• Published 8th Jul 2023
  • 383 Views, 34 Comments

Fun Time Movie - AmethystMajesty25

Fun Time Rush travels to London for their world tour where they also have to save the world.

  • ...

Problems Solved?

Meanwhile, outside of the castle, a W.E.E. chopper was prepping for landing as Gemini, Drakken, and Mr. Possible watched. The speed of the wind increased as Gemini's guards and Drakken tumbled over and Gemini's pants tore off, leaving his boxers on while Mr. Possible stood still, but giggled seeing Gemini’s underwear. Shego exited the helicopter and met Gemini.

“I have received an invitation to a meeting you must attend,” Gemini showed Shego the email.

Dr Drakken told her, “Do not fail this one, Shego. 'Cause the supermoon is in seven hours and I...” He cleared his throat, “I mean "we" need what's inside that backpack to start our revolution.”

“As you wish,” Shego acknowledged and signaled the henchmen to transport Mr Possible into the chopper.

While Gemini’s guards escort Mr. Possible to the chopper, Gemini also informed her, “Stop Kim and Ron along with whoever this so-called "Fun Time Rush" is, I want them destroyed.”

Shego nodded, “Yes sir.”

Before Gemini went to the helicopter, he stopped and told Shego, “Okay, you don't have to actually destroy Fun Time Rush, but if they get in your way, I want them destroyed.”

“Of course. And by the way, Gemini.” Shego said. “Nice underwear,” She laughed and went to the helicopter.

Gemini realized he was not wearing any pants except his boxers. He shrieked in embarrassment and covered his lower body.

Drakken laughed and Gemini turned his attention to the evil scientist. He told Drakken, “What are you laughing at? Go get me some pants.”

“And why would I do that? You're not the boss of me.” Drakken replied.

“Correction, Dr. Drakken. I hold the cards around here because I planted a self-destruct, computer chip on the back of Shego's neck earlier and I have the remote detonator right here.” Gemini showed him the remote detonator in his hand.

“How?” Drakken asked in shock.

“Let's just say that I managed to slip past your defenses and took the both of you out with some knockout gas in your humble abode before dragging you both to London last night. So, if you don't show me some respect, I'll push this big red button right here and your little birdie goes bye-bye. Now what's it going to be doctor?”

Drakken didn't have much of a choice and growled, “Fine! I'll get your pants!”

While the scientist ran back, Gemini put the detonator back in his pocket and informed Drakken loudly, “And bring me, Pepe!”

One minute later, Drakken brought Gemini his pants and his pet chihuahua, Pepe.

Back at Global Justice HQ, Agent Will Du entered the director's office and told her, “We lost them.”

“What do you mean you've lost them?” The director questioned him.

Agent Will explained, “I mean they got away in a floating van. But look…” He handed her a file of the device labeled and continued, “Intel pulled this off from one of Middleton's industry servers. Mr. Possible called it, Project Beetle. It's an anti-gravitational supercell that I believe is in the backpack.”

“Hmm. Interesting.”

“What if Mr Possible knew that someone like your brother, for example, would go after the device and decided to sneak in and take it out of the lab before he could do something dangerous with it.”

The director said, “We've been searching for my brother for months ever since he escaped from maximum security prison and disappeared.”

“Which means he could be plotting something and the means to do something big with this technology,” Agent Will told her.

The director replied, “Or Mr. Possible stole the device from his lab, and sold it to Fun Time Rush, who plan on taking over the world.”

Agent Will chuckled, “That seems a little far-fetched, don't ya think?”

“Really? Then take a look at this footage,” The director showed her agent the hotel footage of Golden and Shelly from the giant TV monitor. “Run through a low-frequency absorption filter.” The director told the scientists and played the footage.

"All you're gonna do is crush London tonight, conquer the rest of Europe, and then we will rule the world!"

The director stopped the footage and Agent Will explained, “So you're saying a boy band from Canterlot is going to unleash some evil plot at their concert tonight and take over London and then the world?”

“We've got to stop that concert,” The director ordered Agent Will.

Meanwhile, Golden and Shelly were talking to the world tour promoter in the sound check session at Hyde Park.

“You can't stop the concert!” Golden pleaded. “They're just running a little late.”

“I'm not going to stop the concert,” The world tour promoter told Golden and Shelly, who both sighed in relief. “I'm going to cancel the entire world tour, so I don't get sued when Fun Time Rush doesn't show up. Like they didn't show up to do the sound check.”

