• Member Since 14th Jun, 2015
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I do be writing. You do be reading. Read fics/updates early and vote on what I write here: https://www.patreon.com/Ebonyglow


Comments ( 44 )

added to my "things to read and bust to later" list 😈

well well well what a surprise


Hnggg yesss I can't wait to see what/who is next~

Oh, the new slut in Anon's harem.

I know this is about Mrs Cake but each fic is making me love Starlight even more, so eager~
Also I love seeing the spell arsenal expand!

Once again, you've managed to improve upon your already beyond amazing work! I can't wait for ponk to get the zonk.

And, for future reference, I think you should include crotchtits more often. Anon should enjoy all the different parts of his slaves, and their tits haven't been given the attention they need~

Though she and Mr. Cake were swingers

Really? Instead of taking advantage of Mrs. Cakes marital status to make this a more unique piece, you throw in a unnecessary detail that just ends up making this mostly more of the same. You're already brainwashing a married mare, you might was well go all the way with it because otherwise what was the point?

Sorry if that disappointed you. I found it to be a rather minor detail, plus the idea of her acting so sweet and innocent just to be a slutty swinger deep down sounded fun to me.

Also don’t like cucking, so. :twilightblush:

Again, I do apologize if that disappoints you! I truly didn’t intend to sour your enjoyment, but I hope you liked it otherwise!

Also the point of him brainwashing her is explained pretty clearly. He needs to have a good set up in Sugarcube Corner for when Pinkie Pie returns. That was his entire reason behind going for Mrs. Cake

I understand the established story reason for targeting Mrs. Cake, but you could have easily written it so that it wasn't necessary. I also could have worded my point better. What I was trying to get across was that in the previous entries certain aspects of each mare's character was utilized to make each one stand out from the other. There was none of that here because of the detail of making the Cakes swingers. It just becames a generic brainwashing clopfic with nothing to make itself unique or stand out. And since it's the fifth entry, it can make the concept itself start to feel stale. I understand not liking cucking, cheating, or NTR, but if that is the case then maybe it would have been best if you made it so that it wasn't necessary to have Anon enslave Mrs. Cake to get to Pinkie. I understand wanting to up the ante when it comes to the Elements, but it would have probably been best if you had found a way to do so that helped you better avoid fetishes that you find uncomfortable.

Also, NTR (which is what this could have been) and cucking are two completely different things. Cucking requires concentual participation from all parties involved. If you think about, swinging is basically just a couple cucking each other.

I'm not trying to discourage you as good mind control fics are hard to come by and this series has been very enjoyable so far, and I am looking forward to Pinkie and how the rest are handled. However, this one I did find to just not live up to the standards of the previous entries and I was admittedly disappointed how the potential for this one was prematurely neutered.

can't believe you're making me like mrs.cake

I will say, unlike the other entries this one was partially filler and meant to further the overarching plot I have in the works.

Mrs. Cake isn’t exactly the most diverse character in regards of personality, so I had little wiggle room.

True, I could’ve played off that NTR aspect, but frankly I just personally didn’t want to. I don’t think it’s generic though, even without that trait, as it still connects to everything in the big picture.

Again, I do apologize if I did let you down for not having an NTR-esque aspect in this, it just ain’t my cup of tea.

Hopefully Pinkie’s story will satisfy ya!

By generic I just meant that Mrs. Cake herself, with exception to her glorious fat ass, didn't really add anything to this particular story. Also, I guess "filler" would be good word to describe this.

I am very excited that we are getting into the Elements now and that the Princesses will follow shortly after. Although, it might be best to avoid involving Cadance for obvious reasons. I also hope others do still get involved as well. Fingers crossed for Raven to help make getting to Celestia easier.

I think this is My First time ever seeing A FiMFiction harem plot. Or any FiM harem conent. Odd, but neat.

That's fine by me. To be honest, i've always found NTR to be rather depressing.

I wouldn't say the princesses will follow shortly after. I have a looooot of characters to get through first

I look forward to the next fic! I’m loving this!


