• Published 8th Apr 2023
  • 6,225 Views, 395 Comments

Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - sonicfan05

Sonic, the CMCs, and Spike teams up with their new allies to get the emerald before Robotnik and Knuckles while the Rainbooms investigates the Dazzlings' latest scheme in Hoovaii.

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Volume I - Chapter 7: Leaving to Hoovaii

The very next day, a lot of people were waiting around on the school grounds near the CHS building. There were senior students, families of senior students, and some staff faculty present, chatting with one another as they were getting ready for their school trip. Even the Equestria Girls were there with their families as they were talking excitedly about their graduation at Hoovaii.

Applejack was with her brother and her Grandmother, Big Mac and Granny Smith. But her younger sister, Apple Bloom was not present due to Spoiled Rich banning her from going on a trip; not that it matters since Apple Bloom was grounded anyway. Rarity was with her parents, Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles with Sweetie Belle left behind due to the same reason as Apple Bloom. Fluttershy was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shy, and her brother Zephyr Breeze, who was only here to see his sister off. Pinkie Pie was with her parents, along with her three sisters, Maud, Marble, and Limestone. Rainbow Dash was with her parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles, who were loudly cheering their daughter much to Rainbow’s embarrassment. Twilight was with Shining Armor and Cadance, who were hugging her with proud smiles.

Sunset Shimmer sighed longingly as she leaned on an empty pedestal, watching her friends happily spending time with their families. While she was happy for her friends for having people come to see them graduate, something about seeing them made her feel lonely and left out. While she deep down knew what it was, she didn’t want to loudly admit that to herself. She shook those negative feelings away after reminding herself that she wasn’t alone because she invited a special friend over to see her graduate and she couldn’t wait to see her.

Speaking of her friend, Sunset has been waiting for her friend to appear for quite some time. She even checked on her phone a few times to see the time and even played some mobile games to pass some time. But even then, her friend had yet to show up, which made Sunset nervous.

‘She's running a little late,’ Sunset thought as she checked on her phone for the umpteenth time. ‘I hope she'll get here soon!’

“Why hello, Sunny!”

Sunset looked up from her watch towards the voice. To her surprise, one of the school's staff, the janitor, made his way over to her with a smile.

He was a slightly older man, partly bald on the front, but he still had long white hair with a bit of black at the end. He also has bushy white eyebrows, a long white goatee, and red eyes. The most unusual thing about him was the uniform he was wearing. Instead of a standard blue janitor uniform, his was brown but had random multi-colored patches like red, green, blue, tan, purple, and white. He even wore only one yellow fingerless glove on his right hand for some reason.

Image by Uotapo

“Fancy seeing you here!” The odd janitor greeted with a toothy smile.

Sunset rolled her eyes but smirked. “Hey, Discord.”

Discord is an odd person, to say the least. Not much is known about him except he is an acquaintance of Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. Despite working as a janitor, he spent most of his time doing chaotic pranks on unsuspecting students and faculty, which are usually harmless. Despite everyone complaining about that man's behavior, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna still kept him around, which is a mystery to everyone to this day.

Back when she was a queen bee, Sunset used to not like him because of how strange and nosey he was. As a result, she attempted to use him as a scapegoat a few times just to throw suspicion off of her. However, each time she did it, Discord would respond with his pranks; like placing his chocolate milk trap in her locker. After falling for his pranks too many times, she decided not to mess with him again but kept him at arm's length.

After the Fall Formal incident, she thought for sure that Discord would get back at her with his pranks just like everyone else in school. But to her surprise, Discord was one of the few faculty who was nice to her (in his own way) by cleaning her defaced locker, defending her from other students, and even giving her advice when she least expected it. When she asked him why he would help her after she tried to frame him a couple of times, he would simply respond, “Us reformed troublemakers, stick together.”

Since then, the two have had a bizarre, but close friendship. Discord then eventually befriended the Rainbooms as well, especially Fluttershy as the two would often spend time at their tea party club. Sunset would later learn that he took part in fixing whatever mess she and her friends made from every Equestrian Magic incident. It was almost surreal to Sunset that in the next few days, she wouldn't see his goofy face anymore.

And admittedly… she'll miss that.

“So, what brings you here?” Sunset asked, shaking off those memories.

“Your Vice Principal is busy attending to important matters, so now I'm in charge of leading this group to Hoovaii,” Discord responded proudly. “Normally, I pass on this type of responsibility, but since I needed a break from cleaning up your messes and the fact that we're going to Hoovaii, how could I say no?”

Sunset grinned sheepishly in embarrassment and guilt. “I know that you've been busy as of late and that you've had my back since day one, so you deserved it.” She then had a knowing look. “Just… don't go overboard with your pranks.”

“You wound me, Sunny!” Discord gasped jokingly. “I would never pull pranks during graduation for our fellow students!”

Sunset simply stared at him, cocking her left eyebrow.

“Well… maybe just a teeny-tiny prank, but nothing harmful,” Discord admitted with a sheepish grin.

Suddenly, they both heard Discord's cell phone ring coming from his pocket. Discord took out his phone to check the caller ID, which caused his eyes to widen somewhat.

“Ooh! I should take this! Scuse me for a moment, Sunny!” He said before answering his phone and walking away.

Just as Sunset was wondering what that was all about, she suddenly heard a magical ripple coming from the base of the statue. She turned just in time to see a teenage girl with long purple hair with a pink stripe, flung out of the portal and landed roughly on the ground. She wore a blue shirt, red bow tie, purple skirt, purple and pink socks, and black shoes. She has a huge pink star as her cutie mark on the side of her skirt.

“Ow!” The girl muttered as she slowly stood up. “I really need to figure out how to make the landing more gently in between dimensional travels.”

“Princess Twilight!” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed in happiness.

Princess Twilight immediately turned towards Sunset with a huge smile of her own. “Sunset Shimmer!”

The two ran towards one another to meet up and then they hugged each other in greeting. Having her friend who helped her shape into a better person made her feel warm and grateful. They hugged for what felt like minutes until eventually, they broke it off.

“Thank you so much for coming!” Sunset smiled. “I hope my invite wasn't too sudden.”

Princess Twilight shook her head and smiled back. “Of course, I would come to your graduation trip! I wouldn't miss it for the world!”

Sunset tilted her head. “You really didn't mind attending our graduation? I know you're busy as the new ruler of Equestria.”

“Don't worry! I have Spike in charge in my place,” Twilight assured. “And he also sends his regards for your graduation.”

