• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,588 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Like it Ore Not, The Hunt is On

It was a beautiful day in Canterlot, where Flash, Micro and Twilight were together heading for class.

Twilight was looking over Flash's math homework, the musician having asked her if she could make sure he didn't mess up on any of his work. Luckily for him, it appeared his lack of math skills hadn't stopped him from getting the answers all right. This delighted Flash, since if he had made mistakes he would have wasted three hours of the previous night for nothing.

"So what are you guys planning on doing in Codex today?" Twilight asked as she gave Flash his homework back.

"Oh," Flash smirked, "we were planning on visiting a friend of ours. Datamon." Twilight seemed to recognise the name, "we're hoping his has some new Battle Gear we can trade for."

"That Digimon is a master when it comes to power up items," Micro smirked.

"I know. I've met him before." Twilight smirked, "but he can be a fickle little Digimon. If you don't have a Digimon Scan for him to use, he doesn't want anything to do with you." Flash and Micro nodded, hoping the scans they had would be enough to excite him. "I think some of my friends are going to meet him as well?"

"Really?" Flash asked as they reached the classroom. "Who are they?"

"Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy. You guys might end up running into them. Hopefully, the five of you will get along and maybe team up if Datamon wants you to get something for him." Flash and Micro nodded, hoping the same thing if they did meet. But given how Flash and Twilight's two meetings went, there was no telling what could happen in the Digital World.

Within the Digital World, Flash, Micro and their Digimon partners had arrived in Machine Town.

The giant metal metropolis surrounded them and they smiled as they made their way over to the moving sidewalks, stepping onto it as they looked around to see all the different Digimon around them. "See any Digimon you're not familiar with?" Flash asked, he and Micro keeping their eyes peeled as they tried to spot something they had never seen before.

"Not yet," Micro shook his head. "Tentomon?" The robotic insect was flying above them, the mechanical eyes allowing him to see in multiple directions at once.

"I'm afraid not," he stated. "All the Digimon around are just the usual ones. I doubt Datamon would be willing to part with anything for a scan he probably already has." Flash and Micro frowned, but took out their Digivices and started scrolling through the Digimon scans they had.

They had made copies of every Digimon they hadn't already given to Datamon. With luck, one of them would be interesting enough for the Ultimate Level to hand over some pretty tough new Battle Gear.

They arrived at the spot near Datamon's lab and stepped off the sidewalks, Veemon tripping up as he did so since he wasn't used to moving floors.

They made their way through the alleyways, until they arrived at the stairs leading down into Datamon's workshop. But as they stepped into the messy building, they found they weren't the only ones there. "Datamon?" Micro called out, "it's...me." He stopped at the sight of three girls and their Digimon, the lot of them turning towards them.

One was a white skinned girl with purple hair, a Salamon at her feet, whilst another was a yellow skinned girl with pink and and a Terriermon at her feet. Finally, there was an entirely pink girl with a crocodile Digimon at her feet that Flash didn't recognise.

"Hey," Flash waved, "you girls here to see Datamon?"

The pink girl giggled at this. "Why else would we be in his lab?" Flash smirked at this and looked down at the Digimon next to her, the blue crocodile barely looking at him.

"Hey. Never seen a Digimon like you before." He expected the Digimon to turn and talk to him, but it simple blinked as it stared off into space. "Um...hello?"

The girl laughed, "sorry about that. Dilemon doesn't really do much talking. He speaks through his eyes." Flash wondered what she meant by that, as the girl picked the Digimon up. "Nice to meet you. I'm Pinkie Pie."

"Flash Sentry," he replied.

"Oh," the white girl smiled, "we know who you are darling. You've become quite the talk of the town in Codex. The newcomer with a one of a kind Digimon, the first to Courage Armor Digivolve and the one who's won every main stadium battle he's competed in yet."

The yellow skinned girl nodded. "We watched your battle against Trixie. You were quite good." Flash turned to her and she eeped, hiding behind her hair only for the Terriermon to leap up onto her shoulder and use his ears to pull the hair away.

"Hey, what did we say about covering your face?" He turned to Flash, "sorry about her. Fluttershy's a bit of a wimp."

"Terriermon!" Fluttershy cried, as the white girl picked up her Salamon.

"My name is Rarity, by the way. And you're Micro Chips, yes?" Micro nodded, as Datamon suddenly stepped out.

"Oh," he noticed them, "visitors. Always happy to have you guys in my workshop." He leapt up onto a stool. "Let me guess. You're here to see if I have any new Battle Gear?"

"What?" Micro looked at him sheepishly, "can't a guy come and visit one of his favourite Digimon without needing a real reason." Datamon gave him a look that told him he wasn't buying it. "Alright, yeah. We wanna see what new Gear you've got."

"Well you're in for a treat," Datamon smirked. "I've been working on something that's bound to make you unstoppable."

