• Published 26th Dec 2022
  • 1,292 Views, 8 Comments

Don't Go Griffing My Heart - Nailah

Gallus and Silverstream both learn the meaning of love.

  • ...

The Only Chapter

Snow covered every inch of Ponyville. Every creature was going about doing their own things to prepare for the holidays. Everyone was, save for one birdbrain.

Gallus stood outside of Twilight’s castle, pacing back and forth. His tail swished behind him, and he mumbled incoherent words to the nothingness around him. “Hmm…” Gallus muttered aloud.

“Hmm?” Hmm what? Do you need help with anything Gallus?” Twilight asked, Spike beside her.

“Oh, Princess Twilight.” Gallus twitched nervously. His teeth grinded together as he shook his head. “Not really, just thinking was all.”

“Oh, well okay. Just remember to enjoy the holidays! Even I get tired of studying all the time.”

“Suuuure,” Spike murmured.

Twilight and Spike both went inside the castle, leaving Gallus back to his own train of thoughts. I have to do this myself, I can’t rely on Twilight for something so important.

Looking at all the creatures around him, buying gifts, spending time with family, and just being happy made him feel envious. For years, he could only wonder what such joy felt like. He probably still wouldn’t know what it felt like to be part of something, if not for his friends.

“Friends…” The words drifted on a sudden gust of wind and ice. Flashes of pink feathers and an uncontained energy: Silverstream. She was such an innocent cinnamon bun at times. Filled with such sweetness, and naivety. In her presence, he felt almost lesser, incomplete somehow. But when they parted, the feeling only doubled. He stared down at the snow, oblivious to the cold.

Even this winter itself was like a new experience for Gallus. Last year, he remembered playing in the snow for the first time with all his friends. He turned around and headed over to Sugarcube corner, licking his lips at the thought of Hearth’s Warming treats. He wanted to get something for Silverstream, but he kept scratching his head and coming up with all these things that just didn’t feel right.

Wind buffed the door as he pulled it open, the mist of cold air in front of his beak fading away as he found himself filled by the warm aromas of holiday goodies.

“Oh! Hello, Gallus, it's good to see you!” Mrs. Cake waved towards him with one hoof, using the other hoof to grab something from the counter, and putting it on top, then ring the bell. “Rainbow, your order’s ready.”

“Thanks.” Rainbow Dash said, grabbing the bag, and hurrying out the door. She whooshed right past Gallus, a rainbow trail in her wake.

At that moment, he even felt envious of Rainbow Dash. Being able to make decisions so quickly, without a care in the world for what was going on around her. He walked up to the counter, smiling back at Mrs. Cake.

“Hey, Mrs. Cake, it’s good to see you again. Got any sweets you might recommend?” Gallus asked, scratching the back of his head, and looking aimlessly all around the bakery. He took a deep breath to steady himself, but his talons betrayed him, visibly shaking.

“Oh, of course!” Mrs. Cake began, her eyes glazing over Gallus, then pulling to a tray of deliciously baked cookies, a variety tray of all different kinds and flavors. “I’d recommend this one for parties. Is it for Hearth’s Warming, or did you have something else in mind?”

Gallus froze, eyes darting from one side to the other. It wasn’t like he had to say, every creature was getting gifts for others. Gallus immediately pointed to a variety of brightly colored cupcakes. “Those ought to do it.”

“Alright, that’ll be ten bits.” Mrs. Cake smiled.

Gallus handed over the bits, then took the cupcakes in the nicely wrapped box. He hadn’t asked for the shiny red ribbon on top, but admittedly it was a nice touch. Smirking to himself, he flew towards the location between land and sea, where he was to meet up with her. The breeze felt chilly, yet seeing her wave to him from the beach filled his heart with such joy. The sensations going through his body felt like sitting in front of a fireplace after coming in from the icy cold: it was an amazing feeling.

