• Published 8th Jan 2023
  • 3,191 Views, 177 Comments

A Noble’s Shadow - LSTS Connor

The War is over, and peace reigns once again. But even the Angel of Las Pegasus knows that a new assignment is never far behind.

  • ...

0- Shadows of Peace

“I do not understand this…game.”

When Six was first invited to meet up with the Captain, his wife, and her professional rival, this was not what she thought it would be. Especially so when she was told to remove her armor and take a seat on one of the many extra-large cushions against the wooden table in the center of the room. She did so somewhat reluctantly, the cool air of the room irritating the recently healed surgical scars on her chest and the metal implant on her neck. The small feeling of excitement from a new combat assignment that had been bubbling in the back of her mind vanished like dust in the wind. It was only thanks to her professional etiquette that Six did not immediately leave the room upon seeing the unicorn's setup.

It had been almost four months, by Six’s count, since the end of the pony-changeling war. The aura of peace and normality slowly began to return across the nation as towns were rebuilt and loved ones returned from whence they had been taken. It was a new experience for the Spartan and it was far less enjoyable than she thought it would be. Spartans simply weren’t meant to sit around doing paperwork they could barely understand for hours on end. She was a soldier, not a pencil pusher.

“What's not to understand?” the now Prince Shining Armor responded as he magically grasped and threw a pair of twenty-sided dice. “It's a simple tabletop roleplaying game where each of us rolls up fantasy characters and goes on adventures made up by yours truly!” he finished with a grin from behind the cardboard cutout that hid the lower half of his body.

Six’s eyes scanned the rest of the table. On her right sat Princess Cadence, while to her left sat the Captain of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire. The pegasus quite rigorously inspected the paper sheet laid out before her before she turned and looked up from the table towards the much larger Spartan.

“Trust me on this, Six, when I say it's much easier than it looks. I thought the exact same thing when I was first invited to these evenings and saw the mountain of papers Shining had brought. Damn near had a heart attack thinking he was about to start sprouting budget numbers at me.” She shuddered. “I can still see the graphs in my dreams…But otherwise, having a fresh face here will make this all the more fun!”

“Still a bummer that Midnight and Dawn couldn’t be here.” Shining Armor sighed.

“Where are they anyway?” asked Spitfire as she rolled five twenty-sided dice and wrote the results down.

“Midnight is currently sleeping a night of patrol duty off, and Dawn, he’s…*ahem* on vacation,” responded Shining Armor with some trepidation as Spitfire gave a silent ‘oh’ in response.

Six looked at the two in confusion for a moment before shrugging it off as the pink alicorn to her right spoke up. “I still don’t understand all the secrecy around my auntie and Commander Daw-“

“Shhh!” shushed Shining making Cadence frown. “Enough gossiping. Let's get to roleplaying! Six, have you got your character sorted?”

The Spartan looked down at the premade character sheet, its contents esoteric and illegible. “Yes?”

“Perfect! Now I hope you two don’t mind if we start off with a simple one-shot adventure for today so Six can learn the ropes.”

“Sounds good, can’t have our resident super-soldier run into this campaign blind.” Spitfire grinned as Six raised an eyebrow.

“I concur,” added Cadence from the Spartan’s right, drawing her eye. “Plus, I’m excited to see what Shiny has for us. Even if it means we have to put off our quest for the orb of destiny until next week.”

“Quest for the Orb of Destiny?” questioned Six causing Cadence to give a dismissive wave of her hoof.

“You’ll find out next week once you understand the game better.”

Shining Armor cleared his throat, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Then, if everypony is ready, let us begin!”

It was a dark and stormy night in the town of Rivelia. Harsh winds beat against the many small stone buildings that made up this little hamlet.

Yet even as the storm raged and lightning tore through the air, down in the Little Beak Tavern, drinks were still being served and laughter was exchanged. From minotaurs to griffons and the occasional pony, Happy Hour was in full swing.

The smell of ale hangs thick in the air as we focus on the small booth in the corner of the room where our party sits. By the whims of fate, each of you had received a summons in the mail earlier today to meet at this booth, the sender simply going by the name ‘-S.’

“So, I take it we all got the same letter, huh? I wonder what needs smashing? Names Messerschmitt by the way.”

“Seems like it. I was just minding my business tending to my animals when the letter appeared on my table. I’m Anacrusis, but you can call me Ana for short.”


The table stared at Six expectantly as the Spartan looked confused at the three of them. “…What?”

“Go on. Introduce yourself,” pressed Spitfire.

“But you all already know who I am.”

Cadence giggled, “Not you, silly. Introduce your character.”


“My name is…Kage.”

“Nice to meet cha’ Kage. So… any of you know why we’re here?”

“I believe I may be able to answer that question,” spoke a hooded figure approaching the table where the three of you sit. His face is hidden beneath the black robe he wears. Only the tip of a white horn pierces the perpetual shadow hiding his face.

“I want to roll to detect magic!” shouted Cadence, snapping Shining out of his concentration.

“Wait, what's going on?” asked Six, her usual stoicism cracking with the confusion.

“Oh, well, whenever we want our character to do something, we say what we want to do, and Shiny decides whether we need to roll for it to succeed or not. And since I want to use detect magic, I need to roll to see if I detect anything, right Shiny?”

“Yes, honey. Roll me a D20 then to see if you sense anything.”

While this was going on, Six glanced towards Spitfire. The Captain, seeing the unasked question in the Spartan’s eyes, whispered in her ear.

“Just say what you want to do and roll one of those dice right there.” She discreetly pointed at the small dice lying atop Six’s character sheet. “That's how I got through my first session.”

Like a switch was flicked in the Spartan’s brain, the connection was made as she made a silent ‘oh’ and moved back to look at her character sheet. Its esoteric and enigmatic numbers and words now slowly began to make sense, though full understanding was still a while away.

The clattering of dice against the table drew the Spartan’s attention back to Cadence and her Husband.

“Hmm, thirteen. Do I detect anything?”

“Your horn can only detect something faint. You aren’t even completely sure if what you are detecting is just the ambient magic from your earth and pegasus-pony companions.”

“See, I gathered you all here because I have a job proposition for you,” the hooded pony spoke, his voice slightly distorted.

“What kind of reward are we talking about for this job? I don’t do charity work.”

“Yeah, this better be good if it meant bringing us here in the middle of a thunderstorm.”

“…What's the mission?”

“C’mon, Kage, you’ve gotta be a little curious about the pay.”

“Why? He has an assignment and brought us here to complete said assignment.”

“Well, some of us like to be compensated for our services, Kage. And I am no exception. So please tell us, why should we do this job for you?”

The figure said nothing but instead pulls out a piece of parchment and lays it upon the table before leaving without a word. Inspecting the piece of parchment, it contains two vital pieces of information: Payment and a location.

“By the Sun! 300 platinum Bits each? All to clear out some wizard tower? No wonder we were- Hey, hey, Kage!? Where are you going?!”

“To do the job.”

“Really? Is that your best reaction? You just got offered 300 platinum Bits, for Celestia’s sake!” questioned Spitfire flabbergasted, at the Spartan’s reaction, or lack thereof.

“Is that a lot?”

“300 platinum Bits is the price of a home here in Canterlot. You…you do know that, right?”

Six shook her head as Spitfire inhaled sharply.

“You mean to tell me,” Spitfire began slowly, “that the mare, who now holds the Alicorn’s Honor, the highest military honor that can be awarded, not only does not know how to fly. But also doesn't know the value of an Equestrian Bit?! Don’t…” Spitfire bit her lip. “Haven’t you ever bought something for your quarters or office or just... yourself?”

“Why would I? I already have everything I need to do my job,” Six asked, genuinely confused.

Shining now interjected, “Wait, wait, wait. Is that why your office looks so barren, Six? I thought you hadn’t moved in yet! Last I checked, the wallpaper was still missing.”

“Is there something wrong with my office?”

“Well…no, except for perhaps the lack of wallpaper. But, it just seems so…empty,” remarked Shining. “Perhaps you can join Cadence on one of her weekly outings to the shopping district, make your space more like…well, you,” offered Shining with a look towards a smiling and nodding along Cadence.

“You’ll love it, Six. By the time we’re done, you won’t even recognize your office or your quarters anymore!”

“Wouldn’t that be counterproductive? The way I have it now is fine. Why would I wish to change it?”

Cadence blinked before grinning devilishly. “Well… what would a stallion say when they saw your room?”

“…I don’t understand.”

“Better add innuendo to that pile,” spoke Spitfire under her breath in amusement, drawing a frown from the princess of love.

“You’ll eventually understand, Six, and when you do, it will be the most amazing thing in the universe.” Cadence swooned, a feeling joined by the goofy smile on Shining’s face as the two ponies looked lovingly at each other.

“Alright, lovebirds, enough flashing bedroom eyes at each other. Let's get back to the game. Mama wants a new set of armor! And Six?” Spitfire said, grabbing the Spartan’s attention, “remind me to teach you how the modern economic system works. Having the second bearer of the Alicorn’s Honor not know what an apple is worth is not a good look for the history books,” she finished with a grin before adding, “Its two bronze Bits, by the way.”

The three of you are now standing before the ancient tower, its stone walls covered in centuries-old vines and crisscrossed with millennia-old cracks. The only visible entrance is the cave that stood at the foot of the structure. The sky was still an oppressive black, thunder ringing in the distance and rippling across the thick cloud cover.

“This seems to be the place. Spooky atmosphere, creepy tower, and not to mention the dark and foreboding cave entrance.”

“Well, let's go then. Not going to make our platinum Bits just standing around like this.”

“I’ll take point.”

“Woah there, Kage, you sure that's a good idea? You strike as more of the sneaky type. Let the mare in the armor go first.”

“…Alright. Ca-I mean Anacrusis, stay behind me.”

“Why, thank you. But I am sure I can handle myself, Kage.”

As the three of you enter the cave with Messerschmitt leading the charge and Kage following close behind with Ana in the rear, everything goes silent. The moment each of your crossed the cave’s barrier, the sound of thunder cut off. In fact, the very breeze you felt at your backs had vanished.

In the corner of your eye, you could see it. The entrance behind you had vanished, instead having been replaced with a solid stone wall. Upon further inspection, you realize the very cave itself had been replaced with a hallway of stone bricks with burning torches lining the walls.

“Teleportation magic, the cave entrance was an illusion!”

“Gee, ya don’t think? Know where it brought us?”

“A trap.”

“Now what makes you think that, Kage?”

“The pack of goblins the two of you failed to spot.”

Six smiled smugly at her two neighbors as she looked at the three perception roll dice strewn out on the table in front of her. Spitfire’s dice landed on a five, Cadence managed a respectable 11, and Six held a smug natural 20.

Spitfire grumbled under her breath, “Stupid mare luck, when are you going to stop sending me into single-digit Tartarus?!”

“I guess it’s just not your day, Captain,” responded Six with all the smugness of a Cheshire Cat.

“Yeah yeah, let’s just roll for initiative already. I want to smash something.”

Shining Armor cleared his throat. “Well, since Six was the only one to spot the goblins, she wasn’t surprised and will take the first turn. Followed by goblin B, Spitfire, Cadence, then the remaining two goblins.”

“Okay…now what?” asked Six as she inspected the small battlefield before them.

“Well, you roll to hit the goblin with your daggers. If you roll higher than its Armor Value, you hit!” explained the Prince quite enthusiastically as Six nodded along before rolling the dice.


“That's a Hit! Roll for damage.”

“Why would I roll for damage? I stab them lethally,” Six responded, completely serious.