"Really?" Flash smirked, "what is it?" Datamon leapt down off the stool and over to his computer, bringing up a bunch of images that showed some kind of chest armor with a bazooka-like weapon on the back of it..

"First off, I have the Disablizer Cannon. It's a Battle Gear designed to disrupt a Digimon's battle data." The screen changed to show a Greymon, the Disablizer Cannon on it.

The chest armor was around its chest and as a Garurumon appeared, the bazooka folded down until it was under Greymon's arm. It fired and the energy bolt it launched hit the Garurumon and zapped it, making it howl for a second before it stopped. Garurumon then tried to use its Howling Blaster, but nothing happened.

"Wait?" Micro asked, "that weapon can stop a Digimon from using its special attacks?"

"Not forever. It's effects only last about a minute and it takes five minutes to recharge after every blast. But a minute without your opponent being able to do anything is a heck of an advantage." Flash and Micro both liked the look of that, whilst Datamon showed them something else. "Then I have the Digi-Guard." The image was a six sided shape that looked like a triangle with the tips cut off and a round red light in the centre.

"And what does this do?" Rarity asked.

"Any Digimon equipped with this device will have a shield generated around them that nullifies type and attribute of any other Digimon around them." The image changed to show Greymon wearing the device like a badge on his chest, a red bubble appearing around it. The Greymon had a red Vaccine symbol above it, whilst a Seadramon with a blue Data symbol appeared next to it.

The Seadramon then stepped into the bubble, only for the Data emblem to transform into a grey line that signalled it had no attribute or typing

"So any Digimon that steps into the shield will become neutral," Rarity realised. "Basically, it'll mean you can fight against any Digimon without needing to worry about type matchups."

"Exactly," Datamon nodded. "I'm sure you can see why I said these Battle Gears will make you invincible."

"Indeed," Rarity nodded. "I'll take that Digi-Guard."

"Me too!" Pinkie cried, Fluttershy nodding.

"Well I want that Distablizer Cannon," Flash smirked with Veemon agreeing.

"I'll take the cannon too," Micro agreed with Tentomon nodding. Datamon looked at them with a frown.

"Sorry guys, but I can't sell them to you. They're not done yet." This caused all the excitement in the room to completely vanished, the ten of them looking down and glaring. "They're almost done, but I'm missing an important component to make them complete. A special kind of ore, which will be able to produce the metal needed to handle the device's power."

"Chrome Digizoid?" Flash asked, remembering where they could possibly get a butt ton of it if it despite it being buried under a mountain.

"No," Datamon shook his head, "Chrome Digizoid is great, but it's not what I need. This ore is different but just as rare as that. And without it, I can't complete any of my inventions."

"So where do we find it?" Micro asked. "If you tell us, maybe we can go get it for you."

"That would be good," Datamon smiled. "But as far as I can tell, all the places this ore is usually found have been tapped out for the most part and have yet to regenerate."

"Regenerate?" Flash asked, looking confused whilst Rarity shook her head.

"Still learning how the Digital World works I see." Flash frowned at her. "This is a Digital World, so it doesn't follow the same rules as the real one. If you cut down a tree in a video game, what usually happens when you leave the area and come back?"

Flash quickly caught on. "Oh, it re-spawns. So this ore you need will regenerate in certain areas?"

"Exactly. But it's not an instant process. The Digital World will regenerate the ore that's been mined, but it takes about six months."

"Six months!?" Veemon cried, then looked confused. "Is that long?" Everyone except Flash anime fell, the teen humming.

"How long until the regeneration takes place?"

"It's not for another month," Datamon picked himself up. "But there might still be some out there." He typed away at his computer and as he did, their Digivices all beeped as they took them out to see an new area was in their location map. "I heard rumors that some of the ore can be found in this location. But I doubt there'll be much left. Maybe enough to make one of these Battle Gear, but that's it."

"Only one?" Pinkie asked, "but what about the others?"

"I guess they'll have to wait until the ore respawns," Datamon stated. "Tell you what. Whoever brings me the ore back, gets to have their Battle Gear. You'll find it in a cave that's found in that area and it's purple in colour, so I doubt you'll be able to miss it."

They all nodded, but then turned to one another as a simple question filled their heads. Which of them would go and get the ore, meaning they would get their Battle Gear. "Well," Rarity cleared her throat, "I think it's obvious what needs to happen here." Her Salamon nodded.

"Yup. You boys should let us get the ore."

"What?" Tentomon cried, "why should you get the cool new Battle Gear?"

"Ever hear of ladies first?" Terriermon asked, as Micro rolled his eyes.

"What, are we in the nineteen-fifties?" Micro pointed at them, "gender equality works both ways. You should let us go get the ore and bring it back, so we can get the cool Battle Gear."

"YEAH!" Flash, Veemon and Tentomon stated. The others, minus Fluttershy, glared at them.

"I think it's obvious what has to happen here," Pinkie stated. "A race." She pointed that them, "first one to get the ore and bring it back here gets the Battle Gear."

"Deal!" Flash cried before he held up his Digivice and prepared to port out.

"Hey!" Datamon cried, "don't do that in here. Go outside if your gonna warp away!" Flash frowned, but he, Veemon, Micro and Tentomon rushed outside.

"Come on!" Pinkie told her friends. "We can't let them get ahead of us." She laughed, "this is gonna be fun." The girls and their Digimon followed the boys, leaving Datamon to continue his research.

"Good luck," he stated. "You're gonna need it."

The location Datamon had sent them was a mountainous forest.

From an aerial view, multiple peaks could be seen sticking out of the ground and each of these peaks were covered in a bunch of different trees. It was quite the interesting location, where the rare ore that our heroes were after was said to be located.

In the centre of a mountain circle was a section of flat clear land. And it was here that in a burst of light, Flash, Micro and their Digimon appeared. The four looked around and were impressed by the place, amazed by the calm majesty of the tree covered mountains.

However, their sightseeing would have to wait. As in that moment, another flash of light occured.

They looked around and saw the three girls and their Digimon appear behind them, the two groups realising they were now at war with one another. "Come on!" Flash cried, as he ran towards the forest with the other three following suit.

Once they were gone, Rarity giggled. "Foolish boys. Running off into an unknown forest with no idea where they're supposed to be going." She took out her Digivice, "it'll be much easier to find this cave from the air. Ready, Salamon?"

"You bet," Salamon nodded as Rarity held up her device.

"Well then, Digi-Armor Energize!" As she said that a strange object appeared out of her Digivice. It looked like a creature whose entire body was wrapped up in a pair of silver wings, with only the top of its head and its clawed feet sticking out of them. On the front was a flower-like symbol.

The object suddenly exploded into a blast of golden light, with Salamon leaping up into the air as it wrapped around her. "Salamon, Armor Digivolve to..." The cocoon grew larger and began to take bipedal form, as a pair of wings sprouted from the back of it. The light then faded, revealing a white sphinx-like Digimon wearing silver armor and a metal face mask with metal hair. "Nefertimon, the Angel of Light!"

The sphinx Digimon flew down and landed next to the girls, the three of them quickly climbing up onto her back. Nefertimon was just large enough to carry the three, whilst Terriermon and Dilemon combined onto her from legs.

The Armor Digimon then ran forward and leapt into the air, flying up above the trees and beginning her flight over the forest in search for the elusive ore cave.

Flash, Micro and their Digimon were walking through the trees, attempting to find any sign of a cave. But no matter where they looked, there was no sign of a cave anywhere in sight.

"Datamon could have told us which mountain this cave is supposed to be on," Flash sighed as he looked up. When he did, he spotted something flying over them and the trees. "What the heck?" The others looked up and realised what Flash was crying about.

"Nefertimon?" Micro asked, only to hiss. "Ahh, of course. They're flying over the forest to get a better view. Smart move."

"We can't let them get the upper hand on us!" Veemon cried, turning to Flash. "Digivolve me and I'll fly us over the forest to." Flash nodded and took out his Digivice, only to groan.

"I can't. None of your Champion or Armor forms have wings." Veemon's head dropped, as Tentomon flew over to Micro.

"Then I guess it's up to us to fly us." Micro nodded and took out his Digimon, pointing it at Tentomon and unleashing the light. "Tentomon, Digivolve to..." The light exploded off of him and the giant blue beetle replaced him, "Kabuterimon!" The insect Digimon stood tall and accidently knocked over some trees, "oops."

The others laughed as Kabuterimon reached down and picked them up, then leapt into the air and beat his wings to fly off.

The girls noticed the large insect appearing and frowned. "Of course," Rarity sighed. "Steal our idea, why don't they. Doesn't matter, that large brute will only slow them down." Terriermon then spotted something.

"I think I see a cave." Nefertimon flew down and was able to dodge the trees without any issues. She landed as Kabuterimon flew over them.

"Awe, man!" Flash cried, "they found the cave first."

"They found a cave," Micro replied. "Doesn't mean they found the cave." As he said that, Pinkie leapt off Nefertimon and moved over to it. The cave was more like a hole in the ground, she and Dilemon both sticking their heads inside of it and trying to see if it had the purple rock they were looking for. But they soon lifted their heads up out of it and shook their heads.

"No," she told them, "I don't think it's this cave."

"Then we'll just have to keep looking," Rarity stated. The boys smirked, knowing they still had a chance. They flew off to find their own cave, whilst the girls took off to do the same.

In a dark underground cavern, a Drimogemon was busy digging away as it tried to find something to eat.

The mole's drill nose spun at high speed to dig through the dirt and rock, eventually breaking through it into a ready made tunnel. Drimogemon stepped out into the tunnel and looked around, confused about where this chamber had come from. But it could tell by the size of the tunnel, whatever made it was much bigger then it.

Realising it was a bad idea to stay there, Drimogemon turned towards one of the walls and started digging into the rock. It started making a new tunnel to escape the one it was in, but this action caught the attention of something else.

Deeper in the tunnel, something was fast asleep. But suddenly, its body sensed vibrations in the earth that caused it to awaken. A large eye opened up to reveal a reptilian eyeball, as it lifted its head and started making its way towards the source of the vibrations.

Drimogemon kept digging and soon had a tunnel large enough for half its body to go down. If it could completely fit its body into the tunnel, whatever had made this one wouldn't be able to follow.

But before it could complete its tunnel, the ground around it shook and it could sense something approaching. Something big and dangerous.

It doubled its drill-speed, which put a serious stain on it, allowing it to dig deeper and faster into the earth. But as it was just about to be completely safe in its own hole, something grabbed its back legs. The Drimogemon let out a scream, as it was suddenly pulled backwards into the darkness.

Screams and roars filled the tunnel, as two Digimon did battle against one another. But in the end, only one came out of it. And it wasn't the Drimogemon.

When the sounds of the fight came to an end, the Digimon that had attacked Drimogemon made its way up the tunnel to see if there were any more intruders in its territory. And as it did, it felt something. More vibrations, coming from further up on the surface. Something had entered its home.

The two groups continued to search the mountainous forests, looking for any signs of a cave. And as it turned out, the area was full of caves.

"There's one!" Flash cried, pointing at the ground where a hole in the side of the mountain could be seen. Kabuterimon flew down, but had to be careful since his size meant landing was difficult. Flash and Veemon climbed down the insect's legs and once they were close enough to the ground, they leapt off and dropped a few feet before landing.

The pair headed towards the cave and looked inside, seeing it was a long tunnel that was pretty dark.

Flash took out his Digivice and used it to illuminate the tunnel, but saw no sign of purple rocks. "See anything?" He asked as they moved deeper into the cave, Veemon keeping his eyes peeled but not seeing any hint of purple.

"Nothing yet. Maybe it's further in." They kept walking, being careful not to trip over anything on the ground. But still, there was no sign of the ore. However, as they were about twenty feet into the tunnel, they heard something and all looked straight up.

When they did, they saw a bunch of things moving on the ceiling. Something that Flash had accidently illuminated with his Digivice. This caught its attention and made it look down, allowing them to see a bat-like Digimon who clearly didn't like having something flashed in its eyes. And it wasn't alone.

Micro and Kabuterimon continued to fly above the cave, waiting impatiently for the two to return with or without their prize.

Then, they heard screams coming from the caves and looked down to see Flash and Veemon running out of it. The pair were being chased by a bunch of Pipismon, more than Micro wanted to bother counting. The two ran as fast as they could, whilst the bats unleashed a sonic blast from their mouths that could even rip through the trees around them.

Flash was about to have Veemon Digivolve, but in that moment Kabuterimon flew down and unleashed a blast of lightning that knocked the Pipismon back. The giant insect then reached down and picked the pair up, flying up and out of the trees where the Pipismon refused to follow.

"Good thing they don't like light," Micro spoke as Flash and Veemon climbed up the Digimon to his head. "So, I'm guessing the ore wasn't in that cave." Flash shot him a glare, giving him the answer he was looking for. "Alright, moving on."

Rarity and her friends had flown over to another mountain.

Nefertimon glided through the air above the trees, as they kept an eye for anything that remotely resembled a cave. "Hey, look!" Pinkie pointed down at the ground, the others following her gaze.

"Do you see a cave?" Rarity asked, but Pinkie shook her head.

"No, but I see a Digimon on that tree over there. Maybe he knows where to find the cave we're looking for." The others couldn't see any harm in asking, so flew down to get a closer look. They saw it was a yellow, red, black and purple caterpillar Digimon, which was currently crawling from one branch to another on the tree.

"Hello?" Rarity called out, "can you help us?" He turned to them, "we're looking for a cave that might hold some special ore that we need. Do you know where we might find it?" The Digimon looked at them, clearly unsure what they were talking about. They sighed, "thank you anyway." They flew off and the Digimon got back to whatever it was it was doing. As it did, it hummed.

"Maybe I should have warned them not to step on the ground. Oh well."

Checking out another mountain, Flash made them stop when he spotted a waterfall and suggested checking it out. "Why would a cave be behind that?"

"It's like how Rarity said, this world can run off video game logic. And how many video games have a cave or entrance to a cool place behind a waterfall?" Micro realised he had a point, but felt like Datamon would have mentioned the cave being behind a waterfall.

But Flash and Veemon had already jumped down off of Kabuterimon and ran over to the waterfall, which fed a strong looking river.

