• Published 25th Sep 2012
  • 11,827 Views, 231 Comments

Chaos and Darkness - Paleo Prints

When Tirek steals Discord's power, only Twilight, Iron Will, and Discord himself can save Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 5: Somewhere Far Beyond

Iron Will almost wished the mists would clear, but decided that would be unfortunate since he was walking on them.

It unsettled him to have his hooves sink into condensation and find purchase and solidity. As he walked along the cloudy road, his hooves made both the sounds of stepping in mud puddles and trotting down a brick path. Some would go mad, he thought, if forced to travel along contradictions for too long.

But he found listening was better than looking.

The unyielding mists of the path were visually identical to insubstantial fog that twirled around them. The hard, foggy road was constantly evaporating into the obscuring mists the group walked through. After contemplating it for more than a space of seconds, Iron Will understood what his mother meant by “thinking too much.”

Just once, Iron dared to step by the side of the road and peer into the gloom. Carefully staying on the visible path, Iron stuck his head into the misty boundary. He saw blackness, star, and a door hanging onto nothing.

Iron Will did a double take as he looked through the open door. There was a room there, its confines stretching outward into what seemed to be from his vantage point nothing but void. Standing there regarding him back was a smiling chestnut brown earth pony in a trench-coat and tie. The pony waved, and Iron leaned in a little closer to make sure he wasn’t seeing apparitions in the smoke.

“Twilight,” he said as he fondled his axe, “I think someone’s watching us.”

Feeling a hoof tapping on his back, Iron gave a last glance at the impossible pony before stepping back onto the road. Twilight Sparkle regarded him with the eyes librarians normally reserve for patrons with bath-drenched books.

“Don’t do that, okay?” Twilight breathed out as she looked at the shifting walls of their fog tunnel. “I’m not entirely sure how this is going to work, and . . . Discord, stop waving at it!”

“Was that someone’s kitchen?” Discord pulled himself out of the mist wall, wiggling his eyebrows.

As Twilight sat down, ready to speak on the dangers of diverging from the path between ethereal realms, Iron Will quickly grabbed Discord by the arm and firmly pulled him onto the path, saying, “It never happened.”

Twilight blinked, lecture aborted. “But . . . but . . .”

“Ah, come on!” Discord tried to dig his tiny, disproportionate heels into the ground to little avail except for a sucking sound. “They had a kitchen! That means food! Or do you keep that in the garage? I’m trying to pay attention, at least!”

Iron Will kept his grip firm as he stared straight ahead. “Trust me, it never happened.”

“Well, can that have happened?” Discord’s free claw pointed up the path. “Will happen? Whatever tense mortals with a linear understanding of time use, I suppose.”

Iron Will stopped, and pitched an inch forward as he felt Twilight skid into him from behind. The fog tunnel had opened up onto an island in the void, revealing a place that made Tartaurus look like a vacation spot.

It couldn’t be described as a fortress, any more than a devouring carpet of army ants could be called “bugs.” It was many fortresses, their pointed towers rising into the air like the spiked back of a dragon. The fortress city was surrounded by a gigantic wall, discolored by unknown aeons of erosion.

Looking down, he saw hope and wonder play across Twilight’s face. Grunting, he took his axe off of his shoulder.

“Wow,” she finally concluded. “I wonder what kind of magic keeps it here.”

Iron rested his axehead on the ground, leaning onto the haft. “I wonder what kind of prisoner needs walls like that to keep contained.”

The two stood staring at the city a while until Discord snapped his fingers in front of Twilight’s face, drawing a jump and high pitched noises from her.

“Come on, Twilight, don’t be a tourist.” Discord clicked his tongue and shook his head. “Let’s see if the old bell is up and running.”

The three walked on to the fortress in the nothing.


Madness was a weakness. Logically then, Tirek knew that he couldn’t be going mad. Still, the thought was a tempting explanation for the specter that had just walked out of the wall.

Bushy green eyebrows rose in disappointed curve over red glowing eyes. He looked into the darkened hood behind those eyes and shivered. Tirek pointedly kept his stare above the figure’s neck level, in order for his brain to plausibly deny the reality of the dark-stained wizard robe the figure wore.

“No,” he stammered. “No . . . Heart.”

