• Published 4th Apr 2023
  • 1,347 Views, 9 Comments

Princess Sunset Shimmer - Hayloud

Sunset Shimmer, one of the Celestia's most powerful student, that lived in the human world, went back to the pony world and now have to face the consequences and save the day, now being an Alicorn.

  • ...

New Realm, New Problems

Starlight's eyes flicked back and forth between the frozen guards and Sunset, feeling the weight of the moment bearing down on her. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to think of a way to save their friend and escape from the kingdom. The pressure of the situation was overwhelming, but she knew they couldn't afford to waste a single second.

Sunset seemed to sense the urgency as well, her eyes darting around the garden as she assessed their options. Starlight could tell that she was thinking quickly, her mind racing with ideas for how they could get out of this mess. But before she could even open her mouth to speak, Starlight felt the tingle of magic coursing through her veins.

At first, she thought it was just her fear and adrenaline triggering some sort of magical response. But as she looked around, she realized that time had stopped completely - except for Sunset, who remained completely unaffected. Starlight felt a surge of panic rising in her chest, unsure of what was happening or how to control it. She had never experienced anything like this before, and the fear of the unknown was almost too much to bear.

But even as her mind raced with questions and uncertainty, she knew that they couldn't afford to waste this opportunity. With time frozen, they had a chance to save Sugary and escape from the kingdom.

"Go after Trixie, I'll take our bags back," Sunset said.

"I can't-" Starlight started to say, but was interrupted.

"Go, I'll be fine," Sunset said, and Starlight seeing no other clear option, levitated Sugary, ran to the portals, and entered the green one. But as soon she entered it, the time that once was frozen now was unfrozen and the guards were up to attack Sunset. Time to save the world, she thought.

Sunset soared through the sky, her wings beating with fierce determination. The wind whipped her mane and tail around wildly, but she paid it no mind. Her focus was entirely on reaching the castle. As she drew closer, she could see guards gathering below. They were armed and dangerous, ready to stop her at all costs. But Sunset was not deterred. She weaved and dodged through their ranks, narrowly avoiding spears and arrows. Her eyes remained fixed on the castle gate, which grew larger and larger as she approached.

With a mighty flap of her wings, Sunset launched herself towards the gate. She felt the rush of air as she flew past the guards stationed there, but she didn't stop. She pushed herself even harder, diving down towards the castle's inner courtyard. As she landed, she immediately took in her surroundings. The courtyard was littered with obstacles and dangers - spiked pits, hidden traps, and more guards. But Sunset was not afraid. She knew what she had to do.

She leaped into action, her hooves pounding against the ground as she sprinted towards the castle's main entrance. The guards swarmed towards her, but she fought them off with swift kicks and well-placed punches. Her movements were fluid and graceful, like a dancer in battle. She seemed to anticipate their attacks before they even happened, always one step ahead of her opponents.

Finally, she reached the entrance to the castle. She could hear the sounds of battle raging inside, but she didn't hesitate. She kicked open the doors, revealing the chaos within. The enemy forces were everywhere, engaged in fierce combat with her allies. But Sunset didn't let that deter her. She dove into the fray, her hooves lashing out in all directions. Her magic sparked and crackled around her, striking down any foes that dared to come too close.

As she fought, Sunset could feel her strength beginning to wane. But she refused to give up. She fought harder and harder, driving herself forward with the sheer force of will. She knew that the fate of her kingdom rested on her shoulders, and she would not let her people down.

Sunset approached the cell and peered inside, only to see their bags sitting on a nearby table. She breathed a sigh of relief at the sight, realizing that they hadn't been taken away. But how am I going to retrieve them without being seen by the guards? Sunset wasted no time, quickly moving to the table and grabbing their bags. She slung them over her shoulder and turned back.

Sunset flew quickly, her wings beating with urgency as she reached the castle's back. She darted past the guards, her focus on the red portal ahead. With a determined expression on her face, she braced herself for what she might find on the other side.

As she stepped through the portal, the world around her changed. She found herself in a new realm, one she had never seen before. But there was no time to marvel at her surroundings. She had to find her friends.

She raced through the unfamiliar terrain, her eyes scanning every inch of the landscape. Finally, she saw Trixie standing before her, their faces a mix of relief and worry.

"Trix!" Sunset said grateful for seeing her friend again.

"Sunny!" Trixie responded.

"Where are Sugary and Starlight?" The princess asked hurriedly.

"What? I thought they were with you!" Trixie said.

"I sent them with you!" Sunset got shocked, she felt this answer groundbreaking.

"Sunset..?" Trixie asked seeing her friend paralyzed.

"We need to find them!" Sunset said, feeling confident.

Suddenly, coming out of nowhere they hear a shout, "Ecce! Hoovi in aerum levati sunt!" ("Hey! Hooves on the air!")

"No, not again, not now," Trixie said.

Trixie felt a wave of panic as she saw the group of ponies coming towards them. They were wearing identical uniforms, and she couldn't tell if they were friends or foes. As they got closer, she could see that they were armed, carrying spears and daggers. Trixie knew they had to act fast.

