• Member Since 26th Jan, 2022
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Imagine a world where the laws of physics have been flipped. Everything you've ever known is completely different. In this world is another you. But what would you think if this other version of you had a better life? An easier life? Would you want to go home? Would you be mad?

This is a more talkative-fic, and less focused on story. I thought it be cool to try and fill in a bunch of holes that kids cartoons tend to leave. I don't expect story writers to explain every little detail about a cartoon. That's where I come in, though, so it's a win-win.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 222 )

Short, Funny, and Sweet. Great job! I feel like this needs posted on a Sunset Shimmer Fimfiction Fridays.

You know strictly going by this story's premise I expected this story to be longer. Why did you make it so short?

Well- the idea that the human and ponies switch worlds was entirely a last minute addition. I wanted a reason why the girls were asking so many damn questions to Sunset. Sunset was getting suspicous, and it had no pay off, especially when I made her shout at Pinkie. Well, I decided it would be better if Sunset's suspicons were proven true, and the humans / ponies did actually switch worlds for fun. This story was just meant to be like a Q and A for Sunset on human / pony differences. I might add on more, but right now It's complete.


Well- the idea that the human and ponies switch worlds was entirely a last minute addition.

On one hand, this seems like a spoiler...on the other hand, thinking about it got me to open the story and start reading.

Why were they Shorter and acting weird?

It was a nice read and a concept I haven't seen very much at the end. :twilightsmile:

As a way to differentiate between ponies turned human. Ponies have less mass than humans, so when they turn into a human their mass is less than normal, so shorter human. They were acting weird because human pony swapped places, and ponies don’t know how to act like humans.

ah, goddamn it, you cliffhanger'd us
i need to know what happens next!

THAT'S NOT...*ahem* That's definitely at least average size. :twilightsheepish:


If it's summer why are they in school?

“Sunset, Applejack’s parents are dead in my world.”

“Oh, fuck.”

I'd really like to see a chapter 2 on this, ngl

I was thinking more towards the end of the school year. Like when Prom usually happens, that's why I mentioned Prom. I knew writing it didn't make much sense, so whoops lol.

Put this on your tracking tab. You will be properly satisfied (at least I hope so) soon.

Man I imagine there is a whole lot of extremely confused comforting of a crying mare going on.

Yikes, pony Applejack seeing human Applejack's parents alive is going to be an emotional rollercoaster.

I liked this story, it touches on a bunch of different aspects that add to the magic behind the mirror portal.

On another note, my biggest concern is what happens to immortals. Principal Celestia is probably not even in her 40s but Princess Celestia is thousand(s) of years old.

“Rarity was like this yesterday night. I thought she was drunk.” Sweetie shrugged.

Sweetie knowing about wine and its effects on Rarity at age 10 or however old she is the most realistic part of this

Man, now I just want a story focused on applejack getting to know the doubles of her dead parents.
That shit would make for such an interesting fic. Such drama and trauma.

An early draft of this story had Rarity asking Sunset that exact question lol. Sunset explained that age is a gamble through the portal, seeing as Sunset was older as a pony, and younger as a human. I cut it because I couldn't come up with a good explanation on why the humans were aged different.

I kind if really want to know what Rarity did, in excruciating detail. And what the other girls are doing at home because you just know Pinkie doesn't live with the cakes in the human world...

Overall, this is a good short story with a fucked up ending.

Relativity, simply put, time flows slightly faster in Equestria than on earth. So, for example, say 20 years in Equestria would be equal to say, 16 years on earth.

I do enjoy a bit of interdimensional shenanigans. This was a bit rough around the edges—some awkward phrasing and headcanon I personally found dubious at times—but it had a good bit of fun with the premise. Thank you for it.

I think I’ve read a story before about what happened at the end of the story. Where those characters meet and what it was like. It’s almost like someone wrote a sequel to this story on accident. I wish I remembered what it was called.

I like these kinds of slice of life stories that show the interactions between characters as well as shenanigans.
Wish the ending was less abrupt though

I think FoME addressed that in one of the Oversaturated World stories. According to that particular headcanon, the portal more or less logarithmically shifts Equestrians' age toward late adolescence, hence the slightly more mature CMC and middle-aged princessipals. Now, as for why the portal would work like that, I dunno, blame Starswirl.

This, is a beautiful clusterfuck of nonsense, and I loved every second of it.

“I- I may have to apologize to some colts at the school… No wonder they reacted like that…”

Ffs human Rarity, how could you have forgotten to tell your counterpart such a crucial detail. :rainbowlaugh: :facehoof:

“Oh my fucking god.” Sunset face-palmed. “Wait- don’t Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Applejack live with their parents? They are so going to notice their daughters aren’t quite human!”

Applejack? But aren't her parents- :applejackconfused:

“Well- let’s hope they are- wait. ” Rarity turned around suddenly. “I’m sorry, dear, did you happen to mention… Applejack’s parents?”

Oh no. :derpyderp1:

“Yeah!” Sunset said. “Oh, especially Applejack’s parent’s. Those Apples are such a tight-knit family…”

Here it comes... :pinkiesad2:

“Sunset, Applejack’s parents are dead in my world.”

Aaaaannnd there it is. :fluttercry:


“Oh, fuck.”

Oh fuck, indeed. :eeyup:

All in all, a quite enjoyable read. I will be sure to revisit this every now and again.

“Pinkie already told me.” Sunset said with a sigh. “I don’t know what you guys were thinking, trading places like that but- this is stupid. Real stupid.” Sunset approached Rarity, putting her hands on her shoulders. “ Really stupid.”

Honestly you feel so stupid for not expecting it. It was part of the story and fate and stuff.

She has no idea whether to expect fate to play a part or not, because while fate exists in Equestria, she has no idea whether fate exists on earth. Fate in equestria is as prominent as magic is in the air. Dunno, might just be stupid headcannon, but it made sense in my head.

instead wearing a simple gray shirt with a specific sun embalmed on the front.

I really really don't think this is the word you wanted here...

Applejack asked. Sunset nodded.” She continued.

nodded. She

All the subtly of a baseball bat to the teeth


If so, let’s home Principal Celestia never goes through


Girls, maybe next time, tell someone before you plan a cross dimension vacation.

It does make sense but the execution...

She spent a whole day of quickly pickingnup hints, being on the ball and being paranoid to... what? Dumping out her brain and needing what should seem obvious spelled out the next day? As a one shot it gets a pass but it is jarring character change. As written she should be expecting something after all that weirdness.

Rainbow cleared her throat.

“On a scale of one-to-ten, how much did you enjoy getting boned by a stallion?”

That's when I knew this story was gonna be good.

I really hope you write a sequel. I want to see how the "switching places" thing pans out.

I decided to make a sequel lol. I’m already 6k words into the second draft. It’s basically the mane six minus Twilight going on vacation, and realizing their human counterparts aren’t exactly the same as they are. Example: human Applejack had a better life growing up with her parents than pony Applejack. Human Rainbow is bi while pony Rainbow isn’t. Etc. don’t worry, itll come soon enough… I hope.

Take your time. I’m not rushing you.

So why not Sci Twi? Or are we going by she's a unicorn, and there's no way to explain why the princess is one again?

Nawh, this is before the discovery of sci twi. I might’ve slipped up and wrote something that suggests it isn’t, but twilight didn’t want to go because she has princess duties and really can’t afford to Willy nilly take vacations to the human world unless it’s for an emergency like the other movies. I dunno I might’ve messed up the timeline in my head.

“On a scale of one-to-ten, how much did you enjoy getting boned by a stallion?”

Why? You want someone to test it out for you?:coolphoto:

“Under a million?” Applejack exclaimed. “That’s weird. Does everybody-pony know everypony?”

well- the population count was still under a million, last census.

Not sure I believe that.:trixieshiftright:

The presence of Manehattan suggests a much larger population.

Cities historically have the highest population density, and a megacity like Manhattan suggests several million at least.

“One-hundred and sixty centimeters.” Rarity said, scratching her head. “For one who used to rule the school, I’m surprised you got past the height jokes.”

All of you girls are kinda of small to be honest.:twilightsheepish:

“I- can’t imagine Dash wearing heels!

I can!:ajsmug::rainbowkiss::heart:

“Indeed.” Rarity looked down. “And I can’t quite figure out what these- flesh mounds are.”

Don't horses have boobs? I mean, yes they are located by their privates, but they should still be recognizable.

Especially since milking cows are a cannon thing in Equestria.:rainbowderp:

“I- I may have to apologize to some colts at the school… No wonder they reacted like that…”

Congratulations Rarity. You're reinforcing your reputation with little boys. And with your doppelganger's reputation to boot!:facehoof:

“Sunset, Applejack’s parents are dead in my world.”

Well, that's going to be tramatic. Also, how did that never come up in conversation?:unsuresweetie:

I’m gonna be honest, I don’t give horse boobs that much thought.

Neither did I, until I started using this site.

Fully understandable…

(They have 2-4 teats. [never cared enough to get actual number] All located in the back end. Stallions do NOT have nipples. It is considered a sign of illness for them to be swollen; outside actual nursing but never equivalent of a humans.)

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