• Published 4th Apr 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: The Final Act - Part 2: Time Runs Out - BronySonicFan

When Opaline gains the power to travel across the multiverse and cause chaos across all the realities, the fate of the whole Multiverse relays on Sonic's hands and Sunny's hooves.

  • ...

8. Escape to the Multiverse

Universe 250954

The tension is moving through the air now that Sonic and Sunny were encaged.

Future Sonic sighed, the turned around and started to walk away, not willing to negotiate anything regarding Sonic nor Sunny's freedom.

"We just need to hold you two a few days! At least until your Canon Events have happened..." Future Sonic said with concern, still walking away. "Sorry it had to end like this, kids..."

Now this was Sonic's last straw for his patience, because he was tired to be called that way by FS and Boom Sonic.

Neither Sunny nor him nor were kids anymore, and he's gonna prove it.

"In case you are as deaf as you are one-eyed, old man, Sunny said..." Sonic started with anger, placing his palms on the cage and absorbing its energy. "Not to call us that!"

After this, he released the energy he absorbed against the cage, which caused a little explosion that sent the Secret Society's members backwards. Some of the society's members were sent off flying backwards, Boom managed to both stand still and cover Aurora, Sunset slightly slid in the floor, and Buffon smirked with a laugh after Sonic followed his advice.

As for Sunny, she did covered her eyes, but unfortunately, her cage was still activated, so she looked over at Sonic, who had his head lowered and his hands extended after destroying his cell.

However, he soon opened his eyes and looked at his hands, surprised that using the whole palm was actually more effective like Buffon said, then he looked ahead at the other Society's members, that were still in the ground, some groaning painfully, and some looking at him.

Then, Sonic's sight stopped on Sunny's cage, because he really wanted to help her get out of there, but Sunny denied with her head, indicating him that he had to leave and run, maybe even come for her later.

Sonic, of course, hated this idea of leaving her behind, but considering their complex position, he knew perfectly that there was no other choice, so he'll come back to save her later. Then, he looked at the Society's members, before quickly turn around and start running away from there.

Future Sonic noticed this, and his eyes widened in panic, before he frowned in anger. "SONIC!" He shouted, immediately standing up and running towards him.

Seeing that their leader was getting to action, all the other Society's members choose to follow him along, while Boom Sonic placed some kind of small mask of himself that covered Aurora's whole face.

"Alright..." Boom Sonic said, as he adjusted the mask on his daughter's face. "Sorry for doing this, this is bad parenting!"

Then, he kissed her forehead, before boosting behind the other members of the society.

Buffon, on the other hand, opened a portal and walked backwards through it. "Just for the record, I quit." He said, removing his watch, launching it ahead and then crossing the portal, that closed immediately afterwards.

Sunny, now staying completely alone on her cage and with nopony watching, looked around it and tried to think on some way to get out of it on her own, although it didn't looked like she was going to be so lucky...

The Secret Society's alarms jumped off all across the HQ.

Every member of the society, who was either walking to a mission, preparing to go back home, talking with each other, or even just enjoying their launch on the cafeteria saw the alarms popping off, and they stopped what they were doing to look confused at the red alarms.

But then, they all got the same message from Future Sonic on their watches. "All stations, stop what you're doing and stop Sonic the Hedgehog!" He instructed, while his hologram seemed to be running.

Yet Future Sonic forgot a very crucial detail: Half of the Secret Society's member are Sonic's variants, and they all looked to each other with suspicion.

And so, all the Sonics were pointing at each other, exclaiming "You?/Him?/Her?/Them?/Me?" at the same time because of the confusion, while the Equestrians looked at each other confused, not understanding which Sonic they had to stop.

Future Sonic himself realized this and groaned annoyed. "Motherfucker... Sonic, the First Multiversal Traveller!" He corrected himself with anger. "He's entering Sector 4!"

At Sector 4, the Mobians and Equestrians in the zone saw a Tails' variant with 9 natural tails coming out as he hummed happily and fixed his hair, but when he noticed all the other members whispering between each other and looking at him confused, he got confused himself.

"Uh, do I have something in my face, or...?" Tails' variant said confused.

"Sonic!" Future Sonic's voice spoke, and Tails' variant turned to see that the boss was running towards him. "He's right there! He's right in... TURN AROUND!"

Tails' variant did so, but more out of confusion than anything else. "I don't see him, boss..." he said.

However, when he turned around, is revealed that Sonic curled into a ball and sneaked in-between his tails, but as he revealed his eyes to see if there was no one around, his eyes widened when he saw every single member of the Society looking at him.

One of the Sonic's variants among them even closed their helmet, because he was some kind of cop.

Sonic got out of the place, uncurled and stood up, looking at the Society with a sheepish smile. "Uh... Hi?" He said nervously, while Tails' variant turned around and saw Sonic with wide eyes...

You guys know what's coming up, right?

Soon, Sonic shifted his right arm so it looked like the Werehog's one, and he extended it to try and get out of there, but many members of the Society launched over him and tried to stop him, although he thankfully got them off by extending the Werehog arm again and move away.

Sonic balanced around using the Werehog arm and made sure to be avoiding all the unicorn/Alicorn lasers, as well as the attacks launched by some of the Mobians.

However, as he reached a point and jumped up to try and get away, a Sonic variant launched over him and tackled him to a wall, but Sonic grabbed this variant on his bare hands and looked at him confused, because this variant was a regular hedgehog, just with blue skin.

Of course, this confused him, but the hedgehog activated his quills and hurt Sonic's hands, so he let him go away and got up, before starting to dodge nets launched by Tails' variants and more lasers from unicorns and Alicorns.

"Can this day get any damn weirder?!" Sonic asked sarcastically and in panic as he kept running.

