• Published 23rd Sep 2012
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Interview with the Changeling - Fimbulvinter

Celestia interviews a changeling after the Royal wedding fiasco

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Interview with the Changeling

By: Fimbulvinter


The Sun was shining upon a cloudless afternoon when the group emerged from the mine, following the trail of gems that Emberflame had left behind, like a trail of breadcrumbs.

“Glourious sun and wind. It is heavenly upon my mane” Blueblood was only too glad to get out from underground. Following him came Trixie, Fancy and Fleur, then with short shaky steps came Flitter Wing, now up and moving, but still quite frail.

Once everypony had made it outside, they found the remains of their campsite and scavenged what they could from it for the trip back to Canterlot.

Trixie however decided that it would be best if she parted ways with group here.

“Considering that you saved all our lives, I think we can let you off the hook this one time, right Princy?” Shining looked over to Blueblood who nodded back.

“Then Trixie will be off, maybe you can catch one of her fabulous shows next time she is in Canterlot”.

Shining laughed “Sure thing. But before you go, there is one thing I want to know. How did you banish the Chimera? Twilight told me about the Ursa minor incident, and she said that your magic well, kinda sucked”.

“And I told her that she would never have the amazing show stopping talents of the Great and Powerful Trixie” fireworks exploded from nowhere, and a breeze that blew only for her fluttered through her cape and hat as she stood proudly on her hind legs.

“She and all those other egghead snobs never spent enough time out in the real world, always locked up in their libraries. Trixie found a spell written by Lord Ixion, a contemporary of Star Swirl the bearded which taught Trixie how to absorb elemental energy directed at her. Combining that with my ability to summon a lightning storm cloud, I was able to freely boost up my own power levels to a point at which I could cast magic on a level equal to her. Spending many months practicing my magic basics didn’t hurt either”.

“Well, come by the palace sometime, I think that we can arrange a new wagon for you for your help”.

“Trixie may do just that, but for now, I leave” Trixie tossed a small ball onto the ground, causing a billowing cloud of smoke to envelope her. When the cloud cleared, nothing remained of the blue mare, save for an image burned into the ground shaped like her cutie mark, with the words 'The Great and Powerful Trixie was Here' carved below..

“A Show-off until the very end” Shining muttered. “Come one everypony, daylights burning, and we have another wedding to organize”.

The trip back was as uneventful as any could be. Returning to the palace, Shining and Cadance returned to their quarters for a much needed rest. Vigil, Stout and Flitter were provided with an R&R break for services above and beyond, tackling a Chimera. Blueblood wasted no time taking himself to the groomers, shouting something about needing a bath at once. The two reporters moved off to write up their experiences and put in calls to their respective offices. Soon only Fancy Pants and Fleur were left standing in the entrance hall.

“I hear you have had quite the adventure while you were away” Celestia walked up behind Fancy.

“Quite so princess. I can tell you all about it over that dinner that you said you owed us”…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Far away to the east, past the Griffon kingdoms, the hives of the changeling nation were bustling with activity. The news that Queen Chrysalis was not only alive, but in possession of a love source stronger than any ever before encountered had sent shockwaves throughout the entire hive system.

High up in her spire, Chrysalis was preparing her coronation speech, having disposed of the other queens that had attempted to wrest control of her hive from her in her absence, and thus garnered herself command of their hives instead.

As she stood there, Chrysalis found herself thinking again of the Equestrian kingdom, and all the love contained within. “You will never see me again? Fools. I have suckled directly from the personification of love itself and I will not be denied. For I am Chrysalis, Queen of the changelings. None shall ever dispute my rule again…”