Another great addition to what has become one of my favorite clopfics ever~ Thank you so much for making this~ I'm sure that the next chapter will be one of the most entertaining ones seeing that the mane six are finally going back to ponyville~ And the plot is still moving~ Can't wait to see what happens next!~ And the ways that the main six are going to succumb to Anon's charms~


So many good ponies to enslave~ I wouldn't mind this fic to be as long as Fallout Equestria! XD But I don't know if my body would be able to keep the pace :v

Now I'm picturing the final chapter of this were They finally try to defeat Celestia, but then Celestia realizes that she's the only creature in Equestria and beyond that hasn't been enslaved by anon XD

It's a shame that secondhand/assisted magical corruption is such a specific kink, but this series has been a treat.

As a bit of feedback, the... flavor (heh) of Mrs. Cake's corruption felt slightly stale. Starlight's commentary and encouragement was quite nice, but it felt like Anon was too busy with the boring physical fucking to participate in the interesting bit.

I'm kind of hoping we get to see Mrs. Cake gradually corrupt Pinkie bite by bite before she ever even sees Anon's dick.

Good story, I do hope either Anon gets Sunbutt or gets Moonbutt (or both)

When the girl come back from their trip can’t you just throw a party for the main 6 and have all of them eat the cake and just enslave them all at the same time?

That’d be pushing Starlight’s magic, and the book’s too, to the absolute limit and then some. Way too risky for him to do

Comedic kharmic retribution eventually? Like an alt series ending that is optional to read?

All I see alright

Say, if this is mind control, shouldn’t this have the “Dark” tag as well? I don’t know about you, but a harem formed like that seem VERY dark to me.
Also, is there going to be something deeper or is this going to last all the way? Are there going to be new character development, or is he going to continue doing the stuff like the “cruel, sex-hungry beast” he is? Is someone ever going to stop our antagonist before he takes over Equestria? No one knows~

Ebonyglow's writing is excellent as usual (though I admittingly only skimmed the story to get the plot... yeah, I'm weird, I know).

Anon is a straight up villain protagonist who manges to Karma-Houdini his way and, considering the nature of the stories, he might continue do so, perhaps eventually simply "winning". Personally I'd hope to see some kind of redemption arc eventually, but, considering his actions, this grows increasingly less likely and/or feasible (unless his deeds are not entirely his own - similar to Luna/Nightmare Moon); but if one would be planned, I'm confident Ebonyglow has the skill to pull it off. And if Anon gets even only a fraction of the karmic retribution he is due right now... oh boy...

All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well. That was the promise...
A reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.

Man u are grinding these out! I am very excited to read this one.

I suspect that the tag isn't added because the fic focuses more on the lewds rather than the implications.

You've done it again sir, this is easily one of the best mind control clopfics around; the equal of Universal Acceptance or Friendship is Mind Control. This series is now my personal favorite clopfic, since it somehow directly hits all of my fetishes (except bondage, which the magic makes mostly redundant, haha). I am curious how Mrs Cake is going to continue her life while constantly thinking about being Anon's sex slave. Not so easy to have her just leave her life like the others. I'm also looking forward to seeing Anon get used to using his toys more casually like he started to in this chapter. Like as decoration, or as furniture, or looking after him in other not-entirely-sexual ways. 12/10 would read again.

imagine liking mind control lmao

a plump cake on Mrs.Cake

Never trust a skinny baker. Doing the job properly means taste-testing your merchandise, after all.

He ought to have Sunset turn herself human sometimes.

Plot twist: pinkie decides that the anything that she'd do is relieve anon of his (perceived) dry spell, unknowingly dooming herself in the process

Anon is a scumbag, but after the celestia thing I can't help but root for him...
Plus it's december

Can't wait for the next chapter.


Question. Since the next entry in this story will be pinkie pie will you consider making it a full 6 chapter story for all the mane 6 instead of one story for each girl?

each will have an individual story, just to keep things flavorful between background/supporting characters. Welost is making a full scale art piece for each rather than just a headshot like we've been doing, so that'll make it more fun too.



AC-130 Inbound.

Calling it now. Either Discord or Luna was the one who brought the book to Anon. I'm leaning to Luna, since if she noticed the dreams of the 'corrupted' ponies, or even Anon? then she been keeping it hidden.

Finally had time to read. This is great! Has me wondering how the spell would effect changelings.

Great stories keep it up!

Watching her take her leave, Anon let out a sigh and glanced over at Starlight.

Edit 9/22/2023:

With each plunge into her her mind fell further into the spell’s grasp, her orgasm coming closer and closer.

thanks for always catching these, they help a ton

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