• Member Since 26th Jul, 2021
  • offline last seen 11 minutes ago


Call me Cheese Sandwich, cause I'm here to make you laugh!

Comments ( 11 )

Not bad.

not bad at all

Very promising set-up so far. Cute and funny, with a dash of sexy!

Funny and hot, with some surprises I did not see coming!

Well-written smut, very funny ending! That closet will never be the same. :ajsleepy:

I've never been the biggest fan of the whole "holding hands is lewder than sex"-style humor that's going on with the smut films contrasting against Mac having been in an actual royal orgy, but it was almost worth it just for the phrase "adulterous boop."

Big Mac sat quietly in the centre of the floor, trying not to touch anything. One false move and he was certain he’d send the whole airship crashing to the ground.

At least he would get back down...

As Big Mac’s eyes shifted in fear, the darker of the two creatures gently reached out and touched the earth pony’s quivering shoulder. “All this technology... it must be so frightening. Such a change from your primitive home planet.”

Awww... :heart:

“Please, understand, Big Mac,” Kyrie pleaded, “guys like you are why we got into this business! We bang aliens every day, but you are the cutest, sweetest, most desirable studmuffin we’ve seen in years.”

She is making declining very hard...

“We never distribute our products to primitive planets like yours. Your adventure will stay our little secret, and you’ll be paid 5,000 of your Equestrian bits for your trouble.”

He should still as for a private copy!

“But I want a copy o’ the film reel, just ta keep fer mahself. Otherwise I’m like ta think this was just a weird dream, like the time I banged Princess Luna.”

Good to see he had the same idea!
On a side note, what's the chance the Luna in his dream was more than just his imagination?

Big Mac frowned. These weren’t real sex noises! He could tell Kyrie was pretending for the picture. He didn’t like that one bit! Pretending was too much like lying, and it meant he wasn’t really pleasing his lover.

Then better work hard and make them do real sex noises!

He let himself go, fucking with an abandon he hadn’t felt since that strangely realistic dream with Princess Luna.

I still believe there is more behind this that it seems...

He felt Candy’s tongue swirl around his bouncing nuts, her fingers gently running through his tail hair and stroking his dock and taint. To devote all his attention to the pleasure of one mare, yet to have a second focused solely on pleasing and teasing him — it was more than a guy like him deserved!

Don't sell yourself short, you do deserve it.

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Also, very unexpected ending. But in a good way!


On a side note, what's the chance the Luna in his dream was more than just his imagination?

Big Mac suspects nothing, and neither should you. :eeyup:

Only 5k? For Multiversal distribution? Ripoff! Gonna need royalties LOL

Candy, eh? That good that true names came out!

Sharp eye, you found the parts where I didn’t change the character’s name. :twilightblush:

“Now that we have a record of you passing the Harkness Test"


I understood that reference.

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