• Published 27th Feb 2023
  • 3,507 Views, 29 Comments

Its The Glasses Really. - That One Soda Addict

You find yourself transported to Equestria, and instead of running away in fear and calling you a monster, the ponies seem pretty chill for some reason. Apparently its because of your glasses?

  • ...

It's the Glasses.

Jolting awake you find yourself in a rather familiar forest, though you can't quite put your finger on as to why it was familiar. Sitting up from the damp dirt you check yourself and find that you were still dressed in your usual clothes you wore for work as well as the fact you still had your glasses, wallet, and phone. You try to get a better look around, though all you could see were rows and rows of tall trees. You do notice however that you were on some kind of dirt road that you assumed would lead out of this sort of forest. So, getting up on your feet, you were off on to who knows where. As you walked you noticed that it appeared as though the green of the grass and leaves brightened a bit in color the further out you went; you also noticed how the whole forest seem to get brighter with sunlight the more and more you walked the trail.

Eventually you manage to peak a hill the road had led you to, and in the very near distance you could see a rather interesting medieval looking town. Instantly you feel a perk in your step as you pick up the pace towards the town, hoping that you might be able to get some answers from whoever lived there. As you approached however you finally notice something you probably should have noticed a while up on the hill, and that was the fact there weren't any people around. There was however, small, colorful... horses?

It was at that point you had finally realized why this all seemed so familiar! Memories flooded into your mind of a certain show you used to watch all the time flooded into mind, a show called My Little Pony... You had to admit you felt a little giddy at the thought you were in the world of one the shows you had liked, but then you remembered something. And that was the fact that these ponies were rather skittish if memory served correctly, and they'd likely be terrified of you, an unknown creature that emerged directly from the evil forest (If you remember right, you think they called it the Everfall Forest? Everfree? Bah, it doesn't matter)

When you realized this you thought to yourself that you should turn around now before one of them spotted you, but sadly your body was on autopilot while you had slipped into your thoughts. As soon as you snapped back to reality you noticed you were practically in the center of town, right by a nice looking fountain and a few ponies. Looking around you noted how some glanced your way, and each one that looked upon you went wide eyed... and then seemed to calm down quickly and go about their day? Odd, you'd think at least one of them would shout 'MONSTER' or something like that.

You looked around confused, every one of them just went about their day, even after they saw you. You decided to get some answers but you felt pretty nervous to just walk up to one of these ponies. Looking around you spotted one that looked familiar to you though, a lavender colored pony with a three toned purple mane. If you remembered correctly that was Twilight Sprunkle? Wait, no.. SPARKLE, that's her name! She stood amongst the group of ponies by the fountain, and since you remembered her being rather calm and collected (when compared to other characters), you decided that you'll ask her as to what's going on.

Tentatively walking up to her, you clear your throat and caught her attention. She turned around and you saw her pupils shrink into pinpricks before quickly returning to normal size a second later. She sighed,

"Phew! You scared me there for a second. Hi! I don't think I've seen you in Ponyville before, are you new here?"

You stare at her for a second before sighing in relief yourself, not because she wasn't afraid of you, but because you only then realized the fact that they might not have spoken English in this world. Though you suppose that her not being afraid of you was also a plus.

"Uh, yea I'm new here..." You fiddle with your thumbs as you tried to fight your nerves.

"Oh! Well then, allow me to welcome you to Ponyville. My name is Twilight Sparkle, it's nice to meet you,"

You proceeded to tell her your name.

"So, what brings you to Ponyville?"

You let out a small chuckle before responding, "Actually I was hoping to get some answers," You look around the town as you spoke, your eyes wandering "If I'm being honest I wasn't expecting to end up here, though I guess there could have been worse places to end up in."

Twilight nodded "Well if you want to learn about something, Ponyville has a rather excellent library in my opinion. I and my assistant Spike, a baby dragon you might find wandering around, live there and keep things in order. I'm sure you can find the answer you're looking for there." She stated quite proudly, which was rather cute in a way.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you a question, and I don't think a book will have the answer for what it is." At that, Twilight tilted her head and raised a brow before smiling and nodding.