"What?" Sunset said

The group of unicorns got closer and closer, and as they approached, their horns started to glow with intense magic. They struggled to lift Trixie and Sunset off the ground, their hooves flailing as they were pulled into the air. Despite their attempts to resist, the magic was too strong and they were unable to break free. The unicorns then started to drag them away, taking them in the opposite direction of Sunset and Trixie's escape.

"Let us go!" Sunset let out a loud shout,

Fueled by the adrenaline rush, and pulled herself out of the grip of the guards who were using their magic to levitate her and Trixie. And with an incredible surge of strength, she managed to break free. The guards suddenly stopped using their magic, holding their heads in pain from the sudden headache that overtook them, allowing Trixie to escape their grasp as well. Sunset turned around and saw the guards struggling, their magic momentarily disabled. With a determined look in her eyes, she knew this was her chance to escape with her friends.

Just as they thought they were in the clear, the ground beneath their hooves began to spin, causing them to lose their footing and stumble. As they struggled to regain their balance, they realized that they were no longer headed towards the portal, but instead, they were being pulled in the opposite direction towards a magnificent castle made entirely of rubies. The castle was unlike anything they had ever seen before, with its walls and towers glittering in the sunlight, creating a dazzling display of colors that seemed to dance before their very eyes.

Sunset and Trixie looked at each other in disbelief, unsure of how to proceed. They had come so far, and yet they were now being led away from their goal. Nevertheless, they knew they had to keep moving forward, even if it meant venturing into the unknown. With a deep breath, they steeled themselves for whatever lay ahead and started towards the ruby castle, their hearts pounding with anticipation and fear.

As they stepped into the ruby castle, they felt a strange force that pushed them forward, towards the male unicorn sitting on the throne with a red crown. Despite their attempts to resist the force, they found themselves standing before him. The male unicorn had a regal bearing, and his eyes seemed to glint with ethereal power. Sunset and her friends tried to speak, but their voices were caught in their throats as if some unseen force was suppressing their words. They could feel the weight of the unicorn's gaze upon them as if he was examining them with some kind of magical power.

The mysterious king said, "Quid vultis, peregrine?" ("What do you want, foreigners?")

"We just want to go home," Both said

Despite their efforts to remain silent, the enchantment that rendered them mute had the opposite effect, causing them to speak out loud unintentionally. Their voices echoed in the large chamber, bouncing off the walls and reverberating back to them. They looked at each other in alarm, realizing that they had lost control over their own words. Every sentence that they spoke seemed to carry a strange power as if each word was charged with magic that was beyond their understanding. They tried to stop talking, but it was as if their tongues had a will of their own. The words continued to spill out of their mouths, as they struggled to regain control over themselves.

"And save Equestria, so everything can end up good," they continued

"So, go," the king said, and they got very surprised.

"I thought you would lock us!" Sunset said.

"Why would I?" He asked

"Because we just ran out of a place whose queen did," they answered.

"I think you met Luminaqua and Seafoam, she was always over-protective with her kingdom, even when we were young," the king said.

"Wait, her name is Seafoam?" Trixie asked shocked, "How can such an evil queen have a pathetic name like Seafoam?" After Trixie said that, she instantly put her hooves in her mouth so she stopped talking.

"Can you please remove this spell, King..." Sunset said, "What's your name, anyway?"

"Yes, and by the way my name is Shining Raize, or just King Raize," King Raize said.

"Goodbye, we hope to see you again!" Sunset said

As they walked out of the ruby castle, the two let out a sigh of relief, grateful that King Raize had not tried to harm them. They continued walking towards the back of the castle, where they could see three portals in the distance. The first portal was a light shade of purple, and it was closed tightly shut. The second portal was a bright shade of blue, and it had a faint, shimmering aura surrounding it. Finally, the third portal was a lush green color, and it seemed to be glowing with a soft, warm light.

Sunset and Trixie stood before the three portals, trying to decide which one to enter. They knew that each portal would take them to a different place, but they weren't sure where each one would lead them. The purple portal seemed to be the most mysterious, and it was closed, making it impossible to see what was inside. The blue portal seemed to be the safest choice, with its calm, shimmering aura. The green portal, on the other hand, seemed to be the most inviting, with its warm, inviting glow.

As they stood there, trying to make a decision, they heard a loud noise coming from behind them. They turned around to see a group of guards from Luminaqua approaching, their eyes fixed firmly on the two. The guards seemed to be made up of unicorns and pegasi, all of whom had determined looks on their faces. Sunset and Trixie knew that they had to act quickly, or they would be captured once again.

With no time to lose, they quickly made a decision and ran towards the green portal, hoping that it would take them somewhere safe. As they entered the portal, they felt a strange sensation wash over them, as if they were being pulled through a tunnel. They closed their eyes and held onto each other tightly, hoping that they would emerge unscathed on the other side.

When they finally opened their eyes, they found themselves in a beautiful, lush forest, with trees that towered high above them, casting dappled shadows on the ground. The air was cool and fresh, and they could hear the sound of a nearby river, babbling gently in the distance. Sunset and Trixie looked around in wonder, marveling at the beauty of this new place. They knew that they had finally escaped and were now in a new realm, but they had no idea where they were or what lay ahead.

Author's Note:

Rubix: The Tale of the Fallen Empire is the part two of the three-part special, part three will be released this Sunday.

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