Sunset paused and hesitated for a moment. “And… how is she?

Princess Twilight blinked in confusion until her eyes widened in understanding. “Oh, she's fine. She and her sister are taking a trip together the last I heard. She said something about trying out the ‘longest and scariest’ zip-line in Equestria.”

“Oh… I see.” Sunset said quietly, her eyes downcast.

Princess Twilight stared at her friend in concern. “Sunset… are you sure you don't want to invite her? I can go back and have Spike to send her a–”

“No, no… it's fine,” Sunset spoke up quickly. “It's probably for the best. She probably doesn't want to see me, anyway.”

Princess Twilight frowned. “But why do you think that, Sunset? You know she cared about you.”

Sunset frowned back. “If she cared… then why didn’t she reach out to me?”

Before Princess Twilight could answer, they were suddenly interrupted when someone called out to them.

“Princess Twilight!”

Sunset and Princess Twilight turned just in time to see Pinkie Pie flung herself towards Princess Twilight into a hug. Following Pinkie, the rest of the Rainbooms rushed over and brought Princess Twilight into a group hug.

“Welcome back, Darling!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Good to see ya, Sugarcube!” said Applejack.

“We miss you!” Fluttershy squeaked tearfully.

“Long time no see!” Rainbow Dash whooped.

“Hello again!” Twilight greeted with a smile.

They lingered their group hug for a moment before Princess Twilight broke it with a smile. “Hi, girls! It's so good to see you all again!”

“It's so good to see you too, Sugarcube!” Applejack smiled.

Rainbow Dash lightly elbowed Princess Twilight with a smirk. “So how was ruling Equestria, Princess?

Princess Twilight chuckled. “It was busy! There's never a dull moment as a ruler, but I finally got used to it, especially with Spike’s help.”

“And what are our counterparts doing?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

Princess Twilight listed things off with her fingers. “Well, AJ is now in charge of her farm, Pinkie’s taken over Sugarcube Corner as the new owner, Rarity’s running her fashion empire all around Equestria, Fluttershy is still running her animal sanctuary, and yours, Rainbow Dash, is now the head captain of the Wonderbolts.”

Rainbow Dash blinked for a second before giving Princess Twilight her full-tooth grin. “That's… awesome!

“And what about our dear Starlight?” Rarity asked, eager for some gossip.

“After I became the new ruler of Equestria, Starlight took over as the head mare of the School of Friendship, along with her friend Sunburst,” Princess Twilight replied. With a smirk, she then slightly covered her mouth and whispered, “And between you and me, I think there's a thing going on between those two.”

“Oooh! How scandalous!” Rarity grinned with mischief in her eyes.

Rainbow Dash shook her head but grinned. “So, Princess, are you excited to see Hoovaii like the rest of us?”

“Well, I don't know much about Hoovaii, but I am excited to see you all graduate,” Princess Twilight smiled before facing Sunset. “Speaking of which, I’m so proud of you Sunset! Being chosen as a valedictorian speaker for the ceremony is a huge honor!”

Sunset blushed as she rubbed the back of her head. “Oh, it's… not a big deal!”

“Oh, making a big speech is certainly a big deal!” said Princess Twilight. “Believe me, I've made a lot of speeches! If you need any advice, I know a lot of great tips with cue cards!”

Sunset laughed, causing Princess Twilight to suddenly have a confused expression.

“What's so funny?”

Sunset cleared her throat with an apologetic expression. “Sorry. Our Twilight said the same thing to me the other day!”

The human Twilight nodded. “It's true! I may know a thing or two about preparing for a presentation.”

Princess Twilight grinned excitedly. “With cue cards!

Definitely cue cards!” Twilight grinned with a similar excited expression.

Princess Twilight's eyes then sparkled. “Ooh! We must exchange details with each other!”

As the two Twilights having a pleasant conversation about the tips of cue cards, most of the girls watched in amusement while Rainbow Dash groaned in annoyance.

Good grief! Is this necessary? Listening to these two eggheads geeking out is like listening to a stereo.” Rainbow Dash muttered quietly.

Applejack turned to her friend with a raised eyebrow. “Would you spend hours exchanging many different daredevil stunts with your counterpart?”

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to argue but stopped herself when she realized her friend’s point. “...touché.”

You can't be serious!

The girls immediately turned towards the source of the noise, only to witness Discord yelling angrily over the phone.

“That was meant for our students and their families! Just because you're in ‘charge’, that doesn't mean you do as you please!”

The girls heard someone speaking through Discord's phone in a snobbish voice, making Discord angrier by the second.

“Oh yeah!? Well… your nose is ugly!”

Discord immediately hung up his phone before facing the girls with a sigh. “Girls, we have a problem!”

“What's wrong, Discord?” Sunset asked in concern.

“Yeah, we have never seen you this angry before,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Get this! The funds that were given to us for our trip were misused!” Discord flared his nostrils in anger. “Instead of using it towards our flights for everyone for our graduation trip, it was used on some private jet that was used by that despicable crooked-nosed woman and her kid!”

Sunset narrowed her eyes in anger, knowing who was responsible for this mess. “Spoiled Rich!

Discord nodded in confirmation. “Yeah. She thinks that since she's the principal and works harder than everyone else, she believes that she deserves her vacation and can do as she pleases!” Discord crossed his arms with a grunt. “That's the one joke that even I don't find funny!”

This of course caused everyone to feel annoyed and angry at that entitled woman who yet again ruined the fun for everyone.

“Oh, I really dislike that woman!” Rarity muttered.

Rainbow Dash threw her arms in anger. “So great, we have no means to travel!”

“Does this mean that our trip is canceled?” Fluttershy whimpered in disappointment and sadness.

Discord's anger melted at the sight of his friend's sad eyes. “Oh, my dear Fluttershy, if I had any powers, I would get us all there with a snap of my fingers no problem.” He let out a long sigh. “But alas, I do not.”

“There must be something we can do!” Twilight said desperately, not wanting their efforts for their trip to be wasted. “We can't just give up!”

Everyone stood in dreadful silence, not knowing what to do. About a moment later, Sunset’s cell phone began to ring. Sunset checked her phone ID to see an image of Sonic giving the camera his two-finger pose.

“Hold on a sec, everyone!” Sunset announced before answering a video call on her phone. “Hello?”

“Hey, Equestrian Girl!” Sonic greeted Sunset from his room. “Are you on a flight to Hoovaii yet?”

Sunset sighed. “No, we're not on a flight, nor are we ever going to get a flight!”