"Of course! I'm always happy to help ponies learn things! What's your question?"

Fidgeting a bit more by rubbing your arm awkwardly, you finally ask the question that's been stuck in your head "Well, I know this might sound silly to ask, but why aren't any of you afraid of me?"

Twilight looked pretty confused "Why would we be afraid of you?"

"Well I just walked out of that forest over there, and I doubt there's any other humans like me around here. So I don't know? I thought you'd all run around screaming about me being a forest monster, or something like that." Surprisingly, Twilight started chuckling when you finished talking, and now it was your turn to be confused.

"What? What's so funny?" Your fidgeting increased as you started to feel embarrassed thanks to all the ponies who turned their attention towards the two of you.

Slowly her chuckles slowed to a stop "Sorry, sorry, it's just that your question was rather silly. I mean, after all, you look rather harmless with your glasses and all."

"My glasses?"

"Yea! You're glasses, I mean, what kind of Everfree Monster wears glasses?," She snorted at the thought

You remove your glasses from your face and everything blurred, but you tried to squint and see if there was anything on your glasses that looked silly enough to make you not threatening but found nothing out of the ordinary. Raising a brow, your squinting eyes looked back at Twilight, her form barely visible through the blur. Twilight chuckled again,

"Sorry, sorry, I don't mean to laugh at you but you look pretty silly with your eyes like that." You felt your cheeks warm up as you realized how dumb you might've looked.

"Wait so, what you're saying is, that because I'm wearing glasses, none of you are scared of me?" You asked as you put your glasses back on your face, and Twilight simply nodded.

"Pretty much I suppose," She was about to say more before someone else called out to her.

"Yo Twilight! I need your help with something!" A cyan pony with a rainbow colored mane shouted from above, and you saw her descend down towards the two of you. She noticed you and simply nodded.

"Sup," You just nodded back, dumb struck at how casual she was being. Out of all the ponies you'd thought that the rainbow one (You think her name was Rainbow Dash?) would be one of the ponies who'd try to pick a fight with you. Twilight sighed and turned to her friend,

"What do you need help with Dash?"

"I need your brain for a sec, I'm tryin to help Scoots build this sick ramp but it keeps breaking. So I thought you might be able to help?" She sheepishly said, Twilight just rolled her eyes.

"Sure I have some time to spare I guess," She turned towards you "Sorry that we have to cut our conversation so short, it was nice you meet you though!" She smiled, and you couldn't help but smile back. This had all gone rather smoothly, surprisingly enough.

You stood there as you watched the two ponies wander off to wherever they were going, and once they were out of your view you just shrugged and sat on the rim of the fountain. You still had a ton of questions, but there was one that really nagged at you, one that you now realized should've been your first question instead of 'Why is no one scared of me'. That question being; why the hell are you in Equestria?

Author's Note:

Hi there! I hope you enjoyed this pretty short and simple story. I couldn't get this dumb idea out of my head while I tried writing some other stories. So I decided to just write it out for others to hopefully find some entertainment in.

Anyway, please leave any critiques and or criticisms in the comments. I'm always happy to learn where I can improve my writing. Oh! and I hope you have a great day or night or whatever time it is when reading this.

Comments ( 29 )

Definitely humorous. Smirk & eye roll.

As you walked you noticed that it appeared as though the green of the grass and leaves brightened a bit in color the further out you went; you also noticed how the whole forest seem to get brighter with sunlight the more and more your walked the trail.


You looked around confused, every one of them just went about their day, even after they saw you. You decided to get some questions but you felt pretty nervous to just walk up to one of these ponies. Looking around you spotted one that looked familiar to you though, a lavender colored pony with a three toned purple mane. If you remembered correctly that was Twilight Sprunkle? Wait, no.. SPARKLE that's her name! She stood amongst the group of ponies by the fountain, and since you remembered her being rather calm and collected (when compared to other characters), you decided that you'll ask her as to what's going on.