The pair rushed up to it and Flash tried to see if he could see anything behind the water, but there didn't appear to be anything there. "Maybe it's hidden?" Veemon asked, forcing himself to go under the water to touch the wall. He felt absolutely freezing, as the water came crashing down on him. He kept patting the wall and eventually, he determined there was nothing there. "Nope, no cave."

Flash groaned, only for his eyes to go wide when Veemon slipped and fell into the river. "Veemon!" He ran after the little dragon, who cried out as he struggled to keep his head above the water. Micro and Kabuterimon sighed at this and chased after the pair.

The girls had checked further down the mountain and there was still no sign of a cave.

Pinkie turned to Rarity. "Maybe Datamon was wrong about there being an ore cave around here." Rarity frowned at this, hoping that was not the case. "Or maybe one of the caves we already checked in the ore cave and it's already been picked clean."

"I guess it's a possibility," Rarity agreed. "But still, we won't know for sure unless we check every part of this forest." They all nodded in agreement and as they did, Fluttershy spotted a cave down below them.

"Down there!" She pointed it out, the others seeing it.

"Perfect," Rarity nodded as Nefertimon flew down. They landed in front of the threes and Pinkie leapt off the Armor Digimon's back, running up to the cave and looking inside of it. "See anything?"

Pinkie could barely see, using her Digivice to light the cave up. And when she did, she saw the cave was a small chamber roughly the size of a person's living room. It appeared to go into the mountain, the area around them sloping upwards. She kept looking and sure enough, there it was.

"Purple rock!" Pinkie cried, seeing it sticking out of the cave wall. The others smiled at their victory, Pinkie stepping into the cave and preparing to pull the ore out of the cave. But as soon as she entered the cave, the ground beneath her feet began to shake. "Huh?"

Rarity, Fluttershy and the Digimon also felt it and all grew worried, Rarity turning to Pinkie. "Get out of there before the cave collapses!" Pinkie nodded and ran back out, as the cave's ceiling began to break apart. As soon as she was out of the cave, the ground at the entrance began to break apart.

"Something's coming out!" Nefertimon yelled, right as the ground exploded and something long flew up out of it.

Pinkie had barely managed to get away in time, Dilemon rushing over and jumping protectively in front of her. As it did, the dust and dirt in the air cleared to reveal what had just exploded out of the ground.

It was a large serpentine Digimon, which looked similar to a Seadramon and Airdramon. Its body was mostly blue, though its neck and underside were yellow with black lines. The blue sections of its body were covered in brown spikes, which stuck out of its body in all directions, whilst its head had a brown mask covering the upper part of its head that had a V-shaped attachment on the top. Finally, the end of its tail had a yellow cone that had a black line spiralling around it to mimic a drill.

"What is that thing?" Terriermon cried, but Rarity had seen this Digimon before in a stadium battle.

"Landramon! It's a Champion Level Digimon that lives its life underground and attacks from below. Its special attacks are Spine Spiker and Dust Buster!" The serpent Digimon glared down at them, its long body coiling around the forest floor and knocking over many trees.

"Why is it glaring at us?" Fluttershy asked, the others unsure but having a theory.

"I think it doesn't like us in its territory," Terriermon gulped as the spines on Landramon's body began to glow. "Everyone move!" They all ran in different directions, as the Digimon roared.

"Spine Spiker!" He flicked his body around and the lights exploded off the spins towards them, the energy attacks ripping through the trees they connected with and making the ground explode.

Terriermon was the first to react to this attack, the Digimon leaping off Fluttershy's shoulder and opening his mouth. "Bunny Blast!" A sphere of green energy shot out of his mouth and slammed against the beast's head, exploding but not appearing to do much damage.

Dilemon then ran forwards, finally speaking up. "Water Gun!" He fired a stream of water out of his mouth and it slammed into Landramon's chest, again not doing anything against it.

Landramon then swung its tail around, attempting to knock Dilemon flying. But the little crocodile leapt into the air over the tail, as Nefertimon flew down as her claw bracers glowed. "Queens Paw!" Gems exploded out of the bracers and slammed against Landramon's head, making it flinch in pain and giving Terriermon and Dilemon an opening.

"Fluttershy!" Pinkie cried, holding up her pink Digivice.

"Right," Fluttershy held up her yellow device and the two began to glow.

The Rookies ran forward, as energy flowed out of the Digivices and swirled around them. "Terriermon, Digivolve to..." The cocoon exploded to reveal a larger version of Terriermon, wearing jeans and having a pair of gatling guns around his hands. "Gargomon!"

