• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 1,119 Views, 104 Comments

Friendship is absolute chaos: Part 2 - Aether Spark

Things quickly get out of hand with the girls chaos...

  • ...

Discussion, multiple Twilights and a chaotic tantrum

“Oh, hello girls,” Twilight said, floating in place without the use of her wings and reading a book.

“Twilight? Are you okay?” Applejack asked

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?” Twilight responded

“We saw that explosion shake the whole castle! What happened?” RD demanded

“Oh, that was an accident!” Twilight bounced over to her.

“Well as long as your okay… wait” Rarity realized that Twilight was standing in front of her and when she looked back at the table she saw that Twilight was still floating there.

“Yeah, everything's fine!” They all looked at the ceiling and saw another Twilight trotting around.

“Okay, ah can see where this is going,” Applejack sighed

Suddenly a dozen Twilights appeared including a pink one, a tall one, a tiny one, one with spider legs and one that looked like Pinkie.

“Oh Oh, I like that last one the author mentioned!” Pinkie bounced excitedly.

Twilights kept pouring out of every crevice, and just as the group was about to leave they heard Starlight's voice.

“Excuse me! Pardon me! Sorry, I need to get through” Starlight said as she managed to crawl out of the crowd of Twilights.

“Whew,” Starlight sighed as she stood

“Starlight Darling, what happened here?” Rarity asked

“Twilight and I were just having a conversation on how she’s going to last without Spike here, I mentioned how if she had more of her maybe things could get done around here, then she attempted to use her powers to create temporary clones of herself and then… this” Starlight gestured to all of the Twilights running around.

“This reminds me of the Mirror pool incident,” Applejack said, getting flashbacks.

“Well we got the powers should we just get rid of the extra Twilights before egghead is lost in the crowd for good?” RD questioned

“We can’t risk getting rid of the real Twilight,” Rarity pointed out.

“Well then we need to find her first,” Applejack said

“No prob, I found Waldo I can find Twilight!” Pinkie said diving off of a diving board that wasn’t there before and into the crowd of Twilights.

“We should get searching too,” Applejack said as she approached the crowd.

Rarity trotted past several clearly fake Twilights before spotting a Twilight with her back to her who looked normal.

“Oh Twilight!” Rarity called while tapping the pony on the shoulder of the pony. Only to recoil in horror as the pony turned around and revealed she had no face.

“N-never mind,” Rarity hurried on.

Pinkie jumped in between piles of Twilight’s while RD flew overhead.

“Yo egghead! Where are you?” Rd called out for her friend.

Pinkie examined several Twilights, “Nope, not you, definitely not,” Pinkie mumbled as she looked around until she spotted a Twilight with her back turned.

“Twilight!” Pinkie cheered and jumped onto the other Twilight’s back.

“Oi! Get off of me you gobber!” The Twilight cried

“Oops!” Pinkie said getting off of her and seeing she had a Groucho Marx face.

“Twilight?” Pinkie asked

“No I’m not!” The Twilight said sounding annoyed

“...Are you Twilight now?” Pinkie asked


“......................Now?” Pinkie asked

“Shut it!” The irate Twilight clone said

Starlight and Fluttershy searched around the edge of the crowd.

“Any luck? Starlight asked

“No,” Fluttershy responded

Applejack had enough of looking around and wandered her way through the crowd and made it to the stairs.

“LISTEN UP!” Applejack said to catch all the Twilight’s attention. “Ah’m lookin' for my friend Twilight, are you out there Twi?” Applejack called.

“Yes,” the Twilights all responded

“...Shoulda saw that coming…” Applejack sighed “Twilight the alicorn? She doesn’t look bizarre, anypony here like that?” Applejack saw a hoof in the back raised.

Applejack bee-lined to the Twilight in the back and found a Twilight that looks normal.

“Oh thank goodness, ah was beginning to think we’d never find ya.” Applejack said as the others got there.

“Alright now what do we do about the clones?” RD asked

“Leave it to me!” Pinkie said before rubbing her hooves together,

“Pinkie, what are you up to-” Applejack asked before a black hole suddenly appeared and sucked up all the other Twilights.

“PINKIE!” Rarity cried as she and the others held on for dear life.

Pinkie closed the black hole when all the Twilight clones were gone.

“Pinkie dear, was that truly the best option you could think of?” Rarity said sounding annoyed.

“Yup” Pinkie said bouncing over to the group.

“Well at least we have our Twi back,” RD said patting Twilight on the back… before Twilight smiled and revealed she had blue teeth.

“.....Girls, did egghead always have blue teeth…?” RD said going rigid at the realization that this was the wrong one.

“Oh no…” Rarity said.

“TWILIGHT!” Applejack cried out in horror.

“Pinkie! You gotta let the other ones out, we got the wrong one!” RD frantically cried.

“I can’t! I made sure to dispel all the copies that were sucked up!” Pinkie’s mane deflated as she began panicking.

Pretty soon all of the mares began crying as they realized they may have accidentally gotten rid of Twilight forever.

“I’m so sorry Twilight!” Pinkie cried

“For what?” Twilight’s voice came from behind them and they turned to see her standing there confused.

“TWILIGHT!” everypony pounced on her in a group hug.

“Aah!” Twilight cried as she was knocked over.

Eventually, they let her get up, Twilight looked at them weirdly.

“What happened?” Twilight asked

“We thought Pinkie sucked you up in a black hole along with your copies, how are you still here?” RD asked

“I was upstairs taking a relaxing bath, the stress was getting to me so I left a clone in charge until I was finished.

“Oooooh, so the clone was the one who conjured the other clones?” Starlight nodded

“Yeah, speaking of which,” Twilight lit her horn with normal magic and the blue-toothed Twilight disappeared.

