• Published 17th Nov 2022
  • 1,088 Views, 81 Comments

Misty's New Magic - Someoneirrelevant

Misty has always wanted to impress Opaline. But when she finds a new calling, a purpose beyond servitude, she feels that she might not want a life defined by a pony who does not care for her..

  • ...

Chapter 6

Misty staggered her way into town, it was midnight. She had left Opaline's castle in the dead of night, no thanks to the Alicorns outburst. So she was tired, very tired, but with no place to sleep she wasn't sure what she would do. The town was quiet, surrounded by the chilly night air. She folded her ears, she knew she couldn't go back to Opaline, but where else was there for a wayward, broke, uneducated pony to go?

It was nerve racking, and quite a point for Misty, she needed money, and a bed to sleep in. But neither of those were in hoof's reach.

But she supposed…

"I guess I could ask Izzy if I could stay in the Brighthouse…" the thought was numbing, what excuse would she serve to Izzy? She needed a place to crash on such short notice. She certainly couldn't tell her the truth. She shook her head, she could just ask to stay a couple days. Enough to get on her hooves and find somewhere else.

"*sigh* I suppose I'd be better than sleeping in the cold streets.."

She went towards that house on the hill, seeing the garden, it brought back bad memories of her lantern ordeal. She groaned and moved on closer to the actual house. Tall and new, it symbolized new beginnings, a new Era of magic and friendship for all. Her anxiety made her hesitate at the door, she could run all the what If's in her head all night. She almost turned around right there, but she shut her eyes closed tight and made herself summon the courage she had when she stood up to Opaline.

She didn't want to knock. She wanted to get away from here. But she pushed on, motivated by her newfound homelessness.

Knock, knock

She stood at the doorway, waiting for no one to answer so she could forget she had ever come to the Brighthouse as quickly as possible. But the cards weren't turned towards her tonight.

The groggy and tired face of Izzy gazed at her.

"Misty?" She asked, confused.

"Hey…" Misty said, stomach twisting inside out.

"What are you doing here so late? Are you ok?” She asked, rubbing her eyes.

Misty couldn't help herself, her heart couldn't take anymore shock and denial of what happened. Even though Opaline was horrible, Misty still missed her, even with all the yelling and outrage. All she ever wanted was to be accepted by her, to be taken under her wing and led to a cutie mark. It hurt so bad that she knew that dream was dead, trampled by Opaline's sparkling hooves.

She cried, she cried so hard she gasped for air, her body recoiled with despair.

"Oh my goodness!" Izzy yelped, she hadn't expected this, it was completely out of the blue how Misty had shown up, and now she was sobbing in front of the door.

"Misty…" Izzy whispered, significantly losing the usual bubbliness that was normal for her. She went for a hug, hoping it would help the unicorn a little bit.

Misty fell into her embrace, caught up with a salty damp face.

Izzy was silent, gripping her friend in that dark night. It was an unusual situation to be sure, but Izzy wouldn't question it, how could she. They just stood there for a short while, crickets chirping around them. To Misty, it felt like the whole world had stopped, it was a terrible feeling to lose everything you knew to be true. Only friends could help her now, if she'd let them.

Izzy let Misty into the main room, big and uncrowded as it was. No other pony in sight, though not for very long. Misty and her sat down on the couch, Izzy gave a small sympathetic look that Misty took notice of. Zipp gasped from the top of the stairs, wiping the grogginess off her face in one foul swoop. She flew down, flapping her pale wings in the darkness.

Her hooves clopped on the ground "woah, Misty? What are you doing here? Are those tears?" She asked loudly.

Izzy turned her head and glared at Zipp, causing her to turn her ears back in embarrassment. "Sorry! Ah you ok?" she said.

Misty merely turned her head, slowly shaking it back and forth somberly to convey an obvious no.

"Hey, Zipp, we should all go back to bed. We'll talk tomorrow. Misty, you're going to bed too. It seems you've had a long night" Izzy told both of them, getting up and gesturing Misty to the stairs.

They got up, and Izzy led Misty to the stairs, Misty followed her, not knowing what else to do. Just feeling like the world collapsed around her. The stairs didn't creak or make any noise at all, it was a new building after all. Misty kept her head low, not wanting to make eye contact with either pony. Zipp just awkwardly flew back up and lowered herself into her bed, laying down but still looking curiously at the mare as she stood at the end of Izzy's bed.

