• Published 1st Dec 2022
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Nicholas & The Crystal Star - DanishDash

It is but a few days until hearth's warming eve, and lately Nicholas has been feeling restless. Haunted by dreams about a Crystal Star, Nicholas and Applejack travels north to find answers. It is time for Nicholas to find out who he is meant to be.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Santa Training

It had been the first dreamless night in a very long time, well, not dreamless exactly. Nicholas didn't dream of himself, the Crystal Star, or of that frozen wasteland. As he had slept through the night in the first restful sleep in a long time. He felt so rested as he opened his eyes and came back to his senses. Already the sunlight was making it through the windows, revealing to him the large bedroom he had woken up in the previous morning.

Nicholas yawned, sitting up as she rubbed the side of his head before stretching a little. A small knock stopped him halfway, and he looked towards the wooden door. "Come in?"

The door opened, and in trotted a female reindeer, dressed in what looked like a maid uniform, just with a mix of green and red instead of black and white. She smiled, bowing her head. "Good morning, Santa. Would you like some tea before breakfast?"

"Oh, well..." Nicholas hesitated a bit, not sure why a maid was in his room. Well, to give him tea it would seem, but why was there a maid in the first place? "I'm sorry, I don't think we have met."

She sent him an understanding smile, and once again bowed respectfully. "I'm sorry, Santa. I'm Sugar Dust, I'm the head maid of the house." She stood up again, and smiled a little brighter. "I know I speak for the rest of the staff when I say we are very excited to finally serve the master of the house."

"Master?" Nicholas asked, feeling a bit uneasy. "I'm not sure I understand..."

"Well, this is your house, your home." Sugar Dust explained. "The staff and I are here to make sure your home runs as smoothly as possible." Seeing the confusion remained, she quickly added. "I am sure Aurora, Bori, and Alice can explain it much better than I, however to put it bluntly, you're the boss."

Nicholas was starting to get a bad feeling from this. "The boss of what..?" He ventured to ask, fearing the answer.

"Well, everything, the house, the workshop, the grove itself." She answered. "You're the head honcho, Santa." She said with an amused smirk, however seeing his startled look, it quickly vanished again. "Oh dear... I suppose you didn't know?" Nicholas didn't answer, shocked into total silence, he could only shake his head slowly.

"And I guess this must be pretty overwhelming?" Nicholas nodded slowly, still without a word. Sugar Dust got a determined look in her eyes, and smiled pretty confidently. "Don't worry, Santa. I know just the thing to help you relax." She turned around, and was just about to trot through the door again, when she paused. "Oh, I almost forgot." She turned again, and gestured towards one of the armchairs. "We have placed some clothes for you over there, your old clothes didn't quite fit your new you, sir." She winked, then turned again, and vanished out the door, closing it after her.

Nicholas watched her, and for a moment, he could not really get himself to do anything. His mind was racing once again. It seemed every time he started to come to terms with the situation, something else popped up that made the whole thing seem that much more complicated.

He rubbed the side of his head, letting out a tired sigh. "Why does this have to be so complicated..?" He complained to no one in particular. It wasn't like he wanted to be ungrateful, but Nicholas had never seen himself as a leader of anything, much less an entire town! He'd just been handed, or hoofed, a big job, that would seem to put him through what almost seemed like eternal work. Adding to that, he was now also the leader of the town itself?

Nicholas let out another sigh. "Well, guess there is no use moaning about it." He said to himself, trying to put some energy into his voice. "Applejack believes in me, I can't let her down!" The thought of Applejack brought a smile to his face.

She wasn't sleeping here, but in a guest room the staff had prepared for her, or so he had been told. Mina and the elves on the other hoof had decided to look for places to sleep themselves, being very independent like that. Elves were not too fond of sleeping out in the open, and a big room like a normal bed room surely felt like doing just that. They liked smaller, cozy and warm places to sleep. He had no doubt Mina and the others had found a place up in the rafters of the place.

