• Published 28th Jun 2023
  • 219 Views, 1 Comments

Quibble’s Daring Fantasy - BrawnyBold

Wind Sprint reads one of the Daring Do stories. But this story is quite unique from the other ones.

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Questionable Reading Material

Wind Sprint was organizing some books in her room while her mom was out for a quick errand. Wind rarely kept books in her room as she was more into athletic stuff. That was until Clear Sky's coltfriend, Quibble Pants, decided to offer Wind some books that he had when he was a foal. Wind thought it was nice of Quibble to give her some books. The only problem was Quibble had so many books that the boxes took up a large amount of space in Wind's room. Wind thought it would be best to sort out which books to keep in her room while she put the rest in the bookshelf in her living room. Wind found several fantasy novels that were based on Quibble's favorite board game: Ogres and Oubliettes. Wind figured that she should read a few of these books to get some grasp of the game. She picked out one fantasy book and put the rest in her living room's bookshelf. Wind also found some sci-fi books. She was really interested in one of the books that was about space pirates fighting against alien alicorns. Wind continued to look through all of the books until she stumbled across Quibble's collection of Daring Do books. Wind remembered when Quibble told her how he was really into the Daring Do series as it had a lot of action sequences and puzzles that he really enjoyed. Wind thought that Daring Do wasn't athletic enough as she thought all Daring Do does was find dusty old junk, but that was when Wind wasn't really fond of Quibble. Wind grabbed all of the Daring Do novels and put them in her bookshelf. Wind decided to give Daring Do a shot as it would allow her to become closer to Quibble. Once all of the books were organized, Wind went back to her room and looked at her Daring Do book collection. Wind wanted to start reading the Daring Do series by reading the first book. It was difficult as Wind didn't know which book was the first. All of the Daring Do books weren't labeled with numbers. As Wind kept looking, she noticed that one of the books was different from the rest. She pulled it out and noticed that it was an old notebook. Wind looked at the front of the notebook and it was labeled: Daring Do and the Whip of Paradise. Wind remained curious about why this notebook was with the Daring Do books. Wind guessed that maybe Quibble won some kind of contest and the author awarded him some written copy for the upcoming book. Wind shrugged as she had to start Daring Do from somewhere. Wind got up on her bed, opened the notebook to the first page, and started reading.

The dark jungle was full of exotic creatures and plants that were inhabiting the area. A large boat sailed through the jungle's river. Riding the boat was none other than Daring Do, the world-renowned treasure hunter! She looked out in the distant until she saw what was ahead of her, a large, stone tower that was almost completely covered with wild vines. This excited Daring Do as that tower was her destination.

'Ok, so Daring Do finds this tower on the first page? That's way too easy.' Wind went back to reading. She finds out that the tower Daring Do was looking at was called the Tower of Pleasuria. 'That's a weird name to be calling a tower.' Wind thought as she continued to read.

"Ms. Do," A male voice called out to Daring Do. Coming out from the boat was a muscular dark grey earth-pony stallion with black manes. He wore dirty blue overalls and a captain's hat. This was Captain Rock Solid and he was helping Daring Do make her way to her destination.
"Yes, captain?" Daring Do responded.
"We will be arriving to the tower soon. We must prepare ourselves for any upcoming dangers."

'Rock Solid?' Wind thought as she paused from reading. 'How does A.K. Yearling come up with these names? The names sound so weird.' As Wind kept reading, she finds out that Daring Do was making her way to the tower to find an ancient artifact called the Whip of Paradise. Daring Do explained to Rock Solid about how the whip causes great pleasure to whoever gets hit by it. Wind felt like she could fall asleep from reading these long explanations. That was until Wind got to the part where Daring Do's boat was getting attacked by a giant octopus monster.

All of a sudden, something started to rise from the water and it shook the boat rapidly. Daring Do prepared herself as she usually would when something dangerous occurred. Coming out of the water was a large, red octopus. It let out an monstrous roar that echoed throughout the jungle. The octopus's large tentacles rose and moved around in different directions. Daring Do flew into the air in attempt to confuse the giant octopus. She dashed from one direction to another while avoiding the octopus's tentacles.

Wind was lost for words as she read along to the scene where Daring Do does her best to fight off the octopus.

Daring Do flew in all directions to outmaneuver the octopus. Unfortunately, one of the tentacles was able to snag Daring Do by her wings. The next thing Daring Do knew, more tentacles went up and grabbed a hold on all of her hooves. This made Daring Do completely immobilized. Daring Do struggled to break free of the octopus's grasp.