However, not so long after asking this, a Knuckles' variant that was actually a big and red gorilla launched towards him and aimed at the face, but Sonic managed to dodge this attack by shifting his right arm to a regular Knuckles' one and block the punch, then give it back to the Gorilla Knuckles.

"Whoa! I guess it can!" Sonic exclaimed in panic.

After that, he shifted his right arm to be the Werehog one again and extended it to the ceiling, as he dodged more and more members of the Secret Society that wanted to capture him.

Soon, he reached the cafeteria, where he accidentally stepped over a hamburger that had FS' face printed over it and launched it away, which made one of the Vector's variants that was going to eat it complain loudly with him.

"Sorry, Vector!" Sonic apologized, before keep running away.

And then, a monkey variant of Tails that, indeed, also had two tails, launched several stuff to Sonic in an attempt to slow him down, but Sonic understood the monkey's game quickly, so he grabbed a tray he found nearby and launched it to the monkey, who got sent backwards.

Unfortunately, the monkey still managed to launch over him and made him trip, which made them both roll on the ground.

In a therapist office, it was apparently almost 11:00 a.m.

A Young Sonic's variant was crying and laying over a couch, while a Twilight variant acted like a therapist and took down notes from everything the Young Sonic's variant was telling her.

"And then, I looked at my mother and..." Young Sonic's variant said dramatically.

"Ah, let me guess... She died?" Twilight replied with a bored expression, still taking notes.

But right then, one of the walls of the therapist's office was destroyed, and Sonic appeared screaming loudly in panic, while the Secret Society was right behind him, still trying to capture him.

Sonic and the Secret Society ended up braking the other side of the office as well.

Then, Sonic finally took Monkey Tails off him and launched him backwards, but as he ran towards another exit, his eyes widened when he saw even more members of the Society moving towards him.

Suddenly, and before he could plan a strategy to loose all these members from sight, he barely dodged a bullet that almost hit him on the face, and that's because Cowboy Knuckles was over his horse, using an actual gun to try and hit Sonic, but the blue blur wasn't going to let that slip.

So, Sonic, quickly sat the wrong way over the horse and faced Cowboy Knuckles with a frown.

"At the count of three, draw!" Cowboy Knuckles said with a frown, and Sonic glared back. "One––" Was everything Cowboy Knuckles said, because Sonic shifted his arm to a Hitch hoof and kicked him on the face, which made him fall from the horse. "You didn't wait for three!"

With this, Sonic hit the horse's back, and the horse started to move faster.

Meanwhile, Future Sonic, Boom and Sunset where running side-to-side to follow Sonic as well.

"Hey, FS!" Boom Sonic called out suddenly, and FS turned to him with a raised eyebrow, just to groan when he saw Boom taking out his phone. "You take a photo of this? Is her first chase!"

Of course, all FS did was create an electrical lasso to move away, since he didn't wanted to waste time, which made Boom deadpan, so he shrugged and took the selfie himself with Aurora, while Sunset chuckled.

On the other hand, Sonic ran besides all the anomalies encaged, still over the horse, while the anomalies where cheering and encouraging him to keep doing what he's doing.

However, as FS and all the other members of the Secret Society ran by as well, the anomalies started to boo them, and even Fleetway Sonic was booing at the Secret Society, but cheering at our main Sonic.

Just then, an actual Werehog Sonic launched over Sonic, but thanks to the fact that there was a cowboy hat on the horse, Sonic grabbed it and placed it on Werehog Sonic's face, making him fall in the ground with a painful grunt.

And, as Sonic headed towards more members of the Society over the horse, a Zipp variant flew above him and greeted him.

"Sonic!" Zipp's variant said happily.

"Uh, hello?" Sonic replied with a sheepish smile.

"I'm, like, a super fan of yours and all you did for the multiverse last year!" Zipp's variant confessed cheerfully.

"Oh! Well, thanks!" Sonic replied, still with a sheepish smile, because he knew this wouldn't last forever.

"Do you think all the Sonics use comedy as a reflex to avoid the crash?" Zipp's variant asked.

"Uh..." Sonic said confused, not knowing what to reply to that kind of question.

Then Zipp's variant snorted. "Get it? Crash?" She asked, before suddenly bumping on him and throw him off the horse.

Of course, Sonic yelped, then shifted his arm to be like the Werehog's again and balanced over the HQ.

But then, another Classic Sonic with three quills in a row approached him. "I can do anything you can!" He declared... but he was moving so slowly that it was hard to believe he was a Sonic, and he even passed right besides Sonic, who stared at him confused on what happened. "Oh, dang! I pulled something!"

Meanwhile, Sonic launched himself towards a place that said 'Strength + Conditioning', then rolled in the ground and kept moving ahead, before sliding below a massive pillar that a Big Macintosh variant was pulling upwards with his bare hind legs.

However, Sonic shifted his arm again to be replaced by one of Spider-Mane's hooves, and he threw a web-line to Big Mac, before pulling him down and make the pillar he was holding fall over him and many more of the Society's Members as well to slow them down.

Suddenly, as he ran across an at first empty room, Sonic found himself dodging many holographic screens that had 2D images of villains from both Equestria and Mobius from all across the multiverse.

"Take a load of this!" The Eggman image said when it popped up, but Sonic ignored it and kept moving.

Just then, Sonic jumped over the head of a Discord variant that was holding to big pieces of metal together so he could go from one side to the other.

Discord frowned after this happened, but when he suddenly turned to see that many more members were arriving, he panicked. Then, the Actual Hedgehog Sonic jumped on Discord's face and made him let go the two pieces, which made them fall, as well as all the Society's members walking over it.

Of Course, Sonic thought that he was finally safe and sighed in relief, just to be surprised when he turned around and saw FS launching over him.

Sonic yelped and ducked down, dodging FS' attack and still running away from him.