Izzy went to her bed and took out an extra mattress, putting it out and giving Misty some pillows, a stuffed animal and covers. Misty looked at Izzy, and she just looked back with a warm aura that was unfamiliar to Misty. Opaline had never been warm or motherly.

She sheepishly laid down and pulled the covers over her body, the small hoof-made stuffed animal of a rabbit was just to the side, inviting her to take it.

Izzy calmly went back to bed and wished Misty a good night "Night Misty" She exclaimed in the darkness, Misty could barely see the outline of her face.

"Night... Izzy" She said softly, looking at the stuffed animal with curiosity.

It was curious, Misty had just shown up, cried, and then got led to an extra mattress, not a sleeping bag like when she had previously been there. No talking, no questions except for Zipp, and no explanation. Had it truly been this easy the whole time? She didn't know, but she was exhausted, more exhausted than ever.

She held the rabbit a little bit, and closed her eyes, hoping that it all wouldn't be a dream when she woke up. Her newfound confidence, her confrontation of Opaline, and the warmth of having friends.

Misty didn't usually have groggy mornings. She had overslept, but that was indeed the intention of Izzy and others, to let her sleep just a bit more before the inevitable questioning of why she had shown up in the middle of the night.

She turned over, noticing that the rabbit was wrapped tight in her arms. In her foggy mind, the distant sound of voices could be heard. No doubt everyone who had woken up much earlier before Misty had. She had expected this conversation, but still felt shocked awake. Questions were now on her mind.

Could she tell them the truth? If she lied, what lie would it be? Would the others try to kick her out? Or would they question her motives in the wake of the inconsistencies that would plague any explanation she had to give.

"Ok, um, ah… m-my house burned down!" Yes. That sounded good enough, at least it was a start. Then she wouldn't need to go back to Opaline. "My house burned down, and I need a place to sleep. It would be much appreciated if you would help me in this task" Misty whispered this to herself in the bed, so they wouldn't hear.

Ok so, if this mysterious house was in Bridlewood, perhaps they wouldn't look too much into it. And if she found a job, then she could actually pay to live on her own. It was far from a deep story, but she needed something to say when they asked. Her mind raced, and she wondered what other questions they would have. She didn’t know, but she was mindlessly coming up with ideas and scenarios that could happen. All was possible, especially if they would catch wind of what she had done in the past.

She shook the covers off her body, lightly biting her lip with anxiety, and she looked over the railing. There were two layers of downwards spiral staircases until the end, where it was the living and kitchen area. Six very distinct figures were gathered there, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, Hitch, Sunny and of course, Sparky.

She could hear small remnants of their conversation, but nothing concrete. It worried her to no end. She slowly crept her way to the group, hearing some more of what they were talking about on her way closer.

"And Misty just showed up here?" Sunny asked, confused.

"Yes, something very bad must've happened" Zipp told her, nodding eagerly.

"Yep, she was in a pretty bad state, I didn't ask, just put her to bed. It felt more appropriate at the time" Izzy remarked to Sunny, Hitch eying her and contemplating the claim while holding Sparky.

"Well, not that I don't support helping friends in need, but waking up and seeing her there was surprising" Sunny said, awkwardly chuckling.

Pipp wasn't really listening, just tapping on her screen annoyedly. "Huh, I didn't really notice. But these views! They've been almost halved in Maretime Bay over the last few days! It's infuriating!" She scoffed, scrolling through her analytics. "Younger ponies don't want to watch my vids! It just can't be right!" She said, scrolling more aggressively by the second.

Hitch rolled his eyes, "All that being said, I am the sheriff, so if anything horrible happened to her, tell her to go to my station and I'll do an immediate investigation on any pony!" He proudly exclaimed. "You never know who may be lurking around" he said, Sparky cooed at the stallion.

"I second that!" Zipp loudly said, stomping her hoof on the kitchen table. "I'll help on any case, if she ever needed me as well" She smiled widely.

"U-uh.." Misty squeaked from the stairs, she had walked her way down and heard the conversation.

