• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 473 Views, 4 Comments

Mystery of Everfree (Ninjago X MLP) - Digi_Verse

Lloyd and Twilight go to summer camp at Camp Everfree, despite initial concerns, it’s not as bad. Unfortunately, Hijinks ensue with Camp Hierarchies, strange councilors, new friends, and a mysterious camp secret waiting to be uncovered

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Secrets of Everfree

Kai kicked a rock down the dirt path of Camp Everfree. He wanted to show everyone his cool new powers, but words from his friends were to keep it on the down-low, until they could somehow figure out what was going on.

Lloyd and Twilight had gone to the camp library to look at past records, Jay and Zane had gone back out to the water to look for Gloriosa, and the others had gone to enjoy themselves doing other random things, leaving Kai lost in his thoughts.

It was strange. He never thought about the camp rules until this year. Don’t touch branches in the ground? Don’t go out of the main area past 10? I guess there were animals out there they had to avoid… and for the branches well, who wants to get a splinter?

“You gonna kick that rock all day or you wanna do something?” Kai turned around to a strange voice in which a girl with purple and blue hair was standing behind him.

“Ohh, toothpaste!” Kai laughed. This was Starlight Glimmer, or what everyone deemed her at camp, Toothpaste, due to the nature of her hair. She was Trixie’s best friend, yet not as mean and uptight as her. If anything she was a little oblivious to the whole camp hierarchy thing.

“So, Toothpaste. What’s up?” Kai asked, grinning.

“Not much, just wandering around. You seem a little lost in thought,” Starlight said, looking at him curiously.

“Yeah, just thinking about all the weird stuff that’s been happening,” Kai said, kicking the rock again.

“Weird stuff?” Starlight raised an eyebrow. “Oh, you haven’t heard? Y’know how Gloriosa’s been gone for like, a day?” Kai started. Starlight nodded. “Well, there was some weird fog yesterday, I’m not really supposed to be telling you this, but honestly I want someone else to know besides us.” He finished.

“Where did it come from? It’s too sunny out for fog.” Starlight asked.

“I’m not sure, we were just on a canoe ride. Then it came! We got back, and then Gloriosa just went after it and disappeared!” Kai said, looking around to make sure no one was listening in on their conversation.

“That’s strange. Do you think it has something to do with the whole eye of the storm thing?” Starlight asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

“I don’t know, but it’s definitely possible. We need to find out what’s going on,” Kai said, feeling a sense of urgency.

Starlight nodded. “Let’s investigate. We can’t just sit around and wait for something to happen.”

The two of them set off into the woods, determined to find out what was behind the strange fog and Gloriosa’s disappearance. They knew it was risky, but they couldn’t just ignore the strange occurrences happening around them.

“Found anything yet?” Twilight looked over to the blonde, who was looking through a book with his head down.

“Well, did you know the previous mayor of Canterlot City tried to pass a law that would require everyone to eat cheese before bed? Cause I…know that… now.” Lloyd groaned.

“I don’t understand, there has to be something here about the past everfree! Where else would people get the idea that it’s cursed!” Twilight said, frustrated.

“If it is the past of the camp you seek, you won’t find it there…” An old woman’s voice echoed across the library. The two teenagers turned around to face the woman. She was sitting at her desk, sipping tea.

Lloyd raised an eyebrow. “And you are?”

“Tsk tsk tsk, do Garmadons not have manners anymore? Does your father ever mention me?” She shook her head.

“Uh…” Lloyd racked through his memories. She was the librarian, that was obvious, but where else had he seen her before.

“Oh! I got it! You’re the one who delivers those teas to Uncle Wu! What was your name again? Mistakè!”

The old woman chuckled. “Yes, that’s right. I am Mistakè. And it’s good to see that you know your family history, young Lloyd.”

Twilight looked at Lloyd with surprise. “Your family knows Mistakè? How come I’ve never heard of her before?”

Lloyd shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s some secret family thing.”

Mistakè laughed. “I should have a talk with the mayor I see, since she doesn't know how to mention old friends. But enough about that. You two are looking for information on the cursed Everfree, correct?”

Twilight and Lloyd nodded eagerly.

“Well, I may have something that could help you,” Mistakè said, reaching under her desk and pulling out a dusty old tome. “This is a book of ancient legends and myths.. It may have some information on the past forest.”

Twilight took the book from her and carefully opened it. The pages were yellowed and frail, but the text inside was still legible. She began to read aloud, her voice filling the library.

As she read, the story of the cursed Everfree began to unfold. The two teenagers listened intently, hanging on every word.

“There are four nature spirits. Storm, Life, Water, and Earth. Apparently the Storm King took Everfree from the Life Spirit, and she gave powers to 12 different champions in order to take it back, or trap him.” Twilight explained.