Soon, the blue blur jumped over a bunch of doors that were in the ceiling and parkour'd over them, also closing all the doors to slow down Future Sonic.

However, when he looked ahead, his eyes widened, because he was now surrounded by all the members of the Secret Society, all frowning and ready to stop him, whatever it takes.

"There's no way to run!" A Knuckles variant that looked like if he consumed steroids said with a frown.

Just then, Future Sonic Spin Dashed out of the entrance from before and glared daggers at Sonic, also growling in anger, so Sonic quickly turned around, charged his own Spin Dash, and then launched himself through the window, breaking it and screaming in fear as he fell.

Future Sonic immediately dived into the window to follow him along, while both Mobians and Equestrians were left speechless and with wide eyes at what Sonic just did.

"...My bad, everybody... There was somewhere to run..." Knuckles' variant said with wide eyes as well.

On the other hand, Sonic was still falling towards the city.

Soon, all the members of Secret Society decided to launch themselves from the window and keep chasing down Sonic, while FS made his coat extend like wings so he could glide in the air.

"Stop running!" Future Sonic shouted in anger to Sonic.

"Then stop chasing me!" Sonic shouted back in anger.

"You're so frustrating!" Future Sonic yelled, so he kept gliding and chasing him.

Meanwhile, Sunset and Twilight flew side to side and were chasing Sonic down as well.

"I know is your friend, Sunset... But this is the only way!" Twilight pointed out with concern.

"But I didn't thought––" Sunset tried to reply with concern.

"Then start thinking realistically!" Twilight warned, before flying ahead of her student.

Sunset looked down in concern, since she seriously didn't wanted to do this, while Boom Sonic launched himself and dived to catch Sonic, who was now riding over a floating car that was moving ahead.

Boom Sonic had an idea, and so, he used his own lasso to attach to some building and sneak away from the chase.

On the other hand, Future Sonic glided fast enough and pushed Sonic off the vehicle he was over, then twilight came by and kicked Sonic's chest to push him down, while Sunset was the last one to arrive and surround Sonic on her magic.

Seeing this, Sonic frowned in anger and shifted his right arm to the Werehog one, extending it and punching Sunset in the face, making her release him. Sunset shook her head, but she looked with hurt and wide eyes at Sonic, who glared daggers of hate at her.

But then, the Shadow variant he met earlier that was acting so edgy launched over him and tried to suffocate him with his own arm, while many more member came by and tried to hold Sonic so he wouldn't fight back.

"I've got you trapped in my really defined musculature, so don't even––" Shadow tried to say with anger.

However, Sonic shifted his right arm to look like a Hitch's foreleg, then used his Earth Pony Magic abilities to surround all the Secret Society's members over him with vines, then launched them away and kept escaping.

And yet, he was grabbed by many members of the society again. But when one of the Knuckles' variants tried to hit him on the face, Sonic moved his head aside, and Knuckles ended up punching the metallic helmet of the Sonic Cop variant from earlier, which made Knuckles cringe in pain.

Then, the members of the Society and Sonic fell into a sub-way where many floating vehicles were passing by. Apparently there's an upper and lower zone in this futuristic Station Square.

Yet this isn't the time to appreciate the environment, is time to keep running away, because that's what Sonic is doing right now.

Sonic started to use the Werehog shifted arm again to balance himself around, while the flying Equestrian and Mobians approached him at top speed, clearly with the intention of capturing him.

Sonic decided to make a loop to try and loose them of sight, but right before he could continue his escape, a lasso wrapped him by his chest and dragged him upwards all of a sudden, which made Sonic yelp in panic with wide eyes, while the Society's members moved ahead, not noticing this.

Sunset, who was passing nearby as well, looked around confused, because she couldn't believe that they lost Sonic from sight.

On the other hand, Sonic yelped and then groaned in pain when he landed on a metallic surface.

He slowly stood up and looked around confused, because this zone had thousands of engines working around and spinning, which already gave Sonic a bad feeling.

"Sonic!" Boom Sonic arrived suddenly, but of course, Sonic didn't trusted him.

"No, no. Leave me alone!" Sonic replied, before hiding behind a wall to see there was no one near by, and then move ahead.

"Is crazy to run!" Boom Sonic said with a worried frown, before his eyes opened wide. "Wait, did I really just said that?"

"Running is the least crazy thing going on!" Sonic pointed out with wide eyes and anger. "You're working for an Assassin's Creed and I hate it!"

After saying this, he started to walk away, but Boom Sonic followed behind. "Hey, I feel bad!"

"Good!" Sonic replied, still mad.

"But this is just how stuff works! You're not gonna win here!" Boom Sonic tried to resonate.

But Sonic was not even listening, and he moved across the engines to try and loose Boom Sonic from sight.

"Don't move! Stop moving so fast!" Boom Sonic begged.

"No!" Sonic replied with anger. "Staying here and do nothing about it is what cowards do! And that's what all of you are: COWARDS!"

"Hey, wanna hold my baby?" Boom Sonic asked suddenly, boosting in front of him with a smirk.

"What?!" Sonic asked with rage and confusion.

"Just give the baby one squeeze and then we'll talk!" Boom Sonic said with a smile, as he held Aurora on his hands. "Pretty sure it'll change your vibe!"

"NO!" Sonic said, pushing him aside, but still being careful to not hit Aurora.

"It's really rejuvenating!" Boom Sonic pointed out desperately.

"I'm already young enough!" Sonic replied angrily.

"You'll get more so when you get just come and hug this magical child!" Boom Sonic replied desperately again.

"You lost all right to have a conversation with me!" Sonic replied madly, and his electrical powers were showing off more.

"JUST HOLD THE BABY AND WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS!" Boom Sonic shouted in anger now, getting Aurora right in Sonic's face.

Of course, Sonic shouted back with his powers showing off and walked away, while Boom Stared at him with anger and concern, although Aurora just laughed happily for some reason.

