• Published 29th Dec 2022
  • 1,580 Views, 28 Comments

The Lost Lord of Iron - An Odd Hermit

A forlorn gamer down on his luck stumbles upon an eccentric cosplayer dressed as the merchant from RE4, and soon finds himself in a world of colorful ponies and magic, as a Dread Lord of Iron and death.

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First Contact

It started off just like any other day in Ponyville. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and the residents of this quaint little town were simply going about their business, whether that be singing a musical number they wanted no part of or shopping at the market.

Twilight sparkle on the other hand, was pacing madly in her library after receiving a particularly distressing letter from her mentor, Princess Celestia, with her brother/assistant Spike trying to placate her.

“Maybe it’s just some kind of cult of crazies or something?” He tried, hands up in a placating gesture. Though his suggestion only seemed to further aggravate his equine sister.

“THAT’S STILL BAD, SPIKE! There’s no telling what could happen in a brawl! Especially one with CRAZED FANATICS!” she lamented, her words coated in anxiety as she paced even faster. She figured that rainbow dash would be more than willing to jump head-first into a close quarters combat situation, scoffing as the thought came to her. Maybe applejack too, but certainly not the others!

She planted her rump on the hard wood floors of her library, her hooves over her eyes as she moaned her grief. This was not going to end well. Twilight Sparkle took a deep, steadying breath, and sighed. If there was a silver lining to this situation, it was getting to meet the mysterious and elusive deerfolk of the Everfree forest, a solitary people she’s only ever read about in history books.

Ruffling her wings with a mix of nervousness and excitement, Twilight stood up.

“Spike… It’s time to go roundup the girls. We’ve got work to do.” She said with finality, finally coming out of her short panic attack. Spike gave her a steeled expression and nodded. Rushing out the door, Spike sat snugly on Twilight Sparkle’s back as they went all across Ponyville, relaying the news to the other elements of harmony.

They received varied reactions, ranging from determination to fear (mostly from Fluttershy). Rainbow Dash and Applejack nearly had to drag Fluttershy out of her cottage, with Discord giving them a fake-teary-eyed goodbye. Waving a handkerchief and all.

The walk to the Everfree Forest was not a pleasant one. Everypony was silent, even Pinkie Pie, which only served to increase the tension. They were going into the belly of the beast to face an unknown threat, so suffice to say, the mood was grim. The ponies had also donned their elements, just in case.

Twilight’s thoughts were sour as she watched the scenery slowly change from lush green grass and shrubbery to melting blankets of snow, signifying their steady approach to the Everfree forest itself and it’s erratic weather. It was actually, despite being somewhat cloudy out, rather bright. The thick blankets of snow glittered in the dim sunlight in an almost welcoming fashion.

The lavender pony wished she could’ve said that the glittering of the snow put her at ease, but she’d be lying if she did so. Armed with nothing but a glorified rainbow beam, one she wasn’t sure would even work against this unknown threat and their wits, it wasn’t looking good. But they’ve been in worse scrapes. They’d make it out of this one too, all in one piece.

Once they arrived at the border of the Everfree forest, they were almost immediately met with a group of 7 or so cervids. Their armor was made out of a mix of leather (which made the 6 ponies rather uncomfortable) and thick looking tartan kilts. They stared at the ponies with stone-faced expressions, before parting their tight formation to make way for a tall, graceful looking doe.

She held a Queenly air about her, and her royal regalia gave the ponies no room to question just who she was.

It was the Queen of the Deerfolk, Cloverhoof herself, a historical figure just as legendary and storied as the Princesses. Much like her husband, She was a being akin to an Alicorn. Twilight immediately knelt upon her approach, her friends soon following suit.

“Your majesty! I-I-I can’t even begin to tell you how much of an honor it is to meet you!” Twilight said nervously, looking up at the regal cervid Queen. In response, Queen Cloverhoof smiled amiably, and bent to meet the young alicorn.

“The honor is all mine, Princess Twilight Sparkle. We have heard many things about you and your friends, especially your exploits. It wouldn’t be remiss to say that we are in your debt, considering just how many times you have saved Equestria.” The Queen said, gesturing for Twilight and her friends to rise. As they did, they stared at the Queen with awe and respect in their eyes.

Every move was graceful, and her warm eyes rivaled that of Princess Celestia’s, though also held the measured fierceness that came with being a hardened warrior.