“But it said that Earth and Water were absorbed by him! What made him turn against the others?” Lloyd looked towards Mistakè.

“I wouldn’t know. Some say his heart was turned to night by something that came out of the darkness.”

Twilight and Lloyd exchanged worried glances. They knew that they had to find out what had turned the Storm King against the other nature spirits, and what had caused him to become so powerful.

“Do you know anything else about the nature spirits?” Twilight asked Mistakè.

Mistakè nodded. “Yes, I do. The Life Spirit is said to still be among us, waiting for her brother to return. She built this forest and all its life from the ground up.”

“And what about the champions?” Lloyd asked.

“The champions were chosen by the Life Spirit to help her take back Everfree from the Storm King. Each of them was given a special power, such as the ability to control fire or the power to levitate objects. Together, they were able to defeat the Storm King and restore peace to the forest; they have long ago died though.” Mistakè explained.

“Thank you, Mistakè,” Twilight said, closing the book. “We’ll be sure to come back if we need any more information.”

Mistakè smiled. “Of course, my dear. And be careful out there. Do not let the directors catch onto you, as this is a dangerous place.”

Twilight and Lloyd nodded, and with one last glance at the old librarian, they left the library.

“Gloriosa! Are you out there!” Jay yelled into the distance. He turned around to Zane. “We’ve been out here for an hour. No fog, no Gloriosa. I wonder if Lloyd and Twilight have more luck than us.”

Zane nodded. "It's possible. But we can't give up yet. Gloriosa is out there somewhere, and we have to find her."

Just then, a rushing sound caught their attention. They turned around to see a figure emerging from the water. It was Gloriosa Daisy.

"Jay, Zane, what are you doing here?" she asked, surprised to see them.

“Well, we were looking for you… but it looks like you found us.” Jay chuckled nervously.

Gloriosa smiled. "I was out here searching for a rare type of seaweed. It has healing properties that could be useful in my work at the camp. But I'm glad to see you both. Did you find anything interesting?"

Jay shook his head. “Well, I was about to ask what you were doing in the water, and what happened to the fog, but it seems like you’ve already answered."

Zane added, "We were about to head back to the camp, but then we saw you. It's good to know you're okay."

Gloriosa nodded. "I appreciate your concern. But we should head back to the camp together. I don’t want anyone else looking for us, and the fog was just a little weather mishap, remember!”

“You’ve got this…” Jay and Zane groaned.

Gloriosa chuckled. "Don't worry, guys. We'll get back to the camp in no time. And who knows, maybe we'll come across something interesting on the way."

As they walked, Gloriosa pointed out different plants and animals that were native to the area. Jay and Zane listened intently, fascinated by her knowledge.

Suddenly, they heard a loud roar coming from the distance. Gloriosa stopped in her tracks and listened carefully.

"That sounds like a bear," she said, her voice filled with concern.

Jay and Zane exchanged worried glances. They had heard stories of bears in the area, but they had never encountered one before.

"What should we do?" Zane asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Gloriosa took a deep breath and said, "We need to stay calm and slowly back away. We don't want to provoke it."

The trio slowly started to back away, keeping their eyes on the direction of the roar. As they walked, the sound grew louder and louder.

Suddenly, a massive grizzly bear appeared in front of them, standing on its hind legs and roaring loudly.

Jay and Zane froze in fear. They had never seen such a massive bear before.

But then, something unexpected happened. The bear suddenly dropped back onto all fours and started to walk towards Gloriosa, growling warmly while nuzzling her.

Gloriosa breathed a sigh of relief. "This is Curtis the bear, he’s a very great friend of mine.” She scratched his chin and the bear smiled. Gloriosa then sent him off back into the woods. “We should probably get back to camp as quickly as possible."

Jay and Zane nodded, still in shock from the encounter. As they made their way back, they couldn't help but feel grateful to have Gloriosa with them. Someone was a real nature whisperer.

As they walked, Gloriosa explained to Jay and Zane how she had met Curtis the bear years ago when he was just a cub. She had saved him from a hunter and nursed him back to health.

Jay and Zane were amazed by Gloriosa's bond with the bear. They had never seen anything like it before.

Finally, they arrived back at the camp, where they were greeted by their fellow campers.

"Are you guys okay?" Rainbow asked.

Jay and Zane nodded and told them about their encounter with the grizzly bear and how Gloriosa had saved them.

“So you did find her!” Lloyd yelled as he and Twilight ran to the others. He tapped the pink haired woman before she could walk away and she turned to him.


“What do you know about the storm king?” Lloyd asked with seriousness in his eyes. “The Storm King? That old camp tale? There’s nothing to it besides a story my parents made up!” Gloriosa laughed nervously.