"YOU AND YOUR UNIVERSE ARE THE REASON I HAVE HER, OKAY?!" Boom Sonic revealed, tired of Sonic's attitude.

But Sonic ignored him and entered a room that seemed to have a metallic ground covering more gears working below, and Sonic tried to brake said ground to escape, but couldn't move it.

"I thought..." Boom Sonic decided to keep talking, slowly approaching Sonic. "That if I did a descent job raising her, there was a chance she was gonna turn out... like you. And that got me excited because you're a wonderful person! And I like being around you! I just want her to be anything but the man I used to be before marrying Amy! Before meeting you!"

Sonic sighed after hearing all of this and sat on the ground while crossing his legs. "Then why didn't you come to see me?" He asked with concern, and Boom Sonic was taken aback. "I spent the past year thinking when the next big adventure will come, and now that is here... I wish I never asked for it..."

Boom Sonic tried several times to reply, but he always regret it at the last moment and shut his mouth, although he eventually replied. "...I tried... But I was threatened... If I went to see you, then my universe would be ignored from all of this... I couldn't risk myself... I couldn't risk her..."

After hearing this answer, Sonic felt even worse and sighed again. "I wanted to be with you guys so badly..." He confessed, trying yo keep himself from crying. "But this thing isn't what I thought it was... And Sunny was so afraid of coming... I should've listened her..."

Boom sighed and rubbed his face with a hand, because this was truly a very complex situation.

"Look..." Boom Sonic began, slowly approaching to Sonic and sitting down at his side. "Bad things are gonna happen. It makes us who we are!" He pointed out, and Sonic shook his head on denial. "But good things happen too, you know?" He pointed out with a smile, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Like you happen... Like she happened."

He looked down at his daughter with a smile, feeling the pride of being a dad, while Sonic looked down at Aurora as well and couldn't help with smile.

"...Is the offer of carrying her still up?" Sonic found himself asking.

Boom Sonic looked at him with surprise, but still smiled. "Of course it is!" He said happily, before grabbing Aurora for a moment and cooed her, then give her to Sonic.

Sonic carefully and nervously grabbed Aurora, looking at her with a sheepish smile at first, but when Aurora extended her hands and grabbed his face, Sonic chuckled, and he had to admit it: He did felt better now that he was carrying her, as well as now that this whole conversation is over.

But then, Boom's watch beeped in color red, and so, he checked it to see a message, which made his eyes open wide.

"Crap!" Boom Sonic said with anger.

"What? What's the matter?" Sonic asked confused, while Aurora climbed over his head and messed his quills a bit.

"I forgot to turn off my GPS, and they're coming for you!" Boom Sonic explained with concern, before grabbing Aurora and place her back on the kangaroo. "You have to leave, now!"

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Sonic replied with a nod.

After that, Boom Sonic stepped back and got out of sight, while Sonic shifted his right arm so it looked like Knuckles' again, before smashing down the ground and make a hole on it.

However, he panicked when he saw the engines all twirling around, although they stopped at times. But as afraid as he was, he knew he had to act now, or else he'll get captured. So, taking a deep breath, Sonic jumped and launched himself through the engines, passing right through the holes in the exact moment, while the Secret Society arrived and tried to do the same.

Yet some of them crashed on their faces against the engines, which made the Sonic Cop shot at the engines to destroy them so everyone could pass.

Of course, the impact of the explosion sent Sonic ahead, and he exited the zone by braking a window and then landing over a floating sign that was supposed to stop traffic.

"Sonic!" Sunset's voice called out, but as soon as she did, Sonic launched himself to keep running away. "Where does he think he's going?"

"I don't think he planned it out!" Boom Sonic said with concern, as he once again joined the chase, although he did so to see what was even Sonic's plan here.

"I don't know if I have said it before, but I'll say it now: You're gonna be a terrible mentor!" Twilight said with a frown, as she flew ahead across several building and vehicles.

Soon, Sunset surrounded Twilight on her magic and then launched her ahead, straight towards Sonic, who was over a car. Of course, Sonic noticed this, so he ducked, shifted his arm to be like the Werehog's, then extended it to grab Twilight and sent her towards a bus, where she crashed with the frontal part, before getting tied to it by Sonic himself and an electrical lasso he launched her.

"Well, he beat you, and I'm pretty sure I taught him that!" Boom Sonic mocked Twilight up, who deadpanned after he said that and rolled her eyes annoyed. "So, I don't think I'll be a terrible mentor!"

"You're both equally terrible! Does that settle it?!" Future Sonic spoke with anger, as he kept chasing down Sonic.

Soon, FS landed in front of Sonic and tried to punch his face, but Sonic rolled in the floor and dodged the attack, then stood up and looked at FS with a frown.

"Stop pretending you know where you're going!" Future Sonic shouted in rage.

"Oh, I have a plan!" Sonic assured with a frown, before dodging another attack from FS, while the vehicle they were over, which was a train, started to moved upwards. "I just haven't told it yet! And I'm not planning to!"

After this, Sonic shifted his arm to look like Hitch's hoof again and punched FS right on his nose, stunning him for a moment, which he decided to take as his chance to escape by jumping and hanging into one of the train's windows.

However, FS quickly recovered and tried to grab Sonic again, starting a small brawl between them both, one that Sonic seemed to have won, but just when he was finally getting FS off him, the one eye hedgehog grabbed Sonic from his Inhibitor Bracelet and then removed it from him.

Of course, this made Sonic's eyes open wide in panic, and as the Inhibitor Bracelet fell in the street, both Sonic's legs and his right arm started to get out of control with the Prismatic energy.

Worse of all, it was with his right arm that he was holding onto the train, and when it started to shift into random arms of other people across the multiverse, it made him feel pain, and so, he accidentally let go, but he still managed to get some control back and extend his arm, shifted as the Werehog's.

Sonic hanged on the arm, but still managed to get over the train again and, despite his feet moving on their own, he allowed it, because he was moving upwards and away of the HQ, just like he planned.

Speaking of the HQ, he couldn't help but look backwards at the big building of it in the distance and think about Sunny, who he still needed to go back after, but he first had to deal with the Secret Society, wether if he liked it or not.

However, he suddenly heard sounds coming from the train, and so, a pair of claws ripped the ceiling apart, while FS came out and glared daggers at Sonic, tired of games. He could grew claws thanks to the fact that his gloves are as advanced as the bracelets and watch he wears.

"You've got claws?!" Sonic asked in panic, as he walked backwards over the train. "Dude, are you sure you're even Sonic?"

After asking this, he tried to shift his arm on his own again, but it glitched out and shifted on random arms again because of the Prismatic Energy being out of control.

"Are you?!" Future Sonic asked Sonic with anger and a wide eye. "Who do you think you are?! REALLY?!"

Sonic took a deep breath and closed his eyes, before opening them with a determinate expression.

"My name... Is Sonic the Hedgehog..." Sonic spoke, as he turned around and dived towards FS, before standing with a foot over the train for a moment and jump. "And I was born with an extraordinary power!"

After shouting this, Sonic stepped on FS' chest and then kicked his face hard enough, before landing over the train again and boost away wildly.

However, FS launched a lasso from his wrists and grabbed Sonic from around his chest, but this is precisely what Sonic himself wanted him to do.

When FS pulled him, Sonic willingly shifted his right arm to be a Knuckles' one and aimed to FS' face. "I'm pretty sure you know the rest, you asshole!" He shouted in anger, hitting FS straight on the face and sending him roll backwards on the train.

Meanwhile, Sonic free'd himself from FS' lasso and jumped ahead, but he fell down the train and rolled in the ground, before his face crashed over a guy's car.

The guy stared at Sonic, and Sonic stared back with a sheepish smile. "Hey, what's up?"

But then, FS arrived and grabbed Sonic, before tackling him to another a car, but Sonic was fighting to get free from his grip.

"You don't get it!" Future Sonic shouted in rage. "You're an anomaly!"

"Not if you let me go home!" Sonic shouted in rage, before pushing FS away and then kick his face again, which sent him towards a train that was traveling downwards.

FS shook his head a bit dizzy before looking at the female driver of the train, who pointed with her left finger at the right, indicating that Sonic went in that direction.

"Snitch!" Sonic called her out with a frown, before moving towards another train that was going upwards.

FS growled in rage and jumped off the train, then managed to catch Sonic with a lasso from his wrist and tackle him to a wall again.

"Everywhere you go, you're an anomaly!" Future Sonic shouted in anger, and he tried to hit Sonic in the face, but Sonic moved his head and hit FS in the face with his elbows, before moving upwards and start to climb the train again.

However, FS grabbed him again and dive towards the ground, but Sonic hit him back on the face, and they both rolled over the train for a while, before they both were hanging on it to not fall, although FS started to climb it again by using his claws.

"You are the ORIGINAL anomaly!" Future Sonic finally revealed in anger, tired of letting Sonic go.

Sonic himself stared at him in disbelief after hearing this, and he breathed heavily, refusing to believe that such a thing was true, but then his arm started to shift on its own again, and Sonic yelled in pain.

Soon, both Sunset and Boom Sonic appeared, but they heard when FS revealed to Sonic the truth, and Sunset's eyes widened in panic. "Chief!" She called out.

However, FS jumped ahead and tried to smash Sonic into the train, something Sonic himself noticed, so he dodged the attack.

"The day that Dr. Eggman created that machine, your destiny was sealed!" Future Sonic kept talking, while Sonic's arm glitched again and he yelled in pain. "The machine was supposed to kill you!"

"Chief, no!" Sunset shouted desperately, using a spell to stay stick to the train as she moved her hooves, while Boom used some magnets the Tails of his world added to his clothes to stick in the train as well.

"You were never supposed to arrive to Equestria! You were never supposed to meet those ponies!" Future Sonic kept revealing more stuff, and Sonic was breathing heavily and climbing the train, trying to get the words off his mind and convince himself that FS was just lying, also breathing heavily. "YOU WERE NEVER SUPPOSED TO AWAKEN YOUR POWERS!"

"NO! YOU'RE LYING!!!" Sonic shouted, before ripping apart a piece of the train with his arm shifted into a Knuckles' one and launch said piece against FS. "I AM A SONIC!"

"YOU'RE A MISTAKE!" Future Sonic shouted, using his claws to rip apart the piece of the train that Sonic launched him.

After that, FS grabbed Sonic from his neck, then jumped in the air, threw a lasso against the train and pulled out, while he smashed Sonic into the train and glared daggers at him, while his only visible eye was red instead of green.

"If you never arrived to Equestria, Opaline would've never had recruited Eggman, he would've never found the Paradox Prism, and Opaline wouldn't be doing everything she's doing!" Future Sonic shouted in rage.

Sonic looked at him with wide eyes, and as much as he hated to admit it, FS had a good point on that, but he still refused to believe he was an anomaly, even worse: The Original one.

"If you died, Eggman wouldn't had conquered Mobius, because Knuckles knocked him out! He'll be encaged in a cell, where he's nothing but and old man that eats twice a week!" Future Sonic shouted.

Sonic groaned in pain and tried to get FS off him, but then, he noticed both Sunset and Boom approaching "Sonic 2!" He shouted desperately, but FS raised him and smashed him against the train, making him yell in pain.

"And all this time, I have been the only one holding it all together! To fix your mess, to avoid things like the Forbidden Universe happening!" Future Sonic shouted in rage.

"Chief, go easy on him!" Boom Sonic begged desperately, as both him and Sunset approached the other two Sonics.

"You don't belong here..." Future Sonic muttered to Sonic right on his perforated ear. "You never did, neither does 151222 Sonic, and neither does the Sunny that came with you."

"Let me go!" Sonic begged with a frown, still trying to get FS off him.

"Chief, that's enough!" Sunset begged desperately.

"This isn't what we talked about!" Boom Sonic pointed out with concern.

But those words right there, those words made Sonic stop fighting and look at Sunset and Boom from below FS' body with wide eyes, and both a confused and hurt expression.

"...You've talked about this?!" Sonic asked shocked, and both Sunset and Boom stopped moving, looking at him with wide and panicked eyes. "You knew? Y-You all knew?!"

Boom Sonic felt bad after getting discovered, so he simply looked away and hold Aurora close to him, since he wasn't able to look at Sonic in the eyes, while Sunset felt her lips trembling, trying to find the right words to say.

"I... I didn't know... How to tell you..." Sunset confessed with shame.

Sonic felt the entire world suddenly vanishing around him, and his mind flashed back...

All the adventures, the laughs, the cries, the ups the downs, the hugs... All the new friends he made, the romance he has, all the kisses she shared with her, all the passion, all that love... It was never supposed to happen.

He isn't Sonic the Hedgehog, he isn't a hero, and he isn't 'the First Multiversal traveller'...

He shouldn't exist. He's an anomaly. He's a mistake

"...That's why none of you ever came to see me..." Sonic realized with a hurt expression.

Both Sunset and Boom looked down in shame and sadness, because they didn't wanted to tell him this at all, or at least they wanted to say it the best way possible... Not the way FS is doing it right now.

"Sonic, is for your own good!" Sunset tried to resonate.

"Who decides that?!" Sonic shouted in anger, as he tried to stand up and look properly at Sunset and Boom, but FS kept holding him into the train. "I'm not a kid, Sunset!"

FS growled in anger, even feeling his blood boiling after hearing that, so he lifted Sonic and smashed him against the train again, which made Sonic groan in pain again.

"That's exactly what you are!" Future Sonic said with a frown. "You're just a stupid, asshole kid that has no idea what is he doing!"

Sonic growled and placed his left hand on FS' right shoulder, trying to absorb the energy of his body and his gear like he did with the cage earlier, but FS lifted him one last time and smashed him against the train, while Sonic tried once again to get him off.

Both Sunset and Boom looked at this concerned, but choose not to do anything in case their intervention would only make things worse.

"Yeah, well..." Sonic spoke suddenly, as FS held his face against the train with his left elbow. "I did drew hundreds of Mobians and Equestrians away from your little clubhouse."

Future Sonic's eye widened after hearing this. "What?!" He asked confused, then he turned around.

Sunset and Boom turned around as well, and they all saw how hundreds, if not thousands, of Mobians and Equestrians were climbing up the train in the distance, every single one of them with the objective of catching Sonic, just like FS ordered them to do so.

Boom Sonic smiled at this, while Sunset felt confused. "I guess he did planned this out!" The former said happily, before they both looked back at FS and Sonic.

Sonic himself was smirking, because this was his plan from the beginning: Getting all the Secret Society away from the HQ, then save Sunny, and then go back home.

FS realized this and couldn't believe he fell right into the lion's dent. How could he have left his anger blurry his senses? If he didn't got so mad in the first place, maybe this wouldn't be happening, but it was.

"And..." Sonic called out, while FS looked back at him with anger. "I'm about to do this..."

Therefore, Sonic placed his left hand on FS' shoulder and started to absorb all the energy from both his body and his gear, which made FS' eye widen in panic, so he tried to get free from Sonic's grip and finally let him go, but now he was trapped on Sonic's game and couldn't escape.

"Everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go!" Sonic said with a frown, before it relaxed and shifted into a serious expression. "Nah. Imma do my own thing."

With this, Sonic's right arm stopped glitching and shifted back to the regular one, so Sonic placed his hands over FS' chest, then began to release the energy he absorbed back to him.

"Sorry man. I'm going home!" Sonic stated with a determinate look.

FS' eye widened, but then Sonic pushed him back with the energy he absorbed, and FS let out a scream of pain, while he started to roll on the train and fall downwards, but the claws on his gloves were not working, so he kept falling and rolling, until he finally managed to hang into a handle over the train, between various members of the Society.

Sunset found herself smiling after this happened, while she looked back at Sonic, who started to stand up while the train kept moving upwards.

However, when Sonic looked back at both Boom and her, he did it with a frown. "...You heard me when I told you lying makes you a terrible friend... And you still lied to me..." He told Sunset with anger, and Sunset's smile faded away after hearing this. "You don't deserve any friends, Sunset. Not if you're gonna lie to them like this..."

Sunset's heart shattered after hearing this, and she couldn't believe that he said that... But those words also hit her as hard as a train, and they definitely hurt.

"And you?" Sonic saw Boom with disappointment. "I hope I never see you again... Or I'll make sure Aurora gets a Canon Event earlier in her life..."

Boom's eyes widened after hearing this, because he knew perfectly what he meant.

After saying this, Sonic launched himself from the train and dived towards the HQ, even charging up a Homing Attack in the air and then boosting away.

"Sonic!" Sunset shouted, but the blue blur was gone already.

"Wow... I truly didn't expected to get threatened with death today..." Boom Sonic muttered to himself anxiously.

Sunset, on the other hand, still couldn't understand what is Sonic's game plan here... But Future Sonic did, because he didn't thought twice and jumped in a dive towards the HQ as well.

Sunset was thinking on what could Sonic be doing besides saving Sunny once he returned to the HQ... But then she remembered: The 'Go Home Machine', he could use that. And if the machine didn't worked, then the Prismatic energy inside of Sonic definitely would.

