• Published 31st Mar 2023
  • 1,172 Views, 74 Comments

The Three Kingdoms - James Pwyll

In a world divided into three great nations, one pony dreams of a day of friendship.

  • ...

Life in Ponyville

There were few things that brought a smile to Twilight Sparkle's face quite like a gloriously sunny day. And today was, it seems, more than willing to oblige her on that count. Lying on her back atop a green and verdant hill, the young mare looked up dreamily to the pristine and uninterrupted sea of blue above her, with nary a cloud in sight. The breeze was gentle and the world, at least for now, was quiet. Giving herself a quick stretch, Twilight sighed contentedly as her mind wandered, as was often the case for her on days such as these. Alas, her solitude was not to last forever, as her gaze was soon obscured by a figure arriving onto the scene, looking over her as he stood beside her head and blocking out the light of the sun. "Bit for your thoughts?"

But despite this interruption, Twilight smiled, shaking her head slightly. "Not really thinking about anything, Spike. Just enjoying the day." Sitting upright, she looked upon the dragon who, had she been standing fully, would have been the same height as her. Looking to her side, she patted the ground. "Care to join me?"

Folding his arms, Spike chuckled. "Don't mind if I do."

Twilight watched as her adopted brother sat beside her, lying down and looking just as peaceful as she had been mere moments earlier. "So, what's new in Ponyville?" she asked.

Spike, still lying down, gave a shrug. "Not much, really. You know this place as well as I do. Nothing ever changes." His smile grew. "Aside from maybe what kind of argument AJ and Moondancer are gonna have this time."

The two shared a laugh, and Twilight too began to lie down once more. Several minutes passed, and after a while her eyes began to drift away from the serene skies. Instead, they looked down, to the horizon, to a structure far away from them and their hometown. It was too far to make out any details, but even one unfamiliar with the area could tell, even at this distance, that it was a place of importance. "Do you think it'll ever get used again?"

Spike didn't open his eyes after hearing her question, already knowing what she was talking about. "Probably, if they have something new to complain about to each other."

Another sigh escaped Twilight, though this time it was one with a tint of disappointment. "Yeah...I guess." Silence passed over them, and Twilight continued to look out there, seeming quite thoughtful as she did so. While Spike was the very picture of relaxation, she, by contrast, seemed preoccupied, even concerned. Then, after a long while, she turned to her sibling and nudged him slightly, getting him to crack one eye open to look at her as she spoke. "Do you think they'll ever get better?"

Spike looked to her with confusion. "Who?"

In response, Twilight gestured in several directions. East, West and North. "Them. The big three."

Spike snorted. "I doubt it. You know the history, sis. Those guys have been on bad terms for as long as they've known each other. Long before us, long before our parents, long before anypony we know. If they'll ever feel any differently, it won't be in our lifetime."

Twilight frowned to him. "A bit of a cynical answer, don't you think?"

Exhaling, Spike sat upright, looking to her. "Look, I know it's not the happiest answer, but it's the truth. I mean, we're talking about three nations that have never, not once, had any real cooperation or common cause. They just glare at one another across their borders." In a moment of quiet, the drake glanced in each of the three directions Twilight had given to him earlier, before settling on looking out to the northern horizon. "Oh, an let's not forget the happy, little detail that they have us right in the middle. That's always fun," he remarked with no small amount of worry in his voice.

But Twilight did not seem as concerned, reaching out and patting him on the shoulder. "There's always a chance things will get better." She then gestured to that same horizon. "Even now, out there in the world, there's good people who will want what we want. Who will want to look over their borders and see others they can sit with in peace and harmony."

Spike looked to her with incredulity. "No offense, Twilight...but you kinda sound like a greeting card right now."

Twilight shrugged. "Hey, they have to get the idea from somewhere, right?"

Again, the two of them laughed, but as they did so they soon noticed that their laughter was not that of two, but three. So, they turned, seeing another familiar face begin to approach them. A mare the same age as Twilight, with a blue saddle-bag across one side of her body, smiling to both of them. "I hope I'm not interrupting?"

Twilight shook her head. "Not at all. Please, join us."

And Sunny was quick to take her up on that offer, sitting beside them while she rummaged around in her aforementioned bag. Spike looked to her with curiosity as he saw her pull out a small notepad, upon which was a list of what seemed like chores she needed to do. "Wow. Busy day ahead?" he asked.

Sunny beamed to him. "You betcha! I've gotta head over to Hitch's place to help him out with his new deputy, then I've got to be back to babysit for Mr and Mrs Cake. Oh, and I can't forget that the Mayor needs some help in coming up with a new banner for the town. I've been doing some thinking about that..." She flipped over the notes of her book, revealing design ideas for said banners, each of which bore some kind of welcoming logo or slogan. "If we want folk to come to Ponyville and think of it as a place they can feel welcome, you always need a good opening statement!"

Twilight looked to her, clearly impressed. "You know, I don't think I've ever met anypony who tried to do as much for others as you, Sunny." She scratched the back of her own head while looking a touch embarrassed. "Most of the time all I do is work in a library."

