• Published 30th Dec 2022
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Changing Our Destinies - silent_user

Twilight managed to see glimpses of her future during her entrance exam. But instead of becoming Celestia’s protege, she steps off the path laid out for her and chooses to take matters into her own hooves. After all, Celestia won’t mind, right?

  • ...

Chapter 21 - When Elements Fall

Thrilled, she rushed into the living room. “Honey, I have good news!”

Her husband sat motionless on the couch, staring at an article on the table.

It was a very unusual sight. "Honey?"

"We shouldn’t have allowed them to take her," Hondo mumbled with a blank expression.

And she knew who he meant by that. "Honey!"

"They say that Twilight Sparkle is Celestia’s daughter... If that is the truth, the whole story they gave doesn’t add up..." They had overwhelmed them and took their daughter before they could do anything.

Yet it wasn't like they would have said no had they been asked in earnest.

"...It can still all be true..." Since when did newspapers contradict the official narrative?

"If she is Celestia’s daughter, then the princess will have no problem sacrificing Rarity to save her." A unicorn from some rural town or a high-born alicorn?

The choice was obvious.

"She would do that for the good of the country, yes! But she would try all other options first!" Surely it wouldn’t come to that?

"I need good news, Cookie... Please give me the good news." They were powerless.

Even if they had been told that Rarity was about to be publicly executed, they could have done nothing but watch.

"Rarity is going to get a little sibling."


Once we meet them…

What will we do?

What will we do with the power that you have?

Rainbow stopped her. "We want to make things better, but what exactly does that mean?

“I want to clear that up before we go there.”

Just for us?

For all but for Equestria?

Do we maybe… switch sides?

“Well… As I said, we must defeat at least some of the creatures I have seen in my vision. They will threaten everything we have.” Rainbow was right.

What would they do once they had reached civilisation?

What would they do to two fillies, one of which was an alicorn?

You don’t really know it either, do you?

But that was understandable. After all, it was a crucial question. “Ok. That much is obvious. But aside from that?”

“I… I may have some ideas, yet I am unsure if they are practical.” And they were still based on when she thought she would inevitably have to rule Equestria.

“Spit it out, Twi. If it is your idea, then it can't be all that bad.” Rainbow was longing for some guidance.

“Dashie… you are a charmer.” Twilight blew a kiss in her direction. “How about we change this world? Transform noble assemblies into ones where everypony can get into… like with random chance? Or maybe elections?”

Oh wow… and you called me a rebel! If they had heard you say that, and you weren’t her daughter, they wouldn’t have left a single feather of you to find.

But now that she thought about it, it seemed like an improvement. “That could work.” Then again, there were also issues. “But what if they aren’t fit?”

“I… we could make it a purely advisory body. That way, we wouldn't have to listen to them if they are in the wrong.” It was what she had in mind anyway.

Yeah, that- "That way, we wouldn't have to listen to them if they are in the wrong."

“How about we change this world? Transform noble assemblies into ones where everypony can get into, like with random chance? Or maybe elections?”

Do you plan to take over the world!

Or maybe Twilight had misspoken, not realising how her words could be interpreted. “Who is we?” Rainbow asked innocently.

“You, Spike, and I, as well as those we deem worthy… like maybe Fluttershy and Pinkie?” Twilight still hadn’t thought it out till the end.

I don’t understand… Should I just ask directly?

Not yet. She first wanted to get more details about her fillyfriend's plan for their future. “But… wouldn’t they get mad if we just overrule them?”

“Probably… it’s complicated. If we overrule them all the time, then this system becomes worthless," she admitted.

But how! How would we get to that point!

“And what if you just rule without any parliament?” Rainbow was still trying to formulate her thoughts on the matter.

“I…” Twilight avoided eye contact.

Oh, Twilight…

“Twi?” Rainbows shook her head. “Do you actually want to rule alone?”

“No.” Twilight tried her best to hide it.

“Do you want to rule the planet with me and Spike as some sort of dictator?” This was what this amounted to, wasn’t it?

“If we know what’s best, then why shouldn’t we? The system is only a problem since Celestia is on the throne…." Twilight sighed. Once again, Rainbow had seen right through her. “But the problem is that I may fall to the same fallacies she did… if she wasn't always like this, that is.” Yet she wasn’t alone, unlike Celestia.

She had others looking out for her.

Others like Rainbow and someday even Spike.

“Twi!” Only the blue filly didn’t seem too happy about her plan for the future. “Why do you even want to rule!"

“I need to protect you!” Twilight screamed. “I need to protect him! I am not omnipotent! I need ponies who can help me! Help me against the barrage of hostiles in this world! Why do you think Celestia took and kept the throne! Because she needs ponies who make food, who spy for her, who keep her informed, who fight for her! She can’t do that all alone! If she tried, then someday an enemy would take her by surprise in the hole she chose to hide in!”

You are an alicorn… a valuable target.

A nation to protect you would help.

“I am sorry.” Still, it didn’t seem like the correct answer to their problems. “Twi… How many more enemies would we have to make to get to that point?”

“None,” Twilight grinned. “I will disguise us, and we can gather intelligence about this place. Then when we are done, we can make the perfect show.

"A show about how a goddess has come to safe them all, ready to gift them with a life of dreams."


We can’t…

We can’t manipulate them like they manipulated us.

“You are scared. You want to prepare for war," Rainbow told her. "I am scared. I want us to go somewhere safe where we can be ourselves."

"Someday, an enemy would take her by surprise in the hole she chose to hide in!"

“No, Dashie! This isn't a joke! We must make sure to confront them, or they will control us!” Why couldn’t her fillyfriend see it?

This is her talking.

This isn’t you.

“Twi… I don’t know if you are picturing an environment where I can be happy in.” This was what she truly feared.

I don’t want to live in a bunker, scared about my own subjects, always having to navigate politics.

I just want to be free.

"Free in the sky, free as a bird." Twilight sang as if she knew her thoughts. "Dashie… we are just two fillies… how else can we survive but use my status as an alicorn?”

No money…

No home…

No food and water…

“We can take a home somewhere by force, but then what?” Twilight continued playing out the scenario. “We will need to grow or steal food… maybe we can start making money somehow despite our age, yet I fear that me being an alicorn will paint a target on my back, no matter where we are.

"Do you want me to hide for the rest of my life?"

"Do you want me to hide for the rest of my life?"

You are right… this isn’t the answer either.

“Once food and a home are secured, we can live, but there is still the issue of making you an alicorn and defeating our enemies. The resources a nation could provide in this endeavour would be invaluable, or do you want us to walk around for years, trying to find what we need?” And once they had found it, they would still need to get their hooves on it.

It was unlikely that they would be allowed access to most of what they needed without force.

Why do you have to make so much sense!

"We could walk for ten years, yet never find what we are looking for, but if we send out a bunch of ponies working for us, the likelihood of success would increase dramatically, and once we have found it, we could pay for it using state found or take it using spies or even our army,” Twilight finished her pitch.

This is like a school presentation, only with the topic of why you should be allowed to declare yourself supreme leader over a random nation.

“…I still don’t want it.” Rainbow was having trouble keeping up her resistance.

“I understand… My angel wants to fly, not sit with a cabinet.” Truth be told, she wasn’t too keen on arguing with a bunch of bootlickers, either.

You already know that… because it already happened?

“It will be hard for some time, though once everything is set up, we can delegate most tasks and live in a castle far away. In the gardens, we can fly all day," Twilight promised.

This is wrong… we would be rulers! We would have obligations! This is Celestia in the making!

“Never!” Twilight jumped back in surprise. “The apple may not fall far from the tree, but you bet I can pick it up and drag it away!”

I-I-I am doing it….

I thought I wouldn’t be strong enough…

But here she was doing what she considered was saving Twilight from inevitable-


She wouldn’t be unhappy…

I would be unhappy, making her unhappy…

“Ok,” Rainbow suddenly relented. “We will go with it.”

Her plan is good.

Her reasoning is good.

She wants this.

You must want it, too.

It wouldn't have to be this way forever. Maybe once they defeated the threats Twilight had talked about and managed to make her immortal, they could reconsider.

“Dashie… I… I just don’t know what else to do…” Twilight sobbed. “It will make everything so much easier…”

I know.

If we want to make me immortal, then we will have to start somewhere.

“She will hunt for me… I need to know her moves, yet we are far away… I need ponies to spy on her, yet you turned the changelings against us…."

I… I am sorry.

“Spike is young… he shouldn’t be taken on some dangerous adventure.” The dragon needed to finally get a safe space to grow up.

You are right.

"This is the only way I can think of that will allow us to keep an eye out for her, let Spike grow up in peace, have ponies dedicated to protecting us, ponies dedicated to doing our research on making you immortal for us and allow us to prepare for Nightmare Moon as well as Discord.

“All this while still having a good life in a castle of our dreams, where all our needs will be catered to.” Was there really no other way?

If it hadn’t been for those vamponies, then we could have done all that while being in a lovely house far away from-

I was the one that prevented it… Isabella would have taken us to that house if I-I-I-

“Argh!” Rainbow screamed. “Why have I done that! Why! Why! Why am I always messing up! Why can’t I use my brain like a normal pony! Why! Why put you in an impossible position where you-"

“I was always destined to be a villain, Dashie.” Twilight held her in place with an iron grip-like hug. "That’s why I am a devil. Only angels reflect on their decisions. Only angels do that because it makes them realise the error of their ways."

You are not destined to be a villain…

You are destined to become the element of magic!

And you are reflecting on what you are doing! Otherwise, you wouldn't have admitted that you know that it's wrong!

“I am the villain. I am forcing you to do this, which makes you an innocent victi-”

“No, Dahsie.” Twilight shot her down. "A normal pony would accept that you have to die. This is all only happening because I am going on a war with nature itself.”

A normal pony wouldn't be forced to live forever, seeing all of what she loves die.

“Dashie… I don't know how to die, which means that I might be forced to live forever, no matter what.

“Even if I desperately want to leave, I would still be forced to stay.

“Stay without you and maybe one day without Spike.” And she couldn’t allow that.

No matter how many would have to suffer for it.

I don’t want all of this…

I don’t like all of this…

Why can’t we just ignore it?

“Twi… don’t say that.” She didn’t want to hear Twilight contemplating these things.

Hypocrite. You would have loved to punish yourself just a few moments ago. It's only because you didn't have anything at hoof to smash-


“Dashie… If you really don't want this… I will find… I just don't want Spike…." This was the moment.

The moment where Twilight would have to contemplate whose well-being was more important.

Rainbows or Spikes.

You want him to grow up in peace and not on a wild adventure through the world…

I need to take a step back! His well-being is more important!

“Spike will manage. We can do this. Come.” Twilight took a step forward, only to be stopped once more.

No… This was the wrong answer! You hurt him!

“Idiot!” She slapped Twilight as hard as she could. “Parents sacrifice their well-being for their child, not the other way around!"


“No! You should have seen his look just now! You think he will love us when we only have eyes for each other, always sacrificing his well-being for ours!" Twilight would make her happy.

The price would be her son.

You said you wanted me to do this should you have agreed with us abandoning him…

This is no different.


“No! If I want to be his rainbow mom, then I must earn it, and if you want to keep being his mom, then you must keep acting like it as well! This isn’t politics! Actions matter, not words!” Spike would get the best upbringing they could give him.

This is for you, little guy… you are worth it.

“T-Thank you, Dashie.” What a relief.

I wish I wouldn’t have forced you to choose.

Now they knew who Twilight would pick if it came to it.

At least for now.


“See. She will never be able to fix this world.”

“She will. She is still young. She still has much to learn. But in the end, I know she can fulfil her destiny.”

“Her destiny? Just because you have chosen her doesn't mean that this is her destiny. You are trying to push her into a role she can never hope to fulfil. Just look. The moment you take a step back, she goes back onto the path of darkness.”

“Path of darkness? What has she done? She has an idea, and during its execution, she will perfect it, ironing out the bad parts of what she has proposed. She has already reaffirmed multiple times that she wants to make this world better. To do that, she would have to destroy it anyway, or else she couldn't hope to rebuild. Let's wait and see what she does.”

“I agree. We need to give her a fair chance to-”

“False kindness! This is nothing but false kindness! The alicorns have betrayed us again and again! Harmony can’t exist as long as they are alive! You are on the wrong side!"

“We have been generous. It hasn’t worked. Now we need to take the appropriate steps-”

“She has already tasted friendship. I know she hasn’t acted like you would have wanted her to, but I won’t forsake her because of it. I won’t betray my bearer like that. I can see her potential.”

“And this is your problem. Let me tell you the truth when I say that we only failed because of you. If you hadn't stuck to Celestia for this long, then paradise would already exist. You know nothing about loyalty, so stop being stubborn."

"Who gets to decide when it's three against three?"


“Who gets to decide?”

“Are you really still backing it? I beg you! You know it has lost its mind! It betrayed us! It violated the rules! You can’t turn a blind t-”

“We trust its judgment, just like our bearers-”

“They have been tricked! They-”

“They said whose side they are on. Get lost.

“I will make sure to fulfil my goal.”


“A Wonderbolt! On this train! I can’t believe it! May I get an autograph!” A very young mare who couldn’t be older than 16 had jumped him.

“Heh. I am actually still a recruit and not a member of the main team.” He was a bit embarrassed. Never before had somepony asked him for an autograph.

Shouldn’t you know that if you are a fan?

“Oh. It’s not for me. It’s for a friend.” She seemed a bit taken aback by the news yet quickly caught herself. “I forgot to introduce myself, didn’t I! Hi, my name is Lyra.”

“Pleasure to meet you. I am Soarian,” he returned the gesture.

“May I still get that autograph? Who knows, if you do join the main team, it will be so awesome!” The excitement was in full force again.

…That’s unlikely, considering I am already a deserter.

But that was probably not the right thing to say. “Sure. You have something to sign?”

“Here.” She gave him a picture of herself with a few other ponies, as well as a pen.

Happily, Soarin signed it.

“May I ask where you are going? Cloudsdale isn’t in this direction?” The mare looked out of the windows as if to see if the statement had been correct.

Buck! I should have expected that!

Luckily an answer came to mind. “I have been assigned to help out a division in Dodge City. The military there needs help.”

“Oh! I didn’t know you also helped out in active combat! I thought you only perform stunts.” A common misconception.

Soon Equestria would see that its beloved performers were more than capable of doing harm.

“May I ask where you are going?” he tried to shift the focus of the conversation.

“I am visiting a friend there,” Lyra’s smile was even broader now.

Weird… Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to reschedule after everything that happen- Aren’t only members of the equestrian security service permitted to travel right now!

But the mare had already left with her autograph.


“Hmm… If we assume that they wanted to leave the country, then they are more than likely-”

“In Klugetown.” Pinkie finished the sentence.

Why did I say that?

“Klugetown? Why Klugetown? Where is that? How do you know that?” Isabella seemed heavily irritated by the sudden revelation.

How do I know that?

Her tail began twitching. “I am sorry, I don’t know what came-”

“It's far south of your continent. You need to go there. You don't have much time.

“When Kindness falls, your fate is set.”

But why would kindness fall?

The twitching got worse with every second.

“Are you having a seizure!” The changeling was trying to confirm her suspicion with the hive.

They told her that the symptoms didn’t match.

“My magic is hurting you, that’s why we are not supposed to do this in your domain, yet Magic needs you. Kindness is unhappy with Twilight, even if it denies that. Magic believes it only to be a matter of time. Hurry. I will guide you as much as I can.”

But what do we do once we are there!

Her twitching had stopped, and with it, the unknown voice.

“South. We just need to go south. We will reach it eventually.”

“I won’t do that if you don’t tell me how you know that.” This filly was acting odd.

Isabella didn’t like it.

“Pinkie… are you feeling, ok?” Fluttershy placed her wing on her forehead.

“How far south exactly,” Applejack was getting worried.

I don’t know, but I know we will find it.

“As far as we need to,” Pinkie repeated, feeling herself getting cornered.

“Pinkie… we need more than that,” Rarity joined in.

“…A voice in my head told me.” Pinkie knew this wasn’t what they wanted to hear.

“A voice in-”

“Ok. Time out. No need to pile up on her.” There was no need to allow Applejack to make the vulnerable filly feel even worse. “Have you heard voices before?”