Sonic frowned in concern. “What's wrong? You sound defeated.”

“Long story short, because of our… Principal, our trip is canceled due to lack of funds!” Sunset explained.

Sonic frowned. “Seriously!? Jeez! At this rate, she's going to be up there along with Eggman as my least favorite people!”

“You and me both!” Sunset sighed, her eyes downcast. “I felt terrible because everyone, including the seniors, was looking forward to it and now they'll be disappointed that our trip will never happen. I just wish that there was a way for us to get there.”

Sonic rubbed his chin in thought as his brows furrowed. After a moment of silence, Sonic’s eyes suddenly brighten, and let out a huge grin.

“Don't unpack your bags just yet, Equestrian Girl! I think I know just a solution to get you and your classmates to Hoovaii!”

Sunset blinked in surprise. “You do?”

Totally!” Sonic assured with a thumbs up before grinning slyly. “If you do one thing for me!”

Sunset cocked an eyebrow, wondering what Sonic was planning and what his condition was.

Sometime later, everyone who was at CHS was now relocated to Sparkle's residence. After Twilight explained the situation to Shining and Cadance, they immediately understood and allowed everyone to come to their home to execute Sonic’s plan.

While everyone from school was waiting outside of the house, the Equestria Girls were inside the house getting ready for the trip. Rarity was already well prepared for their trip to Hoovaii by packing up her things ahead of time. Unfortunately for her, she was currently arguing with a certain farmer about Rarity’s number of bags to bring.

“Rarity, for the last time, we can't take that many suitcases to Hoovaii!” Applejack scolded.

“But why not?” Rarity whined. “We're literally going to jump to Hoovaii. I don't see what the big deal is!”

Applejack huffed, rubbing the bridge of her nose in annoyance. “Just because we're just going to jump there, that doesn't mean you can take everything from your house with ya! And even if we're not dimension-hopping, you were supposed to take a few bags anyway!”

Rarity scowled. “But these are a few bags!”

Fifty-three bags ain't a few, Rares!” Applejack yelled.

“Will you two settle down!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed while checking her bag from the sidelines. “Jeez, it's like I'm dealing with a married couple!”

While the faces of the two teens were as red as a tomato, Rainbow Dash turned her attention to her other friend.

“Are you almost done, Sunset?”

“Almost, Rainbow Dash!” Sunset answered before resuming her phone call with another friend. “As I was saying, while you do not have to be there, will you at least keep an eye on them every once in a while and be there if they need you?”

“I suppose,” a female voice answered. “It's not like I'm doing anything at the moment since I'm not needed with my other job. But you and your friends should be careful too, Sunset!”

“We will,” Sunset assured with a smile. “Thank you so much, Tempest!”

“Yeah, no problem,” Tempest replied. “Just stay out of trouble and call me anytime.”

Just as Tempest hung up her, Sunset heard another person calling from behind her.


Sunset turned just in time to see Lyra Heartstrings walking up to her. “Oh hey, Lyra! Are you ready to go?”

Lyra shook her head. “No, Bon Bon isn't here yet. I'm not leaving without her.”

Suddenly, they heard the front door open. They turned to see Lyra’s friend in question, entering the house with tired eyes.

“Bonnie!” Lyra exclaimed. She frowned when she noticed her friend's tired state. “What took you so long?”

“I'm sorry, Lyra!” Bon Bon yawned, covering her mouth as she did so. “I nearly overslept.”

Sunset frowned in concern. “You alright, Bon Bon? You're not usually this late.”

Bon Bon blinked for a moment before answering. “Oh, well, because of this sudden trip, my family and I spent most of the night preparing the ingredients and bakery for our staff covering us before leaving for Hoovaii. Gotta stay on top of things you know.”

Unbeknownst to Bon Bon, Lyra glanced at her best friend with a little suspicion.

“I see,” said Sunset with a little guilt. “I'm sorry about that. I know this trip was sudden for you and your family.”

“Oh, no worries,” Bon Bon waved off Sunset’s concern. “It's not your fault that this is sudden. Plus, I always wanted to go to Hoovaii. So, I'm sure our trip will be worth it.”

“Well, alright,” said Sunset before pointing at the stairs. “You're welcome to sit near the stairs. Sonic is still setting up in the living room.”

“Thank you,” Bon Bon said gratefully before taking her seat near the stairs along with her best friend.

At that moment, Twilight approached Sunset. “Have any of our friends' parents arrived yet?”

“Last I checked, most of them are outside while Apple Bloom's Grandmother and Sweetie Belle's parents are upstairs laying down some ground rules while we're away,” Sunset answered.

“And my… other self?” Twilight asked unsurely, still not used to seeing her double in the same house.

“She's upstairs changing and packing your clothes for the trip,” Sunset replied. “I hope you don't mind.”

“Not at all!” Twilight smiled. “This is good so far, everything is on schedule and running smoothly. So we don't have to worry about any monkey wrenches thrown in our way.”

“Well, well, well! Fancy seeing you again, Twilight!”

Twilight’s eyes widened by the sudden sound of a familiar voice. She and Sunset quickly turned around and were surprised to see a small group of girls that she had never expected to show up in her house, let alone see them again in general. What took Twilight aback was they were wearing their casual clothes instead of their usual school uniforms.

The first girl had short purple hair with a yellow flower on the side of her head with a snobby look. The second had white hair with two long pigtails and glasses. The third had pink hair with a long ponytail and a sweet smile on her face. The fourth girl had long green hair and was busy with her music with her pink headphones. And the last girl had wild short blue hair with yellow bolt earrings and yellow goggles on her head and had a cocky smirk.

Image by LimeDazzle

Twilight blinked with an astonished look. “Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, and Indigo Zap? What are you all doing here?”

“What? Aren't you happy to see us?” Sour Sweet said sweetly before her personality and her attitude changed in the blink of an eye with an aggressive tone. “Unless you really weren't!

Before things could go out of hand, Sunny Flare gently pushed Sour Sweet aside as she addressed Twilight. “What Sour Sweet was trying to say was that we're here for our graduation trip too.”

Yeah! We wouldn't want to miss this opportunity to take a free trip to Hoovaii!” Indigo Zap cheered before turning to Lemon Zest. “Don't you agree?”

Lemon Zest simply held up her rock n’ roll salute, head banging with a huge toothy smile.

Twilight frowned in confusion. “But isn't this for Canterlot High students only?”

“I can answer that.”

