• Published 14th Mar 2023
  • 351 Views, 0 Comments

The Mystery of Applejack's Parents - Musical_theatre_demon

Nobody revealed how exactly Pear Butter and Bright Mac died, but it most likely had something to do with the feud between the Pears and the Apples.

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The next day, Pear Butter awoke to see a pool of blood residing beside her. Horrified, she looked at the knife she had clutched. She must've cut a deep gash at night and not have realized it. Maybe that was for the best, because it certainly made her feel better. But hot damn, did it hurt like hell. And there was no way Pear Butter was letting it go now. She placed the bloodied knife to the side and washed her hoof, and then made her way to their secret spot.

Upon arrival, she sat waiting by the pear-apple tree that connected them, looking up to admire its beauty. She didn't think Bright Mac would show up after what she did the day before, but to her surprise, a yellow freckled stallion was walking towards their secret spot in the distance. Instantly, Pear Butter's hopes rose. This was her time - her time to apologize.

"What you said back there. I know you didn't mean any of it," Bright Mac said. He laughed. "Funny how everything we do wrong just draws us closer to each other."

When Pear Butter didn't return his laugh, Bright Mac knew something was wrong.

"Buttercup, what happened?" Bright Mac said. "You're never this quiet."

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Oh, Pear Butter! You don't have to blame yourself!" Bright Mac said. "In fact, you've got nopony to blame but your Grand Pear himself! Maybe that's why you judge apple products so harshly." He held out an apple tart in front of her with a warm smile on his face. "I've got a gift for you, Buttercup," he said with a smile. "You never know if you like it unless you try it."

Pear Butter sniffed the delicate treat within Bright Mac's hooves. She could practically feel its warmth as the smell occupied her nose. "It smells... oddly delicious. What is it?"

Bright Mac chuckled. "I ain't tellin' you until you try it," Bright Mac said.

Pear Butter returned the chuckle, in a lighthearted manner of course. "I shouldn't. It might have a disease."

Bright Mac's smile faded. Taken aback, he started to pack up the apple tart. "If you'd rather have pear products, then I understand," he said.

Pear Butter stopped him, frantically putting a hoof on his shoulder. "No, no! It's not like that at all!" she cried.

"Then, what are you trying to say?" Bright Mac said, his voice sounding broken.

She nudged him, chuckling. "I'm just kidding, sugarcube! Of course I'll try it!"

Bright Mac stared at her, trying to process what she was trying to convey. He just didn't get her, but maybe that was for the best. Ponies were complicated - he knew that from experience - and from himself.

Her face fell. "Is something wrong?"

"No, no. It's OK," Bright Mac said. "It's just... I don't understand. How could you be kidding?"

"Oh, Bright Mac. Do you really think I meant everything I said back there? If you do, then a fool's mindset you've got, and I can't really help you with that." She covered her mouth. "Did I - did I really say that? I-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't know what just came out! Please forgive me!"

Bright Mac chuckled. "I ain't mad," he said, smiling. "You're cute, you know that?" He gave her a peck on her cheek, which turned Pear Butter bright red as an apple. "Looks like you're looking more like an Apple than a Pear," he joked.

She chuckled, ruffling his mane. "Very funny," she said, nudging him playfully. She eyed Bright Mac's bag. "Hey, I'm thinking about that little treat."

Bright Mac smiled, giving her the apple tart. "Trust me. You'll love it."

Pear Butter scoffed. "Are you doubting me? Of course I'll love it."

Pear Butter took a bite of the apple tart, her taste buds entering whatever Heaven was.

Bright Mac smiled. "So, how was it?"

"It's... it's amazing! I've gotta tell everypony how good apple delicacies are!" Pear Butter said.

"But what if your family dismisses it?" Bright Mac said with concern.

Pear Butter shrugged. "If they don't want to try it, it's their loss."

Both ponies laughed, tackling each other to the ground playfully until they were too close for comfort, causing both of them to turn redder than a Fuji apple.

Pear Butter broke the silence. "So, you gonna kiss me or what?"

He didn't even have to answer. Bright Mac leaned in and kissed her with her doing the same.

They shared a chuckle as they sat up.

"Let's do that again sometime," Pear Butter said. "But in the night when everypony's asleep," she added with a wink.

"Yeah. We don't wanna stir up any trouble," Bright Mac said, a chuckle rising.

"Yeah," Pear Butter said, chuckling and leaving. "Ten o'clock sharp. Our spot. I've got a surprise for you."

"I'll be there," Bright Mac promised.

"You better be," Pear Butter said. "Because what I'm gonna bring you is out of this world."

Bright Mac smiled. "I believe it." He waved goodbye, blushing as Pear Butter's red curls bounced as she walked.

She's beautiful, he thought to himself. But then he shook her out of his head, preparing to return home to not cause any suspicion between his family members.