• Published 20th Feb 2023
  • 1,316 Views, 6 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Ed-Venturous - ShaggyBoi23

After a spell gone awry, Twilight Sparkle comes face to face with three very special people: the Eds! What fate befalls our three Eds in Equestria, will they able to coop with the Main 6 to their Edventures?

  • ...

Prologue: Transported to Equestria

In the land of Equestria in the depths of Ponyville, Our story starts at the pony side after their Friendship adventures from the Gala, with the one who started it: Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

It was simply a beautiful day in which the sun was shining, the birds were chirping in the air, and not a cloud was in sight, due to the Pegasus ponies clearing out the skies. And where was Twilight of all places? Inside the Library, cooped up in the basement and there was a bookworm crawling through from the bookshelves.

And she could be spotted as a bookworm, too. Just look at how deep her face is in the book. How she cuts off anything that isn't in the manuscript, glancing, steeling her eyes on them. Her attention focused on it completely, her ears noting only the drip drop of water droplets. Like she was in a whole other world, consumed with the paper-filled object in front of her. Her brain soaked up all the knowledge it offered. The book's ever-interesting topic reeled her in like a fi

"Hey Twilight, how's it going?"

The surprise at the miniature purple and green dragon's appearance caused Twilight to jump multiple feet in the air, hitting her head on the ceiling and coming back down. As her peer, assistant dragon helped her up, Twilight gave him a wicked glance.

"Spike! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be organizing the Library books… again?"

Spike waved his hand in dismissal. "Already got it done. You've been down here longer than you thought. Speaking of which, what's that book you got there? Huh? Huh?" he quizzed her, trying to get a sneak peek at what lay on the book's papers.

Twilight hugged the book close to her chest. "If you must know, Spike, I'm researching a higher level magic of teleportation. It seems that if you are talented enough, you can teleport other ponies to places, and even bring them to you, granted they want to, of course."

"Coooooooooool!" exclaimed Spike. However, he detected an inkling of sadness in Twilight's voice. "…but what's the catch behind the spell?"

"The catch is, even I don't think I can pull this off!" Twilight said, using her magic to open the book to a set of pages with complicated diagrams. "One small mistake, and off goes an appendage! I just need somepony to test this on, that's all…" Spike let out a sigh of relief. That 'somepony' word meant that he, a dragon, would not be used for testing…today.

As Twilight pondered which friend she would ask/beg to help with her spell, the universe already chose for her. Out of nowhere, a large pink object flew at Twilight Sparkle at high speeds, crashing into her and pinning her to the ground. Twilight knew this pink object as Pinkie Pie.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ooooooooh! Can I do it? Can I? Can I? Can I?" Pinkie Pie pleaded as she came out of nowhere.

"Pinkie Pie! How in Celestia's mane did you get in here?" asked Twilight, who was still pinned under her.

"Well, since I didn't see you outside I'd thought I'd go see where you'd gone, or, considering where you're at, haven't gone.” Pinkie cheekily said, ”So getting in here I sneaked passed Spike and tiptoed down here, to the basement, where I watched you read that book until Spike came and I jumped out, which is right now!"

At times like these, Twilight half wonders if her party-loving friend can bring Pinkie being Pinkie herself. The other half wondered if she was just sugar high on all the cupcakes she made. Either way, Pinkie Pie being here could turn out to be a boon.

"Well, if you can get off me, I'm sure I can start doing the spell instantly." At this, Pinkie Pie let out a joyful cry and jumped off Twilight. Getting up, Twilight saw that Pinkie Pie was prancing around like the floor was made of hot coals, abet with a smile on her face.

"Okay…let's get started," Twilight said, feeling slightly anxious. She opened the book to the corresponding pages. Glancing down at them, she began to recite the spell in ancient tongues; ones not used for many a millennium.

As she spoke, she saw a blue tall portal stand in the middle of the room. She was so excited about this that she accidentally skipped an important passage in the book, one that told you how to pick your destination. Without it, the portal would just pick on its own. They didn't know that, however, so she kept on reading.

