• Published 27th Jan 2023
  • 1,064 Views, 16 Comments

The Sorcerer Supreme of Earth - Vishanti

Enter an adventure of the sorcerer supreme of Earth and his adventures across dimensions with ponies

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Chapter 4: Beyond The Purple Veil

Author's Note:

Credit to Stan Lee and Steve Ditko for Strange Tales #119 that I used for this chapter. I promise you that there will be an original chapter from me, I just want to introduce Doctor Strange characters to the MLPverse.

It was a normal day in Griffonstone, a small city built on a large, leafless tree and a gray castle on the very top, where almost all the griffons live in complete poverty.

The homes are made of hay and wood, some nearly broken down. The skies seem lifeless with its gray color, clouded with misty clouds.

It was the same normal day where griffons struggle to get by, to get any scrap for their survival. No griffon would help another unless it benefited themselves.

This was considered a normal day in Griffinstone, and it hasn’t changed since years ago. That is until today, the sky glowed in a sinister purple color.

Many griffons stopped their fighting or arguments and stared in awe or fear.

The purple sky swirled like a hurricane with a gaping hole in the center. Then something came from the gaping hole, it shot out like a shooting star while glowing a bright piercing purple light.

The light hit the ground near Griffonstone with a loud shake of the ground as if it was an earthquake.

The purple hurricane soon disappears, fading away and turning the sky back to its original gray color.

The griffons stand deadly still, not knowing what they had just witnessed. Those that were brave or stupid enough visited the crater site and were immediately astounded by what they saw, their greed growing at the sight of a beautiful purple gem.

One griffon picked it up before another tried to grab it, another tried to take it and a fight commenced. Their greed consumes their sense of reasoning.

Suddenly, the gem produced some purple mist. Any griffons that were too close to the gem’s purple mist suddenly vanished into nothing along with the mist.

The griffons care little for the lives of other fellow griffons as they try to take the gem for themselves. Some were shocked but continued on to take the gem. Others with enough intelligence decide to run or fly away, knowing that it was a losing battle against a group of griffons.

Meanwhile on Earth, at the Sanctum Sanctorum, the Sorcerer Supreme struggles to find something that was almost stolen, but now missing.

“Damn those demons of Denak! If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have lost the gem!” He swore as he searched every nook and cranny of the sanctum, opening every door to another dimension, to his overgrown infested jungle of a bedroom, even into the dark abyss of the dungeons. He has asked Bats the ghost dog, the tribal creatures that live in his bathroom and kitchen dimensional pipes, and even the talking-flirting coral snakes, and yet to no avail of any missing Purple Gem.

For you see; some demons from a hell dimension had somehow managed to escape to Earth’s dimension and it has been a hassle to get rid of them.

The little demon spawns have been throwing relics and mystic objects left and right while running and jumping around, meanwhile Doctor Strange was catching the thrown objects while trying to stop the demons from ever stepping foot on earth again.

At some point, the demons grabbed a sinister object; the Purple Gem. While Doctor Strange was busy putting things back in place, the demons conjured up a portal and threw the gem in. Doctor Strange was hoping that the portal led somewhere in the house, but so far it didn’t.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

After dealing with the demons, by throwing them away to another hell dimension, he enters the Chamber of Shadows, a room where only one of the many relics crafted by Agamotto, Earth’s first Sorcerer Supreme, is displayed in the center of the room: The Orb of Agamotto.

This particular relic works as a mystic surveillance around the whole world and beyond to other dimensions. Even as a gateway to them.

Using the Eye of Agamotto is sometimes, randomly risky. Now you may be wondering why, because there are times where Agamotto is bored or having a moodswing. If this happens at the exact same time while someone is using the orb, then Agamotto will transport them in his dimension to satisfy his boredom.

And for some strange reason, he can’t for the life of him figure out why Agamotto would sometimes take the form of a smoking caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland.

But anyways, the Orb of Agamotto is inside a wooden display case with three curved legs.

“By the Orb of Agamotto, reveal to me the location of the Purple Gem.” At Doctor Strange's command, the case covering rises from its enchanted Cask of Concealment and the crystal ball from within levitates.

The orb itself appears to be an exact replica of Earth. You may think it’s just a globe but if you look closely you could see the ocean’s tide waving and the clouds moving as if the globe is alive. And in some ways, yes, it sort of is.

The globe then morphs into a yellow light, all static-like. Sort of like changing channels.

But then the orb changed into colors, something that has never happened before. Doctor Strange worried for his safety whether or not he should conjure a barrier in case something were to happen.

But just then, the orb stopped and had the image of a location he had never seen before.

What lies within the image is a mountain with a dead tree that also has a city built into it. Doctor Strange feels a strange sense of familiarity as if he visited there before, but when?

He couldn’t exactly recall if he had ever been to this land. Maybe checking it out will clear some confusion.

“By the Omnipotent Oshtur! By the Hoary Host of Hoggoth! let the Orb of Agamotto take me to this place at once!” And as he commanded, the Orb transported Doctor Strange to the location he would later know as Griffonstone.

On the high hills outside of Griffonstone, a light shined before it turned into smoke. When the smoke faded away it revealed Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange looks around and sees the city he saw before, if the Orb of Agamotto shows that the Purple Gem was somewhere around there, then he will begin his search there.

With a mental command to his Cloak of Levitation, he flew up in the air and headed to the city on the tree.

After a short while, he gracefully landed on the entrance of the city, not wanting to intrude rudely, he knocked on the heavy gates. He was answered by a griffon in armor.

“What are you doing around here in these parts?” The griffon guard asked in his rough voice and rudeness laced within it. Not wanting to sound like a thief by asking if he could get back a gem that suddenly appeared in someone’s home. So he lied. “Greetings, I was just here for a visit to meet a friend of mine. Mind letting me in?” Doctor Strange asked kindly.

The griffon guard gave a look of glaring suspicion. “I never seen you around here before, how can I tell you ain’t lying?” He asked.

“Will this cover it?” Doctor Strange asked and he made a risky choice in bribing the guard with gold coins that he materialized from an illusion spell.

The griffon’s eyes sparkled and he yoinked the gold coins from his hands, bit one to check if it was real. When it felt real to him he scooted to a side to let the sorcerer in.

Doctor Strange didn’t take a moment of hesitation as he walked into the city gates, unbelieving that the guard took the offer. “Unbelievable, he was easy to bribe! He must be really poor if he would accept any gold, or really greedy.” Thought Doctor Strange.

With that aside, Doctor Strange walked through the streets of the city, trying to find the sinister feeling that is produced from the gem that only mystics can sense. He has also noticed the terrible state the city is in.

It reminded him of home when he was younger. The filthy streets, the unstable homes, the poverty of it all.

He saw the poor state and condition most griffons are in. How they scavenge anything for food or other needs, while others steal for greed. He wondered, if Wong had not found him, would he live like this too? He mustn't ponder any longer, he needs to find that Purple Gem.

If some of these griffons are greedy enough to steal jewelry or gold, it’s probably safe to assume someone must’ve got to it before him. If so, then he better move quickly or they might fall victim to the trap of the Purple Gem.

In the home of an eagle griffon, she placed down a sack next to her door. She reached in the sack and pulled the purple gem she had found from the outside walls of Griffonstone.

She placed it down on the only table she had and glanced at it before going back cooking with what she had for a small meal. “I bet I could make some pretty bits if I sell this.” She muttered.

In the streets of Griffonstone, Doctor Strange can feel he was getting close, he had to move quickly.

“By the Eye of Agamotto, reveal to me the exact location of the Purple Gem!” The amulet obeyed his wishes and it opened its eye, shedding a light of projection to the Purple Gem currently laying on a table with an eagle griffon nearby. The projection then zoomed out of a window to reveal the small house of the eagle griffon.

“Now I know, I have to hurry!” He made a mad dash as his cloak aided him to breeze through the air faster. His thought focused on saving the griffon before it was too late.

The eagle griffon ate her meal, taking glances at the Purple Gem that is sitting on her table. She picked it up and fondled it with her claws, looking at its beautiful shape as it shone.

But just then, the Purple Gem gave off a purple mist like it has before. The griffon’s eyebrow raised in confusion before her eyes widened in fear as the mist got bigger and completely surrounded her body.

Doctor Strange bursts in through the door but is too late as the Purple Gem has claimed its next victim.

Knowing what he had to do, he must allow himself to be taken by the Purple Gem if he wished to save the kidnapped griffon.

The Purple Gem produces its purple mist, Doctor Strange allows it to consume him, to transport him to where the victims are taken to.

Then, after the mystic purple mist has cleared, Doctor Strange finds himself in a different world, a different dimension. The landscape appears to be a deserted land with rocky hills.

Off in the far distance, he spots a line of griffons chained in cuffs and are being taken to somewhere. The line was guarded by multiple humanoid guards in red armor, carrying weapons with a similar design to kwan-dao.

The red guards kept a closer eye on the line of their new captives. “Move, slaves!” A red guard bellowed. “The all-powerful must not be kept waiting!” It growled. The griffons shook in terror as they did as their captors demanded.

But then, one of the red guard spots Doctor Strange. “Halt the procession!” the red guard ordered as it pointed at the cloaked sorcerer. “An intruder approaches! He must be made captive! After him!”

All red guards charged toward the sorcerer, unknowing to who they were messing with. Even in that occult dimension, the power of Doctor Strange is a force beyond description as he hurls back his attackers by merely raising his arms and reciting an enchanted incantation.

When all are fallen he moves to one that is close to him. “By the Roving Rings of Raggadorr, my will is your will. You will obey me.” With the manipulative hypnotizing spell complete, the red guard stood on the demands of Doctor Strange. “Take me to your ruler.” Doctor Strange ordered, and the red guard obeyed.

Doctor Strange was taken to what appears to be an empire built on two tall mountains that are connected through a natural rock bridge. There was a volcano in the back that produced purple ash in the air.

Doctor Strange entered the throne room and confronted the ruler of the red guards, their so-called all powerful.

The ruler appears to be a green bald man in red clothing with a two pointed collar and a large purple belt. He has a large mouth, or was it a wide grin? Hands with only three fingers.

“Who dares to enter my throne room?” The ruler asked.

“I dare.” Doctor Strange responded with fierce confidence in his voice.

“Who are you? And why do you look familiar?” The slave ruler asked.

“I am Doctor Strange, and I demand to know who you are as well?” Doctor Strange asked.

“Doctor Strange? He looks nothing like I remembered the last time we met. Has he perhaps gone shorter? Shaved his beard?” The ruler thought before standing from his throne. “I am Aggamon, and it seems you have forgotten it.”

Doctor Strange raised a brow. He wishes to question, but he could not delay any further as he had to save the enslaved captives. “I demand to challenge you for the freedom of the griffons. What do you say?” Doctor Strange said.

Aggamon grinned. “You may have been powerful since the last time we met, but I have grown stronger!” Aggamon releases an intense wave of magic power, rivaling Doctor Strange’s presence.

“So it seems, but can you prove it?” Doctor Strange challenged with his own grin.

“Guards! Make preparations for the arena!” Demanded Aggamon.

Minutes have passed and Doctor Strange watches the slaved griffons from the side with a glum look. The griffons have worked tirelessly and restlessly as they are whipped if they even try to stop to catch a breath. The Griffons are to be sent to the mines in search of jewels for Aggamon’s ever ending greed.

A red guard approached the cloaked sorcerer. “The arena has been set up, Aggamon awaits for you. Come with me.” The red guard said with a sneer look at the sorcerer.

Doctor Strange followed his escort as he was taken to an elevator down to the side of the arena.

Doctor Strange awaits as the gate to the arena opens for him to enter.

Doctor Strange was temporarily blinded by the sunlight as he entered the arena. The arena was packed with audiences, the crowd cheered for their leader with roars and excitement, while Doctor Strange was given words and curses of discouragement.

Aggamon raised his arms to embrace his followers before turning to his foe. “We will test who is superior in magic with skills of mystic prowess. Whoever falters or begs for the battle to stop will lose. If I win; you will be my slave. If you win; the griffons are yours. ” Aggamon explained.

“Whatever it takes to free the griffons from your control, I will do whatever it takes.” Doctor Strange accepted.

“Then let the battle begin!” Aggamon starts by hurling a bolt of fire at Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange reacted by jumping high in the air with the help of his cloak to dodge the bolt.

As Doctor Strange hovers in the air, Aggamon shoots bolts of orbs made of elements. Doctor Strange conjured multiple Ruby Rings of Raggadorr to block the bolts individually. The bolts of elements and mystic rings break like glass upon impact.

After that Doctor Strange releases a chain of lighting at Aggamon as Aggamon projects a shield barrier that absorbs the lighting.