Shelly laughed, “We told you, they just ate too many beans on toast and have wonky tums-tums... guv'nor.”

Golden promised the promoter, “They'll be here in one hour.”

Shelly figured it was a mistake for Golden to say that. The world tour promoter was convinced and told them, “One hour.” He got off the sound booth and warned the duo, “Or else Fun Time Rush's ‘All over the world tour’ is over.”

After the promoter exited Hyde Park, Shelly screamed at Golden, “ONE HOUR?!”

Golden explained, “It just blurted out! I panicked! But we can get through this as long as we stay out of trouble.”

Suddenly, a black car rolled up to Hyde Park and confronted Golden and Shelly, surprising them.

Agent Will informed Team Impossible over the radio, ”Take them out.”

“Tea time,” Agent Dash pulled out two tranquilizer guns and shot them with tranquilizer darts.

Shelly and Golden passed out and fell to the ground.

Meanwhile, Gloria and Virtue went to a restaurant for lunch until they accidentally bumped into a family consisting of a mother and two boys who were twins.

Gloria apologized, “Oh, sorry about that.”

“It's all right. We were just finishing lunch.” The woman replied as the twins waved at Virtue. “Enjoy yourself.”

“What's up?” The twin with the red jacket called Virtue, who was playing a video game on her phone.

Virtue responded, “S'up.”

“Hope you have a good day,” The other twin with the green jacket said.

“Thanks, you too.”

The two girls went inside and took their seats before the waiter arrived to pour tea into their teacups.

After the waiter left, Gloria told her daughter, “I'm not happy about this.”

“Be happy,” Virtue responded. “This is how royalty eats every day, and they have power, and you live in a castle.” Her mother gave her an unimpressed look and Virtue continued, “You live in castles, mom.”

“He's not my type.” She spoke.

“He's the Duke of Bath,” Virtue answered back. “And if you marry him, you become the Duchess of Bath, which makes me a blue blood, and when I'm 22—” She pulled out a picture frame with a picture of the prince. “And Harry is tired of his bachelor ways... boom, I'm a princess.”

Gloria took the picture frame down and told her, “I am done here. I haven't seen your brother all day, and I am beginning to worry about the guys.”

Virtue bluffed, “Yeah, Mom, 'cause the guys are caught up in some international spy caper, and they're off to meet some evil villain in a mysterious black van.”

Unbeknownst to the girls, a black van which Fun Time Rush and Team Possible happened to be in, landed safely and resumed driving the road until the cars honked and tires squealed. The girls looked down the road, but they did not see the black van.

They resumed their conversation and Virtue said, “And who was the one who told me if you can dream it, it can come true?”

Gloria pointed at herself, “Was it me?”

Virtue took a piece of bread and nodded while biting a piece of it.

“Well, I take it back, and as soon as the duke gets back, I am going to thank him for a lovely tea but mention we must be going.”

Then, the Duke of Bath was on the phone while heading towards Gloria and Virtue. “So sorry, so sorry. But things can get crazy when you have a staff of over 4,000 people.” He laughed after that.

“You have a staff of over 4,000 people?” Gloria questioned him.

“Well, if you have 17 castles like I do, you need them. Ha-ha! Yes!”

Gloria asked again, “You have 17 castles?”

The duke answered, “Oh, yes.”

“Do you have a throne?” Virtue said.

“Oh, thousands to choose from, and I'd like to show you every one of them, Ms. Gloria.”

Virtue and the duke smiled at Gloria, trying to get her to change her mind about royalty.

The waiter came by and presented Gloria with some lunch. “Your lunch, my lady?”

“Ooh, um... I'm sure the boys will be fine.” Gloria told her daughter and the duke until they started eating.

Meanwhile, the black van continued driving down the road and Kim asked, "So what's the sitch?"

The van informed her, “My sensors detect police in the vicinity, therefore, I have calculated the perfect disguises to get to your destination in Hyde Park.”

Kim answered, “Copy that.”

Everyone exited the van and was dressed up in their disguises to evade the police. Kim, and were dressed in their British school uniforms, Rufus wore a bowtie, Beryl Fury as a tennis player, Cloudburst as a rock band guitarist with a mohawk, Diamond Glow as a hippie, and Mind Tempo as a dog mascot.

Tempo took off the headpiece of his mascot disguise and asked Team Possible, “Really?”

“Eeyup,” Ron answered.