"Dilemon, Digivolve to..." The cocoon exploded off of him and revealed his new form. He was now a nine foot tall alligator Digimon, that was standing on two legs. He was still mostly blue in colour, though a bit lighter, but now he had a yellow lower jaw and the yellow V that had been on his chest was now on his waist between his legs. His arms were now almost as long as he was tall, with white claws on the end of them whilst the red spikes running down his back and tail had grown larger. He also had three spikes sticking out the top of his head, giving him the appearance of having a mohawk. "Gatormon!"

Landramon stared down his opponents and didn't look at all impressed, as Gargomon raised his gun hands and pointed them at the snake. "Gargo Pellets!" The guns started firing and the bullets bombarded the Digimon, whilst Gatormon rushed forward on all fours.

"Ice Fang!" He leapt at Landramon as his fangs glowed blue, the alligator biting down on the beast whilst Nefertimon flew closer.

"Rosetta Stone!" Her back glowed and unleashed a pillar of light, which a stone tablet shot out of and slammed down into Landramon's face.

To say the Digimon was angry was an understatement, as its spines glowed once again. "Spine Spiking!" The light exploded off and started raining down everywhere, with even one flying into the cave and hitting the back wall.

"Augh!" Gatormon roared, as a spine slammed into him and exploded. One also exploded near Gargomon and knocked him flyingback, whilst Nefertimon managed to avoid it.

The humans all hid behind the trees, but knew they would do little if anything against the spins. "Rarity!" Nefertimon cried, "you have to get out of here!" Rarity wanted to agree, but in that moment Landramon looked up at her.

"Dust Buster!" A stream of high pressure sand exploded from its mouth and shot up towards Nefertimon, slamming into her before she could react.

"AUGH!" She screamed, the blast knocking her spiralling through the air until she crashed into a tree.

"NEFERTIMON!" Rarity screamed, as her partner fell to the ground and glowed. She shrank down and the light flew off of her, flying back into Rarity's Digivice whilst revealing Salamon laid out on the ground. "Hang on!" She tried to rush over to her, but Landramon's tail came crashing down between them before moving around towards her and the girls.

Gargomon and Gatormon leapt in front of them and held out their arms, grabbing the tail and attempting to stop the attack from crashing into them. But they were quickly knocked off balance by the impact, allowing Landramon to pull his tail back as they staggered back.

"Dust Buster!" The sand stream exploded out of his mouth and struck the pair before they could recover and they were knocked backwards, crashing into the ground and moaning. Landramon then raised his tail, ready to smash it down on them. However.

"Holy Shoot!" A small ball of light flew up and slammed into the side of Landramon's head, barely hurting it but catching its attention. It turned to Salamon, who glared up at it but still looking rather hurt.

"Salamon!" Rarity screamed, terrified for her partner. This terror doubled when Landramon opened its mouth and shot forward, ready to swallow the little Digimon in a single bite. But that didn't happen.

"VEE-HEADBUTT!" Something blue shot past Salamon and slammed right into Landramon's snout, making it roar as it was actually pushed back. The blue object bounced away from the snake and landed in front of Salamon, revealing Veemon. "Back off, snakey!" The beast let out a hiss and prepared to attack again, only for something to fly down in front of him.

"Big Horn!" Kabuterimon yelled, as he slammed into Landramon with his horn and knocked it backwards. As he did, Flash and Micro leapt down off the bug and held up their Digivices.

"Let's go, Veemon!" Flash cried as his partner ran forward. "Digi-Armor, Energize!" The Digimental of Courage appeared and exploded into flames, which wrapped around Veemon.

"Veemon, Armor Digivolve to..." The flames exploded off of him and revealed his larger, armored form. "Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!" Flamedramon ran forward and leapt towards Landramon, slamming a foot right into his chest and knocked him backwards.

Micro quickly swung his Digivice around, creating the two boxes around him that had a scan of Tentomon and the Digimental of Courage. "Biomerge, Activate!" The cubes fused with him and burst into light. "Digi-Armor, Energise!" The light then exploded into flames, as Micro transformed. "Tentomon, Armor Digivolve to..." The flames extinguished and revealed the flame clothed magician. "FlameWizardmon, Burning Magical Courage!"

Flash quickly swung his Digivice around, as the cube appeared with Flamemon inside of it. "Biomerge, Activate!" The cube sucked him inside and he was quickly transformed into the rookie, only to then burst into flames. "Flamemon, Digivolve to..." The flames grew larger and exploded off of him, revealing his adult form. "Agunimon!"

The three fire Digimon stood their ground and glared up at Landramon, whilst Kabuterimon flew into the air and prepared to give them assistance. Agunimon was the first to attack, his fists bursting into flames as he charged forward.

"Pyro Punch!" He leapt into the air, as Landramon's tail swung around and tried to knock him away. But Agunimon thrust his fists downwards and used his fire to propel him upwards and over the tail. As he did, FlameWizardmon's fingertips burst into flames.

"Magic Ignition!" He threw the flames towards them and Landramon was so focused on Agunimon it didn't notice the flames until they crashed into it.

