• Published 17th Mar 2023
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The Mane Five's Adventures of Disney Season 1: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After Zipp started his car into flight mode Twilight's face appeared as she told them they were about to go to a new dimension where Twilight and her friends once went to with a very magical book

  • ...

Chapter 2: Meet Snow White/'I'm Wishing'/'One Song'

Soon the heroes neared the castle

"How long will it still take?" Pipp asked

"I'm not sure but, we're nearing the place" Zipp said

"I hope we are, I wouldn't even imagine what would happen if we don't have an answer" Sunny said

"Of course we would have an answer, remember what Twilight said, she said that there were 3 teleporting places we have to go, but I dunno about the others" Zipp explained

"So, as of now there will be three teleportations but we don't know if there'll be more" Sunny thought

"Yes, pretty much, see if you have any clues around here" Zipp said

Just then the heroes heard a small humming sound which they could barely hear

"Huh? Do you guys hear that?" Hitch asked

"Yes, it's coming from that way!" Izzy said

"I'm going there!" Zipp said

Zipp then brought the 'Mare Stream' towards the backyard of the castle before he went and put it on the far end of the inside as the doors opened before they noticed a giant courtyard and on the stairs was a girl who was dressed rather dirty and in rags, she had black hair which had a blue bow on top with the lower part tied back, she also had hazel brown eye and as clothes she had a white T shirt with a brown layer on top which had a black string in the middle, her dress was lighter brown with it being more broken as it had two patches and a few scratched like pieces, she also wore brown clogs

When the six saw that Pipp could only look in disgust as she could see the woman cleaning the stairs

"She's rather dirty if you get my meaning" Pipp said in disgust

"Yeah, not to mention she's cleaning the stairs" Sunny said

"I thought maids should only do that" Zipp said

"Are you saying she's a maid?!" Pipp asked

"No, I'm not, it's just, she may be a Princess, and besides there's no guards anywhere to stop her" Zipp said

"Maybe you're right about that" Pipp said

"Okay, I suggest we approach her slowly and calmly, we wouldn't want her to freak out" Hitch said

Just then the group saw Izzy had disappeared

"Wait, where's Izzy?! Sunny asked

Just then the group heard an familiar voice

"Hi new friend!" Izzy greeted

After hearing that the girl gasped in fright as the five turned around and saw Izzy greeting the girl rather eagerly

"That was totally what I asked for" Hitch said sarcastically

The group then approached Izzy and the girl as Izzy tried to approach her while the girl backed off frightenly before Sunny held Izzy back

"We're so sorry Snow, we didn't know she would do this" Sunny said

"Y-Y-Y-You're all actual talking ponies?" The girl asked

"Pretty much" Zipp said

"And we're so sorry about her frightening you, we should've kept better watch at her" Hitch said while side glaring Izzy

The girl then nods calmly

"It's alright, I should also not have screamed that loud" The girl said

"True, anyways, introductions should be in order, don't it?" Sunny asked

"Yeah" The girl answered

"Well, if that's so, I'm Pipp Petals" Pipp introduced

"I'm Hitch Trailblazer and this is Sparky Sparkeroni" Hitch introduced before pointing at Sparky who made happy sounds

"I'm Zephyrina Storm but you may call me Zipp" Zipp introduced

"I'm Sunny Starscout" Sunny introduced

"And I'm Izzy Moonbow!" Izzy introduced with a beaming smile

"Nice to meet you" The girl said

"What about you miss?" Sunny asked

"Oh, almost forgot, I'm Snow White" Snow introduced

Izzy looks at Izzy before seeing something which made her worried

"Hey, you're a little sad, right?" Izzy asked

"Huh? Yeah, how'd you know?" Snow asked

"Let's just say, I can see your sparkle and if you're happy it shines brighter" Izzy answered

"Wow, that's something" Snow said

"Don't worry miss, she won't do anything bad unless she meets somepony she claims a friend which would make her happy and possibly greet them without knowledge about them" Zipp explained

"Zipp! I know the pony's feelings inside themselves when I see them!" Izzy said

"But what about Misty, do I need to remind you what she did again back then?!" Zipp asked angrily

"No! She's not bad! At least not that I know of yet, after all, she's sweet, caring and kind!" Izzy answered angrily

Zipp and Izzy then glared at each other before Hitch and Pipp pulled them apart

"Calm down friends, we wouldn't want the Unity Crystals to glitch out again, remember" Sunny reminded