Twilight and Sunset turned their head to see Cadance, who was moving slowly due to pregnancy, and Shining right behind her. “I was the one who brought them here."

Twilight was taken aback. “You brought them here?”

“Yes, Twilight. Since I'm now the principal of Crystal Prep, I was supposed to run the graduation ceremony for that school too.” Cadance looked down, rubbing gently on her stomach. “Unfortunately, with my “condition” and our last-minute trip to Hoovaii, I can't find anyone to take over. So I figured that I'd take them with us for our trip too.” She looked up at Twilight with a guilty expression. “I'm very sorry, Twilight. With so much going on, I forgot to mention that to you.”

“It's no sweat, Teach!” Indigo Zap spoke up before Twilight could speak. “We're friends in the same school once, so I'm sure she won't mind!” Indigo Zap turned to Twilight. “You don't mind us joining in, do ya, Twilight?”

Twilight was quiet for a moment with a blank square, making Sunset feel concerned for her friend. Just when she was about to say something to her, Twilight immediately spoke up.

“Oh no, it's… fine,” said Twilight in a semi-chipper tone with an uneasy grin. “As they say: the more the merrier!

Indigo Zap grinned before turning towards the other Shadowbolts. “See? I told you Twilight is cool with it! She would never turn us down since we're friends!”

Unbeknownst to Indigo Zap, Twilight felt her left eye twitching after hearing the word “friends” from Indigo's mouth, but Sugarcoat silently noticed Twilight''s behavior with a raised eyebrow.

Cadance stared at her sister-in-law with an unsure expression but decided to let that go for now. “Well, alright, if you say so, Ladybug. We'll get ourselves ready before we leave for Hoovaii.”

Cadance, Shining, and the Shadowbolts left the area to another room, leaving Twilight and Sunset alone.

Twilight was staring toward the direction where her former classmates exited with an unreadable expression, which caused the former unicorn to feel concerned.

Sunset gently approached her friend in a gentle tone. “You okay, Twi?”

Twilight snapped out of her trance and quickly turned to Sunset. “Oh! Yeah, Sunset, I'm fine! It was just… unexpected to see them, that's all.”

Sunset raised her brow with uncertainty. “Are you sure you’re okay with this? We can talk to Candace if you're–”

“It's fine, Sunset!” Twilight insisted while giving Sunset her most convincing smile. “I can handle them! Just as long as I can enjoy our trip and have fun with our friends, I'll be fine!”

Sunset could tell that Twilight’s smile was fake and was not fully convinced. Just as she was about to respond about it, Spike called them from the living room.

“Hey, everyone! Sonic said that the portal is all ready for traveling!”

Great! Let's go!” Twilight exclaimed loudly, looking for an excuse to move on.

Sunset frowned. She knew her friend was avoiding the issue, but decided to silently put a pin on that for now at a later time.

So Sunset, Twilight, the Rainbooms, and most of the CHS students followed Spike toward the living room while dragging their travel bags behind them. The moment they entered the room, they were all surprised to see what was in front of them.

At the far end of the living room was a giant gold ring, hovering over the floor with a window of a hotel building of Hoovaii in the center of the ring. What caught their attention was Sonic and Spike, who were both wearing black ties and sunglasses, and Sonic was holding a clipboard and a spatula for some reason. There was even some makeshift contraption that Sonic built, which looked similar to a walk-through detector that was usually seen at the airport.

“Welcome to Sonic Air! The fastest way to travel!” Sonic announced in a professional voice with a smile. He then looked into his clipboard. “Now boarding groups one and two!”

“Why am I wearing this again?” Spike muttered in his annoyed tone.

“Relax, dude!” Sonic whispered, still smiling. “Just continue to play your part!”

Spike just rolled his eyes, despite wearing his sunglasses.

“Aw, how cute!” Fluttershy gushed. “They’re running their airport!”

Sunset smirked and leaned into Twilight’s ear. “This might explain what took Sonic so long to set up the portal.”

Twilight giggled quietly but shushed Sunset.

They didn't have to wait long as the first two people approached the blue hedgehog.

“Hey, Sonic!” Bon Bon greeted with a grin.

“Hey, Candy Queen!” Sonic greeted back with a smile before frowning at the second person. “Crazy Lyra.”

Lyra narrowed her eyes. “Blue Devil!”

Lyra!” Bon Bon scolded before addressing Sonic with an apologetic expression. “Sorry, Sonic. Lyra didn't mean that.”

“Yes I did,” Lyra muttered, only to get elbowed by Bon Bon.

Sonic stared at Lyra with an unamused expression.“Riiiiiiight!” Sonic then faced Bon Bon with a smile again. “So are you for group one?”

“You bet!” Bon Bon grinned, playing along.

“Excellent! Please, step through!” Sonic stepped aside politely.

With a giggle, Bon Bon stepped through the “walk-through detector” and stood before the portal. With an eye roll, Lyra attempted to follow her friend until Sonic stopped her.

“Hold it, missy! You're in group three! Please wait your turn!”

“Ex-cuse me!?” Lyra exclaimed with an annoyed frown. “Why am I not in the same group as Bonnie?”

With a stern expression, Sonic began listing off with his fingers. “Well, one, her name starts with a ‘B’ so she's high on a list. And second… she's nicer to me.”

“Oh, you want me to be nice?” Lyra scowled, showing Sonic her fist. “How about I'll give ya a nice knuckle sandwich!

Sonic wasn't phased by Lyra’s threat. “...just for that, you're now in group four.

Lyra was taken aback before growling in anger. “Wha– how dare you, Rodent?

Sonic frowned. “Now you're in group five!”

Exasperated, Lyra threw up her hands. “This is ridiculous! I want to see the manager!”

I'm the manager around here!” Sonic's eyes narrowed. “You want to make that group six, young lady?”

Lyra’s face was now red and felt steam coming out of her ears. Just as she was about to lunge at the blue hedgehog, Bon Bon quickly stepped in.

“Sonic, I'm very sorry for my friend's rude behavior. Will you please let her through… for me?” Bon Bon pleaded with her sad blue eyes.

Sonic paused for a moment. “I don’t usually bend the rules, Candy Queen.” He then winked. “But for you, I'll make an exception.”

Bon Bon smiled cheerfully. “Thanks, Sonic! You're the best!”

Sonic smiled before turning to Lyra. “All right, you may join your friend.”

“Great, thanks!” Lyra said sarcastically as she was about to join her friend, but Sonic stopped her again.