"Huh... He definitely planned it all out..." Sunset realized with amusement and a little smile.

Meanwhile, Sunny was still at the HQ, trying to get free from her cage.

She tried to use her horn to wipe it down, but the trick simply didn't worked, so she groaned and sighed frustrated, then sat on the cage and accepted that she had to wait for Sonic to rescue her.

But suddenly, the door of FS' office opened, and then, Sonic came running in, with his feet moving wildly because of him loosing the Inhibitor Bracelet, but he was here to save Sunny. He'll worry about the Prismatic Energy on his body later.

"Sonic!" Sunny called out happily.

Sonic approached and placed his palms on her cage, but also smiled down at her. "I couldn't leave you behind, Sunny-Bunny. You're my sister from another dimension!" He pointed out with a smile, before starting to absorb the energy of the cage.

Sunny got this as a sign to duck down, so she did that, and she also made her horn appear to create a small shield around herself to protect her from what's coming.

And so, Sonic released the energy back into the cell, destroying it in the process, and thanks to her shield, Sunny was intact, so once she saw the cage was gone, she undid her magic and made her horn disappear.

"Well, what took you so––" Sunny tried to ask mockingly, but then, Sonic suddenly kneeled and wrapped her into a big hug, which startled her at first, but when she felt him trembling and sobbing, she knew something was wrong, so she hugged him back and rubbed his back softly. "Sonic... What happened?"

Of course, Sonic didn't replied anything, and instead, just stood there, hugging Sunny tightly.

He couldn't believe that he was a mistake, that his entire universe, that his friends were all anomalies... That they didn't belonged here, nor anywhere else...

How was he even going to explain that to Sunny? Or to everyone else back home? That they were mistakes? That he should be dead? It was all coming so suddenly, and happening so fast... But there was no time to waste.

So, Sonic broke the hug and wiped away his tears, before looking at Sunny again with a smile. "...There's a lot to explain... But it can wait. First, we gotta get out of here!"

Sunny frowned and nodded in agreement, so Sonic carried her in bridal style and then boosted out of FS' office.

Thanks to the fact that he made the place get empty before, running around the Society's HQ was a bless, and Sonic was heading straight up to the 'Go Home Machine'.

However, once they reached that place, they had to stop moving, and Sonic even carefully placed Sunny in the ground, because the Dr. Hooves variant from earlier was blocking the way, and he was even pointing a plasma gun at them with a conflicted look.

"D-Don't step closer!" Hooves warned. "I-I won't hesitate to shoot!"

"Doc..." Sonic started, and he tried to approach.

"Don't move!" Hooves warned again. "I got the message from FS! I know what you want to do!"

"Then you also know that this is wrong, don't you?" Sonic questioned, and Hooves looked at him confused. "We are the good guys... We don't kill each other, and we definitely not stand doing nothing while others die..."

Hooves' hoof started to tremble, and he didn't knew what to do anymore... Let the anomalies go, or do what he believes is the right think and not what FS thinks?

"Hooves..." Sunny called out this time, and Hooves looked at Sunny. "I know that deep down, you know how messed up all of this is. Letting others die just because an AI said so? You can't believe that is okay!"

Hooves' hoof trembled more, and he started to slowly lower it.

"Do what your heart tells you is right, not what your boss says so." Sonic added with a concerned frown.

Hooves once again looked up at Sonic and Sunny, and even if he knew that he was probably getting kicked out of the Secret Society for this, he threw the gun and moved aside, which made both Sonic and Sunny smile.

"Thank you..." Sunny told him with a smile. "I promise you that we'll repay you."

After saying this, Sonic grabbed Sunny bridal style again, but just when he did this, they heard how the ceiling of the HQ broke, just for FS to land not so far from them with a painful grunt.

However, it didn't took him long to notice Sonic and Sunny, so he growled in anger and moved towards them.

Sonic frowned, and so, he ran towards the 'Go Home Machine'... But instead of standing over the platform that makes it works, Sonic started to run all across the room at top speed, with his feet taking the shape of an eight, while the Prismatic Energy of his body showed up.

Sunny noticed this, and her eyes widened in panic. "Sonic! What are you doing?!"

"The machine takes a lot of time to work properly!" Sonic pointed out with a frown, before smirking confidently. "We're leaving this place old school!"

As Sonic did this, Sunny panicked a bit more, but also decided to simply close her eyes and hang tightly into him, while Sonic kept running at top speed, and even the Prismatic Energy of his arm moved to his feet. Some stuff started to float around the room as well thanks to the Prism's Energy.

"NOOOOOOO!" Future Sonic shouted desperately, as he arrived along Sunset, Boom Sonic, Twilight, and all the other members of the Secret Society.

But it was too late for him already: Sonic's plan finally worked, and he opened a portal with the shape of an X with the Prismatic energy of his body, which he traversed along Sunny, and once they were out of sight, the portal closed entirely, and everything floating around stopped doing so.

FS stood in front of everyone else, breathing heavily and trying to calm himself down, but just when the eye of the machine that scans his DNA approached, FS literally ripped it of with his bare hand and launched it away in anger.

"Whoa! Okay, enough!" Boom Sonic called out, protecting Aurora and frowning at FS. "Is not the console's fault! They didn't even used it!"

"All they had to do is LISTEN!" Future Sonic yelled in rage. "Why didn't they listen?"

"Maybe you weren't hard enough on them!" Sunset said sarcastically with a frown.

"Sunset, don't do it..." Twilight warned with a frown as well.

"...You let them go..." Future Sonic said, turning to see Sunset with his eye still glowing in red from anger.

"Me?!" Sunset shouted in disbelief.

"You didn't catch Sonic, Sunset, and he free'd Sunny to escape with her..." Future Sonic declared, glaring daggers at Sunset.