"Yeah, sorry" Zipp apologized

"Anyways, besides that, why are you dressed in rags Snow?" Pipp asked before she realized what she said "Oops, may I call you Snow just in case?" Pipp asked

"Sure you may and as for your previous question, I'm forced by my mom to do all the chores around the Castle" Snow answered

"What kind of chores if you don't mind me asking?" Hitch asked

"Washing the dishes, cleaning the stairs, scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush and of course cleaning the toilets" Snow answered

"Wow! That's harsh! Especially for a cute gal like you!" Izzy said

"More like a princess" Snow corrected

"Hold on, wait a minute, something ain't right! A Princess doing chores! I thought that was a maid's thing!" Pipp said in shock

"Of course it is, but my mom, the queen in my case, doesn't care about me and only cares about beauty, fashion and being the fairest of them all, but one day she became jealous of me because of my beauty and forced me to do the chores day and night" Snow explained sadly

"This is definitely not nice! Especially to a princess like you" Zipp said

After Zipp said that her friends nodded in agreement

"Well, don't worry, we'll be helping you with that!" Sunny said

"Really, you will?" Snow asked

"Hold on, let us talk about it first" Pipp suggested

Pipp then pulled her friends to the side as they went in a circle and whispered

"What now?! I was just gonna answer yes" Sunny whispered

"What do you think you're doing! Do I need to remind you that me and Zipp are princesses and I'm a beautiful gal who loves fashion and of course her followers and doesn't want to be dirty?!" Pipp asked angrily while whispering

"Yeah Sunny! Are you expecting more princesses to work all because of your idea?!" Izzy asked angrily while whispering

"For once I agree with them, this has got to be the most stupiest idea you gave" Hitch explained worriedly while whispering

"Sorry guys but I have to agree with Sunny, after all do we need to remind you that we made a traditional 'Maretime Clean Up Day'?" Zipp asked whispering

"Ugh! Fine we'll go with it but remind me to never agree with this again!" Pipp whispered in disbelief

"I won't, for now, but even if I didn't say that we wouldn't find a way to fix this" Sunny said

The others then turned around before they nodded

"It's a deal" Hitch said

They then pulled apart from each other as they turned back to Snow White who was a bit worried

"We've discussed it and we've agreed to do it, but only to help you and make sure that your stepmother won't get mad" Pipp said

"Ooh! Thanks guys!" Snow thanked

"Alright! I have a feeling I've got some cleaning stuff in the 'Mare Stream' so let me go get it!" Izzy said

Izzy then ran off to get the cleaning stuff before she returned

"Alright, what do we do first?" Sunny asked

"Help me with the stairs and the walls first" Snow suggested

"On it!" Zipp said

Hitch then wakes Sparky up and motioned him to the cleaning supplies which he did as he showed how to scrub the walls as Sparky did so before Hitch helped him get into the air as Sparky flapped his wings before he began cleaning as Zipp and Pipp followed after him while Sunny, Izzy and Hitch who then returned helped Snow White with the stairs before they noticed that there wasn't any water in the buckets anymore which made Snow sigh in disbelief before she began walking towards the well dreamily which made Sunny whisper to her friends who then returned as Sparky landed on Izzy's back and when they were together Sunny motioned them to go after Snow White which they all did and when they were at the wishing well they saw four doves sitting there before they looked at Snow White as Snow White puts the bucket down and used the rope to pull the other bucket up from the edge of another rope and when she did she turned to her friends and the doves

"Wanna know something?" Snow asked which made the others nod "Promise not to tell?" Snow asked as the others nodded again

Snow White then began singing as her friends and the doves looked at the water in the wishing well in awe with the doves too as Snow White continues to sing before she wished as the echo came as wished before she did so again and it kept going on which made the doves fly back in fright and as she continued to sing she paid no mind at another guy who was riding a white horse with darker white mane and some ropes around the neck and lower part of the body along with an brown saddle on top, the guy had beige skin, dark brown eyes and brown hair which was covered up by a dark blue hat which had a white feather on top and some golden linings on the bottom he also wore a giant white blouse with the sleeves being bigger and draping down, it was covered up by a dark blue sleeveless blouse with golden linings at the edges, he also had a red cape draped behind his back which was held onto him by some brown belt which also went to the bottom of his blouse and an actual lighter brown belt with a golden top was on his waist, he also wore light blue pants and light brown boots with the top being rolled backwards which showed the darker brown inner parts

But while he was riding he couldn't help but hear the lovely sounds of Snow White and the echo as he went closer before he went off the horse and climbed onto the wall as Snow White began vocalizing with the echo before she began singing again before another voice interrupted her which made Snow turn around in fright with the ponies and Sparky alongside her as they backed off in fright

"Hello" The guy greeted

"Snow White! Sparky! Run!" Hitch ordered

"Did I frighten you?" The guy asked

After that Snow White and Sparky ran off in fright as Florian walked towards her only for the others to approach him angrily which made him stop in his tracks

"Wait! Wait, please, don't run away" The guy said

Snow White and Sparky soon ran inside the castle as they hid in fright and continued to run up the stairs

(Pause music here)

Meanwhile the guy continues to try and approach the duo before the five got closer to him

"How did you even get here you creep?!" Pipp asked

"I climbed the wall" The guy answered

"Likely story" Zipp said sarcastically

"Please! I just heard her voice and wanted to say she sang beautiful, I didn't mean to frighten her" The guy said

"If there was a police station around here, I'd surely arrest you" Hitch said angrily

While her friends were arguing Sunny realized something

"Guys wait! What did Snow sing a few minutes ago?" Sunny asked

"A wish of finding the perfect guy" Izzy anwered

"In a nutshell yes, and even though he should pay for what he did, Snow's wish came true" Sunny said

"Huh? So you're saying that Snow's wish was that a stalker would come here and climb over a wall just to greet her?!" Pipp asked

"Okay, maybe that's true, but she did say she needed somebody to love her like I don't know a prince or something like that" Sunny said

"Yes, and you're correct, I'm a prince" The guy said

"Wow! That's a shocking turn of events" Hitch said in disbelief

"Guys! I know it's not much evidence and besides him being a prince who doesn't have good manners..." Sunny started glaring at the prince before back to her friends "...You have to trust me when I say that Snow's wish came true! Trust me when I say it but Izzy, Zipp you guys remember when you sneaked out of your home cities or towns, riight?" Sunny asked

"Yes" Izzy answered

"Of course I remember, the guards even came looking for me" Zipp explained

"Or Pipp, remember when Zipp and Hitch sneaked into the crowd during your song and when we failed to steal the crown you chased after us" Sunny reminded

"Yeah, I was really mad after that" Pipp said

"Yes, but when we saved the magic, your followers, Izzy's sad town, stopped getting Sprout to be a tyrant and more, did your leaders get mad at you?" Sunny asked

"No" The four said sadly

"See, that's why we shouldn't be mad at him all because of his stalking even though that wasn't what you guys did but still it's near the same" Sunny said

"Maybe you're right Sunny, we went way too far" Hitch said

"It's alright Hitch, so let's all calm down and not punish the prince that hard" Sunny suggested

"Okay" Zipp said

"Thanks Sunny, even though I should be punished for it, you really calmed things down" The prince thanked

"No worries, but I'm still angry with what you did" Sunny said

"Okay, now with that out of the way, how do we get Sparky and Snow White back?" Pipp asked

"Allow me" The prince said

(Continue music here)

The prince then went forward as he began singing as Snow and Sparky continued to run before Snow looked at the window in worry to see if he was still there before she continued to go upstairs before they arrived at a window as Snow moved the curtain a bit as Sparky ran to the balcony before he flapped his wings to therailing to check if he was still there before he saw him which made him frightened as he flew back down and when he got to the ground he ran back towards the entrance and hit behind Snow who was not frightened but awestruck as Snow turned around lovingly before checking to see if her outfit and hair was alright and when she finished she went forward towards the balcony as Sparky tried to push her back which failed as he was brought towards the balcony by Snow White's legs and when they arrived Snow puts Sparky on the railing as Sparky tried to leave before he felt sleepy as he slowly fell asleep on the balcony and snored hard which made Snow White pick him up and hug him as the prince went forward a bit more which made Snow smile more happily and while the four other ponies could only look awestruck Zipp took one glance at the castle and saw the queen she persumed was Snow White's mother at the window as the curtains were opened together with Misty which made her gasp in shock before she rubbed her eyes to see if she was dreaming and when she opened them up the windows were closed again which made her confused before she continued to take a glance at the song as the prince went forward a bit more before a dove flew to Snow who then used her one free hand to pull wide open as the dove landed on her finger as Snow White gave it a kiss on the beak before the dove flew back towards the prince who just finished singing as it landed on his finger before blushing as the dove gave the prince a kiss before Snow went back towards the entrance and waved