Pinkie Pie, showing a great interest in the portal, stepped up to it. However, as she neared it, she suddenly stopped and turned to face Twilight, a smile still on her face.

"Hey, look! It seems like they're coming to us!" Twilight looked up to see three silhouetted figures standing in the portal. However, as she had stopped reading, the portal began to destabilize, becoming wilder by the second. Twilight tried to get back on track, but it was too late. The portal exploded, flinging Spike, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie into the wall. Almost immediately, they fell unconscious.

It was a pretty normal day for the Eds in Peach Creek. They were on their way to scam the kids out of their well-earned cash for the sake of getting jawbreakers. Eddy has another mischievous scheme for one of his scams, which gave him an idea for Double D and Ed. All they needed was to get to Ed's house to get his horse costume and perform some cowboy-style promo to scam the Neighborhood Kids in the Cul-da-Sac.

All the Eds were running wildly, each with their own distinctive mark: Double D ran with his arms tucked in, Eddy ran like he was reaching for his unobtainable future of wealth and cha-ching, and Ed ran like some person whose upper half didn't work, trailing behind him like a flag.

Double D looked back to see how Ed was doing, and then noticed something wrong with him.

"Um, Eddy? We're short one Ed." The now duo slid to a halt, looking back to confirm that Ed was no longer with them.

"What's with that lump? Why I outta…" he left that threat unfinished as he backtracked to find Ed. Eventually, they found him in an alleyway, along with something that looked like it did not belong there. "Uh... Ed? What's that thing doing there?"

It looked like a rounded oval of blue energy, standing above all the Eds. However, the most concerning part was not the object, but rather that Ed was walking slowly toward it. due to his curiosity.

"So cool…" said Ed softly, stretching out his hands to it, drawn to it like a moth to the flame. “I must touch it!”

"NO ED, DON"T!" his friends called out to him, trying to get him to turn back. Their plea fell on deaf ears, however, as Ed advanced towards it ever so slowly. Seeing no other way, the smaller two Eds tackled Ed, trying to push him to the ground. However, they had too much umph in it, instead knocking them all into the portal. They didn't get to see what lies in the portal, however, when they arrived at their new destination, they immediately blacked out.

Little did they know what awaited them when they woke up…

As Eddy's eyes began to open, he could only see dark shapes, not being able to make them out. He tried to get up, but for some reason, his body felt the same as if he wasn’t grouchy to wake up. As he looked down, he looked at the floor that it’s a different place they were in. However, as his vision began to sharpen, he saw that they were actually not in Ed’s House and room. But instead of somebody’s home, they’re transported into.

A disgruntled 'ooooohhhh…' came from the left of him. Turning his head was Double D moaning and trying to stretch his body to know what had happened at entering through the portal.

Eddy's eyes went wide as he recognized Double D was dazzling from his mind but also want to know where they are.

"D-double D?" he asked, afraid of the answer. Double D turned his head, groggy eyes set on Eddy.

“Eddy… is that you?" Double D replied, raising his arms to rub his eyes… then finding out the horrible truth that there are in a different dimension instead of Ed’s House.

"Egad, Eddy!" shouted Double D, now fully awakened. "We’ve been transported to a new dimension from a Dream inside of somebody’s house! Someone, wake me from this nightmare!"

Not one to displease, Eddy slugged him in the shoulder with his hands, with confirmation that this isn’t a Dream at all.

Rubbing his shoulder, Double D kept on talking. "Well, that disproves my theory. But.. where are we, Eddy."

"Well, how do you know that I'm not the one dreaming, Mr. Smarty-Pants?" said Eddy, closing his eyes and wearing a smirk on his face. “And where’s Ed huh? This isn’t his house, so whose house is this anyway?”

Rubbing his shoulder, Eddy now wore a scowl on his face.

"Well, that debunks my idea too." Double D said as he held his hands against his head, shaking them slowly. "B-but how is this possible? It defies everything and anything I know about multiple sciences! T-there must be a logical explanation to this!"

