• Published 2nd Dec 2022
  • 4,147 Views, 56 Comments

Why Do We Hate Each Other? - Boltstrike58

Starlight asks Twilight and Trixie why they hate each other's guts.

  • ...

We...Actually Don't Know

Starlight Glimmer happily trotted down the streets of Ponyville, as Celestia's sun began to dip behind the mountains. In her magic, she held her prized kite, which she'd spent the last few hours flying alongside Maud Pie. Overall, she'd had a lovely, relaxing day, and she was looking forward to dinner with Spike and Twilight back at the castle, followed by a peaceful sleep.

However, once she'd reached the crystal building itself, Starlight discovered that her desires might not pan out that way. For one thing, Trixie's wagon was parked right outside the doors, and for another, the showmare herself was nowhere to be seen. Starlight immediately groaned, remembering what had happened the last time Twilight and Trixie were in the same room. She silently prayed history would not repeat itself.

Climbing the stairs, Starlight gripped the door handle in her magic, and swung it open, revealing an empty foyer. She glanced around, until her sensitive pony ears picked up what sounded like arguing. Her hoof immediately made contact with her face, and she violently shook her head.

"Why does this keep happening?!" she complained to no one in particular.

A door down the hallway opened, and out came a familiar purple and green dragon, who scurried up to Starlight as soon as he noticed her.

"Starlight! Oh, thank Celestia!" he panted. "It's worse than ever this time! I'm surprised they haven't started shooting magic beams at each other yet!"

"That bad, huh?" asked Starlight. Spike nodded vigorously. "What set them off this time?"

"No idea," replied Spike. "Trixie just came in, and they both said they'd be civil, and then, two minutes later, they started yelling."

Starlight sighed again. "I'll go defuse this. Could you make some snacks so we have something to eat while we cool down?"

"Sure thing!" said Spike, before turning and rushing down towards the kitchen.

After depositing her kite somewhere safe, Starlight used her ears to follow the sound of the argument, eventually coming to the outside of the room containing both the Harmony Thrones and the Cutie Map. She took one more deep breath, before lighting up her horn, and opening the door.

As expected, Twilight and Trixie were both inside. They had their muzzles pressed together so hard they were scrunched up, and their eyes were nearly touching each other. Both mares' horns sparked furiously with loose magic, and Twilight's wings were spread in an attempt to make her look bigger. From each of their mouths came a constant stream of enraged ranting, directed at each other.

"You think you're so tough!" Twilight snarled. "You're a second-rate magician with third-rate sleight-of-hoof tricks!"

"Oh, yeah?!" Trixie spat back. "How do you explain the Great and Powerful Trixie saving you from the changelings, then?!"

"If you're so Great and Powerful, how come you couldn't beat me in a magic duel without the Amulet?!"

"Pancake brain!"

"Oatmeal face!"

"Nerdy princess!"

"Stuck up pincushion!"

The argument dissolved into a slap-fest, with both mares incomprehensibly insulting each other while lightly smacking their hooves against the other's heads. Starlight had to admit, if it weren't two of her best friends, this would actually be sort of funny. However, she couldn't let it go on any longer. So she cast a quick voice-amplifying spell, took a deep breath, and screamed, "QUIET!"

Twilight and Trixie immediately lost interest in their little squabble, and clamped their hooves over their ears to drown out Starlight. After a few seconds, during which they realized there was no more noise coming, they slowly uncovered their ears, and discovered Starlight's presence in the room.

"Oh, uh...hey, Starlight," said Twilight, putting on a very awkward smile. Trixie had a similar expression on her face.

Starlight glared at both of them. "What did I ask you two to do the last time you had one of your little tiffs?" she demanded.

"Not start another fight. Or at least try to be civil with each other," responded Trixie.

"And what are you currently doing?"

"Having a fight," said Twilight. Both mares sank low where they stood, looking embarrassed.

Starlight slapped her forehead. "What am I going to do with you two? I respect both of you as friends, yet whenever you're within the same square mile, you get under each other's skin, and it's like a war is going to start!"

"I'm sorry, Starlight!" Trixie insisted. "But I swear, it wasn't the Great and Powerful Trixie's fault this time! She—"

"Do you seriously still need to refer to yourself as the Great and Powerful Trixie?" complained Twilight. "You're not on a stage, you know!"

"Oh, you'd love that, wouldn't you, you—"

"COOL IT!" Starlight screamed again, silencing them both. She sighed, before taking another deep breath to calm herself down. "Look, am I going to have to pry you two apart like a pair of foals whenever we do something together? Because I would really like to not do that!"

Trixie and Twilight both opened their mouths, likely to start blaming each other for the incident again, but Starlight's glare shut them up. They looked at each other, then at her, before looking down at the ground.

"I just don't understand it," said Starlight. "It doesn't make any sense. Why do you two even hate each other to begin with?"

"Trixie knows why she hates Twilight," responded the magician. "It's because she ruined Trixie's show when I was in Ponyville for the first time."

"But from what you told me, it was Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow that interrupted your show," Starlight reminded her. "Twilight didn't do anything."

"Well..." Trixie stumbled over her words. "Twilight showed up Trixie by driving off the ursa major!"

"It was an ursa minor," Twilight added, quietly.

"Whatever! Trixie's point still stands!"

"Actually," Starlight mused, "shouldn't you have been angry at Snips and Snails for bringing the ursa into Ponyville in the first place? Twilight didn't do it to hurt you. What would you have had her do? Let it destroy the town so there weren't any witnesses?"

Trixie's eyes widened at the accusation. "Well, when you put it that way..."

Twilight took over. "I don't really hate Trixie, I just have trouble forgiving her after the whole Alicorn Amulet disaster! She tried to banish me from town!"

"You said that the amulet amplifies a pony's most negative traits," said Starlight. "Trixie, didn't you say you originally bought the amulet to try and revitalize your magician career, and you only thought of going after Twilight after you put it on?" Trixie nodded. "So, Twilight, how can you blame Trixie for something she did when she wasn't in control?"

Twilight opened her mouth, but closed it again a few seconds later. Evidently, she couldn't come up with a response. The look on Trixie's face told everyone that she was having a similar crisis. Starlight stepped forward, placing a hoof on each mare's shoulders.

"Your entire rivalry is built on false premises. There's literally no reason you two should be at each other's throats all the time. So why are you?"

The next few seconds passed in silence, as everypony's brain attempted to process what Starlight had put out.

"Trixie...I suppose I just liked the idea of having a rival," said the showmare, finally. "Twilight was just a convenient target."

"It was kind of exciting to have somepony to pit my magic against," said Twilight. "For what it's worth, I enjoyed our magic duels. They were a rare opportunity to use my brain as much as possible."

"There. Doesn't it feel better to admit that?" said Starlight.

Both mares nodded. Starlight breathed a sigh of relief. A knock at the door alerted her to the fact that Spike had arrived bearing the cool down snacks, and she telekinetically pulled it open. The drake came in, bearing a large plate with an assortment of food.

"You didn't specify what kind of snacks, so I got a little of everything," said Spike.

"Are those peanut butter crackers?" asked Trixie, perking up a little.

Sometime later, the three mares and dragon were sitting quietly around the Cutie Map, having finished off as much food as they could. Spike burped a few emerald embers.

"That was a good talk. Thanks for being there to help, Starlight," said Twilight. "You're the best friendship student ever."

"It's what I do," Starlight replied with a small grin, though she tried not to look too smug.

"I'm grateful to you for resolving our pointless rivalry," said Trixie. "I'm so glad you saved Trixie from making an ass of herself."

"Same here," added Twilight. "Though, I must admit, I looked far worse than you did. That whole fight was all my fault."

"No, don't be ridiculous," responded Trixie. "The Great and Powerful Trixie was responsible for the argument."

"Oh, no you don't! I'm the biggest jerk here! I'm the Princess of Friendship, for Celestia's sake! If I can't look past an old disagreement and just be friendly, what's Equestria coming to?"

"Trixie was the bigger fool, and you know it, Twilight Sparkle!" Trixie was shouting now.

"Um, girls?" Starlight tried to interrupt, but went ignored.

"I looked more like a fool than Snips and Snails!" Twilight snapped.

Starlight and Spike groaned as the two mares stood up in their chairs and continued yelling at each other.

"Here we go again..." complained Spike.

Comments ( 56 )

"You said that the amulet amplifies a pony's most negative traits," said Starlight. "Trixie, didn't you say you originally bought the amulet to try and revitalize your magician career, and you only thought of going after Twilight after you put it on?" Trixie nodded. "So, Twilight, how can you blame Trixie for something she did when she wasn't in control?"