“Ulp, ulp, ulp! I still have to do a security check on you!”

Seriously!?” Lyra complained.

Before she could complain further, Sunset joined next to her with an amused, yet apologetic expression. “Sorry, Lyra. Just… let him get it out of his system.”

With a huff, Lyra heeded Sunset’s advice as Sonic was “scanning” her with his spatula, making “beeping” sounds all the while.

“Beep. Beep. Terrible shirt detected!

Everyone laughed at the display, causing the mint-haired teen to blush and growl in embarrassment.

A second later, Sonic stepped aside. “Okay, you're free to go. Enjoy your trip. Bye-bye now.”

“Thank you, Sonic!” Bon Bon waved before walking through the portal.

“And please watch your step!” Sonic added.

Bon Bon entered the portal and gave everyone a thumbs up. “See you all on the other side!”

Lyra followed her friend behind, but not before giving her “rival” a quick evil glance.

“I hate that hedgehog!” She muttered bitterly before disappearing through the portal.

With a nod towards the two, Sonic turned towards the crowd again. “Okay, everyone. Please approach the portal one at a time in a neat single file line. And don't worry, the portal is stable and safe to travel!”

Almost immediately after his instructions, another person approached him.

“Hey there, Muffin Girl!” Sonic smiled. “You got something for me?”

The girl with blonde hair and crossed eyes nodded happily as she handed him a brown bag. Sonic accepted the bag and opened it, his eyes lit up when he saw what was inside of the bag.

Image by masemj

“Oooh! Blueberry muffins! They look so tasty!” Sonic put away the bag into his quills and smiled at the girl. “Thanks, I'll have some of these later!”

With a huge happy grin, the girl made her way towards the portal, along with a muscled boy with short blonde hair behind her.

“You take care of her too, Muscle Man!” Sonic called towards the muscle boy.

The muscle boy, known as Bulk Biceps, faced Sonic with a grin while flexing his muscles.


“Good to hear!” Sonic chuckled, before turning back around and blinking at the next student.

This new student was a green-haired girl with freckles and brown eyes. She wore a white shirt with a brown vest over it, a blue skirt with images of plants in a planter with see-through black sheer, and grey heels.

Image by punzil504

Sonic tilted his head quizzingly. “I'm sorry… do I know you?”

The green-haired girl gasped before frowning in sadness. “What? You… forgotten about me? It's me! Wallflower!”

Sonic’s expression remained unchanged before he burst out laughing. “I'm just kidding, Plant Girl! Of course, I remember you!”

Wallflower smiled in happiness for a brief moment before frowning in annoyance. “That's not funny!”

“I'm sorry! Won't happen again!” Sonic chuckled sheepishly. “By the way, that sunflower you gave me is getting bigger now.”

“Oh, that's fantastic!” Wallflower smiled, her annoyance forgotten. “You must show me that sometime!”

“I will!” Sonic promised before gesturing to the portal. “Til’ then, enjoy the trip!”

With a happy nod, Wallflower quickly stepped into the portal while Sonic faced the next two students.

The two students are both girls. One had long black hair with a pink bow tie, while the other had short, messy blue hair with purple glasses and light green headphones on her head.

“Sup, Violin Gal, and DJ Gal!” Sonic greeted. “Will you two be performing at the graduation ceremony too?”

“Well, the Rainbooms will be doing most of the work, but Vinyl and I will support them as background performers,” The Violin Gal, known as Octavia responded. She turned to her companion. “Isn't that right, love?”

The DJ Gal, known as Vinyl Scratch, aka DJ Pon3, simply held up a thumb with a toothy grin.

Sonic gave them a thumbs up. “Cool! I wish you two the best of luck and enjoy the trip!”

“Thank you, dear,” Octavia nodded before heading towards the portal. “Come along, Vinyl!”

Vinyl did a quick salute to the blue hedgehog before following her friend through the portal.

Just as Sonic was about to face the next person, there was a sudden ‘click’ followed by a bright white flash.

“Ha! Finally!” The girl with white hair and purple glasses cheered as the photo printed out of her camera. She immediately frowned when she noticed the blurry blue image on her photo. “Hey! Ya moved!”

Sonic chuckled, with a cheeky grin. “Sorry, Camera Girl! Still too slow!”

The Camera Girl scowled. “I vould have spent all day chasing vou, but I was assigned to take photos for the ceremony, so consider yourself lucky!” She then made a dramatic pose. “But von of these days, I, Photo Finish, vill get da photo of you and den you vill be treated with… ‘da magics!’ Until vhen, I go!”

With a speed that almost rivaled Sonic, Photo Finish zoomed past Sonic and disappeared into the portal.

“...what a strange girl,” Sonic muttered before facing the next two guys in line. “Sup, Hippie Guy and Nerd Guy!”

The Hippie Guy with a green beanie, known as Sandalwood, waved at Sonic with a smile. “Sup, Blue dude!”

“Greetings!” said the Nerd Guy with the glasses, known as Micro Chips. He frowned. “Though I wish you would call me something better than Nerd Guy.”

Sonic rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry, pal. I would've called you ‘Chips Guy’, but then people would assume you eat potato chips.”

Micro Chips let out a long sigh. “Very well, I suppose it's for the best. I'm allergic to potato chips anyway.”

“I think it fits, dude!” Sandalwood encouraged. “You're like, the smartest guy in school next to Twilight!”

“True!” Micro Chips smirked, adjusting his glasses. “I was picked for the ‘Most Likely to Invent Cold Fusion’ category in our school's yearbook. So I'm technically the best over Twilight Sparkle!”

“I heard that!”

Realizing too late that the girl in question was in the same room as him, Micro Chips felt a sudden chill run down his spine in fear.

“Uh, I would like to stay in love chat, but we got to go! See ya!” Micro Chips spoke quickly before he ran through the portal with Sandalwood not too far behind.

“Hey, wait up, dude!”

Sonic shook his head at them before facing the next person.

The next guy has short blue hair and blue eyes, wearing a black hoodie with an emblem of a shield and a lightning bolt on each shoulder, jeans, and black shoes with a lightning bolt on each side. He was also carrying his signature red guitar over his shoulder for the trip.

“Yo, Guitar Dude! How's it going?” Sonic waved.

The Guitar Dude, known as Flash Sentry, waved back. “Hey, Sonic! I'm doing fine! Right now, I'm preparing a song dedicated to the Rainbooms!” He then cleared his throat and looked away with a blush on his cheeks. “B-by the way… do you know if the other Twilight is coming by any chance? I… would like to talk to her before we–”

Flash was suddenly interrupted when a girl rudely shoved him forward. “Blah blah blah! No one cares! Now move along, Brad!”

Flash briefly gave the girl an annoyed glance before walking away toward the portal with a confused expression.

Brad?” He muttered, before disappearing into the portal.

Meanwhile, Sonic also gave the girl his annoyed look for interrupting the conversation he had with Flash. The girl had long white hair with a purple star on the side and purple eyes. She wore a purple shirt with a blue jacket over it with star patterns, a purple skirt with a blue wand emblem on the side, and blue shoes.

“Hey there, Trickster!” Sonic greeted casually despite his annoyed expression.

The girl frowned at the nickname. “It's not ‘Trickster’! I'm the Great and Powerful Trrrrixie! The future generation of Lulamoon, the family of magicians!”

“...Sure, whatever you say, Trickster!” Sonic rolled his eyes, annoying the girl further. “Step right through!”

Trixie humph as she made her way towards the portal. Before she stepped into the portal, she stopped and faced Sunset with narrowed eyes.

“I know they're your friends’ younger sisters, but for their sake, they better not come to our event!” Trixie warned.

“Yeah, we know everyone is still mad at those three,” Sunset acknowledged. “But don't worry, Trixie, they will stay home and be safe away from them.”

“Oh, it's not them they should be worried about!” Trixie retorted ominously before she turned and disappeared through the portal.

The gang stood in silence for a moment, processing what Trixie had said.

Sheesh! Someone's holding a grudge,” Sonic remarked.

Rarity frowned. “I'll say! That was completely unnecessary!”

“While that was an unnecessary statement, I can't blame her for being angry at them considering the circumstances,” said Sunset.

“Even so, I don't care if we're on ‘friendly terms’ with her or how mad they all are, no one touches Scoots and her friends when I'm around!” Rainbow Dash growled.

Applejack sighed. “Even if Spoiled didn't ban those three, this is all the more reason why we keep our sisters at home.”

The gang nodded in agreement.

Some time passed, and everyone who came from the school, including the students, parents, and staff made it safely through the portal ring with Sonic's guidance. After one more person stepped into the portal, Sonic addressed the room.

“Okay, is that everyone?” he asked.

“Not quite.”

Discord, along with Cadance and Shining Armor entered the living room.

“It's just us adults, and you teens, of course,” said Discord before facing the couple. “I'll give you two a little time to get ready while I go ahead and make sure that everyone is situated and not do anything stupid, you know, per job and all that junk.”

“Before you go, Discord, I need to ask,” Sunset spoke up. “Where's Luna? I haven't heard of her since last night.”

Discord shrugged. “Don't know.”

Sunset and the others were taken aback by his blunt reply.

“You don't know!?” Sunset exclaimed. “What do you mean, ‘you don't know’?

“It means, I. Don't. Know! How much clearer do I have to be?” Discord huffed.

Sunset frowned, irritated by Discord's antics. “You're not making sense, Discord!”

Discord sighed. “Look, Sunny, all I know is that I was told that Luna was busy with something at the moment, so they put me in charge of guiding everyone to Hoovaii.”

“He's telling the truth, Sunset,” said Cadance, vouching for the janitor. “I had a similar phone call that Luna is away and placing him in charge.”

Twilight furrowed her brows. “Who's placing Discord in charge.”

“Oh it was that woman who was waiting for us at Hoovaii,” Discord answered, flicking his goatee in thought. “Now, what was her name? Rosie? Rosemary?”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Rosette Nebula?”

Discord snapped his fingers. “Yeah, that's it! That's who it was!”

The gang was stunned by Discord's revelation, only making them feel more confused about Luna’s actions.

“But I don’t get it!” Twilight exclaimed with a perplexed look. “Why did Rosette tell you about Vice Principal Luna and not us?”

“Or better yet, why didn’t Luna tell us herself that she is busy?” Sunset added with a frown.

“Wish I knew ladies!” Discord shrugged. “I'm just in the dark as you are. If you want to know, it's best to ask that astrophysical lady yourself.”

“...it's astrophysicist!” Twilight deadpanned with an annoyed look.

“Oh, to-mah-to, tomato!” Discord said nonchalantly, annoying the genius teen further. He began to walk away towards the portal. “Anyway, I like to stay and chat, but I should be off.”

“Now remember Discord!” Cadance called out to him. “Your job is to watch over our students. So no fooling around!”

“Yeah, yeah. I know the drill!” Discord waved Cadance off while his back was still facing them. “See you on the flip side, ladies!”

As Discord was stepping through the portal, the gang could barely hear him humming some kind of random song to himself.

“Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon, and sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon. Discord, whatever did we do? To make you take our world away?”

Even after Discord disappeared into the portal, the whole group stared at the portal with astonished expressions.

“...that guy…is a strange dude!” Sonic uttered.

“That's an understatement!” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“He may be strange, but he's actually nice when you get to know him.” Fluttershy defended the janitor in question, causing Rainbow Dash to roll her eyes.

Cadance cleared her throat. “In any case, we should go too. It's also my job to watch the students so they don't get into trouble.” She said before adding with a whisper, “Including Discord!

“Darling, are you sure it's a good idea for you to go in your condition?” Rarity asked in a concerned tone, pointing at Cadance's stomach.

“Not to worry!” Shining Armor interjected. “I'll be going with her so that I can make sure that she and our child are safe from harm, even in a land of paradise!”

Cadance rolled her eyes. “While it's not necessary, Shining will help me during our trip. And I'm due in two weeks, so it should be fine.”

Twilight furrowed her brows. “But what about Shining’s job? Wasn't he needed?”

“No worries!” Shining assured. “The higher-ups understood and let me go with her. I even placed Zephyr in charge of some tasks until I got back.”

Fluttershy frowned in worry. “You're not assigning him any dangerous work, are you?”

“Not at all!” Shining shook his head. “Just some simple parking tolls patrol, traffic directing, and on parole duty on an ex-con.”

What!?” Fluttershy shrieked in a panicked look. “He's going to be with a criminal!?

“Don't worry!” Shining soothed. “This guy has been on good behavior and willing to comply. Your brother will be fine.”

“You sure about that?” Rainbow Dash remarked, only to receive a harsh elbow jab by Applejack after making Fluttershy worry even more.

“Sorry to keep you waiting!”