Flamedramon then leapt forward, his claws bursting into flames. "Flame Fist!" He leapt forward and punched the snake, making it his. Landramon was so focused on them, it didn't notice Rarity rushing over to Salamon.

"Are you okay?" She asked, Salamon nodding as Rarity opened up her Digivice and typed away at it until a red and white pill appeared in her hands. "Here, take this HP Capsule." Salamon didn't argue and quickly swallowed it, making her sigh as she felt her injuries disappear. As they did, she heard Landramon roar out.

"Spine Spiking!" The energy spikes appeared on his body and exploded off of him, forcing the three fire Digimon to defend themselves.

Flamedramon knocked one spine away, but another landed on the ground near him and exploded. "AUGH!" He was thrown backwards and crashed into a tree, making her gasp.

"I gotta get back in there!" She began to run forward and Rarity, despite worrying for her, knew she couldn't stop her. Instead, she held up her Digivice and the light exploded out of it and surrounded her. "Salamon, Digivolve to..." The light barely grew and when it exploded off of her, Salamon was replaced by a Rookie height Digimon that was a white bipedal cat with purple on her ears and tail, a golden ring around her tail and gloves similar to Nefertimon on her front paws. "Gatomon!"

She quickly rushed forward and as Landramon prepared to crush Flamedramon under its tail, she leapt up with her gloved fist raised. "Lightning Paw!" She punched it with incredible speed, knocking the tail backwards and into Landramon's head.

Flamedramon smirked as he picked himself up, "thanks."

"Just returning the favour," she told him as Gargomon and Gatormon had finally recovered.

"Hydro Pump!" Gatormon roared, as a powerful blast of water exploded from out of his mouth and hit Landramon in the head. This made it cry out, as Gargomon used the trees to springboard itself upwards until he was right in the snake's face

"Bunny Pummel!" He spun around and smashed both his ears into Landramon's face, hurting it some more as he thrust his guns forward. "Gargo Pellets!" The bullets unloaded themselves into Landramon, making it roar out in pain as Flamedramon lifted Gatomon onto his back.

"Give us some cover!" He cried, running forward as Agunimon and FlameWizardmon did gust that.

"Pyro Darts!" Agunimon threw the flaming needles at Landramon, whilst FlameWizardmon used his Magic Ignition. They flames slammed into Landramon and exploded, knocking him back as Flamedramon leapt into the air.

"Ready?" He asked Garomon, who nodded as they reached Landramon's head. Gatomon then leapt off his back and fell towards Landramon, gravity increasing her speed as she drew near his face.

"Lightning Paw!" She thrust her fist into Landramon's head, as Gargomon, Gatormon and Kabuterimon all attacked as well.

"Gargo Pellets/Hydro Pump/Electro Shocker!" The thres attacks shot towards Landramon and all exploded upon contact, making him cry out as Flamedramon's body ignited.

"Fire Rocket!" He launched himself towards Landramon and smashed into him before it could recover from the other attacks, knocking it backwards through several more trees. It finally crashed into the ground and let out a mighty hiss as it did so.

Flamedramon fell towards the ground and landed next to Gatomon, the lot of them watching as Landramon laid on the ground. "Is it still alive?" Fluttershy asked, staring at the Digimon's still body.

"It should be," FlameWizardmon stated. "If it were dead, it would explode to return to Primary Village." They kept staring at the Digimon, only for it to start moving and begin to pick itself up. They all got ready for a fight and as it turned to glare at them, they had a feeling that fight was gonna be a tough one.

But instead of attacking, Landramon shot them one final angry hiss before slamming its head into the ground and breaking through it. They watched as the long serpentine body disappeared beneath the ground, the drill appendage on the end of its tail being the last thing to disappear into the hole.

They waited for a minute or so, wondering if maybe Landramon was planning to attack them from below when they let their guards down. But eventually, they realised the Digimon serpent wasn't coming back and they all sighed in relief. As they did, the Digimon began to De-Digivolve and the boys returned to human form.

As they did, Fluttershy turned to Flash and Micro. "Thank you," she bowed. "You didn't have to help us, but we appreciate you doing so." The boys smirked.

"Of course we had to," Flash told her. "We might be in competition right now, but we couldn't just let you girls get fragged." They all smiled at them, as Micro turned towards the cave and realised it must have been what they were looking for.

"So is the ore in there?"

"Yes," Rarity nodded before letting out a sigh. "And I guess it's only fair that you take it. Call it payment for saving us."

"We didn't do that so you'd owe us," Flash told her. "You found it, so you should get it." Rarity shook her head, clearly not wanting to leave their debt to the pair unpaid. Flash frowned, knowing she likely wouldn't be accepting the ore. Then, Fluttershy spoke up.