But she shouldn't have bought that thing LIKE AN IDIOT!
I wouldn't just buy random magical artifacts without knowing what they do.
especially something called the 'ALICORN AMULET'

"Actually," Starlight mused, "shouldn't you have been angry at Snips and Snails for bringing the ursa into Ponyville in the first place? Twilight didn't do it to hurt you. What would you have had her do? Let it destroy the town so there weren't any witnesses?"

"Well..." Trixie stumbled over her words. "Twilight showed up Trixie by driving off the ursa major!"

You were so focused on yourself ego en reputation that you didn't think about the lives of others. Only yourself

Starlight and Spike groaned as the two mares stood up in their chairs and continued yelling at each other.


acting like fillies

to be fair she did try and defend ponyville in boast busters from the ursa

granted she didn't get far, but she tried

"Are those peanut butter crackers?" asked Trixie, perking up a little.

Later on, Trixie ate all at once, Twilight started to shout at her for not sharing and then the castle exploded :pinkiecrazy:

Continues reading

Yep, that was expected :trixieshiftright:

Nice short story. Pointless arguing foals pones are always good :derpyderp2:

...did Twilight just quote Seto Kaiba?

I half expected starlight to break them up by shouting "would you two just shut up and F@#$ already!" By that same token I did also half expect her to be worried when one lunges at the other that they are actually gonna fight, only for them to be making out. Cudos for sticking to the premise and not just making it an easy ship.

This was great; it had me smiling the whole time! I LOVE the Trixie/Twilight rivalry because it's so juvenile and petty. Trixie just behaves like a 10 year old and manages to pull Twilight down to her level every time; it's like the Odd Couple with those two! I laugh at how Starlight has to act like the adult in the room when those two meet up; they just can't get along. Bravo for this story! :scootangel:

Huk #9 · Dec 2nd, 2022 · · ·

Expanded ending:

"Enough!" Starlight yelled, facehoofing. "Both of you, either be quiet or... go to Twilight's bedroom and release that negative energy that way!" She stood up, shaking her head. "Now, if you'll excuse me..." She left with Spike in tow.

With her cheeks blushing, Twilight looked at equally embarrassed Trixie. "Do you want to--"


"OK... follow me..."

When they left Twilight's bed chamber the next day, they were sweaty and tired. But can you blame them? Reading the entire collection of Daring Do together can be exhausting.


Ah, lovely. Amazing work, word-smith.

I actually didn't think anybody would get that!

I was tempted to make it a Twixie story, but I'm not very good at writing romance, so I stopped myself.

"You think you're so tough!" Twilight snarled. "You're a second-rate magician with third-rate sleight-of-hoof tricks!"

"You're a third-rate duelist with a fourth-rate deck!"

Sometimes you just want to start a fight club, I guess.

We dont talk about fight club

Good story

Twilight took over. "I don't really hate Trixie, I just have trouble forgiving her after the whole Alicorn Amulet disaster! She tried to banish me from town!"

Not really a good, strong argument to be had there given that Twilight forgave Trixie at the end of that episode and the two seemed to have patched things up and be on friendly terms with each other. This is why "No Second Prances" is one of my least favorite episodes of the show. However, as of "Road to Friendship" the two seemed to have truly buried the hatchet once and for all.

:rainbowlaugh: Honestly, though, I think their rivalry stems from a lot of pent-up sexual tension.

Everyone knows the true reason as to why they as contentious as a Scot and another Scot -
One is a believer in Taco Tuesday, whilst the other is a proponent of Taco Friday.

Such conflicts can never be settled civilly.

This is really a pointless rivalry and by S7 they had atually gotten over it. Also Trixie was warned by the shopkeeper not to purchase the cursed magical amulet of doom. Of course it shouldn't have been on sale either but that's a different argument.

The argument dissolved into a slap-fest, with both mares incomprehensibly insulting each other while lightly smacking their hooves against the other's heads.

Twilight, who was already one of the most powerful mages in Equestria before she became what is essentially a demigod, resorts to just slapping ponies in a fight :facehoof:

"Smiling indulgently" and "forgiving" are not the same thing, and No Second Prances pretty clearly gives the lie to the idea that Twilight actually let anything go after Magic Duel.

