• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
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The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.



This story is a sequel to Thomas and Friends: The Caretakers

Even heroes need a rest, and this is certainly true of the Falmouth team. After a truly hectic year, there is nothing people value more than a summer holiday. And in this collection, they and their engines travel to various different parts of the country, soaking up sun, sand, and challenging rail operations in the difficult conditions that the summer can often bring.

The stories in this anthology are a mixture of Tell your Tale and Thomas and Friends adaptions.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 190 )

great start mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Glad you enjoyed it. We'll see more of this tomorrow.

Wow. This was one very unique adventure. Combining all 3 of those adventures into one was quite clever. But I'm glad Charles only had squeaking and not rattles and knocking either.

Engine knocking is very severe in a diesel locomotive, and usually requires the locomotive to be stopped in order for the engine to be changed out.

I wish those jerkass passengers got their karma. I may not be a fan of Charles, but even he didn't deserve that treatment.

And unlike a car sticking leaded petrol in it won't work.

Keep that in mind-rest assured we haven't seen the last of them.

After a few minutes, the fire was out. The water transport retreated to the other platform. "Sorry for the delay, love!" the lead firebeater called to Zipp. "It's these bloomin' fires! We need more water to put them out, but the council have turned the water off to ensure people in the town get enough!"

While that does sound unfortunate it sounds pretty understandable. :fluttershysad:

"We came to ride on a steam train!" said the mother, looking very cross. "This is a steam railway, after all! This box of bolts won't do at all!"

Oh boy, here we go... :facehoof:

"Heritage railways must operate steam engines! It's the law of the land!" said the father. "These old diesels break down all the time and make a horrendous smell!"

While the father as a point steam can't always be in charge of the trains. There will be times the diesels have to take over if the said steam engine is undergoing repairs, maintenance or even a problem that came unexpectedly. Sometimes it's best to accept these things than argue about it, as it just fixes nothing. :ajbemused:

"Then how come the King got a steam train and we don't?" the father retorted.

Wait what?! :applejackconfused:

"Excuse me? Passengers with surnames ending A to M proceed to the first five coaches. Plassengers with surnames beginning with the letters N to Z proceed to the rear five coaches."

Passengers with surnames beginning*

"Your OCD kicking in?" Zipp asked.

Haven has an OCD! :pinkiegasp:

"But I'm not a teacher! I do things, not tell things!"

At least be glad it's not flying your teaching like from that one TYT short. :ajsmug:

There was a lot of grumbling. "Steam engines are never this tempramental!" said one.

Some can be. :unsuresweetie:

When they got to Goathland, Zipp at last had a chance to take a look at the issues. She topped up each bearing with lubricating oil, then she changed some switches and took a look in the engine room, having slipped on some ear defenders in the meantime.

What's a ear defender? :rainbowhuh:

Zipp walked over to the other platform. "Don't have time, sadly," she said. "I've got some driver training to do. It turns out that just being sensible and methodical with a problem is the easiest way to fix it."

Indeed. :twilightsmile:

1. Water shortages are becoming increasingly common in the UK. About a decade back a hosepipe ban was introduced owing to a lack of water. It then rained more or less nonstop for about two weeks.

2. Having been to plenty of heritage lines, I can confirm this is accurate.

3. Especially at times of high fire risk.

4. See the author's note for more details.

5. Oops. Corrected.

6. Haven likes things to be very orderly.

7. Zipp is not a qualified pilot.

8. That's the joke. Selective memory and all that. Not long after I wrote this one of the NYMR's engines blew a cylinder.

9. Ear defenders are heavy duty earpieces designed to protect the wearer's ears from excessive noise. They are a legal requirement in places with high levels of noise.

10. That's the spirit.


I wonder how most of those railway enthusiasts would've reacted to the GT3 gas turbine engine if it was present?

They would probably have been very confused, much like the Class 20 tends to baffle a lot of visitors.

This also reminds me of Faulty Whistles.

Faulty Whistles is itself an adaptation of Mike's Whistle. This makes it the only Railway Series story to have been adapted twice.

Okay, this was a really grand story!
Mixing those 2 episodes was genius! And having that special guest in the story was awesome!

I even like how you reused Izzy's line: "We're gonna need glitter, lots of glitter."

