• Published 28th Oct 2022
  • 213 Views, 2 Comments

The Enchanted Computer: A RariTwi Exquisite Corpse - SigmasonicX

Rarity and Twilight journey to free Princess Celestia from Discord's curse, and come across... a computer? And it gets stranger from there...

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~ 04 ~ Purple Ink (kits)

“Strawberry Sunrise?” Twilight sputtered, repeating the name Pinkie had given. “Who is– Where is– No, wait.” Taking a deep breath as Pinkie bounced into the throneroom and began to inspect the walls, Twilight drew herself up to her full height. “Rarity, are you okay?”

Rarity chuckled. “Never better, darling. Now that you’re here at least. I was having the most delightful, if unenlightening, conversation with Miss, I’m sorry, begging you pardon, Princess Sunrise here.” Rarity made a grand sweeping gesture towards the figure lounging on the throne, who lazily waved back at her. “Oh! And I see we’ve been joined by Miss Cadenza.”

Twilight glanced over her shoulder. The too-youthful Cadance that had gotten caught up in her last teleport stood in the doorway, twisting her foreleg awkwardly. She could deal with a very teenaged and very undisplaced Cadance in a minute.

“The princess here was just inviting me to a soiree she’s having this evening, darling. Oh don’t look like that” Rarity waved a hoof. Twilight wasn’t aware of any specific way she was looking that was wrong. “I was going to invite you as my plus one, darling. I must admit, I was quite worried before you showed up, but now that you’re here, I almost feel like myself again.” She paused a moment too long before throwing in a final “Darling.”

Twilight’’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Rarity, where is your necklace?”

“Hello,” Strawberry’s annoyed tone didn’t stop her from popping another of her namesake into her mouth. “Princess over here.” She waved a hoof and flapped her wings in demonstration, but Twilight just opened and re-settled her own. “Just the one in charge of the whole place.”

“Oh, darling.” Rarity strutted towards Twilight, giving her mane a slight flip. “Don’t you remember. I gave it to my highly charming assistant ages ago. You remember her, yes?” Rarity continued her saunter, closing in on Twilight. “The one who is as beautiful and charming as myself? Even if she has a tendency to over-use certain words? One can’t hope to imitate perfection, after all.” Rarity fluttered her eyelashes at Twilight.

Twilight opened her mouth to ask Incantation just exactly what she was doing here instead of being a train ride away, but was cut off as Pinkie began to yell excitedly.

“Twilight! Twilight!” Pinkie yelled. “Look at what I can do!”

“Not now, Pinkie! This is more importa…” Her complaint died on her lips as she turned towards her friend to see Pinkie Pie walking backwards with her tongue stuck out of her mouth in concentration staring down at her hooves. As walked into the base of a column, her hoove stuck as surely as if she were walking across the floor. Pinkie began to walk backwards a good dozen paces up the side of the column, with gravity seeming to have no hold upon her.

When she got half way up, Pinkie looked away from her impromptu floor and beamed at Twilight and Rarity. “I wish Luna could see this! It’s almost like being in the dream realm!” As Pinkie spun in place, her hoof sank into the column.

The world went black. For a moment the column, the room, everything except for “Rarity” and Pinkie flickered into nothingness. It was so brief that if she hadn’t been able to see her friends, she would have assumed she’d blinked. When the room returned, Cadence was sitting on the throne, with Strawberry Sunrise lounging on a chaise that hadn’t been there before.

“What’s Equestria?” Asked Pinkie. “Only it had a little E and a big Q! Can I do that again?”

“Pinkie, dearest. I don’t think we have the time.” Rarity gestured towardsTwilight’s necklace, which was now glowing brightly enough it was painful to look at.

Cadence blinked. “What was–”

“Guards!” yelled Strawberry Sunrise. Her eyes glowed with a soft green light. The same light that Twilight’s necklace blazed with. “Guards!”

“I do believe that’s our cue to flee,” said Rarity as she scrambled to do just that. Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie Pie and the too-young Cadance fled the room as Strawberry cried for her guards.

“So let me get this straight.” Lightning Dust said as she, Fiddlesticks, and one Princess Marble Pie walked down yet another identical looking palace corridor. “We wake up in a kitchen and get tossed in a cell by some meatheads, while you got the whole wings and horn royalty treatment, and woke up in a cloud bed with silk sheets?”

“Mm-hmm!” Marble nodded.

“We wouldn’t have had it near as rough if you hadn’t mouthed off at them, Dusty.” Fiddlesticks bopped Lightning Dust on the nose. “And you haven’t seen Princess Twilight, Pinkie Pie, or Rarity either?”

“Uh-uh.” Marble shook her head slightly.

The trio walked in silence for another minute.

“Sooooo…” Lightning Dust eyed Marble’s back. “Your wings. Are they real?” At Marble’s nod, Dust asked, “Can I touch them?”

Fiddlestick’s hoof made a soft squeak as she brought it to her face. “Dust, no!”


“I already told you, I’m not sharing you.”

“I didn’t–”

“You do this everytime a mare you know gets wings.”

Marble squeaked and attempted to hide within her own mane.

“It happened one time! We weren’t even dating!” Dust popped into the air and leveled a hoof at Marble’s back, specifically her wings. “And look! They don’t even move right.”

Fiddlesticks opened her mouth to continue the argument when Dust’s words registered. “What do you mean they don’t move right?”

“When she’s happy or scared or whatever. Her wings don’t move. At all.” Dust said. “It’s why pegasi are so bad at poker. You basically can’t keep them still. But she is!”

The world vanished, the three mares hanging in a void. It returned so quickly that Dust hadn’t even had time to fall yet. “What was that?” she yelled.

“Guards!” The cry rang in the air, causing the three of them to face down a side hallway that hadn’t been there before. Out of the blinding light sprang four ponies.

“Rarity?” called Fiddlesticks as she recognized the lead pony.

“I’m afraid not!” was the reply as Rarity ran past, followed by Twilight, Pinkie, and some young pony in a very well done Denza getup.


“No time! Guards!”

Fiddlesticks looked between Lightning Dust and Marble, and all three turned to run with the group.

“This way!” cried Pinkie Pie and she slammed into a door. As Rarity and Twilight then the rest piled up behind her, the door’s latch gave, and it swung open, dropping the seven ponies outside of the castle and seven stories up.