"Logic, smogic, it's simple: we've been transported to a different dimension that someone used a portal to lead us to its demise." Glancing up at Edd's forehead, his eyes beheld another sight.

"And… it seems like someone gave you something extra, 'Charlie',” Eddy said, trying to stifle a grin.

Trying to figure out what he meant, Edd raised a hand to his forehead and hit something; judging by Eddy's statement, Double D guessed this place looked like a tree doom that someone lives in a forest. However, Eddy's own major feature was pointed out to him soon enough.

"Is this Sarah’s Doll House, Eddy?" said Ed, pointing out the inside of the house.

"What the-? Ed, how long have you been awake?"

Ed pondered this question and in Ed fashion, he’s speaks as if nothing happened.

"Well, I woke up a while ago to look around to see books around in Sarah’s Doll House, but you two were napping, so I just stared at you until you woke up," said Ed, with a creepily happy smile on his face.

"But… this isn’t Sarah’s toy box or your house, Ed?" shouted Double D. “Who’s house is this we're livin-”

"Whoa, that's the last time a try a spell like that for a while…" said another voice. Looking over to the wall, the Eds noticed a purple unicorn, a pink pony, and a sleeping baby dragon (who was still snoozing) that began to stand up. Shaking their head to clear off dazedness, their attention quickly fell to the three Eds.

Silence took hold of them as each group faced one other. Finally, The Eds screamed to see two living magical equines and a baby dragon in front of them.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Double D screamed, at the impossibility of it all.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Twilight also screamed, seeing the Eds in action.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Eddy and Ed screamed loudly to witness it as it ain't a dream at all.

"Oh, are we having a screaming contest? Let me join! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Pinkie Pie screamed, and she didn't stop until she noticed everyone else had stopped screaming and had begun to stare at her. "That must mean I win, I guess."

"Okay, someone's going to answer my questions, the first one being how did we get here?" asked Eddy.

Before Twilight had a chance to explain, Ed did that before her.

"It is simple, Eddy. We have entered a wormhole and were spewed into a universe where there are mythical creatures who speak and around this universe in a land called Equestria! With two royal creatures contouring the sun and moon, flying creatures control the weather, horn creatures using magic, and horses inhabit the land." Ed spread out his arms to achieve a dramatic effect.

"You're such a lumpy coal sack of stupid, Ed." stated Eddy.

“So, let me see if I'm understanding this correctly, Ed” Double D calmly stated and he took a deep breath and continued.

“We are in a wide, vast kingdom known as Equestria, which is populated by all manner of colorful talking equines. The weather itself is not wild and free of control but rather is manipulated by pegasi and the only place where the weather flows in a manner similar to what we're accustomed to their inhabits, where Unicorns use magic and Earth Ponies have a better understanding of cultivation by tending the earth. And the kingdom as a whole is a diarchy ruled over by two royal sisters who control the sun and moon.”

“Yep, that sounds about right,” Pinkie Pie confirmed.

Double D took in another long, deep breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Eventually, he released this one with a tired and exasperated sigh, letting his shoulders droop as he calmly looked around Twilight's library.

“Well, I would venture so far as to say that this is quite possibly the strangest situation the three of us have found ourselves in, but with the frequency of our madcap mishaps... I somehow doubt that may be the case...” he commented sadly.

"Actually, he's kind of correct," said Twilight. "I was practicing a spell when it accidentally brought you three here. I just have to get the spell book…"

Her eyes looked around until they fell upon an awful sight: Spike, sleeping, lightly breathing out a tongue of flame, and holding a burnt book close to him.

"IS THAT THE BOOK SPIKE?!" Twilight screamed. Spike, who had slept through the previous shouting, now woke up.

"Mmm…what…" Spike said sleepily, rubbing his eyes. His first sight was Twilight glaring down at him.

"What?" he asked. He then peered down at the book he had burned in his sleep. "Oh… My sleep snooze did it again, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did, and because of that, I can't send these three creatures," she pointed to the Eds, "home?"

"WHAT?!" yelled every Ed. Eddy was about to lunge at Spike but was held back by Ed and Double D to calm his temper down that violence is not the answer to their problem.