Rufus nodded, “Mmhmm.”

“Well, it looks better than that rubbish you wear onstage.” The van insulted.

“Okay, that's it! Can your sensors detect this?” Beryl asked in anger.

“No, don't...” Kim told him.

Beryl punched the door window of the van, but it did not break and the van hit Beryl back with its door. The van said, “I have had enough. They are unauthorized and denied all van access.”

“Oh, wait, wait!” Tempo pleaded and it was too late.

The van locked itself and the boy band couldn't open the door to the van.

Beryl informed his bandmates, “Okay. We can work this out. We are hench-boys for the daughter of a rocket scientist and also on Britain's most wanted list, but we've been in worse situations, right?”

The rest of his pals told him together, “Not even close.”

“WE CAN WORK IT OUT!” Beryl shouted.

Kim informed the boy band, “The park is across the street. Split up.”

Diamond popped up next to Kim, surprising his bandmates as Kim continued, “Avoid the police and any fans who have arrived for the concert early.”

Ron added, “So, good luck.”

“Yeah,” Rufus added before going back into the pocket.

“Okay,” Cloudburst nodded and the boy band hurried to the park. Diamond was about to his arm around Kim’s shoulder, but Ron shoved him to stay away from his girlfriend.

Diamond whispered to himself, “She will be mine!”

Everyone split up as the boys hid behind the van to scout the area.

Cloudburst informed his pals, “Don't forget, at some point, we sing a Beatles song and save a princess.”

“There is no princess, okay?” Tempo told him in annoyance. “And are we singing the Beatles? Huh? Do we look like the Beatles? No.”

The boy band walked on the crosswalk until they stopped, starting to get a familiar feeling about where they stood on the crosswalk.

“Wait a minute...” Diamond said until Kim and Ron past them.

The boy band did their best to avoid the fans and the public without getting caught while continuing to do their hijinks and trying to go to their destination. Plus, Duff Killigan was on their tail and followed them without being noticed. Kim and Ron were walking naturally on the sidewalk until they bumped into her rival, Bonnie, who was with her cheerleading team.

“Whoa. What's with the getup, Kim?” Bonnie asked her.

“Just trying out some British clothing with Ron. You have a problem with that?” Kim replied.

“No, but where were you when Fun Time Rush arrived at the hotel?”

Kim answered, “Um, that's none of your concern. Ron and I should continue touring around London. See ya.”

Bonnie shrugged while using her phone, “Pfft. Whatever.”

“Hey Ron, where I can get those clothes? I want them for my birthday today.” One of the cheerleaders asked.

“It's across the street from here, Tara,” Ron answered before following Kim.

“Okay. Thanks!”

Meanwhile, at Hyde Park, the world tour promoter took off his headphones and said, “That's it! The fun and games for Fun Time Rush are finished. I'm cancelling this world tour right now.”

Then, Fun Time Rush took off their disguises and arrived onstage at Hyde Park to do their sound check and continued singing their song.

After FTR sang their song, the world tour promoter told his agent, “They sound great.”

Then all of a sudden, a swarm of FTR fans came running to the sound check with a dog and Duff Killigan following behind and the boy band retreated. They headed towards the VIP area and the boys signaled to Kim and Ron, “Close it!”

“Okay, is anybody going to say anything about the Beatles song?” Cloudburst mentioned.

Tempo replied, “I'm blocking it out!”

Beryl added, “Sound check went well, though.”

“It did,” Diamond noted.

Kim informed everyone, “But now it's time to get my dad.”

“All right! Now we're talking, KP!” Ron cheered while Rufus waved his towel and wooed cheerfully.

“Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.” Cloudburst explained, “If you exchange the floaty thing for your dad, then the evil villain is gonna have the floaty thing.”

“No, you're going to exchange it,” Kim passed the backpack to Cloudburst.

“While Kim and I will be in the woods, ready to sleep-dart Gemini and his goons as soon as he takes it.” Ron brought out his tranquilizer.

“Good plan,” Diamond gave her a thumbs-up.

Beryl agreed nervously, “I think it's great.”

“Love it!” Tempo said nervously.

Cloudburst requested, “Okay, can we get a cool dramatic entrance?”

Then, everyone heard something and looked up to see a W.E.E. chopper flying over the teens.

Tempo noted, “Yeah, cooler than that?”