They all turned to see Princess Twilight, now in a different outfit, entering the living room. Unlike her usual outfit when she visited the human world, Princess Twilight was now wearing a blue dress with a see-through blue sheer over her shoulders with a red ribbon, light blue waist ribbon, golden wrist brackets, and indigo heels. There were even multiple tiny patterns of her cutie mark along the bottom of her dress.

Image by Lhenao

“Oh my!” Rarity cried enthusiastically. “You look absolutely stunning, Darling!”

Princess Twilight blushed. “T-thanks, Rarity! Are you sure you want to give me this dress?”

“But of course!” Rarity answered with a smile. “Consider this as a gift for being our friend!”

Princess Twilight smiled at that.

“Hey there, Princess Brainiac!” Sonic waved with a smile.

Princess Twilight suddenly had a confused expression. “Princess Brainiac?

Sonic nodded. “Yeah! You're like our Brainiac, but a Princess!”

Princess Twilight blinked. “Uh…”

“He always likes to come up with nicknames for everyone he meets,” Sunset explained. “It's kinda his thing.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie added with a happy chirp. “The fact that he gave you one means that he likes you!”

“Except for Spoiled Rich and Robotnik! They get the bad names!” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack hissed, subtly pointing at Twilight who had her head Down, both in sadness and discomfort.

Rainbow Dash winced, feeling guilty for unintentionally bringing his name up in front of Twilight. “Shoot! …sorry, Twi!”

“It's… it's fine, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said quietly.

Everyone stood in uncomfortable silence. It was no secret to the group that Twilight suffered the most from what happened eight months ago. Every time that certain doctor's name was brought up, Twilight would either freeze in fear and anxiety or worst-case scenario, have a breakdown. While they still don't exactly know what happened to their dear friend, they all agree to be there for her and try not to bring him up the best they can.

Before Sunset or anyone could try to gently change the topic, they heard a quiet utterance from behind them.

“Hey um… Sunset? Everyone?”

The gang turned to see the CMCs quietly make their way over to them with meek expressions, feeling uncomfortable from their attention.

“Ah… just wanted to say… thanks for havin’ us over and to have us stay this house together,” Apple Bloom spoke up for her friends. “We really appreciate it.”

“Don't thank us, girls,” Sunset stated. “If you want to thank someone, it's Sonic. He's the one who convinced us to bring you three to stay here.”

“But keep this in mind, girls!” Applejack frowned, crossing her arms. “You three ain't here to have fun! You three are still punished after what happened with that party stunt at our school.”

“And considering that Spoiled Rich banned you three from coming to our graduation trip, leaving you alone in your own homes would be too cruel.” Rarity added. “So be grateful that you three are staying together in one house.”

Scootaloo frowned. “While we know that we deserved it, it's still not fair that we can't come with you.”

“Cheer up, Squirt!” Rainbow Dash gently rubbed the top of Scootaloo's head. “We'll call you from time to time and we'll even bring back some souvenirs from our trip.”

“Yeah, it's not all bad, Scotta Sister!” Sonic grinned. “You have me here. And we'll be in charge of the house!”

Oh no!” Sunset crossed her arms and her eyes narrowed. “You're not in charge! Spike is!”

Spike swelled his chest in pride, much to the displeasure of the three young girls and the blue hedgehog.

Seriously!?” Scootaloo complained. “We're being babysat by a dogagain!?

“Yeah, no offense to the little guy, but are you all sure he's fit for the job?” Sonic added. “He couldn't even keep track of his chew toy!”

Spike frowned in annoyance. “You know I'm sitting right here, right?”

Rarity shook her head. “No offense, but based on all your track record, I find Spike to be more trustworthy than the four of you combined.”

“And especially after that stunt with the school!” Applejack said firmly.

“We said we were sorry! Jeez!” Apple Bloom remarked, now frustrated for being reminded of their actions so many times.

Sunset felt a bit of sympathy for the young trio and let out a soft sigh. “Look, girls… just listen to Spike and stay out of trouble… alright?”

Apple Bloom sighed. “Yeah… alright.”

The other two CMCs nodded quietly.

“And that goes double for you, Sonic!” Sunset added sternly.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Sonic rolled his eyes. “I'll behave.”

“We’ll only be gone for a couple of days,” said Twilight. “But in case there's any emergencies, you can reach out to Tempest. Got it?”

“Got it,” The kids responded in unison, nodding in understanding.

Applejack rubbed the top of Apple Bloom's head in affection. “Ya know that Ah love ya, right Bloom?”

Apple Bloom lightly swatted Applejack's away but sighed. “Yeah… Ah know.”

“Same with me Sweetie,” Rarity added, to which Sweetie Belle nodded.

No words were spoken between Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, but they both fist-bumped each other with soft grins.

“Alright, we should be going!” said Cadance as she gently grasped Shining’s hand. “We'll meet you girls on the other side.”

“And try not to burn this house down, you three!” Shining stated sternly, causing the CMCs to gulp.

“We won't! Apple's honor!” Apple Boom replied earnestly.

With a satisfied nod, Shining gently led his wife over to the portal before they both disappeared through it.

Sunset knelt in front of Sonic and spread her arms open. “All right, bring it in!”

Sonic scoffed playfully, taking off his sunglasses. “Sunset, I'm about to be the hedgehog of the house for the first time. I think I'm a little mature enough to hug you goodbye.”

“Okay, what about a power bump?” Twilight suggested.

Sonic’s eyes lit up. “Yes! Power bump! That's more like it!”

Sunset laughed as she stood back up. “All right then.”

Sunset, Twilight, and Sonic bumped their fists together, followed by the rest of the Rainbooms, CMCs, and even Spike placed his paw in. They lingered their fist bumps for a moment before throwing their arms up.

“Rainbooms!” They all cheered.

As the Rainbooms were getting ready to jump into the portal, Sonic called out to Sunset.

“Oh, before you go, take this Sunset!” Sonic took out one of his rings. “Use this one to get back home.”

With a wink, Sonic flicked his ring over to Sunset with his thumb, to which Sunset caught it.

“Thanks!” Sunset nodded before pocketing the ring.

“All right, we're off!” said Twilight as she and the others stepped through the portal.

“Yeah, be good kids!” Applejack added.

“And stay cool! said, Rainbow Dash.

“And have fun!” Pinkie cheered.

“But not too much fun!” Rarity stated sternly.

“And most importantly stay safe!” Fluttershy waved.

“We will!” Sonic waved.

The CMCs also waved at the Rainbooms.

“See ya, sis!”

“Bye, Rarity!”