Silverstream waved towards Gallus, seeing him flying towards her, a perfectly wrapped present already in his talons. Heart racing a mile a second, her eyes glimmered in the dazzling light of the winter sun.

“Oh! I wonder what he might have gotten for me,” she said. Her whole body flailed, tail wagging and the most pure smile one could imagine on her face.

Silverstream waited for him to land before tackling him into a hug. She was careful not to crush the box in his talons, but he also moved his one arm above his head, predicting this sorta reaction from her.

Silverstream let go of the hug, and gave Gallus a quick peck on the beak. Keeping the wide smile, she pulled back and tried to stay still, her tail still creating its own jetstream.

“I wasn’t really sure what to get you,” Gallus began when Silverstream leaped forward, giving him another big hug. Again, he protected the gift by quickly moving it out of harm's way. He coughed, and Silverstream finally pulled back.

Gallus knew Silverstream quite well by now, she just couldn’t help herself. Wanting to share her love and enthusiasm with the world, but this feeling was different, unique. His heart pounded faster and faster, just being with her.

“Here you go, I hope you like it,” He stuttered, eyes fixated on her.

Silverstream took the present, and hugged it tightly to herself. Then she tore off the ribbon and decimated the wrapping with eager excitement. “Oh!” She gasped aloud seeing the variety of differently colored cupcakes.

“This is…” Silverstream began.

At first, Gallus felt his heart sink. Did she not like it? Should he have been more specific, and gotten a more unique gift? Something that didn’t just work for everyone, but something Silverstream, in all that she is? His heart raced a mile a second, and over a hundred different scenarios went through his mind, in the span of a single moment.

“I LOVE CUPCAKES!” She screamed vividly. She took one of the cupcakes out of the box, licking her lips before handing it to him. “You should try one. I’m sure they are great, especially if you got them from Sugarcube Corner! The Cakes make great cupcakes.” She giggled-snorted. “I wish I had that kind of talent…” She put a talon to her chin. “I wonder if that comes with marriage?” ”

“I’m glad you love it,” Gallus bawked, eyes blinking and then laughing. “Oh, Silverstream you are just so…” He paused, taking her in once more. The way her eyes sparkled with the warmth of her heart The way the water splashed behind her, and little sparkles of water would land about her body, making her shine and shimmer. “More beautiful than a diamond.”

Silverstream blushed, fidgeting her foreleg against the other, looking down as the waves lapped against her. “Awwwh. You’re such a sweetheart, Gallus.” She traced little heart shapes into the sand with her talon. “That’s part of what I love about you. I also admire how smart you are, and how brave too!”

Heart pounding, Gallus took a step forward and pulled Silverstream tightly against him. “Silverstream, I feel like I’ve found the ocean’s most precious pearl. No one shines as brightly, or with as many colours as you.” Gallus stroked his talon up and down her back. The giving of anything freely, especially of oneself was so opposite to how he was raised that it hurt. But maybe this was how it felt to be vulnerable… to pain, or to love.. He was glad he could finally show her how he felt, glad that he finally understood it himself.

“I was thinking about something, Gallus,” Silverstream began after pulling away from the hug and looking towards the water. “How would you feel about being a seapony?”

“Like, for a day or for the rest of my life?” Gallus asked, a bit perplexed. The thought never really had occurred to him.

“Just for today.” Silverstream nodded.

“I mean, I guess? Sure, why not.”

“Wonderful!” Silverstream smiled, pulling out an invitation to a royal Hearth’s Warming dinner under the sea, and handing it to him.

Gallus took the card in his talon, and read over it carefully.

Dear every creature,
We are inviting you all to our royal Hearth’s Warming party. It will be under the sea and you will need to be given a necklace by one of the many hippogriffs. If you are receiving this invitation, you are extended the rules of hospitality from Royals, Queen Nova, and Princess Skystar. We ask that all creatures great and small be respectful. Best wishes to all, and a Happy Hearth’s Warming!

Gallus folded the invitation, and looked to Silverstream. His talons fiddled over the card, and he twitched in place.