11439853 From the episode itself:

[fireworks exploding]
Twilight Sparkle: Trixie?
Trixie: It's the least I could do. I treated you and your friends so horribly when I was wearing that Alicorn Amulet. I just couldn't control myself. You can forgive me, can't you?
Twilight Sparkle: Hmmm. Sure.

If you interepreted that scene differently, that's totally fine. However, I personally saw this exchange as the two of them putting the past behind them and settling into a friendly rivalry of sorts. The "smiling indulgently" part seemed to me to be Twilight just accepting the fact that Trixie is just being herself and being fine with it. Unfortunately, "No Second Prances" ruined that by making Twilight out to be the bad guy. Really, this episode does nothing but make Twilight out to be a huge hypocrite given the following line that she said just a few episodes ago:

Twilight Sparkle: Well, I'm not one to dwell on the past

Again, this is why I hated "No Second Prances" so much and why I loved their exchange at the beginning of "Road to Friendship", which seemed to imply that the two of them had put the past behind them once and for all. Let's also not forget that Trixie and Twilight had no problems playing with each other at the end of "Uncommon Bond."

Yes, it does. Successfully. It is a very efficient bit of characterization.

Edit: Why did this get featured?!

Because the site's pretty slow now'a days. Show's over, fandom is in maintenance mode.

My thoughts exactly.

also still pissed they never made trixie friends with the mane 6

Expansion on Twilight and Trixie’s rivalry as a form of bizarre friendship all its own is delicious, and I really wish the show had bothered with it. Very nice work!

"You think you're so tough!" Twilight snarled. "You're a second-rate magician with third-rate sleight-of-hoof tricks!"

I understood that reference.


11440540 I think they did, actually, given that they came to watch her show in "No Second Prances."

The argument dissolved into a slap-fest, with both mares incomprehensibly insulting each other while lightly smacking their hooves against the other's heads. Starlight had to admit, if it weren't two of her best friends, this would actually be sort of funny. However, she couldn't let it go on any longer. So she cast a quick voice-amplifying spell, took a deep breath, and screamed, "QUIET!"

Twilight and Trixie immediately lost interest in their little squabble, and clamped their hooves over their ears to drown out Starlight. After a few seconds, during which they realized there was no more noise coming, they slowly uncovered their ears, and discovered Starlight's presence in the room.

Starlight's yell is powerful enough to interrupt a friendship lecture.

Second only to the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Pinkie Pie and AJ did I believe, though they could've just been curious, like in Boast Busters.

Also this line from Trixie hits a lot harder looking back at it:
"Everyone always says they'll give you a second chance, but deep down, they never forget."

11441396 Fluttershy was there as well.

One more line to consider as well.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry, Zecora. I'm trying my best, but... I can't stop thinking about Trixie. There was something different about her. It's like she's gone from high and mighty to mean and nasty.

Even after Amulet-Trixie kicked Twilight out of Ponyville, Twilight was less mad and more confused than anything. Her opinion of Trixie going despot on Ponyville really wasn’t all that bad, she could already tell something was screwy with Trixie to begin with.

An amazing characterization for Twilight, being an incredibly smart idiot. The Element of Magic consistently forgetting she has magic she can use feels so on brand for her really. :rainbowlaugh:

An incredibly smart idiot .

I might have to steal that phrase...

Trixie should only be mad that she was defeated by her own trick - sleight of hoof. (Well, also her ego.)

Reading this reminds me of another Twixie story that I read years ago. In an Equestrian dystopia, in which friendship is not optional (as in, re-education camps, etc) Twilight and Trixie maintain a secret club whose entire point is to give them a place to hate each other.


I think it is a perfect way to describe her: excellent knowledge but no wisdom.

She thought brainwashing ponies to create a friendship problem could go over well.

Smart enough to do it, but not smart enough to realize it's a bad idea.

And that's why we love her.

I may not be a HUGE fan of Trixie, but from the word of God, she wasn't meant to be likeable. Anywho, I was definitely more miffed at AJ and Rarity in Boast Busters than anyone. Trixie had barely introduced herself when they were all but saying "boo get off the stage". And their arguments about Honesty and Humility were just so...ugh.

For AJ, Let's say Applebloom wanted to dress up as a unicorn for Nightmare Night..."Ya can't do that AB, Ya need ta be HONEST", guess that means no school plays, no pretend, no nuthin except HONEST WORK.

For Rarity...Need I remind her of all the times when she has promoted HERSELF, or been oh I don't know a little conceited? Humility isn't exactly her strongest trait.

RD looked like she was about to say she was cool with the show but IIRC those two shot her death glares...

As to Twilight, She is definitely NOT perfect, and while some episodes do this to unsavory levels, I'm rather fond of the nerdy socially awkward Princess. I don't know if I would have gotten into the show in the first place if she (or the others) had been portrayed as "perfect pretty princess" types who NEVER had any problems outside of tea parties and stuff.

Twilight Sparkle and Trixie have hate-based crushes on each other, and you can't convince me otherwise.

I agree with the second part so much! In all honesty, I remember not being all that impressed when I saw the first few episodes of MLP. But then I read the synopsis for Lesson Zero, watched the episode and...
Well, the rest is history.

I first came across pony via the IDW comics. I also was a Johnny come lately to the Fandom joining somewhere around 2017 or so.

You think that's bad? I didn't join the herd until 2020!
Okay, technically I had been occasionally watching/reading some fan stuff since 2016, but that doesn't count

No worries, Better late than never:twilightsmile:

Yeah, I have a pretty similar opinion of Boast Busters. I honestly don't get why it's such a beloved episode, and why Trixie hates Twilight so much afterward. That's part of what inspired me to write this story.

I can see why Twixie's such a popular ship.

One of my personal head-canons is that had :ajsmug:AJ and :duck:Miss "perfect" not interfered, Twilight and Trixie could have been, even if not best friends, friendly professional rivals.

"That bad, huh?" asked Starlight. Spike nodded vigorously. "What set them off this time?"

"No idea," replied Spike. "Trixie just came in, and they both said they'd be civil, and then, two minutes later, they started yelling."

And now imagine what would have happened if they had not promised to stay civil...

Starlight sighed again. "I'll go defuse this. Could you make some snacks so we have something to eat while we cool down?"
"Sure thing!" said Spike, before turning and rushing down towards the kitchen.

:moustache:: "I'll take any excuse to get outta here."

As expected, Twilight and Trixie were both inside. They had their muzzles pressed together so hard they were scrunched up, and their eyes were nearly touching each other.

Me: "And now kiss!"
Also me: *gets blasted to oblivion*

Twilight's wings were spread in an attempt to make her look bigger

Did it work though?

"Trixie...I suppose I just liked the idea of having a rival," said the showmare, finally. "Twilight was just a convenient target."
"It was kind of exciting to have somepony to pit my magic against," said Twilight. "For what it's worth, I enjoyed our magic duels. They were a rare opportunity to use my brain as much as possible."

Maybe they can turn this into a healthy competition or something like that.

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

"Trixie knows why she hates Twilight," responded the magician. "It's because she ruined Trixie's show when I was in Ponyville for the first time."

"But from what you told me, it was Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow that interrupted your show," Starlight reminded her. "Twilight didn't do anything."

I wouldn't use the word ruined. It rather worked out for her since she had the chance to boast about her magic skills.

Twilight took over. "I don't really hate Trixie, I just have trouble forgiving her after the whole Alicorn Amulet disaster! She tried to banish me from town!"

I think she had put that past her? She might had some troubles with that in "No Second Prances" but now it's mostly Trixie's personality that irks her. She generally likes to rub her achievements into Twilight's face.

"You said that the amulet amplifies a pony's most negative traits," said Starlight. "Trixie, didn't you say you originally bought the amulet to try and revitalize your magician career, and you only thought of going after Twilight after you put it on?" Trixie nodded. "So, Twilight, how can you blame Trixie for something she did when she wasn't in control?"

She did know what she was buying. The shopkeeper even warned her. Granted he was very vague about it.

"It was kind of exciting to have somepony to pit my magic against," said Twilight. "For what it's worth, I enjoyed our magic duels. They were a rare opportunity to use my brain as much as possible."

I doubt it. Trixie might have some tricks under her cape, but she's just not on the same lever as Twilight. Starlight, yeah, but she's just an exception.

"It's murder or it's mating."
--Old Griffon proverb about arguments.

Born rivals
Some love to hate.

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