“Later, Rainbow Dash!”

As soon as the Equestria Girls completely entered through the portal, Sunset suddenly turned around.

“And if you need anything, call us anytime. You have our number!”

“Sorry, I can't hear you, you're traveling through a cross-dimensional portal!” Sonic joked as the ring portal was closing on the older teens. Sonic then waved. “Have fun graduating at Hoovaii!”

The girls waved back from the other side of the portal until the portal itself closed off completely, leaving the blue hedgehog, three pre-teens, and the purple dog alone in the house.

“Whelp, they're gone now,” Apple Bloom stated.

Scootaloo turned to Sonic. “So… now what?”

“Now…” Sonic paused for a moment before smirking mischievously. “We are going to have some fun!

This caught the CMCs by surprise.

“We are?” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

“You bet we are!” Sonic winked. “Just because our siblings will have some fun in Hoovaii, doesn't mean that we can't have fun ourselves!”

The girls smiled, liking the idea.

Their excitement was short-lived the moment Spike spoke up.

“Hold on, Sonic! Did you forget that I'm in charge? And these girls are grounded and can't leave the house, remember?

“Who said we'll be having fun outside the house?” Sonic said slyly, wiggling his eyebrows.

Spike’s eyes narrowed. “Oooh no! I know what you're trying to do!” Spike held his head high. “Both Twilight and Sunset gave me instructions on what to do with you four while they were away. So if you think you're pulling a fast one and fool me, you got another thing–”

Suddenly, Spike smelled something, causing him to stop speaking and sniff profusely. Spike lowered his head to locate the smell and stopped once he found the source. In front of him was a used smelly sock, held by Sonic’s fingers. The CMCs recoiled away from the smelly sock in disgust, but Sonic, unaffected by the smell, had a cheeky smile on his face.

“Oh I'm sorry, little guy, you were saying something?" Sonic asked, dangling the sock in front of Spike.

Spike gasped. “Oh! My! Goodness!” Spike moved closer to the sock, his whole body shaking at the sight of it. “I-is that… the classic white ankle sock? The one that's both cotton and nylon blend? About two hundred wears deep? And never washed?”

Sonic smirked, dangling the sock some more. “Yep! And it's all yours to keep… if you allow us to do whatever we want!” Sonic then paused before looking away as if he was reconsidering. “Unless you don't want this, then I guess I'll just return it to the–”

Wait!” Spike barked, reaching for the sock desperately. “You can do whatever you want! Just gimme gimme gimmie!

Sonic chuckled, tossing the sock to the purple pup. “Then it's all yours, little buddy!”

With a delightful bark, Spike pounced on the sock and chewed it like there was no tomorrow.

The girls watched Spike with astonished expressions before they leaned close to the blue hedgehog.

“Sonic, is that really the sock Spike was raving about?” Apple Bloom whispered.

“Yeah, I heard that alone cost around two hundred dollars!” Sweetie Belle added in a hushed tone.

“Of course not!” Sonic shook his head quietly. “No way I'll be spending money on that! It's just a random old sock I found from the junkyard during my runs. I figured that'll come in handy.”

“...Dude!” Scootaloo blinked before smirking. “That's so horrible!”

“I know!” Sonic smirked back before clapping his hands. “Okay, it's forty-eight hours until they come back. We've got TV channels, streaming channels, a house full of food, and no supervision!”

The girls smiled mischievously as Sonic put his sunglasses back on and gave the CMCs his two-fingered guns with a smirk.

“Let’s do this!

Author's Note:

Guess who's back! :yay:

Sorry for the long wait everyone! The holidays and life itself take up a lot of time. So I hope this long chapter makes up for it. :twilightblush:

I know this story starts out a little slow to some, but now that the Equestria Girls went to Hoovaii and Sonic, the CMCs, and Spike stayed behind, things will finally kick up a gear a bit. Hope you all stick around, things will get exciting from here on out! :rainbowdetermined2:

And yes, the human Discord made his debut. While it's typical that Discord is portrayed as the janitor in the EqG world, it does fit him well IMO. The description of his human counterpart was based on the image below by Uotapo, but I added his janitor uniform instead of his casual clothes.

Special shout out to Norisu Ninja and FanOfWriting for letting me use nickname ideas for other EqG characters by Sonic. All credit goes to them. Thank you both so much! :twilightsmile:

By Norisu Ninja:
Derpy - Muffin Girl
Flash - Guitar Dude
Bulk Biceps - Muscle Man
Trixie - Trickster
Photo Finish - Camera Lady
Octavia - Violin Gal

By FanOfWriting:
Sandalwood: Hippie Guy
Micro Chips: Nerd Guy
Wallflower Blush: Plant Lady
Vinyl Scratch: DJ Gal

On that note, most of the CHS students in this chapter only made a cameo appearance in this story. Some will show up again later. Who will it be? I can't say… yet! :trollestia:

Anyway, here are this chapter's notes and references:

Princess Twilight mentioning Princess Celestia trying out Zip-lines is a callback to MLP:FiM Season 9 - Episode 13, Between Dark and Dawn when Celestia and her sister were riding down the zip-line.

Princess Twilight listing off what her friends are up to now is a callback to what everyone ended up doing at the end of MLP's last episode, The Last Problem. And for the record, this story takes place years before the events of the last episode.

The phrase, “I hate that Hedgehog!” was a reference to Robotnik’s catchphrase throughout the cartoon series, The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.

From what I could gather, Flash's nickname “Brad” was actually given by the fans after the first trailer of Equestria Girls movie because his real name wasn't revealed yet at the time. It is unknown as to how he got his nickname, but some claimed it was due to ZXInsanity's joke video, EQUESTRIA GIRLS *Movie Accurate Remake* involving Nicholas Cage.

Don't ask. :unsuresweetie:

Nevertheless, even after his real name was revealed, fans who disliked Flash mocked him by calling him “Brad” and some still do to this day.

Discord singing, er… “Discord,” as well as his ringtone is a callback from a well-known MLP fan song by Eurobeat Brony (Tombstone Remix), one of my favorite MLP fan songs!

Spike the dog's love for smelly classic ankle socks is a callback to one of Equestria Girls' shorts, Reboxing w/ Spike.

Human Discord and CMCs image by Uotapo
Shadowbolts in casual clothing by LimeDazzle
Derpy vector by masemj
Wallflower vector Image by punzil504
Princess Twilight visiting CHS vector by Lhenao

That is it for now! See you all next time in the next chapter! :scootangel: