• Published 7th Feb 2023
  • 2,123 Views, 45 Comments

I'm Sorry for Getting u Praganant - SockPuppet

Button Mash makes an apology cake for Sweetie Belle.

  • ...


Sweetie Belle lay on the floor of the bathroom, curled into a tight ball just in front of the toilet. She whimpered pitifully as Rarity lightly rubbed her spine.

"Here, Sweetie, Darling, try a few more ice chips."

With a nod, Sweetie opened her eyes and levitated a few chips of ice from the mug next to her into her mouth, letting them melt under her tongue.

"I need... need to go to work..." Sweetie muttered.

"I've already asked Dash to tell Headmare Starlight you're taking a sick day today," Rarity said. "Dash offered to cover your class."

Sweetie bolted to her hooves, eyes wide with panic. "No, no, no, my poor stud—" Her face turned the same green as her eyes and she leaned over the toilet as another round of morning sickness racked her.

Rarity levitated Sweetie's mane back, keeping it away from the torrent of mess. She breathed in through her mouth and out through her nose, avoiding the uncouth smells.

Sweetie sat on the floor, hugging the toilet and her cheek resting on the seat, spent.

"Redheart said it'll get better soon," Sweetie mumbled.

Rarity levitated up a few more ice chips into Sweetie's mouth, then wet a washrag from the faucet and wiped Sweetie's forehead, then her lips.

"Rarity... this is awful..."

"Mother said she suffered the same." Rarity paused, head cocked. "For that matter, Pinkie did, too, and could eat nothing but cheese for three mon—"

At the word cheese, Sweetie was instantly back over the toilet, violently ill again.

"Sorry, Darling," Rarity said once that round finished.

"Redheart said she has medicines," Sweetie said, "but doesn't like to use them except as a last resort. She said if the baby's a unicorn, potions during the first trimester can have weird effects. And we can't know if it's a unicorn or pegasus or whatever for months, yet."

"This, too, shall pass," Rarity reassured.

"Miss Derpy said she was morning sick for the whole pregnancy with Dinky..." Sweetie Belle clenched her eyes and her ears wilted. "I'm less than a month along, Rarity. What if I have ten more months of this?"

The doorbell rang. "A customer at this hour?" Rarity snarled. "I shall go and give her a piece of my mind..." She stormed out of the bathroom.

Sweetie sighed, the cold toilet seat against her hot cheek. Her whole body trembled with dehydration.

"The idiot is here," Rarity announced, leading in Button Mash. "I told him you were indisposed but he brought an offering."

Sweetie cracked open one eye. Button stood there, with something looking like a pizza box on his withers. His beanie spun slowly. "Button, if you brought pizza, I'm going to hold you down and yark on your face."

"It's not pizza!" he protested.

"I inspected it before allowing him inside." Rarity nodded. "I shall be off to work, then. Button, ensure she pushes fluids. Ice chips for now, Cragadile-ade once she can hold it down. It's in the icebox."

Rarity disappeared and Button moved the box to the bathroom counter. "I... I made this myself..." he said.

Sweetie put a few ice chips in her mouth, let them melt, and then swallowed them. Her belly seemed a little more stable, so she stood. Her legs shook and her knees were weak, but she stood. That was an improvement.

With a trembling hoof, Button opened the box. It contained a wide, thin cake, frosted aggressively with something that looked like buttercream but smelled like licorice, and read:

i'm Sorry for getting u praganant

"I'm sorry for getting you prag-uh-nant," Sweetie deadpanned.

"So, uh, real life doesn't have spell check."

"Would you feel better if I put a squiggly red line of frosting underneath the misspelled words?" Sweetie asked.

"Yes? Yes." He looked at Sweetie's glare. "I mean, no."

Sweetie leaned down an inch and sniffed. The frosting smelled of licorice and the cake of nutmeg and garam masala. She held a hoof to her mouth and fought back a new wave of nausea. "Did your mom bake it?"

"No, I did this myself. I haven't told her yet."

"Well, I can't accept this cake. First, the smell is going to make me yark again." She levitated the box shut. "Second, you didn't make me prag-uh-nant, so good for you, you don't have to tell your mom at all."