“Are you really sure about this, Silverstream?” Gallus asked, his tongue scraping against his beak. “What if… they don’t like me, or something?

“Oh course I’m sure! They’re going to love you, I just know it!” Silverstream shook her head, pulling Gallus in close, and nuzzling her beak against his.

“But… I’m a griffon, and you know, we aren’t exactly nice. Well, most of us aren't…”

“And I’m a hippogriff, and most creatures don’t even know anything about us!” Silverstream reminded him. “Listen, Gallus no one is going to judge you, just because you're a griff, I promise.”

“Well… If you’re sure, then I guess I'd love to come for a holiday… What did you call it? Lunch, dinner or was it a feast?”

“There will be food, friends, and family. Not to mention presents!” Silverstream exclaimed, almost leaping up into the air.

“Alright, count me in,” Gallus said, delicately handing her one of the cupcakes.

Silverstream bit in eagerly, licking her beak as she did . A bit of the frosting gracing her cheeks.

Gallus reached out with a talon and carefully wiped her face clean.

Silverstream giggled, feeling his talon against her fur. His touch was so soft and gentle, radiating warmth and emotion.

Gallus smiled, content in her presence. He enjoyed this quiet time. No school, no friendship lessons, just the two of them. “We should probably get going, if we don’t want to be late to the party, that is.”

“Oh right!” Silverstream said as she reached over and put the necklace around his neck. The purple glow illuminated but nothing else happened.

“I’m guessing it is activated by the water?” Gallus asked, curiously.

Without answering him, Silverstream turned to the water, and raced right into a small wave hitting the beach. As the water hit her, her whole body was illuminated by this purple glow.

Gallus watched her transformation. Her hippogriff legs disappeared and suddenly she had a fish fin, her top half staying mostly the same. Her seapony form was just as majestic and beautiful as her hippogriff form. It didn’t matter what she looked like, it was her spirit that he had fallen head over talons for. His heart stopped for a split second, just seeing how the small rivulets of water coming down off of her framed her in a shimmering light.

He shook his head, and realized she was waddling deeper into the ocean, calling to him.

“Gallus, are you gonna stand there all day, or are you actually gonna come join us?” Silverstream asked, looking at him. “I did mention there would be food! Not just cupcakes but all sorts of stuff! A feast fit for any griff!”

“Sorry,” He called out to her, spreading his wingspan out fully, digging his claws into the sand before racing towards her. His tail swayed behind him, and his eyes had an almost cat-like gleam. He pounced on Silverstream, pulling his love into the water.

Silverstream burst out into a fit of laughter. “Gallus, stop it! That tickles!” She pouted, but continued laughing. She panted as she wiped a happy tear from her eye as he left her, just idly waddling in the water now.

The two of them floated above the water for a few more minutes before Silverstream gestured with her claw for Gallus to follow her. She dove under the deeper part of the ocean, past the point where the two of them could still touch the sand at the bottom of the shallows.

Silverstream led the way through the water, the two of them swimming deeper and deeper under the sea.

Gallus followed her, but couldn’t help feeling just a bit nervous. He had never met the Queen of the Hippogriffs before, and he had absolutely no idea how to act around royalty. The closest he got was being taught by the Princess of Friendship, but a student-teacher relationship was a whole other kettle of fish than an actual Queen that he only knew bits and pieces about.

The lights from above illuminated the entire underwater areas with bright green and red and even a bit of silver and gold. It was rather festive for this time of year. He could see the seapony children playing games like find the pearl. There were seashells scattered all around the ground, but only one of them could contain a pearl, and whichever filly or colt found it first, got to open one gift early.

Griffons didn’t play any sorts of games back in Griffonstone. The more he thought about it, they didn’t really do Hearth’s Warming at all. Griffons were creatures that only cared about themselves, and bits. Seeing the many sea ponies at play, brought pain and joy to his face. He shook his head, and followed Silverstream. She slowed, grabbed him by the fin, and suddenly they were starting to swim a lot faster.