“O-of course! I-I mean, eheh, we were just doing our jobs…” Twilight Sparkle said bashfully, rubbing her hoof against her front leg. Rainbow dash merely rolled her eyes, while Applejack went to stand beside her purple friend.

“Pardon m’boldness, yer majesty, but would ya mind fillin’ us in on what we’re gonna be up against?” Applejack asked frankly, earning herself a small nod from the Queen. The Cervid Monarch turned around and began walking into the Everfree with her escort of guards, gesturing for the ponies to follow.

When they were well into the forest, the Queen finally spoke.

“To be entirely honest with you, dear ponies, we have only guesswork to draw conclusions from. All we know is that the Castle of the Two Sisters has… Changed. Once ruins, now a grim fortress, one that exudes an aura of undeath.” The Queen stated, causing the ponies to each have to suppress a shudder of fear. Except for Fluttershy, who was content to show her terror for all the forest to see.

“We can only speculate at what caused this concerning shift. But one thing we know for certain, is that it was most certainly done at the hands of some dark sorcerer.” The Queen explained, allowing Twilight Sparkle to walk beside her. The purple alicorn and her friends were silently steeling themselves for the coming fight, more than ready to utilize their elements at the soonest convenience.


While sitting upon my throne, I became rather aware of a group of individuals that had been lurking a good ways away from my castle. A good lot of them, too. Maybe 10, give or take. How was I aware of them, one might ask? I’m not exactly sure either. I just know that the second they entered a certain range, I could feel them there, like how you know somebody’s nearby but you can’t see them. It was an odd feeling that I had to get used to.

I twiddled with my thumbs as I sat hunched forward, watching the door with anticipation. They seemed to be just… Watching. Waiting for something, almost. I didn’t like it, not at all. Were they waiting for reinforcements? Were they going to storm my castle? If so, I don’t think I’d be able to put up much of a fight. Sure, I could probably crush a man’s skull in my grasp easier than I could a grape, but that wasn’t something I ever wanted to find out. The very thought made me shudder.

Despite this place very likely being a land of Might and Magic, I wasn’t too keen on showcasing either. I definitely had both in spades, but… I didn’t want to hurt anyone. At least nobody that doesn’t deserve it, and I can hardly blame the people outside for checking out my castle. I’m likely well within their territory and something like this is hardly a common occurrence. I just had to play my cards right when they eventually came through those doors.

My nonexistent heart began to beat like a drum beneath my armor, the thought of dealing with potentially violent people shaking me up. I was really hoping they were amiable, but literally everything about my castle AND my appearance was designed to be as intimidating and oppressive as possible. They’d be fools to approach without caution and especially foolhardy to approach unarmed, so that definitely rules out the possibility they’ll treat me kindly.

I had to prove to them that I wasn’t a threat to them or their kingdom. The voice within me despised both me and the plan, going on and on about how I should simply subjugate the trespassers and make a chandelier from their bones. I hushed the odd voice with a thought, unsure where this thing was coming from. It seemed rather prideful, and had a strong disposition towards violence.

It reminded me of a certain someone, but for the life of me I couldn’t put a finger on whom.

I didn’t get a chance to dwell on this, because all of a sudden my ‘people sense’ picked up 14 new individuals, and 7 of them seemed to absolutely radiate power. I gripped the armrests of my throne as 6 out of the 9 slowly made their way past the line of watchers and towards my castle. They were coming, and I was hardly prepared.

I could feel the voice giving me a verbal slap upside the head, telling me to get my act together, as this behavior wasn’t befitting somebody of my station.

I slowly got my breathing under control, my eyes narrowing as they made their way through the castle and towards the throne room doors. I needed a plan, and now. Then an Idea came unbidden into my mind in a stroke of genius. Why not put my experience in theater class to the test? Surely it’d translate into actual acting. I always had a knack for the flamboyant, so it wouldn’t be too terribly difficult to act the part of an arrogant, dark lord.

I had to wholly and truly step into the sabatons of Mordekaiser. Well, at least on the surface. The real Sahn-Uzal had a commanding presence that demanded respect and fear, and try as I might, I would only be able to somewhat replicate that. But I most certainly had to try, because the doors of my throne room burst open, revealing…

6 multicolored horses? No, they were too small for that. Ponies was the right word. There were 2 pegasi, 1 unicorn, 2 regular ones without wings nor horns, and a purple one with both. Their coats and manes were pretty much every color of the rainbow, and that was quite literally the case for the blue winged one. Despite their differences however, they all had one thing in common. Within their startlingly expressive faces that were honestly way too short for the face of equines, was both fear and determination.

As they got closer, their expressions steeled, the yellow pegasus’ shivering slowly yet surely coming to a stop. For animals, they were very expressive, and their intelligence was shockingly high for such creatures. But what truly surprised me about this whole situation, was when one of them actually spoke.

“W-who are you? And what are you doing here?” the purple one in the lead asked. While her pony friends wore necklaces of varying colors and symbols, she wore a tiara with a purple star as its crowning jewel. She gazed up at me with uncertainty, probably hoping I wasn’t the villain I appeared to be.

The shock I had been steeped in quickly wore off as I registered that she was probably expecting a response. I had to make a good first impression, and I was going to capitalize on this. Sitting up in my throne, I summoned a low, dark chuckle that seemed to reverberate throughout the entire room, making the yellow pegasus begin to utterly shake with terror once more. My nonexistent heart hurt for the little thing, but I needed this show to go perfectly. And more importantly, I needed a name.

I wasn’t going to use Mordekaiser’s, as I was hardly deserving of it, nor was I going to use my real name because it was straight up goofy. The history of being bullied for it in elementary and early middle school proved that. I needed to come up with a new one… One that was both regal and important-sounding. A ruler… Then it hit me, the name coming into clear focus.

I began ominously, getting up from my throne and walking down the steps so that I could tower above the gathering of equines.

I am Lord Dietrich, sovereign King of The Dead, and you will address me as such.” I rumbled, my voice practically identical to the Mordekaiser within the game. It was pretty cool, and from that point on I could tell I was going to at least somewhat enjoy this. I had intentionally laced my words with disdain and a dash of boredom, to really sell the arrogant lord vibe.

The ponies visibly wilted as I finished my sentence, as if I were now something far worse than the threat they had come to fight. I couldn’t let the idea that I was a threat stay in their minds. I had no idea what they were capable of, as riddled with fear as they were. I turned on my heel and walked back up the steps to my throne, sitting down heavily as I got comfortable, trying to look as bored as I possibly could with this whole interaction.

Meanwhile, my nonexistent heart was beating like a jackhammer.

They didn’t seem to notice my nerves as I began tapping my foot lightly against the carpeted stone, waiting for their next move. The tomboyish blue pegasus seemed to regain some level of bravado, for she had chosen that moment to speak up.

“We aren’t scared of you, you big golem thing!” She had come closer to bark the insult at me, sounding about as tomboyish as she looked. The fact that her friends were still quaking behind her was a tad amusing, but I still felt bad about it.

Yes, clearly.” I replied in a dreary tone, making sure to tilt my head to look at the blue pony’s friends. The one that appeared to be the leader of the group, the purple one, seemed to be inspired by her friend’s bravery and also stepped up to the plate, her wings unfurling.

“What’re your plans for Equestria?” The purple pony asked pointedly, narrowing her eyes at me in a rather accusatory way. I found that I quite disliked the look in her eyes, but I couldn’t exactly blame her either. I mean, hey, just look at me. I reeked of evil. I leaned forward with a response on my nonexistent lips.

I do not have any ‘plans’ for this land of yours, as I am wholly content with where I am.” I shot back with an equally pointed voice, giving her a rather nasty glare as I did so. The purple pony and her friends looked at each other in confusion, obviously having expected some kind of long winded monologue about how I was going to conquer their land or something silly like that.

The voice within me sternly reprimanded that thought, once again going on about how glorious the act of conquering another kingdom was and how I was wasting my abilities by sitting here like some kind of weak-willed diplomat. I ignored it, of course.

“R-really? You aren’t going to like, try to take over Equestria or something?” asked the floofy-maned pink one. She seemed to be recovering from the initial encounter rather quickly, curiosity quickly overcoming any fear she might have had. I might as well help assuage their fears.

Truly, Pink One. My territory encompasses only this castle and the surrounding vegetation Nothing more. I have no ambition for conquest.” As I said this, I could feel my ‘domain’ expand to include a large chunk of the surrounding forest. It seemed my powers were very territorial in how they functioned. Not that I minded of course, I just hope I wouldn’t have to fight over the measly scraps I just claimed.

I could see the ponies release sighs of relief as they practically deflated to the castle floor. They had come expecting a fight, and were very relieved to no longer need the elements that they wore. But I personally found their relief odd. Why’d they just take my word at face value? I could be deceiving them so that I could better take them off guard.

This thought apparently didn’t cross their minds as they looked up at me with not fear, but nervousness. The kind of nervousness that one would have when face-to-face with somebody important. The blue pony, however, looked like she wanted to tear me apart.

On another note, I’d strongly advise you to control your rainbow-maned mutt. I will not tolerate such disrespect in my own castle. Your trespassing is already insulting enough.” I spat, clearly offended. I then leaned back into my throne, returning to my facade of boredom as I watched the blue pony become enraged at the fact I just insulted her. She looked like she wanted to bite back, but her muzzle was wrapped in a purple field of magic before she could.

I realized the purple pony’s horn had come to life with its own aura of magic, and gathered that she was silencing her hot-headed friend, so as to not land the lot of them in even more trouble. The purple unicorn-pegasus looked up at me with a slightly more amiable expression, one that a nervous dignitary would wear when facing unfamiliar royalty.

“I’m terribly sorry for Rainbow dash, she can be a bit hot-blooded when it comes to this sort of thing. I humbly ask for your forgiveness, your m-majesty.”

She then bowed low, silently urging her friends to do the same, which they quickly did. I found the blue one’s name rather odd, but attributed it to the strange naming culture they likely had. Time to push the envelope one last time.

You presume much to think you can ask for forgiveness. But, I will relent. Your transgressions are forgiven, and you are all welcome as my guests. You may invite your fellows outside as well, as I am sure they are more than eager to know more.” I said, lifting a hand and waving it once over the doors, opening them without need to rise. The purple pony brought down the blue one to her level and whispered something in her ear, to which the blue one then sped outside faster than I could blink. Rather eager to leave, wasn’t she?

Soon, the blue one returned with a contingent of what looked like deer in leather Celtic armor, a squat purple-and-green lizard, and a rather regal looking deer with queenly attire. She most certainly seemed like royalty. Though she didn’t have the ‘oppressive’ royal air that I had expected, as It was more of a respectful authority. If I had an eyebrow, I’d have raised it.

“You are Lord Dietrich, I presume?” the royal asked, her accent very reminiscent of the Irish, an inquisitive look on her face as she studied me from top to bottom. I could see a spark of distrust and apprehension in her eyes, but it was well hidden. Not hidden enough from me, though. I was practically a master at reading people.

Quite. And who might you be? Are you the queen of these lands?

“Yes indeed. I am The Queen of the Deerfolk, Cloverhoof, wife of King Willowcrown. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lord Dietrich.” The Queen offered me a small bow before rising to her proper stature. I stared for a moment before simply inclining my head towards her in a show of respect. The little voice wouldn’t let me do something like bow.

I leaned forward in my throne, resting my elbows on my knees as I twined my fingers together to form a bridge between my hands.

Naturally. Now, to business. What motivated your unannounced arrival to my domain? One would think this to be a breach of etiquette.” I asked, passing over each pony with my ethereal gaze, making the deer guards especially uncomfortable save for one. Seemingly unfazed by my aggressive question, the Queen continued.

“We had received reports from our constables that the Castle of the Two Sisters, the one we now stand in, had undergone significant ‘changes’. It was in our interest to investigate, though I would like to formally apologize for arriving without notice.” She said, her tone respectful and curt, like that of a skilled diplomat. She gestured with a hoof at her guards as she spoke, before ending her speech with a much longer bow, her guards following her in tandem.

Seeing them all bow like that elicited a pang of... Satisfaction.

It is forgiven. Were I in your position, I would have done the same. Now, rise. We are equals. I will not have my neighbors bow to me.” I said, rising from my throne and gesturing for the Queen and her company to rise. They did so, and I walked down the steps of my throne to meet them, my hands behind my back as I approached.

Now that I was closer, I could see a flicker of fear cross the Queen’s face as she truly appreciated my size. 8'2'', and the Queen, while taller than the ponies, still only reached my waist.