Gemini's helicopter landed at Hyde Park, as Gemini exited the chopper along with his goons holding Mr. Possible hostage. One minute later, Fun Time Rush made their way with their cool entrance to meet Gemini as one of his henchmen gave him Pepe.

Cloudburst got the backpack and whispered to his pals with his shades on, “Stay cool, guys. You're never in danger you meet the villain in the middle of the movie. It's only at the end when he tries to kill you.”

“That is false,” Tempo bluffed.

The two sides finally met, face-to-face.

“Well, well, well, Fun Time Rush,” Gemini greeted the boy band while petting his chihuahua. “So nice to finally meet you. Now, won't you meet my associates...” He signaled and a couple more of Gemini's henchmen showed up with tranquilizers and surrounded the boys.

“Hello,” Tempo nervously chuckled before whispering to Cloudburst, “You were saying?”

“Now, I believe you have something that belongs to me.”

Cloudburst took off his shades and told Gemini, “Well, I believe that you're never going to get away with what you're going to get away with, whatever you're trying to get away with.”

Everyone was confused about what Cloudburst said, but his pals went with the flow and understood him.

Gemini corrected him, “Oh, see, that's where you're wrong because I get everything I want.”

Diamond chuckled, “Oh, you're going to get all right.”

Tempo gulped, “I hope.”

Gemini laughed, “I doubt that. Once I have the backpack, I'll use it to take over the world while you rot in jail by Global Justice.”

Pepe barked loudly and repeatedly as Gemini calmed his pet down. “Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, it's okay, Pepe. I'm sorry you have to hear that.”

Hiding in the woods was Team Possible finding a clear shot to put Gemini to sleep with their tranquilizers.

Kim whispered, “That's it, keep talking, Gemini.”

“Give him the backpack and...” Ron was interrupted by the sound of someone whistling from behind.

Team Possible turned around and saw Drakken, Shego, and their henchmen cornering them.

“Hello, Kim Possible.” Drakken greeted her.

After that, Drakken and Shego escorted Team Possible to Gemini.

Beryl said, “We can get out of this.”

Tempo asked, “Really?”

“No,” Beryl answered.

While Gemini smirked, Drakken’s henchmen released Team Possible and Kim sheepishly greeted her father, “Hi, Dad.”

Ron greeted too, “Hi, Mr. Possible.”

“Did you forget rule number one, Ron?” Mr. Possible asked.

“Always check your perimeter?” Ron replied.

Mr Possible nodded, “That's the one.”

“Let's recap, shall we?” Gemini announced. “You have the backpack, and I have Mr Possible, but I have you all surrounded. I think you know what comes next, hmm?”

The heroes were upset that their plan failed until Cloudburst spoke up, “Rule number two: Always have an escape plan.”

Cloudburst took out a henchman with the backpack while Mr. Possible knocked off Gemini and kicked another henchman, but the henchman also inadvertently shot Tempo again in the leg with the sleep dart.

“Seriously?!” Tempo complained until he fell asleep.

Kim spin-kicked Shego, ensuing their rivalry fight and Ron used his kung-fu skills to fight off against a couple of Drakken’s henchmen.

“Quick, let's use what Karai taught us,” Beryl suggested to Diamond.

“Right,” Diamond acknowledged and used their marital arts/ninja skills to fight against the henchmen, surprising Team Possible, Gemini’s team, and Drakken’s team.

Ron said, “I didn't know they can do that. Did you know they can do that, Kim?”

“Honestly, no,” Kim answered before knocking down Shego. She ran to her dad and broke the cuffs off with her laser watch.

Mr. Possible punched two of Gemini's henchmen and started fighting.

Gemini got up and was ready to use his robotic finger to shoot at his enemies.

“Whoa, nice glove you got there.” Cloudburst complimented as Gemini turned around. “But now I have to stop you.” He pointed his finger at Gemini with his fake handgun.

“Pfft. Cute. But this is not a glove. This is my robotic arm.” Gemini demonstrated and launched a missile from his fingertips.

Cloudburst dodged it and commented, “Okay, I'll take back what I said earlier.”

Gemini attacked Cloudburst with his fists, but he dodged Gemini's punches and used a hairspray bottle from his back pocket and sprayed Gemini in the face.

“Aagh! My eye!” Gemini yelped and Cloudburst ran back to his friends.

“Now, how are you boys at running?” Mr. Possible questioned them.

The boy band answered, “Great.”

Team Possible and FTR carried an unconscious Mind Tempo and retreated.

“Don't let them get away!” Drakken and Gemini ordered as Shego and their henchmen chased after the heroic gang while Gemini fired missiles from his fingertips at the heroic gang.

The heroes dodged the missiles and Mr. Possible informed his team, “Quick, in the toilet.”

“The toilet?” Diamond asked.

“Yes. Now hurry, get inside.” Mr. Possible instructed the heroes.

Shego and the henchmen found them, but they were too late to capture them as the heroes entered inside the private restroom.

Once inside, Mr. Possible was putting the code in for a secret entrance as Beryl reacted, “A bathroom?! That's your escape plan?”

“Eeyup,” Mr Possible answered while putting in his retinal scan.

Shego tried to punch the door with her powers, but it did not break, leaving a print of her fist, and it woke up Tempo.

Diamond pulled Kim in and told her, “Kim, this could be our last chance to kiss.”

“Hands off,” Mr. Possible said.

“Right,” Diamond held his hands up as Shego punched a hole in the door.

Mr. Possible pushed the extra flush button and the doors to a secret entrance opened below the heroes. “Brace yourself.”

Everyone screamed and fell down the hole before it closed just in time as Shego ripped the door to the bathroom. Shego and the henchmen looked inside and no one was there. Gemini entered and saw nothing in the bathroom, feeling grumpy.

"Someone bring me Pepe," Gemini ordered and his henchman passed the pet chihuahua to him.

Ron, Rufus, Kim, and her father first slid down from the secret entrance that looked like a combination of a slide and a vent. After that, the boy band screamed as they slid down to the lair.

Tempo grunted, “Okay, everybody stop shooting me!”

Inside the lair, Mr. Possible saw his wife talking on her phone while their twin sons were working on a laser gadget.

“Hi, hon.” Mr. Possible greeted her.

Mrs. Possible called on her phone, “I'll call you back.” She hung up and ran up to her husband, “Oh thank goodness, you're safe.” She turned her attention to Kim and Ron, “Thanks for saving him, you two.”

“Oh it's not just us, these guys helped save my father too.” Kim pointed to the boy band.

“Hey,” The boy band greeted her.

“Well, it's nice to meet you, boys. My name is Ann. Ann Possible.”

Tempo said, "Wait. Did you say Ann Possible? As in Dr. Ann Possible, one of the best doctors in the medical world?”

“Yep,” Mrs. Possible answered.

Tempo shook her hand, “It is an honor to meet you, Mrs Possible. My name is Mind Tempo and I pretty much wanted to be a doctor like you when I grow up. But, I'm in a boy band with my pals. And sometimes, I can't decide which one to choose.”

“I see. Let me give you some advice. Your decision is up to you. You don't have to decide right now. Just focus on being yourself and success will come your way in the future.”

“I understand, Mrs. Possible. My mother told me something like that before,” Tempo nodded. “But thank you for the advice.”

“Oh, yes! A real phone,” Beryl said in relief. “Now I can use it to call Golden and tell him...”

Kim informed him, “I wouldn't press that if I were...”

Beryl pressed the button and the phone shot a laser on the wall. Diamond slowly took the phone off of Beryl's hands while Beryl felt embarrassed.

“Never mind,” Kim deadpanned.

Mr. Possible told the boys, “Sorry about the bag switch, boys, but I had no choice.”

Cloudburst spoke up, “Ooh, you secretly stole the floaty thing from your lab so Gemini couldn't use it to take over the world.”

Tempo told him, “Cloudburst, no one is trying to take over the world.”

“No, he's right. Gemini is trying to take over the world.” Mr. Possible said.

“He is? Okay.” Tempo replied.

“I had to get the device out of the lab because one of my co-workers worked for Gemini and he planned to steal it last night.”

Beryl said, “Well that makes perfect sense.”

“Hey, even I know that's impossible.” Diamond chimed in and slowly puts his hands on Kim’s shoulders.

Mr. Possible and Ron noticed and glared at Diamond until he backed off.

“Well, so is a device that allows you to defy gravity. But here it is.” Mr. Possible unzipped the backpack and the device was still there. “And no matter what Gemini's evil plot is, he can't do it without The Beetle.”

The boy band became surprised as Tempo said, “I'm sorry. Did you say "Beetle"?”

Mr. Possible replied, “And "evil" and "plot" and "can't do it without."”

“All that's missing is a princess,” Cloudburst said until he inadvertently pressed the trigger of a gadget and it heavily took down two dummies with one shot.