"Answers", and there should be a comma after "Sparkle".

You stare at her for a second before sighing in relief yourself, not because she wasn't afraid of you, but because you only then realized the fact that they might not had spoken English in this world. Though you suppose that her not being afraid of you was also a plus.


"Of coarse! I'm always happy to help ponies learn things! What's your question?"



rough or loose in texture or grain.
"a coarse woolen cloth"

It should be "of course".

"Sure I have some time to spare I guess," She turned towards you "Sorry that we haft to cut our conversation so short, it was nice you meet you though!" She smiled, and you couldn't help but smile back. This had all gone rather smoothly, surprisingly enough.


Thank you for the corrections, wrote this around 2 in the morning so brain wasn't fully working with words and writing:twilightsheepish: I've corrected the mistakes, if you find any more please point them out and I'll change them right away.

Considering how I've been told that I look, ahem, "threatening" without my glasses on, I can believe this story.


No prob. Also, you're good with the mistakes, so you shouldn't have to worry about them now.

"Yea! You're glasses, I mean, what kind of Everfree Monster wears glasses?," She snorted at the thought

makes sense


"Yea! You're glasses, I mean, what kind of Everfree Monster wears glasses?," She snorted at the thought

makes sense.

Well, if i see a giant dog with two heads wearing glasses, at least i will stop to think why is hat, and will jump to a similar conclusion that twilight reached, at the beggining at least.

It's a fair point honestly. Glasses imply a lot of things. Sapience, a understanding of illness and correction, even a knowledge of complex science.

Nice. Also story should be marked as Second Person.

and a way of moving that doesn't tend to break them.

Walking in reading a book might also work.

So what you’re saying is I should toss a pair of reading glasses into my “Emergency Displaced Travel KitTM”.

Kind of expected that when he took his glasses off, that would have been the moment that Dash happened to show up, saw the evil horrifying monster accosting Twilight and flattened him.

Might have been a funnier ending, too.

Ah crud completely forgot to add that, thanks for the heads up. Added the tag👍

Damn that would had been funnier, missed opportunity there:twilightoops:

To be fair, glasses is a sign of a higher intelligence in a species-wide scale. A species that advanced to the point that vision enhancements are used not for the sole purpose of helping hunters see prey better must be a species that had evolved some sort of scholarly tendencies, and thus more likely to be trustable.

Also bring a soft touch
It helps

I was wondering if the joke was gonna be the ponies lacking a sense of permanence, like Anon takes his glasses off for a sec, and suddenly the town erupts in panic and ponies running for their lives, then puts them back on, and the ponies are like "oh, phew it's just you Anon," and eventually becomes Anon rapidly putting on and removing his glasses, and the ponies flipping between panic and calmness.

Ha, this was amusing; who know glasses had that kind of power? One more reason to finally get my own glasses replaced:rainbowlaugh:

Anyway, please leave any critiques and or criticisms in the comments.

As far as critiques go, this story feels like a chapter 1 or prologue than a completed one-shot, probably due to how it ended like this.

You still had a ton of questions, but there was one that really nagged at you, one that you now realized should've been your first question instead of 'Why is no one scared of me'. That question being; why the hell are you in Equestria?

That's something you would usually see at the end of a chapter of the early parts of an HIE story, not the end of one. There wasn't really a "punchline" or otherwise twist at the end to help it feel like the end of a short but silly story. Something like what 11518256 brought up could have made a juicy one and been a wacky way to end it. If you write another story that has a very silly premise, don't be afraid to milk it.:moustache:

I ditched my glasses for contact lenses years ago.

I will be so screwed...

A nice and short story. It kinda works as an introduction of sorts and opens a chance for a story about him trying to unveil the big mystery while he lives with them.

This is a very refreshing view on the ponies and their mannerisms.

This was a good, nice short story.

Comment posted by romankondrat735 deleted Dec 11th, 2023
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