“Do you truly have no plans to harm Equestria or her people?” The Queen asked, slightly daunted now that I was literally right in front of her. Some deep part of me drew satisfaction from seeing somebody so important fear me. The little voice inside me urged that satisfaction on, but I hushed it for the umpteenth time. I had visitors, after all.

I do believe I’ve said this once already, but I shall repeat myself. I have no ambitions for conquest. I do not enjoy war or bloodshed. Actually, I quite detest it.” This revelation brought about shocked faces within the new faces in the room, especially The Queen herself. She might have heard I had no plans for Equestria from rainbow dash, but hearing it from me personally probably solidified that notion.

I simply wish to lead a good, honest life, and to help those in need where I can.” I said honestly, my true colors leaking out as my words were laced with longing and a tiredness usually reserved for the wizened and elderly. I sighed, the domineering aura I had cultivated vanishing in an instant as I let my shoulders drop and my posture relax.

The yellow pegasus had long since stopped shaking, and took a moment to look up at me with her sky blue eyes, and In those depths I found nothing but a slowly growing sympathy.

The Queen turned to the closest deer guard and shared hushed whispers. She then had the 6 ponies gather up in a group huddle as they decided what to do. Some advocated for me, some did quite the opposite. This went on for a solid 20 minutes. When they came to a conclusion, they broke off from each other and stood in a line in front of the throne, the Queen standing in front of them.

“If you will allow me the courtesy, I will now introduce the Elements of Harmony, Equestria’s heroes, the very ponies you see before you now.” She announced, waiting for my ‘ok’. I wasn’t used to having such good manners thrust my way, so suffice to say I was caught a little guard. I gestured for her to continue, and she did just that.

The pink one was Pinkie pie, a shocker I know. The white mare was Rarity, who was eyeing my armor with a mix of disgust and curiosity. Just pick one, woman. The orange pony was Applejack, and upon reaching her, she gave a short ‘howdy’ and tipped her stetson, which surprised me a little. I definitely wasn’t expecting to find any American roots in a foreign world. It was almost comforting in a weird way. The Queen then reintroduced Rainbow dash, the pegasus giving me a glare and a ‘hmph!’, not even affording me the courtesy of eye contact.

I paid it no mind as we moved on to the last two. The yellow pegasus was Fluttershy, and I could tell that she was a total sweetheart. She gave me a quiet ‘hello’, hiding behind her mane as she tried to make herself as small as possible. Then and there I wanted to pick her up and smother her in hugs. She was just that damn adorable. Finally, we had reached the leader of the 6, Twilight sparkle. We gave each other a respectful nod before the Queen brought me before the guard she had been whispering with earlier.

“And this is Constable Daisyheart. One of our most trusted agents.” She concluded, unintentionally leaving out the small bipedal lizard that was watching from the sidelines, visibly afraid of me, like I was something out of his nightmares.

“It’s a great honor to meet you, your majesty.” The doe said as she knelt before me. That satisfaction reared its ugly head again. Seeing someone kneel before me. I hated it, but I couldn’t stifle it. It was like it came from elsewhere. Maybe Mordekaiser’s personality bled a little into my own? I prayed that wasn’t the case as I stared down at the lightly armored deer at my feet.

Charmed.” I said simply before gesturing for the doe to rise. As we locked eyes, there was a twinkle of… Something, in her green depths, something I couldn’t put a finger on. She wasn’t afraid of me like the ponies, nor wary of me like her Queen. All I could find was that unknowable twinkle, and a measure of respect. It thoroughly vexed me. But I had no time to dwell on it, as she soon broke eye contact to look at her Queen as she spoke.

“I will relay your… lack of intentions, to my husband. I am sure that will relieve him. Hopefully someday, you will have the chance to meet him.” She said, before turning around to speak with some of her guards. That’s when I noticed that the ponies were currently surrounding one of their friends.

It seemed they were hyping up their yellow pegasus friend, who apparently wanted to say something, but was far too afraid to actually speak. I turned my head to look at her, earning a little ‘eep’ from the pony. She quaked under my gaze, but with the help of her friends, her confidence returned to her. With a steadying breath, she walked up to me, placed a hoof on her chest, and looked into my eyes.

“C-c-can you p-p-please promise that y-you won’t h-hurt any of my critters?” Fluttershy asked. If I weren’t so understanding, I would’ve been pretty irritated with needing to reassure these ponies so many times, but I could see where they were coming from. Once again, just look at me. I looked like I enslaved nations for the fun of it.

Of course. I am a man of my word, after all.” I replied, getting a sigh of contentment from Fluttershy, but also earning a puzzled look from Twilight sparkle.

“Pardon my rudeness, your majesty, but… What’s a man?” she asked, thoroughly puzzled.


Did… They not have humans here? Even other fantasy worlds had the concept of ‘man’, was this not the case here? I couldn’t exactly say that I was the last of my kind, considering I’m technically just a spirit, but I could definitely argue that I was.

...Do you not know what a human is?” I asked, my tone serious. Twilight shrunk back, intimidated by my sudden change in tone.

“U-u-uhm, n-no, your majesty, I-I’m sorry…” Twilight said, her voice laced with fear, eyes glued to the ground as my own gaze pierced her.

If what I had gathered is correct, I was the only human in Equestria. Even though I disliked my own species, I didn’t hate them. I staggered back as the realization truly set in, the ponies in the room giving me worried looks. The gathered cervids also gazed at me with concern.

I practically fell up the steps and onto my throne, the voice within me telling me to get it together all the while. I was the only human. Maybe the only humanoid. Maybe this world was filled only with ponies and deer. The thought was harrowing, and I grasped the arms of my throne like I was drowning, my head swimming. Meanwhile, Twilight was fussing over me, asking me questions I couldn’t hear over the mournful dirge of my brain that shut out everything else.

Sure, I was an introverted loser, I didn’t exactly enjoy interacting with other people, but being the last of my species was something I was NOT prepared for. Not in the slightest. I tried to steady myself, but it felt as if the whole world was spinning on the wrong axis and I simply couldn’t get my balance. Even in undeath, at this very moment in time, I needed air.

Stumbling from my seat, I pushed past the concerned quadrupeds and ignored all their increasingly worried questions, throwing open the great wooden doors of my throne room. I wasn’t in the right mindset to properly admire the newly refurbished hall as I rushed through, shoving open the second set of grand wooden doors as soon as I reached them.

I stumbled out of the castle and down the steps as snow began to lightly fall from the evening clouds. Thanks to my armor, I could feel the biting cold of winter and the falling snow, and that seemed to bring me some modicum of control. I inhaled deeply and exhaled a shaky, invisible breath as I dropped to sit on the steps of my stronghold home.

I felt a presence come up from behind, which caught me slightly off guard. I gave a barely noticeable flinch as they stopped next to me, and I turned to see who it was.


Apparently the Queen’s constable had followed me out. Her coat was a deep, rusty brown, her undercoat the color of snow. Her gleaming green eyes almost shone in the low light of the approaching night as she looked at me. Her face was slightly contorted with a raised eyebrow and a slight frown, her emerald colored eyes revealing nothing.

The cold wind swept through the field, accentuating the silence that hung between us. Did she come out here to comfort me, or simply to watch what I would do? I slowly met her gaze, but quickly looked away as the action made me wildly uncomfortable. I had a bad habit of not being able to look people in the eyes.

“Are you doing alright, your majesty? That was quite the meltdown back there.” She stated bluntly. The brutal honesty in her words seemed to be the final step to grounding me, as I finally managed to gather myself, taking a moment to straighten my posture.

It is none of your business, Constable Daisyheart. Though, if I am to be quite honest, no. I am not.” I said after a few minutes of silence. I put a hand to my head, fingers pressed to my brow as I shook my head softly.

...I may very well be the only and last of my kind in this world. It is… A harrowing thought.” my words were grim, and I refused to meet her eyes as I watched the snow gently fall from the choked gray clouds overhead, the sky slowly growing darker with each passing moment as night began to fall. I could feel her take a seat beside me, her flank brushing up against my armored leg.

“That sounds really tough.” She said simply, nodding as she looked at nothing in particular. We simply sat there in silence for a while, and I used that time to wonder if any other ponies were going to come outside. As of now, they seemed rather content to wait inside. I quickly surmised the doe by my side was likely asked to go after me.

“When I’m going through a tough time, I’ve got friends to rely on. You probably don’t have any, do you? Friends, I mean,” She said suddenly, her words as biting as steel. Though harsh, I couldn’t feel any malice behind them. Her tone suggested that she was asking a question with an obvious answer. If she were trying to make me feel worse, she was certainly succeeding, however.