"YOU FUSSPOT DRAGON FREAK!!! I'd strangle you right now if it weren’t for your blabby horse friend’s experiment!" Eddy yelled at the purple dragon, which made Spike gulp.

"Now, now, let's not panic," Twilight calmly told the Eds. "And we're ponies. I know you three must be scared, but let me assure you, I will alert Princess Celestia immediately of this. Maybe she has the answer to how to get you guys back home to your world"

Twilight returned to Pinkie Pie's side. "In the meanwhile, we should get to know each other better. I'm Twilight Sparkle, this is Pinkie Pie, and this is my assistant dragon, Spike. So, who are you thr-“

AH! NO! EVIL BIG CHAOS SKINNY MONSTER FROM PONY CASTLE TAKING OVER THE WORLD! GET OUT OF ED'S HEAD!" Ed yelled, pounding his head against the cement floor. He received very weird looks from the other trio. Double D gave a sheepish grin.

"Um, just ignore him," he said, chuckling weakly. He then cleared his throat. “He must’ve been watching too many television of horror movies.”

Well, um, I suppose introductions are in order, yes. This is Eddy, that's Ed," Double D pointed to Ed, who had finally stopped his self-infliction to shake his mind off from some flashback of his nightmare. "And they call me Double D."

"Why do they call you that?" asked Spike.

"Because my name is also Edd, but with two d's," said Eddward. He nodded his head in understanding.

"So, what should we do now that you're here?" asked Twilight.

Pinkie Pie immediately spoke up. “Oh, I know! We should take them around town, show them the sights, and introduce them to our friends!"

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeease? Pwetty please?" She turned to the Eds and puppy-eyed at the trio.

"Oh, alright, since we got nothing better to do, I guess we can see what this other dimension looks like," said Eddy. “And because we're not in Peach Creek, let’s hope we’re just exploring this universe from a fever dream.”

Pinkie Pie let out a small "Yayyyyyyyy!" and preceded to rush out of Twilght's library, followed by Twilight and Spike. The Eds followed them outside, but not before Ed had this interesting thing to say.

Though finding it hard at first as benign transported to a different world, the Eds eventually learned that Equestria is inhabited by mythical creatures that belonged to a children’s fantasy book.

"Hey, monobrow, look, this land looks like Sarah and Jimmy’s toy room!” Laughed Eddy.

"Ah, come on Eddy!" Ed said back. “At least Sarah can leave you alone when she gets angry at you.”

"It seems that we’re at least aren’t targeted by your scams, Eddy," Double D said.

Confused at Double D's words, Eddy followed his friends but discovered something else about the ponies.

"What the heck is that in your flank, Sparkle?” Eddy questioned, as he looked at Twilight and Pinkie’s flank.

"Oh, that," said Twilight, not looking the least worried. "That's just a cutie mark."

"Cutie mark?" questioned Eddy and Edd. Ed nodded his head, knowing what they were talking about.

"A cutie mark appears when a pony finally realizes what they enjoy in life and their talent of what they represent. It's kind of like an image that describes you perfectly. For example…"

Twilight took a closer look at Pinkie’s mark to demonstrate to Eddy what they represent.

"Pinkie Pie’s cutie mark represents herself spreading hope and joy and her desire to entertain her friends.”

"Well, for a sugar rush Pony, that explains the balloons in her flank!" Eddy said, practically drooling due to wanting to get the sweets in Sugarcube Corner.

Twilight rolled her eyes, and then they went over to the Carousel Boutique.

"Alright guys, this is the Carousel Boutique, Rarity's home." Twilight took a deep breath as she opened the door. "Please be polite, and try to let it down gently that you're from another dimension."

Pinkie Pie, however, had other plans to plan a welcoming party for the Eds.

Rarity barely got to say "Hello" before Pinkie Pie was jumping all around her.

"Oh-my-gosh-you-would-not-believe-what-happened-today-okay-Twilight-was-experimenting-with-a-new-spell-when-something-happened-and-then-these-three-appeared-and-we-started-to-shout-and-" Pinkie took a deep breath before saying and shooting about the Eds and where they came from.