But Sunny reached out to her, placing her hoof upon her shoulder in a manner not unlike how Twilight had been to Spike a few minutes ago. "Hey, life is short, Twilight. We need to do what we can. And hey, if you can try to make friends with all the people you meet, you should."

Twilight smiled to her, then looked to Spike while keeping her hoof pointed at Sunny. "See, Spike? That right there is exactly the kind of attitude the world around us needs!"

Spike, for his part, smiled to her. "A whole world of Sunnys? Well, gotta hand it to you, Twilight, that's quite the lofty expectation."

Sunny blushed. "Oh stop! I'm not a saint, Twilight!"

Spike looked over to her, clearly not believing her words. "Oh please, we all know you're pretty much heart and soul of this place. I mean, come on, how many fights and squabbles have been settled because you were there?" Then, his shoulders slumped, and he suddenly had the look of someone who knew exactly what was coming. "And speaking of which, I believe your services are required once more."

Both Twilight and Sunny turned to see what he was looking at to make him say such a thing, and understanding dawned for both of them as they saw a pair of mares walking along the base of the hill. Applejack and Moondancer, the former carrying a large cart of hay behind her while the latter was levitating a book in front of her own face as she walked alongside. Moondancer, for her part, was the one talking right now. "I keep telling you, AJ, if you and your family were to adopt some of the new farming techniques an technologies that are being used by some of the other nations ,you could increase your yield by a great deal."

Applejack, by contrast, just seemed tired with the suggestion. "An' how many time have ah gotta say it, Dancer? Mah family have been doin' things this way fer generations! Mah Ma an' Pa did it this way, mah Granny did it this way, an' ah'm gonna do it this way!"

Twilight, Spike and Sunny all collectively sighed, and Sunny in particular put on a smile as she regarded the other two. Then, after packing her notes back into her bag, she began walking down the hill to meet up with the two newcomers, followed shortly by Twilight and Spike. "Good morning. I hope you two are well today?"

Applejack and Moondancer smiled to the three of them, then turned to one another and frowned. "Sunny, would you please explain to Applejack that I'm only trying to help her?" the latter asked.

But the farm mare wasn't having any of it. "No, Sunny, please tell Moondancer that ah don't need any help!"

Twilight stepped forward, looking to the both of them. "Guys, please, I know neither one of you likes hearing this, but this kind of bickering doesn't do anypony any good."

Sunny nodded in agreement. "She's right. You two are supposed to be friends, remember? You've known each other all your lives."

"Yeah!" Applejack declared. "So you'd think Dancer here would know by now that things down on the farm are perfectly fine without any big, fancy changes!"

"And you'd think that Applejack would get that I know what I'm talking about when I say that my suggestions will make things better for her family!" Moondancer countered.

Sunny took a deep breath, then stepped forward to place herself in-between the two. "Applejack, I'm sure you've know Moondancer long enough to know that she means it when she says she's trying to help, right?"

One look at Sunny's earnest face was all it took for a lot of the bad mood to be drained out of Applejack, though she still kept her voice at a grumble. "Yeah...ah know."

Then, Sunny looked to the other. "And Moondancer, I'm sure you can understand that, despite how well-intentioned your efforts are, no does mean no, yes?"

In a similar move to Applejack, Moondancer sighed. "Yes...it does."

Sunny smiled, stepping back and allowing them to look to each other. "Okay then...so what do we say?"

A deep exhale from Applejack preceded her words. "Ah'm...ah'm sorry fer snappin', Dancer. Ah know ya were tryin' ta help."

"And...I should've respected your decision when you first said it, AJ. I'm...sorry," Moondancer conceded.

Eventually, the two smiled, and they reached out their hooves, holding the other and giving a good shake. Sunny smiled to this resolution to the issue, as did Twilight, who looked over to her brother. "Now tell me that kind of cooperation and peace isn't possible, Spike."

Spike shrugged, silently admitting to her point. "With friends who've known each other all their lives? Sure. But with nations?"

His words caught the attention of the others, all of whom seemed to know exactly what the two of them were talking about. And much like Spike, they showed various degrees of scepticism, with Moodancer being the one to speak up about it after having adjusted her glasses. "Twilight, as bright a future as your dream might be, I think you might just set yourself up for disappointment."

Applejack nodded firmly. "She's right, Twi. Those three didn't like each other a thousand years ago, they don't like each other today, an' they probably won't like each other a thousand years from now."

Sunny looked to them. "Well, as my Dad always said, there's always a chance. I mean, heck, the ancient three tribes of earth pony, unicorn and pegasi once glowered angrily at each other every chance they got, now we mingle all over the world."

Twilight smiled to her friend, appreciating her words. "Sunny's right." She turned, looking out to the horizon with a hopeful expression on her face. "And if that kind of unity happened once...it can happen again."

Author's Note:

Back in the early days of the fandom, you got to see quite a few people doing their own take on the world, alternate histories and so on, dividing the nation into factions and seeing how things play out. I don't know how often those stories get made nowadays but it was never something I ever really partook in myself. But, ever late to the party, I figured I'd take a crack at it, so I hope you enjoy :twilightsmile: