• Published 6th Jan 2023
  • 1,458 Views, 142 Comments

40 Years - bookhorse125

A community collaboration of a tale that spawns across all generations of My Little Pony.

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Chapter 7 - Admiral Producer

It didn’t take long for our heroes to register that the bells had been shattered across all of Equestria. Grogar had vanished and was now going after the pieces of his bell, that much was certain. In the ensuing panic that followed, Twilight declared martial law and it was at this point that the formerly-doubting citizens finally believed her.

They had seen Grogar firsthoof and now it was undeniably clear that action had to be taken soon. As Twilight mulled over potential solutions with Spike back at Canterlot, it was decided that the twenty one other ponies from the other generations would have to stay with the citizens of Canterlot. Following Twilight’s federal mandate, Rarity helped make arrangements for each resident to house two of the newcomer ponies.

The citizens of Canterlot begrudgingly accepted the other ponies. They were initially hesitant as these “foreigners” looked nothing like them in any way, but they did so once it was made clear that anypony who did not comply with the mandate would be arrested.

Gael showed Sunny and her friends to their bedrooms. They would all stay in Celestia’s old suite and would have to sleep together. Izzy didn’t mind, of course. To her, anything worth doing was always worth doing with friends. Misty was also accommodated as she had no one else to stay with.

Needless to say, Zipp had some choice words for the blue unicorn once they were alone.

“I knew it!” Zipp shouted, pacing back and forth in front of the bed. “I knew it the whole time! I knew from the moment you didn’t know anything from Bridlewood that you couldn’t be trusted! You lied to me, you lied to Pipp, YOU LIED TO IZZY!!!”

Izzy sat in the corner solemnly, refusing to look at any of them.

“Please…let me explain-“ Misty tried.

“No!!” Zipp shot back. “How can we ever trust you again?! I gave you the benefit of the doubt so many times, denied my own instincts, let Izzy and Pipp stand up for you and this is how you repay us?!! Heck, at this point, how do we know that you’re not with Grogar?!!!”

Misty glared at her. “If I was with Grogar, I wouldn’t be here with you, now would I?!”


“Zephyrina Storm!!!” Pipp scolded.

“Okay okay,” Sunny interjected. “Let’s try to approach this rationally.” She approached the timid unicorn slowly. “Misty, I’m willing to listen. Why were you with Opaline?”

Tears came to Misty’s eyes. She quickly wiped them as she didn’t want to seem weak in front of the Mane Five. “She found me when I was a filly and…she promised me that if I did what she told me to do…I would get my cutie mark…”

That was when Izzy turned her head to look at her. “You don’t have one?”

Misty shook her head. “No, I don’t…but it was all I ever wanted. I’m sorry, Izzy. I really am. You welcomed me with open hooves and I just…lied to you…”

Izzy got up, walking over slowly. “What else are you hiding, Misty…? You can tell me, I won’t judge you.”

Zipp scoffed indignantly.

Misty took a shaky breath. “My name isn’t Brightdawn, I’m the one who stole Sunny’s lantern, I tried to take Sparky, and I sent Zipp that picture of the Ocean Lily. I also never lived in Bridlewood. Are you happy now…?”

“So basically everything I accused you of was true,” Zipp said. “Yeah, checks out. I know now to never doubt my intuition again. And you are leaving at dawn! Nopony wants you here after what you did. I don’t care what reasons or sob story you have. You lied to all of us! You put us in danger, and all for what?! To get a cutie mark?!! A STUPID CUTIE MARK?!!!”

Misty looked down in shame.


“Z-Zipp I-I d-didn’t-“

DID YOU?!!! DID YOU?!!!!”

Misty was sobbing now, burying her face in her hooves as the reality of everything she did finally set in. She had broken the trust of the only ponies who ever truly loved her. The Mane Five never judged her or ordered her around. They never made her feel worthless. On the contrary, they welcomed her with open hooves and invited her to participate in their fun activities. They actually cared about her. They trusted her.

And she threw all that away.

“ZIPP!!!! THAT’S ENOUGH!!!!!” Izzy yelled at her friend.

Zipp was stunned into silence. “I-But she lied to you, Izzy. She put us all in danger multiple times!!”

“I don’t care, Zipp!!!!” Izzy shouted through tears of her own. “Misty’s had it rough already, can’t you give her a break?!! She did all this so she could feel valued and appreciated!!! That’s all she ever wanted, that’s all I ever wanted before I found all of you!! Do you really want to judge her for doing these things to us when any of us would’ve done the exact same thing if we were in her situation?!!! Even Sunny would’ve!!!!”