No. I do not. If you’ve come to torment me, I would strongly advise leaving.” I replied bitterly, my temper rising as I folded my arms across my chest. She seemed a tad taken aback by the accusation in my words, her brow furrowing in indignation as she began to speak.

“Hey now, hold your haunches, that’s- No. That wasn’t my intention.”

Then what? If not to strike me at my lowest, then what? what do you want?

“To be your friend.” She said quietly.

And with that, I finally locked eyes with her, and I found a deep sympathy in her once hard gaze. I couldn’t speak, for I couldn’t find the words. I haven’t had an actual, real life friend since middle school. I was too stunned to even move. Why would she want to be friends with me? I didn't exactly look like 'friend' material.

I simply couldn’t wrap my head around it.

But… Why?” I asked softly, dropping all pretense. At this moment, I was not Lord Dietrich. I was simply me, Theodore goobins. She placed a hoof on my leg, and I found I couldn’t look away. I couldn’t break eye contact with her. Not through some magical means, but some part of me, deep inside, wanted this.

“Because you need one.”

Once again, I found that I couldn’t speak. She looked away, content to simply watch the snow fall. It took me a minute to tear my gaze from her face, but I eventually managed it, joining her in the silence that reigned over the courtyard. Save for, of course, the now howling wind.

My name is Theodore.” I said, breaking the silence. She looked up at me in confusion, so I quickly explained. “My real name is Theodore Goobins. I just came up with the name ‘Dietrich’ to really sell the whole ‘big mean dark lord’ act.” The same act that broke the moment I got some time alone with one of this world’s natives. Way to stick with the bit, me. I also noted that the inner voice was oddly silent during this whole interaction.

It took her a few moments for this information to settle in, and when it finally did, she cracked. It started as a chuckle, then a giggle, and then evolved into full-blown laughter. If I had blood, I would’ve turned crimson with embarrassment. This was the reason I didn’t tell people my name, because this was always the reaction.

“S-s-so that was all an act!?” she stuttered between laughing fits, her eyes positively watering with mirth. I simply nodded, not trusting my voice at the moment. Was she not laughing at my name?

“I mean, WOW! You really had me going there! I genuinely thought you were all super serious and ‘Hurr durr! I’m mean and scary! Bow before me!’” She said, trying to imitate my deep voice and waving her hooves around like a ghost before she wheezed. That wheeze quickly turned into howling laughter, causing one of the elements of harmony, namely pinkie pie, to poke her head out of the big wooden doors that lead to the grand hall. Though as quickly as she appeared, she was yanked back by some unseen force, and the door closed.

I could never get used to people laughing at me. It was always hurtful, but… I liked hers. It made me feel funny. She was definitely acting super unprofessional for a constable, but that’s what helped me come out of my shell, and made me lower my guard.

Y-you don’t think my name is funny or anything?” I asked tentatively, fiddling with my thumbs. It took her a moment to calm down, as every time she looked at me, she erupted into another fit of laughter. When she finally came down from her hysterical laughing high, she wiped her tear-soaked cheeks and took a steadying breath, meeting my gaze with hers.

“Not at all! Honestly, I kinda like it. Chuffed to meet’cha, Theodore!” Daisy said heartily, standing up and extending her hoof towards me. Even though she couldn’t see it, I was practically beaming as I took her hoof in my hand, giving it a good shake. My first friend in years! The feeling that bloomed within my chest was something I hadn’t felt in so, so long.

Letting go, I stood up and shook the last remnants of nerves from my body, exhaling as if I just set down a heavy load of baggage.

I think we’ve kept them waiting long enough. C-can I ask that this stays between us?” I asked worriedly. She waved a hoof and scoffed in reply.

“Of course, big guy, I wouldn’t dream of spilling the beans. Your secret is safe with me, promise.” She said, significantly curbing my anxieties. We both turned towards the great wooden doors and I took a deep breath, once again stepping into the sabatons of Lord Dietrich.

Immersing myself into my character, I pushed open the doors, a bit more ready than before to face the challenges this world had to offer.

Author's Note:

I Hope y'all enjoyed reading this chapter! [THIS CHAPTER HAS BEEN REWRITTEN]