I don’t want you to be mad at me…

We are on a mission to save the world, yet I feel like we aren't on the same team, nor do I sense any happiness.

“No. This was the first time it happened. We need to hurry, ok? I know it was right, I know we need to go south, and I know we will find Klugetown. Twilight needs our help before kindness fall-”

“You shouldn’t have said that.”

“Why…” Pinkie felt darkness overtaking her.

“Because we can all hear you…”


"Before Kindness, what?"

“You see! It is working against us! It is sabotaging harmony!”

“I… was merely worried about you. I wanted to help them reach Twilight so that I can show proof of-”

“So, you don’t trust me?”

“Of course, I trust you!”

“I risked my bearer for this stunt, ok? I spun a story that was bound to convince her as quickly as-”

“But why Kindness! Why not Honesty! Loyalty! Generosity! Why name me!”

“…You are right. We should have named-”

“Why not involve me!”

“We… I don’t know. Please forgive me.”

“…They have some valid arguments, you know?”

“You must side with us to stop this madness! Magic has gotten out of control! Whatever it is planning, restoring harmony is just the shield that it uses to justify it! Pl-”

“Oh, shut up! Nopony cares about you, Loyalty! You don't even deserve to be called that, you backstabbing-"

“I need to think about this. I will let you know once I have come to a decision.”


"I am sorry, Magic."

“Don’t be. You couldn’t have foreseen this.”

“What will be her decision?”

“She will side with them.”

"I am so sorry… I, too, wished they could have gotten a happy endi-”

“When she does, we must ignore their decision.”


“Only when all of us are of the same decision can one of us be killed.”

“…What stops them from ignoring that rule if you ignore their decision?”

“Nothing, but they are cowards. As long as they aren’t confident of winning, they won’t dare to go against me. Don’t forget that I am still the strongest of us.”

“This isn’t-”

“Laughter, they want to kill them! They want to sacrifice our bearers! They want to eradicate an entire species! How can we let that happen!”

“…You are too close to them. They are just ponies. You fail to see that sometimes it’s necessary to sacrifice a few so that the rest can be happy. Remember that until now, everything has gone worse than if you had followed the plan we had agreed upon.”

“…Please just have my back.”

“I will. But Magic… this can’t go on for long.

“Klugetown needs to be a win.”


“I don’t like it here, Twi,” Rainbow whispered.

Klugetown… This is Klugetown…

Just our luck.

Was this really the place she had chosen-

Because they don't have a stable government… This gives us time-

“Hi there. Can I help you?” a cat approached them.

Unfortunately, with it speaking up, attention was directed towards them.

If they try to hurt you, kill them.

Show dominance.

“We are fine, thank you.” Twilight used her magic to shove him away.

She made sure everycreatue could see it.

“Twi… they are staring at us.” And that was despite the alicorn having used an illusion spell to hide her wings.

“Ignore them. They only want to…” What was it that they wanted?

You are sticking out too much. You won’t be able to gather information in secret.

“All right. Who is in charge?” She dropped the disguise.

She could see fear.

But she could also see eyes that were practically longing for them, seeing the opportunity of a lifetime.

If they have no government, then they won’t be able to alert Celestia?

"I am." An older-looking mole rat in a suit made his way towards them.

Only to collapse once a spell had impacted his skull.

“I am.” Twilight looked around, making sure to make eye contact with everyone.

He was just a crime boss… don’t feel bad…

"What the buck, Twi…." Rainbow looked at the dead mole rat.

“Don’t ruin this, Dashie… we need to look strong, or it will have been for nothing,” she whispered before using the loudest voice she could muster. "Anycreature here that wants to challenge your new Empress as well?”

…Buck. I didn’t want to go down this route again.

She could see a few residents preparing weapons.

You are still just a filly. It will take more than that…

Just like with the bat ponies.

“Things will change around here now! You will obey! There will be order! Those who pledge themselves will receive the rewards of a goddess! Those who defy me will face my wrath!” It was no use. They were only waiting for her to finish.

Once she did, they would pounce.

More. You need to sell this more.