“Well, that’s a rude thing to say.” No Heart crossed his arms in disappointment, granting Tirek’s denial a merciful temporary reprieve. He threw a thumb through the door the princess had recently absconded through. “I mean, Luna's obviously got one, considering how you affected her.”

Tirek leapt away, smashing through a nearby stool. He drew in a deep breath from lungs he had hours ago made redundant as No Heart walked through the furniture fragments as if it wasn't there.

“Look, Tirek, you gotta change your tactics. Try singing her a song. She’s Equestrian, for Harmony’s sake. I mean, if you love someone you understand their culture, right? She’ll eat it up. I know she likes the ‘bad boy’ acts, but it only gets you so far.”

Tirek snapped his fingers, and found successive flash of light and magic did nothing to halt the advancing figure.

“You’re . . . you can’t . . .”

“Yeah, I know,” No Heart said with a shrug. “After all, ‘I’m probably just indigestion,’ right? The cell block did that play for Hearth’s Warming. I was the director.” He tapped his unseen chin thoughtfully. “Although, in hindsight, casting DeCompose as the second ghost was a mistake.”

The only thing holding Tirek back from teleporting was the shame of retreat. Looking for an opportunity, he quickly scanned the area. He realized that, except for himself, the room was dead silent. The counselor was scrutinizing him quietly, and even the proudly unemotional Royal Guards looked a little confused.

“Only I can see you,” he said softly as he crossed his arms. He snapped his fingers, as his bewildered audience found themselves in a far tower of the castle. Nodding to himself, Tirek turned a cool gaze to No Heart. “Why do you trouble me, phantom?”

"Heh. You did read that play." No Heart grabbed at a particularly large apple, his hand passing right through. He rolled his eyes. “You know, being dead would be better if you could just live a little.” He straightened up as he turned to Tirek. “Say, could you eat that, buddy? I’d love to just watch.”

“I cannot,” Tirek said as he stared back.

No Heart shrugged. “Huh. Weird diet, Horsey-Boy. Not a good fit for Equestria. Anyway, you need some help, buddy. I didn’t want to let you get into trouble, so here I am.” He drew himself up with pride. “I’m your guardian angel, Tirek.” He scratched the side of his hood. “Or at least, your guardian ex-wizard.”

“Spare me. I have no need--”

“I have this cool trick where I show you what the world would be like if you weren’t born. Would you want to--”

No Heart’s words died as quickly as he himself had under Tirek’s withering stare.

“Nah. Better not.” He snapped his fingers. “Anyway, let’s work on getting your Lil’ Woona and you together. You need to be a little more princely and less conqueror-of-worlds, Tirek.”

No Heart pointed both hands at Tirek, wiggling his eyebrows. Tirek didn’t move a muscle.

“Perhaps... ” Tirek fingered his chin, eyes cast downwards in thought.

“Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees?” No Heart's eyebrows raised to stratospheric heights.

“Perhaps accepting that the power of Chaos is driving me mad is preferable to admitting you exist.”

No Heart levitated into the air and started to circle around Tirek. The necromancer tensed, expecting an attack. The last thing he expected was No Heart’s voice deepening into a booming baritone.

“I look at you, and soon I fiiiiiiiiiind...”

“No,” Tirek said as he smashed his face into his palm. “Please no. If I am not mad, I will be soon.”

“You’re murderous with quite a bloody miiiiiiiiind...”

By The Enveloping Dark, Tirek thought, he really has converted to Harmony. He walked off, trying to ignore the singing specter hovering behind him.

“But now you’re dear, and so . . . Ah, come on, Big Guy, we haven’t even reached the chorus yet!” No Heart shrugged. “I get no respect,” he muttered as he zipped through the air after Tirek.


The gates of Tamberlon were open. Iron Will studied the vast iron portcullis spread wide before him he shuddered, suddenly imagining a hungry manticore hoping for an innocent meal to walk into its mouth. Even Discord seemed pensive, whispering jokes to himself the way some ponies whistle in the dark. The only one untouched by the architecture was Twilight.

After all, she saw the body first.

Sprawled in front of the gate was the remains of an ancient warrior pony. She (Twilight assumed it was a she because of Equestrian grammatical standards) was covered in head to hoof in ornate black armor, crowned by a horned helmet. A crimson cutie mark was engraved onto the armor’s flank, showing a circle of arrows pointing in every direction. The pony itself was almost totally a skeleton except for wisps of pure white mane clinging to the ancient scalp.