He chuckled a little, thinking about the elves building their own rooms, nests, and homes. Yawning a final time, Nicholas decided he had spent enough time laying around. He pulled off the covers, and tried his best to roll out of bed, only to fail, and tumble onto the wooden floor, his one hoof, catching the covers, and pulling them down onto him.

There was a loud thud, and Nicholas rolled once before coming to a stop. "Ow!" He yelped, having for a moment forgotten about the fact he was no longer human. "Mud snow..." He mumbled, sitting up and untangled himself. Overall, Nicholas would say he had gotten okay used to his new body, but it was kind of hard to wipe a lifetime of habits and reflexes.

As he finally got up, he stretched once, feeling his bone give a satisfying pop here and there before he moved towards the chairs. One his way however, he came to a stop in front of a large mirror. He looked over himself, probably for the first time since he got this new body. Yeah, in fact, the more he thought about it, he came to realize he had never exactly gotten a proper look at himself.

Well, the first thing he noticed of course was how much taller he was compared to the average pony. Having lived his whole life in Ponyville, Nicholas could tell that he looked much stronger than ordinary ponies. His coat was a sort of white shade, he wasn't sure how to place it. As for his mane, it was short, and that color he could place, pure white, like new fallen snow. In fact, it was even glinting a bit, like snow that had not yet been touched.

His eyes were ice blue, and as he looked into them, he thought he saw a certain twinkle in them. Slowly he spread his wings, and he had to say, it was strange suddenly to have a new set of bones to move around, but surprisingly he found them pretty easy to move and navigate. For fun, he struck a heroic pose, giving a confident smirk to his own reflection. The pose did not last long, before he snorted and started to laugh.

He let his wings fold against his side again, and then turned to the side, taking a look at his flanks, or more importantly, his cutie mark. As a child, he had found out that humans didn't get cutie marks, and at the time, he had felt quite disappointed. He'd always wondered what he would be if he ever got one. Well lo and behold, he did indeed have a cutie mark!

It was of the crystal star, with a circle of what looked like decorations lights, and under the star itself were three hearth's warming presents! Looking at it, Nicholas almost felt ready to swear that it looked like the cutie mark was actually sparkling faintly.

"Having fun admiring yourself, sugarcube?" A familiar mare's voice said with a hint of amusement.

Nicholas let out a slight yelp, and quickly turned towards the doorway where a grinning Applejack was standing. "Geez, Applejack. Don't do that." He said, taking a deep breath, although smiled.

"Pardon, I just couldn't help noticing." Applejack said, clearly amused. As she trotted inside, he could not help but notice she was wearing some sort of red and white robe. She'd even let her Stetson hat remain off, something she otherwise rarely did.

"What's that you're wearing?"

"What, this?" She said, looking at the robe, then shrugged. "It's pretty cold here, they said it was probably better if we put something on." She noticed the bundle at the armchair and nodded towards it. "Looks like you got something too."

"Oh, yeah." He turned, and made his way to the armchair. "Did you sleep well?"

Applejack nodded, trotting over to one of the windows, and absently looked out. "Like a log. The bed is nice and soft, and the fireplace keeps the room nice and toasty."

"But?" Nicholas asked, sensing a bit of disappointment in her voice.

Applejack didn't bite though. "But nothing, just so strange to be sleeping at the north pole." she let out a sigh. "I got to write to my family today, let them know I'm okay, that we're okay." She corrected, and started to turn back towards Nicholas. "But with everything that happened yesterday, I just couldn't find the..." She paused, tilting her head in confusion, an amused smirk gracing her lips. "What in tarnation are you doing, Nick?"

Nicholas sat on the floor, his head stuck in the white sleeve of his red jacket. Applejack could see the tip of his horn stick out at the top, his head slightly stuck. "I think I need a little help."

Applejack chuckled, trotting over to help her friend. "You really are impossible sometimes, Nicholas Claus." She sat down in front of him, rolling her eyes playfully at his antics. "Hold up your hooves like a big colt." She teased.

"Very funny!" Nicholas shot back, his voice filled with embarrassed amusement. He did as she asked, and Applejack moved the jacket and shirt, guiding it so his hooves went into the sleeves, and his head popped out of the right exit. As it slid into place with ease, he looked at her, his cheeks burning a little. "Thanks."

"There you are," she teased. "Much better, ain't it?"

Nicholas gave her a look. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"A little." She chuckled. "Now come on, we can't stay inside all day. Let's get something to eat."

It was at that moment the door once again went up, and in came the doe Nicholas had met earlier. On her back she elegantly balanced a silver tray, with a mug of something that smelled delicious, and a small plate with- "cookies?" Nicholas said, taking a step forward.

Sugar Dust smirked. "Freshly brewed, and freshly baked this morning, Santa." She said, trotting to the small table between the two armchairs near the large fireplace. "The kitchen is always open."

Applejack raised an eyebrow at Nicholas. "Howdy." She said, smiling kindly to the reindeer.

Sugar Dust turned to her. "Ms. Applejack." She said, with a calm demeanor, then bowed. "So nice to finally meet you. I trust you slept well?"

"I did. Some fancy beds you got in this place." Applejack replied. "And you are?"

"Sugar Dust, head maid." Sugar Dust replied, and bowed her head again. "Santa seemed to be feeling a little down, so I thought some cookies and hot cocoa would do him good. I can bring an extra mug for you, if you like?"

Nicholas let out a sigh. He had thought breakfast would make the whole thing stop, but in fact it had made everything that much worse. As he and Applejack walk the halls, he finally looked at his companion and said, "okay okay, it's not that funny."

Applejack chuckled, shaking her head. "It really is, Nicholas. Your face during breakfast was adorable, and Mina..."

Applejack let out a laugh, shaking her head again. The elf, who had joined them at breakfast, looked particularly miffed about the whole affair. She was Nicholas number one assistant, and to have some doe maid stand so close to Nicholas, and cater to his every whim, it was enough to make the elf want to tear off her whiskers!

Applejack waved a hoof at them. "I'm sorry, but it was just very funny to see you all flustered." She replied.

Nicholas blushed. "I've never had a whole team of servants treat me like I'm some sort of royalty..." He mumbled.

"You're too humble, Nicholas. That's what I like about you." Applejack smiled brightly, moving closer and nuzzled her friend, bringing a smile out from Nicholas. "She was just messing with you, couldn't you tell?"


Applejack shook her head. "When you spend as much time with Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, you learn a thing or two about teasing." She grinned. "Don't worry, I think she had her fill."

"I hope so, I'm not really used to all this attention."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Nicholas, ponies have been looking your way ever since school. I think you are plenty used to the attention by now." Nicholas glanced at her. He knew she was right, but she also knew that wasn't what he meant. "I know what you are going to say." Applejack stated, as if reading his thoughts. "If I am being honest, and you know I always am. All of this is pretty overwhelming."

"I thought you wanted me to accept this?"

"Only if that's what you want, and I can see you do it." Applejack replied. "You love to give, Nicholas. I'm not surprised this is your calling, it is just so, well, you." They continued walking down the hallways, passing guards, servants, and other reindeer, even an elf running along the wall. "I don't really understand what kind of magic all of this is, but I think I understand why the Crystal Star chose you, somehow." She stopped, looking at Nicholas, so he stopped too. "But if you ever want to quit, come back, you know my door is always open, right?"

Nicholas stood there stunned for a few seconds, then smiled gently as he nodded. "Thanks, Applejack..."

She smiled back at him "You're welcome, sugarcube. Now come on, we can't be late for your flying lesson."

At breakfast, only Bori showed up of the three reindeers who had acted as their guides. She had told them that today Nicholas should start practice flying, and captain Blitzen of the Gift Givers Flying Squad, would act as his instructor. Nicholas had to admit, he was feeling both nervous and excited at the same time.

He had never been jealous of the ponies for being stronger than him, being able to fly, or use magic. Although, he had always wondered how it would feel to soar through the sky, and feel the open sky beneath you. As they came to the large entrance hall once again, and made their way down the stairs, they spotted Blitzen again.

As he saw them, he stopped pacing, and smiled. "Good morning, Santa." He smiled. "I heard you saw the workshop yesterday?"

Nicholas nodded, smiling a bit. "I did, it was very impressive."

Blitzen nodded in agreement. "That it is, so I hope you don't mind spending time with us outside, and not go exploring." Blitzen grinned, earning him a chuckle from Nicholas.

"I would like that, but I understand there are a lot of things I need to learn... I only have five days."

Blitzen got a bit more serious, but still smiled a little. "Yeah, that's true. So let's not waste time, come on, I'll take you to the flying field."

"You go ahead, Nicholas." Applejack suddenly said.

"Hm? Something the matter, Applejack?"

Applejack shook her head. "Not at all, but like I told you, I need to write a letter."

"Oh, that's right." Nicholas nodded, suddenly realizing. "Give your family my best, and could you send a note to my family too, telling them I'm okay?"

"Rachaidh mé le Applejack, níl mé ag iarraidh eitilt arís am ar bith go luath." Mina suddenly said, and leaped from Nicholas's back and landed gracefully on Applejack's.

"Oh, didn't know you didn't like heights, Mina." Nicholas teased.

Mina stomped her little foot looking a little annoyed. "Ní bhaineann sé le hairde, Nioclás! Ní maith liom cé chomh tapa agus a chuaigh sé an uair dheireanach. Baineann elf ar an talamh, ní san aer."

"Alright, alright, I get it." Nicholas assured his assistant. "You don't have to fly, or watch me fail over and over again." Nicholas chuckled, then looked at Applejack. "Mind keeping an eye on her for me?"

Applejack nodded, smiling. "Will do, now skedaddle."

Nicholas let out a chuckle, and turned to follow Blitzen out the large doors leading to the outside. As they trotted off, Blitzen looked up at Nicholas and smiled. "You two seem close." He stated.

"She's my best friend," said Nicholas. "Stuck by me for years..."

"Well, good friends are important. That's how I feel about the flying squad." Blitzen nodded understandingly. "Speaking off, let us go see them."

5 Days Until Hearth's Warming Eve.

Flight Training.

It didn't take Blitzen and Nicholas long to get to the flying field. It was outside of town, making it a bit secluded from everything else. As Blitzen took Nicholas out onto the field itself, he got a good idea how big it was. The field itself was oval shaped, 500 feet long by 180 feet wide. The field itself was surrounded by spectator stands, which seemed to have seating for the entire population of Gift Givers Grove, and then some.

Around the field was scattered different training equipment, tall towers, and so on. Nicholas let out a whistle, really impressed by the stadium. Blitzen grinned. "You like it?"

"It's really impressive, I've never seen such a place before." He said, but then again he seen nothing like the workshop either.

Blitzen however seemed to appreciate the compliment. "Well, this is the place we train, refine our reflexes, and practice our formations, and emergency drills."

"Emergency drills?"

"Well, you never know what might happen when you're out flying. Anything from a strong storm, an attack, or maybe the sleigh somehow breaks." Blitzen listed off, then shrugged. "But what is most important is you being able to take care of yourself. We might be flying you and the gifts, but you need to be able to fly by yourself in case of, well, anything."

Nicholas nodded. "Sounds reasonable. So where do we start?"

Blitzen chuckled a bit, scratching the back of his head with his hoof. "Well, since you're a pony, you have wings... We don't really know much about wings here, but I will try to help you as much as I can." He gestured to the side of the field, and Nicholas followed him. A white line had been drawn on the green grass, which followed the oval shape of the field all the way around.

"We have about an hour before the others show up, so how about we take it easy, and just focus on simple control and landing? We practice your flying, and then follow the line nice and slowly, that way you can get used to your wings, and practice with ease."

"Alright." Nicholas nodded, spreading his wings. "Let's give it a go."

It felt pretty good to stretch his wings, and Nicholas could feel a sort of instinctual desire to fly. Although, it took a few experimental tries before Nicholas got off the ground. As Blitzen instructed, following close by him, Nicholas took it easy, and got a feel for how his wings reacted as he glided a few meters ahead, then landed.