Wind was in suspense as she wasn't sure if the octopus will eat Daring Do or not.

Before the octopus threw Daring Do into its mouth, Rock Solid threw a rock at one of the octopus's eyes. The octopus became so enraged that it loosened its grip on Daring Do, allowing her to break free. Daring Do quickly flew back to Rock Solid's boat.
"Any ideas on how we should take that cephalopod out?" Daring Do asked. "I'm all ears for ideas." Rock Solid looked around and spotted some upcoming trees.
"I might have one idea." Rock Solid said as he grabbed some rope and tied it to the boat. Daring Do flew back to the octopus and quickly tied the other side of the rope to the octopus's head. Once that was done, Rock Solid increased the boat's speed. The rope pulled the octopus further down the river with the boat. The boat passed all of the trees very easily, but the octopus wasn't so lucky. Because of the octopus's large height, it kept getting hit by several nearby tree barks. The octopus became so dizzy that it collapsed and went back into the water. Rock Solid quickly used a knife to cut the rope to lose the octopus.
"Looks like that octopus was all bark and no bite!" Daring Do joked while laughing.

"Wind! I'm back!" Clear Sky called out as she entered her house. She looked around and noticed that Wind was not in the living room. Clear did spot some new books in the living room's bookshelf.

'I guess Wind finished organizing her books.' Clear thought. Clear trotted to Wind's room and saw Wind reading a book. 'It's so nice to see Wind reading a good book. I wonder which book she is reading.' Clear carefully knocked on Wind's door to get Wind's attention.

"Oh, hey Mom." Wind said as she put down her book.

"Hey Wind, I'm back. Thanks for organizing the books." Clear said.

"No problem." Wind replied.

"Which book are you reading?" Clear asked.

"I think it's one of the Daring Do stories." Wind said.

"I'll let you get back to reading. I'll come back to let you know when dinner is ready." Wind nodded before she resumed her reading. She was now reading the scene where Daring Do and Rock Solid finally arrived to the tower.

When Daring Do and Rock Solid made their way to the tower's entrance, they noticed that the tower's doors were wide open.
"This is not good." Daring Do said as she hurried inside.
"Wait, what's wrong?" Rock Solid asked while he followed Daring Do.
"When citizens of ancient civilizations want to hide their treasures, they don't just leave the doors wide open. That means somepony has already entered it." Daring Do explained. "And I can only think of one stallion who could have done this." Daring Do and Rock Solid arrived to the Whip of Paradise's chamber to see several stallions standing in front of the pedestal where the whip is placed. Daring Do could easily spot one of the stallions as Dr. Caballeron, her all-time nemesis.
"Ah, it's good to see you again, Daring Do." Dr. Caballeron said smugly. "Too bad that I have already arrived to the treasure first. So that means it is mine."
"I don't recall any rule regarding who gets the treasure. If there were rules, then I really want to break all those rules!" Daring Do said as she got ready for another fight.
"Alright you oafs, do what I pay you to do." Dr. Caballeron said as he pointed his hoof at Daring Do. Dr. Caballeron's hench-stallions charged at Daring Do and Rock Solid. Daring Do jumped and flew passed all of the hench-stallions. As Daring Do flew towards Dr. Caballeron, the hench-stallions tried to go after her. But Rock Solid jumped on top of the hench-stallions, making them fall to the ground.
"Your fight is with me now." Rock Solid said as he began pummeling one of the hench-stallions. Daring Do tackled Dr. Caballeron to the ground. Dr. Caballeron struggled to break free from Daring Do's grasp.
"Do you ever take a break from stopping me!" Dr. Caballeron said.
"Only when you stop stealing treasure!" Daring Do replied. Dr. Caballeron was able to kick Daring Do's stomach, causing her to fall back. Dr. Caballeron got up and ran to seize the Whip of Paradise. Daring Do recovered before she flew again and passed Dr. Caballeron. As Daring Do grabbed the whip, it started to glow pink. Rock Solid and the hench-stallions stopped fighting as they saw the pink light. The pink light started to cover up Daring Do's entire body. Even Daring Do's eyes glowed pink just like the whip. A flash of light covered the entire room, causing all of the ponies to be temporarily blind. When the light died down, the stallions were in shocked from what they saw. Daring Do had changed outfits as she now wore long black boots, a sleeveless black leather top, and black leather panties. The only other thing that didn't change was that Daring Do's eyes as they were still glowing.
"You stallions must be punished!" Daring Do said in a loud, echoing voice. She lifted up her whip and it shot pink lasers at Dr. Caballeron along with his hench-stallions. Dr. Caballeron and his hench-stallions had their hooves tied up with glowing pink rope that prevented them from moving.
"Yes! Way to go, Ms. Do!" Rock Solid cheered. He then noticed that all of the other stallions were repositioned with all of their flanks in the air while facing Daring Do. Rock Solid saw Daring Do forming a sinister smile on her face. "Uh, Ms. Do, what are you doing?"
"These stallions must learn that they will be punished for taking something that doesn't belong to them!" Daring Do said as she lifted her whip. The whip smacked Dr. Caballeron and it left a large red mark on his flank.
"Ah!" Dr. Caballeron waled in pain. As he felt the stinging sensation from the whip, a strange, new feeling spread throughout his body. Dr. Caballeron no longer felt any pain as he now felt aroused. "This-this feeling! I've never felt so good before!" Dr. Caballeron cried out. Daring Do lashed her whip on to the other stallions and they also felt overjoyed from getting hit from the whip.
"Yes! Yes! Take the full force of each lashing! This is for all the times you kept stealing! All of you are such bad colts!" Daring Do yelled as she kept whipping all of the stallions. Rock Solid was horrified from witnessing Daring Do punishing her enemies.
'I should have known that whip was cursed!' Rock Solid thought. He had to figure out a way to stop Daring Do before she before her whipping goes too far. Rock Solid prepared himself as he must use his Rod of Hardness to stop Daring Do!