Next to the body lay an ancient sword with red runes running up and down the black blade. Twilight could feel the magic inside it, pulsing like the heartbeat of a sleeping dragon. For the first time in her life, she felt no curiosity about the strange arcane thing she had stumbled on.

Iron Will stopped at her side. “Huh. Wondered what happened to him.”

“Her,” Twilight corrected. “When in doubt of a gender, assume a pony’s female.”

He clicked his tongue. “That’s not minotaur grammar.” He shrugged. “Then again, you guys have more girls than we do.”

Momentarily quivering, Twilight turned to him. “Iron, that sentence’s gender agreements give me a headache. Discord, back me up on this.”

Discord stared at the body, shivering as his own mortality jumped out from its cosmic hiding spot at him and said “Boo.”

“Twilight, firstly I don’t think my kind even has females. Secondly, can we ignore the grammar and think on what killed this pony who was armed for Ursa Major?”

“He became lost.”

All three travelers jumped as a muscular ram stepped out of the gate. His wild blue coat was unbrushed and matted, but his red eyes commanded silence and his bearing brooked no disrespect. He held his horns high, and tusks peeked out of the bottom of his strong jaw.

Twilight spoke first, her irritation at grammatical disagreement overcoming her fear. “What happened to . . . ’him,’ Sir?”

Grogar inclined his head with a grin. Already, she calls me “Sir.” “He ended up on the wrong side of the cosmos, my dear. I believe this created a philosophical disagreement with his traveling companion, leading to angry words and the state you see him in now.”

“So, his partner,” Twilight paused to swallow, “killed him and left?”

He grinned. “One of those things is correct. Left? Heh. Don’t touch the sword.” He walked forward, and Iron Will instantly stepped in front of Twilight, drawing an amused snort from the ram. “But I forget myself. I am Grogar, the Hornlord, King of the Black Walls, Master of the Iron Houses, at your service.” His eyes flashed as they ran over Twilight, and she shivered. His look reminded her of Spike as he examined Rarity’s gem collection. “Happy am I to see a unicorn again,” he continued. “It’s been too long since your like graced my corridors.”

Noting Iron Will with amusement, Grogar sidestepped the glaring minotaur and bent his foreknees to Twilight. A lifetime of bookwormery couldn’t erased a Canterlot upbringing, and as she reflexively raised a hoof Grogar kissed it and straightened his posture.

Twilight, confused and nervous, vaguely heard the sound of splintering wood from where Iron Will gripped his axe.

Grogar peered around the speechless unicorn, and his grin spread. “Do I spy a familiar trickster hiding behind this lady’s bodyguard?”

Iron tapped his axe on the ground. “The name’s Iron Will, and I’m this lady’s motivation speaker. If dummies threaten, I'm gonna wreck'em.”

“My amused apologies,” Grogar said with his eyes still on Discord. “Is that who I think it is behind this lady’s boastful, blustering, presumptive bodyguard?”

Iron Will snorted as Discord stepped out from behind him, weakly waving.

“Heh,heh. Long time, no see, old buddy. Have you redecorated?”

Grogar snorted. “What do you seek here, Lord of Lies?”

“Lord . . .”

“ . . . of Lies?”

Baking in the amused gazes of Twilight and Iron Will and Grogar’s glower, Discord severely reconsidered the final downside of mortality.

“Yes, wonderful. I'd love you to slander me, on top of everything else. ” He unconsciously started snapping his fingers as he stared at the cobblestones. “Can this trip get any worse?”


“Man, this trip sucks.”

Rock after rock was kicked down the path, propelled by Rainbow Dash’s frustration. They skipped through the tall grass once or twice before disappearing. The only thing worse than kicking a stone to pass time is running out of stones to kick. With a frustrated growl, she took to the air, hovering just above the swaying sea of green that spread toward every horizon. Relief filled her as she broke the confining chains of gravity.

At least, until the bite on her tail yanked her to the ground.

"Rainbow, I done told ya' to stay low!"

Grinding her hooves into the mud in frustration, Rainbow lifted her eyes to Applejack's disapproving stare. Dirty, scuffed up by spike grasses and burs, and weighed down with full saddlebags, she still had offered not a single complaint for the past six hours. Rainbow had honestly started to get a little jealous about how good AJ was making out. The glimmer of a stoic pony competition burned in Dash's mind.

Respect for AJ aside, Rainbow was still bored.

"I can't believe we found a dull way to get to Canterlot. I wish we had some excitement!"

Applejack shook her head before walking off.

"I left fields and family at the drop of a hat to help out, and I'd appreciate you takin' this seriously. We all know what's at stake . . . and who."

Leaving a blushing Dash in the dust, Applejack pushed through the underbrush to find Rarity and Pinkie staring out of the cover of the grass. Pinkie had a gigantic pair of binoculars with pinwheels on the side, whereas Rarity levitated a pair of opera glasses in front of her. They gazed across an open field to a gleaming white road, watching crowds of ponies upon it streaming in the opposite direction.

"Darling," Rarity whispered, "I know you had everyone's best interests in mind, but did you have to be so hard on poor Rainbow Dash?"

Applejack sat down, grabbing a long dry stick of grass with her mouth, and started chewing.

"I'm honest, so I told her. She's loyal, so she'll snap out of it. I don't run herd on her harder than she can handle. You notice anything?"

Rarity nodded, slightly sparkling in her sequined safari outfit and pith helmet. Applejack wondered if she understood the point of camouflage.

"It seems that the number of poor dears fleeing Canterlot are increasing. I do believe we're almost there." She lowered her glasses. "I hope we reach it before I collapse. If only the trains were still running."

Applejack rested a hoof on Rarity's shoulder. "Hopefully Twilight will be there with some answers. Pinkie, see anything important?"

"Ooh, ooh, I got this one!" Pinkie Pie's smile flashed like a friendly picket fence. "I see a big, nasty bug!"

Rolling her eyes, Applejack watched Rarity shrug as she went back to her opera glasses.


A simple stone hall opened up into room that could have swallowed cathedrals. Twilight’s breath caught in her throat as she saw rows of stone pews inlaid with silver-filigree stretching far into darkness. At the other end of the chamber, Grogar stepped onto one of a pair of entwined staircases and tried to wave the group upward, but Twilight only had eyes for the house-sized artwork of stained glass that stood between the stairs. Most of it was covered in a fine sheet of dust, but a few patches where air currents had disturbed the powdery coating glimmered in the light of her horn, like forgotten jewels in a trash heap.

“Huh,” muttered Iron Will. “This would be a great place to book an engagement.” He started as he saw Twilight’s horn flare. “Twi? What are you-- ”

Her eyes glowed with power and curiosity, and at the moment, neither would be denied.

As energy streamed out of Twilight, Grogar turned and stopped. He watched, his look inquisitive, his mouth shut.

Iron Will stepped towards Twilight, blocking the glare with a raised arm as a gigantic cloud of dust lifted itself into the air. Shining brightly purple, the dust flew towards him, dragging out a deep cough as it passed Iron Will entirely, flying out of the gate behind them and into the mists of uncreation.

Discord sneezed into his claw, wiping it on a nearby pew. “Show-off,” he concluded as he stared at his palm, fascinated by the colors his nose could produce. After a moment he raised his eyes, and promptly forget all about his own secretions.

The gigantic mural shone in the light of Twilight’s horn. On either end of the mural were two cities. On the left white towers gleamed, topped with crenelated battlements that owed more to the whimsy of art than the architecture of defense. The city reclined like an artist’s model, drawing in the viewer’s eye in peaceful curves.

On the opposing side of both philosophy and the mural was the gray city, bricks clamped together tightly and with regularity under spiked platforms. Every door was shaped as a padlock. It squatted, more a fortress than a metropolis, sharp angles daring any to raise arms against it.

Atop of each city rested a bell tower. Between them, worlds floated.

Twilight’s eyes widened in wonder as the jewels, most no bigger than her hoof, were revealed to her vision to be a field of worlds spread out between the cities. Where they gathered in groups, she noted some similarities. A cluster of them were illustrated with the same red-and-blue bipedal armored knight. Though his shape and proportions changed greatly from world to world, he was always near a representation of some kind of closed chariot. Monsters, ponies, and things she couldn’t quite place spread out in front of Twilight, a sea of stories glowing in her eyes.

In places they touched. Twilight had just noticed one of the bipeds walking to a pony world on a rainbow when she felt Iron’s hand on her shoulder. Looking up, he gave her an indulgent smile.