“THEY'RE FROM ANOTHER WORLD!" she practically screamed as she pointed to the Eds.

Twilight facehoof'd, Double D looking dumbfounded, Eddy was confused, and Ed smiling like Pinkie explaining everything to them. So much for letting it down, though for Pinkie Pie this was pretty gentle.

"Hmm…another world, you say…" said Rarity calmly. She set her gaze on Edd's ski cap.

"Well, this explains the fashion sense. No one from this dimension would EVER be caught in that. He let me relieve you of it…"

However, as her hoof reached up to Double D's head, she was blocked by Ed and Eddy.

"NO!" shouted all the Eds.

"What's your problem?' Rarity asked as she retracted her hoof. "I just wanted to take a look at this creature's mane for a second."

"Miss…Rarity, is it? While I do appreciate the concern, I'm afraid I wear this hat for more… practical reasons." Double D sorrowfully said as he doesn't want his hat to be taken off.

"Oh, if it's a messy mane I can-" the white unicorn's attention was caught by the other Eds, however, as they slowly shook their heads. She immediately knew why he would want to wear such a terrible hat. "Oh... I didn't think it was used to hide something other than hair…"

Twilight coughed to catch everyone's attention. "It seems we got off at the wrong hoof. Rarity, this is Ed, Edd (or Double D), and Eddy."

"Nice to meet you three," Rarity said, and shook each Eds' hands, even Ed's slightly dirty hands.

"We're exploring Ponyville with the Eds. Do you want to tag along?" said Twilight.

"Sure, darling, just let me lock up the store," said Rarity, and thus another pony joined their little expedition.

They were now outside of Sweet Apple Acres, leaning on the fence, watching Applejack buck off the apples from the trees. After she was done, she went over to the group.

"Howdy ya'll," Applejack said and glanced over to the Eds. "So, who's yer friends over there?"

After introducing themselves, the Eds told her how they got here. Applejack was skeptical of this.

"Wait, ya'll be telling me that these here creatures ar' from some 'al-ter-nate' dimension?" The Eds nodded yes.

"And Twilight said she brought you all here due to her magic experiments?" Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow. "How do I know yer telling me the truth?"

As the Eds tried to think up reasons to prove this, Ed already thought of one. Going over to Double D, Ed grabbed the sides of his head.

"Ed, what are you doin-" he was quickly silenced, however, as Ed laid his lips on Double D's.

Everyone's jaw dropped, but Pinkie Pie's actually hit the ground due to the shocking discovery. However, before everyone could think of what Ed just did to Double D, he blew into Edd's mouth (in a cartoony fashion). By cartoon logic and physics, this blew up his hat like a balloon, which, with Double D holding on for dear life, holding his hat and breath, began to float upward. However, he could not hold onto what he wanted so desperately to say.

"Ed ger-" this action caused him to jet all around the sky like a deflating balloon, crashing back right where he was.

Ed had a smile on his face. Not creepy, but get a normal smile like he's finished what he accomplished.

"That…was just…ew," stated Spike. "Let's not talk about that...

"Well, I guess I got no choice but to 'cept the fact that you aren't round here," said Applejack. "And is Double D fine after Ed's... y'all know… weird stuf-?"

"TOOTHPASTE!!! SOMEONE, GIVE ME TOOTHPASTE PLEASE!!!" asked, neigh, demanded Double D. Pinkie Pie pulled a toothbrush that had a bit of toothpaste on it out of nowhere and handed it to Edd. He began to franticly brush his teeth from Ed's... weird unusual act.

"Soooooo, Applejack, want to come with us?" asked Rarity.

Applejack shrugged. "Well, since I've done all my chores, I'm free." With that, she hopped over the fence to join the group. So they all departed to Rainbow Dash's place, with a now Ed germ-free Double D right behind them.

When the Eds reached Rainbow Dash's house, they were impressed, to say the least. A house made of clouds will do that to a person. Luckily for Twilight, she was able to give a spell to the Eds a way to walk on clouds so they wouldn't fall off completely.

