. Where's the angle?" Jameson asked as he was in his office fellow journalists, Robertson and Urich.

"I looked into it apparently, the patient that those doctors were tending to... was Otto Octavius." Urich reported.

"That names sounds familiar." Robertson though aloud putting a hoof under his chin in thought.

"He was one of the Chief Scientists at Oscorp." Jameson inputted.

"Oh yeah, he was in that Neogenics explosion almost 4 years ago. I thought he died." Robertson said.

"Well, he didn't," Urich said firmly. "Turns out he survived but he was in a comatose state since then until now. And from what I've learned... he just went crazy. He left the hospital all while killing several doctors and nurses."

"Damn, what could caused him to snap like that?" Robertson questioned. "From what I learned, he was a great scientist with a great mind."

"No idea," Urich answered while looking through his notes. "But the doctors were tending to the complications that he suffered."

"Talk about complications," Jameson scoffed. "We have a crazy mad scientist on the loose with four mechanic arms welded right onto his body. Guy named Otto Octavius winds up with eight limbs, what are the odds?"

"Any odds are likely these days, Jonah." Robertson said. "What exactly are we gonna name him?"

"Ooh, I got it!" Jameson said eagerly. "Doctor Octopus! But in short terms, Doc Ock! Eh?"

"That's sounds pretty neat." Urich nodded along with Robertson.

"But in all seriousness," Jameson began, narrowing his eyes. "What exactly state do think Octavius is even in?"

"Maybe that accident did something to him to caused him to have gone off the deep end. Or maybe he's just really angry at the world right now," Urich pointed out. "After all, it was said that he did suffer some trauma to the head."

Jameson hummed in agreement. "Alright then Urich, find the good doctor for us. See what's on the doctor's mind."

Unbeknownst to the three of them, outside of Jameson's office, leaning on the door listening in was Peter, who had overheard everything.

'Doctor Octavius is awake!?' Peter thought frantically. 'And he was the one who killed those ponies at the hospital!? Why Otto Why!?'

Peter didn't know what to think. He had long know about Otto's comatose state, but what had caused him to berserk like that?

Either way, he needed to find Otto maybe find out what happened to him. Who knows? Maybe he could help him. Otto might not be in his right state of mind at the moment.

'And it looks like a job for Spidey to take of'

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading! Once again, please use constructive criticism!