“Nice shot, dude.” Ron complimented while Rufus nodded.

“Woah! Now that was awesome!” The red jacket twin cheered.

"Can you do that again?" The green jacket twin asked.

Mr Possible told his sons, "Now is not the time to record your experiment, boys. I'll take that, young man.”

Cloudburst nodded and tossed the gadget to Mr. Possible. He then asked the twins, “So, you two designed these gadgets?”

“Yep. We sure did. My name's Jim.”

“And I'm Tim.”

The twins continued, “And we're twins.”

“Impressive,” Cloudburst complimented.

Beryl explained to Mr. Possible, “Okay, so, now that you have the Beetle, you can just call up the queen or the vice queen and tell them that Fun Time Rush had nothing to do with this so we can kick off our world tour tonight.”

“Close,” Mr. Possible answered. While Tempo was checking out a pen, Mr. Possible continued, “By now, I suspect that Betty Director thinks I've gone rogue. So, you stay here where it's safe. I'll go to Global Justice, brief them on the situation, bring Gemini to justice, then you can clear your names, and kick off the world tour.”

Fun Time Rush celebrated and cheered shortly as Mr. Possible grabbed the backpack and his laser gadget.

“So don't you worry, fellas. I got everything under control,” Mr. Possible said until Tempo accidentally shot him with a sleep dart and fell down.

Everyone dropped their jaws and turned their attention to Tempo. He thought, “I thought it was just a pen.”

Kim exclaimed, “That is a knockout pen that lasts for 12 hours!”

“Well, I'm having a bad day, okay?” Tempo panicked while the others shook their heads.

“Not to mention that my brother and I designed it. And it worked!” Jim mentioned.

“Hicka-bicka-boo,” Tim said.

Jim fist-bumped him back, “Hoo-sha.”

Back at Global Justice, Golden and Shelly were tied up in their chairs in the interrogation room as an agent continued poking them while Golden and Shelly complained. Plus, Agent Will, Director Betty, and Team Impossible watched surveillance.

“How long are we going to keep torturing them?” Agent Will asked.

Director Betty answered, “Until they tell us their plans for taking over the world.”

In the interrogation room, Golden screamed while an agent continued poking him, “Ah! Ah! We do not have a plan to take over the world!”

“It was all a huge misunderstanding!” Shelly shouted.

“Get us out of here!” Golden yelled and the agent stopped torturing them.

“Hmm,” Betty thought of something. “Perhaps they'll give in to a little Japanese torture.”

Back in the interrogation room, a Japanese agent from Global Justice sang terribly to one of Fun Time Rush's songs. As he continued singing, the torture was even worse for Golden and Shelly, who couldn't stand it. Back at the main office, the agents cringed and covered their ears except for Director Betty while watching the footage.

Director Betty told Agent Will, “Oh, they'll crack.”

Meanwhile in the Queen’s Hotel, Gloria and Virtue were in their hotel room, getting all dressed up in royalty.

“All the duke said that we're taking a horse and carriage to the finest restaurant in all of London before the concert,” Gloria told her daughter.

Virtue replied, “Admit it, Mom. Royalty has advantages.”

“Perhaps my daughter, the genius, is not so crazy.”

While Gloria went to the bathroom to put her makeup on, Virtue put on her tiara to complete her princess outfit. “The genius princess.”

Then, the TV started playing a commercial where it starred the Duke of Bath.

”Attention! Loyal subjects! It's me, the Duke of Bath, with another royal sale!”

Virtue dropped her jaw while watching the ad on TV.

”So come on down today and pick out a throne of your own. I've got thousands to choose from.”

“Castles. You said you had 17 castles.” Virtue said in disbelief.

”So march on down on one of my 17 castles, and see me, the Duke, and I'll treat you... mmm... like a king. Hahahahaha!”

After watching the ad, Virtue was gobsmacked and realized that the Duke of Bath was not what he seemed to be. She exited the room and walked off to come up with a plan.

“I can fix this,” Virtue vowed. “I just tell the Duke that my mom's a dude, then I tell mom the Duke has a meeting with the queen, then we meet an earl of something or a "sir" guy knighted by the queen, and I can still be a princess.”

Suddenly, Virtue was stopped by Gemini.

“Well, hello there, princess.” Gemini greeted her, showing her his robotic fist.

“And I'm out,” Virtue ran away.