The sound of an alicorn’s drink almost being spat out from laughter graced the Spartan’s ears. After catching her breath and wiping the water away from her mouth, Cadence giggled, an action shared by the yellow pegasus beside her. “Never change, Six.”

“You know what? This one time, I’ll allow it. It's a goblin, it has one Hitpoint, and you rolled high enough to justify it. Next time, however, you roll for damage like everyone else.”


“Great! Now with that goblin down, Spitfire, it's your turn…”

After fighting through scores of goblins and a pack of stone wolves, and sneaking past one sleeping troll, the three of you have finally made your way into the heart of the wizard’s tower. All that remained before you now was to step through the precipice. A stone archway lay before you, and just beyond it was a whirling mist of inky black smoke.

“Enter my domain, and be damned for all eternity!” booms a deep voice from all around you.

“I haven’t come this far to turn tail and run now! C’mon Ana, Kage, we got ourselves a reward to collect!”

The three of you charge in, Messerschmitt taking point as you cross the barrier and break through the black smoke. Yet before any of you could begin to process your new surroundings, the three of you suddenly find yourselves unable to move. The smoke you had run through was clinging to your bodies, wrapping itself around you and refusing to let go.

“What did I say, little adventurers?” the voice returns and booms once more. “Now, you shall become nothing more than mindless pawns for me to exploit!”

“Alright, everypony, throw me a Wisdom save,” decreed the Dungeon Master with an evil grin.

The gathered ponies did as asked as the many dice clattered against the table.

“13!” exclaimed Cadence, who was sitting at the edge of her cushion, the alicorn quite invested in her husband’s Adventure.

“19, yes!” shouted out Spitfire, her hoof raised in victory. “Take that mare luck!”

Six held the dice between her dexterous wingtips, ready to throw. She actually felt quite a bit… excited. What had started out as something useless, seemingly boring, and impossible to understand for the Spartan had actually become somewhat, dare she say, ‘fun.’

With a swift swing of her wing, the dice rolled across the table and bounced exactly three times. On the third and final bounce, the dice came to a stop, and Six eagerly leaned over to see what it had landed on.

“…1,” she read aloud, the steam that had been blowing her sails of excitement vanishing as a frown overtook her features. Insides already dreading the fate that would soon befall her character. Her two neighbors cringed at the Spartan's bad luck while carefully glancing towards their Dungeon Master. Shining was grinning evilly.

“The three of you can feel the tendrils of dark magic begin to intrude upon your minds. On Messerschmitt’s and Ana’s minds, they find no purchase but, in Kage’s, they latch on like a snake would a mou-“

“Prince Shining Armor, Princess Cadence!” The door to the room was burst open by a member of the royal guard interrupting the Dungeon Master's storytelling.

“What is it, soldier?” Princess Cadence asked, her tone tinted with worry.

“Apologies for the interruption your majesties, but Princess Celestia requires you both to meet with her immediately.” The guard's gaze briefly turned to look behind him as if making sure there were no eavesdroppers before turning to face them again. “It has returned.”

Like a switch had been flipped, both royals' demeanors changed as Captain of the Guard Shining Armor spoke up. “Spitfire, get your wonderbolts on standby, have them ready to take to the skies at a moment’s notice. Give the same orders to Noble on my authority.” Spitfire saluted and took off like a lightning bolt, Six opened her mouth to speak up at the ordering of her Spartans by the Captain, but Shining Armor cut her off, “Six, you’re coming with us to see the Princess. I don’t care what she says; you are coming with us.”

“…Understood, but next time warn me before you start ordering my Spartans around without me,” Six added as she stood up and grabbed her disassembled armor that lay in the corner of the room.

“We’re sorry, Six, but time is of the essence here. I doubt Auntie Celestia would wait for you,” apologized Cadence as she handed Six the various smaller titanium plates that made up the Spartan’s Mjolnir Armor. With her undersuit slipped on, Six quickly got to work on plucking the floating plates out of the air and attaching them with various clicks. The magical help provided by Cadence allowed her to armor up much faster than usual.

Within a minute, the Spartan was ready. Her body gave an unconscious shiver as her armor linked with the neural implant at the base of her neck. She gave her bladed wings an experimental flap to make sure everything was working. Since her encounter in the changeling hive, there was always a worry that the repairs to her armor wouldn’t hold. But so far, those fears have been unfounded, the multiples of repair spells cast upon it (the exact number and names Six couldn’t remember but it was somewhere in the hundreds) working surprisingly well despite the extreme exhaustion it gave to its casters.

Six nodded towards the royal couple as she clipped her helmet against her hip. The trio began jogging their way through Canterlot Castle's winding halls, the guard from before leading them towards the throne room.

“So what is this ‘it’ that has returned?” asked Six as they turned the final corner and now stood before the throne room's ornate doors. “I’m in the dark here.”

“The ‘it’ you are referring to, Six,” came the familiar voice of the Lunar Diarch from behind them, an ornate eyepatch of dark blue and gold covering her lost eye. The edges of the scar that had caused the injury were too large to be hidden completely by the patch. “Is a place known only as The Crystal Empire and the Tyrant that ruled it one thousand years ago.”

Walking up, Luna opened the door with her dark blue magic granting them entry to the throne room where her sister was already waiting.

“Now, we must finish what we started a millennia ago.”

Six could already feel her heart beginning to beat just a bit faster.

The silence that permeated the throne room was palpable. An aura so thick one could cut it with a knife. The two diarchs sat upon their thrones, the two royals and one Spartan sitting before them expectantly. Though it was only Six who waited with a sense of curiosity permeating her being.

What was this Crystal Empire? She thought as her eyes scanned the unreadable features of the celestial alicorns. Everyone around her was worried, that much was clear, but of what? As far as Six knew, the two diarchs were ageless, yes, but the Tyrant they mentioned couldn’t have been. That was her theory, anyway. Without more information, it was all she had going for her.

“Explain to me,” Six began, breaking the silence with her usual tone, “What threat does this…’Crystal Empire’ pose?”

Celestia answered after a moment of trepidation, “It is not the Empire itself that is the threat, Six. It is the entity that will or has returned with it. The Umbral Tyrant, King Sombra,” the alicorn spat out as if the name was coated in the most vile of venom. A sentiment shared by her sister.

“Compared to the power-hungry nature of the former Queen Chrysalis, she is but a drop in the ocean compared to the King of Shadows. And we do not have much time before he makes his move. While the Crystal City itself has already returned to the material realm, the status of Sombra is still unknown. As such, we must act quickly,” Luna explained as her lone eye now pointed towards a faraway horizon through the stained glass windows that lined the throne room.

“This is where you, my niece, and my nephew-in-law come in,” began the solar alicorn drawing the gathered ponies’ attention. “While the Shadow King may still pose a threat, the ponies of the Crystal Empire must take priority. They are a society out of time, and they need guidance if they are to survive in the frozen north with their society and technology now a millenia out of date. The two of you must travel there to restore order and prevent Sombra from regaining his stolen crown.”

The two lesser royals nodded with a seriousness Six had never before seen on the married couple's face as Celestia’s eyes wandered to her armored form.

“Six, you and your Spartans shall be personally responsible for their safety and all that entails during their mission. You are, to put it simply, their personal guard now.”

“I understand.”

Both alicorns smiled, though it did not reach their eyes as Celestia continued, “Good, then you are to set off within the hour by rail. Your transportation and additional escort are already preparing for your departure.”

Luna was the next to speak up, “We will not be able to see you off as while we do trust in your abilities and that of Shining’s sister, due to the nature of the threat, contingencies must be put in place.”

All nodded except Shining, who spoke up with a tone of worry, “What does Twilight have to do with this? If Sombra is as dangerous as you say…”

Celestia smiled sadly. “I would wish for nothing more than to keep your sister in the dark about all this, but her status as an element bearer prevents me from doing so. Should you face the King in battle, you will need the Elements of Harmony.”

“I…okay,” the Prince said, his posture drooping, prompting Cadence to extend a wing over his back in comfort.

“Don’t you worry, Shiny. Twilight and her friends can handle themselves. She did so back in the changeling hive,” Cadence reassured, looking to Six.

“She did,” the Spartan responded with a hint of pride in her voice. “While she is no Spartan. She is one hell of an ODST.”

“ODS…T?” asked Shining as he rolled the acronym across his tongue.

“Orbital Drop Shock Trooper, closest you can get to a Spartan without the genetic enhancements,” Six clarified, prompting all gathered ponies to give a silent ‘oh’ in response. With ONI now more of a memory and her past all but exposed in its entirety to Luna and the rest of the nation's royalty, Six saw no reason to remain so tight-lipped about the UNSC.

“High praise,” commented Luna before she moved to stand up from her throne, her sister doing the same as she grabbed a quill and parchment in her magic. “Now, if you would excuse us, there is much work to do.”

Soon the two diarchs were alone once more upon their thrones, the only sound being the vibration of Six’s distant heavy hoofsteps. Celestia sighed heavily as she leaned back into her throne, every muscle relaxing at once.

“First the changelings, now the Empire returns… is it too much to ask for at least a few years of peace between conflicts? By the Sun, at least one would suffice.”

“You had your peace, sister, a thousand years long if I recall correctly. Now fate, it seems, is looking to collect,” Luna said with some amusement as she mirrored her sister's posture and reclined on her throne in relaxation.

“They were no peace to me, as I doubt the moon was for you.” The silence stretched for several more moments before Celestia gave a small chuckle. “Heh, it seems history is repeating itself.”

“What do you mean, sister?” Luna asked curiously.

“I have seen the way you look at Six. It is the same look I wore when I first took Twilight as my student.”

“She is… much like my old self, I must admit. A warrior through and through, my words may have started her…acclimatization. But the road she must travel is not one I can help her on alone. But, I must thank you as well, sister.”

“What for?”

“Do not play coy with me. Telling Six to protect our niece for the duration of her ‘mission.’” Luna smirked. “I believe, as Six would say, you are ‘Killing two birds with one stone’?”

“Morbid…but accurate. Our niece is certainly…social, a trait I have no doubt will rub off on Six. If I may be honest, her bluntness and complete lack of any real social skills are beginning to lose their charm during our conversations.”

Luna stood up from her throne, a smile still on her face as she stretched the knots from her back. “Perhaps she will do more than that. She does not take her title of Alicorn of Love lightly, after all. She may see Six as a challenge to be overcome. I would not be surprised if she already has a whole binder dedicated to this very topic.”

“When Sombra is defeated…I bet you one whole week of paperwork that I can find the binder first,” Celestia challenged with a smile, glad to think about something else other than the Empire's return. Luna met her provocation in kind.

“Ha! You believe such an undertaking is worth a mere week? You underestimate your niece's abilities. Make it two and it's a wager!” the lunar alicorn laughed alongside her sister, both enjoying one last moment of peace before they marched off to prepare for war again. And this time, they would be sure Sombra was defeated.

Author's Note:

Welcome to the sequel of a Noble Death. I will update this as regularly as I can but over the next four months I'm finishing school so I need to focus on that a majority of the time, but when I have free time I will be chipping away at A Nobles Shadow.

I would also like to give all my love to Frazy, the Artist behind the D&D Picture at the start of this chapter. It is to be their last one for Six before they retire their drawing pen. So from the bottom of my heart Frazy, if you're reading this, thank you for all the beautiful art you have created for myself, these stories, and my discords community. For as long as our Six is remembered, they will remember the design you have brought to life.

My Discord is here where I am active basically whenever I am awake and it contains exclusive Six themed Emotes and Stickers.

That's all I have to say so sit back, relax, and enjoy the continuation of Six's journey.