Relief and joy washed across Button's face. "The test was wrong? You're not pregnant? What a relief! Not that I don't want to, ya know, with you, someday, just not yet! Oh! Oh! This is so excellent!"

Button pranced in a circle. "I applied for ten jobs yesterday, by the way! Playtester for Vanhoover Games. Playtester for Pontronic Arts. Playtester for—"

"Did you apply for any job-jobs?" Sweetie asked. "The Apples need a new manure spreader, and the Cakes need an assistant apprentice oven stoker."

Button made a confused face. "Job-jobs? No, did the hormones make you crazy? Wait, you're not pregnant, so no hormones... why are you talking crazy?"

Sweetie raised an eyebrow. "We'll see if that cake ends up in one of your orifices that don't usually consume food, then we'll decide if I'm crazy, and to what degree."

Rumble strode into the bathroom and gave Sweetie Belle a kiss, despite the sour sweat and rancid taste about her. He was still wearing a stained apron, and smelled of kitchens and cooking, as to be expected from his new job as a chef. "Hey, Honey, I brewed some ginger ale and some mint-infused lemon water. Mrs. Starlight said those are two sure-fire morning sickness... well, not cures, but ameliorations?"

"Oh thank goodness," Sweetie said. She levitated Rumble's saddlebag open and removed a large thermos and took a dainty sip. "Oh gosh, oh my, that's what I need."

With a sigh, she let herself sit back down, shoulders hunched and head bowed. "I can barely levitate it. Can you...?"

Rumble took the thermos between his hooves and tipped it up, letting Sweetie take another exhausted sip.

"Morning sickness remedy?" Button asked, confusion covering his face. "But... but you said I didn't make you pregnant."

Sweetie shook her head. "Move the emphasis to a different word in that sentence. You didn't make me pregnant."

Rumble sat down next to her, ribs-to-ribs, and put a wing over her back, feeling her dehydrated and exhausted trembling. He tipped the thermos up again, giving her another cool sip of mint-lemon infusion.

Button made a sound in the back of his throat that might have been "mmppppfq."

"Hey, Dude," Rumble said, looking at Button and hugging Sweetie tighter. "Been meaning to ask. Wanna be Best Stallion at our wedding?"

Author's Note:

Sweetie x Rumble is my One True Pairing.

Well, I also like Scootaloo/Terramar, Twilight/Sunburst, and Apple Bloom/Diamond Tiara... I have lots of OTPs, and RumBelle is one.

Comments ( 45 )

can u get... pregante?

Sweetie Mash is the one and only true paring, and I will fight to the death over this

Poor Button never got "The Talk". All he knew was that he bumped into Sweetie Bell at the market, and next thing he hears is she's pregnant.

RIP him. 🪦

Although I was thinking she only made Button use a condom, not Rumble.

Oof size: big.

I agree, the sex tag wasn't needed. Acknowledging the existence of pregnancy doesn't rate it.

Wonder who came first: Scoots or Sweetie Belle?

How is fole formed? How filly get pragnent?

Wait, is she.... gregnante?! :rainbowlaugh:

There are a variety of viable Crusader ships. I'm largely indifferent to them, but I greatly appreciate the contrast between Sweetie's suitors here. Fun little story. Thank you for it. :twilightsmile:

Sweetie got prengt. :unsuresweetie:


:raritywink: I'm back darling, You may resume your duties with the Princesses
:moustache: On it I'll have Spike Jr and Ruby with me... So your revenge is complete?
:duck: Indeed Precious Scales indeed

:unsuresweetie: I was on Tic Tacs? no wonder I'm preggers! . . . RARITY!

:facehoof: Those TWO DID WHAT? :moustache: Yep

Well, good news, Button. You don't have to worry about child support. :twilightoops:


A wedding is just a bunch of people nth-wheeling, and you can't change my mind.

Haev my upvot, u carzy Sock!

There's a ponified version!

While I have nothing inheritly against Sweetie/Rumble, the fact that you chose to use it in a netorare story is a MAJOR turnoff for me. This was a cute little story until you added that unpleasant and unwelcome twist at the end. Made worse by the fact that Rumble just had to rub Button's nose in the fact that the mare he was clearly close to and worrying over had apparently been cheating on him.