Rainbow Dash, races out of her house to meet her friends, hovering above them all.

"Hi, Twi! Wasn't expecting you three to be here," she said, giggling at her own little joke. Her gaze then met the Eds and was shocked they were able to walk through the clouds.

"So... Who do we have here, huh?" Rainbow asked curiously, "Some weird creatures from another branch of Equestria? Eh... Biggy Wiggy, so who are you guys anyway?"

"I'm Ed…"

"I'm Double D…"

"And I'm Eddy!" he said, pushing his face close to hers, and staring her down. For some reason, he could feel that they had the same thing in common: they wanted to be better than one another.

The stare went on for a long time but was cut short to meet another pony. However, before Twilight could ask them to politely stop, Rainbow Dash broke down, falling on the ground and giggling.

"Alright, little man," which was true, because Eddy was shorter but at a height of an average pony, "it seems you've got spunk. I like you, much like Scootaloo." She raised up her hoof to pony fist. Eddy, unsure what to do, raised up his own hand and felt as she lightly tapped it with her own.

"Alright, Rainbow, Eddy, we still got Fluttershy to see," said Rarity.

"Oh... By the way, did I mention I'm from another dimension, Rainbow?" Eddy spoke up and smirked at Rainbow.

"Woah... So you guys are from another world." Rainbow gazes, "No wonder why Twilight's spell got you all three here in the first place."

After telling Dash how Eddy and his friends ended up here, they finally made it to Fluttershy's house. She was outside, currently feeding the animals, but an unexpected turn of events when Ed stepped in.

"CHICKENS!" Ed exclaimed in delight, charging toward his favorite feathered friends. Fluttershy was scared, who wouldn't be if they saw a strange human charge up to her animals, and promptly fled behind a tree stump.

As Ed was chasing the chickens, he felt himself being poked by something. When he looked down, he saw a cute bunny with a mean expression poking him with a carrot.

"Ah, cute bunny," said Ed, reaching out to grab him.

"No, Ed!" Eddy and Double D shouted, but it was too late. He had grabbed the bunny and had lifted him very close to his snout…

Ed suddenly remembered why he couldn't hold bunnies.

"Ah…ah…ah….ACHOOO!" sneezed Ed, the force of this sneeze sending him flying back into some trees, crashing into them and making them tumble.

"I'm okay!" said Ed, holding up a hoof for everyone to see. Luckily, he didn't be showing any symptoms.

From behind the tree stump, Fluttershy giggled.

"I am so sorry about Ed. He has a love for animals, mainly chickens of course, but he’s allergic to bunnies just to warn you.” Double D said as he went over to Fluttershy. "I'm afraid he overreacts sometimes when it comes to animals."

"T-that's okay," said Fluttershy. "Bu-ut who are you?"

"We’ll explain on the way back to the library," Eddy grumbled. " It’ll take ages to explain everything at once."

One big Ed Edd n Explanation mater of later in Twilight’s Library…

"Wow…" said Fluttershy, even softer than usual. "I would have never guessed you were from another dimension, given Twilight’s presence of her magic and experiments like this before."

"And please, don't ask us to verify it… please," said Double D, shuttering at the very unpleasant memory.

"Well, it's getting dark out and I have to get home," said Twilight. The other Elements of Harmony agreed, and the Eds then realized something important.

"Hey, wait, where are we going to sleep?" asked Eddy.

"Well, I could let you sleep over at my place, but only Pegasus ponies can stand on clouds," said Rainbow Dash.

"Double D, as much as I said this before… I'm so sorry about almost removing your hat, I want to make it up to you! You can sleep over at the Carousel Boutique tonight." Rarity said.

"Um, thank you… And it’s fine Rarity" Double D said uncertainly.

"Big Ed here can stay with me and Macintosh. Maybe he can help around the farm tomorrow."

"Yep! I will be as snug as a bug on a rug next to a slug!" said Ed happily.

There was an awkward moment between them all, as they didn't know what to say. Finally, Double D broke the ice.