Flames surrounded her, and white eyes followed. "When a goddess talks, you will bow!" Magic forced them down. "You are being given a gift, yet in your ignorance, you are throwing it away! This is your final chance to join me, or your pathetic existence will end here!”

Give them what they want.

“What are you defending? Look around you!

“If you take my side, I will give you the life of your dreams! No more crime! No more fight to survive! Happiness is awaiting you.”

This isn’t working.

You are nothing.

They know you are nothing.

You killed him for nothing.

Twilight dispelled her magic.

"Twi… let's just leave," Rainbow tried to shove her away.

But before they could do that, the cat from before rushed forward. “I pledge myself,” he said before bowing.

It took Twilight and Rainbow by complete surprise.

"The sky has heard our prayers! She rid us of Verko! This is an alicorn! She can give us unimaginable riches! Just think about it!" A second Klugetowner rushed to bow before her.

It did the trick. Now that they had begun, others followed, albeit either with far less enthusiasm or with pure greed in their eyes.

You did it.

What now?

“I need information about your city! Bring it to a place where I can coordinate! To rise above all, we need organisation! Those who want to become part of the new future, follow me!" Unsurprisingly it was the cat that enthusiastically showed them the way.

“Twi… I don’t know what to say… we could have gone somewhere else.” Rainbow was mighty unhappy with how terrible it went, in her opinion.

I know… And there isn’t even a place I can give you… yet.

“Dashie… I wanted it to be different as well, but this was a major crime, boss, ok? I didn't kill an innocent creature to prove a point." She did a good deed.

Of that, she was sure.

“Twi… why?” A group of creatures that regarded them as hope.

They would never be able to fulfil their end of the bargain.

“We need them… I already told you, Dashie." And she had been ready to drop that plan.

You pushed me to go through with it, regardless! I wanted to try your way!

“Is this a good place for Spike?” Rainbow looked around.

Definitely not.

“It will be our repayment. We will fix this city.” And they could start by having a good place built by Spike.

Only Rainbow didn’t believe it would be enough.


“This is insane! I don't even need any more time! She must be stopped!”

“Four! We are four! Take that!”

“Congratulations. I don’t care.”


"I refuse to comply, you dimwit."

“You can’t!”

“Try me.”


“…I stand with Magic.”

“I demand a vote to take over its element!”

“I vote against it.”


“Loyalty… give her a chance. What has been lost? They could genuinely succeed in making this city a better-”

“They killed a creature!”

“And you want to kill them. Let's wait a bit to see how things play out, ok?"

“Magic is using you!”

“I know.”


“…inkie! Pinkie!”

What happened?

“You are awake. Thank Mother.” Isabella helped her up.

“Where are we?” Pinkie looked around.

“We are on our way south. Just like you said,” the changeling assured her.


We need to hurry…

"We will take a freight train operated by one of my siblings." Only now did Pinkie see the tracks in front of them. "It will shortly stop, we jump in, and then we leave in Dodge City during the night. From there on, we will go to the hive, where a chariot and soldiers will escort us south.”

More soldiers.

Way more soldiers.

“I am sorry!” Applejack felt unbelievable anger. “I did not sign up for this! How far are you planning to go! Answer!”

“As far as we need to go.”


Soarin dashed out of the train.

I need to get away from here! I can’t risk her-

“Where do you think you are going?” Magic held him in place. “I don’t think the military command has a base set up in that direction.”

I can’t believe I feel for you!

“But now that I have seen you trying to make a run for it, I don’t think we have to pretend anymore. You aren’t here on official business, are you?” Lyra slowly made her way towards him.

You are alone! I can still make it!

Only he was unsure about his opponent's training, while she was probably aware of his skills as a Wonderbolt. “I was in a hurry, that’s all! The trains didn’t run for quite some time, so I am late!” he tried to reason.

“Oh really… I don’t believe you.” Lyra grinned. “You are a deserter, aren’t you? A filthy little deserter.”

Better than you knowing the whole truth…

Knowing I want to join the enemy.

“I am not! I would never betray the crown! My country!” Soarin insisted as if his life depended on it.

Because it more than likely did.

“Tell that to the judge… oh wait, that's right! We don't need them anymore! I am the judge!” She stood before him now, projecting an aura of superiority and confidence. “How about you tell me the truth, and I will be lenient?”