“Come on, Gallus,” She began as she breezed through the water towards the central part of the underwater Kingdom. He could just barely make out the throne from this distance, and gulped. Why was she introducing him to the Queen? He tensed up, and felt this instant urge to pull away, but he didn’t want to hurt Silverstream’s feelings either. She had called him brave, now he needed to prove it.

The royal throne, akin to a seaflower of a kind, rested before them. Queen Novo rested with a contented sort of tiredness. The holidays took their toll on everyone, it seemed. She stopped in front of the Queen and bowed her head in respect. He followed suit, bowing his head.

“No need for that, dear Silverstream. We are all family in this most cherished of holidays.”

"Sorry, Queen Nova, it's a force of habit,'' Silverstream admitted, rubbing the back of her head with a talon. "I wanted to introduce you to my boyfriend Gallus, he and I met in the school of friendship, and we started dating um… some time ago. I thought it'd be nice to show him our culture, and our festive spirit!"

Queen Nova listened as she talked, simply nodding in response. She waited until she finished speaking. "That's nice of you, Silverstream, just remember not everything about us should be shared. There are some matters in which we must keep secret from outsiders."

"Oh, of course!" Silverstream said.

Gallup just stood there, idly, waiting. . He looked at Silverstream, silently pleading for them to go anywhere else.

She bowed her head instinctively towards the Queen before swimming steadily to Gallus, and taking him by the fin. At last, they swam away from the central part of the Kingdom.

"Whelp, that was awkward." He sighed, then reached over to gently pet Silverstream on the head. "I'm not really sure what I expected, but yeah…"

"It's okay, she's a good Queen. She's just still a tiny wee bit too protective at times." A voice spoke up from behind them. The two of them turned to see Princess Skystar. "Hey, Silverstream! Is this the bird you’ve been bragging about?"

"Sure is!" Silverstream replied eagerly, wrapping a fin around him and pulling him in snuggly to her.

Gallus blushed, his face a hot crimson. He looked at the Princess. She seemed so much more at ease, almost too much at ease. Remembering his place, he bowed his head towards her, and waved with his talon. "Hi, I'm Gallus. Nice to meet you." He decided to keep it short and simple.

“Why is he bowing like that?” Skystar asked, eyes blinking,her head tilted to the side.

“We met with your Queen first, I mean, your mom, and well, instincts kicked in.” Silverstream explained to her.

“Oh,” Skystar giggled, putting a fin in front of her beak. “Oh, sorry, I shouldn’t be laughing about that. If you didn’t know, my mom, well…she’s my mom.”

“Yeah, I know,” Silverstream sighed. She looked at the sea ponies playing in the background, looked around at all the lights, all the bright and wonderful colors and stopped. She hadn’t even thought to ask Gallus if he was having a good time. Here she was, dragging her boyfriend into a situation that he really wasn’t comfortable with, or prepared for, and the whole time he was there with her, being supportive.

“Gallus, I’m sorry,” Silverstream started, but before she could continue, he put a claw over her beak.

“Ssssh. It’s okay, really,” Gallus said.

“I’ll leave you two lovebirds be. It seems like you have a lot on your mind!” Princess Skystar announced royally, swimming off in a frenzy. That fish was sure one piece of work, that she was.

Silverstream was oddly quiet. Her upper lip covered her bottom in a half pout as she looked up into Gallus’s eyes.

“Are you sure it’s alright? I… I wasn’t thinking,” Silverstream admitted shyly. She buried her head into his chest feathers and held tightly onto him, like he was the only one in the world right now.

“Sssshhh,” Gallus soothed, stroking up and down her back. “I told you, I’m willing to try, and I mean that. Besides, as long as I’m with you, I’m happy. Even if we were back in Griffonstone, if I had you there with me, I’d feel like the richest griff in the whole kingdom.”