Yes, this was a very unpleasant story for me. Sorry.

11500935 I wholeheartedly agree. Seeing Button trying to steal Sweetie (obviously not seeing the fact that she was already really close to Rumble) by claiming her foal as his is a major problem. Obviously it was a big mistake on Sweetie and Rumble's part to include him as a comet in their relationship if he couldn't understand that was all he would ever be.

This is... acceptable.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with an issue here. I'm sure people will downvote me thinking I'm a SweetieMash shipper, but honestly this story just doesn't work.

Crap like this doesn't help.

Okay. First off like the first person I quoted said. I have nothing against who you want to ship with who. Sweetie can get with Spike, Rumble, Applebloom. Who cares, long as the story is good.

The problem is, this story basically can be summed up in one simple way: "I (The author) hate the SweetieMash ship, RumbleBelle is the way to go. Fuck you all."

At least that's most certainly how it's coming across. I'm not sure why people are saying "Good joke" to this, because there really isn't one.

Let's break this down shall we? First off, what is the relationship between Button and Sweetie in this story? We have no damn idea. It's IMPLIED that they are a couple. Given Button is talking about having foals someday. If they are NOT in a relationship. Why was he let in at all? Did they date and break up? I feel that would have come up. The only reason none of this is touched upon is because it'd ruin the 'Twist' which frankly I just find to be bad storytelling. It's only written/shown in this way to fool us the readers, and makes no actual sense in the context of the world.

"Did you apply for any job-jobs?" Play testing videogames IS a job job. Hey Sweetie, go say that to an actual play tester. Ask them if they ever tried to get a "job-job" See how well that goes.

Oh but of course the 'joke' is that Button plays videogames so he's a man-child (Stallion-foal?) And thinks he'll just get to play videogames for a living!

I'm assuming that's the idea at any rate. We don't get enough of this Button's personality to get that much of a bead on him. We don't even know what he's been doing up to this point. Of course the implication is that since Sweetie is an adult and a teacher and adult Button can't even spell correctly, he's an idiot, but again that only happens because the only point of this story is to shit on their ship.

Where did Rumble even come from? Does he have a key to Rarity's shop for some reason? Does Sweetie just live there now? Also he's not going to have his chef job for very long given it's implied he just came from it. Except Sweetie was trying to go teach her class at a school, suggesting this takes place IN THE MORNING. So what? Did Rumble show up to his job for a fucking hour and then leave?

That leads to the biggest problem. If Button and Sweetie were in any sort of relationship or sleeping together that Button thought he got her "preganant" Then that flat out means she cheated on him. She lead him on, cheated on him with Rumble, and decided the best way to break the news to him was to just have Rumble flat out say he was marrying her after he knocked her up.

Don't worry Rumble. Soon as Spike shows any interest she'll go off and cheat on you with him.

Yeah hate to break it to people but this makes Sweetie and Rumble in this story to be FUCKING ASSHOLES.

I would have preferred if you just said: "Hey I hate all of you who don't like the Rumble/Sweetie Belle ship" and saved me some time.

But seriously if Button had nothing to do with Sweetie's pregnancy, why was he let in? Does Rarity not know? How does she not know? Was she in on it to fuck with Button? Why?

Yeah I had a feeling that'd be the reaction. Look, you're a good writer. I just hate that it was used for this.

But yes, I'm annoyed. I'm annoyed because all that effort was put into something like this, but all anyone is going to do is go: "Oh he just didn't like this ship" or something.

When in reality I just want more thought put into the story. You can still have this story as is and fix the issues. Sweetie could have said something like: "Why are you even here Button?" Have her and Button talk a bit more. Make it clear that they've been broken up. I get the point is that it's to lead us on that Button/Sweetie are a thing, but it's done sloppy. Sweetie could have made a comment like: "Button we haven't... nevermind" Indicating they haven't even slept together.

I'm pissed because when you stop and look at it. The world doesn't work with the context we're given and it baffles and infuriates me that no one else seems to care.

"Dude it's just a joke" Story only works so far. That's like saying: "Dude it's just a kids show" if I pointed out an issue with something that happened in the MLPFIM the show. That shouldn't be an excuse.


The problem is, this story basically can be summed up in one simple way: "I (The author) hate the SweetieMash ship, RumbleBelle is the way to go. Fuck you all."