"Okay, okay, the tension's growing here..." Boom Sonic pointed out a bit panicked. "Let's all just catch a breath––"

"Boom!" Sunset called out and cut him off. "You wanna back me up?!"

"Well, in that case: FS, as the father of a daughter, and the son of a mother––" Boom Sonic tried to say.

"Yeah, actually, stop talking..." Twilight begged with a deadpan.

"Okay, duly noted..." Boom Sonic said with an ashamed expression.

Then, Sunset took a deep breath and turned to FS again. "Let me just talk to them––"

However, Future Sonic abruptly boosted right in her face and looked at her with anger. "We tried that." He pointed out, and then walked pass her.

"They're my friends!" Sunset argued with anger as well.

"Yeah, and that's the problem." Future Sonic replied coldly.

"Do you know for certain what happens if they brake the Canon?!" Sunset asked desperate, tired of FS acting like a wiser man when he's just acting out of fear and anger.

This, however, made Future Sonic stop, and so, he turned abruptly to Sunset with a look that clearly said he wasn't willing to take that risk. "Do you wanna find out?"

Sunset panicked at this and walked backwards, but when one of her hind legs didn't find somewhere to stand, she stopped walking, and now her only option was duck herself while FS approached her.

"I told you she was a liability." Future Sonic told Twilight, who's eyes widened after hearing this, but she still sighed and looked away.

"You're wrong!" Sunset's voice spoke in a broken tone. "Twi. Tell him he's wrong!"

However, Twilight took a deep breath and looked at Sunset with guilt. "He's not."

"Are you serious right now?!" Sunset asked in shock, not being able to believe that the one pony that changed her life, at least in her world, was now turning against her.

"I warned you: If you let them get away, I can't help you..." Twilight replied with shame and low ears.

Sunset resisted the urge to cry and yell at Twilight, so she looked back at FS with a frown. "I'm not coming!"

"You're right." Future Sonic replied coldly.

"What?" Sunset asked confused, but then, the 'Go Home Machine' grabbed her, startling the Alicorn. "What the hell?!"

And so, the Machine started to drag her, grabbing her hooves, wings and immobilizing her horn so she wouldn't try to use her magic to get free from the machine's grip. Soon, she was placed in the platform and held by the machine's arms, while Sunset tried to get free from its grip.

"Go home, Sunset." Future Sonic said with anger.

Sunset frowned and got free from the machine's grip, but since it already had the portal ready to sent her home, she simply glared daggers at her former boss. "We are supposed to be the good guys..."

Twilight felt even even worse after hearing this, while the machine finished its process and sent Sunset home.

Hooves looked down in concern, Boom Sonic felt ashamed of being part of the Society, and Twilight closed her eyes, feeling guilty for what just happened with Sunset.

Future Sonic, however, was beyond furious, because he was breathing heavily, and his mind was shouting him he had to to take charge of this before things got worse. He may have good intentions, but he's not acting like a hero... He's acting like a villain. He's acting like the very thing he swore to fight and destroy.

"...We are..." Future Sonic spoke, his eye still glowing in red, then he turned to see all the other members of the Society, trying his best not to loose his cool. "We are!"

Some members in the society looked at each other, anyways, because they felt conflicted on what to do, on who's right, on who's wrong... They were in a difficult position.

Still, Future Sonic wasn't planning to stay here and let Sonic and Sunny get away. "Twilight, Shadow. Come with me." He instructed, walking ahead and opening a portal to Universe 220822.

"Hell yeah!" Shadow cheered with a smile.

"Somebody keep an eye on Opaline." Future Sonic added, traversing the portal, while Shadow entered as well in excitement, and Twilight sighed before doing it as well.

"Sorry, man. Can't do. I gotta get her down for her nap." Boom Sonic said, referring to take Aurora to sleep.

"Not you!" Future Sonic replied with anger, as he glared daggers at Boom. "I've got the right amount of you!"

Then, Future Sonic crossed the portal, and Boom felt bad for everything happening so far, so he sighed and looked down at Aurora, who giggled, and he kissed her forehead.

Author's Note:

Well, yes: Sonic's Canon Event was supposed to die when Eggman created the machine, not arrive into Equestria... This changes it all, doesn't it?

In today's chapter, the Tails with 9 natural tails is actually based on this concept art of Sonic Prime; the Sonic Cop is, in fact, Zonic the Zone Cop from the Sonic the Hedgehog: Archie Comic Series; the Regular Sonic the Hedgehog is based on this image; Vector's variant that couldn't eat his hamburger comes from this story written by RockStarMLP; both the Gorilla Knuckles and Monkey Tails are originals from this story; the Movie (Young) Sonic's that watched his mother die comes from this story made by sonicfan05, and the Twilight's variant is from this one-shot created by Rambling Writer.

The Werehog Sonic comes from the Archie Comics as well; the Zipp's variant that talked with Sonic is from this one-shot made by my fella Flamewarrior02; the Classic Sonic's variant is actually Sonic from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog; Big Macintosh's variant is from this short story by CoffeeMinion; Discord's variant comes from this story made by Bookworm Dazzle; and the Knuckles with steroids is Boom Knuckles from the Sonic Boom TV Show. Finally, the Knuckles variant that hit Zonic the Zone Cop's helmet and cringed is Archie Knuckles from the Archie Comic Series.

As for the Forbidden Universe FS mentioned, he was talking about the events of Sonic Prime. Yes, FS is Prime Sonic's number one slander. He despises him to the point he won't waste any possible chance to shit on him if he gets one.

When I said that I was going to make a Multiverse story, I took it by heart. And we're just in chapter 8 of 30... Imagine the possibilities!

Now, next chapter we'll focus back again in Sunset Shimmer now that she's been expelled from the Secret Society. I feel drama incoming!

Bye! :twilightsmile: