• Published 24th Sep 2012
  • 4,762 Views, 169 Comments

An odd family: The foundations. - EdBoii

A human becomes entangled with the demented machinations of a god, which results in having to care for three mythological children. His actions however, lead to more trouble than he can handle.

  • ...

Heart Of Iron

Paper Flesh

My hands pressed against the soft dirt beneath them, pebbles and small rocks brushed against my fingers and palms leaving a rough texture to them, hardening the flesh and setting the mood for what was about to come. It just wouldn't do to fight with soft hands right? No, It wouldn't, not now, not ever.

Being soft was something best kept in secret, hidden away inside us, it would be a disadvantage to show any sign of weakness to the world, because was brutal and savage, unforgiving and always on the hunt for those who lost their step.

These were facts, learned throughout the years of pain and fear, of uncertainty and despair, not knowing whether your father will come home at night or whether he is laying in a basement with missing fingers can do that to a man.

Fear and violence were tools of mankind to exert control over everything around them, and with the natives of this land being so soft and innocent, I was the sworn overlord.

Or at least I believed myself to be, who knows what dangers and powers the ruler of the land holds, would she have me executed? Banished? Imprisoned? Would she forgive the children or would they suffer as I would?

The pain and fear had turned against me, my acts were converging to ensnare me into a trap woven by my own hands, if I had only kept my head low and my fists down, if I had dedicated myself to caring for those who needed me instead of chasing delusions of glory, if I hadn't accepted Snowflake's proposition, if I had kept a regular job, if I hadn't been so full of myself...

"No... This is as it was meant to be... Now I have the gates of success open before me, I cannot let it slide," I frown and look ahead at the forest, it's trees and foliage calm and peaceful like the rest of the land. "By doing what I have done so far, by being 'awesome' I have only managed to trap myself in a deeper hole than any normal guy could crawl out..."

But was I not the strongest? Was I not the unbeatable warrior that was so much more than the rest?

And so it hit me, the realization of a lifetime, the base of my mistakes was not in my actions, but in my mind, the mind was were it all finds its source, actions are merely reflections of the thoughts that fueled them!

A girl, much smaller than any other, much weaker and poorer, a worthless body containing a human soul, was she worth less than the strongest warrior? Was she nothing compared to the mighty and powerful?

Did power grant worth? Or was it strength?

"The flames are rising Iron, and when they hit the deck of your galley, what will you do?"

The girl was worthless, and the warrior was just as worthless, neither had much value in them anymore, one was less than nothing because of his sins, while the other needed but a stronger body to be of any use, but I, I was healthy, I was strong and I was capable of great deeds, but what those deeds were, that's where my value would be determined.

"The flames have already hit the deck, my galley is sinking, saving it is no longer the question here, but whether my crew and I will sink alongside it, the galley of lies I have created can go no further, so what will it's captain do? Stubbornly hold on to it or save his life and the lives of those who depend on him?"

The gates of success were opening and closing, I just needed to make a leap and hope, I needed to embrace a simple truth and it all would work out perfectly? No, it was not so simple, by embracing truth over lies I would only be me, and that wasn't enough anymore, my children needed me to be better.

Or did they? Was Flintlock right? Were the things I already had more than enough? Was it simple greed that led me forward? If so, where my children a simple tool to achieve glory?

"Can I truly be so much like those I hated back home?"

I looked up at the sky and sighed, the clouds were lazily drifting by, carrying nothing but calm, and here I was, polluting the peace and quiet that this world had in it, poisoning a perfect tapestry with a stray thread of dark silk, I had no place in this world, Discord perhaps chose me for this exact reason, maybe the god wanted nothing more than to spoil the beauty of the land.

Placing my thoughts to the side, I sat up slowly and looked back at Ponyville, its peaceful frame and medieval styled houses blended into the grassy fields without the slightest hint of contrast, it almost complimented the scenery.

Perhaps I could still back down from all this mess I had gotten myself into, the mafia wouldn't bother with me anymore if I left them in peace, Snowflake would have to forgive me and I'd deal with the princess as best as I could...

"Nah, I am not desperate enough to back down at the moment, I still need a certain degree of respect after all." And so, shaking the thoughts of surrender from my mind, I laid back down on the grass, keeping my head down and out of sight of any ponies that might have been lurking around the forest.

The attack would go on as planned, I was not backing down, not in my nature, aye? Though after the whole ordeal I might want to reconsider my actions and go about apologizing to a couple of ponies... But that was in the future and I was in the present so yeah, battle time.

Flintlock and Snowflake came by after a couple of minutes later, accompanied by another pegasus, blue coat, blonde hair yada yada no one really cares what the grunt looks like...

I waved at them and signaled to stay low, if they saw Snowflake then our cover would be blown, the sentries in the woods would fly off to warn the others and they'd all be gone forever, and I was not letting my prey escape.

The group did as instructed, with the newby having to be told what to do before following, and advanced to my position, always keeping out of sight.

"Guys! What the hell took you so long? I almost had an existentialist crisis over here from so much waiting!" Snowflake smiled and waved away my complaints, then positioned himself beside me, map in hoof.

"Sorry, keep your voice down by the way, if they really are hiding in the woods then they might hear you, anyway, we had some trouble with Dash on our way out, Thunderlane couldn't make it, had some work to do, so we took Blue Skies here."

The pegasus gave a nervous wave, great, another pony afraid of me... It was getting annoying... But at least we had our decoy and the plan would be able to continue.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, so you ready?" I addressed Blue Skies, hoping he had been explained what he was meant to do already, I wasn't in the mood for talking too much.

The little guy nodded and moved closer to the map, he gave it a quick look over and nodded again, more to give himself confidence than anything else I'm sure.

"Good, remember Skies, just go over there and act like you have a slight idea of what's going on, Wingsters aren't known for their smarts." Snowflake gave him a pat on the back and off he went, flying to the edge of the forest at mild speeds, taking his time like someone who doesn't give a damn.

Good acting, if he had been too hurried in his flight, then they might have gotten suspicious, gone too slow and they may have caught on to us following him, the newby wasn't as bad as I thought, so far anyway.

A quick glance back at Flintlock revealed she was carrying a saddlebag, its contents a mystery as far as I knew, but it couldn't be much, she would be doing a lot of running and it would weight her down, I tried to offer a smile but she looked at the floor and avoided my gaze, possibly upset about our earlier talk, I would have to apologize for that, but not at the moment, matters of the heart were secondary when a fight was so near.

Blue Skies approached the treeline in complete silence, not a sound in the air since we were quite a walk away from Ponyville, the stillness of it all was intoxicating, the tension among those of us who were about to fight was so thick you could have sliced it with a knife, it was the thrill of a fight, aye? Not knowing who will win, knowing both sides are equally matched, it reminded me of the second world war.

Thousands of allied tanks against a few German Tigers, not that I liked what the Nazis did with those tigers but the comparison was quite good anyway, strength against numbers.

We had an overly muscular bastard, a violent monster from another universe and Flintlock... Not sure what she could do, but meh, an extra hand never hurt, aye?

Skies landed in front of a tree and looked around, trying to find whoever he was supposed to find, I wasn't so sure it would be that easy but there was no way of telling him that without blowing our cover, as long as he didn't get the stupid idea of flying back to tell us he didn't find anyone, it would all be fine.

Snowflake was frowning as Skies failed to make contact with our targets, perhaps wondering whether I was actually right about the sentries, whether the letter was genuine or just a misinterpreted message or code, I hoped it wasn't, not only did I knock the guy unconscious but I also tore the letter in two, wouldn't want to get on the bad side of the post office as well!

Skies decided to press his luck and entered the forest, carefully looking from side to side as he passed the first couple of trees and moved through the foliage, into the wolf's mouth.

Not literally though, because that would be simply sadistic...

But what did happen took us all by surprise, just as Skies was beginning to disappear from sight, a black bag was thrown over his head, and two pegasus flew from behind the trees and dragged him into the depths of the forest, a kicking and struggling Blue Skies desperately trying to break free, good thing he was smart enough not to call our names.

Snowflake reacted on instinct almost immediately, he sprung to life and tried to charge forward, intent on saving his friend, I couldn't let that happen, my arms shot out almost immediately and held him back as best as they could.

"Snowflake! Calm down! It's going as planned! They'll lead us to their leader!" I whispered loud enough for him to hear me, and slowly he began to settle down, his eyes still wide in anger and his wings standing at attention, ready to fly into the fight at any moment, the bastard slowly regained control over his actions.

"Sorry, I got a bit carried away..."

I smiled and waved the issue away, it wasn't a problem anyway, they didn't seem to see us.

"Whatever, lets get going." I nodded at both Snowflake and Flintlock and they stood up, careful to keep as close to the ground as possible, the pegasi were still in the area.

The trek across the flatland and into the forest went undisturbed, all sentinels seemed to have retreated as soon as Skies was taken, they mustn't have considered the possibility of an attack, their leader was possibly as proud as I was, and believed himself indestructible, well, I begged to differ.

We crossed the treeline and entered the woods in silence, Flintlock had been keeping her distance from me while we crossed the plains, but now that we entered the shade of the trees she unconsciously began to move closer and closer to my side, it spoke quite a lot about what she thought about me, and it was a nice morale boost.

Snowflake on the other hand, had been moving ahead of us and we needed to constantly remind him to keep his speed controlled, we had been following the broken branches among the tree tops so far, and if Snowflake darted ahead of us it would all be over, we would have lost half of our fighting power with him and we'd still be outnumbered.

But all in all, we managed, the tracks were sufficient and they never went in complicated patterns, mostly sticking to going in a straight line, oddly enough, they didn't lead to the inner depths of the woods, the pegasi we were following seemed to go into the woods for only a few hundred feet before turning to the south and continuing in a straight line parallel to the forest.

It was as if they were avoiding it, maybe scared of it? I would have to ask someone at some point.

The leafs broke under my feet, making soft crunches that seemed amplified by a thousand to my worried ears, they couldn't be making so much noise could they? Were the others having the same problems?

A quick glance at Snowflake said no, he was flying overhead, keeping us on the right path as we followed the tracks, him being the most silent of the group, since he could fly...

Which reminded me of Flintlock, turning around revealed my suspicions to be correct, she was having just as much trouble as I was when it came to moving silently, her hooves fumbling awkwardly out of the way of leafs and twigs, grimacing every time she made the slightest noise.

The sight brought a smile to my face, she was quite the sight to behold, even if she was mad at me, it only accentuated her beauty, I could really see myself getting used to seeing her face, contorted into that look of concentration as she tried not to step on the leaves, more often.

She noticed me looking and turned her head to the side, damn... I would have to apologize to her when I got the chance, seeing her angry was not really something I liked.

We continued tracking the Wingsters down for several more minutes until we found ourselves in front of a large clearing between the trees, we were still quite a way from the treeline though, about a hundred feet or so, not quite so hard to spot from the plains outside the forest but these ponies seemed to fear the forest for some reason.

We edged closer to the clearing, making sure to keep away from sight while still being able to see what was going on, the sight before me was rather encouraging.

"Vat happened to ze monster? Did you do as instructed?" Sparks Cloud, the pegasus from the bar was standing in the middle of the clearing, talking to a confused Skies, the pair was surrounded by four other pegasi, none of them seemed to be aware of our presence.

"I... I... Well, yes! I did!" Blue Skies was doing his best to remain calm, but being surrounded by five thugs with no idea of where your back up is can break even the strongest of wills.

And it was showing, Sparks Cloud arched an eyebrow and started circling around Skies, the other thugs caught the drift of the situation and stood at alert, the trapped Skies was barely holding onto his wits as the whole thing took a turn for the worst, his cover had been blown.

"Really? Very vell then, so vhat is your name avain?"

"I... Well, it's... uhm... C-clear Clouds! Yeah! Clear Clouds!"

Sparks Cloud nodded to one of the thugs and kept on circling as the pegasus flew into the sky to block any attempt to escape to the sky.

"Ah! Good name, good name, the Clouds family is very good friends vith my mother's side of the family, vhere are you from?"

Shit, it's a lose lose situation, if he says the wrong town he's done for, if he chooses the right one, then he is just as dead, Sparks probably knew everyone in his own hometown.

Sparks Cloud continued to circle Skies as the thugs inched a bit closer to him, the one in the sky was grinning widely.

"I... I... Well, I'm from-"

Sparks jumped on top of Skies and pinned him to the ground, the blue pony let out a startled scream before getting a punch to the face.

"Ponyville! Blue Skies! Veather patrol, locker number thirty two and your brother vorks in small farm outzide of Vanhoover! Insult me avain and I vill not ve so kind!" The lieutenant of the Wingsters spoke with venom and strength into Skies's ear, loud enough for all to hear without giving away his position to anyone outside of the treeline.

Too bad for him, that was the last straw for a certain pegasus.

"SKIES!" Snowflake shouted and barged out of cover, darting full speed towards his friend's attacker.

"So much for stealth..." I sighed and rushed out of the trees as well, eyes locked on Sparks Cloud, the lieutenant was the only one I needed to get off the hook, if I caught the motherfucker then full royal pardon was scheduled for this afternoon followed by a shitload of coins being given to me and a lapdance, well maybe not the last one but still...

Flintlock followed without hesitation, which struck me as odd given that she didn't seem like one fit for fighting, but there she was! Following in the same manner I did, fearlessly throwing herself at the superior numbers ahead of us, well not so superior really, five against four, that is if Skies was still fighting fit.

"Vhat are you doing!? Get them!" Sparks screamed desperately for his thugs to do something, but it was in vain, we had the element of surprise, Snowflake tackled the Wingsters's lieutenant in one swift motion, sending both of them rolling across the clearing, shouting and exchanging kicks and punches, the thug in the sky stared dumbly at the unfolding battle as I changed targets.

Snowflake had the boss under control for now, and I wasn't about to leave Flint by herself.

"Ok then, will you be alright Flint? Or do you want me to take on all three of them?" I slid a hand down to my pocket and pulled out the knife, more for the Wingsters to be scared than to do any damage, three against one was quite the disadvantage, good thing the one they sent to fly was still staring like a dumbfuck.

Flintlock rolled her eyes and moved in front of me, taking a fighting stance, I shrugged and ran to the nearest bastard, knife arm pulled back to get a good thrust if it was necessary, the pegasus's eyes widened when he saw the knife but he didn't back down from the challenge.

With a powerful kick to the ground and taking impulse from batting his wings, the pony propelled himself at me, turning himself into a missile, ready to smash me to a pulp should he hit.

I wasn't stupid, I couldn't kill him, that would be sentencing myself to a lifelong stay in prison, and I couldn't let him land his hit, that would be even worse, so I opted for the safest option.

I swerved to the side and the pegasus missed, flying a couple of feet before starting to slow down, but the damage had been done, I turned around and ran as fast as I could towards the slowing pegasus, having lost his momentum he was completely vulnerable.

I was merely two feet away from the pony when a blunt pain on the left side of my body and a very strong push sent me to the ground, dropping the knife and losing my footing I fell, the world a blur as I rolled across the grass before coming to stop beside a lonely tree.

The pain wasn't that bad, If you can recall a certain incident from before then you must know there wasn't much left to break on my left side, aye? Well, it didn't stop the kick from being any less painful.

Gasping for breath, I looked up to find my attacker, in perfect timing to receive a strong hit to the face, the blood oozed freely from what was possibly a broken nose, all sounds seemed muffled as my head hit the floor, the soft grass doing little to alleviate the wounds, my body had stopped responding, my mind had stopped sending orders to the different extremities, all that still worked did it mechanically, for those couple of seconds I had no control over my body.

I was done for.

Just as my mind was slowly returning to my body, I heard something, no, someone call out my name in a scream of panic and worry, Flintlock? I can't remember, the world around me was shrouded in fog, dense and unrelenting, thick and unforgiving, I could barely see or hear anything, and yet, there it was, the soft voice, carrying concern and love, to say it sparked something within me to stand up would be simple fantasy, it did not, the energy that washed down my body to return the strength to my legs and arms was dark, it was not evil per say, but it definitely didn't have a harp and white wings.

Slowly, determinedly, angrily, my body forced itself to stand, blood running in a steady stream down my face, staining my neck and shirt, dirt and mud caked my features, I must have been a terrifying sight for the poor bastards standing before me, both pegasus let their jaws fall as I glared at them from behind my mask of blood and dirt.

Tsk, tsk... Iron, I thought you'd be stronger! Oh well, we can't let the fun be spoiled so soon now can we?"

The new voice in my head wasn't Flintlock's, it was well known to me and I didn't like it, but I got the hint.

I had a god on my side.

Wasting no time on comments or threats, I threw myself at the pegasus that had punched me, the bastard snapped out of his fear too late, I returned the punch and grabbed him by the neck then lifted him up, he batted his wings and tried to break free of my hold but it was in vain, the strength I had wasn't mine, and the acts I was committing were possibly influenced by something else.

"Are you feeling lucky motherfucker!?" I was practically growling at the pony, he had eyes larger than plates and tears could be seen forming at their sides, he might as well had been whimpering, his pal broke his staring and tried to tackle me again, using the same motion from before.

With a loud yell from exertion, I brought my captive crashing down on top of the charging pegasus, my arm felt like it was going to snap out of place from the resulting impact, the momentum the pegasus had when he collided with his friend wasn't something to laugh at, and I was sure one of them if not both were going to have to go to a hospital after this whole thing was over.

I fell on my back clutching my shoulder with my other arm, the pain was quite intense for several seconds but it started to subside after a few moments, I took it as a sign that I had nothing broken and sat up to see what was going on.

Well, it was surprising alright.

Flintlock was panting, her left eye covered by her hoof and her mane falling over her face, it gave her a dangerous look, one hell of a sexy, dangerous look... But what truly caught my eye was the stallion laying unconscious in front of her, twice her size and much more muscular, I had no idea how she managed.

Blue Skies was tending to an unconscious Snowflake, a knocked out pegasus laying some feet behind him, that accounted for four out of five Wingsters, with Sparks Cloud missing.

I walked over to the unconscious pegasus in front of Flintlock, my steps were heavy and I was tired, exhausted even, whatever Discord did to me was taking its toll on my body, muscles ached and a horrible headache had found its way into my brain, it was as if I had a set of drums being violently beaten inside my head, my breath came ragged and uneven, something wrong with my lung? My shoulder was horribly numb and one of my legs was aching badly in a spot below the knee.

But still, it could have gone worse, much worse.

"Whoa Flint... I honestly... Didn't think... You'd manage!" I smiled and looked at her, she was beautiful to say the least, the sweat running down her body, her hair hanging in front of her face, her breath, irregular and heavy, the entirety of her exhausted complexion simply gave her a wild look that made the heart race and the blood boil, and she had the attitude to match it.

"Yeah? Well I did! You know why? Because I actually planned out what I was doing! I didn't just rush in without thinking like the bunch of you!" She was still covering her left eye with a hoof, her right eye glaring at me with more excitement than anger, I was pretty certain I had a similar look in my face though, she and I weren't too different.

"Chill out hotstuff! Everything went fine in the end didn't it? Why lose our shit over nothing?"

Flintlock didn't blush as I expected her to, she simply smiled, it wasn't a shy smile either, it was wild and suggestive, matching the physical look of her body, it was the kind of gesture that sets the mind free and the imagination running wild, I smiled back, taking this small chat as the end of our little misunderstanding.

"Uhm... I'm afraid that isn't entirely true... Snowflake is hurt." Blue Skies spoke from behind us, shattering the moment and bringing us back to reality, with the big guy out of the fight, we had problems.

"How badly?" I cracked my neck and back, enjoying the sensation it left in my tired body, god knew I was going to need it for what was coming next if Snowy over there wasn't fit for fighting.

"Not too much, on the long run at least, but for now he is out of the fight, I suggest we leave immediately before they come back with more thugs." Skies looked around the trees, nervous and alert, waiting for something to happen, more specifically, for us to be attacked.

I was having none of that however, it was time to act, now or never, I was going to catch that Sparks bastard and get myself some royal pardons as well as respect, whether I was doing it for glory, for my kids, for the town, I didn't give a shit anymore, I was going to do it anyways, that was the plan and I was in too much pain to think of anything other than the plan.

"Fuck that shit bro, I'm following that Sparks bastard and I'm putting an end to this bullshit! He goes, the town is clear of those guys right? Well, then I'm going to get him and I will finally be able to get to do some other shit than getting my fucking ribs mauled by ponies!"

And so I did it, I dragged my sorry ass across the clearing towards a trail of broken branches and torn bushes, Sparks must have gotten his wing injured or something, there were plenty of feathers lying around that matched his coat color and the trail of snapped foliage was really close to the ground.

My leg was screaming at me to stop that nonsense, my head was pretty much begging for some time out and my stomach was threatening to spit out my breakfast, but still I went on, forced onward by something greater than myself.

Raw stupidity and stubbornness.

Too bad, that shit won't get you too far in a fight, lucky me though, my warrior gal came to save the day just before I did something stupid, like running into a fight while being horribly mauled.

"Hey Iron! If you're going to keep on ignoring your common sense, here, ignore it with this." Flintlock dug inside the saddlebag I had noticed earlier and pulled out the box that held her treasure, she trotted over to where I was, revealing a black eye in the process, and handed me the box.

I stared at it, amazed at how easily she was handing me her most valuable item in the world, me, a completely reckless motherfucker that had almost gotten himself killed twice! In less than two weeks!

I blinked stupidly at the box in her hooves, the words wanted to come out but a knot in my throat wouldn't let them, it was too obvious to deny it anymore, this mare loved me, she did and I wasn't too far from it myself, her body wasn't the reason, although it was a plus, it was her, she was one of the few who stood by me in the hardest of moments, she would always be there, I was certain of that much.

This was the final straw.

I took the box from her and opened it, the pistol was perfectly clean and ready to fire, the flint and steel were there, and a small cartridge full of black powder was laying beside it, leaving one question.


Flintlock smiled and rolled her eyes, an amused look in her face.

"Your friend Pinkie Pie stopped by the mansion after you had left yesterday, she wanted to know my favorite type of cake, what interested me was that cannon of hers though, you said something about the pistol being a weapon, but I couldn't find any way for it to do damage other than by hitting," Flintlock's eyes shone a little and she raised her head in a gesture of pride. "Well, I got to studying the mechanism a little bit and it reminded me of a lighter, based on what you said about needing a piece of flint and steel, I could see it working perfectly fine for lighting something on fire, and that cannon of Pinkie's was the give away, by using the 'party powder' as she called it, I finally discovered how to get all the pieces working!"

Flintlock beamed and gave a large smile of pure happiness and pride, she was practically overflowing with excitement as I gazed at her with a sad smile of my own, she made it.

"So, you know what it can do, aye?"

Flintlock stopped her celebration and looked at me with her good eye, her smile still in place although a bit shaken, she moved forward and nuzzled my arm.

"I'm not worried about that, you promised to take care of it remember? You said you were going to keep it safe, I trust you."

A single tear rolled down my eye, it was too much, I couldn't lie to her, it would destroy me from the inside if I did, trust like that was too precious to stain with the filth of lies, but I couldn't tell her the truth... She wouldn't understand, she'd think I am a monster and leave, I couldn't let that happen, she had kindled a fire within me, a fire that only she could keep alive and I would do as much as I could to keep the fire burning.

Even if it meant a few more dark stains in my soul.

"Y-yeah... It's all good..."

"Hey you guys? We have to get out of here! They'll be coming anytime soon!" Bless you Skies! You saved me from an imminent moral breakdown!

Flintlock smiled and looked at my eyes, her belief in me hurt more than a thousand kicks to the chest, but the castle of my heart somehow managed to sustain the barrage of guilt that was thrown at it, the walls of lies got thicker and it resisted.

"I'll be back before you know it."

With those words leaving my mouth, I picked up the gun and loaded it, having to improvise on the bullet by using a small, smooth stone I found laying around, but otherwise it went as it should, watching the patriot and last of the mohicans has its perks.

But there was one more thing that just couldn't wait anymore.

I knelt down in front of Flintlock and pointed at nothing behind her back.

"Hey what's that?"

"Huh?" She turned around to look and I move in as fast as lightning.

My hands held her head and gently pulled her back to face me, I closed in the small distance between us and planted a swift and simple kiss.

She was shocked at first, but just like before, she slowly started to melt at my touch, returning the kiss gently at first, never pushing it farther than what it had started as, a simple gesture of love, a move of need, an act of the heart, and I couldn't have wished it to be any different, she was so pure and beautiful, to stain that beauty with the darkness of my soul would be a sin I'd never forgive myself, so instead of following what my heart desired, I slowly brought the heavenly moment to an end.

Flintlock did not voice her protests, but they were there, it was obvious in the way she leaned in to steal one more gentle brush against my mouth, in the way her lips pressed against my own as if life itself depended on them remaining together, as if the world would burn and shatter should we part.

I would have loved nothing more than staying there with her, forgetting about all the ethical barriers between us and making her mine, out of desire, out of love, out of simple lust, I didn't care! I loved her, wanted her, needed her, but the taste of blood in my mouth was gaining strength, it was burning my skin as much as Flintlock's touch, it gnawed at my soul and forced me to break the union between us, it forced me to stand up and shoot a desperate glance at her, the kind that only a man being pulled away from paradise can give, that glance of longing and need...

And so, ignoring the burn of the flesh and giving in to the needs of the world, I ran after salvation, after the key that would open the gates to a normal life, or would it? perhaps not, perhaps my life would never be normal, perhaps my children's life would be of isolation because of my actions, perhaps the world would burn and shatter.

But it didn't matter, not anymore, not when the final strands of fate were beginning to tie themselves around my neck, when the executioner's block lay so close to me, when my actions came to haunt me, now was not the time to worry about the future, it was time to act upon the present, it was time to stand up and do whatever was in my hands to change that future.

Now it was my turn to fix my mistakes, starting by the first one, joining Snowflake's gang was childish of me, I placed the kids in danger as well as myself and those whom I called friends, and then I lost those friends in exchange for following the same wild dream of action that made me join a fight that wasn't mine.

It was time to set things right, time to actually plan my actions and act in behalf of those who needed me.

But I was not going to give up being awesome though, cuz ya know, that shit was too cool...


Alrighty then! Woot! A thousand views and pretty much a hundred likes! I've decided to get ahead on the writing and give you guys this as a thanks for all the awesomeness you've given me! Keep on rolling!