"So, it looks like another Mis-Edventure for Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy, right?"

"More like Ed, Edd, 'n Pony!" said, Ed.

"Hey, we’re not ponies, Ed, but you dropped something!" exclaimed Eddy. Ed looked around until he got the joke. He laughed, which soon spread to all the others.

So as they finished laughing, they waved each other farewell and waited to see what the Eds would do the next day. They seemed mischievous, but it wouldn't be that must trouble.

The next morning, the Eds and the mane 5 walked to Twilight’s Library to check on her for her findings on figuring a way to take the Eds back to their universe. However, instead of politely knocking, as Pinkie Pie should have, she instead charged through the door. They were not expecting what they saw but the Eds pretty much knew Ed can push that in his boundaries.

The Library was a mess. Books were everywhere, whether they were stacked, looked like they had been flung, or were hanging off the railing. And in the middle of this manuscript cataclysm was the purple pony herself, Twilight Sparkle.

"Come on Spike, come on!" she said to her buried assistant, her mane frizzling and her right eye twitching. "We have to find a substitute for the spell! I can't tell Princess Celestia that-"

She suddenly noticed the array of ponies at her doorstep. Weakly smiling, she combed her mane with her hoof.

"Oh, hi…guys." A moment's silence. "So, um, what brings you guys here? Need to check out a book? Just check out any of them!" She said, spreading her arms out to the collection of books she was waist-deep in.

Suddenly, Spike popped out of the mess and glared at Twilight.

"Twi, tell them the truth…"

"What's tha' matter, Sugercube?" asked Applejack.

Twilight sighed in defeat. "Well, um, you know how I really liked books when I was under Princess Celestia's tutoring? Well, um, she had a personal collection that she showed me, and that…" she had ended up whispering in a voice smaller than Fluttershy's own.

"What was that dearie?" asked Rarity.

"I said, that book…" she mumbled off again.

"Come again?" asked Applejack.

"That book was…"

"One more time," asked Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly, Twilight lunged forward and clung to Double D's neck as though her life depended on it.

"THAT BOOK WAS PRIVATE PROPERTY OF CELESTIA, AND I TOOK IT WITH ME WITHOUT PERMISSION!" she shouted, weeping into Double D's mane. Double D, though struggling to breathe, brushed her mane to calm her down.

"There…there…" said Double D through gasps. "Everything will…be alright…"

"NO IT WON'T!" she replied back, weeping even harder.

"Aw, let Ed hug those tears away, missy," he said, ripping her off from Double
D and greedily took a breath of air. Hugging her tightly like a big teddy bear that he won at a carnival, the sound of bones crushing could be heard.

"O-okay, Ed, I'm good!" she gasped, slipping out of his grasp. Taking a few deep breaths, she composed herself.

"Okay, m-maybe you guys are right. I mean, w-what's the worse that could happen?"

"She could banish you!" shouted Ed.

"Or lock you up…" pondered Double D out loud.

"Or banish you and lock you up in the place she banished you too!" completed Eddy.

Twilight made a sound similar to 'nnnnahhhhh', and she would have fainted if not for the quick interdiction of Pinkie Pie.

"Ah, come on, Twi, we'll defend you! That's what friends are for, anyway!" The rest of the ponies and Eds nodded in agreement.

"Y-you're right," said Twilight, wiping the remaining tears from her eyes. "I just have to stand up and take the consequences."

She took a deep breath and said, "Spike, take a-"

"All ready on it!" said Spike, parchment and quill out.

Twilight gulped and continued.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I hate to inform you that I have committed a-no, several- terrible atrocities. You see, the day I left for Ponyville I also took with me your very special spell book, which was part of your special collection you let me look at and borrow, but only for an extended amount of time. But now, the book has been burned, but not before I read off a special teleportation spell. I have accidentally brought creatures from another world here, and now they have no way of getting back home. Please, though you may lock me up, or banish me, or lock me up in the place you banished me to, I plead that you help these new creatures (or humans as they said) called Ed, Edd, and Eddy.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

"Let me just send it off," Spike said, after rolling it up and stamping it with the official seal. He opened his mouth wide…

"Oh, what's this?" asked Ed, appearing in front of Spike.