Silverstream sniffled, and buried her face further into his chest. Then she started giggling. “I’m so glad to hear that. I didn’t even know what to do for Hearth’s warming. I just wanted you to see me… all of me.”

“You’re beautiful, Silverstream, from any angle.” Gallus smiled as he cupped her chin in his talon, and lifted her eyes to his. “Just promise me next year, no meetings with royalty. That…” he paused.

“Was awkward?” Silverstream finished.

“Yeah… Very awkward. I’d introduce you to our royalty for comparison, but King Gruff has been dead and gone for many many years…”

“Oh. That’s so sad.”

“Nawh, King Gruff wasn’t the nicest bird from what the stories say. He was a typical griff that only cared about bits, not the creatures of his Kingdom. Gotta admit, your Queen has the right to it. The hearts of their citizens are far more valuable than any bits or trinkets.”

“Oh, I see.” Silverstream said, looking at Gallus, smiling and then chuckling. “Your King sounds like a real piece of work.”

“Oh yeah, he was praised through all of Griffonstone for making the place worthy to live in, but I’d still rather be here than there,” Gallus admitted, pulling Silverstream in tightly against him, and just holding her there. “With you, anywhere you are is the best place in all the world. I love you, Silverstream.”

“I love you too.” Silverstream replied, before tilting her head up, and kissing Gallus firmly on the beak.

Gallus leaned into the kiss, holding her fin with his, and deepened the kiss, and their love. His greatest treasure was finding some creature to give his heart, and the fact that Silverstream returned his feelings just made it all the more wonderful. A treasured memory to keep, forever.

Happy Hearth’s Warming.

Author's Note:

Happy Hearth's Warming to all of you. I hope you enjoy your gift Athlon! <3

Comments ( 8 )

Adorable story, Nai-Nai. I was happy to help. All the hugs :pinkiehappy:

Such an adorably sweet story. I loved it and thought it so cute. <3

:twilightsmile: And then they spawned
:moustache: gross
:duck: that's not romantic at all... Ewwwwww
:facehoof: It's what fish do....
:moustache::raritywink: We're not drinking the water either. . .
:ajsmug: It's where they pee
:pinkiehappy: cider for everypony!
:yay: They're so cute

“I’m glad you love it,” Gallus bawked, eyes blinking and then laughing. “Oh, Silverstream you are just so…” He paused, taking her in once more. The way her eyes sparkled with the warmth of her heart The way the water splashed behind her, and little sparkles of water would land about her body, making her shine and shimmer. “More beautiful than a diamond.”

Very smooth Gallus 🥰

I really like this one this was very cute story so Gallus and silverstream are ready for the holiday and I really do like the interaction between those two and how much they really care for each other and silver stream wants to introduce him to the family which that's pretty nervous meeting with the family especially royalty and despite all that he felt like anywhere she does he felt like everything is all right as long as she's with him again this was a pretty cute story and I love the shipping between them keep up the good work and Merry Christmas

Cute little story, good work.

A solid story that shows the anxiety of Hearth's Warming shopping can bring, while also introducing the immediate family into a somewhat fresh relationship. For Gallus, this was one experience, one that he wouldn't forget! Cool fic.

You heard me over Discord go through a few lines I liked, but just to mention them here:

At first, Gallus felt his heart sink. Did she not like it? Should he have been more specific, and gotten a more unique gift? Something that didn’t just work for everyone, but something Silverstream, in all that she is? His heart raced a mile a second, and over a hundred different scenarios went through his mind, in the span of a single moment.

Anxiety to the max here. I like how you addressed this in this section.

...he also moved his one arm above his head, predicting this sorta reaction from her.

Wish the fic had more of this, very nonchalant way of protraying Gallus. That part in bold stood out so much because of how you wrote it.

Also want to mention I liked some of the world-building parts of this story. The Find the Pearl section, for instance, helped in portraying the kingdom to Gallus as more of a relaxed setting, although, he soon found out that royalty was a nerve-setter!

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