Sunny, Hitch and Zipp went silent. Staring at the pony whom they were speaking about. Izzy quickly got up out of her seat to greet her, trotting and smiling.

"Misty!" Izzy said, bouncing over to the unicorn mare. She pulled her into an immediate hug, surprising Misty. "I made you breakfast! Come here, come here!" She ushered her over to the table, where fresh pancakes were set in an extra spot for her.

Misty looked around to the ponies, who either smiled or were uninterested like Pipp. She sat at the table, staring at the food in which she hadn't eaten before. It was a peculiar flat shape.

Izzy eagerly sat at her own seat, and picked up her utensils to cut and devour the food. The other ponies, now just ate slowly as well. Not wanting to ask Misty right away what had caused her to show up last night. They acted delicately toward her predicament, despite the circumstances and that was quite confusing for Misty.

She picked up the fork and knife with her hooves, she wasn't quite sure magic would be reliable. Her spells were off the charts, but the simple mechanics still scared her if not in a dire situation. Once again, it was her hesitant nature and anxiety that controlled her. If only in a small way. Misty felt ashamed for doing so.

She tried to copy the others movements, studying them and replicating them for her own breakfast. The food landed in her mouth, and her taste buds went aflame, like when she had first tasted the popcorn at her first sleepover. Quickly she learned the utensils, if only to shovel the food into her mouth faster. She licked her lips, forgetting how awkward everypony was.

Hitch fed Sparky by lifting the fork and putting it into his mouth. Misty gazed at the small dragon, and he stared back, looking almost accusatory in his stare. Misty felt unsettled by it.

"Are you better now?" Izzy asked, tilting her head and smiling while putting down her own fork with her magic.

"I guess.." Misty said, remembering her encounter with Opaline and feeling like she could never escape the memory. "Breakfast is delicious, did you make it?" Misty asked, subconsciously creating conversation.

"Oh, yes, I'm glad you enjoyed it" She smiled. Zipp looked over in obvious curiosity.

"So, Misty" Zipp said, pushing her half empty plate to the side. She chuckled, questioning her own next words "if I may ask, what happened to you?"

Misty's ears folded, her throat became dry and horse. The tears welled back up, this was it, either the truth, or her half baked lie.

"M—my…" She paused looking at all the ponies which she had wronged. "My house b-burned down" She croaked. Even though it was false, her feelings were quite real.

A few gasped, putting their hoof against their mouth. And Misty distinctly saw Pipp looking up from her phone and her brow going higher.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Misty" Zipp told her.

"Misty! That's horrible!" Izzy exclaimed."I-I can't believe no one stopped the fire! I didn't hear about any sort of fire in Maretime Bay…" She pondered.

"Um… not to be rude.. but if there was a fire in this town, then I'd know about it, I am the sheriff…" Hitch said apprehensively.

This was It, she had to come up with a good excuse "It was in Bridlewood, I was only staying here in the Bay for a short while… My house and savings are ruined. I got the news just last night. I was very distraught you see" Misty said sadly. Tears welling in her eyes.

"Oh Misty… I know what it's like to lose a home… you can stay with us however long you like! If you need to save money or something, no worries!" Sunny said.

"Thanks…" Misty said, twiddling her hooves. "Is there any chance I could get a job here in town to help pay for reconstruction?" She asked.

"Hmm.. perhaps?" Sunny said "but no promises, I'm not sure who'd be hiring" She explained.

"Thank you" Misty said.

"Misty, what would make you feel better? A smoothie? It's Sunny's specialty" She turned her head towards the orange pony "Sunny! Please, make her one of your best! The pineapple-spinach-blackberry!" Izzy pleaded to Sunny with sad eyes.

"Well….hm…" she glanced for a second at the teary eyed Misty. "Yes I can make her one if she wants. Would you like a smoothie Misty? It's free of charge" Sunny said, giving a signature bright smile.

"O-oh…yeah sure" Misty told her.

"Oh! Sunny! You have to make me a kiwi-orange before I get to work!" Hitch pleaded "you usually don't make any until you get your stand into town"

"Ok, but you'll have to pay for yours" Sunny told him, getting up out of her seat and towards the front door.

"Ah man" Hitch said as he walked after Sunny, Sparky in hoof, twiddling with a small trinket that Hitch had given him to distract him.

Misty awkwardly looked at Izzy, who got out of her seat and gestured to Misty to follow suit behind the two ponies. On the side, Zipp and Pipp were speaking and Pipp seemed less than pleased. This sudden decrease in views was getting to her. Zipp was trying to calm her down, and just gave a little hoof wave to go on without them both.

She turned, following Izzy while she opened the main door. All of them stopped in front of Sunny's little smoothie business, it was placed right outside the main door, she kept it outside the brighthouse when she wasn't selling in town.

Misty had now tried multiple different foods that she never had before. It had all been amazing, much better than Opaline’s rations of slop. She was not a great cook, but Misty had never known any different, that she could remember. But alas, yet again, she was about to try another food, a smoothie. She never had one before. After the pancakes, she wasn’t sure she could even stomach another rich food.

“Misty, you are going to FALL IN LOVE with the Pineapple-spinach-blackberry! You won’t ever want to drink another drink EVER again” She proudly declared. It was a bit ridiculous of a claim, but claim she did.

Sunny opened up the small portable shop, getting it ready, the handle popped up effortlessly with a flick of Sunny’s hoof. She pulled out everything, the ingredients, blender, toppings, and even opened a tiny drawer that she couldn’t see. She was looking from below.

The pony quickly went to work, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that she’d been doing this for almost her whole life. Making them perfect was like a second special talent to her. She did need some way to make money after her father passed.

“Smooth or chunky?” She asked, prepping and cutting multiple things at once.

“Uhhh” Misty stopped, she had no idea what to say. She looked over to Izzy in confirmation, and Izzy nodded her head ushering her to answer. "Um, smooth uh, I suppose” She replied.

“Alrighty” She turned the blender setting up, making the items blend together in one solid color, a strange light purple color. She hummed, prepping Hitch’s ingredients as well. Getting them ready for his own order.

“Ice?” She asked Misty, very calmly turning off the blender and holding a cup with some ice cubes.

“Sure” Misty replied, she had no idea what she was agreeing to, but it would probably be fine, she wouldn’t worry about it much.

Izzy smiled and gave Misty a friendly little shake on the shoulder in anticipation. She seemed mesmerized by the quick actions of Sunny, who paid no mind to the excited pony, merely continuing her work. The ice would surely make it cold, Misty was a tad confused by the action. She hadn’t really tried cold food. At least not enough to determine if she liked it or not.

Sunny completed the mixture by pouring it into a bright and sunny glass, adding a blue swirly straw and a small piece of pineapple on the side. She also moved over to the drawer in which Misty could not see, and took out a bag that had a little charm and lollipop in it. She handed it down to Misty, who promptly took it with hesitation.

"Go ahead Misty! Try it, try it!" The bubbly mare told her, and Misty smiled. The first real smile that day. Misty felt good, smiling, enjoying her first smoothie with Izzy.

She took a small sipp and saw it curl up the straw, and she just stood in place. Her eyes widened, and her senses may as well have blown out of her mouth. She wondered how there was so much flavor in just one small sip.

"Oh--my--g–o–od–ness" She said with a full mouth. "How did Sunny do this!" Misty exclaimed, surprised and delighted.

Sunny spoke up behind them, while handing Hitch his kiwi-orange. "Lot's of practice, and hybrid fruit" She smirked.

"Thanks Sunny!" Hitch said as he attempted to trot away.

"Hitch! Is there something you're forgetting?" She asked, leaning against the front.

"Uh, no?" He said, as Sparky sneakily took a sip from the straw.

"Nuh uh, pay up" Sunny said, gesturing to Hitch.

"But Misty didn't have too!" Hitch pleaded.

"Hitch, that was a special case, not you, come on, pay up" Sunny exclaimed, still holding out her hoof.

"Fine" he said begrudgingly, placing some money into her hoof. He trotted away, spouting some annoyance at the small dragon for drinking from his drink.

"Thanks…" Misty said, bowing her head slightly at Sunny.

"No problem, just… focus on recovering okay? You just went through something pretty bad, no need to rush anything" She said. "Both of you can go back inside, I'm going to prep my cart"

"Okey-doke!" Izzy half sang, bouncing.

Misty was busy savoring her smoothie, drinking the cold drink pleasantly. She made it to the door, where they walked in and saw both Zipp and Pipp still talking and arguing.

"What's going on you guys?" Izzy asked them, a bit confused.

Misty stopped drinking her drink in curiosity of whatever was happening.

"Pipp here is being overdramatic" Zipp said, glaring at Pipp with annoyance.

"What! No.. I was just asking dear sweet detective sister to find out why my views have decreased in town. That's all." She waved her phone, showing Izzy the numbers. "See!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, because that worked out for us so well last time I investigated." Zipp cringed, glancing at Misty.

"Well, Misty forgave us, didn't you Misty?" Pipp asked, pleading her eyes at the unicorn just trying to enjoy her drink.

"Yeah, it's cool.." Misty said, feeling the burning eyes of all three ponies.

"I know that" Zipp rolled her eyes "but besides that, you are still overreacting! I'm not going to investigate a small temporary loss in view count" Zipp explained, putting her hoof down on her sister's antics.

"Ok..fine! But I'm going to find out what or who has messed things up!" Pipp exclaimed "all I have to do is talk to ponies in town-..." She began to ramble to herself, picking up her body and flying upwards towards her bedroom, not acknowledging them as she flew away.

Zipp watched her sister go on about her view count, sighing she looked towards Misty, "Don't worry about her Misty. She's just obsessed with her little social media bubble. Soon enough she'll get back her views and forget this even happened" she explained, leaning her hoof on her face, displeased.

"Um, so anyway, Misty! What's your favorite color scheme?" Izzy asked, putting her hoof against her face as well.

"Huh? Um. Pink and blue I suppose" she answered, put out of place with the random comment.

"Great! Amazing!" She turned to Zipp, whispering something in her ear and Zipp gasping in surprise.

"What?" Misty asked, tilting her head.

"Izzy just had a great idea! But it's a secret" they both grinned to each other. Confusing the poor Misty that still held her smoothie in hoof.

Misty was a bit stunned, but she couldn't really worry about that now. She was more worried about her money situation. Now that she had nothing except herself and this temporary housing, it made her anxious if they decided to kick her out one day, she couldn't possibly support herself. She needed her own job and savings, and quickly. If she ever wanted to make something out of her life without Opaline.

"Are there any job openings in town?" Misty asked them both, stirring the drink with her straw.

"Huh?" Izzy said, turning her head "no, no, no, you just went through something awful. Just calm down for a bit. No need to jump into any sort of job…" Izzy told her, shaking her hooves back and forth.

Zipp contemplated, seemingly thinking of multiple jobs that Misty could occupy. She replied "Hitch needs a new deputy, Sunny might need help with her business, you could ask Pipp for a position at the salon or you could just go from store to store asking who needs somepony" She explained in one foul swoop, making Izzy cringe.

"Noo, Miiisstyyy, don't listen to her" she pleaded, flopping herself on the counter. "Why did you say that?" she asked Zipp.

Zipp chuckled, "If Misty wants to earn some money, who are we to stop her?" She told Izzy, patting her on the back.

"I know… but.." Izzy said, the displeasure still stinging on her features.

"Hey Misty, I'll help you find a job. If you want to make some money, I think that's great" Zipp replied, smirking.

"Thanks Zipp" Misty said, tilting her head towards her straw and lighting appreciative.

She'd gotten quite comfortable in the short time being there, despite her other anxieties with money and housing. With no crazy plot that Opaline planned for her. No stress, no plots, but still no cutie mark. It still pained her, she wanted a cutie mark of her own so badly. But she'd have to make due without one, speaking of cutie marks, Misty made note to get a blue marker so that she could draw it back on everyday.

She didn't know why she wanted to hide her cutie mark-lesseness from the others, but it probably had to do with the fact she was massively insecure about it. She'd been prompted to feel this way because of Opaline's constant verbal diarrhea about when she got her own mark. It made her feel like a lesser version of a pony. She'd poke and prod, waiting for Misty to snap and beg for a mark. And it worked.

With a croaking sound, she looked down and saw she'd finished her whole smoothie. She frowned, realizing that another precious moment was stolen away from her by Opaline, even if indirectly. She just couldn't get the alicorn to stay away from her thoughts. It plagued her.