"Why don't we all take it," Fluttershy explained. "We all take it back to Datamon and see which Battle Gear he wants to complete. And you never know, Datamon said the ore was rare. So maybe he wasn't expecting us to get that much. It might be enough for both."

The others doubted that, but decided to do what Fluttershy anyway.

Flash stepped into the cave and found ore sticking out of the back wall that was as large as a pumpkin. He grabbed hold of it and pulled, the rock slowly sliding loose. But as it did, the rock around it began to break. "Flash!" Veemon cried, seeing the rocks of the wall cracking. "Move!"

Flash looked around and saw the cracks appearing, making him think to stop. But before he did, the ore came loose and he fell back. "Augh!" He fell to the ground with the ore landing on his lap, making him wince before the cracking sounds grew louder.

"FLASH!" They all cried, telling him to get out. But the wall cave in and broke apart.

They expected the rest of the cave to also collapse, but it didn't. Only the wall crumbled to nothing and as it did, Flash coughed at all the dust only to then see something appear behind the cave. "Wow." The others had been blinded by the dust but as it settled, they saw what Flash had been amazed by.

Behind the wall was another chamber, which was about five times the size of the cave Flash was in.

They all stepped through the gap in the wall and as they did, they were amazed to see the same purple ore they had been searching for was sticking out of every inch of the wall around them. "I thought Datamon said this stuff was rare?" Flash asked, as Micro and the others stepped inside.

"It is," he nodded. "And I think we just hit the motherload." Everyone smiled at the sight of this, as they realised what this would mean.

"There's enough here for Datamon to make both our Battle Gears!" Pinkie cheered.

"Along with probably two dozen more creations of his," Rarity smiled. Everyone smirked, the lot of them not being able to wait to see what Datamon's expression was when he saw all of this.

And they were not disappointed.

"Wha...where...how?" Datamon's mouth was wide open at the sight of the amount of ore currently filling his workshop. He could hardly believe how much was there. "Where the heck did you find all this ore?"

"Let's not worry about that right now," Flash smirked. "Instead, how about we focus on the Battle Gears you promised us. I think this should be more then enough for you to make them both." Datamon nodded.

"Excellent," Rarity smiled. "Then how about a deal. We give you all this ore and you give us all the two Battle Gears you promised." Datamon had stars in his eyes, "and you agree to let us have the next five Battle Gears you design for free."

"What?" Datamon cried, "that's daylight robbery."

"Well if you don't want the ore," Micro went to pick it all up.

"Wait!" Datamon cried, "I'm sure we can come to an agreement. How about I give you all the Battle Gears you want and one free Battle Gear in the future."

"Four," Flash stated.


"Three," Pinkie cheered as Datamon growled.

"Fine. The next three Battle Gears you want are on the house." They all smiled, happy with that deal. They allowed Datamon to digitize the ore and as soon as he did, he got to work programming the two Battle Gears. It wasn't long before they got their scans of the Battle Gear.

They all scanned the two Battle Gear, happy they now had the two after all the hard work they had gone through. And with their purchases made, they left Datamon to get back to work and all headed out of the lab.

"All's well that ends well," Rarity sighed.

"Agreed," Micro nodded. He turned to the girls and smiled, "glad we were all able to get what we wanted. You three are pretty impressive, being able to hold off that Landramon for so long."

"Thanks," Pinkie smirked. "But we would have been toast if you guys hadn't come to save the day." The girls and their Digimon nodded.

Flash held out a hand. "From now on, let's work together whenever we're not in the stadiums. That way, we'll always have the best chance of getting what we want." Rarity smiled at this and happily shook hands, the group all heading back to Codex to log out.

Back in the real work, Flash, Micro and Twilight had just gotten out of class.

As they did, the boys checked their Digivices and saw their Digital Selves were wanting out. They quickly pressed the button and as their memories came flooding back, they were amazed by what had happened to them. When the upload completed, they both smiled as Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"So, you guys run into Rarity and the others?" They both nodded with a knowing smirked, "what happened?"

"It's a long story," Flash told her. "But everything turned out alright in the end." Micro nodded, as Twilight just got more curious. They began to explain as they continued to their next class, wondering what Datamon was gonna use all that ore for. Hopefully, something they could use to get even stronger.

Author's Note:

Well, Flash meets Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie. A little conflict at first, but nothing a little beating the living daylights out of a monster won't fix. Hope you enjoyed.

I know a lot of you are also confused about Salamon becoming Nefertimon when in the show, it was Gatomon that did that. But if you look on the Armor Digivolution Chart, Salamon can Armor Digivolve into Nerftimon.

Also, about Landramon. Some of you might noticed a striking similarity to two other serpentine Digimon we've seen before. Yes, Landramon is meant to be a ground version of Airdramon and Seadramon. Not sure if it would Digivolve from Betamon but if it did, it would certainly make a nice trio. Also not sure what its Ultimate or Mega would be. If you have any ideas, feel free to say them.

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