“Go on.”

“Guh.” Twilight managed to squeeze sounds out of her throat. “Go on what?”

Iron Will rolled his eyes. “Explain it. I want to know, and you want to tell me.”

She jumped into the air with a squeak. “Really?”

He nodded, and Twilight closed her eyes and laid her hoof on her chest like a performer preparing for a song.

“It’s the Many Realms,” she said with breathless enthusiasm. “Worlds of living steel and planets of tyrannical plants, knights of light and cities of snakes. All the worlds of the Sea of Creation, anchored by the Twin Eternal Cities: Tanelorn, City of Freedom, and Tamberlon, City of Tyranny.”

To improve his craft, Iron had traveled to distant lands in order to hear from the great speakers of his day, from zebra story-chanters in carved auditoriums to griffon 'warhawks,' inciting crowds in the streets outside their parliament. Now that she was in her element, Twilight had an enthusiasm and easy confidence equal to any presenter he'd ever seen.

He kept watching her. He could watch her forever.

Grogar cleared his throat, and as Twilight jumped she noted that the once quiet goat had somehow managed to silently step within reach of her. “Baseless propaganda. I’ve always heard them referred to as the Cities of Chaos and Order.” He turned away. “By the way, that was quite an impressive display. I had no idea that you capable of such things, my dear. I’ll remember that.”

Fool, Grogar named her in his head.

Discord stepped behind Iron Will, whispering into his ear, “Is that bad guy talk? I’m familiar with bad guy talk, and I think that’s bad guy talk.”

Iron turned and shushed him.

“Such moral abstracts bore me,” continued Grogar as he walked out of view. “Let us away, my new friends.” A smile spread across his face while he ascended the stairs. “I bet there are three facts that we can definitely agree on.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow as she followed him, reluctantly tearing herself away from the expressive artwork. “And that would be?”

He spun on her, looking down over the railings. The pointed teeth of his grin glimmered unnervingly in her horn’s light.

“You need to go somewhere. I have the Bell. You need me in order to get . . . ” He left the sentence hanging with a tilt of his head.

Leaning onto Twilight's shoulder, Iron whispered, "Don't tell him. No free samples."

Twilight swallowed as she stared at Grogar's impassive face.

"A bag. We need a bag."

Eyes spreading wider that Twilight thought possible, Grogar laughed as he turned, trotting up the stairs.

Iron Will gave a low whistle as he stepped into pace beside Twilight, following Grogar. “Why do I get the feeling this guy going to try to sell us a pitch?”

Lingering almost last in the cathedral, Discord's claw delicately touched the glass mural. Underneath his finger was a rainbow, connecting a world of bipedal creatures to a world of ponies. In between the two, a blond feminine-looking biped knelt next to two familiar young alicorns. He ran a nail carefully down the side of the pink-haired filly.

“Well,” he concluded. “They certain captured your good side.” He sighed. “I suppose that’s the benefit of having one.”

As Discord stepped onto the stairs, the thing that was truly lingering last briefly stepped out of the shadows, metal limbs moving silently and gears grinding slowly as it followed the party up the stairs.

Author's Note:

Well, you can thank a thread on RPG.Net about fanfics that never updated. I decided to truncate this chapter and post some for you poor readers watching other fics move on. I hope to have the next one up soon. I can't wait to reveal the figure in the last scene.

Comments ( 28 )


Seriously, I'll felt bad for weeks not updating. I have the ending written, and I will get there.



To be honest, I... heh, I kinda forgot that this was a thing.:twilightsheepish: Read the first chapter waaaaaay back when, and lost track. Can't wait to pick it back up.

Was the dead white-haired pony a ponified Elric? (Or possibly draconequusified, considering that Discord identified him as one of his own kind... he could have been referring to Chaos mages, but given the existence of Eris in the multiverse there are most definitely female Chaos mages.)


Absolutely. On his quest for Tanelorn...he lost his way...

Oh, I did have Discord refer to him as a pony. Maybe I need to clear up that scene.

Bleh, featured box. Clop, clop, clop, interesting one-shot that turns out to be incomplete, clop, more clop, something intriguing about the elements, Chaos and Darkness, clop, yousaywhatnow?

Ohhhh boy.

It Lives!
Very happy to see this update again.