They did this again and again, Nicholas gaining more and more confidence. Blitzen was very encouraging, and gave Nicholas tips on how to move, or how to lean into a swing when he turned. Despite not having wings, Blitzen was an amazing patient and good instructor, Nicholas quickly found himself taking a liking to the captain.

Soon enough they were flying around the field, only about three meters above ground. Nicholas started to understand when to move his wings, and when it was better to let himself glide through the air. Blitzen on his part was very impressed, and let them go a bit faster, but not so much so Nicholas didn't feel in control. Of course there were a few bumps here and there, Nicholas was not the most graceful lander, but Blitzen told him that came with practice and experience.

As the hour got near its end, Blitzen took Nicholas to the side so they could drink some water, and rest for a bit, or Nicholas could. "You did good," Blitzen said as he took a sip of water from the mug.

Nicholas smiled. "You really think so?"

"I do, but more importantly, you don't need to become an expert for Hearth's Warming, as long as we know you can safely land by yourself should anything happen, you should be fine." Blitzen explained. "We can try to go a little higher and faster later today, but when the others get here, we can start practicing with the sleigh."

"Do we? I thought you guys were the ones in control." He asked, slightly confused.

"Oh, well we are, mostly." Blitzen said, "but you're the one in charge, sir. You're the one who has to have the reins, literally." Seeing the concern on Nicholas's face, Blitzen sent him an encouraging smile. "Don't worry, Santa. This is your first year doing this, you will get used to it the more we train, and year after year. Besides, that's why you have me to lean on."

"Thanks..." Nicholas said, a small smile crossing his lips.

It was at that moment several objects flew in high speed right above them, making their way towards the field. Nicholas was shocked, but Blitzen looked perfectly calm. It was then Nicholas saw it wasn't objects, but seven reindeer, flying in a tight formation as they moved along the sides of the field.

"Right on time." Blitzen grinned, turning around as the seven reindeer came back around, slowed down, and then landed gracefully in front of them. "Santa, you remember my squad mates, right?"

Nicholas smiled. "Of course I do." He said, stepping up beside Blitzen. "It's good to see you again."

"Wow, he really did turn into a pony!" The youngest doe said.

Blitzen nodded. "I'm sure you remember, this is Prancer." He said, pointing to the young doe, who smiled excitedly back. "Dancer, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, Donner, Dasher." Blitzen said, continuing to introduce his friends one by one. Then he turned and looked at Nicholas with a cheeky grin. "Are you ready for some real training?"

Real training indeed, before Nicholas knew it, he was in the back of a practice sleigh, flying through the sky as the reindeer pulled him along. Blitzen did his best to direct him, but this was very intense! Nicholas felt lucky that he was working with experienced flyers, who could stay the course, even when Nicholas directed them into a near crash.

None of them blamed Nicholas though, and all seemed to take it all in stride, and with good humor. Apparently none of them were strangers to crashes or accidents, it did come with the territory of being a flier after all, and they all understood this was a totally new experience for Nicholas. They all promised it would get easier with time, and not be too hard on himself.

Their energy and clear comradeship was hard to ignore, and before long Nicholas felt he was a part of the group. They joked around, helped one another, and did their best to support one another. It was hard not to be impressed by their teamwork, and their skills in the air

As they took a break, Nicholas took a moment to relax, and let his gaze drift towards the town, and the large mansion. He thought about Applejack, wondering what she was doing right now.

Applejack let out a sigh as she crumbled up yet another paper, and threw it in the bin next to her. Normally she was good at writing letters to family across Equestria, and beyond, but how was she to explain everything that had happened? It wasn't like she couldn't explain, she had seen strange magical happenings before, and knew her family would trust what she said.

Still, every time Applejack tried to explain, it just seemed overwhelming. Going to the North Pole, seeing the Crystal Star, and learning of its importance. Nicholas's destiny, and him turning into an Alicorn, it was just so much. So far Applejack had managed to be supportive of Nicholas, which she was, but in truth, she was still getting used to the thought.

"Applejack, an bhfuil tú ceart go leor?"

Looking up from the desk she sat at, Applejack saw Mina come over, carrying a new sheet of paper for Applejack to write on. She let out a sigh. "Yeah, I guess I am fine, Mina... I just don't know how to describe it all to my family back home, or Nicholas's family."

The elf placed the sheet in front of her, and then sat down, looking up at the mare. "Ar mhaith leat labhairt faoi?"

Applejack thought for a moment. Mina had a point, maybe it was better to talk about it before she tried to write it down. So she looked at the elf and gave a small nod. "Yeah, I would like to talk about it." She stood up, and started to trot back and forth. "It's just so much, isn't it?"

Mina just nodded, letting Applejack talk whatever was on her mind. "Nicholas has always been different, and although he never complains, I've always known he felt a bit left out." She let out a sad sigh. "I've never treated him differently, he might not look like it, but he is every bit a pony as any pony else I know."

She stopped, looked to the desk where Mina sat and pointed at her. "What do you think about all of this?" Applejack asked, gesturing to the whole room.

Mina looked a little startled to have suddenly been put on the spot. "Mise? Bhuel, sílim go bhfuil sé níos tábhachtaí go bhfuil Nioclás sásta."

"You're right..." Applejack conceded, nodding to herself as she resumed her pacing. "I mean, of course you are right. It is important that Nicholas is happy. If this is where he belongs, then I support him! I just..." Applejack stopped, letting out a frustrated grunt. "I just wished he didn't have to be so far away..."

Mina raised an eyebrow. "Uait?"

Applejack blushed, then nodded. "Yes, from me..." She let out another sigh, sitting down on the carpet as she closed her eyes. "We've known each other for so long, Mina. I smile, and I support him, I really do, but I'm afraid that when I leave that I'll never see him again."

"Cad é?" Mina looked shocked at that statement. "Ní dhéanfadh Nioclás dearmad ort, ná ligfeadh sé d'aon rud tú a scaradh óna chéile."

Applejack let out another sigh, and smiled just slightly. "I know that he will never forget me... I'm just being silly." Her smile grew a little, but it didn't take a master of facial expressions to see Applejack was forcing it. "It's all going to be okay."

Mina rolled her eyes a little. "Ar smaoinigh tú ar insint dó conas a mhothaíonn tú?"

The country mare blinked in surprise a few times, then her blush increased. "Tell him how I feel?"


Applejack shook her head. "I couldn't do that, Mina." She shook her head. "Nicholas has enough to think about with Hearth's Warming so close. Besides, I don't think he likes me that way."

Mina gave Applejack a deadpan stare, her body stunned at that statement. "I ndáiríre?"

Applejack nodded, but it hardly seemed convincing. "Yes, really."

Mina raised an eyebrow, and repeated the question. "I ndáiríre?"

This time Applejack hesitated. "I, ye... Oh I don't know!" Applejack finally admitted. "We've been friends since foalhood, wouldn't it be strange if I suddenly confessed?"

"Capaillíní..." Mina mumbled as she facepalmed. "Applejack, nach bhfaca tú conas a fhéachann Nicholas ort? Is dócha go bhfuil sé chomh neirbhíseach faoina mhothúcháin is atá tú!"

Applejack felt like Fluttershy for a moment, looking away as she suddenly felt a little shy. "He looks at me?"

Mina nodded. "Tá."

"And you really think he is just as nervous as me?"

Again, Mina nodded. "Tá."

Applejack considered. "I don't..." She closed her eyes and let out a grunt of frustration, stood up and almost yelled out. "Tarnation, I love that big dolt!" She panted a little, her heart felt like it was going a million miles per hour. "Whew... It... It felt good to finally say..." She said, with an embarrassed chuckle.

Mina let out a cheerful squeal. "Tá tú ann, anois caithfidh tú a rá leis!"

Applejack nodded, smiling at her little elf friend. "You're right Mina, I have to tell him, or I might regret it." Looking out the window, she could tell it was growing darker. "He has been out for a while, maybe I should see if he is still at the flying field." She looked back at Mina, a small nervous look passed between them. "Do you think he is okay?"