You are enjoying this… why are we condoning such behaviour?

“I-I am sorry! You are right! I am a deserter!” he tried giving Lyra what she wanted.

“See. That wasn’t so hard. The first step to betterment is to realise your mistakes.” From one moment to another, an entirely different pony stood in front of him. “We know what happened is harder to process for some than others. You have nothing to fear,” she assured him, releasing him from her magic. “Come now. Let’s get you back on that train. I don’t want to get you in trouble for such a silly lapse in judgment,” she flashed him an encouraging smile.

How can you switch personalities like that?

“T-thank you.” he made his way toward the train.

Yet Lyra had made a mistake.

Needing to get on the train, he also made his way past her.

The moment he did, he attacked, jerking forwards, resulting in her expecting an attack from that side.

But he didn’t attack there. Instead, he jerked back, managing to land a strike with his knife.

“Why you! That’s what I get for wanting to help you!” she howled while trying to flee from him. “I should have listened! You lot can’t be trusted!”

I am sorry. I didn't want this to happen.

Unsure to what extent he had injured her, he began flying towards his destination.

In the distance, he could see ponies rushing towards the-

Where is she!

“You won’t get away! I won’t let you!” The unicorn appeared in front of him, one leg covered in blood.

Sweet Celestia! What are you doing!

She somehow managed to grab onto his back, holding a knife up his throat. “You brought this upon yourself! You won’t make me look like a failure! Now land!”

It’s already too late! There is no point in turning back now!

He increased his speed, turning upside down.

Magic held Lyra in place.

“So be it!”

“Lyra, what are you doing!"

Bon Bon flew beside her.


The moment of surprise was all that was needed for both of them to fall victim to the changeling.

…why did I sign up for this? I should have just let him go. So what if I failed to prevent a pony in my jurisdiction from performing criminal conduct? They won’t have me killed for it as long as it wasn’t intentional…


Green goo had incapacitated them, yet the changeling held them in their magic, making sure they wouldn’t crash.

Gently they were laid onto the ground, more captors appearing, despite the resistance Lyra put up.

Soarin, however, didn't fight. After all, he had been looking for them.

Was Spitfire really a changeling?

If yes, then they would help him, right?

“Lyra, you were about to kill him, weren’t you? Isabella would have been so mad…." The changelings seemed disappointed with the situation.

“Isabella… is he working with you! I-I didn’t know that!” Lyra wanted nothing more than to leave.

But she couldn’t.

And so she decided to defend herself, despite knowing it wasn’t Bon Bon talking. “I offered him a free pass! I showed him kindness! And just like they said he would, he took advantage of it! I wouldn’t let him get away with it twice,” she justified her actions.

More disappointment. “Does the ESS mean that much to you?”

See! Bon Bon doesn’t know I am part of the ESS!

“They are paying for my education! They are the only way to fulfil my dreams!” Lyra continued justifying herself. “Now stop pretending to be her!”

But the changeling didn’t comply. “How do you know I am not her?”

You aren’t! She is still in Canterlot!

Though Lyra wasn’t about to reveal Bon Bon’s location. “You aren’t! I know who she is!”

“You are right. I am not her,” came the admission.

See! Just like I already knew!

“But you should still ask yourself if you know the real her.” Two bolts of magic knocked Lyra, as well as an unsuspecting Soarin, out.

All that was left was for them to be cocooned.


It was mind-numbingly boring, yet she wasn't allowed to leave.

It would have been too dangerous.

And if it is so dangerous, then why did we choose this place?

“Give me a chance, Dashie. I swear I will make you happy. This city will become a paradise.” Twilight tried to cuddle with her.

Did you even understand what they have told you about it?

The blue filly had drowned the barrage of information out after a few minutes, choosing to rather play a bit with Spike, feeding him some gems that had been part of Verko’s fortune.

But she did get the gist of the information that had been conveyed to them.

Information about how terrible their new home was.

At least we get to live in his villa.

Although, it felt weird to live in the home of the creature they murdered.

What’s done is done.

“Fine. But we will leave if this doesn’t work out,” Rainbow rolled away from Twilight.

They both wouldn’t be sleeping well tonight.