More when I have something other than a touchpad to type with.:twilightsheepish:

I know I have said this repeatedly, but it bears repeating. Tirek is an awesome villian. He is hammy and over the top and just so very evil. But at the same time, you know he is a dangerous guy. Especially now that I have actually seen Midnight Castle. Add that the the modern imaginations, like Dash of Chaos, and whew. He is dangerous and intimidating.

Grogar scares the piss out of me.

Tirek does not. Not really. But Grogar, he is frightening. I don't even know what he is fully capable of, but I am terrified of him, and terrified for our heroes here. Even the one who is a "hero" only by association. :pinkiesad2: He is more understated than most villains, but he has a presence that is almost overwhelming.

Oddly, the only other MLP villains to freak me out is Sombra. I think because he ended up doing so well with almost no active involvement.

Oooh, update. Shiny.:pinkiehappy:
Hang in there.

Nice chapter, I enjoyed it.

Some would go mad, he thought, if forced to travel along contradictions for two long.


She's loyal, so she's snap out of it.


sequined safari outfit and pit helmet


"Ooh, ooh, I got this one!" Pinkie Pie's smile flashed like a friendly picket fence. "I see a big, nasty bug!"

... Chrysalis?

I get the sense that you may be short on proofreaders and long on obscure references. I've never seen a story this good have this many typos. At least, written by anyone other than you.

Ah, Megan. Always nice even as a shout-out. :yay: lol, sorry. My mind wanders sometimes. Anyway, great Tirek and No-Heart, there. I felt pretty bad for the latter, there. :fluttercry: And what the heck's following them there at the end, I ponder.

“It’s the Many Realms,” she said with breathless enthusiasm. “Worlds of living steel and planets of tyrannical plants, knights of light and cities of snakes. All the worlds of the Sea of Creation, anchored by the Twin Eternal Cities: Tanelorn, City of Freedom, and Tamberlon, City of Tyranny.”

Oooo, neat multi-verse building.

Thanks! So, who can name the four worlds I mentioned? ;)

3977022 I can!

Worlds of Living Steel = Mondas, original Doctor Who world of the Cybermen!

World of tyrannical plants = Veggie Tales!

Knights of Light = Tron! (cuz, photons and stuff...)

Cities of snakes = Washington, DC and its suburbs!


3977022 Nope, STILL have no idea which of the near endless set of made up worlds you were referencing. So I'll just say what came to mind first. By the way, sorry it took me this long to read the newest chapter. :fluttershysad: ANYWAY, moving on.
I thought the world of living steel was Cybertron, the homeworld of the Trasnformers.
Tyranical plant world was maybe...yeah I got nothing.:rainbowhuh:
First thought with knights of light was that they were the Jedi Knights of the LIGHT side of the force from Star Wars. Second thought was that they were angel knights of heaven.
City of Snakes maybe belongs to the ancient serpent men from the Cthulhu Mythos (If I recall correctly. It's been years since I read any of it).
I'm sure all of these are wrong, but it's what I thought they might be.


Yeah, we're talking all 80's toy universes, so Cyberton (for the red/blue knight represented with the image of a covered chariot) is correct.

Tyrannical plant world is...

Knights of light is...

And for the city of snakes...Serpentor, the envelope please...

Yup. I went there.

Good to see this updating again. Short-ish chapter, but we'll see how it moves forward now...

4027345 Well, obviously those were the ACTUAL worlds.

But Troll Worlds were much more fun.


Oh geez, No Heart is doing a ghost adviser redeemer type thing on Tirek. That ought to be hilarious.
Yeah, Gorgar was amazing. Was he that awesome in the old show? I've never seen it.
So, um we have Prime. Apparently rather large amounts of Prime.
And then Megan. "Insert long drawn out alright here". Even not having seen gen 1, Megan, is well, Megan. There are two many awesome stories on this site not to know who she is.
And then at the end yet more Megan? The same Megan?

*Watches latest episode*


Duuuuude. Are you psychic?

This story got even more interesting now.

4369690 Yeah. I have t make a statement, don't I?:trixieshiftright::twilightblush:


Not sure if psychic
Or time traveler

Wow.........I'm amazed by how much of this became canon thanks to the latest episodes. Seriously, Hasbro should just start hiring fanfic writers to write episodes for season 5.

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