• Member Since 30th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen May 27th


Because "fantasy erotica" sounds better than "cartoon horse porn."

Comments ( 22 )


Thowing things now? How Immathure.

Dunno if this is damn stupid or totally brilliant, but it was funny.

Well... that was absurd. Well done.

I can't believe that this story is inspired by the game that the cover art pic is from.

I am now picturing an MLRS covering an entire square kilometer not in high explosive ordinance, but drunk Marines going dick-first.

I blame you.

Depending on their hygiene, it might be biological warfare.

Considering the target, this may be the only viable means of getting this result. Also, Shining has some truly impressive control to get those angles and velocities right (or left) every time.

Cadence Toss.

SImple name.

Vey obvious about what the game is


We asked, "What if the Season 3 wife tossing scene but with an artillery spotter?"

Everything else follows logically.

Well, """logically""".

can it still be played?
its on flash, but the wiki says that its also on android

Bro, that was honestly funni as hell, I'd read this to children if I had them.

Topaz Storm trotted up, grinning broadly and flicking her wings. "Watch your aim," she said. "My mom is the Minister of Education and sitting on the dais behind—"
"Fifty four up, nine and a half azimuth left, one hundred four velocity," Shining repeated and heaved Topaz over the horizon. "On the way!"
After the short wait, Trixie's voice crackled. "On azimuth, azimuth good, five down. Her dildo is down the Minister of the Interior's throat. The Minister of Education seems to have fainted."

Not the actual goal, but good enough.

That was... certainly interesting.
Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

What the fuck


What the fuck

Literally the most common comment on my stories.

Trixie: Splash! Also sploooosh.

Cadie's idea of diplomacy is pretty unique and that's ok; butt-raping a visiting monarch during her speech might be a tad too bold, tho.

Wouldn't be surprised if Twi picked up more than one new kink from this.

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