“ED!!! WAIT!!!” The Eds and Ponies shouted before it was too late for Spike to stop. He blew magical fire not only on the scroll but on Ed too, whisking them off to Celestia…hopefully.

Princess Celestia, Goddess of the Sun and Co-ruler of all Equestria, was currently relaxing by the fireplace while her sister raised the moon. Yes, being an immortal figure of power did have its challenges, but simple moments like this made them all melt away. She breathed in the purity of this moment while letting her mind wander.

'I have not received a letter about friendship from Twilight Sparkle for some time,' she thought to herself. She then shrugged her shoulders. 'Some days are less eventful than others. A letter will be sure to turn up eventually…'

And, speaking of the Nightmare Moon, a letter from her foremost student had just popped in! But as she had just unrolled it, another thing started to materialize in the room. Celestia was confused. Was this another letter?

Nope, not at all. For a creature/human wearing a green jacket had just appeared, upside down in the air. Then, gravity took hold of him, and he plummeted into the floor, hind legs sticking out. Celestia, generally worried about this creature/human, raised him out of the hole using her telekinesis. She was met with a very wide grin.

"Hello, my name is Ed."

“What in the Faust… Ed?” Celestia questioned, “Since when did my student send me a strange creature, to begin with…”

The Mane 6 and Eds were standing around the library, waiting and pleading for their green-jacket friend to show up. Double D was especially worried since Ed has gone through mishaps like this before and would be a bad rep for the royal princess of the sun.

"Oh dear," Double D said, pacing around the room. "What if he merged with the letter and his skin is now pure paper? Or, or, only some of him made it through? What if he's out there, all alone, without anyone to guide him?"

"Shesh, Double D, calm down," said Eddy. "Ed has been through worse like that time his parents grounded him and took the stairs off from his room. He'll come through since Ed goes through this kind of lumpy logic he has."

And at that exact moment, Ed appeared with a letter in his mouth like a good dog.

"Whoof!" he barked, dropping the letter at Twilight's forehooves. Hesitantly, she opened it up and began to read.

To my faithful student,

You do not have any reason for fear. Yes, that book was part of my private collection, but books are so much more useful when their knowledge is actually applied, no? Though you are powerfully skilled in magic, I would wait a few years until you try a spell of that size ever again.

However, with your 'Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy' problem (Ed told me they always replaced and with 'n), I am afraid there is some bad news. You see, that book had a multitude of spells that were so complex that I had to write it down to remember it. While I try to remember the incantation, try to make friends with the Eds. Perhaps they could teach you more about the magic of friendship.

Your mentor,

Princess Celestia

P.S. Please do keep an eye on Ed, would you? The transfer process seems to have scrambled him a bit… or was he always like this? In that case, keep a closer eye on him.

And make sure he doesn’t try anything weird or unusual since he’s been asking me way too many questions about gravy, butter toast, and something about his love of animals, mainly chickens. Oh… and that recent incident he did to Double D, as I won’t mention it here anyway.

But, as I mentioned, please make sure you, your friends, and the Eds keep an eye on Ed so he doesn’t try some mishap or whatever he’s doing.

Twilight let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Whew, I thought I was a goner there."

"Ed," Eddy said, "What’s one plus one?"

Ed thought this over for a bit. "The answer is Q, my dear friends."

"If anything, I think the flame thingie made him smarter," he said, looking over to Double D.

"Well, if we are here for the duration until this Princess can remember her spell, then I suggest…" he yawned loudly, “You guys want to tell stories before we venture off?”

"…I suggest we could, but who knows what stories we can tell to the ponies," said Double D.

"Alright, but while you all tell stories, I think maybe we can create a potion to help the Princess remember the incantation," Twilight informed/

"Will do," said Double D, saluting her.

As they all came inside Twilight’s library to tell stories of their past adventures, a certain duo of silhouettes was looking through the ponies and Eds, to spy on what they were doing… one where our story will continue in the next chapter.