“Not so fast,” Gemini used an electric shock at Virtue and it rendered her body frozen. “You are coming with me.” Gemini grabbed the princess and exited the hotel without being noticed.

Minutes later, Virtue was held hostage in Gemini's castle.

“Do you realize you are nuts?” Virtue questioned him.

Gemini groaned, “Do you realize you never shut up?”

“You? Take over the world?” Virtue said.

“Don't forget about me and Shego,” Drakken told her. “We're taking over the world, too.”

“Really? You do know that we have enough problems already.”

Gemini turned to the princess and explained, “The problem with the world, princess, is that it's run by many different people with different ideas. What it needs is to be run by one person: Sir Gemini... Now somebody, hand me my pet.”

The henchman gave Pepe to his owner after that.

Virtue commented, “I thought you were a cat person.”

Gemini replied, “My sister's a cat person, not me. This is my pet chihuahua, Pepe.”

Pepe barked and Virtue replied, “Your chihuahua looks ugly.”

"How dare you?!" Gemini yelled.

Virtue said, “Seriously, just put down the chihuahua, get back on your yacht, and enjoy life, 'cause you have nothing here.”

“The only thing that I don't have to start my revolution, princess, is the Beetle. And you're going to help me get it.”

Drakken whispered to him, “I thought we were taking over the world together.”

“Silence! I did not permit you to speak, Dr. Drakken.” Gemini called while Drakken crossed his arms in frustration.

“You know I'm still sitting right here and I can still hear you, Smurf.” Virtue mocked Drakken.

“Quiet, you!” Drakken shouted and walked off while Shego giggled.

Back in Team Possible’s lair, Tempo dumped a bucket of cold water on an unconscious Mr. Possible, but it failed.

“Huh, well that's odd. It usually works in the movies.” Beryl thought.

“Our turn,” Jim called as he and Tim carried a bucket of hot water and dumped it on their father again.

“Aww, man.” The twins groaned.

Tempo spoke up, “Well, no matter what, if we don't wake him up, our whole world tour will come crashing down like a thunderbolt.”

“Don't worry, Kim.” Diamond wrapped Kim around with his arms, pretending to be romantic. “We'll get through this.”

Kim said, “Diamond, I don't need a hug.”

“How about a kiss?”

“No,” Kim rejected and Diamond let go of her.

“How are you still alive?”

Everyone turned their attention to the main hub with Gemini appearing onscreen in video chat.

“What do you want, Gemini?” Kim questioned him.

Gemini retracted, “Actually, it's what Fun Time Rush wants.” He moved aside to let the heroes see Virtue tied up in a chair as a hostage.

“You can't take over the world, moron!”

Tempo panicked, “No, no, no, no, no, no!”

Jim whispered, “Hey I remember her. She's the girl we met earlier.”

“Oh yeah, who is she?” Tim whispered.

Tempo whispered back, “That's my sister, Virtue.”

“And if you ever want to see the princess again, you will bring me The Beetle,” Gemini demanded.

“And bring a shrink, 'cause he's nuts!” Virtue yelled while Shego and Drakken giggled.

While Ron, Rufus, Cloudburst, Tim and Jim giggled, Gemini asked the boy band, “How do you even live with her? Seriously, she's dreadful.”

Cloudburst whispered, “Virtue's the princess.”

“You have one hour to bring me The Beetle. I believe Team Possible knows the address.” Gemini sent them the location to his W.E.E. headquarters. “Gemini out!”

With one hour on the clock and Virtue being held hostage, the stakes were raised higher for Fun Time Rush and Team Possible now more than ever.

Comments ( 5 )

The director replied, “Or Mr. Possible stole the device from his lab, and sold it to Fun Time Rush, who plan on taking over the world.”

*Sighs*, that's why I hate agencies so much, they always make assumptions to everything. And they should've done their homework on them more often.

And just like that, the best solution went down the drain.

Hi Amethyst, I was wondering if the next chapter would be out soon.

Yeah, bud when are you ever going to update this story?

I really enjoyed reading your story; it captures that sense of adventure and camaraderie that's essential to great tales, much like those seen in classic Westerns. Speaking of which, if you’re a fan of Westerns, you might appreciate a site https://onlinefilms.top/genre-g-vestern I’ve been visiting. It offers a fantastic selection of Western films, from the spaghetti classics to modern revivals, all of which echo the wild, untamed spirit you’ve woven into your story. They bring those dusty trails and high-stake showdowns to life, perfect for getting into the frontier mindset.

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