“Anyways, what did you girls come by for?” Twilight asked

Applejack approached Twilight “We need any advice on how to control these powers, we nearly caused a Ponyville-wide problem.” Applejack said

“Everytime I think I got it under control it just spirals out of control,” RD said

“My lingerie is dangerous when it becomes chaotic” Rarity complained

“Alright alright calm down girls,” Twilight said “We’ve all had a few snafu’s here and there but we’re the elements of harmony and no amount of chaos magic is going to change-” Twilight stamped her hoof to emphasize her point but all it did was turn the room their in, into a jungle.

“...That…” Twilight looked around

“Um, what happened?” RD asked

“I think Twilight accidentally transported us,” Rarity said

“Don’t worry girls! I got this!” Pinkie stamped her hoof and they were at a carnival.

“Pinkie!” Rarity reprimanded

“Whoops!” Pinkie said

“Hiya!” The group turned to see a clown behind Fluttershy who turned and squeaked with fright. Fluttershy ran over to Pinkie and stamped her hoof for her and they were teleported to the arctic.

“Brr!” Everyone said

“Wh-Wh-Why would you send us here!?” Starlight demanded while shivering.

“I just wanted to get away from the clown,” Fluttershy sheepishly said

“I got this girls!” Pinkie said before stamping her hoof again and taking them to a desert, the ponies went from shivering to sweating.

“Whew, mighty warm out here,” Applejack said, fanning herself with her hat.

“Pinkie send us home!” Rarity cried as her make-up began to run.

“Gotcha,” Pinkie said before drumming her hooves on the ground and the group went to a variety of places.

Sea, beach, rooftops, trottingham, dragon lands, space, canterlot while Celestia was reading Luna’s diary.

“Pinkie! Get us out of here quickly!” Twilight whispered frantically

Pinkie winked and teleported them as Celestia turned to look at the source of the noise, seeing nothing she resumed reading Luna’s diary.

Eventually they finally made it back.

“Pinkie! Stop! We’re back!” Twilight frantically called to stop Pinkie from relocating them again.

“See girls, Isn’t it clear I had this” Pinkie said

“What’s clear is that we need that book again, It’s not even lunchtime and we’ve caused our fair share of trouble.” Applejack wryly said

“What we need to do is use those ‘Boring spheres’ Discord lent us, and be rid of these power for a while,” Rarity said

“Sounds like quitting,” RD said

“I do not care, I want to be a normal mare again, even if for just two hours,” Rarity said

“Don’t use it yet, we need to find out if their one use only,” Twilight said

“Right, one second,” Fluttershy focused and summoned the book and hoofed it to Twilight.

After reading through it quickly Twilight sighed

“Figures Discord would leave that out… girls don’t use your boring spheres unless it’s absolutely necessary,” Twilight warned while passing the book onto the next pony.

“I don’t need it right now, i’m going to master these powers and rub it in Discord's face when we see him next time!” RD bragged.

“Sorry if ah don’t share yer enthusiasm,” Applejack said

“At least we can be happy Pinkie has shown considerable control over her own powers, she can fix whatever situation we may accidentally cause,” Rarity said

“Well ah’m willing to use it early if just so ah can get a little workin in,” Applejack said taking her leave.

“Be careful girls,” Twilight said as she saw her friends leaving.

“We will!” Pinkie said as they closed the door behind them.

Twilight and Starlight trotted back to the library and Twilight opened the door and sighed when she saw walking books all over the place.

“It’s alright Twilight, just six more days,” Starlight assured

“Six more days of craziness… Discord better keep to his word…” Twilight said as she trotted in to corral the books.

“It almost makes me wish I was turned into a Draconeqqus too,” Starlight said while levitating several books that tried to run off.

“Why by Celestia’s mane would you want this?” Twilight asked

“The ability to transcend the limits of normal magic? It feels like a new avenue of magic to study if you ask me,” Starlight said and Twilight froze.

“She makes a point, you need more study material and chaos magic could be-”

“NO!” Twilight barked as her eyes turned red

“Whoa!” Starlight backed up in surprise

“Chaos magic is non-harmonious! It’s destructive, defy’s logic, irritating!” Twilight suddenly shifted to draconequus form.

“WHO ARE YOU TO COVET IT!?” Twilight whirled on the scared Starlight.

“I-i um… I didn’t-”


Starlight was shocked, just one comment caused her to blow up, what was causing this? One thing she does know is how to stop this.

Starlight ran for the kitchen.

“Where are you going?!” Twilight said stomping after her, her stomps were creating shockwaves that caused the room to distort and change.

“Twilight! Your not in control of yourself!” Starlight pleaded as she ran into the kitchen and grabbed a tub of rocky road.

“I AM IN CONTROL!” Twilight entered the kitchen and glared down at Starlight with her red eyes.

“Just eat some and you’ll calm dow-” Twilight slapped the ice cream aside.


Desperate Starlight used her telekinesis to grab a spoon and she scooped some ice cream.

Twilight began to summon her chaos magic and the room shook but just before she could use it on Starlight the spoon shoved the ice cream down her gullet.

Twilight sputtered and coughed but gradually her limitless rage cooled down and she fell to the ground.

“T-Twilight?” Starlight said approaching carefully.

“Ugh… what happened?” Twilight looked around “Starlight?” Twilight got up and Starlight backpedaled with the ice cream in hoof.

“Stay back!” Starlight said in fear.

“Starlight? Why are you scared? What happened? I heard you say something and I blacked out,” Twilight asked

“Y-Your back to normal?” Starlight began to calm, before galloping over to Twilight and hugging her. Twilight awkwardly hugged her back.

Author's Note:

I know the explosion of Twilight seems a little early, but I assure you, for Twilight, it's late. :raritywink:

Anyways next chapter will be up in a few days maybe less.

Till then, ciao!