Moreover, if Izzy can Jerry rig a calliope to an engine with random junk, I could see how building an elevator with cardboard and other bits and cabobs.

It certainly seemed like an obvious blend to make, seeing as Headmaster Hastings kickstarted a renaissance in Thomas fan music. And rest assured this isn't the last we'll see of Izzy's impressive ability to put stuff together from random junk.

Hang on a second, the narrator appears to be in Season 16 mode. Let me just speed him up a bit.

Or just not feeling good? :unsuresweetie:

But the tourists can be a nuisance as well as a much needed boost to the local economy. This is because these people are not always very considerate of others, and have a bad habit of dumping a lot of rubbish where they have been.

I hate those kinds of people! :twilightangry2:

One evening, Sunny, Izzy, and their families were helping to clean up the beach. "How can all these people produce so much mess?" Sunny asked. "Is it really too much effort to take their rubbish home with them?"

Apparently not. :ajbemused:

"They really should start fining people," Argyle said. "It's not fair on the people who live here."

Agreed. :fluttershysad:

"I'm not doing anything!" Izzy replied, as they rolled down the hill. "The whistle valved has jammed open!"

Uh oh! :twilightoops:

The people below certainly got the warning, and ran across the line as Porter sped towards them. Then something far worse happened. Porter's whistle suddenly shot into the air and rocketed away, leaving a jet of steam coming out of the top of the firebox.

Welp, there how's his whistle. :facehoof:

Safe to say, nobody had ever seen anything like it. The train eventually arrived in the platform at Newton Abbot, with Headmaster Hastings till playing.

still playing.*

"You know what they say. One person's trash is another person's treasure. And I made good use of the things I found. I really must try cosplaying some day." Izzy paused. "It's good to know that organ is going to a good home. Headmaster Hastings has said he'll take it to local fairs to show it off."

People are sure gonna love it. :twilightsmile:

1. Iiiiiiiiiii dddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot knooooooooooooooooooooooooow...

2. This became a particular problem during Covid, I'm sorry to say.

3 and 4. Yes.

5. Stuck whistles indeed?

6. Corrected.

7. Vintage stuff often turns heads.

Indeed. He’s made some of the best covers of the majority of my favorite Thomas songs I ever came across. How can you not wanna have him guess star as a character?

I wouldn’t think so. I mean, it’s often summer time where you would end up being incredibly creative with junk. I know I’d like to try and build a built from random stuff myself. Plus, most of my projects often end up requiring some improve to them.

The improv spirit built many nations, after all. And helped pony Izzy's mental health to boot; being able to create with her hooves bypassed broken magic.

Otherwise she'd probably be just as lethargic as other unicorns.

And probably not have the motivation to even bother going to Maretime Bay.

And G5 would have ended in a very messy war.

One of which that probably would've lasted for years maybe.

And all the ponies died. The end.

This was a good chapter. Good to see Hitch's family appear in it. I recognize Figgy, but who are his parents' names, exactly?

Trick Shot and Marigold Sun. The former is a reference to a story I published on here several years ago called Anon-a-Miss Remastered. It remains my most controversial story by a long shot. The latter is an allusion to the character of Marigold Medley, an Equestria Girls background character.

And it was nice to learn more railway history.

"Just goes to show I don't know this place very well," Hitch replied. "Still, good to see you up, Grandma Figgy. I can go ahead and start preparing breakfast if you'd like."

Was wondering if she's make a appearance. :ajsmug:

"You know my schedule, Marigold," the man replied. "You can take the man out of the army, but you can never take the army out of the man. Isn't that right, Hitch?"

Can't argue there. :applejackunsure:

"Thank you for your help," the driver said. "Not every day a steam engine rescues a diesel. Usually it's the other way around!"

Yep. Not a sight one would expect to see in the 21st century. :twilightsmile:

I had a request. Can you do Bob the Builder based stories?

1. Couldn't leave her out forever, could I?

2. Substitute Air Force in my case (my grandfather served in the RAF).

3. Yup.

I've also seen it happen twice within the last 5 years. In June 2019 CNJ 113 was tasked with helping with a helping a train that needed help. And just last week UP Big Boy 4014 did the same on its way home after being in Nebraska for the last month.

I wasn't aware of these two incidents, so thanks for the heads up.

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