"Wind! Dinner is ready!" Clear said as she opened Wind's door.

"Aww! But I was getting to the good part." Wind complained.

"You can go back to your book once you finish eating." Clear said. Wind grumbled before she put her book down and followed her mom. Wind and Clear ate their meal while sitting at their dinner table.

"So Wind, are you enjoying your new books?" Clear asked her daughter.

"I'm still reading the first Daring Do book I picked up. It's really good." Wind said.

"Really? I would like to know more about this Daring Do story." Clear requested. Wind started to explain the main points of her book. As Clear kept listening, she started to feel horror from hearing certain parts of that Daring Do story, especially the part about the whipping. What's worse, Wind is too innocent to realized that she is saying terms only adults know.

"Wind, may I see that book you are reading?" Clear said in a calm manner. Wind went to her room and came back with the book.

"I thought it was weird as it doesn't look like the other Daring Do books." Wind said. Clear used her horn magic to open up the book and started skimming it. Clear was in complete shock from reading what Daring Do was doing in some parts of the book.

"Mom? What's wrong?" Wind asked. "If you are done with the book, can I have it back? I want to know what Rock Solid will do with his Rod of Hardness." Clear closed her eyes and took deep breaths to calm herself down.

"Sweetie, you should not read this book." Clear said as she shut the book with her magic.

"But why?" Wind asked.

"Because this book is only for adults. In fact, I need to check your other books to make sure there aren't any like these." Clear said as she got up and made her way to Wind's room.

Quibble Pants knocked a few times on Clear's door. He was surprised to get a letter from her about coming to visit her.

'Maybe Clear wants me to see Wind reading my books.' Quibble thought. The door unlocked and opened up.

"Hello? Are you in here, Clear?" Quibble called out.

"Yes, could you come inside and close the door?" Clear said from inside. Quibble shrugged and went inside. When Quibble shut the door, he turned to see an angry Clear right in front of him. Quibble started to get scared as he had never seen Clear so angry before.

"Um, hey Clear," Quibble said nervously.

"Hello," Clear said in a strict tone. Quibble couldn't help but gulp.

"So why did you want me to come to your place?" Quibble asked. "Are we doing lunch?"

"No," Clear replied.

"But, why am I here?" Quibble said.

"Wind was organizing the books you gave her and she decided to read one of the Daring Do books. She was apparently reading a Daring Do story that was quite distinct from A.K. Yearling's previous works. Perhaps you know what the story is as you're such a huge fan of Daring Do." Clear said as she levitated the notebook for Quibble to see. Quibble's blood ran cold as he knew that notebook had a certain Daring Do fanfiction that he really didn't want anypony to read. He had a lot of explaining to do.

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Did not see this coming

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