“Then what is this about?” Twilight reached into her bag. But when she pulled her hand out, nothing was there!

“What the- I just had it!” Twilight frantically searched through her bag, but nothing relating to the book was there.

Gloriosa sighed. “I get that you are all still frightened by yesterday’s events, but I promise you everything is fine here. Maybe you all should get some rest, okay?”

The group nodded and made their way back to their cabins.

“This is stupid.” Lloyd paced around the room. “Get some rest? What does she think we are, crazy?!”

“Most likely. Twilight’s performance earlier did not help our case very much.” Zane pointed out. “Yes thank you Zane, very helpful.” Lloyd rolled his eyes.

“I am glad to be of assistance.” Zane smiled, only to get a pillow thrown at his face. “He was being sarcastic, Zane, go to sleep.” Jay shook his head.

“Has anyone seen Kai? He’s been gone since we all split up.” Cole walked In through the backdoor, looking worried. “I have not seen Kai either now that I think about it,” Zane claimed.

“Guys! Guys!” Kai and Starlight burst through the door. The four other boys looked up to the screaming duo.

“We saw a branch… and Uhm… Kai touched it, and well…” Starlight pointed outside the door. The others looked out to see lightning striking one part of the forest.

“It just started shooting lightning from the sky! A random storm! I don’t know how it happened!” Kai waved his hands around.

All the other campers ran outside to look at the sight. The wind blew strongly towards the camp, and the cloud began to move towards the area.

“What’s going on!?” Rarity asked as the girls ran over to them. “This dimwit touched something he wasn’t supposed to!” Cole hit Kai on the back of the head.

“I think we have other things to deal with!” Lloyd pointed at the sky, which the storm cloud had come closer to the camp, striking at the campers below it which sent the area into a panic.

Yang ran up behind the teens. “What’s going on here! I know it had something to do with you all.”

“I just touched a branch! What type of branch sets off a storm!” Kai cried out.

Jay pulled out his phone and began typing frantically. “I’m trying to search for any information on this type of phenomenon. Maybe there’s a way to stop it. Shit! No power!”

“Watch your mouth young man.” Yang corrected.

The storm grew stronger and lightning struck closer to the campers, causing them to scatter and take cover. The group huddled together, trying to figure out what to do.

“Hey guys, is it just me or is it… coming towards us?” Kai noticed. “Oooh! Maybe it’s coming to give us a present!” Pinkie smiled. Lightning struck at Cole and Kai’s feet, who both jumped back in terror. “Or not.”

“What’s the chance for surviving lightning?” Cole asked. “Like uh, barely!” Applejack responded. “Maybe since we’re huddled together it won’t hurt as much!” Starlight claimed.

The cloud charged up and shot lightning at the teens again, and they all braced for impact, but nothing came.

They all opened their eyes to see a shining giant diamond around them, which deflected the blast back at the cloud and caused it to explode, clearing up the sky.

“What just happened…” Nya asked. They all stepped away to see who was spawning the diamond, and the user was revealed to be Rarity, as it seemed to follow her around.

“My! This is such an extravagant power! I do wonder if I can make dresses with this?” Rarity exclaimed, admiring the diamond that still surrounded them.

“Really? That’s where your mind goes in all of this? Dresses?” Applejack facepalmed.

“Rarity, how did you do that?” Lloyd asked, amazed.

“I have no idea! It just happened when the lightning was about to strike us,” Rarity replied, still in shock.

“Well, whatever it was, it saved our lives,” said Jay, relieved.

The group slowly made their way back to the cabin, still in awe of what had just happened. As they sat together, trying to process the events of the day, they couldn’t help but wonder what other powers they might possess.

“Who knows what other surprises this camp has in store for us,” Zane said with a smile.

“Let’s try not setting off traps again though, Kai.” Jay told off the Spiky haired boy, who just rolled his eyes.

In the girls cabin, Rarity was still showing off her newfound power which definitely wasn’t a secret, since everyone in the camp saw her use it.

“Finally, I don’t need to share the mirror!” She put the diamond in front of her face. “My hair has not enjoyed this camp experience.”

“I’m glad this one is more relaxing than mine…” Pinkie sighed, floating around on another diamond Rarity had spawned.

Nya smiled and looked at the two of them. “We all have our own unique experiences here,” she said, “and that’s what makes it so special.”

“Yeah, who knows what other surprises we’ll discover,” added Applejack.

“The surprise about why Cole and Rarity aren’t a thing yet, despite the fact that he literally helps her with everything back in town and has babysat her sister.” Rainbow smirked.

The group laughed as red painted across Rarity’s face and she rolled her eyes. They were relaxed, happy to be safe and together. They may not have been prepared for the unexpected events that had transpired, but they had each other, and that was all that mattered.