All eyes turned towards Sunny.

Sunny nodded slowly. “It’s true. The ponies of Maretime Bay don’t actually care about me or my causes….I’ve been mocked and belittled for my beliefs my entire life, never being able to share them with anyone. To tell you the truth, if you hadn’t comforted me there, Izzy…I would’ve fallen victim to Opaline’s grooming.”

“Opaline spoke to you…?” Misty asked.

Sunny nodded again. “She told me that the only way I could get ponies to listen to me was through being an alicorn. She wanted me to become like her. And I was so close to doing just that…”

Hitch came over to her. “Sunny…I had no idea-“

“Yes you did,” Sunny replied sternly. “I don’t blame you for thinking the way you did, but you saw how much unity with unicorns and pegasi meant to me. I told you about it for years. We played games and I told you stories about it from what my Dad told me. And you just dismissed it all as fantasy!! You never stuck up for me when Phyllis and the ponies mocked me at Canterlogic!! You even told me that if I didn’t stop fighting for what I believed in, you would stop being my friend!! Do you know how much that hurt me?!”

Hitch sighed. “I can only imagine. Listen Sunny…you have no idea how much I look back at those times with disgust, how many sleepless nights I experience just thinking about what would’ve happened if I never came around. Especially now. I should’ve listened to you. And my actions nearly resulted in Sprout causing a race war.”

“I don’t blame you for thinking that way as I said…” Sunny spoke with a shaky voice. “But it did hurt. It hurt a lot. And after what happened a couple months ago…I just can’t help but think. Am I even valued by anypony? Or is the Alicorn who everypony wants to see and not me…?”

Almost in an instant, she felt a hoof on her shoulder. She flinched, startled, and looked to see who the touch belonged to. It was Hitch’s. Then Izzy slowly walked up and lay hers down as well, followed by Zipp and Pipp walking over and doing the same as well. Finally, Misty came over and lay her hoof on Sunny’s other shoulder. They all looked at her with the same empathy, the same understanding, and the same determination. Sunny sniffled, finally smiling back as she realized her friends were still there for her no matter what.

They were her family.

Once the exchange was done, they each let go. With newfound resolve, Sunny walked over towards Misty, who was heading towards the door.

“Misty, wait!” Sunny called after her.

Misty turned, her right hoof on the doorknob. “Huh? Oh, I was just leaving now. Glad to see you’re feeling better!”

“Misty, no,” Sunny put a hoof out in friendship. “Stay. We still have a mission to take care of. We’ve got to find the pieces of that bell before Grogar does. I forgive you.”

Misty couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You-you do?”

Sunny nodded enthusiastically, followed by the others. Even Zipp nodded. “After hearing what we’ve all been through…I shouldn’t judge you too harshly, Misty. You did betray us, but…I think redemption is in store. We shouldn’t rule that out.”

Misty smiled back, her first genuine smile in a long time. “Thank you…I’ll do my best to help.”

Pipp smiled approvingly. “That’s why you’re one of us.”

“I gotta say,” Hitch piped up. “The search for a broken Bewitching Bell should be pretty easy.”
The Arctic Wasteland
Southeast of the Crystal Empire….

“Or not…” Hitch finished.

A strong blizzard was blowing through the snowy wasteland. That morning, Twilight had assigned every pony involved in the search to get into teams of five. Hitch’s team consisted of himself, Applejack, Gusty, StarSong, and Bonbon.

Hitch and his teammates had elected to travel to the Arctic North to see if pieces of the bell had ended up there. He had decided this, thinking that it would be an easy task to search for a bell with magical properties.

Little did he know, this was not going to be an easy search in the slightest.

“How are we supposed to find Grogar’s bell in this blizzard?” Applejack demanded. “I reckon you got a plan, sheriff?”

Hitch gulped. “U-um yes. Indeed, I do. Follow me, everypony. And hold on to your scarves!!!”

Author's Note:

Here you go!! This chapter was definitely on the feels side, but I wanted to get some character development with the Mane Five (and Misty) in before our fetch quest officially begins. This was fun to write. Let me know if you need my help with any more chapters in the future. I’m always open to helping with this story.

Special thanks to Admiral Producer for writing this chapter!

Hey, guys! Been a while. Sorry about that. But I have decided that, in the light of no one else volunteering, that we're just going to go back through the authors that have already contributed and see if they would like to do another chapter. Hopefully, that should result in some more consistent posts. I appreciate your patience. Thank you so much!

Constructive criticism is appreciated. Thank you for reading!