"Misty, you told me before that you can't really levitate things yet. I thought....maybe Izzy could help you learn" She kindly smiled at both ponies.

"Wha-? MISTY!! You didn't tell me you couldn't levitate things?!" Izzy shouted, holding her maw agape.

Misty blushed with embarrassment. She already had no sign of any sort of cutie mark, it was quite shameful to admit she couldn't do a simple levitation spell that apparently every unicorn and their grandma could do in such a short time after rediscovering magic ability. Misty had done multiple higher level spells, but never a sustained levitation.

"Well…yes it's true I can't control my magic all that well. But it's really fine….I-I don't need any help or anything" She said, shaking her hoof in a dismissive manner.

"Nuh, uh. If you need help, then I shall help you!" Izzy declared, putting her hoof over her heart in a mini salute while closing her eyes.

"Um well…" Misty stammered, she really didn't want to do any of that right now. She just wanted to forget her past ever existed.

"What do you say Misty? Up for some training?" Izzy said, holding her hoof out expectantly.

"...ok" Misty exclaimed, putting her own hoof right onto Izzy's.

She looked away, as they shook hooves. Truly, this was not at all what she expected when she came here.

Izzy jumped back, startling both Zipp and Misty. "Ok, in order to teach you the ways of levitation, I must ask. ARE YOU READY?!" She yelled, excitedly and proudly.

"Yes?" Misty squeaked, holding back apprehension. She felt her cheeks blush, and legs shake with nervousness.

"Way to go Misty!" Zipp said, giving her an encouraging smile and wave.

"My excellent all Sparkle-seeing eyes can tell you that you are more than ready to cast spells. In fact, I'd say that you are much better than any average unicorn" Izzy declared to the nervous pony. "So, this is probably just a matter of you needing more confidence!"

"Ok…" Misty said, still not really understanding how any of this was helping.

"Look into my eyes!" Izzy said as she stared down Misty with wide open eyes, walking closer as she did.

Misty looked, but was quite uncomfortable while doing so. Leading her to back up a bit.

Izzy wouldn't let up though, she began "you can do any spell. Any that you want. You can levitate anything." She stopped. "Did that help?" She smiled, ceasing immediately.

"Uh..I don't know" She replied, tapping her hoof to the ground.

"Only one way to find out! Go ahead and…uh…Levitate that glass!" Izzy pointed to the empty smoothie glass, which Misty had finished a few minutes ago.

"Sure…" She replied, she held the glass in her hooves, looking intently at it.

It felt nerve racking, even though she'd now cast multiple spells. The failure was still overwhelming and wrecked her mind with anxiety. Misty began to practice her breath, breathing in and out slowly, trying to forget both pairs of eyes on her. They expected magic, they expected her to do something. It was hard, why must it be that way Misty wondered.

Her intent raged. It flared. Izzy could see it in her sparkle, she was close to accomplishing her goal, but for some reason, it was harder for Misty than other unicorns. She needed more focus, more intent. It was abnormal. She needed to want it, want it more than anything in order to achieve it.

Misty let go, panting and feeling beat.

"Huh…" Izzy said. Deep in contemplation. "It seems like you need much more magical energy than the average unicorn to cast spells, you were putting out enough magic to cast a spell ten times over. Something seems to be off" She paced, thinking. "Is there anything you aren't telling me Misty?" She asked.

Misty knew, it was probably her flank. Her stupid, stupid flank. It must be! It was the only thing strangely abnormal about her. But she was apprehensive, she didn't want to tell Izzy. She really didn't. It just wasn't something she ever wanted to tell anyone. It made her feel inadequate.

She whispered "no" to the purple unicorn. Lying was becoming easier, like second nature. She was angry, she felt it deep in the pit of her gut. It was a deep seeded hate, one that had been with her since the beginning.


A red laser beam shot from her horn, pushing her body back a bit. Her red tinted cheeks faded and she realized what she'd done.

Izzy looked at the hole in the glass, perfect height and shape, completely symmetrical and unnatural.

Zipp had an awkward smile on her face. Like an unbelieving expression of disbelief.

Both Izzy and Zipp looked at each other and began shouting at the top of their lungs "UNICORNS CAN ACTUALLY SHOOT LASERS?!"

Misty couldn't help but feel a bit amused.