Doctor Strange lands on the ground and uses the sand beneath them to form into multiple swords. The swords floated by his side in a circle as he made a mental command to fight for him.

The swords then were swung at Aggamon, who responded by blasting them away, blocking their attacks with mystic barriers.

Doctor Strange takes advantage of Aggamon’s distraction by throwing multiple Rings of Raggadorr like frisbees at Aggamon. Aggamon earth bended the ground to form a wall in front of him to block the rings while destroying the swords into dust.

Doctor Strange breaks through the wall and punches Aggamon with vigor. Aggamon managed to grab Doctor Strange’s wrists and threw him to the ground hard in a mini crater. Aggamon tempted to crush the sorcerer with his boot but Doctor Strange’s cloak dragged its wearer away in time from the powerful, head crushing kick.

The cloak twists and turns Doctor Strange in midair to put him back on his feet facing Aggamon. He swiped any sand off his cloak’s shoulder.

Doctor Strange then places his hands on the ground to unleash a devastating earthquake that makes Aggamon fall to the ground. Doctor Strange took this chance to throw a Ring of Raggadorr to Aggamon's chest. Aggamon was hit off his feet and crashed against the arena’s wall.

Aggamon groaned as he slumped from the wall. Doctor Strange stops his attack but keeps his guard up. “Had enough?” Doctor Strange quips.

Aggamon growled. “This isn’t finished unless I, Aggamon, say so!” He shouts as he stands up. He pulls out a device with two hand grips and points it at Doctor Strange.

“I will not fall!” The device drains Aggamon’s power and converts it to shoot out a powerful beam of light. Doctor Strange couldn’t move physically in time to conjure a shield spell, so with the speed of a thought he made a mental command to open the Eye of Agamotto. The eye opened and too shot out a beam of light, pushing back the beam that was meant to harm its master.

Both sorcerers were stuck in a beam struggle, pushing everything they have against each other to make one lose. They’ve been standing there for seconds, maybe even minutes. Sweat poured from their heads as they huff and puff in their continued struggle for victory. Their knees quiver to near collapse. They hunched as they both slowly kneel to the ground, feeling nearly drained and tired. But they dared not stop, they dare not pass out to rest.

Both finally collapsed to the ground on their bottoms after many hours as both of their magic is equally drained.

“Give it up, fool... I will win! …In fact! I believe I already have…” Aggamon slowly said, taking breaths between each word. He uses his arms to support himself in an attempt to get up but struggles to do so.

“It is you who should give up… I still have enough energy to hurl another spell at you…” Doctor Strange bluffed as he knew he was as tired as Aggamon. But he had to do whatever it takes to save the griffons.

Aggamon became paranoid, too afraid to call out his bluff. He did not want to take the chance of his possible death. “If what the Doctor says is true, then I will die! I mustn't let that happen!” Aggamon thought.

As Doctor Strange crosses his legs and sits to catch his breath in a cool matter, Aggamon glares with loathe and fear. So he did the one thing to save his very life. “Fine! I forfeit!” Aggamon shouts, admitting defeat.

As promised, all the griffons were finally set free back home to Griffonstone, and Doctor Strange was able to retrieve the Purple Gem by buying it off from the eagle griffon.

“Thanks for the gold bits, big guy.” The eagle griffon said as she played with the bag of gold coins in her hands by throwing it up in the air then catching it repeatedly.

“You’re very welcome, lady.” Doctor Strange said as he put the Purple Gem in his pocket below his yellow sash. “Uh, I prefer not to be called “lady”, I'm not that old.” The griffon groaned out as she tucked her bag under her wing, like a pocket.

Doctor Strange turns to her, tilting his head to the side. “Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you. What should I call you?” Doctor Strange asked. “Just call me Gilda.” Gilda said as she went back to her home.

Doctor Strange hummed, quite fascinated with the unorthodox his mystic adventures are going. But with that said, Doctor Strange portals home to his Sanctum. He has quite the story to tell to Bats.

The only thing he had left was a question in his head. “Who gave the demons enough power to enter Earth’s Dimension?” He thought.

In fact, now that he has thought about it, his thoughts ponder the events of Dormammu and Nightmare. He knew they were powerful in their own right, but not powerful enough to travel into another dimension, another universe, another multiverse, without help.

Someone has, or was, helping them, and the question is; who?

The End

(To Be Continued)