There are people in the fandom who have hateboner towards SweetieMash because of its popularity or simply because it exists. It's easier to "shit on" popular ships. Same with Flashlight or Fluttercord. People don't have this problem with Rumble/Sweetie because it's not really that popular so there's no need for that. Or maybe it's directed only at Button Mash because let's be honest... he is a butt monkey kind of character quite often. Buttonbuse is a thing after all.

Where did Rumble even come from?

Had the same question too when I first read that. It was a twist, hence this story doesn't even have a 'Rumble' tag to begin with. :rainbowlaugh:

The funny thing is, I don't have a problem with people not liking the Sweetie/Mash ship to begin with, and while it was annoying to think I was going to get a funny story when I read this, I'm not against it being a, to put it bluntly, "Troll fic" on the ship.

What I'm angry about is that it does it in a lazy way that shows Sweetie and Rumble as assholes and no one is calling them out for it.

As the fic stands right now, I could easily write an epilogue to this story that would not only rip Sweetie and Rumble apart, make them look like entitled stupid beings, but also make Button Mash the most mature and well prepared pony in this story. No problem.

And what's irritating is it's rather easy to fix. For example:

Sweetie cracked open one eye. Button stood there, with something looking like a pizza box on his withers. His beanie spun slowly. "Button, if you brought pizza, I'm going to hold you down and yark on your face."

We can change that to:

Sweetie cracked open one eye, and sighed inwardly. 'Not him. Not now.'

Button stood there, with something looking like a pizza box on his withers. His beanie spun slowly. "Button, if you brought pizza, I'm going to hold you down and yark on your face."

This would not only aid in the fact that Sweetie is annoyed that Button is there, as she clearly is in the next few paragraphs, but it plants a seed that exposes the truth without giving it away. Most readers are still going to believe Button and Sweetie are an item. I imagine they'd imagine she doesn't want him to see her like this, or is still annoyed with him for "knocking her up" (Even though that didn't happen, we're supposed to believe it did at this point in the story.) It's also a much more realistic reaction to him being there if the idea is to establish that Rumble and Sweetie are a thing and Button is just being an idiot.

Finish that up with an alteration of this line:

Sweetie shook her head. "Move the emphasis to a different word in that sentence. You didn't make me pregnant."


Sweetie shook her head. It wasn't ideal, but maybe this would finally get it through his head she'd moved on. "Move the emphasis to a different word in that sentence. You didn't make me pregnant."

THIS establishes that Button and her might have been an item or gone on a date before, but Sweetie had long since moved past him and I guess his 'foalish' ways as the story clearly wants us to see him as a loser. This still does that but makes it very clear that he's the problem. Button needs to grow up.

The story right now doesn't do this. It paints Sweetie and Rumble as I've said before. "Fucking assholes" and that's where the bad taste comes into my mouth.

Is there any chance this could be connected to Scootaloo Gets a Twilight Lecture?

I hadn't thought about that, but I suppose it's possible not impossible.


It's certainly a thing to think about. Scoots never did prevent her own mistake on-screen, so this story could theoretically be a sequel that has Rumble learn a thing or two.

He better get a decent job in 10 months!


I would think that would be on the level of winning the Powerball jackpot, especially after the CMC Day Camp event...

Does this mean Rumble's Cutie Mark is a bad drawing of a penis?

You made me cry with that piece of shit ending, asshole. Button deserves better! I hope you dig straight down in Minecraft.

Updooted and faved.

Sweetie x Rumble is my One True Pairing.

I have lots of OTPs, and RumBelle is one.

Ever thought of using this concept in your stories?

I have a really good RumBelle romance story idea, but it's as yet only about 30% of the story -- I have the opening and the ending, but not the steps in the middle that lead from opening to closing.

Sweetie x Rumble

Scootaloo x Rumble is the OTP.

OMG!! You like wings of fire??:raritystarry::raritystarry: That's my favorite book series!!!:pinkiehappy: (To prove it I know the dragon in your profile picture is Glory)

As a scaly, not only do I love it, but I got another friend obsessed with it.



Ever since 1.17, digging down isn't really a big deal.

How does she know who the father is?

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