"I AM NOT OKAY!" Nicholas yelled as he looked over the side of the sleigh. He was hundreds of meters above the town, and above the field. He felt as the wind rushed through his mane, the reindeer pulling it with great speed. "Blitzen, is this really necessary?!"

Blitzen looked over his shoulder and smirked. "It's the final test, Santa! If something happens at this height, we need to be sure you can handle it!"

Nicholas frowned, looking over the side. "You really expect me to jump off?!"

"Trial by fire, sir!" Blitzen said. "You can do it! If something happens, we will catch you, I promise!"

Nicholas looked back at him, then back over the side. "Oh..." He hesitated for just a moment longer, then took a deep breath, and leaped off the side.

"Holy snow globe, he actually jumped!" Dasher called, sounding shocked.

"Be ready to catch him!" Blitzen ordered, guiding the team down as Nicholas was plummeting towards the ground below.

Nicholas felt himself hurtling towards the ground below. His heart was pounding, and at first he could do nothing but move his arms in panic. "Okay, okay! You can do this Nicholas! Come on, just spread your wings, and-WHOA!" As soon as he spread his wings, he felt himself suddenly launch upwards, as his wings caught the updraft, and guided him up again.

Nicholas wasn't sure if he screamed or laughed, but he would be lying if he said the feeling was amazing. "Whoa! Ha-HAHA!" Okay, he was pretty sure he was laughing now. "Woohooooo!" He screamed, letting himself fall, then glide up and down, around, and even a loop! the more he flew, the more free and confident he felt!




Nicholas heard someone call. He looked to the side, and spotted the sleigh, with the flying squad all cheering for him. Smiling, he moved to follow them down towards the ground. Nicholas flew up beside them, all of them smirking, and giving him cheers as he approached.

Blitzen grinned. "I told you you would be fine, sir!" He laughed.

"This is amazing!" Nicholas laughed. "I feel like I am going to pass out!"

"That's just the adrenaline, you will get used to it in time!" Blitzen said, looking ahead and saw the ground coming closer. "Now, sir. Be careful when you approach, make sure to take some speed off, and try and land carefully!"

Nicholas looked ahead, and understood instantly. "Will do!" He raised his wings, trying his best to take some of the speed off his fast approach. The reindeer of course took the lead, but they were also much more experienced, so that was to be expected. When they skillfully landed, along with the sleigh, Nicholas was still making his way down.

Slow and steady, he finally made his way down, landing on his hooves, although he did stumble a little. "Whew... That was... Crazy..." He panted, and soon found himself surrounded by the flying squad, all patting him on the back, and laughed.

"You did great, Santa!" Prancer said.

Donner nodded. "You are quite the gifted student."

Nicholas felt his cheeks burn a little at all the praise, it was so strange to be in the middle of all this attention. "Thank you, but you were all really patient with me, and Blitzen is a really good instructor."

"Don't you worry, Santa." Vixen smiled. "We all know how good he is."

Dasher rolled her eyes. "Yeah, he can have a bit of a candy cane up hi-"

"Dasher!" Cupid cut in harshly, giving her friend a stern look.

"What?!" Dasher asked. "I was going to say that he might be a bit stiff, but he is a really good captain!"

"Alright, alright." Blitzen said. "Let's all calm down." He trotted closer to Nicholas and smiled. "I think you did really well, sir. I know you won't be in trouble once we are up there."

"Thank you, Blitzen."

Looking around, they all noticed it was starting to grow a bit darker. Nicholas had hardly felt time pass. "Alright, I think that's enough for today."

"Oh! How about we go to the club and celebrate!" Dancer asked, getting two cheers from Prancer and Comet.

Blitzen smiled, and nodded. "That is actually a great idea. How about it, Santa. Do you want to celebrate with us?"

Nicholas thought about it for a moment, but then smiled and shook his head. "Thanks, Blitzen. Though I think I will go for a walk, enjoy the air for a bit."

Blitzen decided not to press the point, and nodded. "Alright, we will see you tomorrow." They all said their farewells, leaving Nicholas to have some alone time, the first alone time he felt he'd gotten since he arrived here.

Despite feeling tired, but physically, but also mentally, Nicholas couldn't help but smile. Today had been so incredible, he felt so great, so, well, alive! Smiling to himself, he trotted away from the field, deciding to take a walk, and enjoy the evening a bit. The field was a nice walk away from town, so Nicholas didn't see anybody as he walked along the small hills, and passed the pine trees.

As he walked, listening to the sounds of the snow being crushed beneath his hooves, he started to think about everything that had gotten him here. His adoptive family, Applejack, their friends. When he first got here, he would have felt pretty lost, but now he found he felt strangely at ease about everything. Of course there was still a lot he didn't understand, a lot he wanted to know, but he was okay with taking it all one bit at a time.

But there was one thing he couldn't overlook in all this... Applejack...

He let out a sigh, trotting down one of the hills, and found himself by a frozen lake. Its surface glinting in the light of Luna's rising moon. Carefully, Nicholas stepped to the edge, looking at himself in a distorted reflection. He was a pony now, an Alicorn for that matter. Perhaps now that he was, he could finally... No, he shook his head, that was just crazy.

"She will want some pony who can be on the farm, someone who can give her the life she deserves..." Nicholas mumbled, not sure if it was his fear, or actual feelings talking. He'd known for a long time how he felt about Applejack, he knew he loved her. Her smile, her eyes, her chuckle, and her kind honest heart. They had been friends for many years, and now that he knew he was to stay here, he felt afraid.

Nicholas knew this was what he wanted, he felt more confident about that with every passing hour. He just felt so at peace here, like everything just clicked. However the thought about being separated from Applejack, it was like ice in his heart. What was he to do? Looking up at the moon, he felt his heart reach out to the stars, and then slowly, he opened his mouth, and sang.

I'm out here on my own
To face the day alone
I need you
To get me through the night.

Slowly he stepped onto the ice, gently sliding forward as he sang his feelings to the stars above him.

I'm lost out in the cold
I want someone to hold
I feel you're near
Though you're out of sight

And even though we're far apart
I search the moonlit sky
I make a wish to be home with you
Can't you hear me cry?

Show me the light
Someone to lead and guide me
Show me the light
A love to stand beside me

Show me the light
When I fear the dark
A ray of sunshine, a rainbow's arc
Show me the light

Nicholas looked up at the stars, finding his heart sink as he slowed down, and felt more alone than he had before. As he stopped singing, he thought that would be the end of it, but to his surprise, another voice joined him in song.

I'm reaching for a star
Wondering where you are
Where is the love
Searching for me too?

He turned, surprised to see Applejack making her way towards him on the ice. He felt his heart sore as he saw her smile gently at him, and he returned her smile, turning to face her as he did so.

Oh, beyond the mountain top
The dream will never stop
Give me a sign
I'm running out of time

Oh, I know someone is on their knees

The two slid closer to one another, lending each other a hoof as they started to skate across the ice together in the moonlight.

Praying for me now
Won't you come and hear my pleas?

Save me somehow
Oh, somehow

Show me the light
Someone to lead and guide me
Show me the light
A love to stand beside me

Show me the light
When I fear the dark

A ray of sunshine

A rainbow's arc

Show me the light

Finally, the two came to a stop in the center of the lake, pulling each other closer into a warm embrace, gazing deeply into each other's eyes.

Show me the light

Nicholas smiled, not letting Applejack go as the two leaned closer to the other. Without even thinking about it, letting their hearts guide their actions, their lips met for the first time, and their hearts exploded with joy. Who knows how long the kiss lasted, it didn't matter to them, what did matter was that they finally had found each other, found their light. Nothing else needed to be said, well, except for maybe one thing.

"I love you, Applejack..."

Looking up at the stallion in front of her, her dearest friend, she smiled at him. "I love you too, Nicholas." And once again, their lips met in the moonlight.

Author's Note:

So next time I will release the ending and then the epilogue, so this is your last chance to vote on Rudolph mommy! XD

Here is a song from the movie, listen to his mom's part, and think who the voice fits best. Vixen, or Cupid???